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Bøger af Sean Williams

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  • af Garth Nix & Sean Williams
    168,95 kr.

    Landet Erdas er i balance med sig selv. Nogle af dets borgere har evnen til at knytte bånd mellem menneskenes og dyrenes verden. Conor, Abeke, Meilin og Rollan har hver især denne evne og må bære det store ansvar, der følger med. Men erobrerne prøver at ødelægge den fine balance. De drager gennem Erdas og trækker et spor af ødelæggelse efter sig. Hele byer lægger de øde – inklusive Meilins fødeby. Meilin vil tage kampen op og har begivet sig ind bag fjendens linjer sammen med sit totemdyr, pandaen Jhi. Hendes venner er lige i hælene på hende, men det er der også andre, der er ...

  • af Sean Williams
    188,95 kr.

    BioWare and LucasArtscreators of the hugely popular Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic video gamehave combined their storytelling talents and cutting-edge technology for an innovative new massively multiplayer online role-playing game that allows players to create their own personal Star Wars adventure 3,500 years before the rise of Darth Vader. Now #1 New York Times bestselling author Sean Williams brings the world of the game to life in his latest novel, Star Wars: The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance.Tassaa Bareesh, a matriarch in the Hutt crime cartel, is holding an auction that's drawing attention from across the galaxy. Representatives of both the Republic and the Sith Empire are present, along with a Jedi Padawan sent to investigate, a disenfranchised trooper drummed out of the Republic's elite Blackstar Squad, and a mysterious Mandalorian with a private agenda. But the Republic's envoy is not what he seems, the Empire's delegate is a ruthless Sith apprentice, the Jedi Padawan is determined to do the right thing and terrified that he can't, the trooper hopes to redeem her reputation, and the Mandalorian is somehow managing to keep one step ahead of everyone. None of these guestsinvited or uninvitedhave any intention of participating in the auction. Instead they plan to steal the prize, which is locked inside an impregnable vault: two burned chunks of an exploded star cruiser, one of which may hold the key to the wealth of an entire world.But the truth about the treasure is dangerous and deadly. And in the end, Sith and Jedi, Republic and Empire, must do something they've never done before, something that all the agents of good and evil could never make them do: join together to stop a powerful threat that could destroy the galaxy.Features a bonus section following the novel that includes a primer on the Star Wars expanded universe, and over half a dozen excerpts from some of the most popular Star Wars books of the last thirty years!

  • af Garth Nix & Sean Williams
    98,95 kr.

    Landet Erdas er i balance med sig selv. Nogle af dets borgere har evnen til at knytte bånd mellem menneskenes og dyrenes verden. Conor, Abeke, Meilin og Rollan har hver især denne evne og må bære det store ansvar, der følger med.Men erobrerne prøver at ødelægge den fine balance. De drager gennem Erdas og trækker et spor af ødelæggelse efter sig. Hele byer lægger de øde – inklusive Meilins fødeby. Meilin vil tage kampen op og har begivet sig ind bag fjendens linjer sammen med sit totemdyr, pandaen Jhi. Hendes venner er lige i hælene på hende,men det er der også andre, der er ...

  • - A Comprehensive Guide to Managing Your Symptoms
    af Sean Williams
    96,95 kr.

    "Navigating Bipolar 1: A Comprehensive Guide to Managing Your Symptoms" is a supportive and insightful ebook designed to empower individuals with bipolar 1 disorder. It opens with a compassionate introduction, encouraging readers on their journey to stability, breaking down stigma, and emphasizing the importance of professional help. Each chapter serves as a personalized dialogue, covering essential topics from diagnosis to medication management, support systems, lifestyle modifications, and stress management. The guide addresses both depressive and manic episodes, offering practical coping strategies. It delves into relationships, employment strategies, and concludes with insights on thriving in stability and becoming a mental health advocate. With recommended reading lists, self-reflection worksheets, and a directory of mental health organizations, this guide is a comprehensive companion for those seeking resilience and fulfillment in their unique journey with bipolar 1.

  • - Sean On Fire
    af Sean Williams
    88,95 kr.

    What happens when a man goes from prison to college, and from failure to father? Incendiary Words: Sean On Fire is a collection of poems and personal essays written during and after incarceration. The inspiration behind each piece ranges from absolute heartbreak and psychological trauma to unyielding confidence, fiery ambition, and an overdeveloped sense of redemption.

  • af Sean Williams
    98,95 kr.

  • - Kaostvillinger
    af Garth Nix & Sean Williams
    73,95 kr.

    Siden tvillingeparret Jack og Jaide Shield flyttede til Portland, er der sket mange mærkelige ting for dem. Tvillingerne har opdaget deres egne magiske kræfter – og har set, hvor grueligt galt det kan gå, når de bruger dem. De har mødt katte, der kan tale, og mennesker med dybe, mørke hemmeligheder. Og de har indledt deres kamp mod en dødelig kraft, bedre kendt som Ondskaben.Men Jack og Jaide har ikke mødt Portlands særeste indbygger endnu. Det er et væsen, som kun kommer frem om natten, et uhyre, som overgår enhver menneskelig fantasi. Jaide og Jack har aldrig set det før … men det kommer de til nu. Og når de gør, lurer ødelæggelse og ulykke lige i nærheden.Bogen udkom første gang i 2011 og er anden del af historien om Jaide og Jack. Kaostvillinger Kaostvillinger - Monsteret er andet bind i de anerkendte forfattere Garth Nix og Sean Williams hæsblæsende fantasyserie.Den australske forfatter Garth Nix (f. 1963) er kendt og elsket for sine fantasifulde universer. Han har vundet flere priser, blandt andet The Aurealis Award for bedste fantasyroman i 1995. Han er oversat til 28 sprog og ligger på bestsellerlisterne i flere lande. Nix står bag de store fantasyserier Det gamle rige (også kendt som Abhorsentrilogien) samt Rigets nøgler.Sean Williams (f. 1967) regnes ligesom Nix for en af Australiens mest originale science fiction- og fantasyforfattere. Han har vundet adskillige priser for sit forfatterskab, blandt andet The Aurealis Award for bedste novellesamling i 2007. Kaostvillinger er hans debut på dansk.

  • af Garth Nix & Sean Williams
    92,95 kr.

    Siden tvillingeparret Jack og Jaide Shield flyttede til Portland, er der sket mange mærkelige ting for dem. Tvillingerne har opdaget deres egne magiske kræfter – og har set, hvor grueligt galt det kan gå, når de bruger dem. De har mødt katte, der kan tale, og mennesker med dybe, mørke hemmeligheder. Og de har indledt deres kamp mod en dødelig kraft, bedre kendt som Ondskaben.Men Jack og Jaide har ikke mødt Portlands særeste indbygger endnu. Det er et væsen, som kun kommer frem om natten, et uhyre, som overgår enhver menneskelig fantasi. Jaide og Jack har aldrig set det før ... men det kommer de til nu. Og når de gør, lurer ødelæggelse og ulykke lige i nærheden.Bogen udkom første gang i 2011 og er anden del af historien om Jaide og Jack. Kaostvillinger - Monsteret er andet bind i de anerkendte forfattere Garth Nix og Sean Williams hæsblæsende fantasyserie.Den australske forfatter Garth Nix (f. 1963) er kendt og elsket for sine fantasifulde universer. Han har vundet flere priser, blandt andet The Aurealis Award for bedste fantasyroman i 1995. Han er oversat til 28 sprog og ligger på bestsellerlisterne i flere lande. Nix står bag de store fantasyserier Det gamle rige (også kendt som Abhorsentrilogien) samt Rigets nøgler.Sean Williams (f. 1967) regnes ligesom Nix for en af Australiens mest originale science fiction- og fantasyforfattere. Han har vundet adskillige priser for sit forfatterskab, blandt andet The Aurealis Award for bedste novellesamling i 2007. Kaostvillinger er hans debut på dansk.

  • af Garth Nix & Sean Williams
    92,95 kr.

    ""Der er noget på vej op af havet," advarede han sin søster. "Noget rigtig stort." Jaide så ud. Til at starte med kunne hun ikke se noget, men så kom strålen fra fyrtårnet fejende forbi og oplyste kortvarigt en enorm, monstrøs form, der var ved at trække sig selv op af det frådende hav for at komme op ad klippen. Tredive meter lange tentakler blev fulgt af en enorm oval krop på størrelse med en fisketrawler."Tvillingeparret Jack og Jaide er to helt almindelige børn i en helt almindelig forstad. Da deres far en dag vender hjem fra en af sine mange forretningsrejser, rører de ved et tilfælde en mystisk genstand i hans kuffert. Pludselig er der noget efter dem. Noget ondt. Og fra den dag er intet, som det var engang. Børnene er nødt til at flytte hjem til deres mystiske bedstemor i den lille kystby Portland. Her går det op for dem, at de ikke er som alle andre. Deres familie tilhører en hemmelig orden, der beskytter vores verden mod en ældgammel ondskab, og de to tvillinger besidder utæmmede magiske kræfter. Dem får de brug for nu, for ondskaben er fulgt efter dem til den lille by."Kaostvillinger" udkom oprindeligt i 2011.Kaostvillinger er første bind i de anerkendte forfattere Garth Nix og Sean Williams hæsblæsende nye fantasyserie.Den australske forfatter Garth Nix (f. 1963) er kendt og elsket for sine fantasifulde universer. Han har vundet flere priser, blandt andet The Aurealis Award for bedste fantasyroman i 1995. Han er oversat til 28 sprog og ligger på bestsellerlisterne i flere lande. Nix står bag de store fantasyserier Det gamle rige (også kendt som Abhorsentrilogien) samt Rigets nøgler.Sean Williams (f. 1967) regnes ligesom Nix for en af Australiens mest originale science fiction- og fantasyforfattere. Han har vundet adskillige priser for sit forfatterskab, blandt andet The Aurealis Award for bedste novellesamling i 2007. Kaostvillinger er hans debut på dansk.

  • af Sean Williams, Paul Doherty, Kim Stanley Robinson, mfl.
    108,95 kr.

    Klimaforandringerne er blandt de største udfordringer, menneskeheden står overfor. Alt tyder på at de accelererer, og hver ny fremskrivning tegner et mere dystert billede af klodens sande fremtidige tilstand. Naturligvis er det også en problemstilling, som science fiction-forfattere arbejder med, og i øvrigt har gjort gennem mere end hundrede år. Gennem det seneste halve århundrede er der i stigende grad tale om at science fiction-litteraturen diskuterer menneskets ansvar og mulighederne for at vende udviklingen.Mange fortællinger om klimakatastrofer og tiden derefter er dystre i udsynet, og er blevet kritiseret for negativitet. Men hvis en historie for alvor skal få læseren til at tænke over sagerne, nytter det ikke noget at lade problemerne løse sig af sig selv eller ved et eller andet mirakel. De bedste klimahistorier går ikke let hen over problemernes alvor.Til gengæld bliver der i stigende grad skrevet historier, der ganske vist tager klimaproblemerne alvorligt, men også forestiller sig måder at afbøde dem eller genetablere et menneskeligt samfund efter et eventuelt sammenbrud. Her viser science fiction en af sine styrker, nemlig teknologisk opfindsomhed, forbundet med ofte barsk realisme: Ingen siger at det bliver nemt, men der er stadig muligheder, stadigt håb. Strømningen er blevet kaldt hopepunk, og denne antologi rummer både historier af denne slags og af de mere dystre.Indhold:Kim Stanley Robinson: Det druknede VenedigMitch Sullivan: Kontoret for klimafaktaSam J. Miller: KælvetJean-Louis Trudel: At miste det vi ikke kan leve udenDaniel Thron: Barnebarns-paradoksetLavie Tidhar: DruknetSean Williams: De nye venusboereCatharynne M. Valente: Fremtiden er blåNicole Feldringer: AfvigereCamille Alexa: DrowntownCarrie Vaughn: AstrofiliPat Murphy & Paul Doherty: FjærtfangerenKathryn Blume: Verdens ottende vidunderKen Liu: Meddelelser fra vuggen: Eneboeren – 48 timer i Massachusetts-havetAfmagt og håb: Efterord ved Niels DalgaardOm forfatterne

  • af Sean Williams
    1.088,95 kr.

    Musics of the World offers a rich and inviting introduction to music from around the globe, exploring a diverse array of traditions and genres in depth while helping students develop skills for approaching new music in their lives. Clear, accessible introductory chapters give students a solid overview of ethnomusicology, setting the stage for eighteen geographically-focused chapters that ground students in a region's cultural context before exploring what makes each place musically unique. Throughout, videos, timed musical tracks, definitions, color photographs, recipes, and discussion questions provide a variety of avenues through which to engage with the music and cultures at hand.

  • - Soulful Poetic Observations of Life
    af Sean Williams
    88,95 kr.

    A poetic look at experiences through the author's life. The Dreamer's Heart is written to inspire through the darkest of times. The author who has dealt with depression and anxiety through his life, puts his words that he has written from his view to inspire the mind, heart and soul through various styles from romance to just a general outlook on life through poetry

  • - Step by step instructions on How to install exodus on Kodi [With Detailed Screenshots]
    af Sean Williams
    88,95 kr.

    Exodus on Kodi: Step by step instruction on how to install exodus on Kodi Kodi is a free and open source media center platform that allows you to aggregate all of your various media sources and streams into one, easy to navigate, source. The fact that it is open source means that anyone is free to develop new add-ons for the program, which in turn means that the program's utility will continually improve. This book will guide you on how to install the latest Exodus on Kodi. You will learn about Kodi, Kodi best add ons, addons for Kodi, Kodi apps, Kodi-tv. You will discover what makes Kodi the preferred media player and open source cross-platform for millions of users. More importantly, you will learn different methods to install so that you can begin to enjoy all the features that Kodi has to offer. Here is a preview of what you will learn... -What is kodi? -The new Kodi 17 Krypton -Settings and Configuration -Upgrading Kodi -How to unstail exodus on kodi -Is Kodi Iegal or illegal

  • af Sean Williams
    231,95 - 242,95 kr.

    So much more than a traditional revision resource... This Study and Revision guide offers so much more than a traditional revision resource.

  • af Sean Williams
    153,95 kr.

    "A fun read-aloud written in upbeat rhyming verse, Boy Dad is a picture book that honors the loving men who raise, nurture, and uplift their boys"--

  • af Sean Williams
    113,95 kr.

  • af Sean Williams
    143,95 kr.

  • af Sean Williams
    368,95 kr.

    In the searing finale to the Last Man trilogy, Supreme Commander Ian stands up for his country and his family as the war rages on! The fight marches right up the East Coast straight into Washington, DC, where the Pirate Army and new warriors they meet along the way make their final stand to defend freedom against the Femtheist Herself, Wilma the Wicked, and Artemis the Killer Huntress. In order to make the ultimate defense, Ian must fight harder than ever before, learn how to break through the boundaries of his own body, and test the limits of the people who are fighting with him. But when the bullets run out and the body count rises, will Ian, Mandy, Lee, and their fellow generals find a way to save the country they know and love? Pick up Final Bout today, and take a final stand against the tyranny of Femtheism!

  • af Sean Williams
    168,95 kr.

    Gone are the days when you worry about embarrassing yourself with pesky misplaced modifiers or dreaded double negatives. Next time you have a nagging grammar question, pick up this practical guide and write with clarity and confidence. English Grammar spares you the lessons and cuts right to the answers. Designed for fast reference, this book makes it easy to avoid the most cringe-worthy mistakes in the English language--and maybe even make your grade school grammar teacher proud.

  • af Sean Williams
    188,95 kr.

    You can be improved. . . .Can you really change your body just by carrying around a coded note? Sure?the advanced technology of a d-mat booth will transport you anywhere instantly, but can it also make you taller, stronger, more beautiful? Clair is pretty sure the offer is too good to be true. But her best friend, Libby, is determined to give it a try, longing for a new, improved version of herself.What starts as Libby's dream turns into Clair's nightmare when Libby falls foul of a deadly trap. With the help of Jesse, the school freak, and a mysterious?but powerful?stranger called Q, Clair's attempt to protect Libby leads her to an unimagined world of conspiracies and cover-ups. Soon her own life is at risk, and Clair is chased across the world in a desperate race against time.Action and danger fuel Sean Williams's near-future tale of technology, identity, and the lengths one girl will go to in order to save her best friend.

  • af Sean Williams
    268,95 kr.

    In a remote city on the edge of two worlds, where blood has power and water is more precious than freedom, three far-flung friends unite on a quest to save their families. Sal Hrvati's estranged father has brought more into the world than the woman he loved. Instead of saving her from the Void Beneath, he has summoned an unknown creaturea creature with a mission of its own and a past that stretches back to the beginning of the world. The quest to find both of them entangles Sal and his companions in a hunt for magical treasure on the floor of the Divide, a mighty crack in the earth inhabited by creatures that are not remotely human. Desert landscapes and dirigibles feature in a fast-paced fantasy that combines romance, adventure, and humor with an original take on magic. The Books of the Cataclysm take inspiration from many arcane and mythological sources. In positing that this world is just one of many realms, three of which are inhabited by humans during various stages of their lives, it begins in the present world but soon propels the reader to a landscape that is simultaneously familiar and fantastic.

  • af Sean Williams
    258,95 kr.

    In the action-packed, drama-filled, politically incorrect sequel to The Last Man, The Last Man: Rise of the Pink Army picks up a few weeks after the events of the first book, with the introduction of various new characters and new theaters to the war. One thing becomes obvious to our antiheroes, everything comes with a price. Ian still continues his quest to become the man and leader he was born to be while slowly realizing that morality in this war is a sham; he understands this now completely, but is there anything left of the boy who would once jump through flaming hoops to help others? Mandy now faces a paradox, a powerful new ally who threatens not only her leadership of the Pink Army, but her relationship with Ian. From rocky beginnings in Ireland to war winning triumphs in North Africa and the Middle East, the battle between the Femtheists and the Pirates has now entered a new level of brutality and intensity, including a cliff-hanger that will leave readers on the edge of their seats waiting for the final bout.

  • af Sean Williams
    108,95 kr.

  • af Sean Williams
    268,95 kr.

  • af Sean Williams
    108,95 kr.

  • af Sean Williams
    98,95 kr.

  • af Sean Williams
    248,95 kr.

  • af Sean Williams
    228,95 kr.

    A picture book celebration of #GirlDads everywhere by The Dad Gang CEO, Sean Williams!A fun read-aloud written in upbeat rhyming verse, Girl Dad is a picture book that honors the strong men who raise, love, and uplift strong girls.

  • - Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy
    af Sean Williams
    113,95 kr.

    "I''m not going to lie to you. There are no secret handshakes or rules that will get you on your particular dream-path. If there was, we''d all be on our own already. If you want to be a successful writer, be prepared to have to make up most of it as you go along."In these essays, Sean Williams-the best-selling author of over 120 short stories and fifty novels-shares his thoughts on the aspects of writing craft and the publishing business that young authors should know.Drawn from essays, keynotes, and presentations delivered over a decades-long career, Eyes on the Stars: Writing Science Fiction & Fantasy features Williams'' thoughts on balancing passion and professionalism, understanding the new writer''s career path, embracing the delicate art of writing media tie-ins, and reaching for the stars with your writerly ambitions.Whether you''re looking for writing advice from one of the preeminent writers of Science Fiction and Fantasy working in Australia today, or you''re a fan of Williams'' work who''d like to capture a slice of his creative philosophies, this chapbook is chock full of advice from a veteran of the Australian genre scene.

  • af Sean Williams
    198,95 kr.