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  • af Barbara Barry
    741,95 kr.

    ¿In Time¿ is an innovative study of classical music that integrates contemporary theory, such as problem-solving strategies (resembling map-making) with the expressive dimension of music. This integration is suggested as a metaphor for life journeys, encompassing both external experiences and internal memories within alternative realities.

  • af Stacy C. Johnson
    452,95 kr.

    The term agape has become something of a mainstream concept, as it has graced Americäs television screens through commercial media. This book investigates agape and presents a timely, novel argument regarding current strains on U.S. education and student learning outcomes. It interrogates the impact of a loveless, meritocratic and exclusively Eurocentric learning environment on student engagement and motivation, reimagining a more effective outcome when unconditional love guides both curriculum and pedagogy. Through an interdisciplinary lens of western and non-western scholarship and storytelling, the author shares her journey along a 30 year practice of a curriculum of agape¿a hidden and explicit curriculum of a selfless and radical love, ever pursuant of the unfinished quest for social justice in the learning space. A Curriculum of Agape¿Reimagining Love in the Classroom is a theoretical and practical guide for prioritizing and actualizing unconditional love in the classroom as a relevant and necessary approach to maximizing student learning outcomes."A Curriculum of Agape is a self-help book, love story, and practical guide for anyone who is interested in becoming a teacher or for those looking to rekindle their relationship with the profession. Through vulnerability and honesty, Dr. Johnson connects to her reader and shares her experiences as a veteran teacher, examining how attitudes, institutions, and structures have infl uenced the teaching profession. Dr. Johnson reminds us that teaching and learning is an emotional and professional calling, where a curriculum centered on love will help us achieve more equity and belonging in our classrooms and communities."¿Dr. Breanne Hicks Cultivator for Interdisciplinary Studies and English Teacher, Saint Mary¿s Hall, San Antonio, TX"This book should be in the hands of every teacher and educational leader in the field. Dr. Johnson layers the complexity of equity, inclusion, and restorative justice practices, with the development of student identity in a way that is accessible to educators."¿Dr. Paula Johnson Chief Equity and Diversity Officer Judson Independent School District, San Antonio, TX

  • af Olivia K
    318,95 kr.

    The "Rails of Progress: Train Development" is an enrapturing venture through the powerful history and development of trains, exhibiting the momentous headways that have moved train innovation forward throughout the long term. This vivid experience welcomes fans and inquisitive personalities the same to follow the advancement of trains from their unassuming starting points to the state of the art wonders of present day rail transportation.The show unfurls like a course of events, starting with the introduction of the steam train during the mid nineteenth 100 years. Guests witness the groundbreaking effect of the Modern Unrest as the main steam-controlled motors moved ahead crude tracks, making way for an upheaval in transportation. True reproductions and reestablished classic trains permit guests to step back in time and value the resourcefulness of early specialists who established the groundwork for the broad rail networks we know today.As the excursion through time advances, the presentation catches the significant minutes that characterized every period of train development. The progress from steam to diesel-electric and, in the long run, to electric trains unfurls consistently, featuring the mechanical leap forwards that improved proficiency, speed, and natural manageability. Classic photos, intelligent presentations, and skillfully organized ancient rarities rejuvenate the narratives of development that molded the rail business.One of the central places of the show is the brilliant period of rail travel, where lavish traveler trains re-imagined the idea of polish on tracks. Guests are shipped to a time when rich carriages, enhanced with mind boggling subtleties and extravagant insides, whisked explorers across huge scenes. The display honors notable trains like the Orient Express and the smoothed out trains that exemplified the level of refinement in rail travel.The story doesn't stop previously; it moves forward into the present and then some, exhibiting the state of the art advances driving the contemporary rail industry. Fast trains, attractive levitation (maglev) innovation, and the mix of man-made reasoning in train tasks are introduced as the ongoing boondocks of rail development. Intelligent reproductions permit guests to encounter the excitement of present day train travel, stressing the job of trains in encouraging network and maintainable transportation arrangements.Besides, "Rails of Progress: Train Advancement" doesn't avoid tending to the difficulties and future possibilities of rail transportation. The presentation dives into progressing innovative work, investigating ideas like hyperloop innovation and supportable energy hotspots for trains. Provocative conversations on the job of trains in a quickly impacting world highlight the proceeded with pertinence and flexibility of this method of transportation.

  • af Luca Meldolesi
    1.062,95 kr.

    Late Hirschman: Theoretical exercises in "Self-Subversion" draws from the Colorni-Hirschman intellectual tradition the author has developed with close colleagues: recalls and rationalizes personal memoires that come from the long collaboration of the author with Albert Hirschman; learns ¿ once again ¿ in depth from his work; desires, if possible, to make progress on some vexed questions; and breaks away from all forms of ritualism. Hirschman, homme libre, did not like orthodoxies or intellectual boundaries and the like. He certainly would not have liked to be now pigeon-holed by a part of the Academia. Gradually exploring alternative directions, Meldolesi proposes, therefore, in this book a group of exercises. They have been suggested by the late Hirschman¿s self-subverting phase of intellectual elaboration that, starting from the "interpretive social science" point of view elaborated in the late ¿70s of last century together with Clifford Geertz and other leading intellectuals at the Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton N.J.), touched later on numerous aspects of the long experience of Hirschman developed in three continents, and mirrored cautiously in his extraordinary work. The ambition of these exercises lies in helping the "triggering off" the cultural, economic and political potential that might be stemmed from late Hirschman: for understanding some key aspects of the past, exploring hand in glove the world we live in, and acting accordingly.

  • af Pawe¿ Wili¿ski
    735,95 kr.

    Effective Legal Remedy (ELR) is a legal concept of universal value. Its primary purpose is the protection of individual rights and freedoms against violation. It serves to safeguards the effectiveness of the enacted and applied law. The book presents and discusses current standard of Effective Legal Remedy concept in European Law as it is or may be referred to criminal justice system. The research is based on a thorough analysis of jurisprudence of European Court of Human Rights and Court of Justice European Union. Is also supplemented by an analysis of the ELR's implementation of the European Parliament's directives on individual rights in criminal matters. Offers a perspective on the use of the ELR to integrate the criminal justice system in Europe.

  • af Rafael García Pérez
    558,95 kr.

    Este libro, centrado en el estudio de los adverbios, es el resultado de un trabajo en colaboración de marcado carácter multidisciplinar y trata cuestiones gramaticales y semánticas que afectan a estas unidades léxicas, como no podía ser de otra manera, pero también pragmáticas, sin olvidar, además, que el español, como todas las lenguas, está sometido a la variación diacrónica. Los investigadores participantes se han centrado, por un lado, en el análisis de determinadas unidades adverbiales que no han recibido atención anteriormente. Por otro lado, llevan a cabo una reflexión profunda sobre cuestiones concretas y acuciantes para las que, en su opinión, los fundamentos conceptuales y las metodologías específicas de su área de especialización permiten arrojar nueva luz.

  • af Philippe Ortoli
    518,95 kr.

    De nombreux livres ont été écrits sur le cinéma et les séries télévisées d'épouvante et d'horreur au sein des États-Unis contemporains, mais aucun en France n¿avait encore tenté de traiter le phénomène dans son ensemble. Pour répondre à cette ambition, quinze spécialistes ont été invités à se focaliser chacun sur un élément précis du sujet. De nombreux aspects complémentaires sont ainsi abordés, comme la résurgence du motif cannibale, l¿influence de l'imaginaire «¿trumpien¿», le spiritisme, l'horreur adolescente, l'épouvante cybernétique, la prégnance de la figure du zombie ou l'importance du gore. L¿analyse de tous ces territoires, à laquelle s¿ajoute une bibliographie de référence sur le sujet, permettra au lecteur d'appréhender les fondements des peurs américaines contemporaines, de découvrir en quoi ce cinéma est si important pour comprendre cette civilisation et d'appréhender de nouveaux réalisateurs, encore peu connus, mais en plein devenir.

  • af Joanna Boudreaux
    446,95 kr.

    How do U.S. American Muslim mothers describe and discuss their identities as mothers, wives, and Muslims? How do they conceptualize their relationships with their children, husbands, and other family members? Often, discussions of motherhood within the mainstream Muslim community do not center on actual mothers¿ perspectives. This study, undertaken by a Muslim woman researcher, foregrounds the lived experiences of Muslim mothers to explore their communicative experiences of identity.The findings of this study are based on interviews with nine U.S.-based Muslim women who shared detailed thoughts about what Islamic scripture says about motherhood, the role of culture, the rights and obligations of different family members, and details about their day-to-day lives. Hecht¿s Communication Theory of Identity (CTI) framework ¿ a flexible and useful method for understanding the relationship between ideology, identity, and personal agency ¿ is used to identify core themes. Further, this study explores contradictions, incongruences, an disruptions between how respondents may enact (or perform) "motherhood" and their own personal feelings.Engaging and accessible, this book will be of interest to scholars of communication theory, religious communication, women and gender, and U.S. American Muslim studies, as well as anyone with an interest in the various impacts and influences of overarching intersectional identities.

  • af Roman Winter-Tietel
    626,95 kr.

    Die Theologie ringt mit ihrer digitalen Zukunft. Wie weit kann sie sich auf den digitalen Logos einlassen, ohne ihren eigenen Logos aus den Augen zu verlieren? Die Beiträge dieses Buches versuchen, darauf eine Antwort zu geben, indem sie in interdisziplinärer Breite aktuelle Debatten um die Digitalisierung aus einer jungen Perspektive reflektieren. Das Verhältnis von Theologie und Digitalität wird unter anderem aus einem (religions)philosophischen, ethischen, systematisch-theologischen und ökumenischen Blickwinkel thematisiert. Ein besonderes Kennzeichen dieses Buches sind die kreativen Köpfe dahinter: die Mehrheit der AutorInnen sind NachwuchswissenschaftlerInnen, die als Digital Natives im wissenschaftlichen Diskurs noch (zu) wenig wahrgenommen werden. Damit richtet sich das Buch aber nicht allein an das junge akademische Publikum. Es soll vielmehr ein Impulsgeber für die Theologie insgesamt werden.

  • af Jake Levin
    626,95 kr.

    Este libro explora la caracterización y el rol del judío en uno de los textos antisemitas más polémicos del siglo XVII en España: el Centinela contra judíos, compuesto por el franciscano Fray Francisco de Torrejoncillo. Mediante la primera transcripción completa y anotada del Centinela en español, nuestro trabajo brinda a los lectores hispanohablantes una edición académica accesible, que por primera vez distingue con claridad los textos de las ediciones madrileñas de 1674 y 1676, que contienen notables diferencias no señaladas antes por la crítica. También ofrecemos un análisis literario y cultural del Centinela, utilizando el aparato de la teratología con el fin de identificar y reconocer a su judío como monstruo en lugar de ser humano.

  • af Fabien Arribert-Narce
    733,95 kr.

    «This volume locates itself neatly in the growing collection of publications on intermediality by relating such practices to Roland Barthes. Barthesian motifs and writerly concerns are found within a variety of intermedial practices, as the analysis moves, historically and globally, across visual, aural and literary cultures. Such an approach is both appropriate and innovative within Barthes Studies and in cultural theory more generally.»(Andy Stafford, Professor of French and Critical Theory, University of Leeds)The essays in this collection reconsider Roland Barthes as a crucial figure in intermedia studies, arguing that the concepts and forms of analysis he pioneered are of continuing importance for students and scholars working in the field. These essays utilize an interdisciplinary methodology, drawing on Barthes's own intermedial critical practice, to examine the multiple relationships between art, literature, music and performance and across different languages. The collection places Barthes's writing in critical dialogue with other theorists, including Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, Dick Higgins and Emmanuel Levinas, investigating the work of figures as varied as André Breton, Giordano Bruno, Alain Cavalier, Alfred Hitchcock, Marcel Schwob, W. G. Sebald, Steven Spielberg, Yoko Tawada and Lev Tolstoy. The collection demonstrates that Barthes's intermedial critical and theoretical practice provides a means of challenging fixed critical narratives and exploring crucial intermedial issues, including how narrative crosses media, the close relationship between image and text throughout history, and how twentieth-century consumer capitalist culture transformed the relationship between image and text.

  • af Nathan Poirier
    454,95 - 1.223,95 kr.

  • af Christopher Dietzel
    452,95 - 1.221,95 kr.

  • af Daniela Pietrini
    982,95 kr.

    Politicamente corretto, linguaggio inclusivo, "lingua facile", sessismo linguistico, hate speech: nella maggior parte dei casi di discriminazione un ruolo determinante spetta (anche) al linguaggio. Pur non limitandosi a fatti linguistici, la discriminazione viene spesso trasmessa attraverso la lingua, per mezzo di espressioni volutamente spregiative, ma anche nascosta in usi idiomatici apparentemente innocui. D'altro canto però proprio la lingua può servire a combattere le discriminazioni, p.e. ricorrendo a un linguaggio inclusivo che non perpetri stereotipi di genere, oppure semplificando testi istituzionali per renderli accessibili alle persone con disabilità intellettive. Questo volume analizza da un punto di vista diacronico e sincronico alcune espressioni e locuzioni discriminatorie sulla base di materiali eterogenei (dizionari, raccolte di proverbi, trattati e testi letterari, articoli di giornale, social network, canzoni) e secondo diversi approcci metodologici. Il focus è sull'italiano, con excursus su francese, inglese e tedesco.

  • af Charlotte Ashby
    1.139,95 kr.

    «Nordic Design in Translation: The Circulation of Objects, Ideas and Practices is an exciting and necessary addition to the discourse on material culture, bringing together fresh approaches to the transnational character of Nordic design. The contributors take the reader outside the established frameworks of national, institutional and disciplinary boundaries and offer us a way to think about the circulation of objects, ideas and practices and their interconnection with wider influences and cultural contexts.»(Professor Juliette MacDonald, Chair of Craft History and Theory, Edinburgh College of Art, University of Edinburgh)«With the ambition to go underneath the veneer of "Scandinavian Design", this volume offers original perspectives on artistic and cultural transfer. Case studies spanning the twentieth century challenge canonical trajectories of unidirectional influence and demonstrate how design and its ideas translate across nations. It is a vital contribution to contemporary scholarship and an inspiring read for everyone interested in design history in the Nordic region and beyond.»(Christina Pech, Senior Lecturer, History of Art, University of Oslo)«Scandinavian Design» as a myth, a brand and a shorthand for a range of design ideas has proved an enduring and adaptable construct. Its export around the world has ensured that it has touched and transformed design cultures from Europe to Australia. At the same time, the Nordic design it draws on has been shaped and reshaped by influences from beyond the Nordic countries and by reflection on its own global success. This collection of essays considers Nordic design from the mid-nineteenth century to the present day within transnational dynamics of cultural interaction, circulations and cross-border flows that highlight exchange and reciprocity. Engaging with a range of Nordic and Nordic-inspired material objects, techniques, practices and concepts, the essays assess both the impact they have had on new cultural contexts and the ways they themselves have been fashioned and refashioned in response to foreign influences.

  • af Dariusz Nied¿wiedzki
    515,95 kr.

    The book consists of four chapters. The first one contains information about the topic which introduce the project's characteristics, and, at the same time, provide the background for further theoretical and methodological reflection. The second chapter contains a list of research problems and questions, a presentation of the philosophical worldviews (research paradigms) of the project team who guided the planned research and which resulted in the adoption of research strategies compatible with them, and, consequently, procedures and techniques for obtaining source materials and their analysis. In the third chapter, we present a set of terms, ideas, and concepts which inspired the project team as useful tools for describing and analysing the phenomenon under study. The fourth chapter is a kind of ligature that binds together all the previous findings, it is a summary of integrating ideas, concepts, as well as the adopted research procedures and techniques.

  • af Jochen Rozek
    500,95 kr.

    Der Band versammelt die um Anmerkungen ergänzten Vorträge zu verfassungs- und medienrechtlichen Fragen, die am 8. Februar 2020 an der Universität Passau im Rahmen des Symposiums aus Anlass des 80. Geburtstages von Herbert Bethge zu Ehren des Jubilars und in Würdigung seines rechtswissenschaftlichen Lebenswerks gehalten worden sind.

  • af Andrej Demuth
    439,95 kr.

    This collection delves into the conceptual and semantic dissection of aesthetic and moral emotions. It grapples with their definition, scope, function, and structure. Highlighting a range of semantic research methods, the authors also present interdisciplinary studies on emotions like anger, admiration, disgust, guilt, and feelings linked to beauty perception. This book serves as a thematic and methodological gateway to interdisciplinary human emotionality research.

  • af Karolina Gmerek
    742,95 kr.

    In the book, the author presented the results of several years of empirical studies conducted in Polish common courts. On the basis of an analysis of 250 observed and recorded trials, conducted as part of various court proceedings (criminal, civil, insurance, etc.), the author outlined a picture of the trial as a communication occurrence, in which persons with various levels of communication competence are involved in the interaction. Among other things, the book answers the questions: "How does the communication process between a judge and a non-professional participant proceed?", "Implementation of which communication activities cause the greatest difficulty for non-professional participants?" and "How do judges try to counteract these difficulties?".

  • af Koray Lynx
    446,95 kr.

    This book is first in its category to reflect a lived experience from a phenomenological viewpoint within the Hizmet Movement (HM). Through the author's lens, you will read about the transformation of HM along with his own over a span of three decades. Moreover, the book does not shy away from sensitive subjects such as LGBTQA+ topics in this Turkey-based, Muslim educational movement. This book took more than five years to complete and includes a brief history of the Turkish Republic and the HM, details from Gülen's life, his and other HM participants' overlapping philosophies on education and language, and the arduous interview process to put this book together. A full copy of the interview with Mr. Fethullah Gülen on education and language is available at the end of the book.This would be an excellent source for educational psychology departments, teacher training programs, political science, and theology majors.

  • af Maria Sass
    802,95 kr.

    The book contains contributions on the significance of German culture for Romanian art, language, and literature. Not only will the direct influence of German role models on Romanian culture be discussed, but it will also show how this influence set in motion a whole series of socio-cultural and artistic shifts that allowed Romanian culture to better understand its position in the European world.Das Buch enthält Beiträge zur Bedeutung der deutschen Kultur für die rumänische Kunst, Sprache und Literatur. Erörtert wird nicht nur der direkte Einfluss deutscher Vorbilder auf die rumänische Kultur, sondern es wird auch aufgezeigt, wie dieser Einfluss eine ganze Reihe soziokultureller und künstlerischer Veränderungen in Gang gesetzt hat, die der rumänischen Kultur ermöglichten, ihren Platz in der europäischen Welt besser zu verstehen.

  • af Lukas Daum
    854,95 kr.

    Das Buch stellt Mittel der multimodalen Kommunikation über Wissen der Physik für Kinder überblicksartig vor. Dabei steht die Texteigenschaft der Verständlichkeit im Zentrum. Der Überblick wird inhaltsanalytisch durch den Vergleich der Textsorten Schul- und Sachbuch erlangt. Die Analyseergebnisse erhalten ihre Schärfe durch Erkenntnisse der Semiotik, der Textlinguistik, der Didaktik und der Psychologie. Die Ergebnisse zu konkreten multimodalen Textgestaltungsmitteln aus Sprache, Bild und Typografie werden katalogartig systematisiert und die Ergebnisse zu den Textsorten durch exemplarische Teiltextanalysen gewonnen. Der Band zeichnet sich durch ein Fundament der pragmatischen Varietätenlinguistik aus, welches den Blick über die Textsorten des Korpus hinaus nahelegt.

  • af Marta Garcia Garcia
    510,95 kr.

    Este volumen reúne doce trabajos que abordan la situación del español como lengua de herencia en distintos contextos educativos y geográficos de Europa. La primera parte del libro está centrada en los desafíos y perspectivas para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje del español como lengua de herencia, tanto en la escuela como en la universidad, y analiza las necesidades específicas que presentan los estudiantes en estos contextos, así como las medidas de apoyo, mantenimiento y promoción de las lenguas de herencia en Alemania, Austria, Finlandia, Italia y Suiza. En la segunda parte, se examinan estrategias efectivas para abordar estos retos a partir de una variedad de enfoques didácticos, tales como las literacidades múltiples, la mediación cultural y la reflexión metalingüística.

  • af Blanka Kudlá¿ová
    676,95 kr.

    The book examines Slovak education as an example of totalitarianism, exploring two opposing sides: the publicly expressed values and ideals of offi cial compulsory education subordinated to government power and the alternative ideals and concepts of unofficial education implemented by informal groups and underground organizations (dissent). The authors seek answers to Hannah Arendt's iconic questions: What happened? Why did it happen? How could this happen? The title of the book also references the dualism in the lives of individuals and families who did not identify with the doctrine of Marxism-Leninism and totalitarian ways of governing. In order to preserve their inner freedom, they lived a double life, one in private and the other in public.

  • af Dustin Grinnell
    329,95 kr.

    A writer uses the same adventurous spirit that took him all over the world to look inward and embark on a journey of self-discovery.If there was one thing Dustin Grinnell craved, it was adventure. From running the Paris marathon, to bungee jumping in New Zealand, to watching the sunrise at the top of Mount Kilimanjaro, Grinnell spent his twenties and thirties traveling across the globe in search of new experiences. But as he indulged his wanderlust, he noticed he seldom looked inward to explore himself: What did he want, and where was he really going?In this insightful collection of twenty-five memoir essays, Grinnell discovers amazing places-and bit by bit, himself. Whether he's exploring his relationship with his father, trying to find satisfaction in Corporate America, or searching for love, Grinnell's essays offer readers a window into the complexities of human relationships and the natural world, with insights that are both deeply personal and universally resonant. «Few writers have Dustin Grinnell's ability to tell a great story while imparting sociopolitical insights.»(Bruce E. Levine, author of Resisting Illegitimate Authority)«Dustin Grinnell's essays explore how to live. He presents the unvarnished truth of his 'evolution from magical to critical thinker' in vivid, precise language that left me hungry to keep reading. I jogged beside him through a tunnel during the Paris marathon and felt the lurch of a bungee cord in New Zealand. Although a marketing writer for many years, there's no crafting of the best possible image here. His subjects lead him to inspect how he came to his beliefs and his actions. Dustin reads deeply, to study traditions across culture and setting, and then to examine his life through the lens of philosophers, artists, adventurers, and psychotherapists. This is a thoughtful and rich collection of essays that inspires, challenges, and ultimately satisfies.»(Penny Kittle, author of The Greatest Catch: A Life in Teaching)«Lost & Found is a poignant, dark, and moving work that captures the deepest moments of introspection, doubt, and, ultimately, perseverance and acceptance. Dustin Grinnell has opened up his own skepticism about who and what he, and perhaps all of us, really are and what we each wish to pursue. His essay collection raises the question of what will become of us if we simply forge onward, ignoring the whips and scorns of our lived experience in the blind pursuit of some undefined progress. It demands instead that we reflect on the most challenging portions of our lives so we can find, through that rockiness, a sense of who and what we truly are.»(Trevor (T.H.) Paul, author of The Legacy Chronicle series)

  • af Hongyu Wang
    531,95 kr.

    In curriculum studies, we pay critical attention to violence in various forms; why not to nonviolence? This original and inspirational book foregrounds nonviolence as a positive force in education through multidimensional, complex, and interdisciplinary lenses. Starlight for shifting relational dynamics in a time of darkness and crises to co-create mutual-flourishing pathways, nonviolence not only has an inherent capacity to treat the roots of violence but is also built on a deeply shared sense of interconnectedness that fosters individual and communal integration. "Nonviolence or nonexistence" is an urgent call. This book (with writings that span a decade) conceptualizes nonviolence education through multilayered, evolving, and cross-disciplinary perspectives, centering on nonviolent relationality that engages with differences within the self and with the other (including the non-human other) to bridge inner work and outer work, transcend dualism and divisions, and transform pedagogy and curriculum dynamics. Drawing upon international and indigenous wisdom, Gandhi-King philosophies of nonviolent social change, theories of the human psyche and currere, post-structural theories, and feminism, this book explicates nonviolence as curriculum and educational renewal in an ongoing process, infused by attuned, improvised, creative, and integrative energy that holds tensions, cultivates compassion, and inspires awakenings. Scholars, students, and practitioners in the fields of curriculum studies, nonviolence studies, peace education, teaching and learning, educational foundations, philosophy of education, international education, East/West inquiry, and community based education will welcome this book.

  • af Bao Cheng
    1.180,95 kr.

    Omniprésente dans la vie de Boris Vian, la musique lui a conféré une sensibilité qui est certainement pour une part à la source de son originalité en tant qüécrivain. Notre recherche vise à interroger l¿importance de la musique dans son univers littéraire, ainsi que les efforts qüil a consacrés au rapprochement des deux arts. Utilisant son acception ouverte des formes de la musique, nous avons découvert un monde où l¿écrivain inscrit l¿art d¿Euterpe de maintes manières. Dans l¿oeuvre de fiction, la musique exerce ainsi son infl uence depuis le detail stylistique jusqüà la structure macroscopique. Le premier volet de notre étude concerne les présentations explicites de la musique dans ses fictions tandis que la partie suivante poursuit l¿exploration vers une dimension plus implicite.Notre interprétation de la musique dans les fictions de Vian se développera selon trois dynamiques : la convergence, la transformation et la synchronisation. Nous avons découvert que la musique chez Vian joue un rôle important par rapport à l¿installation du contexte des récits, à la création des personnages, à l¿expression des émotions et des attitudes, ainsi qüà la construction de son architecture fictionnelle.

  • af Miguel Soler Gallo
    621,95 kr.

    El presente volumen reúne once trabajos que presentan experiencias prácticas para promover los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) que recoge la Organización de las Naciones Unidas, trabajar con la competencia global e incorporar otros objetivos propios de organizaciones de enseñanza y relacionados con los anteriores, como los ¿World-Readiness Standards¿ de la AATSP (American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese). Los capítulos incluidos se orientan a diferentes tipos de enseñanza, desde la etapa secundaria a niveles universitarios en clases de español como primera lengua, lengua extranjera y lengua de herencia en diversos países.

  • af Alena Kharko
    658,95 kr.

    Aleksandr Men¿ (1935¿1990) gilt als einer der bedeutendsten orthodoxen russischsprachigen Theologen des 20. Jahrhunderts, jedoch wurde sein Konzept einer theologischen Erlösungslehre bisher nicht systematisch untersucht. Bei der Entwicklung seiner theologischen Ideen beteiligt sich Men¿ einerseits an den orthodoxen Debatten um eine Auslegung der Erlösungstat Jesu Christi. Andererseits lässt sich aber in seinem Werk auch eine intensive Auseinandersetzung mit der westlichen (vor allem der protestantischen) Exegese nachweisen. Die Autorin nutzt einen innovativen methodischen Ansatz, der in der bisherigen Forschung zu seiner Person und seinem theologischen Denken wenig beachtet wurde. Es handelt sich dabei um eine Systematisierung von Men¿s Beschäftigung mit den Fragen und Themen, die die orthodoxe Theologie am Ende des 19. und zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts geprägt haben. Damit wird Men¿s kritisches Gespräch mit den theologischen Entwürfen in Ost und West rekonstruiert und das eigenständige Konzept seiner orthodoxen Erlösungslehre innerhalb einer gesamteuropäischen christlichen Theologie verdeutlicht.

  • af Yvonne Herr
    920,95 kr.

    Das private Kartellschadensersatzrecht rückte zuletzt in den Fokus der gerichtlichen Praxis und wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung. Die Arbeit befasst sich mit einem der Dreh- und Angelpunkte von Kartellschadensersatzverfahren, der Bindungswirkung vorausgegangener Kartellbeschlüsse der Europäischen Kommission. In Auseinandersetzung mit Literatur und Judikative entwickelt die Autorin unter Berücksichtigung unionsverfassungsrechtlicher Anforderungen eigene Lösungsvorschläge hinsichtlich Inhalt, Umfang und Grenzen der Bindungswirkung und bestimmt diese anhand der klassischen Auslegungsmethoden. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt darin, die in der Praxis bedeutsame und umstrittene zivilrechtliche Haftung für Kartellrechtsverstöße innerhalb eines Konzernverbundes einer dogmatisch kohärenten Lösung zuzuführen.