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Bøger af Irfan Shahid

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  • af Irfan Shahid
    88,95 kr.

    This book is written to demonstrate the Islamic rulings on business and trade. Trade and Islam have a close relation. Islamic rules and regulations regarding trade and commerce are based on equity, justice and rationality. Thirty percent of the Quranic texts deal with Muamilaat [Business Dealings]. Trade was one of the sources of spreading Islam in Central Asia, Africa and China. This book is written the considering the needs of common readers who do not possess any prior knowledge of economics, business, and Islam. They want to understand the fundamental of Islamic trade and commerce. The book will help readers to understand the fundamental teachings of Islam on trade and business. It discusses the various aspects of halal (legitimate) and haram (illegitimate) in business. The book also explains the Islamic rulings on Financial Market, Insurance, Mutual Funds and Real Estate.

  • af Irfan Shahid
    83,95 kr.

    The Book, Shariah Rulings on Business deals with business law. It explains the issues most frequently occur in market. This book covers various aspect of Islamic law deals with business and transaction. The book is written considering the requirement of readers who did not study business, finance and Islamic business law. It will help readers to comprehend the fundament principles of business in the light Quran and hadith.

  • af Irfan Shahid
    78,95 kr.

    It is a fundamental textbook for the students of the development economics in the Gulf Region. Many universities and colleges in the Gulf countries teach this topic, but unfortunately, no basic textbook is available on this subject. The book describes the features of economic growth and development and various theories and modules taught to explain development economics. Introduction to the gulf economy, formation and development of international organisations including OPEC & OAPEC, features of integration and free trade area are discussed in the book. A separate chapter on diversification and industrialisation in the gulf states is added in the book. This is an essential book for understanding the gulf economy.

  • af Irfan Shahid
    78,95 kr.

    Business Practice before the advent of Islam is a comprehensive book which provides detail accounts of the trading customs of the Arab. Arab countries are mostly situated in the desert region. A limited area of land was fertile for agriculture and farming. Majority population were engaged in the business. Trade caravan would travel south to north through the Arabian Peninsula. Before Islam, numerous trade methods were prevalent in Arabia, which was part of their culture. These methods were dubious and based on cheating and fraud. Most of the time, fraudulent trade practice were found the bone of contention among various Arab tribes which continued generation after generation. A brief history of trade and business practice of Islam is included in this book. Various Bazar (Local Markets) organised in the Arabian Peninsula is discussed in detail. The Islamic principle of trade, source of Islamic commercial law, business ethics, several business contracts used in Islamic finance and the latest theory of international trade are also discussed in the book.

  • af Irfan Shahid
    523,95 kr.

    La pratique du commerce avant l'avènement de l'Islam est un livre complet qui fournit un compte rendu détaillé des coutumes commerciales des Arabes. Les pays arabes sont pour la plupart situés dans la région du désert. La superficie des terres fertiles pour l'agriculture est limitée. La majorité de la population était engagée dans le commerce. Les caravanes commerciales voyageaient vers le sud et le nord et traversaient la péninsule arabique. Avant l'Islam, de nombreuses méthodes commerciales étaient répandues en Arabie et faisaient partie de leur culture. Ces méthodes étaient douteuses et basées sur la fraude et la tricherie. La plupart du temps, les pratiques commerciales frauduleuses étaient la pomme de discorde entre les différentes tribus arabes, qui se poursuivaient de génération en génération. Une brève histoire du commerce et des pratiques commerciales de l'Islam est incluse dans le livre. Les différents bazars (marchés locaux) organisés dans la péninsule arabique sont examinés en détail. Les principes islamiques du commerce, les sources des lois commerciales islamiques, l'éthique des affaires, plusieurs contrats commerciaux utilisés dans la finance islamique et les dernières théories du commerce international sont également abordés dans le livre.

  • af Irfan Shahid
    523,95 kr.

    Business Practice before the Advent of Islam is a comprehensive book which provides a detailed account of the trading customs of Arabbs. Os países árabes estão na sua maioria situados na região deserta. A área limitada de terra era fértil para a agricultura. A maioria da população estava envolvida em negócios. A caravana comercial viajava para o sul e norte e atravessava a Península Arábica. Antes do Islão, predominavam na Arábia numerosos métodos de comércio, que era a parte da sua cultura. Estes métodos eram duvidosos e baseados em fraudes e trapaças. Na maioria das vezes, as práticas comerciais fraudulentas eram o osso da discórdia entre várias tribos árabes, que continuavam gerações após gerações. Uma breve história de comércio e práticas comerciais do Islão está incluída no livro. Vários Bazars (mercados locais) organizados na Península Arábica são discutidos em pormenor. Princípios islâmicos de comércio, fontes das leis comerciais islâmicas, ética empresarial, vários contratos comerciais utilizados nas finanças islâmicas e as mais recentes teorias do comércio internacional são também discutidos no livro.

  • af Irfan Shahid
    523,95 kr.

    Le pratiche commerciali prima dell'avvento dell'Islam è un libro completo che fornisce un resoconto dettagliato delle abitudini commerciali degli arabi. I Paesi arabi sono per lo più situati nella regione desertica. La terra fertile per l'agricoltura era limitata. La maggior parte della popolazione era impegnata negli affari. Le carovane commerciali viaggiavano verso sud e verso nord e attraversavano la penisola arabica. Prima dell'Islam, in Arabia erano diffusi numerosi metodi di commercio che facevano parte della loro cultura. Questi metodi erano dubbi e si basavano su frodi e imbrogli. Nella maggior parte dei casi, le pratiche commerciali fraudolente erano il pomo della discordia tra le varie tribù arabe, che si protraevano di generazione in generazione. Nel libro è inclusa una breve storia del commercio e delle pratiche commerciali dell'Islam. I vari Bazar (mercati locali) organizzati nella Penisola arabica sono discussi in dettaglio. Nel libro vengono discussi anche i principi islamici del commercio, le fonti delle leggi commerciali islamiche, l'etica degli affari, diversi contratti commerciali utilizzati nella finanza islamica e le più recenti teorie del commercio internazionale.

  • af Irfan Shahid
    518,95 kr.

    Business Practice before the Advent of Islam ist ein umfassendes Buch, das die Handelsbräuche der Araber detailliert beschreibt. Die arabischen Länder befinden sich größtenteils in der Wüstenregion. Das Land war nur begrenzt fruchtbar für die Landwirtschaft. Die Mehrheit der Bevölkerung war im Handel tätig. Handelskarawanen zogen in den Süden und Norden und durchquerten die arabische Halbinsel. Vor dem Islam waren in Arabien zahlreiche Handelsmethoden verbreitet, die Teil ihrer Kultur waren. Diese Methoden waren zweifelhaft und basierten auf Betrug und Täuschung. Die meiste Zeit waren betrügerische Handelspraktiken der Zankapfel zwischen verschiedenen arabischen Stämmen, der sich über Generationen hinweg fortsetzte. Das Buch enthält eine kurze Geschichte des Handels und der Geschäftspraktiken im Islam. Verschiedene Bazars (lokale Märkte), die auf der arabischen Halbinsel organisiert sind, werden ausführlich besprochen. Die islamischen Handelsgrundsätze, die Quellen der islamischen Handelsgesetze, die Geschäftsethik, verschiedene Geschäftsverträge, die im islamischen Finanzwesen verwendet werden, und die neuesten Theorien des internationalen Handels werden ebenfalls in diesem Buch behandelt.

  • af Irfan Shahid
    258,95 kr.

    Delowaq praktika do prihoda islama - äto wseob#emlüschaq kniga, w kotoroj podrobno rasskazywaetsq o torgowyh obychaqh arabow. Arabskie strany w osnownom raspolozheny w pustynnoj mestnosti. Ogranichennaq ploschad' zemli byla plodorodnoj dlq sel'skogo hozqjstwa. Bol'shaq chast' naseleniq zanimalas' biznesom. Torgowye karawany shli na üg i sewer i prohodili cherez Arawijskij poluostrow. Do islama w Arawii byli rasprostraneny mnogochislennye metody torgowli, kotorye byli chast'ü ih kul'tury. Jeti metody byli somnitel'nymi i osnowywalis' na moshennichestwe i obmane. V bol'shinstwe sluchaew moshennicheskie metody torgowli byli predmetom raznoglasij mezhdu razlichnymi arabskimi plemenami, kotorye prodolzhalis' iz pokoleniq w pokolenie. V knigu wklüchena kratkaq istoriq torgowli i delowoj praktiki islama. Podrobno rassmatriwaütsq razlichnye bazary (mestnye rynki), organizowannye na Arawijskom poluostrowe. V knige takzhe obsuzhdaütsq islamskie principy torgowli, istochniki islamskogo kommercheskogo zakonodatel'stwa, delowaq ätika, nekotorye delowye kontrakty, ispol'zuemye w islamskom finansirowanii, i nowejshie teorii mezhdunarodnoj torgowli.

  • af Irfan Shahid
    523,95 kr.

    Le développement économique dans les États du Golfe est un manuel universitaire qui traite des caractéristiques de la croissance et du développement économiques. Les théories et les modèles utilisés pour enseigner le développement et la croissance économiques sont présentés dans le livre. Le livre fournit également un aperçu de l'économie du Golfe. La formation et le développement des organisations internationales, y compris l'OPEP et l'OPAEP, sont également abordés dans le livre. Les caractéristiques de l'intégration économique et de la zone de libre-échange sont également incluses dans le livre. Un chapitre sur la diversification et l'industrialisation est ajouté dans le livre. Ce livre est destiné aux étudiants de premier cycle universitaire. Il peut également être utile aux lecteurs généraux.

  • af Irfan Shahid
    523,95 kr.

    O Desenvolvimento Económico nos Estados do Golfo é um manual académico que discute as características do crescimento económico e do desenvolvimento. As teorias e modelos utilizados para ensinar o desenvolvimento económico e o crescimento são apresentados no livro. O livro também fornece uma visão geral da economia do Golfo. A formação e desenvolvimento da Organização Internacional, incluindo a OPEP e a OAPEC, também são discutidas no livro. Características da integração económica e da zona de comércio livre também incluídas no livro. Um capítulo sobre diversificação e industrialização é acrescentado no livro. Este livro foi escrito para estudantes universitários de graduação. Pode ser igualmente útil para os leitores em geral.

  • af Irfan Shahid
    523,95 kr.

    Lo sviluppo economico negli Stati del Golfo è un testo accademico che discute le caratteristiche della crescita e dello sviluppo economico. Il libro presenta le teorie e i modelli utilizzati per insegnare lo sviluppo e la crescita economica. Il libro fornisce anche una panoramica dell'economia del Golfo. Il libro tratta anche della formazione e dello sviluppo delle organizzazioni internazionali, tra cui l'OPEC e l'OAPEC. Il libro include anche le caratteristiche dell'integrazione economica e dell'area di libero scambio. Il libro contiene anche un capitolo sulla diversificazione e l'industrializzazione. Questo libro è stato scritto per gli studenti universitari. Può essere ugualmente utile per i lettori generici.

  • af Irfan Shahid
    268,95 kr.

    Jekonomicheskoe razwitie w stranah Persidskogo zaliwa" - äto akademicheskij uchebnik, w kotorom rassmatriwaütsq osobennosti äkonomicheskogo rosta i razwitiq. V knige predstawleny teorii i modeli, ispol'zuemye dlq obucheniq äkonomicheskomu razwitiü i rostu. V knige takzhe predstawlen obzor äkonomiki stran Persidskogo zaliwa. Formirowanie i razwitie mezhdunarodnyh organizacij, wklüchaq OPEK i OAPEK, takzhe rassmatriwaetsq w knige. Osobennosti äkonomicheskoj integracii i zony swobodnoj torgowli takzhe wklücheny w knigu. V knigu dobawlena glawa o diwersifikacii i industrializacii. Jeta kniga napisana dlq studentow bakalawriata. Ona mozhet byt' polezna i dlq shirokogo kruga chitatelej.

  • af Irfan Shahid
    523,95 kr.

    Das Buch "Economic Development in the Gulf States" ist ein akademisches Lehrbuch, das die Merkmale von Wirtschaftswachstum und -entwicklung erörtert. Die Theorien und Modelle, die zur Lehre von wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung und Wachstum verwendet werden, werden in dem Buch vorgestellt. Das Buch bietet auch einen Überblick über die Wirtschaft der Golfstaaten. Die Gründung und Entwicklung internationaler Organisationen, einschließlich der OPEC und der OAPEC, werden ebenfalls in diesem Buch behandelt. Merkmale der wirtschaftlichen Integration und der Freihandelszone sind ebenfalls in dem Buch enthalten. Ein Kapitel über Diversifizierung und Industrialisierung wurde dem Buch hinzugefügt. Dieses Buch richtet sich an Studenten im Grundstudium. Es könnte aber auch für allgemeine Leser nützlich sein.

  • af Irfan Shahid
    317,95 kr.

    The Economic Development in the Gulf States is an academic textbook that discusses the features of economic growth and development. The theories and models used to teach economic development and growth are presented in the book. The book also provides an overview of the gulf economy. Formation and development of International Organization including OPEC and OAPEC also discussed in the book. Features of economic integration and free trade area also included in the book. A chapter on diversification and industrialisation is added in the book. This book is written for undergraduate college students. It could be equally useful for general readers.

  • af Irfan Shahid
    470,95 kr.

    This book is written to demonstrate the Islamic rulings on business and trade. Trade and Islam have a very close relation. Islamic rules and regulations regarding Trade and Commerce are based on equity, justice and rationality. One third of the Quranic texts deal with muamilaat (Business dealings). Trade was one of the sources of spreading Islam in Central Asia and Africa. This book is written considering the needs of common readers who do not possess any knowledge of economics, business and Islam and want to understand the fundamentals of Islamic trade and commerce. The book will help us to understand the fundamental teachings of Islam on trade and business. It discusses the various aspects of halal (legitimate) and haram (illegitimate) in business. The book also explains the Islamic rulings on Financial Market, Insurance, Mutual Funds and Real Estate