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Bøger af Dan Desmarques

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  • - Quotes & Sayings of Dan Desmarques
    af Dan Desmarques
    208,95 kr.

  • - How to Get Wisdom and Knowledge from God
    af Dan Desmarques
    208,95 kr.

    Intelligence, as a set of cognitive skills, as conceived for social success, means nothing in the order of the universe. True intelligence is that which comes in the form of wisdom. And wisdom is the path of consciousness to the knowledge of oneself. Along such line of thought, this book seeks to describe how this kind of supernatural wisdom can be acquired by anyone.

  • - Como Adquirir a Sabedoria e o Conhecimento de Deus
    af Dan Desmarques
    208,95 kr.

    A inteligência, enquanto conjunto de habilidades cognitivas, tal como se concebe para o sucesso social, nada significa na ordem do universo. A verdadeira inteligência é aquela que sobrevem na forma de sabedoria. E a sabedoria é o caminho da consciência para o conhecimento de si mesmo. Neste sentido, este livro procura descrever como este tipo de sabedoria sobrenatural pode ser adquirida por qualquer pessoa.

  • - O Que Voce Precisa Saber Para Superar a Adversidade
    af Dan Desmarques
    208,95 kr.

    Muitas pessoas passam pela vida sem saber como mudar, e muito menos enfrentar as adversidades com um conjunto renovado de valores. Poderá levar anos para perceberem que existe um problema espiritual a resolver. E ainda assim, quando esse momento chega, a maioria não consegue encontrar as respostas que procura em qualquer congregação religiosa.Nossas batalhas espirituais tendem a ser mais devastadoras e prejudiciais do que quaisquer outras, e o crescente consumo de antidepressivos, bem como o número crescente de suicídios no mundo, nos mostram exatamente isso. De fato, é nos países com as mais altas taxas de suicídio que esta guerra espiritual se torna tão óbvia, por várias razões que este livro explica em detalhe.Devido à falta de conhecimento suficiente sobre como lidar com confrontos espirituais, a maioria de nós tende a enfrentar problemas repetitivos e até a sucumbir à auto-humilhação. Isto ocorre porque aprendemos as coisas erradas de nossos pais e professores, muitas vezes até de nossos líderes espirituais, enquanto somos levados a acreditar que os valores sociais com os quais crescemos estavam corretos. E bem, não estavam. Mas, como adultos, não podemos mais enfrentar isso, pois tal atitude nos faz repensar nossa verdadeira natureza, questionar toda a nossa existência e, ao mesmo tempo, força a redescoberta de nosso verdadeiro eu.O trabalho e as consequências de seus resultados, mesmo que positivos, são imensas. E é por isso que a maioria das pessoas não quer mudar, mesmo sabendo que precisa disso, inclusive quando se vêem destruindo a própria vida.Então nos perguntamos por que as pessoas ao nosso redor não mudam, quando vemos nelas manifestações que exigem uma mudança urgente de atitude; e, no entanto, raramente nos olhamos para perguntar por que não podemos ou não queremos mudar. E nesse caminho, passamos a vida reclamando dos outros e não olhando para o nosso eu real, nossa identidade e o núcleo do nosso coração, tudo o que nos torna humanos de natureza espiritual.Isso, obviamente, exige uma profunda introspecção e um confronto diante do espelho da verdade. E a grande maioria da população não quer fazer isso, ou não possui as ferramentas necessárias para suportar a turbulência que se desenrola durante esses momentos muito sombrios. Em vez disso, a maioria escolhe usar uma máscara de bondade, e é aqui encontramos outra armadilha espiritual na qual a grande maioria cai facilmente.Só podemos superar esses estados de espírito observando o que estamos fazendo com nossa vida e conosco mesmos, e antes que possamos reconhecer a profunda rede de complexidades em que vivemos. Somente depois, podemos começar a procurar respostas que façam algum sentido e levem a resultados efetivos. E se você alcançou esse estágio em sua vida, este livro certamente é para você, pois o guiará em direção aos valores e regras que fazem as pessoas quererem mudar, enquanto explica como essas mudanças são feitas.Este não é apenas um livro sobre como mudar a si mesmo, ajudar os outros ou enfrentar uma guerra espiritual, mas também um livro que lhe dará todo o espectro do que são as mudanças e, ao mesmo tempo, explica por que a maioria das pessoas sempre muda, com frequência, para pior.

  • - Como Transcender a Consciencia de Massa e Se Tornar Um com o Universo
    af Dan Desmarques
    208,95 kr.

    O termo consciência cósmica, ou consciência coletiva, embora amplamente estudado em psicologia, e explicado por muitos no campo da espiritualidade, nunca foi totalmente compreendido e esclarecido adequadamente em um nível mais alto do que o geralmente possível na Terra. E a razão para isso, é que tais termos geralmente são mal interpretados em uma escala mais ampla, pois como poderíamos usar palavras como "cósmica" ou "coletiva" sem entender primeiro consciência desse outro ponto de vista, muito mais amplo e mais evoluído que o nosso? E como muitos podem afirmar entender a espiritualidade sem entendê-la primeiro da perspectiva dos reinos mais elevados, que transcendem o nosso? Muitos dos indivíduos que tentaram isso, como verifiquei, nem sequer acreditam na vida em outros planetas, ou têm uma visão completamente distorcida de como os seres de outras galáxias manifestam sua própria consciência, mostrando, portanto, uma versão da verdade que, de fato, manifesta suas próprias ideologias. E é então sem surpresa que a humanidade permanece tão perdida como sempre, no que diz respeito a encontrar o caminho certo ou descartar o caminho errado. Por esse motivo, neste livro, uma perspectiva clara e linear é mostrada a você, descrevendo os valores exatos e os estados mentais que devem ser adquiridos por quem deseja se autoavaliar no caminho da ascensão, pois eles estão inter-relacionados com a mesma consciência manifestada em realidades onde os habitantes de tais mundos são muito mais evoluídos do que os da Terra. A perspectiva apresentada aqui, embora espiritual, é baseada nas realidades apresentadas em muitos outros universos e, portanto, explícita, mostrando como encontrar a verdade interior que o guiará em direção a um estado evolutivo mais alto, com exatidão, precisão e muito mais rápido do que o que qualquer outro método de qualquer outra escola de conhecimento pode oferecer a você.

  • - Secrets They Don't Want You to Know about Understanding and Processing Emotions
    af Dan Desmarques
    208,95 kr.

    Many people wonder what makes relationships work or why they often don’t work, and how we can make them work; but everyone knows, somehow, how to keep a relationship, either it lasts a few weeks, months or years; everyone knows, at the very least, some principles about love; and yet, because such principles don’t apply in modern times and for most individuals, we still witness an increasing number of breakups and divorces, and this while gradually, more and more people, basically, keep on quitting putting the efforts to change themselves. On the other hand, what kind of efforts should people really be looking forwards to? Which studies truly help anyone in understanding what love is from a spiritual point of view? For as we barely started to comprehend what love is at a chemical level, a long way is needed to get the answers this book offers.Now, the majority of the people do believe they are putting the right efforts in their relationships, most of which focusing on communication; and yet, they also admit that they don’t feel understood by their partner. And although communication is indeed the basis of any relationship, there are many other factors interfering with it, reason why we are never satisfied with our results.The whole world of energies around us and within us, manifests as well in our emotions, and that’s why, sometimes, we also feel like we can’t communicate with some persons. In order to do that effectively, we would have to understand this energy field; for there are spiritual laws and chemical principles that operate in the physical world too; and if we understand them, we can understand our relationships better.Once we apprehend these principles well enough, and put them to use accordingly, they will feel natural to us, because, indeed, they are; and as you will see here, because these manifestations are occurring all the time, you will know too what to do in the right moment once noticing the information being displayed in your reality.

  • - The Spiritual Battle in Your Mind
    af Dan Desmarques
    208,95 kr.

    Our world is changing very fast, and many believe, not in the right direction. But the weapons of evil are subtle and hard to detect, even by the most advanced religious groups. This planet is organized in such a way that most people won’t be able to notice how they are being played towards their own destruction, for most of their beliefs are not even their own. But, in this book, you will understand which strategies are being used by the dark spiritual forces operating on the planet to destroy humanity, and realize how you can escape from this unseen war, being played in our minds every single day.

  • - The Multidimensional Power of Your Subconscious Mind
    af Dan Desmarques
    208,95 kr.

    The content of this book is seen as a tabu for most people around the world. They even avoid it in their conversations. Because, it address the fundamental laws of life and how it is formed. Without this knowledge, you simply can’t understand how this world works or question anything else you learn and get results from most theories on spirituality.On the other hand, most people are afraid of what others will think of them when expressing their opinions on principles that interfere with existence, namely, in the field of religion, money and politics. In fact, you can lose friends simply by expressing your opinion on any of these topics. And it’s precisely because they are so avoided, that so many people need the information that this book will show you. It is for these reasons why should continue reading the following pages.

  • - The 8 Rules Behind Successful Congregations
    af Dan Desmarques
    208,95 kr.

    All religions follow the same principles and you will know them in this book. These are principles that transpose time and have been in existence for thousands of years. And once you see how simple they are to apply, you will finally be able to form your own group and expand your awareness with others, while creating valuable connections that will expand your influence as a spiritual leader.The information presented here is based on the direct experience with dozens of different religious congregations, from the most popular to the most secretive and selective.

  • - The Path of Global Ascension Through Consciousness
    af Dan Desmarques
    208,95 kr.

    Could you or anyone else change the world? Yes, even though many people can't realize this reality isn’t only in what we see but other things too, which lay beyond our eyesight. The easiest level to perceive is one of our senses: We believe what we see and trust what we hear; we also believe what we feel. And we then think that these ways are all we need to know. But there is another level, below this, in which most people find themselves — the level of illusion, as what happens when we conceive reality according to our mental filters. Most people are not even aware of the idea of reality and what it truly is, or how it works at a vibrational level, much less their capacity to handle it and control it, or even transform it. For this reason, in this book, you will learn about all the levels that compose human consciousness and how to use this information to ascent to a higher state of mind, but also help others achieve the same.

  • - When Everything You Know about God is Wrong
    af Dan Desmarques
    208,95 kr.

    What if everything you believed to be true was a lie? What if the only reason why it seems that religion has failed on you, is because you have been hearing lies that do not match the real God? What if the truth has been remaining hidden from you on purpose? And what if you could forgive yourself for being deceived? What if you could change your life by getting access to the real truth? For this is what this book proposes you, while answering all these questions. Here, you will obtain a direct guidance filled with personal examples, on how christians and many other religious groups are corrupted and end up corrupting others along the way, pushing them further away from the truth that God wishes everyone to know. This truth is so important, that without it, you will never know why the life of so many seems so chaotic and without a positive end, despite all the prayers and dedication to rituals of various nature. In fact, if you wish to become more religious, this book can help you correct your practice towards this truth, while avoiding being deceived as so many others have been. For this is the truth that God wishes you to access through your own existence, with your own awareness and ethics, and not just a blind faith.

  • - How to Transcend Mass Consciousness and Become One With the Universe
    af Dan Desmarques
    208,95 kr.

    The term cosmic consciousness, or collective consciousness, although widely studied in psychology, and explained by many in the field of spirituality, has never been fully understood and properly clarified at a higher level than the one made possible commonly on Earth. And the reason why, is that these terms are often misinterpreted on a wider scale, for how could we use words such as “cosmic” or “collective” without understanding first awareness from that other standpoint, much wider and more evolved than ours? And how can many claim to understand spirituality without understanding it first from the perspective of higher realms, which transcend our own? Many of such individuals who have attempted that, as I came to know, don’t even believe in life on other planets, or have a completely distorted view on how the beings of other galaxies manifest their own consciousness, therefore showing a version of truth which actually manifests their own ideologies. And it is then without a surprise that humanity remains as lost as always, in what regards finding its right path or discarding the wrong ones. For this reason, in this book a clear and linear perspective is shown to you, describing the exact values and mental states that must be acquired by one who wishes to self-evaluate himself on the path towards ascension, for they are interrelated with the same consciousness manifested in realities where the habitants of such worlds are far more evolved than those of Earth. The perspective presented here, although spiritual, is based on the realities presented in many other universes, and therefore explicit in showing you how to find the truth within that will guide you towards a higher evolutionary state, with accuracy, precision, and much faster than what any other method from any other school of knowledge can offer you.

  • - Como Organizar Sua Mente e Assumir o Controle da Sua Vida
    af Dan Desmarques
    208,95 kr.

    A consciência da alma se manifesta em vários planos da realidade interconectados entre si. Em todos esses planos, existe a permanência do espírito único do ser. Portanto, o espírito pode se manifestar em diferentes construções espaço-temporais. Isto explica por que é possível realizar viagens astrais para outros planetas ou fazer saltos quânticos para realidades paralelas. Por outro lado, sempre que a alma encarna num certo plano de realidade, como por exemplo o planeta Terra, pode encarnar em diferentes períodos da história, sem que haja um ciclo obrigatório temporal como o conhecemos. Assim, um ser humano do futuro pode facilmente reencarnar em qualquer período de tempo passado e vice-versa. É por isso que o tempo não é apenas uma ilusão, cientificamente verificável, mas também uma ilusão necessária, como tantas outras.Nesta linha de percepções, precisamos conhecer e explorar todas as dinâmicas com uma perspectiva pragmática, e começamos perguntando: “quem somos e por que vivemos?”. Estas questões, entre muitas outras, são esclarecidas aqui, levando a uma melhor compreensão do mecanismo da vida. De fato, "todas as verdades são fáceis de entender assim que são descobertas; a dificuldade é descobri-las" (Galileo Galilei). Ao longo dos vários capítulos, uma abordagem espiritual linear é apresentada, cruzada com diferentes perspectivas religiosas, assim como gnósticas, enquanto se concentra em premissas empíricas. Desta forma, promove-se a ideia de saber viver sem o medo do caos, permitindo aprendizagens que levam a uma maior felicidade e sucesso na vida.

  • - How to Rewire Your Brain and Take Control of Your Life
    af Dan Desmarques
    208,95 kr.

    The consciousness of the soul manifests itself in several planes of reality interconnected with each other. In all these planes, there is the permanence of the unique spirit of the being. Therefore, the spirit can manifest itself in different space-time constructs. This explains why it is possible to perform astral travels to other planets or to make quantum leaps to parallel realities. On the other hand, whenever the soul incarnates in a certain plane of reality, as for example, the planet earth, it can incarnate in different periods of history, without there being a temporal obligatory cycle as we know it. Thus, a human being of the future can easily reincarnate in any past period of time and vice versa. This is why time is not only an illusion, scientifically verifiable, but also a necessary illusion, like so many others.Along this line of perceptions, we must know and explore all these dynamics with a pragmatic perspective, and we begin this by asking: “who are we and why do we live?” These questions, among many others, are clarified here, leading to a better understanding of the mechanism of life. In fact, "all truths are easy to understand as soon as they are discovered; the difficulty is to discover them "(Galileo Galilei). Throughout the several chapters, a linear spiritual approach is presented, cross-referenced with different religious, as well as gnostic, perspectives, while focusing on empirical premises. In this way, the idea of knowing how to live without the fear of chaos is promoted, allowing learnings which lead to greater happiness and success in life.

  • - A Reencarnacao e o Espectro da Consciencia na Evolucao
    af Dan Desmarques
    208,95 kr.

    A evolução humana é afetada por uma multidão de elementos, muitos dos quais se manifestam durante o processo de reencarnação através de muitas vidas. Ao longo destes caminhos, embora a prosperidade pareça ser a regra predominante que orienta todos em direção a certos caminhos em sua existência, seja esta mais positiva ou negativa, existem muitas outras que tendem a ser invisíveis para as massas. Estas regras estão relacionadas com o carma, a geometria sagrada e os valores cósmicos. E a distinção entre estas e a nossa própria consciência determina nosso nível de sucesso, em nossos relacionamentos, finanças e medição da felicidade. Não se pode simplesmente ser feliz sem cumprir um papel espiritual no universo enquanto se obedece a este. E, no entanto, muitas pessoas esquecem este princípio básico, quando perseguem ilusões que não as satisfazem. Neste sentido, o propósito deste livro consiste em esclarecer o objetivo da vida humana e o que precisa ser levado em consideração para entender como viver a vida ao máximo dentro de um plano maior, até mesmo cósmico, e não simplesmente o presente no planeta Terra.

  • - Reincarnation and the Spectrum of Consciousness in Human Evolution
    af Dan Desmarques
    208,95 kr.

    Human evolution is affected by a multitude of elements, many of which manifest during the process of reincarnation through many lifetimes. Along these paths, even though prosperity tends to seem the prevalent rule that guides everyone towards certain choices in their existence, either more positive or negative, there are many others that tend to be invisible to the masses. These rules are related to karma, sacred geometry and cosmic values. And the distinction between them and our own consciousness, determines our level of success, in our relationships, finances and measurement of happiness. One can’t simply be happy without fulfilling his spiritual role in the universe while obeying it. And yet, many people forget this basic principle, namely, when they pursue illusions that don’t fulfill them. In this sense, the purpose of this book consists in clarifying the goal of human life and what needs to be taken into consideration to understand how to live it to the fullest within a larger plan, even cosmic, and not simply the one present on planet earth.

  • - What You Need to Know About Overcoming Adversity
    af Dan Desmarques
    208,95 kr.

    Many of us go through life not knowing how to change ourselves, and much less face adversity with a renewed set of values. It may take years to even realize that we have a spiritual problem to solve. And still, when that moment comes, most can’t find the answers they seek in any religious congregation.Our spiritual battles tend to be more devastating and hurtful than any others, and the increasing consumption of antidepressants, as well as the rapidly increasing number of suicides in the world tell us exactly that. As a matter of fact, it is in countries with the highest suicide rates that this spiritual war becomes so obvious, for various reasons that this book explains in detail.Due to lack of sufficient knowledge on how to handle spiritual confrontations, most of us tend to face repetitive problems, and even succumb into self-abasement. This occurs because we were taught the wrong things by our parents and school teachers, many times even by our priests and spiritual leaders, while being led into believing that the social values we grew up with were correct. And well, they are not. But as adults we can’t face that anymore, as it makes us rethink our true nature, question our entire existence, and while forcing us to rediscover our true self. The work, and the consequences of its results, even if positive, is immense. And this is why most people don’t want to change, even when knowing that they need to, including when seeing themselves self-destroy their own life.We then wonder why those around us don’t change, when we see in them things that require an urgent shift of attitude; and yet, we rarely look at ourselves to ask why we can’t or won’t change. And along this path, we go through life complaining about others and not looking at our real self, our identity and the core of our heart, all of what makes us humans of a spiritual nature. That, obviously, demands a deep introspection and a confrontation in front of the mirror of truth. And the vast majority of the population, either doesn’t want to do that, or doesn’t possess the necessary weapons to withstand the turmoil that unravels within during those very dark moments. Instead of that, most choose to wear a mask of goodness, and here we find another spiritual trap in which the vast majority falls easily.We can only overcome such states of mind by looking at what we are doing with our life and with ourselves; and before we can even recognize the deep web of complexities we are in. Only afterwards, can we start seeking for answers that make any sense, and lead to effective results. And if you have reached this stage so far in your life, this book is surely for you, for it will guide you towards the values and rules that make people want to change, while explaining how such changes are made.This is not just a book about how to change yourself, help others, or face a spiritual warfare, but also a book that will give you the full spectrum of what changes are, and while explaining why most people always change, quite often, for worse. And so, with this in mind, it is hoped that this compilation of information can guide you towards your most desired dreams, and despite the paradigms of the masses which are destined only to entrap you.

  • - 12 Etapas Para Remover Bloqueios Mentais, Reprogramar Seu Cerebro e Atrair Dinheiro
    af Dan Desmarques
    208,95 kr.

    A principal idéia para a produção deste livro surgiu depois de perceber como as crenças dos outros estavam constantemente me fazendo perder dinheiro e atrasando minha vida no que diz respeito a alcançar meus objetivos, levando-me a falir nos negócios que acabara de iniciar.A conscientização para esse fato foi extremamente frustrante, mas também difícil de controlar por várias razões, a saber, porque nem sempre podemos detectar quem são essas pessoas e também porque, mesmo que possamos reconhecê-las, podemos não ser capazes de removê-las da nossa vida.A única maneira de resolver esse problema efetivamente consiste na criação de um sistema que pode reorganizar os diferentes padrões de nossa existência de uma só vez através dum enfoque em apenas uma área, de preferência de natureza material, como é o caso do dinheiro.O conteúdo apresentado aqui parte da premissa de que, se nossos pensamentos interferem em nosso destino, os pensamentos de outras pessoas, que operam por padrão, podem ter uma influência maior sobre esse destino.Você já reparou como algumas pessoas ficam felizes quando você falha, como se já estivessem esperando isso? Ou quão simpáticas algumas pessoas parecem ser quando você é pobre? Eles são os mesmos que ressentem sua felicidade e abundância quando mais tarde na vida se torna bem-sucedido, e depois reivindicam as coisas mais absurdas para provar que você não é digno daquilo que obtém, e isso, enquanto encontram desculpas para se afastarem de sua realidade.Este paradigma social é tão óbvio que outro, contrariando esse comportamento comum, também precisava estar presente. Encontrei tal paradigma e depois decidi criar um sistema para me ajudar a aplicá-lo. Depois de ver os resultados imediatos se manifestando em minha própria vida, até mesmo quando estava criando este livro —devido ao fato de estar lendo os exercícios em minha mente enquanto preparava o conteúdo — concluí que a aplicação deste sistema seria muito útil para a minha comunidade de leitores.

  • - 12 Steps to Effortlessly Remove Mental Blocks, Reprogram Your Brain and Become a Money Magnet
    af Dan Desmarques
    208,95 kr.

    The main idea for the production of this book appeared after realizing how the beliefs of others were constantly making me lose money and delaying my life in what regards reaching my goals, even leading me to fail in businesses I had just started.The awareness to this fact was extremely frustrating but also difficult to control for a multitude of reasons, namely, because we can’t always detect who such people are, and also because, even when doing so, we may not be able to remove them from our life.The only way to solve this problem effectively consists in the creation of a system that can rearrange the different patterns of our existence at once and through the focus in one area only, preferably of a material nature, as it is the case with money.The content presented here comes from the premise that, if our thoughts interfere with our fate, the thoughts of others, operating by default, can have a greater influence over such fate.Have you ever noticed how happy some people are when you fail as if they were already expecting it? Or how sympathetic some individuals appear to be when you are poor? They are the same ones resenting your happiness and abundance when you later in life become successful and then claiming the most absurd things to prove that you are unworthy of what you get, and this, while finding excuses to remove themselves from your reality.This social paradigm is so obvious, that another, contradicting this common behavior, had to be present too. I found it and later decided to create a system to help me apply it. After seeing immediate results manifesting in my own life, even as I was creating this book — due to the fact that I was reading the exercises in my mind while preparing the content — I concluded that the application of this system would be very useful for the many readers that I have spread all over the globe.