Bøger af Sandeep Kautish
294,95 kr. I siti sociali sono diventati una delle piattaforme più importanti per le interazioni sociali e quindi hanno dato l'opportunità ad accademici, ricercatori e industria di comprendere i modelli e le dinamiche nascoste per ottenere diversi vantaggi. Questo libro è uno sforzo onesto della mia dottoranda Simrat Kaur per comprendere i concetti di base e le applicazioni della social media analytics. Inoltre, fornisce un'analisi comparativa dei vari strumenti di analisi dei SNS. Il libro evidenzia anche il ruolo della Social Analytics nei vantaggi competitivi e nell'analisi predittiva.
- Bog
- 294,95 kr.
294,95 kr. Soziale Netzwerke haben sich zu einer der wichtigsten Plattformen für soziale Interaktionen entwickelt und bieten Akademikern, Forschern und der Industrie die Möglichkeit, verborgene Muster und Dynamiken zu verstehen, um daraus verschiedene Vorteile zu ziehen. Dieses Buch ist ein ehrliches Bemühen meiner Doktorandin Frau Simrat Kaur um das Verständnis grundlegender Konzepte und Anwendungen von Social Media Analytics. Zusätzlich bietet es eine vergleichende Analyse verschiedener SNS-Analysetools. Das Buch beleuchtet auch die Rolle von Social Analytics für Wettbewerbsvorteile und prädiktive Analysen.
- Bog
- 294,95 kr.
294,95 kr. Os sítios sociais tornaram-se uma das plataformas mais importantes para as interacções sociais e, a partir de agora, deram uma oportunidade aos académicos, aos investigadores e à indústria para compreenderem padrões e dinâmicas ocultos, a fim de obterem vários benefícios. Este livro é um esforço honesto da minha bolseira de doutoramento, Simrat Kaur, no sentido de compreender os conceitos básicos e as aplicações da análise das redes sociais. Além disso, fornece uma análise comparativa de várias ferramentas de análise do SNS. O livro também destaca o papel da Análise Social nas vantagens competitivas e na análise preditiva.
- Bog
- 294,95 kr.
294,95 kr. Les sites sociaux sont devenus l'une des principales plateformes d'interactions sociales et ont donc donné l'occasion aux universitaires, aux chercheurs et à l'industrie de comprendre les modèles et les dynamiques cachés afin d'en tirer plusieurs avantages. Ce livre est un effort honnête de ma chercheuse doctorante, Mme Simrat Kaur, pour comprendre les concepts de base et les applications de l'analyse des médias sociaux. En outre, il fournit une analyse comparative des différents outils d'analyse des SRS. Le livre souligne également le rôle de l'analyse sociale dans les avantages concurrentiels et l'analyse prédictive.
- Bog
- 294,95 kr.
1.228,95 kr. This book covers the applications of computational intelligence techniques in business systems and advocates how these techniques are useful in modern business operations. The book redefines the computational intelligence foundations, the three pillars - neural networks, evolutionary computation, and fuzzy systems. It also discusses emerging areas such as swarm intelligence, artificial immune systems (AIS), support vector machines, rough sets, and chaotic systems. The other areas have also been demystified in the book to strengthen the range of computational intelligence techniques such as expert systems, knowledge-based systems, and genetic algorithms. Therefore, this book will redefine the role of computational intelligence techniques in modern business system operations such as marketing, finance & accounts, operations, personnel management, supply chain management, and logistics. Besides, this book guides the readers through using them to model, discover, and interpret new patterns that cannot be found through statistical methods alone in various business system operations. This book reveals how computational intelligence can inform the design and integration of services, architecture, brand identity, and product portfolio across the entire enterprise. The book will provide insights into research gaps, open challenges, and unsolved computational intelligence problems. The book will act as a premier reference and instant material for all the users who are contributing/practicing the adaptation of computational intelligence modern techniques in business systems.
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- 1.228,95 kr.
253,95 kr. - Bog
- 253,95 kr.
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- 1.431,95 kr.
308,95 kr. When creating marketing campaigns of any sort, it¿s important to understand who your audience is. Social media is a great way to connect with your audience and have a two-way conversation. Social media marketing is a powerful way for businesses of all sizes to reach prospects and customers. The customers are already interacting with brands through social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and many more. The bigger and more engaged your audience is on social media networks, the easier it will be for you to achieve your goals. The authors of the book have made an honest efforts in order to present state of art conceptual details about social media enabled marketing tools and drivers. The book presents know how of using social media as an effective tool for electronic marketing. This book will help marketers around the globe in creating a social media enabled marketing strategy that caters to their audience, whether in a specific country or across multiple nations.
- Bog
- 308,95 kr.
416,95 kr. ¿What is the opinion of alternative people¿ has continuously been a very important a part of decision making process. This book covers ways that promise to directly modify opinion-oriented information seeking systems. Our focus is on ways that invite to upset the new challenges raised by sentiment aware applications, as compared to people that are already gifts in extra ancient fact-based analysis. Classification and extraction is additionally explored thoroughly. Sentiment analysis support text, images and multimodal are mentioned thoroughly. Multimodal opportunities and difficulties are enlightened. We tend to embrace material on summarization of critical text and numerous summarization approaches are mentioned. Alternate issues regarding financial impact that the event of opinion-oriented information-access services provides rise to. To facilitate future trends, a deep discussion on benchmark of sentiment analysis is provided and new directions are enlightened. This book is acceptable for students, researchers and associated practitioners.
- Bog
- 416,95 kr.
1.886,95 kr. INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS FOR REHABILITATION ENGINEERINGEncapsulates different case studies where technology can be used as assistive technology for the physically challenged, visually and hearing impaired.Rehabilitation engineering includes the development of technological solutions and devices to assist individuals with disabilities, while also supporting the recovery of the disabled who have lost their physical and cognitive functions. These systems can be designed and built to meet a wide range of needs that can help individuals with mobility, communication, vision, hearing, and cognition. The growing technological developments in machine learning, deep learning, robotics, virtual intelligence, etc., play an important role in rehabilitation engineering.Intelligent Systems for Rehabilitation Engineering focuses on trending research of intelligent systems in rehabilitation engineering which involves the design and development of innovative technologies and techniques including rehabilitation robotics, visual rehabilitation, physical prosthetics, brain computer interfaces, sensory rehabilitation, motion rehabilitation, etc.This groundbreaking book* Provides a comprehensive reference covering different computer assistive techniques for the physically disabled, visually and hearing impaired.* Focuses on trending research of intelligent systems in rehabilitation engineering which involves the design and development of innovative technologies and techniques.* Provides insights into the role of intelligent systems in rehabilitation engineering.AudienceEngineers and device manufacturers working in rehabilitation engineering as well as researchers in computer science, artificial intelligence, electronic engineering, who are working on intelligent systems.
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- 1.886,95 kr.