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  • af Fiona Palmer
    1.428,95 kr.

    The branch of biology which employs mathematical models and abstractions of the living organisms is known as mathematical biology. These models and abstractions are employed for the purpose of investigating the principles which govern the development, behavior and structure of the systems. This discipline uses techniques and tools of applied mathematics for the modeling and mathematical representation of biological processes. Mathematical models are primarily used for describing systems in a quantitative manner. This facilitates the simulation of their behavior which in turn helps in predicting their properties, which might not have been visible otherwise. Some of the various areas of research under this discipline are abstract relational biology, algebraic biology, complex systems biology and evolutionary biology. While understanding the long-term perspectives of the topics, the book makes an effort in highlighting their impact as a modern tool for the growth of the discipline. The various studies that are constantly contributing towards advancing technologies and evolution of mathematical biology are examined in detail. This book will serve as a reference to a broad spectrum of readers

    1.508,95 kr.

    The field of science that addresses the interaction of humans with the pedosphere, the lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and the atmosphere is known as environmental soil science. This field encompasses the study of surface water quality, soil degradation, vadose zone functions, movement of viruses and bacteria in water and soils, etc. It is also involved in developing strategies for remediating adverse soil conditions through land treatment of wastewater, erosion control, restoration of wetlands, nutrient management, bioremediation, besides others. Environmental soil science is an upcoming field of science that has undergone rapid development over the past few decades. Most of the topics introduced in this book cover new techniques and applications of environmental soil science studies. Coherent flow of topics, student-friendly language and extensive use of examples make this book an invaluable source of knowledge.

  • af Eleanor Clark
    1.468,95 kr.

    Buiatrics is the branch of veterinary science that deals with cattle and cattle diseases. Some of the common diseases which afflict cattle are bovine spongiform encephalopathy, blackleg, bluetongue, and foot rot. Diseases like digital dermatitis in cattle are caused by bacteria from the genus treponena and it majorly affects the dairy cattle. Other diseases like ringworm are caused by fungus trichophyton and verrucosum. The major causes of such diseases are unsanitary conditions like poor hygiene, inadequate hoof trimming and many more. Cattle health is characterized as a veterinarian issue as well as a public health issue since diseases like ringworm may be transferred to humans who are exposed to infected cattle. This book contains some path-breaking studies related to diseases and disorders in cattle. It also presents researches and studies performed by experts across the globe. Those in search of information to further their knowledge will be greatly assisted by this book.

  • af Jack Pittman
    1.513,95 kr.

    Food can be contaminated during the processes of production, packaging, transportation, etc. Food safety is concerned with such practices in order to avoid food-borne illnesses. This includes food hygiene, pesticide residue, food labeling, food certification, etc. The measurement of the availability of food along with its accessibility to consumers is known as food security. Some of the indexes to measure food security are Household Dietary Diversity Scale (HDDS), Household Hunger Scale (HDS), Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS), etc. The four pillars of food security are availability, accessibility, utilization and stability. This book covers in detail some existing theories and innovative concepts revolving around food safety and security. Different approaches, evaluations, methodologies and advanced studies on these fields have been included herein. This book will serve as a resource guide for food scientists, policy makers, researchers and students involved in these fields.

    1.318,95 kr.

    Aquaculture refers to the farming of aquatic organisms including fish, molluscs, aquatic plants, algae and other organisms. It primarily deals with the cultivation of freshwater and saltwater populations of these organisms. There are various kinds of aquaculture such as fish farming, algaculture, oyster farming, shrimp farming and mariculture. Fish farming is one of the most widely practiced farming in aquaculture that involves raising fish for commercial purposes. The most important species of fish produced in fish farming are salmon, catfish, tilapia and carp. Algaculture involves the farming of different species of algae. The common methods of aquaculture are aquaponics and integrated multi-trophic aquaculture. The topics included in this book on aquaculture and fish farming are of utmost significance and bound to provide incredible insights to readers. Most of the topics introduced herein cover new techniques and the applications of aquaculture and fish farming. This book will serve as a valuable source of reference for those interested in this field.

    1.373,95 kr.

    The plants that are considered as undesirable in the farms, lawns, gardens, parks and fields are known as weeds. The discipline of weed science focuses on weeds, their effect upon human activities as well as their management. It is a branch of applied ecology which seeks to modify the environment against natural evolutionary trends. Various methods such as powered cultivation with cultivators, cultivation with hoes and smothering with mulch and soil solarisation, chemical attack with herbicides, lethal wilting with high heat and burning are used to control weed. This book provides comprehensive insights into the field of weed science. While understanding the long-term perspectives of the topics, it makes an effort in highlighting their impact as a modern tool for the growth of the discipline. This textbook is appropriate for those seeking detailed information in this area.

    1.463,95 kr.

    Plant breeding is the practice of growing plants with improved traits for achieving nutritional and economic advantage, and food security. Genes are the determiners of the qualitative and quantitative traits that a plant exhibits. While desirable characteristics can be achieved through selective propagation or crossing, modern plant breeding applies the techniques of molecular biology to select and insert the traits required. This application of molecular biology or biotechnology for plant breeding is known as molecular plant breeding. The important areas of molecular breeding are genomic selection and marker assisted selection, genetic engineering, QTL mapping or gene discovery and genetic transformation. Molecular plant breeding is an emerging field of science that has undergone rapid development over the past few decades. The various studies that are constantly contributing towards advancing technologies and evolution of this area of study are examined in detail in this book. It will help new researchers by foregrounding their knowledge in this emerging field.

    1.478,95 kr.

    Plant cells are the eukaryotic cells having true nucleus along with the specialized structures known as organelles. A few of these organelles are chloroplast, cell wall, and ribosomes. Chloroplasts are the special organelles within plant cells that create sugars through the process of photosynthesis. Plant cells have cell walls that give the cell strength and maintain high turgidity. They are composed of cellulose, pectin and hemicelluloses. Some of the common types of plant cell are parenchyma and collenchyma. The living cells that perform various functions such as storage, support to photosynthesis and phloem loading are known as parenchyma. Collenchyma cells have thickened cellulosic cell walls and are alive at maturity. This book aims to shed light on some of the unexplored aspects of plant cell biology. It is an upcoming field of science that has undergone rapid development over the past few decades. Those in search of information to further their knowledge will be greatly assisted by this book.

    1.383,95 kr.

    Crop protection is the practice of managing pests, weeds and diseases that affect agricultural crops. It is generally achieved by the implementation of pesticide-based approaches, barrier-based approaches, biological pest control methods, animal-psychology based approaches and methods of biotechnology. Ploughing and cultivating the soil prior to sowing potentially reduces the risk of pests. Pesticide-based approaches include the use of herbicides, insecticides and fungicides. Biological pest control is a method of pest management that encourages herbivory, predation, parasitism, or other natural mechanisms. Diseases in crops are generally prevented by using pathogen-free seeds, controlling field moisture, or implementing approaches like crop rotation. This book provides comprehensive insights into the latest advances in agricultural science. Most of the topics introduced herein cover new techniques of crop protection. For someone with an interest and eye for detail, this book covers the most significant topics in this domain.

    1.418,95 kr.

    The branch of science that focuses on producing and using plants for food, fiber, fuel and land reclamation is referred to as agronomy. It is a multi-disciplinary field that uses tools from various other fields such as plant genetics, meteorology and soil science. It also incorporates principles from different branches of science such as biology, chemistry, economics, earth science and genetics. Agronomy deals with a diverse range of issues like healthy food production, management of the environmental impact of agriculture as well as extracting energy from plants. The main areas that fall under agronomy are crop rotation, irrigation, soil classification, weed control, pest control and plant physiology. This textbook unfolds the innovative aspects of agronomy which will be crucial for the holistic understanding of the subject matter. Different approaches, evaluations and methodologies related to this field have been included in it. This textbook will serve as a reference to a broad spectrum of readers.

    1.323,95 kr.

    Agroecology is the discipline that studies the ecological processes applied to agricultural production systems. It focuses on the study of a variety of agroecosystems and presents a specific manner of their observation. Agroecology is an interdisciplinary field that includes and uses natural science to understand the components of an agroecosystem such as soil properties, plant-insect interactions. It also uses social science to understand the effects of farming practices on rural communities. It does not entirely oppose the use of technology in agriculture but it evaluates how technology can be used in conjunction with social, human and natural assets. It studies and answers the questions concerning the four properties of agroecosystems such as productivity, sustainability, stability and equitability. It treats all of them as interconnected as well as necessary for a successful agroecosystem. This book explores all the important aspects of agroecology in the present day scenario. Its objective is to give a general view of the different areas of this field. It attempts to assist those with a goal of delving into the field of agroecology.

  • af Nathan Hamilton
    1.523,95 kr.

    Agricultural engineering is a field of engineering which studies agricultural production and processing in order to develop solutions for achieving agricultural sustainability. There are diverse aspects to agricultural engineering, chief among which are agricultural resource management, soil management and conservation, livestock production, food engineering, waste management and bioresource engineering. Planning, building, managing and supervising effective systems for irrigation, flood control and drainage is a major focus area of this field. It also involves conducting environmental impact assessments at regular intervals. This book studies, analyzes and upholds the pillars of agricultural engineering and its utmost significance in modern times. Most of the topics introduced herein cover new techniques and the applications of this field. The book is appropriate for students seeking detailed information in this area as well as for experts.

    1.373,95 kr.

    The art and science of cultivating livestock and plants is known as agriculture. Agricultural production has increased dramatically in the past few decades. This has been made possible due to the widespread use of machines such as tractors along with harvesters as well as use of agrochemicals like fertilizers and pesticides. It also makes use of various scientific fields and processes such as genetic engineering and mutation breeding to modify crops. Genetic material is altered by a technique known as recombinant DNA technology. Mutation breeding, also known as variation breeding, exposes the seeds to radiation and chemicals to produce mutant plants with desirable characteristics. Modern technological advances have led to increased durability, insect and virus resistance, nutritional content and herbicide tolerance in agricultural production. This book elucidates the concepts and innovative models around prospective developments with respect to agricultural production. The aim of this book is to present researches that have transformed this field and aided its advancement. It will provide comprehensive knowledge to the readers.

    1.528,95 kr.

    The branch of science which seeks to ensure that the animals are healthy and well cared for is known as veterinary science. It involves various practices such as preventive care, psychological analysis and surgical procedures. Some of the areas of study within this field are nutrition, anatomy, animal behavior, animal genetics, cell biology, physiology, animal husbandry and epidemiology. The well-being of animals falls under animal welfare. It makes use of diverse measures such as longetivity, immunosuppression, physiology and reproduction to assess the welfare of animals. Animal welfare deals with numerous issues such as animal testing, abandoned pets and cruelty to animals. This book includes some of the vital pieces of work being conducted across the world, on various topics related to the health and well-being in animals. It strives to provide a fair idea about this discipline and to help develop a better understanding of the latest advances within this field. Students, researchers, experts and all associated with this field will benefit alike from this book.

    1.373,95 kr.

    The subspecialty within veterinary medicine which deals with the diagnosis of cancer in animals as well as its treatment is known as veterinary oncology. Due to a large number of deaths in pet animals being caused by cancer, veterinary oncology is an important field of study within veterinary medicine. Many animals such as cats and dogs suffer from similar cancers as humans. Thus, advances in veterinary oncology and human cancer research complement each other in a way which benefits both animals and humans. There are various treatments which are used to cure and control cancer in animals such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. This book includes contributions of experts and scientists which will provide innovative insights into this field. It provides significant information of this discipline to help develop a good understanding of veterinary oncology and the advances which have been made in it.

    1.508,95 kr.

    The study of the biology of animals which are controlled by humankind is known as animal science. The production and management of animals which live on farms are also dealt with under this discipline. Some of the various animals which are studied within this field of study are livestock animals such as sheep, pigs, cattle and horses along with companion animals such as dogs and cats. Animal science also makes use of other disciplines of science such as microbiology, animal behavior, genetics, physiology, reproduction and nutrition. There are various industries where animal science is applied. A few of them are livestock breeding industry, pharmaceutical industry and animal feed industry. This book provides significant information of this discipline to help develop a good understanding of animal science and related fields. Students in this field will be assisted by this book. Coherent flow of topics, student-friendly language and extensive use of examples make it an invaluable source of knowledge.

    1.418,95 kr.

    The branch of medicine that focuses on the prevention and treatment of sports related emergencies and injuries is known as sports medicine. It also deals with physical fitness. Various injuries related to ligaments, muscles, tendons and bones are treated in sports medicine. A few of such injuries are ankle sprains, concussions, cartilage injuries and fractures. It also deals with serious illnesses, such as diabetes and asthma, which may affect the physical performance of a person. There are various specializations within this field such as orthopedic surgery, sports physical therapy, physical medicine and rehabilitation. This book is a compilation of chapters that discuss the most vital concepts and emerging trends in the field of sports medicine. It will provide comprehensive insights into this field. This book is an essential guide for both academicians and those who wish to pursue this discipline further.

    1.423,95 kr.

    The science which interprets the interaction of different substances in food along with nutrients with respect to an organism is known nutrition. It takes into consideration the maintenance, growth, reproduction, disease and health of the organism. When the nutrient intake is not enough or if the intake is too much, it can cause a condition known as malnutrition. Deficiency of nutrients, also known as undernutrition, can cause various diseases such as scurvy, anemia and blindness. The excess of nutrients, also called overnutrition, can also cause several diseases like obesity and metabolic syndrome. Nutrients are primarily divided into two categories, macronutrients and micronutrients. Carbohydrates, fats, fiber and protein are some of the macronutrients. Minerals and vitamins are some examples of micronutrients. The topics included in this book on nutrition are of utmost significance and bound to provide incredible insights to readers. It includes contributions of experts and scientists which will provide innovative insights into this field. This book will serve as a valuable source of reference for graduate and post graduate students.

    1.373,95 kr.

    Food science deals with the study of food. It is an interdisciplinary field that encompasses engineering, biological and physical sciences. It uses all such fields to study the nature of foods, causes of deterioration, principles of food processing as well as the improvement of food in order to make it ready for consumption. Food science is also involved in the development of new food products, designing of processes that are used to produce these foods, choosing packaging materials, shelf-life studies as well as microbiological and chemical testing. It applies concepts from various fields such as chemistry, microbiology, biochemistry and physiology. This book attempts to understand the multiple aspects of food science and nutrition, and how such concepts have practical applications. It is appropriate for students seeking detailed information in this area as well as for experts. Coherent flow of topics, student-friendly language and extensive use of examples make this book an invaluable source of knowledge.

    1.478,95 kr.

    Water is the most important resource for all life on Earth. Freshwater resources are being exploited by the increasing demand for drinking, manufacturing, agriculture and sanitation. The need to optimize the use of water and minimize the environmental effects of water use on the natural environment gave rise to water resource management. It is a sub-field of water cycle management which includes developing, distributing, planning and managing the water resources efficiently. The biggest concern of water resource management is the sustainability of the allocation of water-based resources. The topics included in this book on water resource management are of utmost significance and bound to provide incredible insights to readers. From theories to research to practical applications, case studies related to all contemporary topics of relevance to this field have been included in this book. It will provide comprehensive knowledge to the readers.

    1.528,95 kr.

    The chemical, physical, radiological and biological characteristics of water are referred to as water quality. The water condition is measured in relation to the requirements of biotic species or any human need. The health of ecosystems, the safety of human contact and drinking water are some of the most common standards used to assess water quality. Research in this field focuses on the water that is treated for industrial use, human consumption and in the environment. The water quality is determined based on its usage and environmental water quality. This book provides comprehensive insights into the subject of water quality. This book will provide interesting topics for research which interested readers can take up. For all readers who are interested in this area, the case studies included in this book will serve as an excellent guide to develop a comprehensive understanding.

    1.428,95 kr.

    Hydrometry observes the components of the hydrological cycle such as rainfall, groundwater characteristics and water quality. It also studies the flow characteristics of surface waters. It is concerned with the measurement of the components of the hydrological cycle, such as the quantification of water resources. Hydrometry encompasses concepts from various areas of engineering such as hydrology, control systems, computer sciences, data management, and communications. It uses the hydrometer to measure the characteristics such as density and specific gravity of a liquid. Hydrometry is primarily concerned with measuring the river flows. These measurements are useful in predicting and managing the river flows that can control floods. It also helps in water supply, agriculture and energy production. This book discusses the fundamentals as well as modern approaches to hydrometry. It presents researches and studies performed by experts across the globe. It will serve as a valuable source of reference for graduate and post-graduation students.

    1.468,95 kr.

    The application of information and communications technologies in order to address the crucial problems of the efficient use of water falls under the domain of hydroinformatics. It uses techniques such as artificial neural networks, support vector machines and genetic programming. It primarily integrates the concepts of hydraulics, hydrology and environmental engineering. Hydroinformatics lays emphasis on the social nature of the problems related to water management and associated decision-making processes. The social processes by which technologies are brought into use are also analyzed in this domain. This book covers in detail some existent theories and innovative concepts revolving around hydroinformatics. Different approaches, evaluations, methodologies and advanced studies have been included herein. The extensive content of this book provides the readers with a thorough understanding of the subject.

    1.383,95 kr.

    Ecohydrology is a scientific field that is concerned with the study of interactions between water and ecological systems. Studies related to both terrestrial and aquatic systems fall under this domain. Terrestrial ecosystems, such as forests and deserts facilitate the interactions among vegetation, the land surface, the vadose zone and the groundwater. Aquatic ecosystems such as streams, lakes, rivers and wetlands are studied to understand how their structures and functions are affected by water chemistry, geomorphology and hydrology. Transpiration and plant water use, the adaption of organisms to their water environment, the influence of vegetation and benthic plants on streamflow, are some of the main areas of research of this discipline. This book studies, analyzes and upholds the pillars of ecohydrology and its utmost significance in modern times. Also included herein is a detailed explanation of the various concepts and applications of this field. This book is appropriate for students seeking detailed information in this area as well as for experts.

    1.513,95 kr.

    The waste produced by industrial activities during the manufacturing processes in factories, mills and mines is termed as industrial waste. The most common types of industrial waste include masonry and concrete, dirt and gravel, oil solvents and scrap lumber. Industrial waste can be in different forms such as solid, liquid or gaseous. It can be hazardous or non-hazardous waste. Hazardous waste can be reactive, corrosive, ignitable, toxic and radioactive. Industrial waste is designated as chemical waste, toxic waste, municipal solid waste and industrial solid waste. The industrial waste consisting of conventional pollutants such as biochemical oxygen demand can be treated at sewage treatment plants. Industrial waste that contains toxic pollutants is managed through specialized treatment systems. This book outlines the processes and applications of industrial waste management in detail. The topics covered herein deal with the core aspects of this field. This textbook is appropriate for students seeking detailed information in this area as well as for experts.

    1.383,95 kr.

    The water cycle is the continuous movement of water above, below and on the Earth's surface. The mass of water on Earth remains constant but it differs in its distribution among the reservoirs of ice, saline water, freshwater and atmospheric water. The variation in the amount of water present in various reservoirs depends on the climatic variables. Several physical processes such as evaporation, condensation, infiltration and precipitation move water from one reservoir to another. The water takes different forms such as solid, liquid and vapor while going through such processes. The water cycle is driven by the sun that heats water in oceans and seas and makes it evaporate as water vapor into the air. Sometimes ice and snow sublimate into water vapor. These water vapor move across the globe and form clouds, which collide and fall out on the upper atmospheric layers as precipitation. Most water comes back into the oceans, seas and on land as rain. This book outlines the processes and applications of water cycle in detail. It includes some of the vital pieces of work being conducted across the world, on various topics related to the water cycle. This book is a collective contribution of renowned group of international experts.

    1.383,95 kr.

    The use of ecology and engineering to predict, design, construct or restore, and manage ecosystems is known as ecological engineering. It is aimed at integrating human society with its natural environment. The applications in ecological engineering can be categorized into 3 spatial scales: mesocosms, ecosystems and regional systems. Mesocosms range from a single centimeter to hundreds of meters, ecosystems range from a single kilometer to ten kilometers, and regional systems are those systems which span over ten kilometers. There is an increase in the complexity of the design usually observed with an increase in the spatial scale. Applications of ecological engineering are focused on the creation or restoration of ecosystems such as wetlands and greenhouses. From theories to research to practical applications, case studies related to all contemporary topics of relevance to the field of ecological engineering have been included in this book. The detailed analyses and data will prove immensely beneficial to professionals and students involved in this area at various levels.

    1.368,95 kr.

    Climate change refers to the changes in the statistical properties of climate system. The term is used to refer to anthropogenic climate changes, also known as global warming. Climate change includes both global warming as well as its effects such as precipitation that differs from one region to another. Global warming refers to the increase in average temperature of the earth's surface and the increased levels of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. The dominant cause of climate change is human activities like excessive emission from fossil fuel combustion such as coal, petroleum, diesel, natural gas, etc., carbon dioxide released by cement manufacture and deforestation. Alleviation of climate change includes the reduction of greenhouse gas release, the use of renewable energy, nuclear energy, enhancement of carbon sinks through reforestation. This book unravels the recent studies on climate change, and its impacts. It elucidates new management techniques and their applications in a multidisciplinary manner. This book will provide comprehensive knowledge to the readers.

    1.478,95 kr.

    Environmental science is an interdisciplinary field which studies the environment. It seeks to find solutions to environmental problems by integrating physical, biological and information sciences. The components of environmental science are geosciences, atmospheric sciences, ecology and environmental chemistry. Geosciences are further subdivided into environmental geology, environmental soil science, volcanic phenomena and evolution of the Earth's crust. There are other areas of study which are closely related to environmental science such as environmental engineering. The environmental issues studied under this field include pollution control, climate change and its effects as well as alternative energy. Some of the diverse topics covered in this book address the varied branches that fall under the category of environmental sciences. It will also provide stimulating topics for research which interested readers can take up. The extensive content of this book provides the readers with a thorough understanding of the subject.

    1.383,95 kr.

    Energy engineering is a multidisciplinary field which merges knowledge from the fields of mathematics, chemistry and physics with environmental and economic engineering practices. There are various aspects which are dealt with under this discipline such as energy efficiency, energy services, plant engineering and alternative energy technologies. The main focus of energy engineering is to develop the most efficient and sustainable methods to operate buildings and manufacturing processes. This is generally accomplished by observing the use of energy and then suggesting approaches to improve the efficiency. Power engineering is a sub-discipline of energy engineering where mathematics and physics are applied to the movement and transfer of energy to work within a system. The topics included in this book on energy engineering are of utmost significance and bound to provide incredible insights to readers. It is appropriate for students seeking detailed information in this area as well as for experts.