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Bøger af Richard Rorty

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  • af Richard Rorty
    238,95 - 298,95 kr.

    Richard Rorty (1930-2007) var en af de mest provokerende skikkelser i nyere tids filosofi. I disse veloplagte essays, artikler og forelæsninger fra 1990’erne præsenteres en bred vifte af hans filosofiske, politiske og kulturelle overbevisninger. Rortys forfatterskab blev til i et opgør dels med den analytiske tradition, han selv kom ud af, og dels med platonisk og kantiansk filosofi. Siden Platon har filosofien grundlæggende forsøgt at nå frem til sand erkendelse ved at trænge bag om tilsynekomsterne til en underliggende virkelighed. Men for Rorty handler det ikke om, hvorvidt vores forestillinger stemmer overens med en fundamental virkelighed, men om hvorvidt de kan bidrage til at udføre praktiske formål og skabe et mere egalitært og demokratisk samfund. I den pragmatiske ånd fra John Dewey forsøges det platoniske mål om at kopiere virkeligheden bedre og bedre erstattet med et socialt håb om at skabe en bedre fremtid bestående af et globalt, kosmopolitisk, demokratisk, egalitært, klasseløst verdenssamfund. Bogen er forsynet med et efterskrift af Michael Vernersen, som også har oversat.

  • af Richard Rorty
    177,95 - 243,95 kr.

    In his final work, Richard Rorty provides the definitive statement of his political thought. Rorty equates pragmatism with anti-authoritarianism, arguing that because there is no authority we can rely on to ascertain truth, we can only do so intersubjectively. It follows that we must learn to think and care about what others think and care about.

  • af Richard Rorty
    198,95 kr.

    Prescient essays about the state of our politics from the philosopher who predicted that a populist demagogue would become president of the United StatesRichard Rorty, one of the most influential intellectuals of recent decades, is perhaps best known today as the philosopher who, almost two decades before the 2016 U.S. presidential election, warned of the rise of a Trumpian strongman in America. What Can We Hope For? gathers nineteen of Rorty's essays on American and global politics, including four previously unpublished and many lesser-known and hard-to-find pieces.In these provocative and compelling essays, Rorty confronts the critical challenges democracies face at home and abroad, including populism, growing economic inequality, and overpopulation and environmental devastation. In response, he offers optimistic and realistic ideas about how to address these crises. He outlines strategies for fostering social hope and building an inclusive global community of trust, and urges us to put our faith in trade unions, universities, bottom-up social campaigns, and bold political visions that thwart ideological pieties.Driven by Rorty's sense of emergency about our collective future, What Can We Hope For? is filled with striking diagnoses of today's political crises and creative proposals for solving them.

  • - Philosophical Papers
    af Richard Rorty
    232,95 kr.

    This volume presents a selection of philosophical papers which Richard Rorty has written over the past decade. Topics discussed include the changing role of philosophy in Western culture over the course of recent centuries, the role of the imagination in intellectual and moral progress, and the notion of 'moral identity'.

  • af Richard Rorty
    206,95 kr.

    Prescient essays about the state of our politics from the philosopher who predicted that a populist demagogue would become president of the United StatesRichard Rorty, one of the most influential intellectuals of recent decades, is perhaps best known today as the philosopher who, almost two decades before the 2016 U.S. presidential election, warned of the rise of a Trumpian strongman in America. What Can We Hope For? gathers nineteen of Rorty's essays on American and global politics, including four previously unpublished and many lesser-known and hard-to-find pieces.In these provocative and compelling essays, Rorty confronts the critical challenges democracies face at home and abroad, including populism, growing economic inequality, and overpopulation and environmental devastation. In response, he offers optimistic and realistic ideas about how to address these crises. He outlines strategies for fostering social hope and building an inclusive global community of trust, and urges us to put our faith in trade unions, universities, bottom-up social campaigns, and bold political visions that thwart ideological pieties.Driven by Rorty's sense of emergency about our collective future, What Can We Hope For? is filled with striking diagnoses of today's political crises and creative proposals for solving them.

  • af Richard Rorty
    238,95 - 298,95 kr.

    Richard Rorty var blandt de mest fremtrædende og indflydelsesrige amerikanske filosoffer i det 20. århundrede. Han fremstår i dag som den vigtigste repræsentant for den såkaldte neopragmatisme, der fra 1980’erne revitaliserede den traditionelle pragmatisme fra begyndelsen af århundredet ved at kombinere den med indsigter fra blandt andet hermeneutik, postmodernisme og dekonstruktion'Kontingens, ironi og solidaritet' er Rortys hovedværk fra 1989. Heri forlader han – inspireret af bl.a. Heidegger, Wittgenstein og Derrida – endegyldigt forestillingen om sproget som en sand afspejling af verden. Filosofi kan og skal ikke være streng videnskab. Og filosofiske begrundelser og moralteori er ikke vejen til en bedre verden. Hos Rorty placeres håbet snarere i litteraturen, som kan gøre os opmærksomme på lidelse, som vi før var uvidende om. I mødet med de store romaner – fx Orwells og Nabokovs – udvides vores empati, og der skabes sensibilitet over for den lidelse, andre mennesker og vi selv forvolder. Som borgere i de moderne demokratier anbefales vi af Rorty at indse kontingensen som et vilkår og leve vore liv som liberale og solidariske ironikere.Bogen er forsynet med et kyndigt efterskrift ved Hans Henrik Hjermitslev.

  • - Unpublished Papers, 1960-2000
    af Richard Rorty
    223,95 - 910,95 kr.

    On Philosophy and Philosophers is a volume of unpublished papers by Richard Rorty, a central figure in late-twentieth century philosophy and a primary force behind the resurgence of American pragmatism. These previously unseen papers advance novel views on metaphysics, ethics, epistemology, philosophical semantics and the social role of philosophy.

  • - Thirtieth-Anniversary Edition
    af Richard Rorty
    188,95 kr.

    Deals with the twentieth-century philosophy. This title includes essays by philosopher Michael Williams and literary scholar David Bromwich, as well as the essay "The Philosopher as Expert".

  • af Richard Rorty, Ernesto Laclau, Simon Critchley & mfl.
    510,95 - 1.702,95 kr.

    This volume takes the form of a debate between Jacques Derrida, the leading exponent of deconstruction, and Richard Rorty, the pragmatist philosopher and literary theorist, in which the two schools of thought are brought into critical confrontation with one another.

  • af Richard Rorty
    228,95 kr.

    Undeniably iconoclastic, and doggedly practical where others were abstract, the late Richard Rorty was described by some as a philosopher with no philosophy. Rorty was skeptical of systems claiming to have answers, seeing scientific and aesthetic schools as vocabularies rather than as indispensable paths to truth. But his work displays a profound awareness of philosophical tradition and an urgent concern for how we create a society. As Michael Brub writes in his introduction to this new volume, Rorty looked upon philosophy as "e;a creative enterprise of dreaming up new and more humane ways to live."e; Drawn from Rorty's acclaimed 2004 Page-Barbour lectures, Philosophy as Poetry distills many of the central ideas in his work. Rorty begins by addressing poetry and philosophy, which are often seen as contradictory pursuits. He offers a view of philosophy as a poem, beginning with the ancient Greeks and rewritten by succeeding generations of philosophers seeking to improve it. He goes on to examine analytic philosophy and the rejection by some philosophers, notably Wittgenstein, of the notion of philosophical problems that have solutions. The book concludes with an invigorating suspension of intellectual borders as Rorty focuses on the romantic tradition and relates it to philosophic thought.This book makes an ideal starting place for anyone looking for an introduction to Rorty's thought and his contribution to our sense of an American pragmatism, as well as an understanding of his influence and the controversy that attended his work.Page-Barbour Lectures

  • - Early Philosophical Papers
    af Richard Rorty
    262,95 - 892,95 kr.

    This volume presents a selection of the philosophical essays which Richard Rorty wrote during the first decade of his career, and complements four previous volumes of his papers published by Cambridge University Press. In this long neglected body of work, which many leading philosophers still consider to be his best, Rorty develops his views on the nature and scope of philosophy in a manner which supplements and elucidates his definitive statement on these matters in Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature. He also develops his groundbreaking version of eliminative materialism, a label first coined to describe his position, and sets out original views on various central topics in the philosophy of language, concerning private language, indeterminacy, and verificationalism. A substantial introduction examines Rorty's philosophical development from 1961 to 1972. The volume completes our understanding of Rorty's intellectual trajectory and offers lucid statements of positions which retain their relevance to current debates.

  • af Richard Rorty
    128,95 kr.

    Richard Rorty is one of the most provocative figures in recent philosophical, literary and cultural debate. This collection brings together those of his writings aimed at a wider audience, many published in book form for the first time. In these eloquent essays, articles and lectures, Rorty gives a stimulating summary of his central philosophical beliefs and how they relate to his political hopes; he also offers some challenging insights into contemporary America, justice, education and love.

  • af Richard Rorty & Gianni Vattimo
    248,95 - 1.073,95 kr.

    Though coming from different and distinct intellectual traditions, Richard Rorty and Gianni Vattimo are united in their criticism of the metaphysical tradition. The challenges they put forward extend beyond philosophy and entail a reconsideration of the foundations of belief in God and the religious life. They urge that the rejection of metaphysical truth does not necessitate the death of religion; instead it opens new ways of imagining what it is to be religious-ways that emphasize charity, solidarity, and irony. This unique collaboration, which includes a dialogue between the two philosophers, is notable not only for its fusion of pragmatism (Rorty) and hermeneutics (Vattimo) but also for its recognition of the limits of both traditional religious belief and modern secularism.In "e;Anticlericalism and Atheism"e; Rorty discusses Vattimo's work Belief and argues that the end of metaphysics paves the way for an anti-essentialist religion. Rorty's conception of religion, determined by private motives, is designed to produce the gospel's promise that henceforth God will not consider humanity as a servant but as a friend. In "e;The Age of Interpretation,"e; Vattimo, who is both a devout Catholic and a frequent critic of the church, explores the surprising congruence between Christianity and hermeneutics in light of the dissolution of metaphysical truth. As in hermeneutics, interpretation is central to Christianity, which introduced the world to the principle of interiority, dissolving the experience of objective reality into "e;listening to and interpreting messages."e; The lively dialogue that concludes this volume, moderated and edited by Santiago Zabala, analyzes the future of religion together with the political, social, and historical aspects that characterize our contemporary postmodern, postmetaphysical, and post-Christian world.

  • af Richard Rorty & Gianni Vattimo
    109,95 - 198,95 kr.

    I dag opfatter mange mennesker sig som religiøse, uden at de dermed nødvendigvis tilslutter sig den kristendom, der i Vesten igennem to årtusinder har været den dominerende religion. Bogen rejser ikke mindst spørgsmålet om, hvorvidt oplysningen, sekulariseringen og demokratiseringen, der satte ind for et par århundreder siden, virkelig har distanceret os fra arven fra den kristne religion, eller om sekulariseringen snarere må ses som en konsekvens af kristendommen selv.Hvis man ønsker et indblik i den filosofiske og idehistoriske baggrund for denne diskussion, så er Religionens fremtid og dens dialog mellem to af nutidens største filosoffer et godt sted at starte.

  • af Richard Rorty, Martha Nussbaum & Gian R Rusconi
    113,95 kr.

  • - Una Introduccion Al Pragmatismo
    af Richard Rorty
    143,95 kr.

  • - Interviews with Richard Rorty
    af Richard Rorty
    268,95 kr.

    This volume collects a number of important and revealing interviews with Richard Rorty, spanning more than two decades of his public intellectual commentary, engagement, and criticism.

  • - Leftist Thought in Twentieth-Century America
    af Richard Rorty
    193,95 kr.

    Must the sins of America's past poison its hope for the future? Lately the American Left, withdrawing into the halls of academe to rue the nation's shame, has answered yes in word and deed. Rorty challenges this lost generation to understand its potential role in the tradition of democratic intellectual labor that began with Whitman and Dewey.

  • - Essays 1972-1980
    af Richard Rorty
    257,95 kr.

    Rorty seeks to tie philosophy’s past to its future by connecting what he sees as the positive (and neglected) contributions of the American pragmatic philosophers to contemporary European developments. What emerges from his explorations is a revivified version of pragmatism that offers new hope for the future of philosophy.“Rorty’s dazzling tour through the history of modern philosophy, and his critical account of its present state (the best general introduction in print), is actually an argument that what we consider perennial problems--mind and body, consciousness and objects, the foundations of knowledge, the fact/value distinction--are merely the dead-ends this picture leads us into.” Los Angeles Times Book Review“It can immediately be said that Consequences of Pragmatism must be read by both those who believe that they agree and those who believe that they disagree with Richard Rorty. [He] is far and away the most provocative philosophical writer working in North America today, and Consequences of Pragmatism should make this claim even stronger.”The Review of Metaphysics“Philosophy, for Rorty, is a form of writing, a literary genre, closer to literary criticism than anything else, a criticism which takes for one of its major concerns the texts of the past recognized as philosophical: it interprets interpretations. If anyone doubts the continued vigor and continuing relevance of American pragmatism, the doubts can be laid to rest by reading this book.” Religious Studies Review

  • - Philosophical Papers
    af Richard Rorty
    230,95 kr.

    Richard Rorty's collected papers, written during the 1980s and now published in two volumes, take up some of the issues which divide Anglo-Saxon analytic philosophers and contemporary French and German philosophers. The second volume pursues the themes of the first volume in the context of discussions of recent European philosophy focusing on the work of Heidegger and Derrida.