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    1.113,95 kr.

    359,95 kr.

    華夫餅很棒。有各種各樣的華夫餅;很容易找到一個愛。甚至製作一 種全新的口味。拿一個經典的華夫餅,在上面加點特別的東西,或者 稍微改變一下麵糊,瞧,你發明了一種新的華夫餅! 但是如果你碰巧在吃生酮飲食怎麼辦?你怎麼還吃華夫餅?回應是雜 音! 谷仓 本身就令人驚嘆,具有特殊、獨特的味道。與標準華夫餅一樣, 款式繁多,每個人都能找到自己喜歡的。 本書旨在將讀者帶入製作樂譜的過程。成為與此方法相關的所有內容 的參考。希望它能做到這一點。 所以,翻開這一頁開始吧!谷仓 準備好烹飪和享用了! 什麼是"谷仓"? 谷仓 是酮華夫餅。它被稱為 谷仓,因為主要成分之一是切碎的奶酪, 因此 谷仓 而不是 因為 谷仓 是奶酪華夫餅。很酷,對吧? 華夫餅通常由麵粉麵糊製成,但鬆餅是由雞蛋和奶酪製成的。這聽起 來很奇怪,但它確實有效! 谷仓 是那些吃生酮飲食的人解決華夫餅問題的完美方式。它們也是 少吃碳水化合物的完美方式,同時還能吃你想吃的東西!雖然是修改 版。還有無數的雜碎成分變化。 如何製作花夫餅? 製作烤餅需要五個基本步驟,僅需一台用於扁平烤餅的華夫餅機和一 台用於烤餅碗的華夫餅碗機。 製作香夫餅,您需要兩種必需的原料--雞蛋和奶酪。我最喜歡的奶 酪是切達奶酪或馬蘇里拉奶酪。這些很容易融化,使它們成為大多數 食譜的首選。同時,始終確保您的奶酪經過精細磨碎或切成薄片以備 使用。

    348,95 kr.

    如果您是卷饼爱好者,那么终极卷饼食谱是您食谱收藏的完美补充。这本食谱包含 100 种令人垂涎的早餐、午餐和晚餐卷饼食谱,从经典的墨西哥风味到富有创意和创新的风味。从充满鸡蛋、奶酪和香肠的早餐卷饼到午餐的辣虾和鳄梨卷饼,以及晚餐的丰盛牛肉和豆卷饼,这本食谱提供了满足各种口味的食谱。每个食谱都附有一张全彩照片,并包含每次制作完美墨西哥卷饼的技巧。除了食谱之外,这本食谱还提供了有关如何制作您自己的自制玉米饼、莎莎酱和其他馅料的信息,以根据您的喜好定制您的卷饼。无论您喜欢辣味、奶酪味还是蔬菜味的卷饼,终极卷饼食谱都能满足您的需求。!

    366,95 kr.

    填料或填充物是一种可食用的混合物,通常由草药和淀 粉(如面包)组成,用于填充制备另一种食物的空腔。 许多食物可能会被塞满,包括家禽、海鲜和蔬菜。作为 一种烹饪技术,馅料有助于保持水分,而混合物本身可 以在制备过程中增加和吸收风味。 流行的馅料类型是家禽馅料,通常由面包屑、洋葱、芹 菜、香料和鼠尾草等香草和内脏组成。添加物还可能包 括干果和坚果(如杏子和杏仁片)和栗子。 这些创意食谱证明,结合各种食材和质地,可以将普通 菜肴变成美味佳肴。因此,下次当您想在晚餐、午餐或 配菜中加入更多风味,但又不想翻阅几种不同的食谱时, 不妨试试"填馅"的艺术。我保证你会喜欢这些多合一 的填充食品!

  • - A Book of Remembrance
    af J M Rothwell
    153,95 kr.

    Every Born Again believer started their Christian walk by someone planting the hope of Christ in their heart. There was a revival during the late 1960's and early 1970's that impacted thousands of lives. The simple truth of God's plan for Salvation through the sacrifice of His Only Begotten Son, became of major importance as the draft took our soldiers to war caused fear and unrest. The teaching of the Bible waters, cleanses from sin, and reveals God's eternal plan. Many entered a personal relationship with the God of the universe by the power of His Holy Spirit during that time. Joan and Merle Rothwell, raised their four children then left for Bible college. While there, they recall the early years of becoming Christians during the Jesus Movement and the various persons that influenced their lives. Learning the Bible, opening their home for others was truly eventful. Bible learning and a relationship with Jesus was a primary emphases in those days.

    390,95 kr.

    自作为保存食物的一种方式引入以来,家庭罐头 在 180 年间发生了巨大变化。科学家们已经找 到了生产更安全、更高质量产品的方法。本出版 物的第一部分解释了罐头技术所依据的科学原理, 讨论了罐头设备,并描述了罐子和盖子的正确使 用。它描述了基本的罐头配料和程序,以及如何 使用它们来获得安全、高质量的罐头产品。最后, 它可以帮助您决定是否可以以及多少。 本出版物的第二部分是针对特定食品的一系列罐 头指南。这些指南提供了制作糖浆的详细说明; 以及用于罐装水果和水果制品、西红柿和番茄制 品、蔬菜、红肉、家禽、海鲜、泡菜和调味品。 选择正确数量和质量的生食的方便指南伴随着水 果、西红柿和蔬菜的每组说明。大多数食谱的设 计目的是生产满罐装品脱或夸脱。最后,对每种 食物进行海拔高度的加工调整。

    364,95 kr.

    欢迎来到最佳肠道食谱,您将在其中发现如何通过有益于肠道的美味食谱滋养您的身体并改善您的消化。这本食谱包含 100 多种食谱,将向您展示如何将健康有益的食材融入您的日常烹饪中,以支持您的肠道健康。每个食谱都附有一张全彩照片,因此您可以准确地看到您的菜肴应该是什么样子。您还会找到有关如何准备和烹饪每份食谱的详细说明,以及有关选择正确成分以保持肠道健康的建议。从美味的汤和炖菜到丰盛的沙拉和创意素食,这本食谱将带您踏上世界各地的美食之旅。您还可以找到支持肠道健康的零食、甜点甚至饮料的食谱,这样您就可以在每餐中享受健康肠道的好处。无论您是想改善消化、支持免疫系统,还是只是想享受美味健康的膳食,这本食谱都是您从内到外滋养身体的指南。

    316,95 kr.

    欢迎来到终极昆虫食谱,这本食谱采用独特而令人兴奋的方法来制作可持续和美味的食物。在这本食谱中,我们探索了食虫世界、吃昆虫的做法,并提供了 100 种令人垂涎的食谱,其中包含各种昆虫。每个食谱都附有简单易懂的说明和一张全彩照片,因此您可以准确地看到您正在制作的东西。虽然许多人可能对食用昆虫犹豫不决,但它们是一种令人难以置信的可持续且营养丰富的食物来源。昆虫数量众多,饲养所需资源最少,而且蛋白质和营养成分高。事实上,全球已有超过 20 亿人的饮食中包含昆虫!在这本食谱中,我们旨在消除任何关于吃昆虫的先入为主的观念,并向您展示它们的美味和用途。我们的食谱范围从经典菜肴(如蟋蟀炸玉米饼和蚱蜢炒菜)到更具冒险精神的食谱(如粉虫比萨饼和蚂蚁覆盖的巧克力松露)。无论您是经验丰富的食虫者还是第一次尝试,终极昆虫食谱都能满足每个人的需求。快来和我们一起踏上这激动人心的美食之旅,一起探索食虫世界吧

    351,95 kr.

    如果您正在寻找一些快速简单的周末晚餐灵感,那么您来对地方了。 这本书将为您提供 100 种最受欢迎和最受欢迎的简单快捷的晚餐鸡肉食谱。从平底锅鸡肉晚餐,到煎锅鸡肉,再到慢炖锅鸡肉,再到一锅鸡肉和米饭。另外,有很多不同的口味可供选择。最好的部分?这些简单的鸡肉食谱非常适合忙碌的工作日晚上,因为它们可以在大约 45 分钟或更短的时间内快速准备好。

    325,95 kr.

    咖啡是早上最常飲用的飲料之一,在正餐後,或在下午搭配小吃或只是為了保持睡眠和懶惰。 咖啡不僅僅是早晨提神;它是一種用途廣泛的配料,可用於各種甜味和鹹味食譜。 通過"咖啡食譜",您將發現咖啡烹飪和烘焙的多種口味和可能性,其中包含 100 種創意美味的食譜。 從拿鐵和卡布奇諾等經典咖啡飲料到咖啡揉牛排和咖啡雞尾酒等獨特食譜,這本食譜為每位咖啡愛好者提供了一些東西。 咖啡不僅美味,而且對健康有益,包括有助於對抗炎症和疾病的抗氧化劑。使用"咖啡食譜",您可以以令人興奮的新方式享受這種多功能成分的所有好處此外,這種飲料的粉絲們會很高興地了解到所有品種的豆類都可以用於甜味和鹹味菜餚以及廣泛的食譜中。考慮到這一點,我編制了一份最佳咖啡食譜清單,供您立即嘗試!

    341,95 kr.

    燕麦片不仅是一种美味且用途广泛的食材,而且还是一种重要的营养来源。如果您想在饮食中添加更多全谷物,那么《燕麦食谱》非常适合您。通过 100 种简单而富有创意的燕麦食谱,您永远不会对这种超级食物感到厌倦。从甜味到咸味,一天中的每顿饭都有一份燕麦片食谱。尝试经典的肉桂苹果燕麦片作为早餐,或将其与美味的蘑菇燕麦片混合作为午餐。晚餐时,三文鱼和燕麦烩饭一定会给人留下深刻印象。除了传统的燕麦食谱外,这本食谱还提供燕麦冰沙、格兰诺拉麦片棒甚至燕麦饼干的食谱。有适合所有饮食偏好的食谱,无论您是纯素食者、无麸质者还是无奶者。每个食谱都附有简单易懂的说明和精美的照片,可指导您完成整个过程。您还会找到有关成分替代和储存的有用提示,这样您就可以在未来几天享用您的燕麦片。因此,无论您是注重健康的美食家,还是只是想为您的膳食增加更多种类,《燕麦食谱》都能满足每个人的需求。准备好探索美味的燕麦世界。

    349,95 kr.

    什麼是骨湯?骨湯,有時也稱為原湯,是由沸騰的動物骨頭和結締組織製成的液體。廚師使用高湯作為湯、醬汁和肉汁的基礎。有些人自己喝。自人類誕生以來,人們就一直在製作骨湯。人類學家認為,早在史前時代,人們就開始飲用含有骨頭和其他動物器官的液體。有 100 張彩色圖片(每個食譜一張),幫助您製作出看起來和味道一樣好的菜餚。簡而言之,骨頭湯的主要好處是:A. 如果您患有關節炎或任何關節痛,就像我因關節鏡膝關節手術和在每個膝蓋上植入的兩個鉚釘所做的那樣,喝骨湯有助於關節健康,並可能有助於減輕不適。B. 如果您想要由內而外煥發光彩的皮膚,請先使用骨湯來支持您的消化系統健康,因為我們的自然美與我們的腸道密切相關。C. 如果您懷孕或準備懷孕,除了乳製品,骨頭湯也是鈣的來源。請記住,即使您沒有從飲食中攝取足夠的鈣,也不會影響寶寶的發育,因為寶寶只會從您的骨骼中獲取所需的鈣。D. 骨湯含有膠原蛋白,有助於自然預防和去除妊娠紋。媽媽,您不需要那些昂貴的面霜!E. 骨湯促進解毒,從而減少宿醉的影響。

  • - A Guide to Transforming Your Life
    af Marvin Berenson M D
    173,95 kr.

    Dynamic Retirement: A Guide to Transforming Your Life by Marvin H. Berenson, M.D., presents retirement as a transition into a new and exciting life. Through reflections on his own life quest and his work as a psychiatrist over many years, Dr. Berenson, Clinical Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry at the USC Keck School of Medicine, a retiree himself, presents the world of retirement with its multidimensional possibilities as a time for self-discovery, growth and adventure. The heart of the book is its essential focus on transformation and opening to seniors the immensely exciting prospect of changing their lives and their world. Having taught the art and techniques to develop creativity for many years, Dr. Berenson has written a unique chapter on creativity and the imagination. Seniors learn techniques, including specific mental imagery exercises, that he has successfully used to enhance creativity, improve artistic and literary skills, help athletes maximize their performances and treat various physical and emotional problems. Chapters on exploring the inner self and coming to understand one's inner conflicts add to the methods used to change one's life. Broadening the concepts of love and developing spirituality are among other chapters that contribute to seniors learning a new dynamic way of transforming their lives. The book fits precisely into his belief that people can change their thinking and behavior by following certain guidelines.Dr. Berenson has a lifelong interest in creativity, mental imagery, sexual behavior and spirituality. He holds a firm belief that no one should live life unfulfilled or stymied by inner or outer obstacles. He has devoted his life to helping many people overcome barriers, and thus freeing them to lead happy and meaningful lives. He watched as people grew and flourished. He is convinced that by knowing how to overcome negative mindsets people are capable of changing how they think and how they live. If they want to change, change is ahead. They only need to know the techniques and methods to pursue a new path. This book describes the many vehicles and methods that seniors can follow to enrich their lives. It helps seniors establish new goals, cope with the challenge of maintaining health in an aging body, deal with the loss of loved ones and the inevitability of one's own death.Stressing that mental and physical exercises are the true elixir of life, he describes a diet, weight control and exercise programs that are self-directed, effective, easy-to-use and a true departure from those currently being offered. Dr. Berenson wholeheartedly emphasizes the delightful value of romance for singles and couples and describes very effective techniques to enhance one's sex life. These techniques have proven to be successful for numerous people. Dynamic Retirement: A Guide to Transforming Your Life is a practical, inspirational guide for experiencing the new freedom of retirement.

    335,95 kr.

    什么比冰淇淋更好?当然是冰激凌!是适合任何喜欢冰淇淋和鸡尾酒的人的终极食谱。这本食谱包含 100 种美味食谱,将使您的甜点游戏更上一层楼。从香草波本威士忌和巧克力烈性黑啤酒等经典口味到日出龙舌兰酒和覆盆子香槟等更具冒险精神的选择,拥有适合各种口味的食谱。每个食谱都附有一张全彩照片,并包含有关如何将酒精加入冰淇淋制作的技巧。除了食谱之外,这本食谱还提供了有关在冰淇淋中使用的最佳酒精的信息,以及有关如何使冰淇淋变得柔滑光滑的技巧。无论您是要举办派对还是只是想寻找有趣又美味的甜点, 都是适合您的完美食谱

  • af Chelsea L Tolman
    163,95 kr.

    In most Western and Westernized cultures, the reality of death is a subject that we avoid because it makes us uncomfortable. Even participants in religions that celebrate death as a release to a paradisiacal realm will avoid talking about or facing the death experience, unless it's through the lens of their religious beliefs. The rest of us tap dance around the subject, enjoying death-related fiction involving vampires, zombies, and serial killers, while we recoil in mind-numbing horror at the thought of being in the same room with a corpse. Chelsea Tolman is a funeral director, mortician, and embalmer with over 15 years experience. In her book, "Speaking of the Dead," she attempts to provide the balm that allows us to engage in the real world of death's circumstances and give us a peek behind the curtain at what it's like to be a professional in the death industry.This book is a collection of Chelsea's recounted stories that illustrate the unique perspective of being a professional in the death industry. She covers a wide range of emotions and circumstances from light hilarity to deep sadness and grief. She does well in not taking herself too seriously and is quick to share stories where she laughs about her own foibles and mistakes. Chelsea also takes the time to celebrate the diversity of cultures, describing in intimate detail the way some religions and nationalities treat their dead. All get equal respect, including the careful corpse wrappings of the Bha'i, the pronated wailing women of the Far East, the colorful dancers of Africa, suicides, and drug overdoses. She expertly weaves these stories of culture in with the experience of grief and loss to reveal how we all share the basic human essence of missing our dead.Finally, "Speaking of the Dead" serves as Chelsea's heartfelt attempt to show to the world that the experience of caring for one's dead is one that should be embraced and cherished, rather than avoided and feared as it largely is at present. She details the loving care she gives to the bodies and how she encourages the loved ones to participate and catalyze their own progress at closure. The tenderness she shows in wrapping infants in blankets, smoothing an old man's hair, or applying a young woman's make-up invites you to step over the gap from macabre avoidance to emotional acceptance and understand that death is simply another part of the human experience that we should all embrace.

    336,95 kr.

    波巴茶,也被称为珍珠奶茶,已成为一种风靡全球的饮品。波巴茶圣经是一本全面的食谱,收录了 100 种创意和清新的食谱,供您在家制作美味的波巴茶饮品。从经典的奶茶到有趣而时髦的口味,这本食谱可满足各种口味。食谱包括抹茶珍珠茶、草莓珍珠茶、芋头珍珠茶等等。每个食谱都附有一张全彩照片,并包含有关如何制作完美波巴珍珠和泡茶的技巧。除了食谱之外,这本食谱还提供了有关珍珠茶历史和文化的信息,以及如何选择和储存原料的技巧。无论您是波巴的忠实粉丝,还是刚刚发现这种美味饮品,波巴茶圣经都是任何家庭咖啡师的必备品。

    245,95 kr.

    千层面可能是最古老的面食形式之一。古罗马人吃一种被称为""或""的菜,据信它与今天的 烤宽面条)相似。这是一张由小麦粉制成的薄面团,在烤箱中烘烤或直接在火上烘烤。一些食品历史学家认为这种意大利面更古老,声称这个词最初来自古希腊词 ,是罗马人"借来的"。在这两种情况下,最初的词都是指烹饪锅,最终这道菜以准备它的"锅"命名。在中世纪,烤宽面条变得如此普遍,以至于许多意大利诗人和作家在他们的著作中提到了它。中世纪以来的许多食谱都描述了一种更像我们今天所知的菜肴,它有一层层的意大利面片,中间夹着肉和/或奶酪。然而,直到 1800 年左右西红柿开始在意大利烹饪中使用,千层面才开始看起来更像我们许多人称之为"千层面"的菜肴

    380,95 kr.

    辣椒除了很辣之外,还能为这道菜增添色彩。磨碎的红辣椒用于调味肉和肉汁,而绿辣椒用于调味酸辣酱和油炸食品。无论颜色如何,辣椒都可能很热。辣椒或青椒,味道总是比较温和,增加了质感。Garam masala(在印地语中字面意思是辣香料)类似于五香粉。它是一种混合香料,可用于调味几乎任何印度菜。最好让香料新鲜并在研磨前烘烤。将在密封罐中保存约 3 个月。香料可以从任何成分中发挥出最好的效果,香气可以在整个附近激发健康的食欲。古印度人认为,好的食物应该吸引所有的感官。这完全是比例问题--正确的质地、颜色、香气和味道。与流行的看法相反,"辣"食物不会导致溃疡。例如,生姜在东方医学中被用作治疗各种疾病的"万灵药",包括头痛以恢复身体活力。在民间传说中,生姜被称赞为滋补品和壮阳药。这种辛辣的味道根有助于消化。这种根成分是中国人参的近亲,有助于消化。同样,姜黄被广泛用作防腐剂、增味剂(代替味精以避免"中餐馆综合症")和食品添加剂。这种成分在传统东方医学中占有重要地位

    374,95 kr.

    欢迎来到 餐包准备食谱,在这里您会发现使用新鲜食材和美味食谱烹饪的乐趣。这本食谱包含 100 多种食谱,将带您踏上环游世界的美食之旅,并向您展示如何在舒适的家中制作餐厅品质的餐点。每个食谱都附有一张全彩照片,因此您可以准确地看到您的菜肴应该是什么样子。您还将找到有关如何准备和烹饪每份食谱的详细说明,以及有关选择正确食材和烹饪技巧以充分利用您的膳食的建议。从经典的舒适食物和适合家庭的最爱,到创意素食和优雅的晚餐,这本食谱适合每个人。您会找到适用于所有场合的食谱,从简单快捷的周末晚餐到假期和庆祝活动的特殊餐点。,您可以相信每个食谱都经过专业厨师的测试和完善,以确保每次都能轻松遵循并产生美味的结果。无论您是一位经验丰富的厨师还是刚刚起步,餐具准备食谱都是您使用新鲜食材和专家指导制作美味和令人满意的餐点的指南。

  • af Mogamat Tasleem Ludolph
    118,95 kr.

    This book is about working with children that comes fro broken homes or children you come across everyday. this book is for those who wants to be a leader in the life of a child. for those people that see that every child has potential to be a great leader one day. if you believe that every child is special no matter the race age or gender then this is for you. in this book we speak about games we played as children and what message these games bought with it. Cultural foods and cultures that children Life space work and many more its a must read for everyone from parents, Child and youth care workers, guardians, youth leaders

    238,95 kr.


  • - The Blessings Christians Receive by Celebrating the Feast of Unleavened Bread
    af Kenneth Albin
    173,95 kr.

    So what is so special about the Feast of Unleavened Bread? Why should we celebrate it or keep it as Christians. Is this something that we have to do? One of the things that I like to say as I teach on these subjects is: "You don't have to do it; you get to do it!!"-Learn the deeper and prophetic understanding of this time and how Christians today are returning to the model of the early church in keeping the Feasts of the Lord because they connect us to God's calendar and supernatural timeline. -Get ready to understand the biblical feast of Unleavened Bread and why it is a blessing and appointed celebration to get free and to stay free of leaven's power and influence in every arena of life.-In this book you will learn about what God's sovereignty is really all about and how God has made a way for you to always be in sync with His plan, purpose and will!-See how Jesus taught about God's Kingdom and what really is the leaven of the Pharisees? If you want to be an Overcomer, I challenge you to read this book right now!Ken is the founder of Save the Nations, which began in 2006 with his wife, Lisa, at his side. He is a native of New York-born into a Jewish family. After a life-changing encounter with Jesus, Ken became a Christian pastor. After many years of denying and running from his heritage, he now teaches those born Jewish or not their identity through the Hebraic roots of the Christian faith. Together they also oversee a thriving church in Rio, Brazil. They have been married for over 35 years and have one daughter and granddaughter.

    341,95 kr.

    藍莓被認為是一種"天然保健品",含有多種生物活性化合物,具有許多眾所周知的健康益處。這些美味的漿果引起了科學家、營養學家和食品製造商,當然還有消費者的廣泛關注和極大興趣,因為據科學報導,漿果中含有廣泛的多酚化合物,具有很高的抗氧化能力。據報導,藍莓對包括癌症、心血管疾病、糖尿病和神經退行性疾病在內的多種慢性疾病具有有益作用。這些健康特性與這些漿果中豐富的抗氧化劑有關。藍莓是一種用途廣泛且美味的水果,可用於從早餐到晚餐甚至甜點的各種菜餚中。通過 藍莓極樂,您會發現 100 種令人垂涎的食譜,展示了這種超級食品的美妙風味和營養價值。更重要的是,每個食譜都附有一張令人驚嘆的全彩照片,為您提供完成菜餚的視覺指南。在這本食譜中,您會找到從經典的藍莓煎餅和鬆餅到藍莓釉面豬里脊肉和藍莓藜麥沙拉等美味菜餚的各種美食。當然,還有許多美味的甜點,例如藍莓芝士蛋糕棒和藍莓餡餅。每個食譜都經過精心製作,以突出藍莓的獨特味道和質地,許多還包括有用的提示和變化,使它們更加美味。無論您是一位經驗豐富的廚師還是剛開始在廚房工作,極樂藍莓都是探索這種神奇水果多種可能性的完美指南。藍莓極樂 憑藉其精美的照片和易於遵循的食譜,是一場視覺和味蕾的盛宴。無論您是想對舊有的美食進行新的嘗試,還是想嘗試新的食材,這本食譜都一定能激發您的靈感。那麼,為什麼不從今天開始您的烹飪冒險,探索藍莓烹飪的幸福世界呢?

    351,95 kr.

    没有人像健美运动员那样关注他们吃的东西。卡路里必须是正确的,宏量必须是平衡的,我们也不能忘记微量。然后是争夺杆位的各种饮食哲学--间歇性禁食、碳水化合物循环、生酮和灵活节食等等。那么,无论您的喜好如何,这些健美食谱都能满足您的需求。您会在这里找到一些可以帮助您成功准备膳食的东西,从高热量和高碳水化合物到低碳水化合物和低碳水化合物,快速简便到更多参与(和奖励!)。哦,还有很多蛋白质,当然!健美运动是锻炼肌肉和燃烧脂肪之间的微妙平衡。你需要足够的热量来增加肌肉质量,但你也需要热量不足来燃烧储存的脂肪。听起来不可能,但事实并非如此。秘密?基础数学。或者,正如健身界所说的那样:能量平衡方程式。简而言之,你拥有的肌肉越多,你越活跃,你需要吃的就越多。那是因为你拥有的瘦肌肉越多,移动肌肉所需的能量就越多(感谢食物!)。从呼吸、消化和心跳等基本功能,到四处走动和提着衣物上楼梯,或更刻意的运动,如跑步或在健身房举重--你的身体都需要能量,如果你正在做所有这些任务都需要更多的肌肉,你需要更多的燃料。在你跑到冰箱前,让我们看看光谱的另一端。当我们摄入的卡路里多于身体消耗的卡路里时,所有这些额外的卡路里都会以脂肪的形式储存起来。这就是为什么许多人为了变得强壮而大吃大喝,却从未真正变瘦和变瘦的原因。他们确实可能变得更强壮,但变得苗条意味着减少额外的卡路里。还有其他因素需要考虑,例如食物质量差、营养时间不当以及常量营养素比例不当。当然,并非所有卡路里都是生而平等的。我们希望在正确的时间用最好的积木为我们的身体提供能量, 为我们的锻炼提供动力,提高我们的表现,增长更多的肌肉,并摆脱体内多余的脂肪。

    326,95 kr.

    您喜歡自製果醬和蜜餞嗎?看看《終極果醬食譜》就知道了!有 100 種美味食譜可供選擇,當您選擇下一個充滿水果的創作時,您會被各種選擇寵壞。您可以從這本全面的食譜中得到以下內容:多種口味組合:從草莓和藍莓等經典食譜到大黃和玫瑰或梨和生薑等更獨特的混合物,這本食譜可滿足各種口味。有 100 種食譜可供選擇,您永遠不會用完靈感。水果保鮮專家建議:即使你是廚房新手,這本食譜也能讓你輕鬆上手製作果醬。您會找到有關選擇最好的水果、準備裝罐以及確保您的果醬在未來幾個月內保持新鮮的有用提示。非常適合送禮或儲存您的食品儲藏室:自製果醬是送給朋友和家人的貼心禮物,或者它們可以用來為您的早晨吐司或下午茶增添一絲甜味。100 種食譜觸手可及,無論何時需要,您手邊總會有一罐美味的果醬。

  • af Jennie Bishop
    168,95 kr.

    25th Anniversary Edition with remastered art. The Princess and the Kiss: A story of God's Gift of Purity by Jennie Bishop is a beautiful tale of a wise, young princess who learns about the preciousness of purity. Written by a mother for her own two daughters, The Princess and the Kiss is the perfect tool for teaching young girls about what it means to be pure in an impure world. Sit in the throne room and walk the royal gardens as the princess watches God's provision for her life unfold right before your eyes!

  • af Ronald Koury
    408,95 kr.

    "Paying particular attention to the twentieth century and prioritizing the writings of civilians, the works highlighted in this title offer an opportunity to challenge representations of well-known conflicts with a wide variety of pieces from the frontlines and beyond. The selections chosen from this anthology make real the unimaginable horrors of survival during wartime while showcasing unique interpretations that allow readers to ponder the mystery from another point of view. Includes selections from Tennessee Williams, Louis Simpson, Nina Bogin, Leo Tolstoy, Lara Prescott, Maxine Kumin, Benjamin Fondane, Maria Terrone, Brooke Allen, and more."--

  • af David La Vere
    428,95 kr.

    "This book traces the process of racialization for both the Native American and wider North Carolinian populations in the decades that followed the Tuscarora War (1711-1715), using previously undiscovered material to chart the dehumanization that occurred as well as the repercussions of the tributary policies that were still felt nearly 200 years after the conflict"--

  • af Mary Laesch
    158,95 kr.

    A journal for elementary- and middle-school-age youth, God's Promises for Me: A Bible Journal for Kids uses 30 of God's promises to encourage and inspire readers to reflect on Scripture and to find hope, joy, comfort, and strength in God. Each of the promises is presented with two pages of visual prompts and activities, prayers, Scripture, or devotional, designed for youth to reflect on that promise in his or her life. God's Promises for Me makes a great gift for any occasion.

  • af Concordia Publishing House
    458,95 kr.

    Following the successful Hymn Prelude Library series for organ comes a comprehensive set of piano preludes for all the hymn tunes in Lutheran Service Book. Not an adaptation of the organ series, this collection features newly composed pieces by dozens of composers who write in a variety of styles and harmonizations. The pieces are useful as preludes, postludes, offertories, and introductions and during distribution for worship service, as well as for those who play hymns at home. The durable wire binding ensures that each page lies flat on the music stand. Volume 10 contains preludes for tunes starting with the letter S.