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Bøger af Roxana Nastase

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  • af Roxana Nastase
    198,95 kr.

    Un detectiv mai comod, o imigrant¿ superb¿, cu talente mai ciudate, un caz oribil ¿i evenimente paranormale În ultima vreme, dezam¿git, cu inima ¿i mândria r¿nite, Mark nu prea mai äteapt¿ multe bucurii de la viäa sa, ci continu¿ s¿ î¿i fac¿ treaba ca un robot, num¿rând orele r¿mase pân¿ ce poate s¿ se întoarc¿ acas¿. Mark are obiceiul s¿ dispar¿ atunci când este mult¿ treab¿ de f¿cut, dar soarta îi azvârle în poal¿ un caz oribil de traficare uman¿. Oare ce va face detectivul atunci când va trebui s¿ se ocupe de caz el însu¿i? ¿i oare ce va merge prost? Oare va înceta Mark s¿ se autocomp¿timeasc¿ ¿i va lupta pentru cei oropsi¿i? Îi va aduce detectivul pe cei vinoväi în fäa tribunalului? ¿i oare ce se va întâmpla când îi va apare în cale Soledad, o frumoasc¿ sud-americanc¿, care are toate darurile pentru a-i fura inima? Va reu¿i ea s¿ distrug¿ zidurile pe care Mark le-a construit în jurul inimii sale sau va l¿sa în urm¿ o cochilie goal¿ atunci când cazul se va încheia? Ei bine, pentru a urm¿ri ac¿iunea, cite¿te a treia carte din seria MacKay - Detectiv Canadian. Oare te vei reg¿si de partea lui Mark?

  • af Roxana Nastase
    168,95 kr.

  • af Roxana Nastase
    198,95 kr.

    Greed, envy and ego in a small town in western Oklahoma. Lorna was mean and petty and wanted to control everyone. That signed her death warrant.Discover life in a small town.Secrets, affairs and shocking surprises.If you love mysteries than you will adore this nail biting thriller.

  • - Book Three in McNamara Series
    af Roxana Nastase
    198,95 kr.

  • af Roxana Nastase
    208,95 kr.

  • af Roxana Nastase
    168,95 kr.

  • - Roman polițist
    af Roxana Nastase
    168,95 kr.

  • af Roxana Nastase
    308,95 kr.

    English Grammar might seem difficult. It gets easier with carefully chosen examples and comparisons. You can master English grammar through conversational exercises. They will help you with everyday life in an English environment. Method tested for many years with very good results.This Grammar English Book offers grammar, fully explained and practiced through a variety of exercises; helps with developing and practicing vocabulary and phrasal verbs; is ideal for self-study or classroom use. There are regular consolidation units which help with the First Certificate and TOEFL examinations.From the AuthorThis is an ideal resource, helping with adapting communications by presenting English grammar structures. If you want to become fluent in English, this will help you reach your goal of becoming fluent. The tenses that cause more problems to students, like Present Perfect Tense, Past Tense and Past Continuous are explained with detailed examples for each structure and are practiced extensively in exercises, which help not only with mastering the tenses but also developing conversational skills. This book has been developed and tested along several years. I have used the content of this English Grammar Book with very good results.

  • - A Crime Novel
    af Roxana Nastase
    178,95 kr.

  • - A Suitable Epitaph & an Immigrant
    af Roxana Nastase
    258,95 kr.

  • - Roman polițist
    af Roxana Nastase
    168,95 kr.

    Dan este un tip comod cu o înclina╚¢ie pentru femei. Motto-ul lui este destul de simplu: cu cât mai multe, cu atât mai bine.Via╚¢a este un joc pentru el, iar el are grij─â s─â pun─â mâna pe tot ce poate f─âr─â s─â aib─â remu╚Öc─âri ╚Öi f─âr─â s─â caute scuze.Imagineaz─â-╚¢i surpriza lui când s-a pomenit un cadavru pe podeaua unui lift.

  • - Roman Politist
    af Roxana Nastase
    168,95 kr.

    Cartea a doua din seria poli¿ist¿ MacKay - Detectiv Canadian este un roman de sine st¿t¿tor.Victor se afl¿ pe urmele unor ucigäi f¿r¿ con¿tiin¿¿, dar ajunge s¿ fac¿ cunötin¿¿ cu lama unui pumnal. Va supravie¿ui oare?Un Imigrant este un roman poli¿ist împletit cu suspans, întors¿turi de situäie ¿i surprize. Totul este asezonat cu urme de paranormal, dragoste ¿i umor (uneori sec, alteori cinic...). Te va intriga ¿i nu-l vei putea l¿sa din mân¿.Nu pierde ¿ansa de a p¿trunde într-o intrig¿ elaborat¿ ¿i de a întâlni personaje unice.Oh, ¿i s¿ nu uit¿m - vei primi ¿i un bonus la finalul romanului: re¿eta pentru una dintre cele mai delicioase pr¿jituri române¿ti. ¿i se tope¿te în gur¿, într-o explozie de nuan¿e, Aten¿ie: gustul este pe m¿sura caloriilor ¿i este extrem de adictiv.

  • af Roxana Nastase
    168,95 kr.

  • af Roxana Nastase
    168,95 kr.

    L¿comie ¿i invidie într-un or¿¿el în vestul Oklahomei.Era o muiere rea ¿i voia s¿ îi controleze pe to¿i. Aceasta i-a semnat certificatul de deces.Descoperi¿i viäa într-un orä mic - secrete, leg¿turi licen¿ioase ¿i surprize ¿ocante.Daca v¿ plac romanele poli¿iste, atunci ve¿i savura acest roman poli¿ist.

  • - Explanations & Exercises with Key
    af Roxana Nastase
    168,95 kr.

    English Grammar might seem difficult. It gets easier with examples and comparisons. You can master English grammar through conversational exercises. They will help you with everyday life in an English environment. The method was tested for several years on students between eleven and sixty-five years old and the results were astonishing.This Grammar English Book offers grammar, fully explained and practiced through a variety of exercises; helps with developing and practicing vocabulary; is ideal for self-study or classroom use. There are regular consolidation units which help with the First Certificate and TOEFL examinations.This is an ideal resource, helping with adapting communications by presenting English grammar structures. If you want to become fluent in English, this will help you reach your goal of becoming fluent. The structure and uses of nouns are explained with detailed examples for each structure and are practiced extensively in exercises, which also help to develop conversational skills. This book has been developed and tested along several years. I have used the content of this English Grammar Book with very good results.