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Mad og drikke

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Om du enten er nybegynder, amatør eller professionel så sætter det ingen grænser for at udfordre dine mad kompetencer. Så hop ind og bliv en del af maduniverset og server en god ret til enten dig selv, din familie eller til dine venner.
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  • af Henrik Oldenburg
    68,95 kr.

    Henrik Oldenburg er portvinsmesteren pr. excellence og øser af sin enorme viden i sin fine lille bog..Portvin i glasset er en god indføring i de gyldne dråbers univers og fortæller, hvordan portvinen blev til portvin – og hvorfor portvinen taler engelsk. Bogen beskriver farver og typer, årgange og holdbarhed,  vinsprit og bundfald,  Tawny og ruby,  piber og flasker,  vintage og colheita. Væsentlige ting som glas, karafler og dekantering er naturligvis med. Bogen hjælper  læseren til at finde frem til den personlige portvinssmag – og man kan læse  om forfatterens egne favoritter. Med glasset i den ene hånd og Portvin i glasset i den anden  er vejen banet ind i portvinens mageløse verden.

  • - 125 enkle opskrifter trin-for-trin
    af Linn Grubbström med Jacob Damgaard
    248,95 kr.

    Den store mad for begyndere125 enkle opskrifter trin for trinEr du lige flyttet hjemmefra eller ny i køkkenet, er der hjælp at hente i ‘Den store mad for begyndere’. Den populære billedkogebog er nu på hylderne igen i nyt oplag med nyt omslag og i nyt format.I bogen vises alle opskrifter foto for foto, fra de ingredienser, du skal bruge, til det færdige måltid. Der er 125 opskrifter, til når det skal være hurtigt, sundt, sødt, billigt, imponerende eller to go: klassikere som boller i karry, minestrone-suppe og pizza, lækkert tilbehør og vegetariske retter som pasta med græskar, risotto og tærte med rødbede og gedeost, og søde sager som citronroulade med hindbær, banan-ispinde og cookies.Linn Grubbström arbejder som madskribent på Aller Mad. Hun har tidligere stået bag den populære danske madblog Frk. Kræsen og udgivet tre kogebøger – senest Den store mad for begyndere.

  • Spar 15%
    af Yotam Ottolenghi
    313,95 kr.

    Yotam Ottolenghi har kastet sig over det søde køkken i selskab med sin gode veninde Helen Goh. Ottolenghis har hentet inspiration fra en række forskellige kulinariske traditioner, så her er opskrifter på alt fra cheesecakes, kardemomme pavlova med friske figner til pana cotta og persiske kærllighedskager. Alle bogens opskrifter er lavet med Yotams sædvanlige kærlighed til friske ingredienser, eksotiske krydderier og komplekse smagssammensætninger.

  • Spar 15%
    - till vegetarer, veganere og alle andre gerne vil spise mere grønt
    af Meyers Madhus
    298,95 kr.

    MEYERS GRØN MAD tilbyder mere end 100 lækre og velsmagende opskrifter på grønne, velsmagende retter. Bogen er både til dem, der ønsker at leve 100 % vegansk eller vegetarisk, og til dem der bare har lyst til at spise mere grønt og måske lægge en kødfri dag eller to ind i om ugen. Bogen er på klassisk meyersk vis opdelt i sæsoner, og udover de mange lækre opskrifter, giver Meyers dygtige kokke dig også en masse bonus info om super sunde krydderier, og om hvordan man sørger for at få dækket alle kroppens behov, når man vælger kødet fra i sin daglige kost.

  • Spar 15%
    af Claus Meyer
    298,95 kr.

    Alt i en gryde. På sædvanlig pædagogisk vis holder Meyer sine læsere i hånden, når han introducerer de helt basale håndteringsredskaber, tips og teknikker, der er nødvendige at kende, når man kaster sig over disciplinen simremad.

  • Spar 23%
    - 200 opskrifter til morgen, middag og aften - og det ind imellem
    af Anne Hjernøe
    268,95 kr.

    Den populære kogebogsforfatter og tv-vært Anne Hjernøe har gennem tiden udgivet en lang række kogebøger. Men dette er første gang, hun giver sit bud på en sund og varieret kost til hele familien i en bog med retter til alle dagens måltider.Den vigtige morgenmad, hvor vi skal skydes i gang med en masse energi, så vi kan holde os friske resten af dagen. Frokosten, der for mange består af en madpakke, men som sagtens kan være mere spændende end en hurtig klapsammen.Mellemmåltiderne til den lille sult, så man ikke risikerer at gå i fælden med lavt blodsukker. Og ikke mindst det gode aftensmåltid, hvor Anne, som altid, har hentet inspiration fra det gode danske køkken såvel som fra den store, spændende madverden, vi er omgivet af.Hverdag er en stor kogebog, der indeholder over 200 gode retter og er gennemillustreret med skønne fotos. En bog, der bør stå på køkkenhylden hos enhver moderne familie anno 2017.Bogen indeholder:Over 200 gode opskrifter på morgenmad, frokost- og middagsretter samt mellemmåltiderMorgenmad med og uden protein og gluten, alt efter præferenceSunde frokost- og middagsretter med kød, fjerkræ, fisk og masser af grøntMættende grønne retter til vegetariske dageLette opskrifter, der er til at finde ud af, lavet med gode råvarer der er til at skaffeOpskrifter, der passer til en travl hverdag, men også til forkælelseForslag til at udnytte de gode rester og undgå madspild.Om forfatterenAnne Hjernøe er journalist og autodidakt kok med eget firma, AnneMad Aps, der beskæftiger sig med tv-produktion, produktudvikling, foredragsvirksomhed mv.Anne er kendt fra tv, hvor hun som tv-vært har lavet AnneMad og sammen med journalist Anders Agger bl.a. har besøgt danske slotte og herregårde, danske badehoteller, danske øer og det gamle Danmark.Anne er desuden og ikke mindst forfatter til en lang række kogebøger, herunder Annes syltebog, Politikens bog om tapas, Det gode køkken – sund mad mod kræft, AnneMad, AnneMad med mere, Annes julekalender, Annes spisekammer og senest Sunde salater, Sunde grønne retter og Grill & Grønt, alle Politikens Forlag.

  • af Paul Bocuse
    348,95 kr.

    The unequivocal reference tome on the full spectrum of twentieth-century French cooking, interpreted and revised by master chef Paul Bocuse for the home cook. Celebrated chef Paul Bocuse is the authority on classic French cuisine. In this volume, he shares 500 simple, traditional French recipes. Aimed at the beginner, but with enough breadth to entice the confident chef, these recipes can be readily prepared at home, and emphasize the use of fresh and widely available ingredients. This new cookbook is a complete collection of Bocuse's classic French recipes, which have been tried and tested over a lifetime in the business, and revised and adapted here to be accessible for the modern kitchen. With 221 colour photographs to inspire the home cook, this indispensable kitchen companion is also an authoritative culinary reference work on traditional French cooking, which remains an international, UNESCO-protected benchmark in world gastronomy. Divided into 22 chapters, with 14 covering savoury recipes and 8 covering sweet recipes, Bocuse covers everything from from soups to soufflés, by way of terrines, fish, meat, vegetables, and sauces. Practical appendixes include average cooking times for different types of meat, conversion tables, and a glossary of key French culinary terms.

  • af Deborah Jones
    558,95 kr.

    One hundred and fifty recipes are presented in this cookbook, many of them unique to the author's restaurant, such as lobster-filled crepes with a carrot-emulsion sauce, topped with a pea-shoot salad dressed lightly with lemon-infused oil, to name one of the simpler ones!

  • af Del Sroufe
    188,95 kr.

    The secret is out: If you want to lose weight, lower your cholesterol, avoid cancer, and prevent (or even reverse) type 2 diabetes and heart disease, the right food is your best medicine-and the Forks Over Knives way is your solution. Forks Over Knives-the book, the film, and the movement-is the international phenomenon that first emphasized the benefits of plant-based eating, and thousands of people have cut out meat, dairy, and oils from their diet and seen amazing results. If you're one of them, or you'd like to be, you need this cookbook.Forks Over Knives-The Cookbook proves that the Forks Over Knives philosophy is not about what you can't eat, but what you can. Chef Del Sroufe, the man behind some of the mouthwatering meals in the landmark documentary, and his collaborators transform wholesome fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes into hundreds of recipes-classic and unexpected, globally and seasonally inspired, and for every meal of the day, all through the year:Breakfast: Very Berry Smoothie, Breakfast Quinoa with Apple CompoteSalads, Soups and Stews: Kale Salad with Maple-Mustard Dressing, Lotsa Vegetable Chowder, Lucky Black-Eyed Pea StewPasta and Noodle Dishes: Mushroom Stroganoff, Stir-Fried Noodles with Spring VegetablesStir-Fried, Grilled and Hashed Vegetables: Grilled Eggplant "Steaks"Baked and Stuffed Vegetables: Millet-Stuffed Chard RollsThe Amazing Bean: White Beans and Escarole with ParsnipsGreat Grains: Polenta Pizza with Tomatoes and BasilDesserts: Apricot Fig Squares, Bursting with Berries Cobbler . . . and much more!Simple, affordable, and delicious, the recipes in Forks Over Knives-The Cookbook put the power of real, healthy food in your hands. Join the Forks Over Knives movement and start cooking the plant-based way today-it could save your life!

  • af Mary Berry
    288,95 - 313,95 kr.

    The definitive baking collection from the undisputed queen of cakesThis stunning cookbook brings together all of Mary Berry's most mouth-watering baking recipes in a beautifully packaged edition. Filled with 250 foolproof recipes, from the classic Victoria Sponge, Very Best Chocolate Cake and Hazelnut Meringue Cake to tempting muffins, scones and bread and butter pudding, this is the most comprehensive baking cookbook you'll ever need. Mary's easy-to-follow instructions and handy tips make it ideal for kitchen novices and more experienced cooks alike, and full-colour photographs and beautiful illustrations will guide you smoothly to baking success. Drawing on her years of experience to create recipes for cakes, breads and desserts, Mary Berry's Baking Bible will prove to be a timeless classic.

  • Spar 17%
    - Mere end 650 af de bedste
    af Charles Maclean
    206,95 kr.

    Over 650 detaljerede smagsnoter og afbildninger af de mest spændende maltwhiskyer, blends og grains fra hele verden. Hoveddelen er opdelt i lande. Den beskriver mærkerne i alfabetisk orden hos hovedproducenterne i Skotland, Irland, USA, Canada og Japan efterfulgt af whiskyer fra andre dele af Europa, Sydasien, Australien og Afrika. Ikke alene dækker den produktionen hos både små og store whiskydestillerier, men den omfatter også et bredt udvalg af blendede whiskyer. Ind i mellem oversigterne over verdens whiskyer er der artikler om produktionsprocesser og de forskellige whiskytyper, portrætter af bestemte destillerier og ’guidede ture’, der går gennem whiskyregionerne i Skotland, Irland, USA og Japan. For ingen oplevelse forstærker nydelsen af whisky så meget som et besøg på et destilleri i aktion, hvor man kan nyde duftene, få en fornemmelse af den dygtighed, dedikation og tid, der skal til for at fremstille den udsøgte spiritus, og naturligvis at smage en dram lige ved kilden.

  • Spar 17%
    - Opskrifter fra kysten og skoven
    af Columbus Leth & Nikolaj Juel-Christiansen
    288,95 kr.

    En passioneret jæger og kok gør sammen med en ligeså ivrig lystfikser og fotograf op med myten om, at det er svært at lave mad med vildt, fisk og vilde ingredienser. En bog ikke kun til jægere og lystfiskere, men til dig som bare elsker god mad. Take a walk on the wild side - og så ud i køkkenet. Ambitionen er, at bogen skal gøre madlavning med vilde råvarer mere moderne og tilgængelig for alle. Forfatterne vil inspirere til at gå i køkkenet og bringe vild mad ind i stuerne. De vil afmystificere madlavning med vildt og vilde råvarer. Bogen taler til jægerne, fiskerne og madelskerne i øjenhøjde på en uprætentiøs og ligefrem facon.

  • Spar 14%
    - Alt, du skal vide om sukker for at opnå solid sundhed
    af Anette Sams
    213,95 kr.

    Sandheden om sukker stiller skarpt på dit blodsukker og dine mange veje til at stabilisere det, så du får et af de bedste medicinskabe til behandling af overvægt, træthed, allergier, type 2-diabetes, humørsvingninger og autoimmune sygdomme. Din sundhed handler ikke om, hvor meget sukker du spiser. Den handler om, hvor meget sukker du har i blodet!

  • af Chad Robertson
    328,95 kr.

    Tartine Bread, a masterpiece penned by Chad Robertson, is a must-read for all bread enthusiasts. Published in 2010, this book has been a staple in the culinary literature genre. Robertson, a renowned baker, shares his extensive knowledge and unique techniques in this comprehensive guide. The book is a deep dive into the world of artisan bread baking, offering a blend of science and artistry that is rarely found. It's not just a book; it's a journey that takes you through the heart of the bakery and into your kitchen. Published by Chronicle Books, Tartine Bread is more than a decade old but continues to inspire and educate new generations of bakers. This book is a testament to Robertson's passion and dedication to the craft of baking. It's a treasure trove of knowledge that every home baker or professional should have on their bookshelf.

  • af Rick Stein
    308,95 kr.

    Starting in San Francisco and Baja California, and working his way down to the southernmost tip of Mexico, the author cooks, eats and experiences Mexican food at its very best and most diverse. He covers topics ranging from seafood of the north Pacific coast, and the mole of Oaxaca, to the spices and salsas of Yucatan and Quintana Roo.

  • af Heston Blumenthal
    678,95 kr.

    The most desirable restaurant book ever published, now in a smaller format edition

  • af Hamlyn
    893,95 kr.

    The definitive culinary encyclopedia made accessible to modern readers Contains over 900 attractive new photographs, both in colour and black and white Features more foods than ever before - additions include cheese, nuts and cured meats The volume of cookery books sold since 2004 has almost doubled.

  • - New York Times Bestseller
    af Sandor Ellix Katz
    333,95 kr.

    Winner of the 2013 James Beard Foundation Book Award for Reference and Scholarship, and a New York Times bestseller, The Art of Fermentation is the most comprehensive guide to do-it-yourself home fermentation ever published. Sandor Katz presents the concepts and processes behind fermentation in ways that are simple enough to guide a reader through their first experience making sauerkraut or yogurt, and in-depth enough to provide greater understanding and insight for experienced practitioners. While Katz expertly contextualizes fermentation in terms of biological and cultural evolution, health and nutrition, and even economics, this is primarily a compendium of practical information how the processes work; parameters for safety; techniques for effective preservation; troubleshooting; and more. With two-color illustrations and extended resources, this book provides essential wisdom for cooks, homesteaders, farmers, gleaners, foragers, and food lovers of any kind who want to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for arguably the oldest form of food preservation, and part of the roots of culture itself. Readers will find detailed information on fermenting vegetables; sugars into alcohol (meads, wines, and ciders); sour tonic beverages; milk; grains and starchy tubers; beers (and other grain-based alcoholic beverages); beans; seeds; nuts; fish; meat; and eggs, as well as growing mold cultures, using fermentation in agriculture, art, and energy production, and considerations for commercial enterprises.

  • af Yotam Ottolenghi
    338,95 kr.

    With his fabulous restaurants and bestselling Ottolenghi Cookbook, Yotam Ottolenghi has established himself as one of the most exciting talents in the world of cookery and food writing. This exclusive collection of vegetarian recipes is drawn from his column 'The New Vegetarian' for the Guardian's Weekend magazine, and features both brand-new recipes and dishes first devised for that column. Yotam's food inspiration comes from his strong Mediterranean background and his unapologetic love of ingredients. Not a vegetarian himself, his approach to vegetable dishes is wholly original and innovative, based on strong flavours and stunning, fresh combinations. With sections devoted to cooking greens, aubergines, brassicas, rice and cereals, pasta and couscous, pulses, roots, squashes, onions, fruit, mushrooms and tomatoes, the breadth of colours, tastes and textures is extraordinary. Featuring vibrant, evocative food photography from acclaimed photographer Jonathan Lovekin, and with Yotam's voice and personality shining through, Plenty is a must-have for meat-eaters and vegetarians alike.

  • af David Chang
    253,95 kr.

    Momofuku is an intriguing book authored by David Chang. Published in 2010 by Absolute Press, this book offers a unique blend of storytelling and culinary expertise. The genre of this book is primarily cooking, but it also provides a fascinating insight into Chang's journey to becoming a renowned chef. In 'Momofuku', Chang shares his love for food and his innovative approach to cooking, which has made him a prominent figure in the culinary world. The book is not just a collection of recipes, but a captivating narrative of Chang's experiences and his philosophy about food. Absolute Press, known for publishing high-quality books, has truly outdone itself with 'Momofuku'. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in cooking, food, or the journey of a top-tier chef.

  • af Marcella Hazan
    338,95 kr.

    'If this were the only cookbook you owned, neither you nor those you cooked for would ever get bored.' -Nigella Lawson Marcella Hazan is widely regarded as one of the greatest Italian cookery writers in the world and The Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking is her masterpiece. Aimed at cooks of every level, be they beginners or accomplished chefs, it is an accessible and comprehensive guide to authentic Italian cuisine and should find a place in the kitchen library of anyone who is passionate about good food.Featuring hundreds of recipes ranging from soups, pastas and risottos, to delicious meat and vegetable dishes, The Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking is an indispensable addition to any kitchen.

  • af Gordon Ramsay
    343,95 kr.

    'My rules are simple. Home cooking has to be easy. It got to be fast. It's got to be delicious. If you think you can't cook amazing food at home, think again. I'm going to prove that however busy you are it's still possible to cook stunning food. These are the only recipes you'll ever need.'GORDON RAMSAY Gordon Ramsay's Ultimate Home Cooking is a collection of over 120 delicious new recipes that are infused with Gordon's expertise and skill gleaned from his years in professional kitchens. Divided into chapters to see you through the whole day from weekday breakfasts through to Saturday night dinners, the book is all about the pleasure of cooking and sharing the very best home-cooked food with family and friends.AS SEEN ON CHANNEL 4

  • af JULIA CHILD, Louisette Bertholle & Simone Beck
    153,95 - 283,95 kr.

    A guide to French cooking, with over 1,000 clear, authentic and delicious recipes for everything from Boeuf Bourguignon to the perfect omelette.

  • - The Art and Practice of Handmade Pasta, Gnocchi, and Risotto [A Cookbook]
    af Marc Vetri
    283,95 kr.

    Award-winning chef Marc Vetri wanted to write his first book about pasta. Instead, he wrote two other acclaimed cookbooks and continued researching pasta for ten more years. Now, the respected master of Italian cuisine finally shares his vast knowledge of pasta, gnocchi, and risotto in this inspiring, informative primer featuring expert tips and techniques, and more than 100 recipes. Vetri's personal stories of travel and culinary discovery in Italy appear alongside his easy-to-follow, detailed explanations of how to make and enjoy fresh handmade pasta. Whether you're a home cook or a professional, you'll learn how to make more than thirty different types of pasta dough, from versatile egg yolk dough, to extruded semolina dough, to a variety of flavored pastas-and form them into shapes both familiar and unique. In dishes ranging from classic to innovative, Vetri shares his coveted recipes for stuffed pastas, baked pastas, and pasta sauces. He also shows you how to make light-as-air gnocchi and the perfect dish of risotto. Loaded with useful information, including the best way to cook and sauce pasta, suggestions for substituting pasta shapes, and advance preparation and storage notes, Mastering Pasta offers you all of the wisdom of a pro. For cooks who want to take their knowledge to the next level, Vetri delves deep into the science of various types of flour to explain pasta's uniquely satisfying texture and how to craft the very best pasta by hand or with a machine. Mastering Pasta is the definitive work on the subject and the only book you will ever need to serve outstanding pasta dishes in your own kitchen.

  • af Alberto Capatti
    458,95 kr.

    The bible of traditional Italian cooking, with over 2,000 recipes. Revised and updated.

  • af Gordon Ramsay
    328,95 kr.

    "e;I want to teach you how to cook good food at home. By stripping away all the hard graft and complexity, anyone can produce mouth-watering recipes. Put simply, I'm going to show you how to cook yourself into a better cook."e;GORDON RAMSAYGordon Ramsay's Ultimate Cookery Course is about giving home cooks the desire, confidence and inspiration to hit the stoves and get cooking, with over 120 modern, simple and accessible recipes. The ultimate reference bible, it's a lifetime's worth of expertise from one of the world's finest chefs distilled into a beautiful book.

  • - A Venetian Cookbook (Of Sorts)
    af Russell Norman
    308,95 kr.

    POLPO, a captivating book penned by Russell Norman, is a delightful journey through the culinary world. Published by Bloomsbury Publishing PLC in 2012, this book has become a must-have for food enthusiasts. The author, a renowned name in the culinary industry, explores the authenticity and simplicity of Venetian home cooking in an accessible and engaging manner. The book is a tribute to the pure pleasure of sharing food and drink 'Italian-style'. With its charming narrative and enticing recipes, POLPO has carved its niche in the genre of culinary literature. It's not just a cookbook, but a love letter to Venice, and a tribute to its age-old culinary traditions. Dive into the pages of POLPO and let Russell Norman transport you to the heart of Venetian cuisine.

  • - 25th anniversary edition
    af Marco Pierre White
    383,95 kr.

    A 25th anniversary edition of the classic cookbook from the 'enfant terrible' of the UK restaurant scene, with a new 64-page section including previously unpublished photographs and commentary from Jason Atherton, Gordon Ramsay and Tom Kerridge.

  • af Jamie Oliver
    308,95 kr.

    Create delicious, nutritionally balanced dishes in just 15 minutes with the revolutionary kitchen companion, Jamie's 15-Minute Meals'Far and away the most balanced and exciting everyday cookbook out there' THE TIMES_________Packed with clever, methodical, recipes full of big flavours, Jamie's 15 Minute Meals takes the concept of fast, everyday food to a new level.In this essential collection, Jamie has taken inspiration from all over the world, embracing tastes that we all love and playing on classic chicken, steak, pasta and global street food dishes.You'll be amazed what you can create in just 15 minutes . . .- CHICKEN TIKKA with lentil, spinach and naan salad- GLAZED PORK FILLET with Cajun-style pepper rice- CRAB BOLOGNESE with crunchy fennel salad- MEXICAN TOMATO SOUP with chilli nachos- FALAFEL WRAPS with grilled veg and salsaWhether you're cooking for your family or grabbing a quick bite, Jamie's 15 Minute Meals has the perfect combination of light snacks and hearty meals to satisfy everyone.These are some of the quickest, easiest meals Jamie's ever done, reliable companion for you and your family. In Jamie's extensive collection of internationally loved and trusted cookbooks, this is the one about cooking good food, fast.'Far and away the most balanced and exciting everyday cookbook out there - and if you liked 30-Minute Meals, this will knock your socks off. Jamie should be given the Victoria Cross' The Times

  • af Nina Olsson
    228,95 kr.

    Bowls of Goodness: Vibrant Vegetarian Recipes Full of Nourishment is an enticing book by the talented Nina Olsson. Published by the renowned Octopus Publishing Group in 2017, this book is a treasure trove of healthy and delicious vegetarian recipes. The genre of this book is cooking, and it stands out with its focus on nourishing vegetarian bowls filled with goodness. Olsson's creativity shines through each page, offering vibrant and wholesome dishes that are both appealing to the eye and satisfying to the palate. The book is a testament to Olsson's expertise and passion for vegetarian cooking, making it a must-have for anyone interested in enhancing their cooking skills and embracing a healthier lifestyle. The Octopus Publishing Group, known for its high-quality publications, has truly outdone itself with this book, adding yet another masterpiece to its collection.