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Bøger af Rosa Alfredo Mechiço

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  • af Rosa Alfredo Mechiço
    798,95 kr.

    The experiences, although sometimes dichotomous but complementary, of life in the academy, on the one hand, as a student, learning philosophy, and, on the other hand, as a teacher, teaching philosophy to high school students, in the first moment, and to undergraduate students, aspiring high school philosophy teachers, in the second moment, necessarily make me a participant, not an indifferent one, in the historical plot of Philosophy in Mozambique. Therefore, it is from this place where I providentially find myself and participate that, through this work, in a reflective but not conclusive manner, I examine, contextualize and share the wealth of learning (knowledge, ideas, information) and some details concerning the contours, mishaps and advances of Philosophy, particularly concerning its learning and teaching in Mozambique. In fact, by equating and highlighting the aspects of life experiences, it is important to mention that I am not guided by the awareness of value judgment, but by the contributive and aggregating perspective of perceptions, observations and suggestions towards a new look of philosophy with a view to its promotion, ascension and maintenance in the country.

  • af Rosa Alfredo Mechiço
    793,95 kr.

    A eventualidade da escola e da educação democráticas serem tomadas como uma questão pendente no contexto Moçambicano e um desafio actual importa na medida que a democracia capitaliza a vivência de experiências democráticas no processo educacional e, por consequência, a escola se torna um vector real da democracia. Dado que a consolidação da democracia e da cidadania democrática passa, inevitavelmente, por uma educação-formação democrática, o grande desafio para o Estado moçambicano prende-se com o facto de tomar como prioridade e urgência a necessidade de investir-se na escola como agência de formação democrática, isto é, tomá-la na qualidade de factor gerador de competências e habilidades democráticas, tais como o diálogo, a liberdade de expressão, a participação, a tolerância, a solidariedade, a cooperação, o respeito pelas diferenças, etc. Igualmente, é indispensável vincular a prática didáctico pedagógica à implementação de canais de democratização das relações intra e extra-escolares.

  • af Rosa Alfredo Mechiço
    793,95 kr.

    The possibility of democratic schooling and education is taken as a pending issue in the Mozambican context and a current challenge is important to the extent that democracy capitalizes on democratic experiences in the educational process and, consequently, the school becomes a real vector of democracy. Given that the consolidation of democracy and democratic citizenship inevitably passes through democratic education-training, the great challenge for the Mozambican state is to take as a priority and urgency the need to invest in school as an agency for democratic training, that is, to take it as a factor generating democratic competencies and skills, such as dialogue, freedom of expression, participation, tolerance, solidarity, cooperation, respect for differences, etc. Likewise, it is indispensable to link didactic and pedagogical practice to the implementation of channels of democratization of intra and extra-school relations.

  • af Rosa Alfredo Mechiço
    793,95 kr.

    La possibilité d'une scolarisation et d'une éducation démocratiques est considérée comme une question pendante dans le contexte mozambicain et un défi actuel dans la mesure où la démocratie capitalise sur le vécu des expériences démocratiques dans le processus éducatif et, par conséquent, l'école devient un véritable vecteur de démocratie. Étant donné que la consolidation de la démocratie et de la citoyenneté démocratique passe inévitablement par l'éducation et la formation démocratique, le grand défi pour l'État mozambicain est de donner la priorité et l'urgence à la nécessité d'investir dans l'école en tant qu'agence de formation démocratique, c'est-à-dire de la considérer comme un facteur générant des compétences et des capacités démocratiques, telles que le dialogue, la liberté d'expression, la participation, la tolérance, la solidarité, la coopération, le respect des différences, etc. Il est également essentiel de lier la pratique didactique et pédagogique à la mise en place de canaux de démocratisation des relations intra et extra scolaires.

  • af Rosa Alfredo Mechiço
    793,95 kr.

    La possibilità di una scuola e di un'educazione democratica è considerata una questione in sospeso nel contesto mozambicano e una sfida attuale nella misura in cui la democrazia capitalizza il vivere di esperienze democratiche nel processo educativo e, di conseguenza, la scuola diventa un vero e proprio vettore di democrazia. Dato che il consolidamento della democrazia e della cittadinanza democratica passa inevitabilmente attraverso l'educazione e la formazione democratica, la grande sfida per lo Stato mozambicano è quella di dare priorità e urgenza alla necessità di investire nella scuola come agenzia di formazione democratica, cioè di considerarla come un fattore di generazione di competenze e abilità democratiche, come il dialogo, la libertà di espressione, la partecipazione, la tolleranza, la solidarietà, la cooperazione, il rispetto delle differenze, ecc. È inoltre essenziale collegare la pratica didattica e pedagogica con l'implementazione di canali per la democratizzazione delle relazioni intra ed extra scolastiche.

  • af Rosa Alfredo Mechiço
    793,95 kr.

    Die Möglichkeit einer demokratischen Schulbildung und Erziehung wird im mosambikanischen Kontext als ein anstehendes Thema und eine aktuelle Herausforderung betrachtet, insofern als die Demokratie aus dem Erleben demokratischer Erfahrungen im Bildungsprozess Kapital schlägt und die Schule somit zu einem echten Vektor der Demokratie wird. Da die Konsolidierung der Demokratie und der demokratischen Staatsbürgerschaft unweigerlich eine demokratische Erziehung und Bildung voraussetzt, besteht die große Herausforderung für den mosambikanischen Staat darin, der Notwendigkeit, in die Schule als Ort der demokratischen Bildung zu investieren, Priorität einzuräumen, d.h. sie als einen Faktor zu begreifen, der demokratische Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten wie Dialog, Meinungsfreiheit, Partizipation, Toleranz, Solidarität, Zusammenarbeit, Achtung der Unterschiede usw. hervorbringt. Außerdem ist es wichtig, die didaktische und pädagogische Praxis mit der Einrichtung von Kanälen zur Demokratisierung der inner- und außerschulischen Beziehungen zu verbinden.

  • af Rosa Alfredo Mechiço
    328,95 kr.

    Vozmozhnost' demokraticheskogo shkol'nogo obucheniq i obrazowaniq rassmatriwaetsq kak nereshennyj wopros w mozambixkom kontexte i aktual'naq zadacha w toj mere, w kakoj demokratiq kapitaliziruet prozhiwanie demokraticheskogo opyta w obrazowatel'nom processe i, sledowatel'no, shkola stanowitsq real'nym wektorom demokratii. Uchitywaq, chto ukreplenie demokratii i demokraticheskoj grazhdanstwennosti neizbezhno predpolagaet demokraticheskoe obrazowanie i podgotowku, bol'shaq problema dlq mozambixkogo gosudarstwa zaklüchaetsq w tom, chto ono dolzhno otdat' prioritet i srochno osoznat' neobhodimost' inwestirowat' w shkolu kak agentstwo demokraticheskoj podgotowki, to est' rassmatriwat' ee kak faktor, formiruüschij demokraticheskie nawyki i sposobnosti, takie kak dialog, swoboda wyrazheniq, uchastie, terpimost', solidarnost', sotrudnichestwo, uwazhenie k razlichiqm i t.d. Takzhe neobhodimo uwqzat' didakticheskuü i pedagogicheskuü praktiku s realizaciej kanalow demokratizacii wnutrishkol'nyh i wneshkol'nyh otnoshenij.

  • af Rosa Alfredo Mechiço
    1.098,95 kr.

    Philosophy is naturally human. In fact, it is a unique (distinctive) way of being, thinking and making culture, based on the wealth of knowledge it contains, manifested in the diversity of its dimensions and possibilities of approaches that its matrix generously presents. However, it is not exclusive, but, on the contrary, inclusive. Therefore, as a woman, teacher and academic, engaged in the cause of philosophy, at every opportunity that presents itself to me, I must not only express the variables of the richness that philosophy produces in each human being, but, above all, recreate it daily through research and, subsequently share how its transversality (practical educational possibility of learning about reality (theory) and learning in reality and from reality (practice)) touches me, makes me feel, think, and act while belonging to it (philosophy), since I am aware of its importance and value in our lives and in the life of society.