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Bøger af Jason Little

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  • - Embracing AI in Change Management: a non-technical guide to AI for change managers
    af Jason Little
    150,95 kr.

    Are you ready to journey from AI skepticism to strategic mastery in change management?"From Skeptic to Strategist" is not your typical AI handbook. It's a lighthearted yet informative guide to understanding and utilizing AI in the ever-evolving field of change management. Whether you're a non-technical change manager, an agile coach, or just AI-curious, this book is your compass in the AI landscape.As a change manager, you might think AI is just a fancy search engine incapable of human-like tasks. But what if AI could be your ally in navigating organizational change? With over 20 years of experience in technology and change management, author Jason Little dispels common AI myths and unveils how AI can revolutionize change work.What's Inside?A non-technical walkthrough of AI concepts, tailored for change managers.Over 100 real-world examples of AI prompts and responses.Practical strategies for integrating AI into your change management toolkit.A humorous yet insightful look at AI's role in organizational change.From demystifying Large Language Models (LLMs) to mastering prompt engineering, this book offers a hands-on approach to using AI. You'll learn how AI can help create more efficient change management strategies, with tools like OpenAI's Chat GPT serving as your guide. Plus, discover how to automate the mundane and focus on what truly matters in change initiatives.Prepare to be surprised as you turn each page. By the end of this journey, your view of AI in change management will transform, leaving you inspired and equipped to embrace AI in your next project.Your Perceptions Will Change Remember your current views on AI - by the end of this book, they will have evolved. "From Skeptic to Strategist" is more than a read; it's an experience that will redefine your approach to change management in the AI era.

  • af Jason Little
    78,95 kr.

    3 very distinct stories with one thing in common, Guilt. A Doctor looking to change his fate and that of his wife by reaching into his madness, a man whose inner Monster is guilty of Murder and an old lawman whom's last case made him come face to face with the devil. The stories of how the feeling of guilt drove some to do unthinkable acts and others to push beyond the laws of physics, all for the chance to redemption and peace

  • - una guía que le ayudará a pensar en la gestión del cambio de manera diferente
    af Jason Little
    173,95 kr.

    Cambiar nuestras organizaciones es difícil, y cambiar la forma en que pensamos sobre el cambio es aún más difícil.Todos nos enamoramos del primer enfoque exitoso para el cambio que usamos, y una vez que deja de funcionar para nosotros, es difícil cambiar la forma en que enfocamos el cambio.Aunque nos encanta buscar el próximo gran método, marco o libro de jugadas para el cambio, la historia ha demostrado que esas ideas de "flash-in-the-pan" se vuelven obsoletas a medida que el mundo de los negocios evoluciona, dejándonos a la cola para el próximo conjunto de mejores prácticas.Este libro te ayudará con tres cosas: - Cómo puedes transformar la forma en que manejas el trabajo de cambio.- Cómo puedes transformar la forma en que piensas sobre el cambio.- Cómo puedes transformar cómo trabajas con equipos ágiles.Suena a magia, ¿no? Desafortunadamente, no lo es, es un trabajo duro, y depende de ti.La gestión del cambio tradicional se ha centrado en hacer que otras personas cambien su comportamiento para asegurar un cambio exitoso. Tal vez el problema es que estamos viendo el cambio a través de la lente equivocada. Este libro le ayudará a ver el cambio a través de la lente de la verdadera agilidad. La verdadera agilidad es intemporal y se basa en los valores y principios del manifiesto ágil. Te decepcionarás mucho si esperas ver un diagrama de bucle elegante o un conjunto de recetas que te digan que "asegurarán el máximo retorno de la inversión y cambiarán el éxito". Oh, y tampoco verás ninguna declaración de mierda como esa en el libro.Lo que encontrarás es un montón de historias, consejos perspicaces y acciones prácticas basadas en mis 20 años de experiencia trabajando como propietario de producto, maestro de scrum, miembro de equipo ágil, gerente de cambio, entrenador ágil interno y externo y agente de cambio organizacional.Además, te conectarás a una comunidad global de agentes de cambio que comparten sus ideas e historias sobre cómo facilitaron un cambio significativo. Ser "más ágil" en la gestión del cambio se trata de ti. Se trata de que te tomes el tiempo para desafiar tus suposiciones y creencias. El día en que aprendí a cambiar mis puntos de vista sobre el cambio fue el día en que mi nivel de felicidad al ser un agente de cambio se disparó y espero que este libro te inspire en el camino de facilitar un cambio significativo.Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor

  • - A guide to help you think about change management differently
    af Jason Little
    173,95 kr.

    Changing our organizations is hard, and changing how we think about change is even harder. We all fall in love with the first successful approach for change that we use, and once it stops working for us, it's tough to change how we approach change.While we love chasing the next big change method, framework, or playbook, history has shown those flash-in-the-pan ideas render themselves obsolete as the world of business evolves leaving us chasing our tails for the next set of best practices.Who you are and the attitude you bring towards changing your organization is vastly more important than the method, framework, or playbook you pick. This book will help you with three things: -How you can transform how you manage change work.-How you can transform how you think about change.-How you can transform how you work with agile teams.Sounds like magic, doesn't it? Unfortunately, it's not, it's hard work, and it's up to you. Traditional change management has focused on making other people change their behaviour to ensure successful change. Maybe the problem is that we're looking at change through the wrong lens. This book will help you look at change through the lens of true agility. True agility is timeless and based on the values and principles of the agile manifesto. You'll be sorely disappointed if you expect to see a fancy looping diagram or a set of recipes that tell you they'll "ensure maximum ROI and change success". Oh, and you won't see any bullshit statements like that in the book either.What you will find is plenty of stories, insightful tips, and practical actions based on my 20 years of experience working as a product owner, scrum master, agile team member, change manager, internal and external agile coach, and organizational change agent. Above that, you'll get connected to a global community of change agents sharing their ideas and stories about how they facilitated meaningful change.Being "more agile" in change management is about you. It's about you taking the time to challenge your assumptions and beliefs. The day I learned how to change my views on change was the day my happiness level being a change agent skyrocketed and I hope this book inspires you down the path of facilitating meaningful change.

  • - The Ultimate Guide to Digital Marketing for Your Dental Practice
    af Jason Little
    253,95 kr.

    One of the biggest challenges facing dental professionals today is how to develop and scale a comprehensive digital marketing strategy. Sadly, many dentists, periodontists, orthodontists, and periodontal surgeons struggle to maintain their footholds offline. With resources stretched thin, coming up with the budget and developing the strategies to gain prominence on Google and elsewhere online becomes a constant struggle. Wouldn't it be great if there was a complete guide to digital marketing that was written strictly for those working in dentistry? That book is here. In this fourth edition of an Amazon Best Seller, Adam Zilko has compiled a digital strategy that can be customized for any practice, regardless of size or equity. With completely updated strategies that reflect what's working today for many top practices, The Ultimate Guide to Digital Marketing for Your Dental Practice contains proven strategies for attracting and converting new dental patients. A Focus on Digital Excellence The only way to attract a healthy stream of new, quality dental patients is to have a web presence that demands respect and attention. This book helps dental professionals get into the mindset of making their web presences patient-centric and targeted to quality patients who see the value in good dentistry. A Success Mindset Adam takes a unique approach that he takes with his Firegang Dental Marketing clients, and that's to get them into the proper mindset. Adam dispels common myths and helps dental professionals establish clear-cut goals and realistic expectations for building upon their dreams of dental practice success. A Fully-Customizable Digital Marketing "Treatment Plan" What follows in Grow Your Practice Online is a digital marketing strategy that can be used by new practices, those who have gone stagnant, and those intent on maximizing success. The book details the prospect's online journey and the many complicated paths prospects can take before they become an actual patient. The strategies are broken down so they are easy to learn and implement. SEO, Google & Facebook Marketing Another challenge dental professionals face is keeping up with the latest Google algorithm changes, how to optimize for Google safely so that you don't get penalized, as well as how to advertise on Google, Facebook, and other paid digital ad platforms. Adam has managed to make these facets of digital marketing easy to understand and gives plenty of advice for maximizing clicks, conversions, and return on investment. Testing & Optimizing for Maximum Leads & Growth The key to proper digital marketing is the study of the metrics and how to use those numbers and figures to maximize your efforts online. Dental professionals will learn how to make sense of all the noise and how to glean useful information from Google Analytics and other digital analysis platforms, as well has how to tweak campaigns over time to make them even more powerful. With an added digital marketing checklist for dental professionals and a full page of book bonuses, The Ultimate Guide to Digital Marketing for Your Dental Practice by Adam Zilko is a must buy.

  • af Jason Little
    118,95 kr.

    Bob the Duck has lost his top hat and needs help finding it. Go on a journey with Bob as he looks for his top hat, making friends along the way.

  • af Jason Little
    333,95 kr.

  • - Innovative Ansatze Fur Das Management Organisationaler Veranderung
    af Jason Little
    333,95 kr.

  • af Jason Little
    208,95 kr.

    The complete collection of Jason Little's horrifying, hilarious and controversial comic strip about Borb: an unfortunate and alcoholic vagabond.