Bøger udgivet af Deutscher Universitats-Verlag
686,95 kr. - Bog
- 686,95 kr.
637,95 kr. Die Idee flir diese Arbeit wurde im Friihjahr 1986 im Rahmen des von Stephen Yeo an der University of Sussex geleiteten Kurses zu 'Social Movements and Political Action' entwickelt. Die daraus resultierenden Recherchen wurden im Juli 1987 abgeschlossen. Daher konnten weder die -insbesondere fUr die Friedensbewegung -wichtigen nachfolgenden Ereignisse (Konsequenzen der Unterhauswahl von 1987 und Neugruppierung der beiden 'Alliance' Parteien) noch die spiiter erschienene Sekundarliteratur in die Analyse miteinbezogen werden. Die vorliegende Untersuchung ware nicht zustande gekommen ohne die Kooperation meiner vielen Gespriichspartner aus Umwelt-und Friedensbewegung, die sich die Zeit ftir lange Interviews nahmen und mir zahlreiche Primarquellen iiberlieBen. Ihnen und allen weiteren Gespriichspartnern sei an dieser Stelle herzlich gedankt. Mein besonderer Dank gilt Karl-Werner Brand, Philip Lowe und Stephen Yeo, die mit Anregungen und Kritik zur Konzeption dieser Arbeit beitrugen, Andrea Wechselberg, die in zahlreichen Diskussionen wichtige DenkanstoBe lieferte, sowie allen Autoren, die mir unveroffentlichte Manuskripte zur Verftigung stellten.
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- 637,95 kr.
- Perspektiven Zur Foerderung Unternehmerischen Handelns
728,95 kr. Entrepreneurship - der Inhalt dieses Buches - wird in Deutschland ein zentrales Thema der nachsten Jahre werden Die Modernisierung der Wirtschaft in den alten und mehr noch den neuen Bundesländern erfordert mehrere Millionen neuer Unternehmer, im Dienstleistungs- und Kommunikationssektor, aber auch als Nachfolger in zahlreichen anderen Branchen Es gibt hierzulande einen Arbeitskräfteuberschuß ebenso wie umgekehrt einen Unternehmermangel. Der Verfasser hat sich als Direktor des Existenzgründerinstituts in Berlin und als Initiator der ersten Business-Plan-Wettbewerbe einen Namen gemacht. Er kennt aber auch die US-amerikanische Praxis gut Die Erfahrungen erfolgreicher Entrepreneure, aber ebenso die Grunde, die zum Mißerfolg fuhren können, durchziehen als Anschauungsmaterial, aber auch als Hintergrundinformation den Text. Der Inhalt geht aber weit daruber hinaus: In der modernen okonomischen Theorie kommt erstaunlicherweise der Unternehmer kaum mehr vor Betriebswirte betrachten die Unternehmung als Aktionsfeld angestellter Manager, in der Volkswirtschaftslehre wird die Firma auf das Modell einer Produktionsfunktion reduziert. Umso mehr ist hier die Aufarbeitung und die geraffte Darstellung der Theorien des Unternehmerischen hervorzuheben, die bisher weitgehend als Lehren von Außenseitern gelten, nach Schumpeter sind sie besonders mit den Namen Knight, Kirzner und Casson verbunden In drei betriebswirtschaftlichen Kapiteln werden dann zahlreiche methodische und inhaltliche Fragen des Entrepreneurship behandelt. Ergiebig ist dabei die Betrachtung des Unternehmerischen in verschiedenen Phasen der Gründung und Entwicklung.
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- 728,95 kr.
686,95 kr. - Bog
- 686,95 kr.
- An Assessment of its Economic Value
748,95 kr. Stefan Wengler provides a well founded answer to the question of the economic value and shows the need for the implementation of key account management. He presents a comprehensive, but easy-to-handle decision-making model that supports the decision on the most efficient key account management organization for individual companies.
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- 748,95 kr.
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- 574,95 kr.
- An Empirical Research into German Firms Entering the Polish Market
655,95 kr. There are many reasons why firms decide to extend their business operations by entering foreign markets. Whether it is a defensive step aimed at avoiding the consequences of saturating domestic markets or an offensive strategy based on the expectations of unusual profits, the most common market entry drivers are widely discussed and understood. What remains open is the most intriguing question of the selection of a particular market entry mode and the factors determining the right choice. On a theoretical ground the problem may be reduced to the issue of how many links of the Value Chain should be moved abroad in the process of international expansion. In practical terms the choice of a market-entry mode means a set of decisions taken in each particular case of a firm going international. The complexity of the task involves many different areas like the amount of risk, the scope of control, the level of capital involvement and financial efficiency. This is one of the reasons why there is no universal theory explaining the optimal way of making a successful market entry. The multitude of views on this subject does not make the question easier.
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- 655,95 kr.
- Essays in Honor of Klaus Neumann
999,95 kr. This collection of essays is dedicated to Professor Klaus Neumann, Head and Chair of the Institute for Economic Theory and Operations Research WiOR at the University of Karlsruhe. On the occasion of his emeritation, disciples, colleagues, scientific companions, and friends coming from dif ferent fields have contributed their perspectives on Operations Research to form a broad view on the discipline. The papers are organized in four parts on optimization, OR in production and service management, OR in logistics, and interdisciplinary approaches. We thank all the authors for their participation in publishing this volume. Mrs. Ute Wrasmann from Deutscher Universitats-Verlag deserves credit for her interest and assis tance on this project. Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to PTV Planung Transport Verkehr AG in Karlsruhe and to numerous former WiOR colleagues for their financial support. Klaus Neumann was born in Liegnitz (Silesia) in 1937. Prom 1955 to 1961 he studied mathematics at the Technical Universities of Dresden and Munich. His first paper on analog computers and dynamic programming was published less than two years later. In 1964 he obtained a Ph. D. in mathematics under the supervision of Josef Heinhold in Munich. After a two-year stay in industry, he returned to his alma mater, working on the fields of dynamic optimization and control theory.
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- 999,95 kr.
580,95 kr. Christian Kühn explores the impact of institutional buyouts (IBOs) characteristics on the transaction's capital structure and examines the robustness of established theories in a context which deviates substantially from most empirical studies. With regard to capital structure theories the identified relationships suggest a renaissance of the static trade-off theory while the relevance of the agency theory could only be confirmed in part. However, it appears that agency cost of debt assume a more influential role than do agency cost of equity.
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- 580,95 kr.
- The Nature, Adoption and Diffusion of Communication Standards
888,95 kr. Modern communication channels together with new electronic media stan dards are constantly changing traditional interaction patterns of humans and even machines In an increasingly globalized and networked world. Such a communication-based interaction is of pivotal economic importance in order to manage efficiently inter-organizational cooperation and business information flows. Consequently, the availability of generally accepted electronic commu nication standards is essential in order to decrease communication-related transaction costs. Roman Beck elaborates in his dissertation The Network(ed) Economy the im portance of the so far independently from each other discussed diffusion the ory on the one hand and network effect theory on the other hand. However, Roman Beck not only connects the two theories epistemologically, but also develops and extends those theories by providing a network diffusion model. The core of his model is the so-called network effect helix, where a dynamic and self-enforcing interplay between direct and indirect network effects is de ployed to simulate diffusion patterns and paths of communication standards. In his analysis, Roman Beck especially focused on the critical diffusion period be tween the market launch of a new communication standard and (in case of a successful diffusion) the achievement of a critical mass of adopters. His re search results and consequently the chosen title of the thesis are capable to il lustrate the overall topic of his work in the interesting area between an incom pletely interconnected "networked economy" on the one hand and a com pletely interconnected "network economy".
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- 888,95 kr.
- A Strategy-based Selection of Suppliers
1.123,95 kr. Roger Moser analyses the relationships between business priorities and PSM strategy and shows in detail how business strategies influence PSM. He develops a PSM strategy concept which enables supply managers to break down strategic priorities from a business strategy level to a PSM level and to define appropriate actions when dealing with suppliers, supply markets and internal customers.
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- 1.123,95 kr.
- Zum OEffentlichen Diskurs in Der Brd Von 1966 Bis 1974
643,95 kr. - Bog
- 643,95 kr.
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- 624,95 kr.
- Theoretische Grundlagen Und Praktische Erfahrungen Am Beispiel Mittelstandischer Pharmaunternehmen
634,95 kr. - Bog
- 634,95 kr.
- Entstehung Und Funktionsweise Des Netzwerks Aus Krankenkassen Und AErzteorganisationen Im Ambulanten Sektor
693,95 kr. In seiner organisationstheoretischen Analyse zeigt Thomas Tauchnitz, wie sich ein strukturell homogenes und interessenpolitisch weitgehend konsensuelles System ausgebildet hat, das eine Monopolstellung in der medizinischen Versorgung der Bevölkerung erlangen und eine hohe Wandlungsresistenz entwickeln konnte
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- 693,95 kr.
- Der metafiktionale Roman zwischen Modernismus und Postmodernismus
724,95 kr. I. Narrative Gedankenspiele in der deutschen Literatur nach 1945 In einem Standardwerk zur Geschichte der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur werden die unterschiedlichen erzahlerischen und poetologischen Tendenzen des Romans nach 1945 auf folgenden Antagonismus komprimiert: [A]uf der einen Seite die traditionelle Linie des Romanerzahlens, die dadurch gefahrdet sein kann, mitunter ins Epigonale abzurutschen, und auf der anderen Seite eine experi- mentelle und innovative Linie, die freilich auch die Grenze zum Abstrus-Hermetischen uberschreiten kann.' Fur die "e;traditionelle"e; Seite steht hier Gunter Grass, fur die "e;experimentelle"e; Arno Schmidt. Wahrend Grass in "e;Die Blechtrommel"e; (1959) den Erzahler noch einmal mit einer auktorialen Ubersicht ausstatte, gehe Schmidt mit seinem ein Jahr spater erschienenen Roman "e;KAFF auch Mare Crisium"e; den umgekehrten Weg und kapriziere sich auf die facettenreiche Innen- welt seines Erzahler-Ich. Sicherlich hatten die Verfasser der Literaturgeschichte andere poe- tologische und asthetische Extrempositionen zur Charakterisierung der deutschen Nach- kriegsliteratur gegenuberstellen konnen. Gleichwohl ist die Wahl symptomatisch insofern, als hier zwei Autoren und Werke herangezogen werden, die jeweils auf unterschiedliche Weise quer zur Entwicklung der deutschsprachigen Nachkriegsprosa stehen. Beide Autoren gehoren zu den meistdiskutierten des Literaturbetriebes, haben aber insgesamt kaum Einflu auf die deutsche Romankunst gehabt - wobei Grass zumindest im Ausland Nachahmer und Bewun- 2 derer gefunden hat.
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- 724,95 kr.
- Zur Rekonstruktion Der Lebensgeschichte Von Psychisch Kranken
630,95 kr. - Bog
- 630,95 kr.
- Grundlagen -- Organisation -- Gestaltung
927,95 kr. Sania Alexander de Miroschedji entwickelt einen dynamischen Ansatz, um die fortschreitende Desintegration von Wertschöpfungsketten zu erklären, und zeigt, wie desintegrierte Wertschöpfungsstrukturen aktiv gestaltet werden können.
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- 927,95 kr.
- State of the Art Und Neue Perspektiven
627,95 kr. Wenn über Gestaltung und Wirkung von Informations-, Führungs- oder auch Mana gementsystemen diskutiert wird, dann unterliegt diese Diskussion einer starken Ver zerrung in Richtung "Technologie". Es wird wohl heutzutage auch kein Zweifel mehr darüber bestehen, daß Managementsysteme die Art und Weise, wie Unter nehmen funktionieren, in starkem Maße mitprägen. Umso mehr verwundert es dann aber, daß die Rolle solcher Systeme auf der Ebene der strategischen Ausrichtung von Unternehmen bislang kaum ernsthaft problematisiert wird. Hier setzt die vorliegende Arbeit an. Der Autor versucht zu zeigen, in welcher Form verschiedene Arten von Managementsystemen in ihren jeweiligen Bereichen (z. B. Planung, Controlling, Personal usw.) die Entwicklung von Strategien und deren Umsetzung bzw. Wirksamkeit in Unternehmen mitgestalten. In dieser Hinsicht lei stet der Autor sicherlich weitestgehend "Pionierarbeit" . Er versucht, die oft "subtilen" und "politischen" Wege der Entstehung von Unter nehmensstrategien aus der Perspektive der immer bedeutender werdenden Manage mentsysteme herauszuarbeiten. Er entwickelt hierfür ein Modell, das solche Systeme letzten Endes als die entscheidenden "Knöpfe" herausstellt, deren Betäti gung die Steuerung der strategischen Entwicklung von Unternehmen erst ermög licht. Dieser Arbeit wünsche ich Beachtung sowohl im wissenschaftlichen als auch im praktischen Bereich. Sie liefert für wissenschaftliche Analysen interessante Hin weise über die zukünftige "strategische" Ausrichtung der "Strategiediskussion" . Praktikern eröffnet diese Arbeit Perspektiven über die Rolle und Wirkung von Managementsystemen jenseits technologischer und integrativer Probleme. Hier las sen sich interessante Einsichten gewinnen, die das ThemaManagementsysteme mit dem allseits bekannten politischen Geschehen in Organisationen in Verbindung setzen.
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- 627,95 kr.
- Ein Integratives Modell Zur Verbesserung Der Berufseintrittschancen
635,95 kr. - Bog
- 635,95 kr.
819,95 kr. The discussion about increased product complexity in Western European companies has been omnipresent for decades. This is due to ever new demands (real or c- ceived) from the market and new possibilities (technical and others) open to the p- viders of products and services to come up fast with very specific solutions. The m- agement of this complexity inside the company so as to achieve a balance between the market benefits of more customer specific solutions and the internal costs induced by this is still a big challenge. After years of research in this area there is still a lack of tools to help practitioners to take decisions about the right degree of complexity for a product or the right design of a product architecture. Mr. Marti brings together three perspectives on this topic in an easily understa- able and communicable way: The strategy of the company (combined with the mat- ity of the product), the functionality, and the physical complexity on a component level. The visualization in a complexity matrix is an important new tool especially for fostering the understanding for complexity issues in a company! With this book Mr. Marti has come up with an outstanding contribution to product complexity management, which is crucial for the future competitiveness of companies in Western Europe. I hope that this book will find a broad distribution as well in pr- tice as in theory for the sake of our countries! Prof. Dr.
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- 819,95 kr.
583,95 kr. Services cannot be produced without customer participation. This aspect involves significant consequences for services management. The integration of the customer and the integration of the external resources that customers need to provide require comprehensive means to coordinate the activities of suppHers and customers. Services management Hterature is based on the idea that the success of service companies mainly depends on an effective and efficient design of supplier and customer interfaces. As a result, academic and practice-oriented service management problems are concerned with managing service processes. However, most approaches are focused on the supplier process side. Here, numerous concepts as well as IT supported tools for service process documentation and service process management have been developed. Customer processes, on the contrary, have mostly been ignored even though it is obvious that they have a high impact on the overall success of the service process. The present work is a major step forward to close that research gap. The author analyses the customer influence on efficiency and effectiveness of the service process depending on the customer's service process knowledge. The empirical data of the thesis was gained from a practice study: it was made in cooperation with a corporate division of T-Systems International that provides business customers with virus wall and firewall service packages for data network security. The study is based on the assumption that service customers have a script, i. e. a relatively precise image of the structure and process of the service transaction.
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- 583,95 kr.
- Analysis Focussed on Governments in Developing Countries
576,95 kr. Looking back in history, we conceive the twentieth century as the century of wars. Most Hkely, we will conceive the twenty-first century as the century of (natural) catastrophes. Wars can be avoided (unfortunately, it did not happen often in history), in contrast, most natural disasters are outside human influence. However, the consequences of disasters can be alleviated by means of risk management. For an effective risk management, information is needed about (i) the size of the risk (measured by the frequency and intensity of the hazard), and (ii) the degree of vulnerability of the economy and society. Stefan Hochr- ner's thesis deals with measuring and modehng of both. While the physical risk modeUng is a well developed area within statistical modeling (frequency analysis, point processes, extreme value theory, etc. ), estimating the economic consequences is a more challenging task. The author studies economic effects of catastrophes by statistical analysis of mac- economic data. One interesting finding is that disasters can decrease the absolute level of economic performance, such as the GDP, while keeping growth levels nearly the same (at least after some years) as in the pre-disaster years. The boom of new products in the financial markets, especially of new derivative instru ments, has led to new risk hedging instruments such as catastrophe bonds. CAT-bonds transfer the risk to the market of investors.
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- 576,95 kr.
- An Empirical Analysis of the Securities Exchange Industry
570,95 kr. Whenever an economic institution is being transformed, researchers have an unusual opportunity to study causes and effects of the transformation and to test the economic theory related to the institution itself. Over the course of the last decade the global securities exchange industry has undergone such a tremendous change. Stock exchanges have demutualized and have turned into for-profit entities. Securities exchanges play a crucial role in modern market economies. They provide market participants with financial instruments of all sorts, serve as mechanism for price discovery and are an important source for external financing. Despite their important role, research covering the demutualization of stock exchanges has been sparse. Felix Treptow seeks to fill this gap in the literature and presents in this book an in depth analysis of the demutualization phenomenon. In his thesis, he applies advanced econometric methods to data sets which were assem bled specifically for the purpose of his analysis. Each of the three self-contained chapters of this volume addresses different issues which are of importance to the various stake holders in this process. The analysis covers the micro- and macroeconomic causes of demutualization, its impact on market liquidity and the changing relationship between exchanges and issuers.
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- 570,95 kr.
- Two Essays on the Impact of Information on Managerial Decisions and on Spatial Product Differentiation
755,95 kr. The first portion of Dr. Magin' s dissertation research focuses on the impact of demand related information on marketing activity. More precisely, Dr. Magin addresses important questions such as the degree to which firms equipped with demand-related information (DRI) introduce more products, satisfy consumers better, and, most fundamentally, make more money than firms without such DRI. This portion of Dr. Magin's dissertation work involves condensing the broad extant knowledge pertaining to marketing information and creating new hypotheses, empirically testing these hypotheses, and linking results to managerial practice as well as linking the findings to research opportunities. In addition to this, Dr. Magin's dissertation research entails a more theoretical and quantitative portion that addresses the problem of product differentiation. Here, she immerses herself into the areas of distance functions, distance measures, and spatial product differentiation. This portion of her dissertation is more quantitative and theoretical. In the first portion of her dissertation, Dr. Magin augments extant knowledge from economics, game theory, decision research, and social psychology into a sizeable set of hypotheses. To empirically test these hypotheses, she makes a large effort to collect primary data. More precisely, she uses a complex market simulation to conduct experiments through the course of three full years. Next, she tests her hypotheses using a variety of conservative tests. Her results are very interesting as she finds much support for the linkages she hypothesized.
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- 755,95 kr.
- Performance, Parameters for Further Evolution, and Implications for Development
1.072,95 kr. The significance of China's development reaches far beyond the country's domestic concerns. This is due to a variety of factors, among them the country's rapid growth and development and its increasingly open borders, allowing it to become a member of the regional and international community of states over the last twenty-five years. China is not a major force yet, but its voice is gaining influence. Simultaneously, its development on domestic, regional, and international levels is a huge uncertainty which inheres both potential and risk and is likely best described by the title of Johnny Erling's book China - der grosse Sprung ins Ungewisse^ (China - the Great Leap into the Unknown). Thereby, the attempts to understand the relevant processes and related prospects often appear to be an endless puzzle which allows for fiirther insight with every piece that can be added, while a certain dimension of mystery remains as China develops ftirther. Today, China's development is challenged considerably by a number of factors in the fields of the society, policy, economy, and environment. Finding a viable solution to these challenges and sustaining development is a concern of great priority to the Chinese government. A decisive question with this in mind is how the financial system could be enhanced to a level at which it would be an effective catalyst for development.
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- 1.072,95 kr.
- A Theoretical Analysis of Common Carriage and Franchise Bidding
755,95 kr. Using tools of modern industrial economics Urs Meister examines the effects of privatisation and competition in the piped water industry. Considering the two main approaches for competition in an industry with natural monopoly character, common carriage (interconnection) and franchise bidding (auctions), he analyses costs, retail prices and investment. Such analysis shows that competition may be a valuable opportunity to improve the efficiency of water supply.
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- 755,95 kr.
- Results of an Empirical Study in the Print Industry
579,95 kr. Information and communication technologies are leading to new forms of collabo- tion and interaction relationships inside and outside of companies. With regard to media companies, this impact is tremendous as resources, products, and processes are virtually immaterial allowing IT to permeate and restructure the entire value chain. However, especially in the print industry, where the impact of digitization on organi- tion designs and business practices is fervently discussed, companies most often realize that the degrees of freedom gained by the emergence of new technologies must be substantiated with rationalistic decision logic. One of the key questions in media companies is the way how and where digital content should be stored to op- mally support primary activities (or core processes). However, state-of-the-art lite- ture in MIS research falls short of giving answers to this question, as hardly the al- cation of hardware, software, or databases has been treated so far ¿ mostly just from one single (or even no) theoretical perspective.
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- 579,95 kr.
- A Comparision of Employees' Performance Reward Preferences in Germany and the USA
829,95 kr. Dr. Marjaana Gunkel's book opens a series of works published in cooperation with Deutscher Universit/ats-Verlag and Gabler. Ute Wrasmann and Claudia Splittgerber were very helpful initiating and organizing the series on the publisher's side. Anita Wilke was in charge of Marjaana Gunkel's book. Their support and cooperation is highly appreciated. The series ,,International Management Studies" aims at circulating insights from - search projects on international corporations. Most of the contributions published here will be characterized by the following features: The New Institutional Economics p- vides the theoretical framework, there is some empirical analysis - mostly based on primary data generated for the respective research project-, and the language of pub- cation can be English. All the contributions published in this series will be written in such a way that not only peers and experts in narrowly defined research fields can be reached but everybody who might be interested in learning about the topic at stake. Readers from other academic disciplines and practitioners are welcome contributors to a discourse that we want to share broadly. Also, the submission of publishable works that could contribute to this series is more than welcome.
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- 829,95 kr.
721,95 kr. Philipp Bell develops a mathematical diffusion model for system-effect technologies building on the specific prerequisites needed for an adequate representation of their unique characteristics. He shows that descriptive fit and forecasting validity of his model, numerically as well as graphically, are generally greatly superior to even the most flexible traditional models.
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- 721,95 kr.