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  • af Abdullah Ibn Abdurrahman Al-Yibrin
    288,95 kr.

    Alabado sea quien tiene toda la perfección, a quien le corresponden los más sublimes atributos. Atestiguo que nada ni nadie tiene derecho a ser adorado salvo Allah, sin asociados y que Muhammad es su siervo y mensajero, que la paz sea con él, su familia, compañeros y seguidores hasta el día del juicio final. Siendo que la pronunciación del testimonio de fe y obrar acorde es la piedra fundamental de la religión del Islam, y considerando que muchos miembros de la nación Islámica ignoran sus profundos significados y condiciones, creyendo que el objetivo es tan solo pronunciarla, y existiendo también quienes la interpretan erróneamente, accedí a escribir esta pequeña investigación para que se beneficien quienes buscan la verdad y anhelan obrar rectamente.

  • af Muhammad Bin Abdal Lah
    338,95 kr.

    Al-lah dijo: {Al-lah ha agraciado a los creyentesenviándoles un Mensajero de entre ellos que les recitaSus preceptos, los purifica y les enseña el Libro y lasabiduría [la Sunna]. Y por cierto que antes seencontraban en un extravío evidente} [Corán 3:164]; ydijo: {Aquellos que siguen al Mensajero y Profetailetrado [Muhammad], quien se encontrabamencionado en la Torá y el Evangelio, que les ordenael bien y les prohíbe el mal, les permite todo lobeneficioso y les prohíbe lo perjudicial, y les abroga lospreceptos difíciles que pesaban sobre ellos [ la Gentedel Libro]; y quienes crean en él, lo secunden, lodefiendan y sigan la luz que le ha sido revelada [elCorán], serán quienes tengan éxito} [Corán 7:157].Dijo Will Durant en su libro Historia de la Civilización:"Si se juzga la grandeza de alguien grande porsu influencia sobre la gente, debemos decirque Muhammad fue uno de los hombres másgrandes de la historia, pues se impuso a símismo elevar el nivel espiritual y moral de unpueblo al que el calor y la atracción por eldesierto habían lanzado a un estado desalvajismo, y tuvo tal éxito en esta misióncomo no lo tuvo ningún otro reformador entoda la historia... y levantó sobre el judaísmo,el cristianismo y las religiones de su tierra,una religión simple, clara y poderosa, a la vezque una doctrina moral. En una solageneración logró triunfar en cien batallas; enun siglo logró establecer un Estado grandioso,y hasta hoy ha podido mantenerse como unafuerza de gran influencia en medio mundo".(Tomo XIII, p. 47)Alabado sea Al-lah, que llenó los corazones de Susdevotos con Su amor y magnificencia, y quitó de loscorazones del resto de la gente su conocimiento y suvaloración. Doy testimonio que no hay más dios que Allah,venerado en los corazones con amor y glorificación yprocurado en los espíritus en una mezcla de atracción ytemor. Y doy testimonio que Muhammad es Su siervo, SuMensajero y el custodio depositario de Su revelación, fueenviado por Al-lah después de los Mensajeros anteriorespara salvar a la gente de la adoración de caprichos ypasiones y ponerla en contacto con el Creador de los cielosy la tierra. Fue líder de los que procuran la verdad; sumensaje fue misericordia para toda la humanidad y unaalbricia para los mundos habitados y salvación para losperseguidos. Que Al-lah lo bendiga y lo exalte mucho.

  • af Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahab
    288,95 kr.

    Has de saber, que Allah tenga misericordia de ti, que es nuestrodeber aprender cuatro objetivos importantes:1. Conocer a Allah, a Su Profeta y a Su religión, consus correspondientes fundamentos.2. Poner en práctica dicho conocimiento.3. Difundirlo.4. Tener paciencia y perseverancia ante losinfortunios que puedan suceder por ello.La afirmación de esto es que Allah (¿¿¿¿) dice:En el nombre de Allah, Clemente, Misericordioso.1. ¡Por la épocaP0F1P!2. En verdad, el hombre está en la perdición,3. Menos los que creen, obran rectamente, se recomiendenmutuamente la verdad y se recomienden mutuamente lapaciencia(103:1-3)Dijo el Imâm AUshU UShâUfi'î, que Allah tenga misericordia de él: "Sila única prueba revelada por Allah a su creación hubiese sidotan sólo esta Surah, habría bastado."Dijo Al Bujârî, que Allah tenga misericordia de él: "En elcapítulo: El deber de obtener el conocimiento antes de hablar yactuar; basándose en la palabra de Allah: ¿¿¿¿Sabe que no hay másdios que Allah, e implora el perdón de tus pecados¿¿¿¿ (47:19)explica que Allah (¿¿¿¿) comenzó mencionado al conocimientoantes que la palabra y la acción".Has de saber, que Allah tenga misericordia de ti, que esobligatorio para todo musulmán y musulmana aprender y tenerpresente las tres siguientes pautas y ponerlas en práctica.1. Que Allah nos ha creado, nos sustenta y no nos haabandonado, sino que nos ha enviado un Mensajero[Muhammad]. Todo aquel que le obedezca ingresará al Paraísoy quien le desobedezca merecerá ser castigado en el Infierno.Allah dice: Os hemos enviado un Mensajero[Muhammad], testigo sobre vosotros, como antes habíamosenviado un Mensajero al Faraón. El Faraón desobedeció alMensajero y le castigamos duramente.¿¿¿¿ (73:15-16)

  • af Alka Pawalia
    358,95 kr.

    A thorough study on the effects of behavioural interventions on pregnancy outcomes and postpartum obesity prevention in women is "Effectiveness of Behavioral Intervention on Pregnancy Outcomes and Postpartum Obesity Prevention in Women" by Alka Pawalia. The long-term health of the mother and child is examined in connection to weight gain during pregnancy.The study looks at how well several behavioural interventions, such as food changes, lifestyle adjustments, and increased physical activity, manage weight gain during pregnancy and prevent postpartum obesity. The influence of these therapies on pregnancy outcomes such gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and preterm labour is also examined in the book.For healthcare professionals dealing with pregnant patients, the author presents a thorough examination of the most recent studies on the subject. A practical perspective on the efficacy of these interventions is provided via the book's case studies and patient testimonies.In general, "Effectiveness of Behavioral Intervention on Pregnancy Outcomes and Postpartum Obesity Prevention in Women" is a useful tool for researchers, medical professionals, and anyone else interested in learning more about the connection between pregnancy outcomes and postpartum obesity prevention. The book provides useful advice and research-proven techniques for enhancing both mother and child's health before, during, and after pregnancy.

  • af Ravneet Sandhu
    373,95 kr.

    The purpose of the present study was to observe the effect of type-2 diabetes mellitus on handgrip strength in males and females of Amritsar, Punjab and to search any relationship of handgrip strength with 22 anthropometric variables in them. Study group consisted of 576 confirmed cases of type-2 diabetes mellitus (251 males, 325 females) with a mean duration of diabetes of more than 5 years, and 529 controls (241 males, 288 females) without any history of glucose intolerance from Amritsar, Punjab. The subjects ranged from age group of 30-65 years. A total of 1072 (97.05%) samples studied were right hand dominant. The subjects were taken from the rural and urban belt of Amritsar. The subjects' age was estimated from their birth date. The data was collected from Civil Hospital Amritsar, Civil Hospital Ajnala, Dr. Rohit Kapoor's Clinic, Rani Ka Bagh and Camp at Attari. Before the commencement of the study, the subjects were made aware about the study and a written consent was obtained. Approval for the study was provided by the institutional ethical committee. Other than the evaluation of dominant and non-dominant handgrip strength, as many as 22 anthropometric variables namely height vertex, body weight, body mass index, upper arm, waist and hip circumference, biceps and triceps skinfold, upper arm, forearm and total arm length, hand length, breadth and span, arm muscle girth, arm muscle area, arm area, arm fat area, arm fat index, waist to hip ratio, % body fat and % lean body mass were measured. Standard techniques given by Lohmann et al. (1988) were followed to take all the anthropometric measurements on each subject. In the present study, statistically significant differences (p

  • af Bhaskar Priyanka
    628,95 kr.

    This chapter presents the review of literature. The review of literature involves the systematicidentification, analysis of documents, encompassing information related with the researchproblem. The documentation include articles, abstract, dissertations, research reports, andelectronic database (Emerald publishing, ABI Inform, JSTOR, Google Scholar, and Web ofScience). The key objective of reviewing the literature is to provide foundation of knowledge basedon nature of work and extent of work that has been carried out on topic. Several authors (Guptaet al., 2008; Allusionz and Drew, 2010; Alshehri et al., 2012; Rana et al., 2013; Ibrahim andZakaria, 2016; Al-Refaie and Ramadna, 2020; Alenezi et al., 2017; Al-Refaie et al., 2017; Bhaskaret al., 2020; Miah and Sentosa, 2021) have identified the existing gaps. Further, review ofliterature has been grouped into two sections namely, e-government adoption and job performance.The review of literature of e-government adoption and job performance has been presented in thefew paragraphs.

  • af Jeyakumar
    333,95 kr.

    The two commonly used physiotherapy procedures for adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder are thoroughly compared in the book "Comparative Investigation of Effects of Maitland Technique and Mulligan Technique in Adhesive Capsulitis of Shoulder" by S. Jeyakumar. Frozen shoulder, or adhesive capsulitis, is a disorder that restricts the movement of the shoulder joint and causes discomfort and stiffness.The two methodologies are thoroughly analysed in the book, together with their guiding concepts, specific methods, and anticipated results. Whereas Mulligan technique requires joint mobilisation with movement, Maitland technique only involves passive joint mobilisation. The effectiveness of the two approaches in terms of pain relief, improved range of motion, and patient satisfaction is also covered in the book.The study's findings demonstrated that both treatments were successful in reducing discomfort and restoring range of motion in a group of individuals with adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder. However, Maitland approach produced superior outcomes in terms of pain relief while Mulligan technique demonstrated more improvement in shoulder abduction, flexion, and external rotation.Overall, this book is a wonderful resource for physiotherapists, orthopaedic surgeons, and other healthcare professionals who handle adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder since it offers insightful information about how to treat the problem.

  • af Anurag Amit
    638,95 kr.

    The only mere physicists are the animals: they alone do not think: while man is a thinking being and a born metaphysician. The real question is not whether we shall apply metaphysics, but whether our metaphysics are of the right kind: in other words, whether we are not, instead of the concrete logical Idea, adopting one-sided forms of thought, rigidly fixed by understanding, and making these the basis of our theoretical as well as our practical work.(Hegel, Encyclopedia of the philosophical sciences in basic outline I, §98)This dissertation is a study in the metaphysics of continuity of consciousness. Naturally, the three ideas this dissertation involves with are that of metaphysics, continuity, and consciousness. Metaphysics, as it is often understood, is the study of the fundamental nature of reality. The closest discipline to metaphysics is physics, which too studies the nature of reality, but the subject matter of physics is concrete things, whereas metaphysics deals with both concrete and abstract entities. Also, physics may concern itself with a particular thing or a particular class of things, whereas metaphysics is seen as the study of reality in its totality. Lastly, unlike physics, metaphysics is not an empirical discipline- its fundamental method of enquiry is not observation or experimentation but logical postulations. Ontology is a subdiscipline of metaphysics that studies what kind of things fundamentally are there, or as it is often put, what there is. Ontology talks about the broadest categories of things, and the aim of every ontologist is to keep the number of these categories as minimum as possible. Therefore, an ontologist will not consider cars, laptops, and houses as different ontological categories, but they can be clubbed into one broader category of concrete.

  • af Sumathi G
    653,95 kr.

    The origin of the Indian idea of appropriate female behaviour can be traced to Manuin 200 BC: "by a young girl, by a young woman, or even by an aged one, nothing must bedone independent, even in her own house". In spite of India's reputation for respectingwomen, including treating her as a Goddess, history tells us that women were also ill-treated.There was no equality between men and women. This is true of ancient, medieval and earlymodern times barring some revolutionary movements such as that of Basaweshwara, the 12thcentury philosopher in Karnataka, who advocated equality, casteless society, status forwomen, and betterment of the downtrodden. Certain broad circumstances in which Indianwomen live affect the way they participate in the economy. A common denominator in theirlives is that they are generally confined to home, with restricted mobility, and in seclusion.Other, unwritten, hierarchical practices place further constraints on women. They are, by andlarge, excluded from political life, which by its very nature takes place in a public forum.Reform movements in the 19th and 20th centuries led by great social reformersprovided boost to women's legal status in India. Independence of India heralded theintroduction of laws relating to women. The Constitution provided equality to men andwomen and also gave special protection to women to realize their interests effectively.Special laws were enacted to prevent indecent representation of women in the media andsexual harassment in workplaces. The law also gives women equal rights in the matter ofadoption, maternity benefits, equal pay, good working conditions etc.

  • af P. Punitha
    373,95 kr.

    A thorough investigation of the impact of aerobic and circuit training on the physical fitness and performance of adolescent kabaddi players is presented in "Aerobic and Circuit Training's Influence on Adolescent Kabaddi Players" by P. Punitha. This book takes a scientific approach to explaining how the body changes in response to various types of training and how these changes impact an athlete's overall performance.The book provides a thorough analysis of the study's findings, including information on how various physical characteristics including body mass index, body fat percentage, and cardiovascular fitness were impacted by the training methods. The author also explores how training affects athletes psychologically, including mood and motivation changes.The significance of a well-rounded exercise programme that incorporates both aerobic and circuit training is one of the book's main lessons. The study's findings demonstrate that combining these two forms of training can result in appreciable enhancements in both general physical fitness and performance. Everyone interested in learning more about the science behind sports training and performance, including coaches, trainers, and researchers in the field of sports science, will find this book to be of great interest.The article "Aerobic and Circuit Training's Impact on Adolescent Kabaddi Players" is a useful tool for anyone trying to learn more about the physiological and psychological effects of various training methods on young athletes.

  • af Mitra Shambhovi S
    638,95 kr.

    The Neurovisceral Integration theory conceptualizes the nervous system's role inunderstanding health and well-being. The theory describes a set of neural structures,including the central and the autonomic nervous system involved in generating goalorientedresponses (Thayer & Lane, 2000, 2009). These goal-oriented responsesregulate the affect and cognitive processes (Thayer & Lane, 2009) influencing mentalhealth. The thesis explores the nervous system's role in depression in spinal cord injury.The Neurovisceral Integration theory postulates that the central and autonomicnervous system(CNS-ANS) interact in affect and cognitive processes. This CNS-ANSinteraction inhibits ongoing behavior, providing regulation and flexibility for goalorientedbehavior(Thayer & Lane, 2000, 2009). Affect is a psychophysiologicalconstruct and studied using the dimension of valence and arousal.(Appelhans &Luecken, 2006a; Kuppens et al., 2013; Thayer & Lane, 2000). Valence denotes theindividual's understanding of the pleasantness and unpleasantness of a stimulus,whereas arousal denotes the activation of the autonomic nervous system in response tothe stimuli. (Hagemann et al., 2003a; Thayer, Hansen, Saus-Rose, et al., 2009; Thayer& Lane, 2000, 2009; Thayer & Siegle, 2002). Cognition refers to the mental processessuch as thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making that benefit from inhibitorycontrol. The inhibitory control is required for an individual to shift attention fromexisting behavior to goal-oriented behavior (Thayer & Lane, 2009).

  • af Upadhyay Amar Nath
    378,95 kr.

    For a long time 'Feminism' had been a discussing issue amongmen and women. Feminism is a driving force behind women'smovements and the aim of feminism is to promote the interests ofwomen. Since long there had been an accepted tendency that all types ofactivities associated with women belong to the private domain ofindividual within the family. Due to this belief women's issues werediscussed only within the household domain but the gradual change inthe attitude towards women's questions has started in differentdimensions. A new kind of awareness can be visualized among women.This phenomenon has given rise to women's movements and feminismis that kind of movement.The inferior status of women in the society and their ongoingproblems on different issues, kept me on constant thinking regardingwomen's unstable existence. Feminists' thinking, theories and theirmovements influenced me to go into the deep understanding offeminism and I decided to work on this issue. Through this issue we canfind a solution by which the existing power relations between womenand men in our society can be altered so that women can be brought intothe mainstream in our society.

  • af Sheij Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid
    298,95 kr.

    Alabado sea Allah, Lo alabamos y buscamos Su ayuda y perdón. En Allah buscamos refugiarnos del mal de nuestro propio ser y de nuestras malas acciones. Todo aquel a quien Allah guíe no se extraviará, y todo aquel a quien Él deje a la deriva no podrá ser guiado. Atestiguo que no existe divinidad excepto Allah, sin asociados ni compañeros, y atestiguo que Muhámmad es Su Siervo y Mensajero.Allah ha bendecido a Sus siervos asignándoles ciertas épocas de bondad en las que las hasanaat (recompensas por las buenas acciones) se multiplican, se perdonan las malas acciones, y se levanta el estatus de las personas y los corazones de los fieles acuden a su Señor. Aquellos que se purifiquen a sí mismos alcanzan el éxito y aquellos que se corrompen fracasan. Allah creó a Sus siervos para que le adoren, según nos dice en su libro: "Por cierto que no he creado a los genios y a los hombres sino para que Me adoren.". [51:56]

  • af Thakur Monica Basant
    348,95 kr.

    The detailed manual "Analysis of Specific Protein S and Functional Metabolic Markers for Non-Small Cell Lung" is intended for cancer researchers and doctors. The author of the book is THAKUR MONICA BASANT, a well-known expert in the field of medical oncology. The book offers a comprehensive examination of certain protein S and metabolic functional indicators for non-small cell lung cancer.In addition to highlighting the function of a particular protein S and functional metabolic indicators in the disease, the book provides a thorough overview of the molecular pathways behind non-small cell lung cancer. Additionally, it discusses the most recent developments in imaging, diagnosis, and therapy as well as the present state of knowledge on non-small cell lung cancer detection and treatment.It provides a thorough knowledge of the molecular mechanisms underlying non-small cell lung cancer and highlights the significance of particular protein S and functional metabolic indicators in the disease, making the book an invaluable resource for physicians and researchers in the field of oncology. By offering a thorough examination of the subject and outlining the most recent developments in the field, the author has significantly advanced the discipline.A must-read for anybody working in the field of cancer, "Analysis of Specific Protein S and Functional Metabolic Markers for Non-Small Cell Lung" offers insightful information and cutting-edge understanding on the issue.

  • af Debayan Dasgupta
    343,95 kr.

    Debayan Dasgupta's innovative book "Applications of Magnetic Helical Nanomotors: From Cancer Biology to Dentistry" examines the numerous uses of magnetic helical nanomotors in the medical arena. The book digs into the fascinating opportunities presented by these tiny motors in the areas of dentistry and cancer biology. The book gives readers a thorough overview of the state of the art today with a focus on the most recent research and progress in the industry. The science underlying these ground-breaking innovations has been painstakingly explained by the author in a way that is clear and understandable.This book offers readers a glimpse into the future of medicine and the pivotal role that magnetic helical nanomotors will play in transforming how we identify and cure a wide range of illnesses. It talks about how these nanomotors can be utilised to target particular bodily regions, such cancers or infected teeth, for therapeutic purposes. The book also discusses the motion of nanomotors in soft tissue and the difficulties that need to be solved for these technologies to become a reality.In conclusion, "Applications of Magnetic Helical Nanomotors: From Cancer Biology to Dentistry" is a must-read for anybody interested in the medical sector, especially those interested in the most recent advances in nanotechnology. Whether you're a student, researcher, or member of the medical community, this book will give you a wealth of knowledge that is vital for remaining current.

  • af Kevin Prathap Noronha
    373,95 kr.

    An insightful and thorough manual on the automated identification and classification of diabetic eye disorders using digital fundus photos can be found in Kevin Prathap Noronha's "Automated Identification of Diabetic Eye Diseases Using Digital Fundus Images." Medical experts, researchers, and students who are interested in creating intelligent systems for the early diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy and other eye conditions should read this book.The author gives a thorough explanation of diabetic retinopathy and the difficulties in identifying it early. The methodologies for digital fundus image processing, segmentation algorithms, and feature extraction methods necessary for correctly diagnosing diabetic eye disorders are all covered in-depth in this book.Noronha also discusses the automated detection and categorization of diabetic eye disorders using machine learning approaches including artificial neural networks, support vector machines, and decision trees. The book offers readers step-by-step instructions for using these strategies while utilising the most recent open-source software tools and frameworks.All things considered, "Automated Identification of Diabetic Eye Diseases Using Digital Fundus Images" is a crucial tool for anyone working to create intelligent systems for the early recognition of diabetic eye diseases. Both professionals and students alike should study it since it makes a significant addition to the field of medical image processing.In conclusion, this book is a fantastic resource for researchers, professionals, and students who are interested in creating automated methods for exploiting digital fundus images to detect diabetic eye problems early.

  • af Amritpal Singh
    333,95 kr.

    Anyone interested in basketball should read "Relationship of Physical Fitness Variables With Basketball Playing Ability of District Level Basketball Players" by Amritpal Singh. The book provides a thorough investigation of the relationship between basketball district players' playing ability and physical conditioning. The author gives specific facts to back up the claim that a player's talents on the court are significantly influenced by their level of physical fitness. This claim is supported by substantial research.The importance of physical fitness in basketball is covered in the book's opening chapters, and it then looks at various physical fitness factors like strength, agility, and endurance and how these affect a player's performance. It gives a general summary of the research methodology and details the findings, providing helpful insights into the connection between playing ability and physical fitness.The book by Amritpal Singh is a helpful tool for basketball players, coaches, and anybody else with an interest in the game. For anyone trying to better their play on the court, this book is a must-have because of its data-driven methodology and in-depth analysis. The book is simple to read and offers coaches and players useful advice on how to perform at their best. You simply cannot afford to miss "Relationship of Physical Fitness Variables With Basketball Playing Ability of District Level Basketball Players," regardless of your level of experience.

  • af Shobana Nageswari C
    373,95 kr.

    An extensive analysis of the use of ultrasound imaging in the identification of Hydrops Fetalis and the curvature of foetal heart chambers is provided in the book "Analysis and Investigation of Hydrops Fetalis and Curvature of Fetal Heart Chambers Using Ultrasound Images" by Shobana Nageswari C. The use of ultrasound imaging to provide an accurate diagnosis is covered in the book, along with the significance of early diagnosis in the discovery of foetal malformations.The substantial research that Shobana Nageswari C has done in the areas of foetal medicine and ultrasound imaging has led to the publication of this book. In addition to providing a thorough review of the procedures employed for precise diagnosis, the book offers insight into the use of ultrasound imaging techniques for the detection of foetal heart abnormalities.In addition to highlighting the numerous difficulties encountered in making an accurate diagnosis of these illnesses, the book examines the most recent developments in the use of ultrasound imaging for the detection of foetal heart abnormalities and Hydrops Fetalis. The various treatments offered for these illnesses are also covered.In conclusion, "Analysis and Investigation of Hydrops Fetalis and Curvature of Fetal Heart Chambers Using Ultrasound Images" is a crucial tool for medical professionals, researchers, and students who are interested in foetal medicine and ultrasound imaging. The book is thoroughly researched and offers insightful information on the use of ultrasound imaging methods for precise diagnosis and care of prenatal abnormalities.

  • af Hemant Jivendrakumar Verma
    348,95 kr.

    Hemant Jivendrakumar Verma's comprehensive analysis, "A Study of Swimming Related to Injuries in Inter University Level Male and Female Swimmers," investigates the connection between swimming and injuries among male and female swimmers competing in inter-university level competitions. The author examines the different elements, such as poor technique, a lack of adequate warm-up and stretching, and overuse injuries, that contribute to the high injury rate among swimmers. The author hopes to raise awareness about the value of injury management and prevention in the swimming sport through his research.The book includes in-depth information on the many injury kinds frequently experienced by swimmers and how they affect the person's performance. The author has also looked into the many methods and plans employed to treat and avert swimming-related injuries. As it presents a thorough grasp of the injury patterns prevalent in the sport and how they can be avoided and managed, the book is an invaluable resource for swimmers, coaches, trainers, and medical professionals alike.This book "A Study of Swimming Related to Injuries in Inter University Level Male and Female Swimmers" is a thorough overview of the connection between swimming and injury and offers insightful advice on how to keep swimmers healthy and performing at their peak. This book is a must-read for everyone who wants to comprehend the nature of swimming-related injuries and how to prevent them due to the author's competence and knowledge of the issue.

  • af Shweta
    373,95 kr.

    A thorough investigation that offers in-depth insights into the electromyographic and kinematic patterns of basketball players during two different jump shot situations is "Electromyography and Kinematic Comparison During Two Different Situations of Jump Shot in Basketball" by author Shweta. The book is based on in-depth study and experiments done to comprehend the player's muscle motions and actions. Coaches, trainers, and players can all benefit from the study's findings by learning how to enhance performance and avoid injuries. The author has examined player motions and muscle activity during jump shoots using electromyography (EMG) and kinematic analysis. The book emphasises the most important findings and offers a thorough explanation of the findings.The book's utilisation of cutting-edge technology and scientific research techniques is one of its key qualities. The author has examined player muscle activity during jump shoots using cutting-edge EMG equipment. This has given us a thorough grasp of the motions and muscle activity that occur in these circumstances. Both technical and non-technical readers will find the book to be well written and simple to understand. The results are easy to grasp and visualise thanks to the charts and drawings. The book also offers advice and tips on how to help athletes, coaches, and trainers perform better and stay healthy.For everyone interested in basketball and the science of performance, "Electromyography and Kinematic Comparison During Two Different Situations of Jump Shot in Basketball" is a must-read. This book offers helpful ideas and information that will enable you to better your understanding of the game, regardless of whether you are a coach, trainer, player, or simply a fan of the sport.

  • af C. Sowmiya
    373,95 kr.

    The groundbreaking book "A Novel Method for Heart Disease Prediction Using Feature Selection Method and Classification Algorithms" by author C. Sowmiya offers a thorough examination of the most recent techniques for heart disease prediction. The use of feature selection strategies and classification algorithms to precisely identify people at risk of heart disease is covered in depth in this book. The author has created a potent tool for medical practitioners by skillfully fusing the most recent developments in computational intelligence and machine learning.In order to make the book understandable for a broad audience of readers, C. Sowmya provides simple and succinct explanations of difficult concepts and approaches throughout. To ensure that readers have a thorough understanding of the subject, the author discusses a range of various algorithms and methodologies, such as decision trees, support vector machines, and artificial neural networks.For medical professionals, researchers, and students who want to learn more about the most recent advancements in cardiac disease prediction, this book is a must-have resource. "A Novel Method for Heart Disease Prediction Using Feature Selection Method and Classification Algorithms" is a great resource for anyone wishing to learn more about this fast expanding topic because of its pragmatic approach and simple-to-follow directions.

  • af Anagha Rahul Soman
    348,95 kr.

    Anagha Rahul Soman's book "Design and Development of Dual Stator Induction Machine" is a thorough manual that concentrates on the design and development of a brand-new dual stator induction machine. The dual stator induction machine, a mix of a traditional induction machine and a permanent magnet synchronous machine, is described in length in the book along with its construction, characteristics, and applications. The author explains the simulation, control, and mathematical modelling methods necessary to maximise the efficiency of the dual stator induction machine.Additionally, the book provides a thorough review of a number of design factors, including stator and rotor shape, winding configurations, and material choice. To enhance the machine's total performance, the author emphasises the significance of lowering losses and raising efficiency. The book also includes experimental findings that support the conclusions of the theoretical study and simulation of the machine's design.For academics, researchers, and industry experts in the field of electrical engineering, this book is an invaluable tool. It offers a thorough grasp of the design and development of a dual stator induction machine, which may be applied in a variety of commercial and industrial settings, including aerospace applications, electric cars, and renewable energy systems.

  • af Sudhir Agrawal
    373,95 kr.

    A thorough manual for comprehending and using computational intelligence in induction machine health monitoring is "Development of Health Monitoring of Induction Machine Using Computational Intelligence." Induction machine performance can be improved and faults can be avoided using machine learning methods, according to author Sudhir Agrawal. For engineers, technicians, and researchers who study or operate with induction machines, this book is a vital resource.The book discusses several computational intelligence methods, such as genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic, and artificial neural networks, and how they might be used to monitor the health of induction devices. To demonstrate how these methods can be used to monitor and diagnose induction machines, lowering the risk of failure and enhancing machine performance, the author offers real-world examples and case studies.The book also covers the difficulties and constraints of artificial intelligence in induction machine health monitoring and offers solutions to these difficulties. This book is an invaluable tool for people looking to deepen their grasp of this crucial discipline because it provides clear, succinct, and in-depth coverage of the subject.This book will give you the knowledge and abilities you need to use computational intelligence to enhance the health monitoring of induction machines, whether you are a novice or a seasoned professional. Therefore, order a copy of "Development of Health Monitoring of Induction Machine Using Computational Intelligence" right away if you're interested in learning more about this fascinating area.

  • af Waseem Ahmed
    348,95 kr.

    Waseem Ahmed's thorough study "A Study of the Ways Children Solve Mathematical Problems" illuminates the numerous methods used by kids to solve arithmetic problems. The book provides a thorough investigation of the methods kids use to approach mathematical problems and how those methods affect their overall mathematical aptitude.The author has presented a thorough description of the cognitive processes involved in solving mathematical problems using a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. The book explores the critical thinking abilities and problem-solving strategies used by kids, offering insightful information on how they learn.The ramifications of the study's findings for mathematics education and curriculum creation are also covered in the book. It provides insightful information on how teachers can help students develop their problem-solving abilities as well as methods for enhancing the calibre of math instruction.In conclusion, "A Study of the Ways Children Solve Mathematical Problems" is a useful tool for math educators, parents, and anybody else interested in learning about the cognitive processes involved in solving mathematical problems. For anyone interested in enhancing children's arithmetic skills, this book is a must-read due to its insightful analysis and useful recommendations.

  • af Therese Yamuna Mahesh
    343,95 kr.

    "Categorization of the Eye Features for Human Identity and Disease Symptoms" is a thorough manual for the classification of eye features for human identification and disease diagnosis using computational intelligence. Therese Yamuna Mahesh, the author, expertly summarises the most recent developments in this area and offers helpful insights about how to apply these strategies in practical settings.The fundamentals of eye anatomy and physiology are covered in the book, along with an explanation of how these elements can be utilised to recognise people and identify illnesses. Mahesh then looks into the numerous computational intelligence methods, such as computer vision techniques, deep learning algorithms, and machine learning algorithms. The book offers a full explanation of how each approach can be utilised to get precise and trustworthy results. These techniques are applied to eye features, including the iris, retina, and sclera.This book is a crucial tool for anyone working in the disciplines of biometrics, medical imaging, or computer vision because it includes real-world examples and case studies. This book will give you the knowledge and abilities you need to effectively use computational intelligence approaches in your work, whether you're a student, researcher, or practitioner.A thorough, interesting, and thoroughly studied manual, "Classification of the Eye Features for Human Identification and Disease Symptoms" makes a significant addition to the fields of computational intelligence and biometrics. This book is absolutely worth reading if you want to increase your knowledge and proficiency in this field.

  • af Benita K. J Veronica
    348,95 kr.

    Benita K.J. Veronica provides a thorough review of employing artificial neural networks to identify lung nodules in computed tomography (CT) lung pictures in her article, "Identification of Lung Nodules in Computed Tomography Lung Images Using Artificial Neural Networks." Medical experts, academics, and researchers working in the fields of artificial intelligence and medical imaging will find this book to be an invaluable resource.The author explores the numerous methods for spotting lung nodules in CT scans as well as the difficulties involved. The notion of artificial neural networks and their uses in medical imaging are then covered in the book. The author gives a thorough overview of the design, training, and testing of neural networks with a focus on the identification of lung nodules. The author's experiments produced clear and straightforward results, which make it simple for readers to comprehend the conclusions.For individuals interested in learning more about the application of artificial neural networks in medical imaging, particularly in the recognition of lung nodules in CT scans, this book will be an invaluable resource. This book is a requirement-read for anyone interested in the subject because of the author's thorough study and pragmatic approach to the subject.Medical professionals, researchers, students, artificial neural networks, computed tomography lung images, lung nodules, identification, medical imaging, CT images, Veronica K.J. Benita

  • af S. Palani
    398,95 kr.

    A thorough research study that offers in-depth insights into the physical, psychological, and performance variables of Southern region men hockey teams competing at various playfields is "A Comparative Study of Selected Physical, Psychological and Performance Variables Among Southern Region Men Hockey Teams at Different Playfields" by author S. Palani. The goal of the book is to aid coaches, trainers, and hockey players in understanding the variables that affect a player's performance and in creating effective training regimens to enhance their talents. In order to compare the physical, psychological, and performance factors of Southern area men's hockey teams competing at various playfields, the author has done a detailed research study. The book offers a thorough examination of the research results, stressing the most significant distinctions and similarities between the teamsThe information is presented in a clear, concise manner in a well-organized book that is easy to read and navigate. To evaluate the data and present the findings in an unbiased and scientific way, the author used a variety of research techniques and statistical software. The book offers insightful information on the performance elements, psychological aspects, and physical attributes that go into making a successful hockey player. Additionally, the author offers helpful suggestions for boosting team performance and honing hockey players' abilities.As a result, "A Comparative Study of Selected Physical, Psychological and Performance Variables Among Southern Region Men Hockey Teams at Different Playfields" by author S. Palani is a helpful tool for anyone interested in the game of hockey, offering insights into the variables that affect players' and teams' performance as well as helpful suggestions for honing their skills. This book will offer you a wealth of knowledge and guidance to help you achieve your goals and realise your full potential, whether you're a coach, trainer, or player.

  • af Vulivindala Syamala
    348,95 kr.

    Author Vulivindala Syamala's book "Effects of Circuit Training, Skill Training, and Combined Training on Selected Performance, Physical, and Psychological Variables of Women Hockey Players" offers a thorough analysis of the impacts of various training methods on the performance, physical, and psychological factors of female hockey players. The impact of circuit training, skill training, and combined training on the players was thoroughly investigated by the author, who then delivers the results in a clear and lucid manner. For coaches, athletic trainers, and researchers who are interested in the preparation and performance of female hockey players, the book is a vital resource.The information is orderly and well-structured throughout the book, making it simple to follow. The procedures utilised in the study and the outcomes are well explained by the author. In order to further explain the findings and provide readers a clearer grasp of the facts, the book includes graphs and tables.A useful tool for anyone looking to enhance the training of female hockey players is the author's practical recommendations, which are based on the study's findings. Anyone interested in the subject should read this book since it provides a unique viewpoint on how various training methods affect women hockey players' performance and wellbeing.

  • af Srinivas Nallella
    348,95 kr.

    An innovative piece of research by author Srinivas Nallella is titled "An Analytical Study on Specific Psychomotor Skills and Psychological Factors of Football Players and Hockey Players." The book offers a thorough examination of the psychomotor abilities and psychological elements that are common among football and hockey players. The author has compared the two sports in order to examine their parallels and divergences as well as how these elements affect player performance.The study focuses on the critical psychomotor abilities-such as reaction time, agility, balance, and coordination-that are necessary for success in both football and hockey. The author also looks at the psychological elements like stress, motivation, and self-confidence that might affect how well players perform. Data was gathered by the author using a mix of quantitative and qualitative research techniques, such as questionnaires and interviews with players, coaches, and subject-matter experts.The study's findings offer useful information about the important factors that influence football and hockey players' success. The book is a crucial tool for sports psychologists, coaches, and trainers that want to boost their players' performance. It is also a useful tool for athletes, sports fans, and anybody else curious about the psychomotor abilities and psychological aspects of athletic performance.The breadth and calibre of the analysis provided in the book are a testament to the author's skill as a sports psychologist and researcher, Srinivas Nallella. Anyone interested in the subject will find the book to be well-written, approachable, and interesting. For anyone interested in sports psychology and the aspects that affect athletic performance, "An Analytical Study on Specific Psychomotor Skills and Psychological Factors of Football Players and Hockey Players" is a must-read.

  • af R. Beryl Nithya
    358,95 kr.

    The "Nutrition Education Initiative for Rural Adolescent Girls: a Quasi Experimental Study" by R. Beryl Nithya explores the impact of nutrition education on rural adolescent girls, through a quasi-experimental study design. The study examines the effectiveness of nutrition education in promoting healthy dietary habits and improving overall health in rural adolescent girls, highlighting the importance of nutrition education for this vulnerable population. The book provides valuable insights into the potential of nutrition education to positively impact the health and well-being of rural adolescent girls.Adequate nutrition is essential for the growth and development of adolescents, especially during their crucial growth years. However, many rural areas often face nutrition disparities, particularly among adolescent girls, leading to poor health outcomes. This study aims to evaluate the impact of a nutrition education initiative on the dietary habits and nutritional knowledge of rural adolescent girls. The study uses a quasi-experimental design, where the intervention group receives nutrition education, and the comparison group does not. The results of this study will provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of nutrition education programs in improving the dietary habits and nutritional knowledge of rural adolescent girls, thereby promoting better health outcomes.