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Bøger udgivet af EDAF ANTILLAS

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  • af Andres Resendez
    276,95 kr.

    In 1528 an expedition set out from Spain to colonize Florida. But all went awfully wrong and it turned into a desperate journey of survival. Of the four hundred men who had embarked, only four survived and they wandered through the Southwest for ten years in search of the Pacific Ocean to try to reach Mexico. They lived with different groups of nomadic Indians and learned several indigenous languages, saw lands, people, plants and animals that no European had seen before. Andrés Reséndez shares the exciting story of four castaways wandering through a strange land.

  • af Friedrich Nietszche
    119,95 kr.

    The culmination of Nietzsche's thought, committed to criticizing the Christian foundations of Western culture, as well as a stark plea for a new transvaluation of values. In any case, a controversial essay that invites the reader to investigate and continues to give something to talk and think about in our times.

  • af Antonio Pinero
    172,95 kr.

    The passion, death and resurrection of Jesus, represents the central and indispensable foundations on which the Christian religion was built. What do we know for sure about these fundamental episodes? To answer this question, this work offers us an aseptic, documented and rigorous vision of the tragic episodes narrated in the Gospels, and which constitute the basis of the faith of hundreds of millions of people in the world.

  • af Fernando Martinez Lainez
    398,95 kr.

    The feat of exploration, conquest and defense that Spain carried out, for 300 years, in what is now the United States of America is a capital historical event. Spaniards were the first Europeans to sight the Colorado Canyon, cross the Mississippi River, cross the great plains, enter the deserts of Nevada or founding cities such as Los Angeles, Santa Fe or San Francisco. Long before the United States existed as a nation, Spain had already conquered the Far West and fought or signed treaties with the main Indian tribes that Hollywood films would later make famous. This work includes a list of all Spanish forts, fortified posts, missions and presidios in the United States and Canada.

  • af Juan Gonzalez Mesa
    238,95 kr.

    "Francis Claro es el ílder hereditario del principal clan mafioso del sur de Espñaa, y tiene la sospecha de que esát siendo traicionado. Para averiguar qéu sucede contrata los servicios de Ada Negre, militar deé lite reconvertida en mercenaria tras ser desahuciada por el eéjrcito. Las consecuencias de la investigacóin convergen en una chatarreíra alejada de la ciudad y de la ley donde se fragua una tormenta perfecta cuando el pasado vuelve para cobrarse todas sus deudas. Los perros que nadie quiere es una novela sobre la construccóin de la violencia que refleja el choque de un mal elegante y cosmopolita contra la rabia llena de dientes de los hijos enfadados de la periferia social."--

  • af Vicenta Márquez de la Plata
    278,95 kr.

    This work dismantles the black legend through interethnicity. The marriage union between people of different cultures and races, which occurred widely in the territories of the Hispanic Monarchy, implies the assumption of equality between persons belonging to different races. The countless families thus created attest that interethnicity is proof of the absence of racism that gave birth to a new and great people.

  • af Miguel Angel Navarro Crego
    358,95 kr.

    The violent Conquest of the West, the Far West, represents the essence of the formation of the current United States, since it amalgamates many of the identity characteristics, aspirations, and contradictions that exist at the origin of this nation. Focusing on the weapons used and their development, on notable historical figures who used them, on the facts and myths created mainly by cinematography, it reveals not only the history, but also the dark intra-history of the United States, of the Far-West, which has subsequently been laundered through the western.

  • af Friedrich Nietzsche
    138,95 kr.

    Nietzsche was a German philosopher whose work has exerted a profound influence on contemporary philosophy. The Twilight of the Idols is his 'grand declaration of war' on reason, psychology and theology that combines highly charged personal attacks on his contemporaries with a lightning tour of his own philosophy.

  • af Ryan A. Bush
    248,95 kr.

    The Instant Cult Classic on the Art of Reprogramming Your Own Psychological Software. This visionary guide argues that the mind can be compared to software, made up of many interwoven algorithms which were originally programmed by natural selection. It is possible to rewire cognitive biases, change ingrained habits, and transform emotional reactions. The process of psychitecture enables you to unplug from your own mind, identify its underlying patterns, and become the architect of your own enlightenment. This book will teach you to cultivate deep introspective insight. It will show you how to effortlessly change your automatic behaviors and manipulate your own desires so you always get what you want. It will provide a toolkit for building perpetual peace into your operating system.

  • af Baltasar Gracian
    118,95 kr.

    This remarkable best-seller, a 300-year-old book of wisdom on how to live successfully yet responsibly in a society governed by self-interest, is a subtle collection of 300 witty and thought-provoking aphorisms as acute as Machiavelli yet as humanistic and scrupulously moral as Marcus Aurelius.

  • af Cassandra Eason
    128,95 kr.

    If you're interested in learning about auras--colored energy fields that surround people, animals, plants, crystals, and even places--this handy, accessible book is a wonderful starting point. Cassandra Eason explains a variety of techniques for sensing, seeing, and interpreting the aura--your own, those of both individuals and groups, and those of your pets--and how you can cleanse, heal, strengthen, and protect the aura.

  • af Cassandra Eason
    138,95 kr.

    From choosing the right crystals and assembling a basic collection of important stones to creating a crystal "center" at home, this accessible guide helps you add a powerful source of energy to your daily routines. There is a crystal remedy for almost every issue: physical pain, insomnia, conflicts with loved ones, and more, as well as advice on crystal elixirs, meditation, visualizations, and fortunetelling.

  • af Anne Fleck
    318,95 kr.

  • af Amy Leigh
    138,95 kr.

  • af Stase Michaels
    128,95 kr.

  • af Nicolas Chauvat
    218,95 kr.

  • af Jose Silva
    248,95 kr.

  • af Douglas Doman
    283,95 kr.

    "Imagina una guâia prâactica y por fases y etapas con la que ayudar a tu hijo con autismo a dar pasos de gigante en su desarrollo, un programa con el que, con muchas probabilidades, tu hijo aprenda a leer, hablar e interactuar con los demâas. Este libro estâa lleno de respuestas para padres de niänos autistas, respuestas que, para muchos, pueden resultar imposibles de encontrar. Si tienes un hijo con autismo, TDA o cualquier otro trastorno del neurodesarrollo, Respondiendo al autismo te proporcionarâa un plan claro para todas las âareas del desarrollo de tu hijo"--Publisher's website.

  • af G. Sineriz Maria
    238,95 kr.

    The magic of kombucha is not only a book that talks about the multiple properties of this fermented drink. It is also a complete guide so you can know what kombucha is, what its benefits are for the body and how to make it artisanally in your own home: - Improves digestion - Activates diuresis - It is necessary to maintain the pH of the body. stomach... You will learn to use it in your daily life as the delicious and probiotic drink that it is, but also as an essential ingredient in more than 50 delicious, original and easy recipes. You will discover the fascinating secrets of natural nutrition and fermentation from the hand of Marâia G. Siäneriz, a nutritional coach specialized in human microbiota, who will teach you how to take care of intestinal health taking into account the microorganisms that make up our "intestinal flora". An essential guide with tips, information and healthy and original recipes that will allow you, in a simple way and with familiar ingredients, to make and create other fermented drinks and foods. The best way to get started in the world of fermentation to discover all its benefits.

  • af Maite Gauxachs
    213,95 kr.

    When we get up and breathe relieved, without burden or suffering, we will have learned to heal ourselves, forgive ourselves and love each other well. This work helps the reader to deepen into his own healing, through the different stages or "layers", providing a mental understanding and to feel it emotionally. Using logical and simple explanations and working with easy techniques and exercises, it guides us towards the path of self-healing to integrate it into our physical, emotional and energetic body.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    348,95 kr.

    "Autobiografâia de un yogui es la obra cumbre de Paramahansa Yogananda, que es autor tambiâen de una obra tan destacada como la traducciâon del Bhagavad-gåitåa. Nacido en Bengala con el nombre de Mukunda, conociâo a los 17 aänos a Yukteswar Giri, que serâia su gurâu y le encauzarâia en su bâusqueda espiritual. Fruto de esta serâia su viaje a Estados Unidos, la fundaciâon de la Self- Realization Fellowship y la elaboraciâon en âultimo tâermino de esta obra, en la que hace apologâia del Kriya Yoga, que difundiâo por todo el paâis, y muestra su gran interâes por hermanar las tradiciones espirituales de Oriente y Occidente. Este libro es, por tanto, el testimonio de toda una vida consagrada a la bâusqueda incesante de lo espiritual, asâi como a la trasmisiâon de sus conocimientos y experiencias a cualquiera que se interesase por ella. Esta ediciâon se ha traducido directamente del original que publicâo en inglâes, fiel a su enorme interâes por encajar la espiritualidad con la ciencia moderna, sâi como por difundirla mâas allâa de los lâimites de su India natal." -- Page 4 of cover.

  • af Mar Gomez
    238,95 kr.

    Free yourself from fibromyalgia and relieve persistent pain gives you the answers and information to understand the nature and behavior of pain and fibromyalgia, to know what biopsychophysical changes the person experiences and how these modulate aspects and areas of their life. This knowledge, based on the neuroscience of pain, is essential if you want to modulate pain, manage fibromyalgia and counteract its effects.

  • af Santiago Martin
    283,95 kr.

    "Una inteligente y maquiavâelica campaäna a nivel mundial ha pusto contra las cuerdas y estâa a punto de enviar a las catacumbas a la Iglesia catâolica. Pero los enemigos de los sequidores de Jesucristo no cuentan con la intervenciâon de fuerzas sobrenaturales que pueden cambiar por completo el desenlace. La trama de esta apasionante novela de misterio arranca con una supuesta apariciâon de la Virgen Marâia en Guatemala y lleva al lector por buena parte del mundo, siguiendo a un Papa fugitivo y acosado, a la vez que lo introduce de lleno en el conflicto, la angustia y la esperanza que se vive en el seno de la Iglesia en esta hora critica.--

  • af Stefan Zweig
    213,95 kr.

    The factors that change the course of history are primarily the product of the contributions made by individual lives to the broad pattern of mortal existence. In his collection of 'historical miniatures, ' Stefan Zweig celebrates the monumental power of the spirit to discover, to create, to transcend the limits imposed by the temporal and physical environment, while at the same time underlining man's inability to escape from the realities of his own nature

  • af Matthew Gabriele
    343,95 kr.

    A lively and magisterial popular history that refutes common misperceptions of the European Middle Ages and takes us through ten centuries and crisscrosses Europe and the Mediterranean, Asia and Africa, revisiting familiar people and events with new light cast upon them. We look with fresh eyes on the Fall of Rome, Charlemagne, the Vikings, the Crusades, and the Black Death, but also to the multi-religious experience of Iberia, the rise of Byzantium, and the genius of Hildegard and the power of queens.

  • af Francisco Alcoba
    238,95 kr.

  • af Andrea Beitia
    198,95 kr.

    "Que un bebâe no hable no quiere decir que no tenga necesidades o sentimientos, solo significa que no sabe hablar, porque su aparato fonador no estâa desarrollado del todo. Si le enseänamos a pedirnos y contarnos las cosas con signos tendrâa en sus manos un recurso poderoso para hacernos disfrutar con ellos a tope. Los autores, instructores de Baby Sign y los creadores de Baby Sign Spainà con muchos aänos de experiencia con el mâetodo, y gracias a las originales ilustraciones de los signos, y sencillas explicaciones para poder realizarlas con los peques, te ayudarâan a comunicarte de forma divertida, eficaz y temprana con tus hijos, antes de que puedan hablar. El mâetodo que contribuye a un mayor desarrollo y una comunicaciâon âoptima de tus hijos" --

  • af Sandra Hintringer
    268,95 kr.

  • af Various Authors
    98,95 kr.

  • af César Vidal
    178,95 kr.