298,95 kr. Based on the largest research project ever undertaken in the field--over 35,000 sales calls over 12 years--S.P.I.N. Selling shows why major sales require a new and different set of skills from those that have always been used for small sales.
- Bog
- 298,95 kr.
- Bog
- 448,95 kr.
- Bog
- 611,95 kr.
- Bog
- 288,95 kr.
- How to Thrive in One of the World's Fastest Growing Careers--While Driving Growth For Your Company
236,95 kr. The definitive "Customer Success Manager How-To-Guide" for the CSM profession from Gainsight, who brought you the market-leading Customer SuccessThe Customer Success Manager has become a critical asset to organizations across the business landscape. As the subscription model has spread from the cloud and SaaS to more sectors of the economy, that pivotal role will only grow in importance. That's because if you want to compete and thrive in this new environment, you need to put the customer at the center of your strategy. You need to recognize you're no longer selling just a product. You're selling an outcome. Customer Success Managers (CSM) are committed to capturing and delivering those outcomes by listening to their customers, understanding their needs, and adapting products and services to drive success. Although several existing resources address the customer success imperative, there is no authoritative instruction manual for the CSM profession--until now.The Customer Success Professional's Handbook is the definitive reference book for CSMs and similar roles in the field. This practical, first-of-its-kind manual fills a significant gap in professional customer success literature, providing the knowledge every CSM needs to succeed--from the practitioner level all the way to senior leadership. The authors--acknowledged experts in building, training, and managing Customer Success teams--offer real-world guidance and practical advice for aspiring and experienced CSMs alike. The handbook is written by practioners for practioners. An indispensable resource for front-line Customer Success Managers, this much-needed book:* Demonstrates how to build, implement, and manage a Customer Success team* Helps new CSMs develop their skills and proficiency to be more employable and grow in their careers* Provides clear guidance for managers on how to hire a stellar CSM* Presents practical tactics needed to drive revenue growth during renewal, expansion, and customer advocacy opportunities* Explains proven methods and strategies for mentoring CSMs throughout their careers* Offers valuable insights from Gainsight, the Customer Success Company, and the broader customer success community with more than a dozen of the industry's most respected leaders contributing their perspectivesCurrently, with over 70,000 open positions, Customer Success Manager in one of the fastest-growing jobs in the world. The Customer Success Professional's Handbook: How to Thrive in One of the World's Fastest Growing Careers--While Driving Growth For Your Company will prove to be your go-to manual throughout every stage of your CSM career.
- Bog
- 236,95 kr.
314,95 kr. Feminin business med maskulint drive handler ikke om mænd og kvinder!Ved at bruge både de maskuline og de feminine værdier og egenskaber skaber man en business i balance. Her er dine handlinger i overensstemmelse med dine kerneværdier, så du både rykker på din drøm og samtidig har ro i sjælen.Bogen går bag facaden hos en ganske almindelig kvinde, der blev iværksætter ved et tilfælde, men som nu har været selvstændig i 20 år og gjort sin drøm til sin business.Det feminine siger: Stop op og mærk efter.Det maskuline siger: Sæt handling på og kom afsted!Forfatteren vendte tvivl, økonomisk tab og selvsabotage til succes, professionelt selvværd og 100 % ansvar for sin business ved at kombinere de feminine værdier med de maskuline.Du er ikke alene, når du oplever modgang og udfordringer på vejen vejen fra iværksætter til selvstændig.Jeg er Dorte Lytje, og hvis jeg kan, så kan du også!
- Bog
- 314,95 kr.
- Total guide til bedre dialog med sognet
218,95 - 298,95 kr. »Jeg håber, at alle menighedsråd vil benytte den viden og de redskaber, som denne bog bidrager med.« Søren Abildgaard, Formand for Landsforeningen af Menighedsråd. - Hvordan får vi skabt dialog med det enkelte menneske i sognet? - Hvordan sikrer vi, at denne dialog aldrig ender? Find svarene i denne bog, der giver praktiske anvisninger til, hvordan menighedsrådet effektiviserer sin kommunikation og dialog med sognet; uanset om kommunikationen sker gennem pressearbejde, annoncering, breve, tryksager, kirkeblade, plakater, hjemmeside, sociale medier, nyhedsbreve, e-mail, sms, telefon eller personlig kontakt. Bogen hjælper menighedsrådet med at lægge strategi og til at prioritere sin indsats i sognet, så menighedsrådets knappe ressourcer bliver anvendt mest hensigtsmæssigt i forhold til, hvad der tjener sognet og folkekirken bedst. »Sæt mål for dit sogn. Og nå det!« er den totale guide til bedre dialog med sognet. Takket være forfatterens mangeårige erfaring som kommunikationsrådgiver for erhvervslivet og aktive deltagelse i menighedsrådsarbejdet som menighedsrådsmedlem, rådgiver og underviser kombineres en skarp og aktuel viden om strategi og kommunikation med en dyb forståelse for menighedsrådets praktiske dagligdag.
- Everything You Need to Know to Create a Distinctive Brand Identity
343,95 kr. - Bog
- 343,95 kr.
193,95 kr. Joe Girard, 'the world's greatest salesman' according to the Guinness Book of Records, shares his method of salesmanship in this indispensable book, now updated for the twenty-first century.
- Bog
- 193,95 kr.
98,95 kr. Offers a step-by-step technique for sparking breakthrough creativity in advertising - or any field.
- Bog
- 98,95 kr.
278,95 kr. Put into practice today's winning strategy for achieving success in high-end sales!
- Bog
- 278,95 kr.
303,95 - 2.343,95 kr. Provides a set of practical techniques which have been tried in many of today's leading companies with dramatic improvements to sales performance. This text makes the spin-selling method available in paperback and includes a new preface by the author.
- Bog
- 303,95 kr.
- Bog
- 218,95 kr.
- Including Emerging Markets, Services, Durables, B2B and Luxury Brands
348,95 kr. How Brands Grow Part 2 is about the fundamentals of buying behaviours and brand performance fundamentals that provide a consistent roadmap for brand growth, and improved marketing productivity. This revised edition includes updates to all chapters and the addition of a new chapter, 'Getting Down to Business-to-Business Markets'.
- Bog
- 348,95 kr.
386,95 kr. Wow, sikke en bog! Sales Governance – fremtidens salgsledelse er en helt ny bog, der vil revolutionere udviklingen af salgsorganisationer og sætte helt nye standarder for ledelse af salget og relationerne til den øvrige organisation.Bogen har været på vej længe – og ”snakken” om, at salget stod foran en nyudvikling, har vi haft længe. Den største europæiske analyse af salgsorganisationers effektivitet og barrierer for dens udvikling gav os det sidste skub til at få skrevet vores drømmebog. Og nu sidder du med den i hånden!Og den handler om ledelse af salget, opad, nedad, til siden og ikke mindst af salget selv. Salg er en forudsætning for enhver virksomheds eksistens og udvikling. Derfor skal salget placere sig centralt i virksomhedens værdiskabelse – og det kan kun ske ved at integrere salget bedre internt og konkretisere kundernes udbytte. Et udbytte, som skal kunne styrke kundernes konkurrencekraft.Vi udfordrer virksomhedernes ledelser på deres måde at tænke vækst, og hvordan de skal drive salget. Sales Governance-tankesættet kommer til at blive et helt nyt tema i virksomhederne, på CBS, i bestyrelsesuddannelserne, i regnskaberne, og hvor organisk vækst og god selskabsledelse er et relevant tema. Sales Governance kan supplere og fylde din værktøjskasse med salgsledelse og -redskaber helt op. Der er rigeligt at tage fat på – og det positive ved de indsatser er, at der er en gevinst. Omfanget af redskaber og modeller er meget omfangsrigt: Infinity-modellen, 3Battlefield Analyzer™, 3Battlefield Strategy™, 4D-tænkning, The Value Calculator, Model for Primary Concerns, Sales Management Model, The Sales Value Formular, The Value Dashboard, Købs- og Salgscentrene, Sales Healthcheck™, Business knowledge, ZMOT, The Value Footprint, Process Value Footprints, Solution Value Footprint og en række af de mere klassiske redskaber nu med et tvist og alt samlet under Sales Governance-tankesættet.Som titlen antyder, så udfordrer vi ledelserne i forhold til strategigrundlaget og deres evne til at udnytte de kapabiliteter, det er muligt at rette mod markedet for at skabe organisk vækst. Salg er strategisk, og det er en intellektuel opgave at håndtere med en dyb forståelse af de forskellige algoritmer, der driver indsatser og kundebearbejdning – og i den forståelse er der også en spejling i forhold til indhentning og bearbejdning af de data, som implementering og arbejdet i sig selv med kundeløsningen afdækker. Her ligger nøglen til både at synliggøre værdiskabelsen og sikre input til fremtidig udvikling af både produkter og services.
- Bog
- 386,95 kr.
- Bog
- 208,95 kr.
- Why it might be good for your business to in-house your marketing activities. And how to do it.
58,95 - 453,95 kr. I'm not going to lie to you: running an in-house marketing department is hard. I have been there before. The chaos at the start of a project, the disarray of dealing with agencies, the anxiety of a looming deadline. It's stressful, hectic, and complex.But what if I told you that things don't have to be this way? What if there was a way to bring order to the chaos? That's exactly what in-housing can help you with. By taking control of your company's content creating, social media activation and bringing essential tasks in-house, you can effectively transform the way you run your marketing activities.For the last 15 years, I've been helping organisations setting up their in-house SoMe, content, branding, and marketing teams. Building an in-house creative agency can seem like a Herculean task. It is certainly not a short or one-time process. You have to approach it like an entrepreneurial venture - find great employees, create a culture where they can thrive, and watch the results pour in.This book will give you an understanding of what goes into building an internal marketing department; what you need in terms of roles and skills and how to structure your work. By understanding the in-house model, hiring the right people, and adopting best practices, you can speed up your workflow and gain a more agile approach to your marketing. It's fair to say that though you most likely will save you money by in-housing your marketing activities, this should not be the goal. The main reason to in-house should be to get better control of your campaigns, assets and workflows. And to get the speed and agility, you need in today's world of marketing.That is what this book is all about.You will find the ideas to create and manage your own in-house setup, tested process, step-by-step guides outlined in the book. They are easy to follow, despite being the result of more that a decade of experience and research. The process is designed to minimise your risk of failure are coupled with the inspiring stories. So if you've ever thought about what it would be like to bring in more of your marketing activities from your creative agencies-this book is for you.
- A Quick-Start Guide to Leveraging Video, Technology, and Virtual Communication Channels to Engage Remote Buyers and Close Deals Fast
253,95 kr. And just like that, everything changed . . .A global pandemic. Panic. Social distancing. Working from home.In a heartbeat, we went from happy hours to virtual happy hours. From conferences to virtual conferences. From selling to virtual selling.To remain competitive, sales and business professionals were required to shift the way they engaged prospects and customers.Overnight, virtual selling became the new normal. Now, it is here to stay.Virtual selling can be challenging. It's more difficult to make human to human connections. It's natural to feel intimidated by technology and digital tools. Few of us haven't felt the wave of insecurity the instant a video camera is pointed in our direction.Yet, virtual selling is powerful because it allows you to engage more prospects and customers, in less time, at a lower cost, while reducing the sales cycle.Virtual Sellingis the definitive guide to leveraging video-based technology and virtual communication channels to engage prospects, advance pipeline opportunities, and seal the deal. You'll learn a complete system for blending video, phone, text, live chat, social media, and direct messaging into your sales process to increase productivity and reduce sales cycles.Jeb Blount, one of the most celebrated sales trainers of our generation, teaches you:* How to leverage human psychology to gain more influence on video calls* The seven technical elements of impactful video sales calls* The five human elements of highly effective video sales calls* How to overcome your fear of the camera and always be video ready* How to deliver engaging and impactful virtual demos and presentations* Powerful video messaging strategies for engaging hard to reach stakeholders* The Four-Step Video Prospecting Framework* The Five-Step Telephone Prospecting Framework* The LDA Method for handling telephone prospecting objections* Advanced email prospecting strategies and frameworks* How to leverage text messaging for prospecting and down pipeline communication* The law of familiarity and how it takes the friction out of virtual selling* The 5C's of Social Selling* Why it is imperative to become proficient with reactive and proactive chat* Strategies for direct messaging - the "Swiss Army Knife" of virtual selling* How to leverage a blended virtual/physical selling approach to close deals fasterAs you dive into these powerful insights, and with each new chapter, you'll gain greater and greater confidence in your ability to effectively engage prospects and customers through virtual communication channels. And, with this newfound confidence, your success and income will soar.Following in the footsteps of his blockbuster bestsellers People Buy You, Fanatical Prospecting, Sales EQ, Objections, and Inked, Jeb Blount's Virtual Selling puts the same strategies employed by his clients--a who's who of the world's most prestigious organizations--right into your hands.
- Bog
- 253,95 kr.
- Turn your connections into a powerful online community
193,95 kr. Every single day a growing number of organisations are turning their employees, customers, and members into an online community. The results of these efforts are incredible. Build Your Community is about the evergreen principles of building a successful and thriving community. This book will take you step-by-step through the process to launch and manage a community for almost any kind of group. Covering the technology, what makes a community tick, and how to attract and keep your audience highly engaged. Whether youre building a community for your business or for your passion, this book is going to help you create the ideal community for your needs.
- Bog
- 193,95 kr.
- En lille bog om kundeoplevelser.
138,95 kr. Hvad skal der til for at holde på mine kunder?– Gode kundeoplevelser!Og hvordan skaber man så dem? Når hverken medarbejdere eller ledelse mister kunden af syne, er grobunden for en kundeorienteret forretning skabt. Det handler denne lille bog om, som er skrevet af Tomas Lykke, partner hos H&B og ekspert inden for kundeorientering. Bogen præsenterer dig for et simplificeret, men relaterbart univers, i form af kaffebaren ALBERTS. Den loyale medarbejder Benny er historiens fortæller, og gennem hans øjne får du inspiration og ideer til, hvordan du og dine kolleger, ledere og medarbejdere i fællesskab kan arbejde med kundeorientering i jeres virksomhed.Bogen henvender sig til alle medarbejdere og ledere i virksomheder, hvor kunden er central for virksomhedens fortsatte vækst. Bogen er letlæst, og kan anvendes til inspiration og provokation, når virksomheden vil videre i arbejdet med forbedring af kundeoplevelsen.
- Bog
- 138,95 kr.
- en håndbog om at arbejde med kundeservice i kulturbranchen
314,95 kr. Hvordan sørger I for, at publikum er tilfreds med den totale oplevelse af jeres kultursted – og ikke kun med det, der sker på scenen?PUBLIKUMSSERVICE – en håndbog om at arbejde med kundeservice i kulturbranchen er en praktisk håndbog om at arbejde med publikumsservice hos kulturinstitutioner. Her får du svarene på, hvordan I kan arbejde med og forbedre jeres serviceniveau over for publikum på flere måder alt efter tid og ressourcer – eller på trods af mangel på samme.Bogen henvender sig til dig, der er foyermedarbejder, teamleder eller chef på et kultursted med udøvende scenekunst – men det kan også sagtens være på et museum eller i en biograf. Ligegyldigt på hvilken kulturinstitution og hvor i hierarkiet du er, er bogen først og fremmest til dig, der gerne vil gøre noget ved jeres publikumsservice, men som mangler værktøjer og inspiration.Bogen er skrevet af Maria Christensen, som er en af Danmarks største fortalere for, at publikum skal have en serviceminded totaloplevelse til koncerter, i teatret og til andre kulturelle arrangementer – en mission, hun har været på næsten hele livet. Allerede fra barnsben forstod Maria Christensen, hvordan en koncert kunne løfte livsglæden, og da hun senere selv begyndte at arbejde i kulturbranchen, blev det hurtigt hendes passion at optimere publikums glæde ved at forstå, at det ikke kun handler om det, der foregår oppe på scenen, men i lige så høj grad om de rammer, der er før og efter en koncert eller en forestilling.I Publikumsservice – en håndbog om at arbejde med kundeservice i kulturbranchen deler hun ud af al sin viden til glæde for dig og det kultursted, du arbejder på.
- Bog
- 314,95 kr.
- 12.5 Principles to Stand out
227,95 kr. #1 Globe and Mail Bestseller2016 Small Business Book Awards - Nominated, Marketing categorySticky Brands exist in almost every industry.Companies like Apple, Nike, and Starbucks have made themselves as recognizable as they are successful. But large companies are not the only ones who can stand out. Any business willing to challenge industry norms and find innovative ways to serve its customers can grow into a Sticky Brand. Based on a decade of research into what makes companies successful, Sticky Branding is your branding playbook. It provides ideas, stories, and exercises that will make your company stand out, attract customers, and grow into an incredible brand. Sticky Branding's 12.5 guiding principles are drawn from hundreds of interviews with CEOs and business owners who have excelled within their industries.
- Bog
- 227,95 kr.
- Bog
- 318,95 kr.
- Competing for Customer Time, Attention, and Money
268,95 kr. - Bog
- 268,95 kr.
813,95 - 968,95 kr. The classic Marketing Management is an undisputed global best-seller an encyclopaedia of marketing considered by many as the authoritative book on the subject. This third European edition keeps the accessibility, theoretical rigour and managerial relevance the heart of the book - and adds: A structure designed specifically to fit the way the course is taught in Europe. Fresh European examples which make students feel at home. The inclusion of the work of prominent European academics. A focus on the digital challenges for marketers. An emphasis on the importance of creative thinking and its contribution to marketing practice. New in-depth case studies, each of which integrates one of the major parts in the book. This textbook covers admirably the wide range of concepts and issues and accurately reflects the fast-moving pace of marketing in the modern world, examining traditional aspects of marketing and blending them with modern and future concepts. A key text for both undergraduate and postgraduate marketing programmes.
- Bog
- 813,95 kr.
- a journal of creative direction and graphic design - volume 2
223,95 kr. Vol.2 continues offering yet more indispensable advice. Chapters cover issues ranging from creativity for good, how to decode creative DNA, embracing limitations, using humour or entertaining the right wrongs. Vol.2 offers holistic guidance on how to approach life and work in a mindful, smart way to make you a better designer, creator and thinker.
- Bog
- 223,95 kr.
- Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd
168,95 - 318,95 kr. - Bog
- 168,95 kr.
- The Ultimate Guide for Mastering The Art and Science of Getting Past No
253,95 kr. There are few one-size-fits-all solutions in sales. Context matters. Complex sales are different from one-call closes. B2B is different than B2C. Prospects, territories, products, industries, companies, and sales processes are all different. There is little black and white in the sales profession.Except for objections. There is democracy in objections. Every salesperson must endure many NOs in order to get to YES.Objections don't care or consider:* Who you are* What you sell* How you sell* If you are new to sales or a veteran* If your sales cycle is long or short - complex or transactionalFor as long as salespeople have been asking buyers to make commitments, buyers have been throwing out objections. And, for as long as buyers have been saying no, salespeople have yearned for the secrets to getting past those NOs.Following in the footsteps of his blockbuster bestsellers Fanatical Prospecting and Sales EQ, Jeb Blount's Objections is a comprehensive and contemporary guide that engages your heart and mind.In his signature right-to-the-point style, Jeb pulls no punches and slaps you in the face with the cold, hard truth about what's really holding you back from closing sales and reaching your income goals. Then he pulls you in with examples, stories, and lessons that teach powerful human-influence frameworks for getting past NO - even with the most challenging objections.What you won't find, though, is old school techniques straight out of the last century. No bait and switch schemes, no sycophantic tie-downs, no cheesy scripts, and none of the contrived closing techniques that leave you feeling like a phony, destroy relationships, and only serve to increase your buyers' resistance.Instead, you'll learn a new psychology for turning-around objections and proven techniques that work with today's more informed, in control, and skeptical buyers. Inside the pages of Objections, you'll gain deep insight into:* How to get past the natural human fear of NO and become rejection proof* The science of resistance and why buyers throw out objections* Human influence frameworks that turn you into a master persuader* The key to avoiding embarrassing red herrings that derail sales calls* How to leverage the "Magical Quarter of a Second" to instantly gain control of your emotions when you get hit with difficult objections* Proven objection turn-around frameworks that give you confidence and control in virtually every sales situation* How to easily skip past reflex responses on cold calls and when prospecting* How to move past brush-offs to get to the next step, increase pipeline velocity, and shorten the sales cycle* The 5 Step Process for Turning Around Buying Commitment Objections and closing the sale* Rapid Negotiation techniques that deliver better terms and higher pricesAs you dive into these powerful insights, and with each new chapter, you'll gain greater and greater confidence in your ability to face and effectively handle objections in any selling situation. And, with this new-found confidence, your success and income will soar.
- Bog
- 253,95 kr.
163,95 kr. - Bog
- 163,95 kr.
- The Fastest, Easiest, and Most Reliable System for Getting More Clients Than You Can Handle Even if You Hate Marketing and Selling
223,95 kr. Kick off the cycle of success with serious self-promotion that works Book Yourself Solid is a handbook for self-promotion that translates into results. We tend to think of "busy" as the equivalent of "successful" but that's not always the case. The key lies in what you're busy doing.
- Bog
- 223,95 kr.