Bøger af Sarah Bowen
- en MBRP-vejledning
268,95 kr. Vejledningen i mindfulness-baseret tilbagefaldsforebyggelse i misbrugsbehandling er udformet med henblik på at tilbyde opmærksomhedstræning til personer, der er fanget i misbrug og afhængighed. Formålet med træningen er at forøge opmærksomheden på de triggere, vanemønstre og ‘automatiske’ reaktioner, der synes at styre livet for mange mennesker. Øvelserne i programmet udvikler evnen til at stoppe op, iagttage her-og-nu oplevelsen og bringe opmærksomhed til de valgmuligheder, der foreligger.Programmet består af otte ugentlige sessioner i gruppeforløb, og vejledningen giver behandlere grundlæggende information og materiale til at gennemføre kurset. I de velstrukturerede gruppesessioner opnår deltagerne klarhed over deres indre oplevelser, så de kan opgive vanemønstre forbundet med tanker og sociale hændelser, der risikerer at udløse tilbagefald, og tilegne sig konkrete færdigheder i at møde dagligdagens udfordringer. Det brugervenlige materiale består af retningslinjer for forløbet af hver enkelt session, eksempler på ledede meditationer samt en række skemaer og handouts til hjemmetræning.
- Bog
- 268,95 kr.
- Tequila, Mezcal, and the Politics of Production Volume 56
1.373,95 kr. Divided Spirits tells the stories of tequila and mezcal, two of Mexico's most iconic products. In doing so, the book illustrates how neoliberalism influences the production, branding, and regulation of local foods and drinks. It also challenges the strategy of relying on "alternative" markets to protect food cultures and rural livelihoods. In recent years, as consumers increasingly demand to connect with the people and places that produce their food, the concept of terroir--the taste of place--has become more and more prominent. Tequila and mezcal are both protected by denominations of origin (DOs), legal designations that aim to guarantee a product's authenticity based on its link to terroir. Advocates argue that the DOs expand market opportunities, protect cultural heritage, and ensure the reputation of Mexico's national spirits. Yet this book shows how the institutions that are supposed to guard "the legacy of all Mexicans" often fail those who are most in need of protection: the small producers, agave farmers, and other workers who have been making tequila and mezcal for generations. The consequences--for the quality and taste of tequila and mezcal, and for communities throughout Mexico--are stark. Divided Spirits suggests that we must move beyond market-based models if we want to safeguard local products and the people who make them. Instead, we need systems of production, consumption, and oversight that are more democratic, more inclusive, and more participatory. Lasting change is unlikely without the involvement of the state and a sustained commitment to addressing inequality and supporting rural development.
- Bog
- 1.373,95 kr.
153,95 kr. The Trunk Road is Esther Marshall Jessop's story: 'I'm scared of the memories of the road - scared of the contents of the trunk. But no one would ever have guessed. Then SHE sashayed into the Vicarage - spilling out bosoms, pulling in men - unearthing memories that I thought were buried forever. SHE and her family - steamrollering their way into our lives - forcing us to reassess the past, brace ourselves against the present and embrace a future we once would have deemed unimaginable.'From the minute Julia waltzes into the Vicarage, the only peace Esther knows is that given by the natural, rural beauty of her surroundings: her garden and the otters, ducks and wildlife which she loves.Esther struggles to keep herself afloat on this poignant, funny, scandalous voyage. She doesn't know it yet, but this is her time - her coming of age.
- Bog
- 153,95 kr.
183,95 - 322,95 kr. - Bog
- 183,95 kr.
188,95 kr. Sea squirts and sponges are found in most seafloor habitats around the coasts of Britain and Ireland. Despite being the dominant life forms in many areas, these two groups of under-recorded marine animals are often confused with one another, and most divers and snorkellers can recognise and name very few species. In fact, around 500 species of Ascidiacea (sea squirts) and Porifera (sponges) have been described so far in British and Irish seas, corresponding to over 4% of the worldΓÇÖs total. This book is recommended reading for anyone who wants to identify and discover more about these fascinating and diverse animals. Rather than relying on the characteristics of preserved specimens, this guide uses marine photography and detailed underwater observations to concentrate on in situ features, allowing you to record species without collecting them. Most sea squirts found in Britain and IrelandΓÇÖs shallow waters are included, together with the most easily recognised sponges. Whether you are a student, a diver, a rockpooler or simply an enthusiast, this is an essential companion.ΓùÅ Over 115 species described in detail with in situ photographs to help with underwater recognitionΓùÅ Information on size, depth, habitat and distributionΓùÅ Key distinguishing features and areas of confusion in identification highlightedΓùÅ Details of body structure, life histories, digestive and reproductive processesΓùÅ Information about predators, interactions between species, non-native and problem invasive species
- Bog
- 188,95 kr.
- Tequila, Mezcal, and the Politics of Production
367,95 kr. Divided Spirits tells the stories of tequila and mezcal, two of Mexico's most iconic products. In doing so, the book illustrates how neoliberalism influences the production, branding, and regulation of local foods and drinks. It also challenges the strategy of relying on ';alternative' markets to protect food cultures and rural livelihoods. In recent years, as consumers increasingly demand to connect with the people and places that produce their food, the concept of terroirthe taste of placehas become more and more prominent. Tequila and mezcal are both protected by denominations of origin (DOs), legal designations that aim to guarantee a product's authenticity based on its link to terroir. Advocates argue that the DOs expand market opportunities, protect cultural heritage, and ensure the reputation of Mexico's national spirits. Yet this book shows how the institutions that are supposed to guard ';the legacy of all Mexicans' often fail those who are most in need of protection: the small producers, agave farmers, and other workers who have been making tequila and mezcal for generations. The consequencesfor the quality and taste of tequila and mezcal, and for communities throughout Mexicoare stark.Divided Spirits suggests that we must move beyond market-based models if we want to safeguard local products and the people who make them. Instead, we need systems of production, consumption, and oversight that are more democratic, more inclusive, and more participatory. Lasting change is unlikely without the involvement of the state and a sustained commitment to addressing inequality and supporting rural development.
- Bog
- 367,95 kr.