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Bøger af Jb Trepagnier

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  • - Eine umgekehrte Harem-Gefängnis-Romanze
    af Jb Trepagnier
    158,95 kr.

    Was die Fae ?Ich habe im Gefängnis eine To-Do-Liste gemacht.Meine fehlenden Erinnerungen zurückholen und herausfinden, was genau Magnus Rathmore mir angetan hat.Töte Magnus Rathmore.Brechen Sie aus dem Scorchwood Supernatural Penitentiary aus.Finde heraus, was die Fae vorhaben und bringe diese Schlampen zur Strecke.Töte jeden, der mich daran hindert, meine Liste zu vervollständigen.Ich habe im Gefängnis Verbündete gefunden. Ich kenne die Wahrheit über meinen Feuerdrachen, Fergus. Uns allen wurde Unrecht getan, was auch immer das Komplott war, das sie mir angehängt haben. Ich habe Rathmore nicht verziehen, was er Roman angetan hat. Meine Tötungsliste wird immer länger, aber zum Glück habe ich mich mit ein paar Psychos im Gefängnis angefreundet. Ich habe einen Wolf, einen Dämon, einen Vampir und Fergus, die mir gerne helfen, meine Liste zu vervollständigen und jeden zu töten, der sich mir in den Weg stellt.Legen Sie keinen Psycho rein und entführen Sie ihn ins Gefängnis. Psychos neigen dazu, schlecht darauf zu reagieren. Es ist an der Zeit, ein paar Leuten eine Lektion zu erteilen.

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    148,95 kr.

    Not the tale you've been toldIn this modern day retelling of Salome, Herod is a drug lord. Herod's life is mostly the same until he marries his business partner's wife and her daughter comes to live with him. If his wife is not trying to destroy him, his new step-daughter is disobeying at every turn. Everything changes when Salome comes home from college and he has to use her help to clean up her mother's mess with a snitch. Things change even more when he asks her to dance for his birthday. Things go totally to hell for Herod when he promises Salome anything she wants if she spends an entire week with him dancing. Heroid has avoided heartbreak for so long and is used to having power over everyone. Salome has all the power now and what she asks for could ruin his entire cocaine empire and have the cops at his door. This is a tale of debauchery, sex, drugs, and romance.

  • - A Dark Psychological Drama
    af Jb Trepagnier
    158,95 kr.

    A damaged former child star"Thank God, it hasn't affected my looks," she said as she lined her eyes. Bette Poole, once the biggest child star in the world, is struggling at twenty five. She's got the talent for adult roles, but none of the drive. She can't function without cocaine, booze, and opiates and it's affecting her performance on set. Layers of secrets and psychological damage Jerry, her agent, makes one last attempt to help her by getting her on a reality TV show. Bette's studio executive father doesn't want to help, but pulls the plug on the first day of shooting. Jerry inserts himself into her life, moving into her apartment to get her sober and working. It's worse than Jerry thought. Bette has secrets upon secrets. Secrets that could bring down half of Hollywood and involve Jerry directly. He just needs her to trust him and talk, unscripted, so he can bring down everyone who has hurt her

  • - A Dark Reverse Harem Romance
    af Jb Trepagnier
    168,95 kr.

    People might used to have worshipped the Olympians, but I never did. I'll kill every last one of them to get Hephaestus back.I used to love my Greek mythology classes until I got kidnapped and actually met some Gods. I took Hephaestus as a lover and Hades and Persephone are not all that bad, but the rest of them?They hurt my monsters. Zeus kidnapped Hephaestus and is doing who knows what to him for making a knife when it was me that used it to kill Demeter. The Olympians took Hephaestus because they can't even entertain the notion that a lowly half demon killed one of them.I know why no one said anything when Zeus came to the Underworld. I know there's a plan to get Hephaestus back. There's also a lot I don't know that I need to learn fast. I have this mysterious demonic form from my father that I need to learn to access. Hephaestus made all these weapons capable of taking down Olympians if they came, but I don't know how to use them. I'm not going to get lucky again like I did with Demeter.I have to learn all this and I have to learn it in a hurry because I know between Hades and my father, if I don't, I'll be grounded in my room when everyone tries to rescue my God. And I've got a personal beef with his father for all the hurt he did towards Hephaestus.

  • - A Dark Reverse Harem Romance
    af Jb Trepagnier
    128,95 kr.

    Just when I think things can't get any crazier...I found out why I can talk to animals and monsters. I met my father and I wasn't quite expecting his answers. But he does command several legions of demons and he's working on getting more to help us overthrow Demeter. We're going to need all the help we can get because I don't have enough of Hephaestus's powder to free every single monster in the pits from being trapped in their monster form by those collars.My monsters, the ones I've gotten to know, can change back to their human form now and they want their revenge on Demeter. They want to save their queen, Persephone. I wasn't expecting to be brought in on this, but I'm involved now. Even Hephaestus has snuck into the Underworld to help us.I guess all the unloved Gods and monsters are going to have to go up against a deranged Goddess with Olympus on her side. I'm not a monster or a God. I'm only half demon. But now that my father knows about me, we may have the help of Hell on our side.I didn't ask for this, but there's just something about these monsters that makes me want to help them. It doesn't hurt that they are all drop dead gorgeous and horrible flirts. I can even overlook that Pavlina and Tryphon like to eat people.

  • - A Sci-fi Romance Series
    af Jb Trepagnier
    133,95 kr.

    Evil in ParadiseIsolde is five months pregnant and being held captive. Whoever has her was smart enough to effectively take away her ice as a weapon and force her to use it to stay alive. The only person she sees is Anders and she knows he's not smart enough to pull this off. Using her wits to get out of the sweltering hot cave, she's brought face to face with the real evil behind the Dysdaimons.Seth wants her for his queen and doesn't care what she wants or the fact that she's pregnant. His half brother, Morfran, has gone through some sort of horrible mutation where he's half lizard and craves human flesh. Morfran thinks Seth should just keep her in a cage and so do the others like him. Isolde can't use her fists to get out of this. Elan and the others can't track her through their bond for some reason. Isolde has only her wits to escape one mad man and several mutated teenagers who have had access to centuries of planning to pull this off.The Waljan ChroniclesChild of Fire, Child of IceEscape to Ragnis CrystalThe Dysdaimon's RevengeThe Waljan CrucibleThe Fall of AutrikxiaComing soon to audio

  • - Eine umgekehrte Harem-Gefängnis-Romanze
    af Jb Trepagnier
    148,95 kr.

    Das Scorchwood Supernatural Penitentiary ist die Hölle. Buchstäblich, es ist in der Hölle.Von all den Dingen, für die man im Gefängnis landen kann, war Veruntreuung nicht das, was ich dachte, was mich zu Fall bringen würde. Ich habe ein ziemlich gesundes Hobby für Brandstiftung und Mord in meiner Freizeit. Wirtschaftsverbrechen gehen nie nach Scorchwood. Ich hätte höchstens eine Geldstrafe und Bewährung bekommen sollen. Irgendetwas geht hier vor. Mein Zellengenosse, Skoll, ist ein Alpha-Wolf, der wegen Totschlags einsitzt. Er will, dass ich Roman treffe, einen Vampir, und Amduscias, einen Dämon, der wirklich verschlagen ist, was seine dämonische Form angeht.Irgendetwas ist faul im Staate Scorchwood mit den Elementaren. Skolls letzte fünf Zellengenossen waren Elementare, die für Wirtschaftsverbrechen angeklagt wurden. Amduscias ist Zellengenosse einer der schlimmsten Elementarfrauen im ganzen Gefängnis, und sie ist nicht erfreut, dass ich mich mit ihm angefreundet habe.Irgendetwas geht hier vor. Jemand legt Elementare rein und schickt sie nach Scorchwood. Aber sie haben einen Fehler gemacht, als sie mich reingelegt haben. Sie wussten nichts von meinen kleinen Hobbys, bevor sie mich hierher schickten. Sie wussten nichts von Fergus, meinem Feuerdrachen.Es gibt so viel, was ich nicht weiß, warum ich hier bin, aber es gibt auch so viel, was sie nicht über mich wissen. Ich habe Freunde in Scorchwood gefunden, und ich nenne mich nicht umsonst heimlich Elementarer Batman. Das sollte lustig werden.

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    148,95 kr.

    Before Ragnis Crystal and before Isolde snuck into Cendis as a slave, there were two queens trying to move towards peace behind their husband's back. Both childless, they desperately want children, despite years of trying.Fjola Astvinsson, queen of Avala is married to a madman intent on breaking the truce and destroying Cendis. Sartika, queen of Cendis, thinks her husband will eventually see reason and join the faction. The Autrikxians watching the queens and the factions decide to get involved again, despite swearing to never meddle with humans again.Fjola and Sartika finally get their child after their husbands mysteriously die. Sartika thinks Elan is sent from the gods and Fjola thinks Isolde is her secret lover's child. They know their children have gifts of fire and ice, like the old Cendians and Avalians. They promise their children will have normal childhoods until they can face their destiny and arrange a marriage between Elan and Isolde to seal the alliance.Elan and Isolde start showing gifts their people never had. Gifts that start a web of lies on both sides. As the web of lies starts growing and growing, the fragile alliance may crumble. Isolde doesn't react well to the lies and acts out every chance she gets. First, they worried Elan and Isolde might not like each other.Now, they have to worry that their lies will keep Isolde from going to Cendis in the first place. The Waljan Crucible. An exciting prequel to Child of Fire, Child of IceThe Waljan ChroniclesChild of Fire, Child of IceEscape to Ragnis CrystalThe Dysdaimon's RevengeThe Waljan CrucibleThe Fall of AutrikxiaThe Rise of Gida

  • - A Sci-fi Romance Series
    af Jb Trepagnier
    158,95 kr.

    A millennia old vision foretold their bond. Their parents arrange their marriage to seal an alliance between two dying, warring planets. Lies and political intrigue could cause both to crumble.Cendis is a planet of fire and Avala, a planet of ice. Both in a tenuous truce since the gods stripped them of their gifts after the planets went to war with each other. Eighteen years ago, while plotting to break the truce, the king and fifteen advisors on both planets suddenly drop dead on both planets. Sixteen special children with old gifts and new gifts are born on both Cendis and Avala and trained in secret.The secret factions rest all their hopes on the alliance and bringing everyone to the new paradise planet on eighteen year old Elan, the Cendian prince, and Isolde, the Avalian Princess's shoulders. Isolde leaves for Cendis disguised as a Cendian slave not wanting any part of meeting Elan and bonding with him.When certain lies come to light, their bond is already in jeopardy. When a traitor in the Cendian faction is revealed, both their lives are in danger.The Waljan ChroniclesChild of Fire, Child of IceEscape to Ragnis CrystalThe Dysdaimon's RevengeThe Waljan Crucible The Destruction of AutrikxiaSoon to be available in Audio format

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    188,95 kr.

    The Academy of the Profane has been a dream for my twin and me for ages.I'm a young god pretending to be a witch, and she's a Hellhound. We're twins, but we have different fathers. There's not really a curriculum for either of us, but after hearing my mom and aunt's stories, we can't wait to go as a rite of passage. The headmaster hates me and personally sued me when I was a teenager for inheriting something she thought she was owed. Her daughter is now in class with us and is completely terrible.I might have cosmic powers, but I haven't figured out what those are yet. The gods in my life have tried to teach me and so far, I'm pretty terrible at it. Cosmic powers also don't do a damned thing about supernatural politics and I'm treading a fine line of not being a total doormat and fighting back because I could go too far and utterly destroy someone. I've had bad luck with guys because they are all using me for god favors from my dad, but I've met some great ones here. I hope they don't hate me when they find out I've been lying about being a witch.The God of Death made my parents a promise before I was born to help me with all the god stuff. Death has to be the prettiest thing I've ever seen. According to my mom, they are also the smartest person she knows.Tutoring me is one thing. I know a lot of gods and I'm not quite sure if Azren has other motives for teaching history at the Academy of the Profane

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    188,95 kr.

    New enemies, new allies.I survived my first year at Fortuna Academy. Lucifer met my mates and it wasn't totally mortifying. I met Azriel's mom and she's not that bad. We're all back at school and we have a mission-find that prophecy and figure out who tried to poison Keane. Everyone in our group has a least favorite Hellhound they suspect of doing the deed, but really, we have nothing.That is, until Lilith comes through with information from school records. Both Hellhounds that have been harassing me have secrets, but this one ties back to Keane and the Lilim.We finally find the prophecy as we gather more allies. Even with the warlock police and Hellhounds on our side, I'm woefully under prepared for any of this. Suck it up, buttercup. That's my only option. With Lucifer as my father and all the prophecies surrounding my birth, the only thing I can do is figure things out.I'm the Princess of Hell. I can do this, right?

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    188,95 kr.

    What exactly did dear old mum get up to before I was born?I was supposed to be going to Harvard on a full ride. I've always been excellent at chemistry. Turns out my knack for chemicals was because my mum is a witch and a potions master. Did I mention she summoned a demon for a ritual and Lucifer himself came? Can I tell you how weird it is to go from card carrying atheist to finding out Satan is your dad? Harvard is out. My magic was bound when I was a baby. Apparently, now I'm going to Fortuna Academy instead because once I'm unbound, I can cause hell on earth. Something about being the princess of Hell.I'm engaged to be married to who I thought was my mother's cat and a boy from my high school I've nicknamed Cockblocker. Oh, he's actually a hellcat and I hate him. I'm trying to get out of it. My high school ex is a hellhound and he's at Fortuna with me. He's unusually interested in who my father is and would have known what I was when we were dating. In fact, there are two hellhound leaders here that are just a little too interested in dear old dad. I'm woefully behind in everything since I was raised as human. A green haired warlock has taken me under his wing to help me with magic. A vampire tutor was arranged for me by the woman who foretold my birth.All the answers about me came in a vision to the hellcat's mother, Lilith. She's the one moving pieces in the background. She's arranging marriages, choosing my classes, and putting people in my path. She's also avoiding giving us any answers.Can I navigate a magical school when I have no training, not kill this hellcat I'm engaged to, manage my crushes on the warlock and vampire, and still survive with two huge hellhounds sniffing around? Something big is happening. My birth wouldn't have been foretold if it wasn't. I need to unlock all of my gifts as half angel half witch because whatever is going on, I've only scratched the surface.

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    188,95 kr.

    If I click my heels together three times and wish hard enough, can I save Hell?Hell is so not like what they tell you about when they are trying to scare you. It's actually kind of nice when you aren't there to take on an insane Prince of Hell. I've got allies. I've managed to get most of the supernatural groups working together. Lilith and I open a Hellmouth to an area of Hell called the Sacred Forest and I lose all ability to even when I see who all lives there. Dead gods, demons who used to run amok in the Underworld when it went by different names, and all the souls of magical creatures you only read about in stories. My new allies include Hades, Osiris, Anubis, Centaurs, fairies, an Egyptian fire breathing snake woman named Sesy, and a lot of nine headed jackal men who eat the flesh of souls in Hell.A corrupt Prince of Hell might have every Hellhound soul in Hell on his side, but there are chinks in his armor. He lied to them about me and he lied about killing my father. Hell hath no fury like a Hellhound that has been lied to, nor the Princess of Hell when fallen angel decides to bring that much drama into her life.

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    198,95 kr.

    Where no hope is left, is left no fearMy familiar brings us word. Another one of my mates has their life on the line with this deadly game with the Hellhounds and the mysterious Prince of Hell. They don't seem to know Lilith is on our side. We have our secrets too. The game strikes a little too close to home and I'm in a fighting mood. It's time to fight back. I have this idea I can play the Hellhounds like they've been trying to play me. My little game goes a little too far as my angel gifts start appearing when I'm not trying to call them.My list of allies is growing. The Warlock Council is on our side and Lilith has brought in the Lust Demon Council. We have more Hellhound allies now too. We know who is behind trying to kill my mates. Lilith is not taking the attempt on Keane's life lightly. She has a plan and all I know about Lilith's plots is that they are devious and they always work.We were warned something big was in the works. We all should have taken that a lot more seriously because the Prince has made his move and the people I love are in danger.-with bonus chapter from Lucifer's point of view

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    198,95 kr.

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    193,95 kr.

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    208,95 kr.

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    198,95 kr.

    Five years ago, I had an audition for the ballet company of my dreams. Five years ago, my boyfriend purposely broke my toes and ruined my dreams. Two days later, I found out I'm a witch.I thought my ballet days were over. I just graduated from the academy to work as a federal agent with the Paranormal Investigation Bureau. I get called into the office for something that could change my life permanently. Meaning, I could die. That ballet company I never got to audition for is doing The Sugar Skull Girl. This ballet has never been seen on stage before. I don't have the full story, but rumors are that any time someone tries to attempt this ballet, things soon turn fatal.I've been told to strap my pointe shoes on and use my witch abilities to go undercover at the ballet company. I had my reservations about taking this job, even if it had once been a dream of mine to dance for The P. The artistic director is a horny Unseelie rake who makes casting decisions with his cock. The prima ballerina here needs to retire, but she's totally toxic about making sure no one upstages her. She has a club of mean girl ballet dancers willing to ruin careers just for the spotlight...or maybe just for fun.Not only do I have to survive gossip, hot male dancers who like to sniff around new ballerinas, and toxic prima ballerinas, I have to figure out what is going on with this ballet before we all die. I might not like these people, but I'm here to save their lives.

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    258,95 kr.

    I did the whole adulting thing and got a job. Officially hate it.The only good thing about my awful job is that I met my best friend Jeremy, computer genius extraordinaire. He was super into this story that broke that a hacker named Hex got into something they shouldn't. They leaked the real names of every secret agent around the globe. Like, agencies more secret than the CIA. People just started disappearing.But something else popped up. Online ads for correspondence courses to become a spy. And I hate my job enough to take a loan and sign up for one.I barrel my way through them, but a lot of the stuff they want you to do, like learning how to fight and shoot a gun require money my broke ass just doesn't have, so I wing it. My downstairs neighbor is now trying to get me evicted and every pigeon in New York is following my every movement, but I'm determined to see this through. I finish the course and apply for a job at one of the companies from the leak.Apparently, spies do not become spies from a six week online course, learning to shoot with a potato gun on the roof of their apartment, and dance aerobics with punching and kicking is not the same as a blackbelt. But the Boss, who just mysteriously goes by Boss, was watching my interview and thinks I have moxie. So, now I start real spy school and it's brutal. All the spy names here are color coded. Agent Green is my trainer. He's this massive beast of a man who could crack my skull with those thighs, but he's kind of a teddy bear.There's only one agent here who wasn't affected by the leak, so sometimes, I have to go out on easy missions. I may have accidentally barfed on someone, but no one is perfect and I'm still learning. Agent Red is crabby pants about being the only agent left and being stuck with me. .I was just supposed to be his arm candy one night, but an evil hairless cat named Horace managed to win Agent Red to my side and promote me to lead on this case.I have no idea what I'm doing and I've barely started learning, but I may be able to save the world anyway because this botanist really likes my feet.This is a Why Choose romance with 4 love interests where she doesn't have to pick

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    173,95 kr.

    Apparently, I'm not a dragon.What I am is indestructible, capable of healing mortal wounds, and Alastair can never hurt me again. From what I'm understanding, he can't even use his old tricks if he could manage to force them down my throat. I don't know where he is, but I'm coming for him. He killed me and hurt Oisin.I'm home in the Unseelie Court. It's beautiful but so different than everything I ever knew. I barely have time to see everything before I have to leave again. Shortly after Alastair's attack, my mother's ambassador in the Seelie Court went dark with her communications. It's not just my job as a princess to make sure Nova is freed. I know how Finnan feels about snitches, but I want to look his parents in the eye when I tell them what he did to me. I might be new to everything regarding the Fae, but I knew what Alastair had done to me was reprehensible in both courts.And from what I was understanding, if the Seelie still didn't want to deal with it, it was perfectly acceptable for an Unseelie woman to choose her revenge.

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    178,95 kr.

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    178,95 kr.

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    198,95 kr.

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    168,95 kr.

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    228,95 kr.

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    178,95 kr.

    I was protected by the monsters under my bed when I was a kid in the foster system. I have a feeling I could use them again.My time in the foster system wasn't great. Maybe they were imaginary, but when things got bad, the boogeyman and an imp always came to my aid. If I needed to run, a beautiful white stag would appear at my window to let me know to get out of there. I've touched the stag. I know he's real.Alastair Rex saved me from the streets and another bad foster home. He's never raised a hand to me or tried anything inappropriate. But I'm a doll in his playhouse. I can only leave when he lets me. I dress in the clothes he wants me to wear. I say what he wants me to say because I get the feeling he would react violently. I could use my monsters, but they disappeared the day Alastair showed up in my life.Until I look out of my cage and see the white stag again. It's time for me to escape Alastair Rex.

  • - A Reverse Harem Urban Fantasy
    af Jb Trepagnier
    133,95 kr.

  • - A Dark Reverse Harem Romance
    af Jb Trepagnier
    133,95 kr.

  • - A Reverse Harem Academy Romance
    af Jb Trepagnier
    133,95 kr.