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  • af Harper
    83,95 kr.

    Got kids in your life? This zine is full of helpful wisdom about raising them to be socially aware, respectful of others, willing to speak up and stand up for what's right, and comfortable in their own skin. Not sure how to talk to your kid about boundaries and consent? What about staying safe around potentially hostile authority figures? What if your kid is obsessed with gendered stuff in a way that makes you uncomfortable? What do you say when your kid loudly comments about someone's race or gender or body on the bus? How do you teach your kid about the world's injustices and still let them know they're safe and loved? Microcosm Publishing bestseller Dr. Faith and Bonnie Scott are parents and therapists and have been around all these blocks more than a few times. Read this and start your own conversations to build a better world for the next generation.

  • af Bonnie Scott
    155,95 kr.

    How do you raise your kids to be functional adults with big hearts? Young people need to learn to stand up against every kind of oppression, respect boundaries and consent, and gain self-compassion while also navigating money, friends, sex, and school. How can you prepare children and teens to find joy and stability as they cope with uncertainty, violence, and disaster, especially when your own coming-of-age lessons weren't so thoughtfully taught?Parents and mental-health professionals Dr. Faith G. Harper and Bonnie Scott have written a parenting guide for the 21st century that is a must-read for people with children of any age, from infancy to adulthood. Drawing from the authors' experiences raising diverse, politically active young people, this book will help you bring up a new generation with tools to change the world for the better--all while maintaining your own separate identity and relationships...and without losing your mind.

  • af Faith G. Harper
    63,95 kr.

    A common thread through much self-help and therapy and trauma healing is to focus on what's misfiring in the brain and learn coping skills to fix it. But what if it's the world that's broken, not you? What if your brain is doing exactly what it's designed to do in response to your experiences with abuse, neglect, oppression, displacement, violence, or upheaval? With this workbook, learn to see your strength and resilience, look at what's happening outside as well as inside yourself, and frame your trauma recovery in new, empowering terms using the groundbreaking new Power Threat Meaning framework.

  • af Nathan Lee Thomas
    82,95 kr.

    Jealousy has a toxic, corrosive effect on the human soul. It can be subtle or crash down upon you in waves and pick you up and toss you about like a tsunami or tornado. What can we do? Why is it so easy to become trapped by this elusive emotion? What are the origins and consequences of letting it get out of control?

  • af Harper
    173,95 kr.

    "Nuestros cerebros estâan haciendo todo lo posible para ayudarnos, pero pueden ser unos cabrones. A veces, parece que tu propio cerebro estâa tratando de atraparte, deshaciâendose en medio de la tienda de comestibles, creando pleitos con tu acompaänante, volviâendote adicto a algo, o bloqueâandose por completo en los peores momentos posibles. Ya le dijiste a tu cerebro con firmeza que no es bueno hacer estas cosas. Pero tu cerebro tiene una mente propia. Ahâi es donde entra en juego este libro. Con humor, paciencia y un montâon de insultos, la Dra. Faith te muestra la ciencia detrâas de lo que estâa pasando en tu crâaneo y te explica el proceso de reentrenamiento de tu cerebro para responder adecuadamente a las no emergencias de la vida cotidiana. Si estâas trabajando para lidiar con viejos traumas, o si solo deseas tener una respuesta mâas calmada y moderada a las situaciones a las que te enfrentas todo el tiempo, este libro puede ayudarte a armar las piezas del rompecabezas y recuperar tu vida y tu cerebro"--

  • af Acs Acn Harper Lpc-S
    73,95 kr.

    One of the hardest things about parenting is having conversations with your kids about sticky or loaded topics. You know, like sex. Or drugs. Or money, religion, or politics. Or when someone in your life does something ethically terrible. Or when tragic shit happens. It's especially hard when the topic of discussion hits really close to home. Or if you tend to be either conflict averse or hot headed, or just plain unconfident having difficult conversations even with fellow adults. But you need to have these talks in order to create a sense of safety for your kid when life goes sideways. Whether you're trying to make sure your kid gets positive messages around gender even though you aren't an expert, process horrific news, or deal with an intolerant relative who you can't personally stand, Dr. Faith and Bonnie bring you their trademark common sense, experience, and realness in guiding you through having these necessary tough conversations and building a closer, trusting relationship with your offspring.

  • af Faith G. Harper
    89,95 kr.

    Do you need support in achieving your goals? And maybe you're a visual thinker or a doer more than a writer? If journaling, lists, and worksheets leave you cold, try vision boarding. Dr. Faith walks you through the art and science of making a simple or complex visual representation of where you're going. This exercise can help you refine your goals in different aspects of your life, visualize the steps you need to take to achieve them, and focus on the process of getting there. Then, once you've made it and celebrated, your vision board can serve as a reminder of your success and a jumping off place for your next big thing.

  • af Acs Acn Harper Lpc-S
    88,95 kr.

    Body image problems and eating disorders have long been considered mostly to be women's problems. But did you know that men are even more likely than women to suffer from distorted or dysmorphic body image? Essentially we're all affected by patriarchal ideals of how we ought to look. In this zine, Dr. Faith and Dr. Aaron walk you through how to know if you've got a problem and provide practical, science-based ways to cope by improving not only your image of yourself but also your physical and mental health.

  • af Faith G. Harper
    73,95 kr.

    For decades, the U.S. has been obsessed with "self-esteem" or rather with our lack of it. But self-esteem isn't actually that great, and getting all puffed up about yourself isn't exactly a recipe for the good life. How about self-compassion instead? Bestseller Dr. Faith explains the difference between the two and offers some helpful exercises in developing more compassion for yourself. It's actually very different, she explains, than letting yourself off the hook for your bullshit. It's more helpful to accept that you're human so that you can learn and grow rather than push aside your problems or wallow in your mistakes. Also, kindness to yourself helps you be more kind to other people as well. Everyone wins!

  • af Faith G Harper
    58,95 kr.

    Microcosm Publishing bestseller Dr. Faith walks you through friend break-ups. First off, figuring out if you can save the friendship (and if you want to), and giving that a try. Second off, all the ways people break up with friends, rated on a scale of relative healthfulness, with some scripts for having those hard conversations. Finally, tips for recovering from your friend break-up, whether you're the breaker-upper, or the break-upee. Sad to say that this is a useful skill set for everyone of every age.

  • af Sammuel E. Harper
    58,95 kr.

    Imagine being the kid of a trauma therapist and bestselling mental health author. The pressure's on, right? Dr. Faith's son, Samm, rises to the challenge admirably, sharing his young life's worth of valuable lessons in perhaps the most important life skill that there is: non-jerkitude. In a day and age when being an absolute dick to the people around you is rewarded, it's easy to forget that kindness--or even just non-mean-ness--is not only totally possible, it might even make your life better. Appropriate for adults or teens, this is a valuable little life manual on the basics.

  • af Faith G. Harper
    63,95 kr.

    The big question behind emotional eating, or many other problematic behaviors, is: What are you really hungry for? Dr. Faith breaks it down into five possibilities: relief, control, connection, meaning, and equanimity. In this small workbook zine, she defines all five, and then gives you plenty of space to work out what you are hungry for, how you are fulfilling those hungers now, and how you might approach them differently to find satiety.

  • af Faith G. Harper
    63,95 kr.

    Dating used to be a thing that most people did for a while. Now it's faded to take up a cramped and awkward space in between hooking up and instantly moving into together. If you woke up all alarmed and find yourself wanting all that old shit, letters and sodas, read this zine and get on with doing the stuff that makes up dating. Like having FUN, remember that? And trusting your guts. And taking it slow. Microcosm Publishing bestseller Dr. Faith breaks it down for you with good boundaries, wise counsel, funny jokes, and of course lots of swearing.

  • af Joe Biel
    173,95 kr.

    "How do you start and run a successful business despite the odds? This unique business guide teaches you practical-alongside emotional-intelligence and coping-skills that you need in order to overcome internal barriers to success no matter what type of business you are in. Joe Biel draws on 26 years of business ownership and management experience to walk you through how to think like a business owner and keep your focus on what's most important. Dr. Faith Harper provides vital skills that aren't often lauded in business books, such as communicating your boundaries, overcoming imposter syndrome, and more"--

  • af Faith G. Harper
    173,95 kr.

    We have almost all been addicted to something at some point, or had a habit spiral out of control. But what does that mean? What exactly are addictions and out of control behaviors, why do we get caught up in them, and how do we get our lives back? Bestselling author Dr. Faith Harper helps those of us struggling (or supporting others) with problematic use of alcohol, drugs, gambling, work, food, sex, shopping, screens, gaming, or anything else where we've crossed a line. Their perspective is down to earth, realistic, and refreshing. You'll learn about the brain science behind addiction, how to tell if something is a problem or about to become one, how to find your way out of unhealthy behaviors, and how to avoid passing them down to the next generation. No matter what paths you've taken in life, you can absolutely learn to fulfill your needs in ways that are healthy for yourself and the people around you.

  • af Faith G. Harper
    73,95 kr.

    Real talk: The hardest part about parenting on a lot of days is keeping your cool when your kids are driving you absolutely batty. In your brain, you know that it's healthy for your sprogs to explore their surroundings, test their limits, learn everything the hard way, and try your patience, but in your heart you are just screaming and screaming. And your kids are also screaming so you're quite a team! Bonnie and Dr. Faith are therapists and parents and they're here to talk you off the ledge. Here's a no-nonsense guide to having empathy for your own frustration as well as strategies for helping your kids grow up to be respectful and kind adults themselves.

  • af Faith G. Harper
    73,95 kr.

    Dr. Faith wrote this guide answering all her most frequently asked questions about BDSM--which, by the way, stands for a few different things. There's a lot of other lifestyle lingo in there too, and science-based knowledge about kink play and why people are into it, and a ton of good, solid advice for deciding if and how to explore this side of your sexuality. This is all essential stuff to know, whether you've been trying this out on your own casually, are starting to get into a scene, or even if you're just curious what it's all about!

  • af Faith G. Harper
    73,95 kr.

    What does consent mean? Where does this idea come from, and why is it being talked about in a different way now than it was 20 years ago? More importantly, what does it have to do with any of us? How do we make sure we have the informed consent of everyone we interact with for the stuff we do that affects them? How do we make sure other people know what is and isn't okay with us? How do we navigate life in the post-#metoo era with dignity, respect, and confidence? Dr. Faith tackles all these questions and more, drawing on history, sociology, brain science, and her experience as a sex therapist to demystify the concept of consent and help us use it to have awesome lives and support each other's growth.

  • af Faith G. Harper
    63,95 kr.

    Finding a new therapist can be harder than dating! How do you know what to look for? Where do you even begin to look? Are you allowed to screen them before you start spilling your guts? What questions can you ask? How can you make sure they won't be biased against your identity? What if you're underage? What if you live in a rural area? What if it's a few sessions in and you aren't feeling it? Dr. Faith, a therapist herself, answers all these questions and more in this extremely helpful and reassuring playbook for finding your ideal mental health match. Whatever your need--depression, anxiety, trauma, addiction, relationship issues, family drama, discovering yourself, or just needing someone to listen to you without judgment--this guide has the stigma-busting info to help you get the support you need.

  • af Harper
    83,95 kr.

    Do you freak the fuck out at the weirdest possible times? Are there some normal life things that you just don't do or places you just don't go? Do you sometimes feel like you're living in an airless box with an arsenal of anti-everyone weapons on a hair trigger? You could be having a trauma reaction gone on autopilot that's taken over your life. Microcosm Publishing bestseller Dr. Faith walks you through it: first, all the different things trauma can be (pro tip, traumatic events aren't necessarily always huge and dramatic), how it affects your life, and how to use neuroscience to work your way through it and out the other side. Whether you're looking to heal from the past and move on or just want to understand more about how the brains of the people around you might work, this zine is practical and science-based and profane.

  • af Faith G. Harper
    63,95 kr.

    Microcosm Publishing bestseller Dr. Faith takes on the fabulous topic of... masturbation! In her usual style of combining hilariousness with science, she breaks down the history of societal shame around self-pleasure, and offers practical and straightforward whys and hows of exploring your sexuality on your own time. From the benefits of learning all the ins and outs of your own sexual response to a candid guide to shopping for and using sex toys, she addresses the needs of cis and trans folks, busts some myths, and gives some guidelines for talking to your kids about masturbation. She even includes book recommendations! There's a lot to this little zine, whether you're an experienced masturbator or a recent escapee from a fundamentalist cult.

  • af Robert Wildwood
    63,95 kr.

    In this pocket-sized, handwritten, illustrated zine, Robert talks about how he went to get EMDR therapy (a kind of therapy where instead of talking about your problems, you move your eyes back and forth rapidly and it helps your brain process past traumas so they don't threaten you every day anymore). He started the therapy because he wanted to feel cranky less of the time, and kept at it through about 8 sessions because it helped his resolve his memories of intense childhood bullying. It was fast and effective and helped him move on to get the career he'd dreamed about, so he made this guide so other people can find their peace and learn to live without fear, too.

  • af Faith G. Harper
    83,95 kr.

    How do you raise young people right in this mixed up world? Bestseller Dr. Faith and Bonnie Scott break it down into helpful lists. This zine contains plenty basic life skills that many of us maybe didn't learn until we were grownup (and maybe not even then). Teaching our kids everything from household chores to basic bodily care to economical holiday shopping is an overwhelming task. Here's some solid advice abound for whether you're parenting or teaching infants, older kids, or teens.

  • af Faith G. Harper
    63,95 kr.

    Everyone's got goals. Maybe you're working towards single-payer health care in the US, or maybe you've set your sights on simply making it through a stressful doctor's appointment next week. Maybe you want to get out of debt, or maybe your goal is just to pay rent on time next month. Whatever your goals, big or small, there's a way to achieve them--and Microcosm Publishing bestseller Dr. Faith has broken it down into steps and produced this handy workbook that you can use to envision, plan, execute, rinse, repeat. Because now is an era in history where we need to be as effective as we can, at everyday functioning as well as leading the resistance.

  • af Faith G. Harper
    63,95 kr.

    This is a zine for getting through it when life is piling it higher and deeper, the political and personal and social disasters that we know always come in waves. Getting Over It was about getting past whatever happened in the past; Surviving is about making it through the present. Even if you don't believe you can survive this, Dr. Faith believes it for you, and offers some basic tools that anyone can use to make it one more day.

  • af Elly Blue
    63,95 kr.

    If you're the sort of person who takes on every project and responsibility until suddenly it's one thing too many and you get completely burnt out and drop everything and start the cycle again from scratch ... this zine is for you. Includes hard-won pointers on how to train yourself to have more sustainable work habits (using tricks from dog training!), shore up your professional boundaries, and get more organized so you can have a better handle on all the things you are very likely to continue taking on. Stress and overwhelm are tough to live with every day, and the go-getters of the world could use to take better care of ourselves and have more fun.

  • af Faith G. Harper
    73,95 kr.

    Are you freaking out about work? Horrified at the idea of getting to your workplace? Have a boss that makes you want to burn the world down? Microcosm Publishing bestseller Dr. Faith is here to the rescue in this quick-read zine dedicated to helping you get through those bad days when you're watching the seconds tick past until you can bolt home. Some of it may seem obvious at first, but how many times do you actually sit down and think about these things, or talk them through with others? If you're two steps from flipping your desk over and screaming, now might be the time to sit back, assess your priorities, and figure out how to survive the work you have while looking for the work you want. If you're in a work-related stress/emotional over-load, check out the detailed tips on things like not taking things personally from people that don't matter, owning your mistakes, giving praise whenever due (even to your self), getting what you need by knowing what it is, remembering who it is you're really supporting, and making escape plans to get you through!

  • af Faith G. Harper
    63,95 kr.

    Sex tools! Also known as sex toys or sexual aids, these essential tools for the good life include such devices as dildos, vibrators, butt plugs, scarves, ticklers, needles, and whatever your awesomely dirty mind can devise for the enhancing of sexual pleasure. In this outtake from her book Unfuck Your Intimacy, Dr. Faith walks you through all the reasons you might want to augment your solo or partnered sex with such items--from extra pleasure to accessibility to sheer efficiency--and gives you the rundown on where and how to shop, how to figure out what you like, good hygiene, and busting various myths (no, your vibrator won't electrocute you, but yes, you still shouldn't use it in the bath).

  • af Faith G. Harper
    73,95 kr.

    Forgiveness is one of the most powerful things you can do for your own piece of mind. Dr. Faith brings us the whys and hows of forgiving the people who have hurt us the most, in her no-nonsense tone backed by brain science. To forgive is not the same thing as reconciliation, and it's definitely a far cry from being a doormat. Rather, it's an internal process that frees you from holding on to the hurts of the past and allows you to move forward into the future with an open heart. If you go through your days mired in anger about the terrible shit that other people have put you through, this zine is for you.

  • af Faith G. Harper
    73,95 kr.

    Is it time to get over it? You know, whatever the thing is that's got its claws in you--family stuff, addictions, awful things done to you or by you, a boss that sucks, anger towards your parents, resentment of a friend or a sibling, fear of catastrophic climate change, dread of running into your ex, the realization that you're never going to write songs like Patti Smith... Whatever it is that's weighing on you, it can seriously hold you back in life for a good long time. Moving on is, fortunately, more than possible, and whenever you're ready, Microcosm Publishing bestseller Dr. Faith is here to help. Get up on over that damn thing, with the kind, tough aid of Dr. Faith, who knows what is up.