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Bøger udgivet af Peter Lang

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  • af Shin Young Park
    839,45 kr.

    This book constructively proposes that the work of Hans Urs von Balthasar is a credible alternative to the epistemological and ethical concerns of postmodernism, which arose from nineteenth-century nihilism and continues in contemporary thought and culture. It critically examines postmodern efforts to reclaim "faith," the "self " vis-à-vis the divine, and "kenosis" by revisiting and reframing the thinking of postmodern theorists (Nietzsche, Heidegger, Lyotard, Derrida, Vattimo) within von Balthasar¿s narrative of theological aesthetics and ethics.The heart of the author¿s theological alternative to postmodernism is the Gestalt Christi, through which von Balthasar strives to restore the connection between the beautiful and the transcendental, faith and ethics, and ultimately the human and the divine to take back the very ground and source of human existence in response to the postmodern nihilism we face today. This is an important study for all Christians who are in dialogue with postmodern (Continental) philosophy, and it is especially valuable for von Balthasar scholars.

  • af Lin Wenxun
    949,45 kr.

    This book examines social transformation during the Tang-Song period by focusing on the emergence and development of the "society of moneyed elite" in ancient China. Specifically, the author tries to shed light on three important theoretical questions. First, how to understand social change from the perspective economic history; second, how to construct scientifically-informed causal explanations of historical processes and events; and third, how to remedy the shortcomings of previous studies that emphasize the contrasts between the two dynasties while overlooking the continuity between them.

  • af Jorge Francisco Jiménez Jiménez
    581,95 kr.

    El espacio geográfico manchego está indefectiblemente ligado a la figura de Miguel de Cervantes. Su constitución física y la correspondiente figuración literaria forman parte del imaginario colectivo y constituyen, desde tiempos inmemoriales, una fuente inagotable de inspiración viajera y artística a la cual pretendemos contribuir con el presente volumen colectivo. En esta monografía nos proponemos revisitar la vida, la obra y el legado de Cervantes ahondando en cuestiones esenciales para abordar la rica producción de uno de los autores capitales de la literatura española y universal. A través de once estudios firmados por prestigiosos cervantistas y con el aval de un especializado Comité científico, el lector podrá sumergirse, mediante novedosos enfoques, en cuestiones esenciales cervantinas, de ayer, de hoy y de siempre.

  • af Gao Zhiying
    1.274,95 kr.

    As the first inter-disciplinary study of ethnic relationship and cultural changes in the westernmost section of the Tibetan-Yi Corridor, this book brings together a broad range of analyses from the anthropological, historical, and frontier studies perspectives. The author builds on a synthesis of Fei Xiaotong¿s Tibetan-Yi corridor theory and Wang Mingming¿s cultural theory and to present a rich historical narrative of the dynamic interactions among the Lisu, Nu, Dulong, Naxi, Bai, Tibetan and Pumi ethnic groups in this region from the Tang Dynasty to the Republic of China period. In addition to a vast body of existing literature, the study also draws on extensive fieldwork. Its findings not only enhance our knowledge of the historical development of particular ethnic groups in a specific region but also have implications for how we should understand the development of the Chinese nation as a whole.

    762,95 kr.

    Il volume esplora il ruolo della linguistica contrastiva nel lavoro del traduttore, concentrandosi sui problemi posti da alcuni "punti di conflitto" che caratterizzano la traduzione dal tedesco all¿italiano e dal francese all¿italiano. In particolare, un primo gruppo di contributi parte da una forma semantico-sintattica del francese o del tedesco per indagarne attraverso fonti grammaticali, teoriche e/o di corpora, gli equivalenti funzionali in italiano. A questo gruppo appartengono uno studio sui determinanti del nome in francese e italiano, un¿analisi del vocabolo francese même e delle sue traduzioni in italiano e due studi su mezzi di espressione della modalità in tedesco e italiano. Un secondo gruppo di contributi affronta questioni lessicali nella traduzione dal tedesco in italiano di fenomeni di variazione in testi letterari, la resa in italiano dei neologismi presenti in due romanzi francesi e questioni di traduzione dall¿italiano al tedesco in prospettiva diacronica.

  • af Emmanuel Martinais
    574,45 kr.

    De façon surprenante, la sociologie de l¿État et de l¿administration a tendance à ignorer les corps intermédiaires de fonctionnaires qui représentent pourtant le gros des effectifs ministériels et des rouages essentiels de l¿action étatique. En France notamment, les analyses se limitent le plus souvent aux deux extrémités des structures bureaucratiques, laissant systématiquement dans l¿ombre tous les acteurs administratifs du milieu, qui ne sont ni des hauts-fonctionnaires ni des street level bureaucrats. Qui sont ces fonctionnaires du milieu ? A quoi servent-ils exactement ? Que font-ils concrètement ? Dans quels espaces évoluent-ils ? Comment travaillent-ils ? De quoi décident-ils ? C¿est à ces différentes questions que ce livre propose de répondre, en suivant pas à pas le processus de réforme de la politique publique de prévention des risques industriels engagé il y a presque vingt ans suite à la catastrophe d¿AZF de septembre 2001.

  • af Elke Cases
    373,95 kr.

    La accesibilidad resulta fundamental en nuestra sociedad para que todas las personas tengan acceso no solo a los servicios públicos sino también al ocio. No obstante, esta accesibilidad se ve, a menudo, imposibilitada o dificultada por el desconocimiento o la falta de comprensión del lenguaje empleado.Esta obra presenta la importancia que tienen la lectura fácil y el lenguaje claro como elementos facilitadores de la inclusión, así como las principales técnicas para adaptar los textos a un lenguaje comprensible para todos los lectores.

  • af Almudena Nevado Llopis
    761,95 kr.

    «This comprehensive, insightful and well-researched work is an essential and timely contribution to sustaining the training of healthcare interpreters. It provides an important foundation for trainers, researchers and practitioners, based on a thorough and up-to-date reflection on the challenges and needs of healthcare interpreting today, and on the development of training materials for interpreter trainers carried out by the European project ReACTMe. It is a rich, powerful, compelling and much needed book in the field of healthcare interpreting studies.»(Dora Sales, Senior Lecturer, Department of Translation and Communication, Jaume I University, Spain)«This volume breaks new ground by examining health inequities through a pedagogical and justice-oriented lens in the context of healthcare interpreting in Spain, Italy and Romania. By foregrounding specialized training that targets both emerging interpreters as well as trainers, the authors offer a fresh look at teaching and learning for healthcare interpreters by offering authentic, creative resources that can be adapted for any national context.»(Melissa Wallace, Associate Professor of Translation and Interpreting Studies and Director of the Graduate Certificate in Translation & Interpreting Studies, University of Texas at San Antonio, USA)Medical Interpreting: Training the Professionals presents the results of the project Research & Action and Training in Medical Interpreting (ReACTMe) funded by the European Commission, which analysed the interpreting services offered in healthcare settings in Spain, Italy and Romania. This edited collection provides the reader not only with an update on the current situation regarding medical interpreting from different perspectives (decision makers, trainers, professional interpreters, healthcare providers and patients) but also with training resources and a proposal for an academic programme to teach medical interpreters. It is therefore ideal reading for medical interpreting trainers, researchers and practitioners. The book is also of interest to healthcare professionals as it includes a decalogue on how to work with interpreters in five languages.

  • af Tina Lena Semling
    703,95 kr.

    In Deutschland werden Heimtiere - am häufigsten Hunde und Katzen ¿ millionenfach gehalten. Je stärker die emotionale Bindung zum Tier ist, desto relevanter sind für die Beteiligten Fragen wie diese: Wer darf das Heimtier bei Trennung bzw. Scheidung zu sich nehmen? Gibt es ein ¿Sorgerecht" und/oder ein ¿Umgangsrecht" an bzw. mit Heimtieren? Wie kann sichergestellt werden, dass das Tier auch nach dem eigenen Tod adäquat versorgt wird?Diese und weitere Fragestellungen des Familien- und Erbrechts beantwortet die Autorin, indem sie das deutsche Familien- und Erbrecht inklusive Rechtsprechung und Schrifttum umfassend auf den Umgang mit Heimtieren untersucht. Dabei stellt die Autorin auch rechtsvergleichende Betrachtungen an und entwirft ein beispielhaftes ¿Tiertestament".

  • af Lin Liu
    890,95 kr.

    Mit der Entwicklung der chinesischen Wirtschaft besteht ein immer größerer Bedarf, die chinesische Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit als ein Streitbeilegungsmittel zu internationalisieren. Die Beiträge zeigen die grundlegenden Rechtsfragen in Bezug auf die chinesische Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit, insbesondere die Rolle des staatlichen Gerichts im Schiedsverfahren, die nicht zu übersehen ist. Die Autorin forscht nicht nur die vielfältigen geltenden Rechtsgrundlagen, sondern auch zahlreiche praktischen Entscheidungen der chinesischen Gerichte. Daher dienen die Beiträge nicht nur dem akademischen Zweck, sondern haben auch eine praktische Relevanz.

  • af Markus Schmechel
    955,95 kr.

    Die Kryokonservierung ermöglicht es, Keimzellen, 2-PN-Zellen und Embryonen einzufrieren und über Jahrzehnte zu lagern. Ihre Bedeutung für die Kinderwunschbehandlung wächst stetig. Dennoch bedürfen viele Aspekte vor, während und nach der Kryokonservierung rechtlicher Klarheit. Dies betrifft neben dem rechtlichen Status des Kryogutes vor allem die Entscheidungsrechte der intendierten Eltern. Weitere Problemfelder bilden die zulässigen Handlungen im Umgang mit dem Kryogut, die fehlende zeitliche Höchstlagerungsdauer, die Kinderwunschbehandlung post mortem und der Umgang mit überzähligem Kryogut. Der Autor arbeitet die rechtlichen Grundlagen der Kryokonservierung heraus. Hierbei zeigt er auf, an welchen Stellen ein gesetzlicher Regelungsbedarf besteht und unterbreitet konkrete Regelungsvorschläge.

  • af Hannah Schlimpen
    634,95 kr.

    This volume of ¿Neuere Lyrik¿ contains a selection of texts on Latin American poetry that focuses on its encounter ¿ at times direct and dialogic; at times indirect or even oppositional ¿ with foreign texts and traditions. The question it therefore raises is what constitutes the borders ¿ cultural, medial, discursive, linguistic, etc. ¿ of a poetic tradition to begin with, particularly today. While each text replies uniquely, their approaches can be broadly assigned to three distinct areas of inquiry: transcultural and transhistorical discourse; intermedial experimentation; and translation. Their attention to these liminal modes, moreover, prompts a remapping of poetry itself by asking how, in continually becoming foreign to itself, poetry is returned to its proper home.

  • af Thomas Sirges
    894,95 kr.

    Der Neuanfang war mühsam. Zunächst einmal beherrschte eine kleine Gruppe prominenter Pazifisten aus der Weimarer Republik das deutsche Bewerberfeld für den Friedensnobelpreis nach 1945. Erst im Laufe der 1950er Jahre traten Kandidaten auf, deren Wirken sich mit dem politischen Neuanfang verband. Jedoch kehrten nicht alle exilierten Kandidaten auch nach Deutschland zurück. Durch die jüngsten militärischen Ereignisse in Europa hat dieser Band im Verlaufe seiner Entstehung unerwartet an Aktualität gewonnen. So sehr sich auf der einen Seite die Friedensideen und -konzepte sowie die praktische Friedensarbeit der Kandidaten voneinander unterschieden, so sehr einte die Generation, die zwei Weltkriege erlebt hatte, auf der anderen Seite der feste Wille, einen dritten, wohlmöglich atomaren Weltkrieg zu verhindern.Vom selben Autor sind bereits die Bände Die deutschen Friedensnobelpreiskandidaten im Kaiserreich 1901¿1918 (2017), Die deutschen Friedensnobelpreiskandidaten in der Weimarer Republik 1919¿1933 (2020) und Die deutschen Friedensnobelpreiskandidaten in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus 1934¿1945 (2021) erschienen.

  • af Samuel Shaw
    1.097,95 kr.

    «Samuel Shaw¿s engaging new book on William Rothenstein takes a figure who has frequently made a fleeting appearance in texts on twentieth-century British art and puts him centre stage. Informed by rigorous research in archives and private collections in Europe and the United States, Shaw¿s discussion of Rothenstein¿s work as an artist, campaigner, educator and organiser will be of interest to anyone seeking out more complex cultural histories of this period. Shaw¿s narrative is an impressive balance of detailed discussion about an individual¿s career and a larger argument about the tensions between the nationalism and cosmopolitanism that shaped the early twentieth-century art world.»(Sarah Victoria Turner, Director of the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art) «In this superbly well-researched book, Samuel Shaw argues convincingly that a commitment to British identity, including the experience of British Jews, is in no way at odds with a cosmopolitan openness to artistic activity across the whole of Europe, Asia and beyond. This will be the standard work on Rothenstein in his time for years to come and required reading for anyone interested in the international artworld of the period.»(Elizabeth Prettejohn, Professor of History of Art, University of York) The artist, writer and teacher William Rothenstein (1872¿1945) was a significant figure in the British art world of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He was a conspicuously cosmopolitan character: born to a German-Jewish family in the north of England, he attended art school in Paris, wrote the first English monograph on the Spanish artist Goya, and became a prominent collector and supporter of Indian art. However, Rothenstein¿s cosmopolitanism was a complex affair. His relationship with his English, European and Jewish identities was ever-changing, responding to wider shifts on the political and cultural stage. This book traces those changes through the artist¿s writings and through his art, analysing a range of paintings, drawings and prints created from the 1890s into the 1930s. This book ¿ the first in-depth study of Rothenstein¿s art ¿ draws on extensive archival material to situate his practice within broader debates regarding transnational exchange and the development of modern art in Britain.

  • af José María Castellano Martínez
    580,95 kr.

    La promoción de productos enoturísticos participa de la situación comunicativa del discurso del turismo con el propósito de adquisición de una experiencia (pre-trip, on-trip y post-trip) por parte del turista potencial. Tal promoción se fundamenta en propuestas comunicativas cuyos fundamentos lingüísticos y socioculturales se orientan al consumo en torno al imaginario del vino vinculado a una identidad cultural e histórica de las regiones vinícolas, la producción de sus caldos y los servicios y productos derivados.

  • af Soraya de Simone
    509,45 kr.

    Dans la plupart des métiers, ce sont des mentor·es qui assument la transmission du métier à autrui. Néanmoins, endosser cette fonction ne va pas de soi. Ce contexte de formation d'adultes entre mentor·es et stagiaires présente différentes dimensions¿: observation, imitation, mise en pratique, sans oublier les entretiens. C'est l'analyse des entretiens menés dans le contexte de la transmission du métier enseignant en alternance, qui est mise en exergue dans cet ouvrage. Ainsi, au travers d'une démarche de formation des mentor·es¿nommée mentoring conversation studies, conçues selon le modèle des lesson studies, l'auteure présente comment, dans ce contexte, des mentor·es en formation d'adultes se développent en profondeur, en termes de réflexivité et d'autorégulation. Enfin, l'analyse fine des entretiens présentée dans ce livre questionne les dispositifs actuels de formation destinés aux mentor·es, et, en corollaire, les effets d'une absence de dispositif destiné à ce public.

  • af Richard Häni
    732,95 kr.

    Reinhart Koselleck concepisce la "Sattelzeit" come quel periodo storico compreso tra il 1750 e il 1850 che, trasformando il futuro nel luogo del progresso illimitato, segna definitivamente l¿avvento della Modernità. Lo studio di Richard Häni dimostra che nel mondo culturale questa trasformazione si realizza nell¿attuale penisola italiana al più tardi a partire dal Cinquecento. L¿autore, andando alla ricerca dei presupposti culturali della "Sattelzeit" koselleckiana, illustra in che modo Sperone Speroni, Benedetto Varchi, Giorgio Vasari e Giambattista Vico interpretarono la propria modernità, come essi percepirono l'antichità classica e più in generale in che modo intesero il rapporto fra antichi e moderni in relazione al progresso e al futuro delle arti, della letteratura e della filosofia italiana.

  • af María del Mar Sánchez Ramos
    530,95 kr.

    En la era de la inteligencia artificial, la traducción automática ha superado niveles de calidad imprevisibles hace escasamente diez años. El volumen de cambio es tal que, desde los estudios de traducción, se hace necesario reflexionar sobre su repercusión en las diferentes especialidades de traducción. El presente volumen recoge aportaciones valiosas para poder entender la evolución de la traducción automática, así como el estado actual de la misma en los ámbitos especializados.

  • af Ercan Karakoç
    1.054,95 kr.

    Described as the "sick man of Europe" by the Great Powers, the Ottoman Empire in the early twentieth century was in terminal decline. The newly independent Balkan states¿Greece, Serbia, Montenegro and Bulgariäeach had significant ethnic populations who had remained under Ottoman rule. Under the guidance of Russia, which had its own interests in south-east Europe, they joined forces against the Ottomans, under the name of the Balkan League, in 1912.In the first phase of the Balkan Wars, Bulgarian, Greek, Montenegrin and Serbian armies fought together against the Ottoman Empire, dealing the Ottomans a heavy defeat in a result that made headlines around the world. In the second phase, the Balkan states fought each other, and Romania also entered the war. In the conflict¿s aftermath, new borders failed to satisfy any of the belligerent parties. Interventions by the Great Powers further increased tensions in the region. As the ultimate result, the first bullet that triggered the First World War was fired in Sarajevo in June 1914.The causes and effects of the Balkan Wars have remained controversial despite the passage of time. In this volume, writers from various Balkan nations and from across various disciplines have come together under the aegis of the Balkan History Association to address little-known and little-studied aspects of the wars. Collectively they analyze a huge range of political, historical, medical, sociological and religious aspects of the conflict. The book, with its ground-breaking content and unique bibliographies, will be an important guide for undergraduate and graduate students studying the political, military and social history of the Balkan Wars and the Balkan nations."The Balkan Wars of 1912/13 were a disaster for the Ottoman Empire, a triumph for the Balkan governments, and a tragedy for the population of the belligerent states.This well structured collection brings together contributors from various backgrounds. Together they help to understand overarching issues far beyond the military event, and especially the still underresearched Ottoman perspective."¿Katrin Boeckh, LMU Munich/IOS Regensburg

  • af Jaynie Anderson
    827,95 kr.

    «A completely fascinating volume. Essential reading on the development of art and cultural history in the twentieth century. It confirms Edgar Wind as one of the master thinkers in both domains. Difficult, mercurial and always original, his work has never ceased to be stimulating, as this book so vividly shows. No one who heard his lectures as the first Professor of Art History at Oxford, or his 1960 Reith lectures entitled Art and Anarchy has ever forgotten the richness of their content or the elegance with which he delivered them. His brilliance and his complicated character could not emerge more clearly than in this outstanding series of essays ¿ one as compelling as the other. It could hardly be otherwise. This is a team of both younger and more senior scholars headed by Jaynie Anderson (more responsible than any for the revival of Wind¿s reputation), that includes Oswyn Murray (who knew him well), and Elizabeth Sears (who knows the complex cast of characters involved in the history of the great institute founded by Aby Warburg in Hamburg better than anyone else). Here are rich accounts of Wind¿s challenges to Warburg¿s colleagues and protegés such as Ernst Cassirer, Fritz Saxl, Erwin Panofsky and many others, as well as his fundamental role in the transfer of the Institute to London and the consequences of his unfortunate separation from it.»(David Freedberg, Pierre Matisse Professor Emeritus of the History of Art, Columbia University)«This close attention to Edgar Wind is long overdue. The vast range of interests and ideas of the German-trained mainstay of art history in England at last find proper tribute and assessment in this volume. Not only are his own close studies of cultural symbols examined anew, but his dialogues with mentors are also assessed. This collection of scholarly essays provides a much-needed suggestion of Wind¿s own contributions and should spark a vital return to his legacy.»(Larry Silver, Farquhar Professor of Art History, Emeritus, University of Pennsylvania)Edgar Wind (1900¿1971) was a cosmopolitan scholar who made important contributions to many disciplines, including philosophy, Renaissance art history and modern art criticism.This book considers a crucial question: to understand the work of an art historian, how important is it to know their life story? In the case of Edgar Wind, biography and scholarly endeavour are intimately connected. His intellectual exchanges with leading art historians, philosophers and artists of his day were essential for his research. Moreover, his wife, Margaret Wind, was determined to establish an Edgar Wind Archive after his death.This book is the first comprehensive study in English of Wind¿s intellectual achievements.

  • af María José García Folgado
    888,95 kr.

    Este volumen reúne trece trabajos que parten de la prensa como fuente de datos tanto para la investigación histórica sobre la lengua, como para la exploración de las actitudes e ideologías lingüísticas, la reconstrucción de la historia de las teorías gramaticales, la historia del léxico o de la ortografía o de los modos de enseñanza de la lengua, entre otros temas. Los resultados que se presentan demuestran el valor de los papeles periódicos para reconstruir la historia del pensamiento lingüístico y completar las ausencias o silencios (voluntarios o no) de las fuentes tradicionales o canónicas, ya que permite encontrar respuestas y justificaciones nuevas a lo ya conocido.

  • af Catharina Wrede
    703,95 kr.

    In den vergangenen Jahren rückte vermehrt die Bewältigung von Insolvenzen mittels eines Plans in den Fokus des Gesetzgebers. Angestoßen durch die am 1.7.2014 in Kraft getretene Gesetzesänderung zur Verkürzung des Restschuldbefreiungsverfahrens und zur Stärkung der Gläubigerrechte stehen im Fokus dieses Buchs diejenigen Planverfahren, die Verbrauchern offenstehen. Hierbei handelt es sich um das außergerichtliche Schuldenbereinigungsplanverfahren, das gerichtliche Schuldenbereinigungsplanverfahren und das Insolvenzplanverfahren. Bereits die Vielzahl an Möglichkeiten verdeutlicht, wie essentiell es für den Schuldner ist, frühzeitig ein bestimmtes Verfahren anzustreben und vorzubereiten. Dies nicht zuletzt, um die Gläubiger an einer Planlösung interessiert zu halten. Die Autorin liefert eine systematische Untersuchung der einzelnen Planverfahren mit besonderem Blick auf deren Anwendung im Fall der Insolvenz eines Verbrauchers wie auch Kleinunternehmers. Aufbauend hierauf werden die Vorzüge sowie Nachteile der Verfahren für diese beiden Schuldnergruppen umfassend analysiert.

  • af Lisa Klüger
    1.147,95 kr.

    Das elektronische Veranlagungsverfahren ist mit vielen Neuerungen für Steuerpflichtige und Finanzverwaltung, aber auch für Steuerberater verbunden. So ergeben sich neue Fragestellungen im Zusammenhang mit der elektronischen Übermittlung der Steuererklärung, der E-Bilanz, dem Umgang mit der Einreichung von Belegen im Rahmen der Abgabe von Steuererklärungen, dem Freitextfeld sowie den Daten, die von Dritten gemeldet und elektronisch abgerufen werden können. Die Prüfung von etwaigen straf- und haftungsrechtlichen Gefahren sowie berufsrechtlichen Aspekten für Steuerberater steht im Fokus dieser Arbeit. Hierdurch wird aufgezeigt, inwieweit sich durch den Wandel zum ¿E-Government" neue Funktionen für Steuerberater ergeben und sich Verantwortlichkeiten verschieben.

  • af Giulia Adriana Pennisi
    771,95 kr.

    The main assumption proposed in this book is that legislative drafting represents an example of professional discourse, where the propositions of specialized information is translated into meanings, and such meanings are given as input to the rules and strategies of grammatical formulation. A relevant question for our understanding of modern legislative process is related to the effects of ¿context¿ at different levels, within which legislative process takes place. By looking at those levels, the analysis conducted in the book demonstrates that it becomes possible to reach a deeper understanding of the professional groups taking part in the process, better assess the lexico-grammatical and textual features of its final product (i.e., normative texts), and suggest alternative linguistic and textual strategies aimed at making texts more accessible to potential readers and/or intended users.

  • af Thea Petrou
    534,95 kr.

    Can love poetry be the site of a creative partnership? When a poem is written by the male poet for the woman he loves, both addressed to her and taking her as its object, how does ¿ how can ¿ she interact with it?This book represents a foray into the love poetry of Jacques Roubaud, tracing a lifetime of writing from the ardour of first love to the pain of grief and loss. The author brings Roubaud¿s poetry into proximity with evolving views on the sexual relation from Freud, Lacan and Irigaray in readings that consider the ties between poet and lover, poet and reader. At the centre of it all is the poet¿s engagement with form: the free verse style of the Surrealists that was popular in his youth, the form-orientated writing he turns to as a response to his self-doubt as a writer, and the collapse of metre and rhythm when he mourns the death of his wife. Is form a device for the confinement of the feminine presence in his poems, or does Roubaud construct spaces in his poetry for his lover ¿ his other ¿ to be?

  • af Marc Maufort
    499,45 - 883,95 kr.

  • af Leonie van Lessen
    886,95 kr.

    Das deutsche Urlaubsrecht wird seit den letzten 15 Jahren maßgeblich durch Entscheidungen des EuGH zu Art. 7 der Richtlinie 2003/88/EG und Art. 31 Abs. 2 GRCh beeinflusst und verändert. Zu einer jüngsten Änderung kam es infolge der Entscheidung des EuGH vom 06.11.2018 - C-684/16 (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften eV / Tetsuji Shimizu), mit welcher der EuGH dem Arbeitgeber bestimmte Mitwirkungsobliegenheiten an der Urlaubsverwirklichung auferlegt hat. ¿Die Autorin befasst sich mit Inhalt, Umsetzung und Auswirkungen der Max-Planck-Entscheidung auf das nationale Recht. Sie geht u.a. der Frage nach, wie Arbeitgeber den Mitwirkungsobliegenheiten rechtskonform nachkommen können und wie sich nationale Verfalls- und Verjährungsvorschriften unter Berücksichtigung der neuen Rechtsprechungsgrundsätze des EuGH und des BAG nunmehr auf den Fortbestand und die Durchsetzbarkeit von Urlaubsansprüchen auswirken.

  • af Marc Suttor
    479,45 kr.

    Cet ouvrage résume un itinéraire scientifique fondé sur une thématique originale, l¿évolution d¿une vallée et des villes riveraines de la Meuse en partant de l¿étude du fleuve. Celle-ci repose sur des échelles spatiales et chronologiques à la mesure de la nature, le temps long et de larges espaces. Elle s¿appuie sur les données de l¿archéologie et de la géographie, afin d¿envisager tous les sujets qui touchent à la rivière : le cours d¿eau lui-même, les bateaux, les techniques de navigation, les « infrastructures fluviales ». Ces analyses enrichissent des problématiques plus vastes les pouvoirs, des questions relatives à l¿économie ou à la vie sociale. Cet autre regard, sans cloisonnements, cette grande diversité de thématiques s¿éclairant l¿une l¿autre se nomme aujourd¿hui « Histoire connectée ». Cela a encouragé l¿auteur à élargir l¿espace envisagé à l¿ensemble des cours d¿eau entre les Pyrénées et le Rhin. L¿intérêt d¿une telle étude réside en effet dans les comparaisons ainsi permises.

  • af Edyta Chlebowska
    793,95 - 802,95 kr.

    The book is the last volume of an extensive four-volume monograph devoted to the work of Cyprian Norwid (1821¿1883), one of the most outstanding Polish authors. The impact of Norwid¿s oeuvre does not fade, as he addresses fundamental and timeless issues, such as the moral and spiritual condition of man or his place in the world and history, and seeks to answer universal questions. The volume includes articles devoted to the analysis of selected sources and inspirations underlying Norwid¿s work, as well as comparative texts tracing the manifestations of the commonality of thoughts and views connecting Norwid with the leading writers and artists of different periods. As a result, we received a multi-faceted image of an artist who, on the one hand, was strongly rooted in the tradition and modernity of Western European culture, and on the other, was characterized by great openness and sensitivity to otherness and cultural diversity.

  • af Olivier Randrianjaka
    1.113,95 kr.

    This book is a meticulously researched and thought-provoking study that delves into the analysis and comparison of rituals in two distinct settings: the ancient Book of Leviticus and traditional Malagasy culture on the island of Madagascar. Author Olivier Randrianjaka invesigates why Malagasy Christians connect with Leviticus despite the apathy of the Western church. As this book demonstrates, the key unifying themes are sin, purification, and sacrifice. Profound parallels emerge between Levitical rituals (such as postpartum purification and the Day of Atonement) and Malagasy rituals (such as taboo violation, postpartum purification, and the New Year royal bath). The study highlights the universal relevance of sin, purification and sacrifice rituals, inviting reflection on their significance in diverse cultural and religious contexts."This is a remarkable book that represents a groundbreaking exploration of the intricate connections between Leviticus and Malagasy traditional rituals. The author¿s meticulous analysis and profound insights into the themes of sin, sacrifice and atonement offer invaluable knowledge for Christian readers. I highly recommend this work to anyone seeking a comprehensive understanding of Madagascar¿s religion, particularly its rich tapestry of traditional rituals."¿Dr. Razivelo Mariette, Lutheran Faculty of Theology (SALT), Madagascar"Rituals for purification play a significant role in most cultures, and this book contributes to the understanding of these phenomena in general. It provides insight into these rituals in Malagasy society and their description in the Book of Leviticus in the Bible. The book focuses on religious praxis, as described in texts and demonstrated in life. Every person will encounter these phenomena, and here is a tool to grasp their meaning."¿Magnar Kartveit, Emeritus Professor of Old Testament at VID Specialized University, Stavanger, Norway