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Bøger af Alfredo Chafunha Ramijo

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  • af Alfredo Chafunha Ramijo
    798,95 kr.

    This book whose title is Mundividências e Multivalências da Filosofia: Ecos do Estatuto do pensar em Moçambique brings together five texts written under different circumstances. However, its assumption becomes common - both socio-economic and pedagogical development can be grounded by the equality of intellectual capacities of each and every human being. Development is conceived not only as the increase of a country's economic output - as the World Bank suggests - but as the improvement of living conditions at both the individual and collective level. Intellectual equality is not equivalent to the leveling of different people's intelligences - as Psychology treats it - but a double conviction, individual and inter-individual. The book intends to be Philosophy's contribution to the life of each and every human being, and in particular to Mozambicans.

  • af Alfredo Chafunha Ramijo
    1.033,95 kr.

    An education for emancipation starts from the assumption that every human being is capable of building knowledge without a relation of domination of the one who knows over the one who must learn. Therefore, it constitutes a problem for all societies, whatever the place and time to think about the condition and possibilities for its realization. So that education in its various shades (formal, non-formal and informal) may emancipate, that is, build autonomous subjects in thinking, speaking and acting, and, at the same time, manage the differences of individuals, as J. Rancière suggests, it is necessary that it: first, be a horizontal education where both citizens and educator and learner can recognize each other as being equal subjects; and, second, be practiced through the method of permanent self-construction. This method, on the one hand, allows every individual to become better and better in his or her daily life, both in personality and in knowledge and skills, and on the other hand, it generates the differences between individuals in the same society, which are justified by the belief of their inequality.

  • af Alfredo Chafunha Ramijo
    558,95 kr.

    Die Texte dieses Buches mit dem Titel Die vier verschiedenen Interpretationen von Achile Mbembes Kritik der schwarzen Vernunft interpretieren das Denken von Achile Mbembe. Das Buch ist eine Sammlung von Aufsätzen von vier Studenten des Master of Philosophy. Die Aufsätze haben den Geist einer Rezension, denn die Autoren hatten den Anspruch, das Buch von Achile Mbembe kritisch zu analysieren. Der Vorwand für die Ausarbeitung jedes Aufsatzes war die Bewertung des Autors am Ende des Moduls "Kritische Lektüre philosophischer Texte", das im April 2022 stattfand. Nach der Bewertung wurde jeder Text im Hinblick auf eine Veröffentlichung überarbeitet. In der Rezension musste jeder Autor das Problem identifizieren, das Mbembe in diesem Buch beantworten wollte; die These oder den Vorschlag zu diesem Problem und die entsprechenden Argumente verstehen, die Mbembe in demselben Buch vorbringt. Schließlich musste jeder von ihnen sowohl Mbembes These als auch seine Argumente kritisieren.

  • af Alfredo Chafunha Ramijo
    558,95 kr.

    The texts of this book whose title - The different four interpretations on Achile Mbembe's Critique of Black Reason interpret Achile Mbembe's thought. The book constitutes a collection of essays by four Master of Philosophy students. The essays have the spirit of a review, since the authors have intended to critically analyze Achile Mbembe's book. The pretext for the elaboration of each essay was for an evaluation of its author at the end of the module on Critical Readings of Philosophical Texts, which took place in the month of April 2022. After their evaluation, a revision of each text was made, for a publication. In the review, each author had to identify the problem that Mbembe wanted to answer in that book; understand the thesis or proposal to the problem and the respective arguments that Mbembe presents in the same book. Finally, each was to provide a critique of both the thesis as well as Mbembe's arguments.

  • af Alfredo Chafunha Ramijo
    558,95 kr.

    Les textes de ce livre dont le titre - Les quatre différentes interprétations sur la Critique de la raison noire d'Achile Mbembe interprètent la pensée d'Achile Mbembe. Le livre constitue un recueil d'essais de quatre étudiants en maîtrise de philosophie. Les essais ont l'esprit d'une revue, puisque les auteurs ont eu la prétention de faire une analyse critique du livre d'Achile Mbembe. Le prétexte de l'élaboration de chaque essai était une évaluation de son auteur à la fin du module de lectures critiques de textes philosophiques, qui a eu lieu au mois d'avril 2022. Après son évaluation, une révision de chaque texte a été effectuée, en vue d'une publication. Dans la revue, chaque auteur devait identifier le problème auquel Mbembe voulait répondre dans ce livre ; comprendre la thèse ou la proposition au problème et les arguments respectifs que Mbembe présente dans le même livre. Enfin, chacun devait critiquer à la fois la thèse et les arguments de Mbembe.

  • af Alfredo Chafunha Ramijo
    558,95 kr.

    I testi di questo libro, il cui titolo - Le diverse quattro interpretazioni sulla Critica della Ragione Nera di Achile Mbembe - interpretano il pensiero di Achile Mbembe. Il libro costituisce una raccolta di saggi di quattro studenti del Master in Filosofia. I saggi hanno lo spirito di una recensione, poiché gli autori hanno avuto la pretesa di analizzare criticamente il libro di Achile Mbembe. Il pretesto per l'elaborazione di ogni saggio era la valutazione del suo autore alla fine del modulo di Letture critiche di testi filosofici, che si è svolto nel mese di aprile 2022. Dopo la valutazione, è stata effettuata una revisione di ogni testo, in vista di una pubblicazione. Nella recensione, ogni autore ha dovuto identificare il problema a cui Mbembe voleva rispondere in quel libro; comprendere la tesi o la proposta al problema e le rispettive argomentazioni che Mbembe presenta nello stesso libro. Infine, ognuno ha dovuto criticare sia la tesi che le argomentazioni di Mbembe.

  • af Alfredo Chafunha Ramijo
    573,95 kr.

    Os textos deste livro cujo título - As quatro Lupas sobre Crítica da Razão Negra de Achile Mbembe, interpretam o pensamento de Achile Mbembe. O livro constitui um conjunto de ensaios de quatro mestrandos de Filosofia. Os ensaios têm o espírito de uma recensão, uma vez que os autores tiveram a pretensão de analisar criticamente o livro de Achile Mbembe. O pretexto da elaboração de cada ensaio foi para uma avaliação do seu autor no fim de do módulo de Leituras Cíticas de Textos Filosóficos, que decorreu no mês de Abril de 2022. Depois da sua avaliação, foi feita uma revisão de cada texto, para uma publicação. Na revisão, cada autor teve que identificar o problema que Mbembe queria responder naquele livro; compreender a tese ou proposta ao problema e os respectivos argumentos que Mbembe apresenta no mesmo livro. Por fim, cada um deveria fazer uma crítica tanto à tese bem como aos argumentos de Mbembe.