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Bøger af Tarl Warwick

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  • - Our Epochs and Possible Extra Terrestrial Equivalents
    af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    When a few basic premises within evolution are regarded, it may be possible to project from that what likely courses the biological and behavioral advance of extra terrestrial life (if it exists) has taken. Without, here, regarding chaos theory itself, a general schema can be made for mankind's evolution using communication and focus as a basis.From this it is possible to derive a variety of predictions about extra terrestrials as well as the future of our own species as we continue along our now technological evolutionary course.

  • - Magic Defined
    af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    This following work is one of the most odd within the corpus of occultism. Appealing to none other than Eliphas Levi of the 19th century, it is nonetheless at least in part a standard work of early 20th century occultism involving mindfulness, self awareness, asceticism, and academic study. Beyond any spiritual component in the objective sense, all of these are themselves quite good for those who wish to study magic.This booklet appeals to the "ancient art" and the "magi" and makes the claim that it represents a partition of the spiritual teachings of antiquity.

  • - Lemegeton
    af Tarl Warwick
    123,95 kr.

    The Lesser Key of Solomon is one of the most notable and famous grimoires of all time. With its original English variant compiled from five texts- the Ars Goetia, Ars Theurgia Goetia, Ars Paulina, Ars Almadel, and Ars Notoria (or Ars Nova)- it was a long work, with much explanatory material.Within this edition the Notoria- now known to be of a far earlier era- has been removed, along with some non-cohesive explanatory jargon, and the entire work has been re-edited, re-illustrated, with a new foreword and released here for both bibliophiles and practitioners.The content is dense- many demonic seals, angels, spells and incantations, and all manner of odd powers spoken of as the natural result of practicing its content. This ranges from strictly black magic to that which solely involves positive forces.

  • - Psychic Research of the Great Beyond
    af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    JW Williams (The "seer") is a figure about which it seems little is known other than his production of this present work. Written during the first world war, it is apocalyptic but hopeful in a reformist manner, proclaiming that the author has had numerous dreams and visions of a spiritual nature.It ruminates on the purportedly coming end times of armageddon and relates the words of various angels which remark on future events and ideas.

  • - A Study of the Evolution of Malay Magic
    af Tarl Warwick
    83,95 kr.

    Shaman, Saiva, and Sufi, is one of the earliest and best looks at the spiritual mannerisms of Malaysia. Including incantations, marriage rites, funerary practices, and various superstition and folklore, it is at once a paranormal, anthropological, and occult work. Especially focusing on the prevalent Muslim and Hindu inclusions of the Perak and Kelantan provinces, its lore ranges from the already then-ancient to the post-colonial and then modern.

  • af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    The ways of alchemy within alchemical manuscripts themselves can be confusing and arcane. Here, in a work attributed to Paracelsus, (although it was manufactured later and merely retains his tradition of work) it is explained in some depth, in a more compact manner. The creation of the philosophers' tincture, as a form of medicine, continues to mostly elude the modern day occultist. Here then are references to its manufacture, the process involved, and a lengthy and acerbic refutation of the critics of the mystic world.

  • - Hindu Spiritism, Soul Transition, and Soul Reincarnation
    af Tarl Warwick
    118,95 kr.

    The Sacred Book of Death is one of a large number of compiled works which were made by the well known figure of LW DeLaurence at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. The content here may be roughly split into three groups, each dealing with death and spirits- first, the component which involves actual Hindu practice, second, a large number of chapters about objectively western spiritism, defending the same, and third, a few chapters at the end of the book which contain the kind of wand-and-crystal spiritual lore as 17th and 18th century European grimoires.It is well made, and frequently decries the usage of familiar spirits to "harass neighbors" while proclaiming the same to be not only possible but easy, as a potential marketing gimmick. Some of the "Hindu" practices it describes, we ought to note, are decidedly not from a Hindu backdrop at all and are strictly European.

  • - Of Reformed Botanical Principles
    af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    Dr. Wilsons' Family Physician is a great example of the literature which marked the middle of the 19th century with regards to folk medicine and similar traditions. Directly offshoot to the grimoires of the 18th century, works such as this form a missing link between the rituals and incantations of the prior era, and the scientific concoctions of the latter day recipe books which began to be popularized around the end of the 1800s.It contains a large number of herbal preparations, and a lecture on health which includes more moral stringency than apothecarian rigor.

  • - An Explanation
    af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    The Roman Index of Forbidden Books is a strange little treatment of the Catholic practice of forbidding certain books and banning them from distribution or consumption. Written from a religious and pro-Catholic perspective, it lists the council process of their church and various theological reasons for the banning of literature. This work contains as well explanations of similar practices not specifically part of the index itself and lists the willful consumption of banned material as a potential mortal sin. It helpfully supplies a list of works specifically added to the index for its era, which is heavy on philosophy and logic and short on actual demonic influence.

  • - And Hypnotism
    af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    This short exposition is partially about the application of hypnotism within a medical context and, at large, a refutation of its predecessor, mesmerism, specifically of Mesmer himself, who was exposed in his own era, along with others he had both fooled and associated with.The medical history here is short but dense, and some of the applications remain in full force even to this day although others have been largely cast aside as pseudoscience or as fancy.

  • - Proceedings From the Witch Trials
    af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    This little tract was initially released in this form in the year 1838, reprinting a manuscript dating to the 17th century. It contains the proceedings of a trial for witchcraft, as well as a short appendix with some other related lore dealing with the persecution of the burning times. It is provided here more or less verbatim save for a few corrections in the 19th century reprinting, as an important source document from its era.

  • - Of Mrs. Bridget the Norwood Gypsy
    af Tarl Warwick
    83,95 kr.

    The Universal Fortune Teller of 1790 is the forerunner to a long tradition of oracles and works on dream interpretation, simple divinatory tricks, and astrology. Supposedly deciphered from a manuscript found in the thatched hut of a witch, the work includes everything from the Zodiac to palmistry. With an elaborate back-story to proclaim its pedigree, the Universal Fortune Teller of Mrs. Bridget is one of the most bawdy and folkish manuscripts in the entire pre-modern occult tradition.

  • - Humor That Isn't Funny
    af Tarl Warwick
    88,95 kr.

    This work isn't funny. No, seriously, you shouldn't buy this work. Nor should you encourage others to do so. There's nothing in here worth reading- don't you dare buy a copy! It is with great happiness that I finally release this, my magnum dopus to the world. Learn the grand story of how I became magical, and how to make spider cider. This is the greatest book ever written in the history of the world, better than Homers' Iliad, the entire works of Twain, and the Bible all at the same time.

  • - A Brief Description of Life After Death
    af Tarl Warwick
    103,95 kr.

    This work is one of a number crafted by Frank Homer Curtiss, husband of the cofounder of the Order of Christian Mystics. It is a complex work, mixing Rosicrucian, Gnostic, and strictly Theosophical materials into a sort of spiritual slurry encouraging an occult spin on Christianity.The material is generally centered around the afterlife, reincarnation, and other subtopics related to mortality, but also delves into elemental spirits (borrowing from Hermeticism in the process) and possession, as well as explicitly endorsing temperance and declaring alcohol to cause potentially negative astral experiences.

  • - According to the Signs of the Zodiac
    af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    Professor A.F Seward was a self marketed astrologer and author of some apparent note in his era, having written a general, full work on the zodiac to which this present booklet was a companion.Uniquely claiming that medicine should be utilized according to an ephemeris, it also contains a general overview of the twelve signs and their relation in time to planting, harvesting, destroying weeds, and other agricultural lore.

  • - Innocent Amusement
    af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    Part of a long tradition of fortune telling and oracle-based divination texts ascribed to Napoleon Bonaparte among other historical figures, the Hieroglyphical Fortune Teller provides a general system for asking questions related largely to wealth, love, and health. Originally crafted in 1832, it is an expansive and easy to use occult work, regardless of its background of manufacture.

  • - Witchcraft, Demonology, Omens
    af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    "Secrets of Black Arts!" Is one of the many interesting volumes produced in its era to combine multiple occult subjects into one decent-sized work. Covering the Salem Witch Trials, the divining rod, a bit of folklore, and some demonology, along with omens and fortunes, it is more a rational and academic compilation than a hands-on one. As with other era works it lends itself against both the fundamentalism of its era as well as wanton and atheistic rationalism, providing a skeptical but ultimately quasi-spiritual ground while attacking superstition altogether in its latter pages on the subject of the burning times.

  • - The Universal Medicine
    af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    Roger Bacon is known for his many works, dealing not only with chemical matters but grammar and optics as well. This particular work revolves around the use of alchemy in medicine, specifically the use of antimony and lead. This would directly inform later works such as "A work of Saturn" by Hollandus. The use of malleable, antimonial compounds in medicine would continue for centuries, and according to Roger Bacon it is this universal elixir which comprises the highest tier of the alchemical art.

  • af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    This volume from the well known early 20th century creation series is a work comprised of two basic topics- the Aztec and the Incan religions. It speaks of the rituals and deities of both, and compares them at times with Christianity. The linguistic nature of parts of the religious structure especially among the Aztec is frequently pointed out.Indeed the first chapter also speaks of Nordic religion, the separation in ritualism between most Northern tribes and their counterparts in Mexico and Peru, and refutes a few of the theories of the era regarding European influence prior to Columbus.

  • - Eight Evening Lectures on the Summerland
    af Tarl Warwick
    88,95 kr.

    Andrew Jackson Davis is one of the stranger figures of mid 19th century occultism. Of his several works, this is perhaps the best-written. His lectures on the nature of the afterlife, from the spiritual and clairvoyant perspective, can be at times quite odd, and are at all times interesting. The strange land accessed by the author, purportedly, is more fantastical than most religious and spiritual visages of the afterlife, and involves a proto-theosophical style of devachan as it may be termed.One passage of this particular work had to be redacted altogether, sadly, due to modern censorship and increasing amounts of fascistic rhetoric aimed at destroying all voices of truth and erasing human history when inconvenient.

  • - In Refutation of Mortality
    af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    Sophie de Meissner needs little introduction, as one of the most odd (and posthumously famous) cases of spiritualism in her Victorian era. Originally born in the 1850s, she made statements regarding various communications with spirits, up to and including purported communication with the captain of the USS Titanic.This work is a collection of spiritual communications as well as chats with some of her contemporaries both within her work and related to it.

  • af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    Rudolf Steiner is one of the well known authors of the late pre-modern occult world. A student of theosophy who became the head of anthroposophy, his works were profuse, but among all of these, "Occult Significance of Blood" stands out as perhaps the best. Speaking of interbreeding and the spiritual result, the race question (then in vogue in philosophical circles) and the biological concept of blood in general, Steiner's work is highly indicative of its date of origin and symbolizes the confusion of the 1910s.

  • - Lectures
    af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    Rudolf Steiners' vast body of literary work includes not a small number of lectures and compilations of lectures such as this one. Primarily concerning itself with the evolution of mankind (and with the pre-modern theories of Blavatskys' time) it claims a sort of stage-by-stage descent away from the cosmic but towards an improved mankind increasingly able to reason and potentially grasp true spiritual principles. That is, that archaic man had direct help in the post-Atlantis period (as he deems it) from higher beings.It speaks in some degree of Galileo, Bruno, and Kepler, among other various figures.

  • af Tarl Warwick
    83,95 kr.

    The Sword of Moses, variously dated to the 14th century or before, to perhaps the 10th, contains perhaps the most strange array of folk magick fused with Kabbalistic and angelic content ever made. Containing conjurations that invoke the very name of the Judeochristian deity, it professes to allow the user control over the armies of the same god, for various purposes, from protecting oneself, to securing fortune, to destroying foes. Over one hundred names and forces are invoked following the sword itself (in the form of invocation) in order to provide this power. This edition contains a full list of the magical names of the rituals themselves and has been updated to modern English.

  • - Crux Ansata
    af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    "Phallism", circa 1892, is one of the most in depth academic studies of phallus symbolism created in the pre-modern era. Focusing on the Hindu tradition, Tibetan lore, Mesoamerican spirituality, and more, the work explains the pagan origins of the cross and then-modern debate over the meaning of cross symbolism in Egypt. Filled with secondary sources and anecdotal tales from the height of the British Empire, "Phallism" is an invaluable spiritual work for the occultist, and an invaluable anthropological compilation for the academic.

  • - A Work of Alchemy
    af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    While the author of "Tomb of Semiramis" is not explicitly known, it was printed in 1684 by William Cooper. A short work, it provides equal parts theory and practice with regards to alchemy and, unlike many works, specifically cites other alchemists and philosophers within its content to prove its veracity. This manuscript follows some aspects of "A Work of Saturn" by Hollandus verbatim in its treatment of the use of the philosopher's stone. An easily dissolved medicine taken in wine.

  • - An Account of Biblical Archaeology
    af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    This invaluable primary study of archaeological remains from the Middle East was first crafted in 1873 by George Smith- a little known figure who nonetheless at the time did not even realize he had formed the first vertebrae on the backbone of pre-modern occultism. This particular tract delves into the comparison between the remains he found which refer to an older flood story with that of the account of Genesis from centuries later. Describing the gods, their actions, and the deluge itself, the account directly mentions the antediluvian people and would lead to additional finds in the same part of the world, spurred on by public interest.

  • - Magnetism, Mesmerism, Suggestive Therapeutics and Magnetic Healing
    af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    L.W. DeLaurence is perhaps most famous for his in-line ads and work with grimoires, but this stands out as perhaps one of his best works for those who actually desire to practice the content. Covering multiple methods of hypnotism and mesmerism, it purports to let the reader quite literally engage in such a practice. Nowadays reduced to a parlor trick or else to alternative medicine, suggestion of these various types is worth the study of occultists and remains very much actually, literally real.

  • - The Book of Light
    af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    The Sepher Bahir is one of the foremost works of all mystic Judaism, an important work of Kabbalah in which commentaries on sounds, words, and stories are presented in a somewhat choppy form (for it was a compiled manuscript, not a primordial single work.) The work is ascribed to a mystic rabbi named Nehunya circa the first century. It refers as well to another mystic work- the famous Sepher Yetzirah, equally as renowned for its spiritual lore.

  • - Auto Trance and Spiritualism
    af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    "Clairvoyance and Thought Transference" is a compilation of different anecdotes put together by the notorious LW deLaurence. It contains multiple actual sections; on spiritualism, psychometry, somnambulism, and more.To his fairly significant credit, deLaurence manages to avoid taking a hard line along either the orthodoxy of his era or the newer movements therein; a habit indulged in by most authors of the period. Here the reader may find a number of good secondary sources also referred to and listed.