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Bøger af Peter Robinson

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  • af Peter Robinson
    118,95 kr.

    'The Alan Banks mystery-suspense novels are the best series on the market. Try one and tell me I'm wrong.' - Stephen King.Innocent Graves is the eighth novel in Peter Robinson's Inspector Banks series, following on from Dry Bones That Dream.A MURDERED GIRL. DARK SECRETS. DEADLIER LIES.One foggy night, Deborah Harrison is found lying in the churchyard behind St Mary's, Eastvale. She has been strangled with the strap of her own school satchel. But Deborah was no typical sixteen-year-old. Her father was a powerful financier who moved in the highest echelons of industry, defence and classified information. And Deborah, it seemed, enjoyed keeping secrets of her own . . . With his colleague Detective Constable Susan Gay, Inspector Alan Banks encounters many suspects, guilty of crimes large and small, in his search for the killer. And as he does so, plenty of sordid secrets and some lethal lies begin to emerge . . .The Inspector Banks series became the British ITV drama DCI Banks. Innocent Graves is followed by the ninth book in this Yorkshire-based crime series, Dead Right.

  • af Peter Robinson
    118,95 kr.

    'The Alan Banks mystery-suspense novels are the best series on the market. Try one and tell me I'm wrong' - Stephen King.A Dedicated Man is the second novel in Peter Robinson's Inspector Banks series, following on from Gallows View.A dead body. Hidden secrets. Banks will find the truth.The brutally murdered body of a supposedly well-liked local historian is found half-buried under a dry stone wall. But who would kill such a thoughtful, dedicated man?Young Sally Lumb, locked in her lover's arms on the night of the murder, tries to find the killer herself. But her good-intentions only leads to more danger. And when Chief Inspector Alan Banks is called to investigate and soon discovers that disturbing secrets lie behind the seemingly untroubled facade . . . A Dedicated Man is followed in the Inspector Banks series by A Necessary End.

  • af Peter Robinson
    138,95 kr.

    Da to patruljebetjente tiltvinger sig adgang til adressen The Hill 35 efter en anmeldelse om hustruvold, åbenbares et mareridt af grusomheder. For i husets kælder og have befinder sig adskillige mishandlede pigelig i forskellige stadier af forrådnelse. Men er husets mandlige ejer både voldtægtsforbryder og seriemorder? Og er hans unge hustru et uskyldigt offer, uvidende om hans ugerninger? Kriminalkommissær Banks kommer på en af sine sværeste opgaver, da han gennem en kulegravning af fortidige synder rystet må konfrontere alle grader af den menneskelige naturs vrangside. Og før han er færdig, har sagen bragt lemlæstelse og død helt ind i politiets egne rækker."Det er en rystende spændende krimi, der folder sig mere og mere ud til en gruopvækkende historie om meget omfattende psykiske skader af seksuelt misbrug." Per Månson, lektør.

  • af Peter Robinson
    138,95 kr.

    Under leg i et udtørret reservoir gør en dreng et chokerende fund. For i ruinerne af Hobb's End, en forlængst glemt landsby, falder han bogstavelig talt over en bunke menneskeknogler. Det bliver hurtigt åbenbart, at liget er et mordoffer fra 2. Verdenskrig. Men hvad skete der i Hobb's End i de mørke krigsår? Og hvorfor er liget så voldsomt tilredt?Kriminalkommissær Banks' tilsyneladende enkle mission - at identificere offeret og dets historie - viser sig snart at blive en kompliceret opgave. For selv den mest idylliske landsby dækker over voldsomme konflikter, og selv de mest anonyme mennesker har lig i lasten.I en tør tid er en historie om skjulte identiteter, svigt og undertrykte frustrationer. Og som i sin afsluttende grusomme tvist afgør, at forbrydelser aldrig forældes.

  • af Peter Robinson
    138,95 kr.

    Skelettet af chefkriminalinspektør Banks’ barndomsven, Graham Marshall, dukker op af mudderet på en byggeplads. Graham forsvandt sporløst 40 år tidligere, og Banks har været tynget af skyld lige siden.Samtidig med, at Banks begynder at grave i fortiden, forsvinder en ung dreng fra sit hjem i Eastvale. Er der en forbindelse? Snart udvikler begge sager sig til at blive langt alvorligere end først antaget, og Banks og hans kolleger vikles ind i et livsfarligt net af alt for nære relationer.   Peter Robinson er født i Castleford, Yorkshire, i 1950 og bor nu i Toronto med sin kone. Hans prisbelønnede romaner om chefkriminalinspektør Alan Banks er blevet oversat til 16 sprog. I serien foreligger på dansk Et spor af ild, Kold er graven (som modtog Det Danske Kriminalakademis Palle Rrosenkrantz-pris 2006), I en tør tid, Efterspil, Alt for tæt på og En personlig sag.

  • - Issues in Telecommunication and Data Services
    af Peter Robinson
    1.556,95 kr.

  • - Poems by Peter Robinson, Paintings by David Inshaw
    af Peter Robinson
    183,95 kr.

    Inspired by a visit to the painter's studio, Bonjour Mr Inshaw is a homage by the poet Peter Robinson to David Inshaw. The book presents paintings and poems on facing pages, celebrating the centuries-old ekphrastic tradition of dialogue between the arts of poetry and painting.

  • - 11 Stories
    af Peter Robinson
    118,95 kr.

    Nine short stories by poet and translator Peter Robinson

  • - The Making of an MBA
    af Peter Robinson
    273,95 kr.

    Based on the daily diary Peter Robinson kept at Stanford Business School, and peppered with a cast of unforgettable characters and situations, Snapshots from Hell answers the perennial question "What is business school really like?" as it recounts the author's own precarious, exhilarating and sleepless quest for the coveted MBA degree.

  • af Peter Robinson
    168,95 kr.

    The narrator wanders around Reading, the town where he has settled, musing on the town and the issues facing us all.

  • af Peter Robinson
    307,95 kr.

    This volume gathers carefully chosen texts from Peter Robinson's nine books of poetry, to which is added a newly completed tenth collection. They include early experiments in northern social realism, dialogues with Italian poetry, and encounters with Japan, all in relation to the vicissitudes of his home country, and a much-revisited Liverpool.

  • - DCI Banks 25
    af Peter Robinson
    136,95 kr.

  • - A Transformative Opportunity for Sub-Saharan Africa
    af Peter Robinson, Gary Mcmahon, Sudeshna Ghosh Banerjee, mfl.
    378,95 kr.

  • af Peter Robinson
    167,95 kr.

    Peter Robinson's new collection, The Returning Sky, carefully sequences the poems written over the four years from the time he left Japan and returned to England, through the global financial crisis, and into our current austerity culture.

  • af Peter Robinson
    153,95 kr.

    In Buried Music, Peter Robinson continues his work of discovering poetry in everyday, anywhere places. It is as if, as Roy Fisher intuited, 'he carries a listening device, alert for the moments when the tectonic plates of mental experience slide quietly one beneath another to create paradoxes and complexities that call for poems to be made.'

  • - Selected Aphorisms
    af Peter Robinson
    180,95 kr.

    While the Western world was declaring war on an abstraction, the author had been drawing up peace terms with a host of them. What came from them were promptly anthologized in "The Boodaxe Book of Poetry Quotations". This work features extended reflections that look out on the world and see a wounded head bandaged in clouds.

  • af Peter Robinson
    170,95 kr.

    Explores the difficulties associated with having your heart in Europe and your life in Japan, across the shadowy terrains of a world grown decidedly more at risk, dangerous, and violent. This work contains poetry that celebrates all it can by means of the poet's rhythm, dexterity, and eye for the energized processes of landscape and atmosphere.

  • - Conversations on the Art
    af Peter Robinson
    153,95 kr.

    Talks about poetry and sexual violence, the balkanization of the art and ways to resist it, and techniques of poetry and how they engage with the circumstances of life. This book, made up of twelve interviews, also talks of the connections between the author's own poetry, literary criticism, translations, aphoristic writings, and ancillary work.

  • af Peter Robinson
    193,95 kr.

    When attorney Kevin Anderson decides to uproot his family and move them to Holland, he expects a fantastic job prosecuting war criminals at the United Nations Tribunal. But when he gets there, he is thrown into the defense of a notorious Serbian warlord accused of ethnic cleansing in Bosnia.Kevin faces a suspicious client, a self-righteous prosecutor, and hostile judges. When his spunky 11 year-old daughter, Ellen, is kidnapped, Kevin is plunged into a battle to win his client's freedom, and to save his daughter's life.As the trial progresses, Kevin fends off not only the prosecution, but the American CIA and forces of the Serbian government, all who have a stake in the outcome. From the bulletproof courtroom to the streets of Sarajevo, Kevin scrambles to find the truth and preserve his integrity.While Kevin is fighting for his client; his daughter is fighting for her life. It all comes down to the verdict. Can Kevin obtain justice for his client --and for his daughter--at the Tribunal?

  • af Peter Robinson
    974,95 kr.

    This book examines the working lives, retirement plans, and old age experiences of three generations of gay men born 1924-86. The first half of the book concentrates on the men's working lives, while the second half of the book explores the interviewees' concerns about old age and retirement.

  • af Peter Robinson, Gary Mcmahon, Sudeshna Ghosh Banerjee, mfl.
    453,95 kr.

    The mining industry could play a key role in Africa's energy sector, since it requires power in large quantity and reliable quality to run its processes. The integration of mining with power system development, with appropriate risk mitigation mechanisms, could bring a win-win solution to utilities, mines, and people at large.

  • - From Captain to Major General, 1914-18
    af Peter Robinson
    173,95 kr.

    The new series of Spellmount Military Memoirs provides rare and sought-after texts for the collector of classic historical works, together with rigorously selected personal narratives never before in print - destined to become classics in their own right.

  • - And Is It Broken? Five Essays on Congressional Reform
    af Peter Robinson
    102,95 kr.

    In February 1994, the Hoover Institution held a conference on Congress, inviting more than two dozen scholars, journalists, and members of Congress to participate in an array of panel discussions. The conference asked, in effect, Is Congress working as it should? If no, how should Congress be reformed? Throughout these panel discussions, five writers noted the principal arguments put forward in each of the panel discussions, then composed essays on particular issues, drawing conclusions from the arguments and presenting their own views. An introduction provides a straightforward description of the conference. In commissioning these essays, the Hoover Institution was engaging in an experiment. The institution hoped that the essays would represent not only a record of the conference but also a provocative contribution to the debate on congressional reform.

  • af Peter Robinson
    118,95 kr.

  • - Raising the Effective Age of Retirement
    af Peter Robinson
    118,95 kr.

  • af Peter Robinson
    92,95 kr.

    Detectice Chief Inspector Alan Banks karriere har de seneste par år været sat på pause. Den har faktisk næsten været ødelagt af Banks chef, Chief Constable Riddles smålighed og politiske ambitioner. Men da Riddles datter stikker af hjemmefra og da nøgenbilleder af hende dukker op på en porno-hjemmeside beder han Banks om hjælp.Sporet fører først Banks til Soho i London, en bydel fuld af stripklubber og sex-shops. Senere til det dyre Little Venice hvor den 16-årige Emily Riddle bor hos en gangster med forbindelser til rockmusikkens verden. Først nægter Emily at vende hjem, men senere dukker hun forslået op på Banks hotel og beder om hans hjælp. Snart er hun hjemme hos familien i Yorkshire, og Banks arbejde synes at være gjort.Andre opgaver optager Banks. En større omorganisering af Eastvale Regional Headqarters fører Detective Sergeant Annie Cabbot tilbage i hans liv. Mens de begynder efterforskningen af mordet på den smudskede småforbryder Charlie Courrage, begås et mord på en natklub i Eastvale. Hurtigt fyldes formiddagsbladene med overskrifter om skandale, sex og korruption på højeste plan. Det iskolde og brutale mord ryster Banks i hans inderste og det ser snart ud til at mordet er forbundet med Charlie Courage-sagen.

  • af Peter Robinson
    92,95 kr.

    En usædvanlig tør sommer udtørrer Thornfield-reservoiret, og frem dukker resterne af Hobb’s End, den lille Yorkshirelandsby, der blev oversvømmet 60 år tidligere. Det samme gør skelettet af en brutalt myrdet kvinde, og kriminalkommisær Alan Banks må nu finde frem til en morder, der har undgået straf i over et halvt århundrede.

  • af Peter Robinson
    119,95 kr.

    En kold januarmorgen kaldes chefkriminalinspektør Alan Banks og kriminalinspektør Annie Cabbot ud til kanalen i Eastvale. To pramme er brændt, og en ung stofmisbruger og en falleret kunstner er omkommet. Noget tyder på, at branden er påsat, men hvorfor skulle de to dø? Banks og Cabbot får travlt med efterforskningen, for mens asken stadig er lun, bliver Eastvale ramt af endnu en gådefuld brand. Peter Robinson er født i Yorkshire i 1950. Han bor nu i Toronto med sin kone. Den internationalt prisbelønnede serie er oversat til 16 sprog. OM BOGENRobinson er en underholdende forfatter, der er god til at formidle stemninger og landskaber, så tågen i Yorkshire kryber helt ind under huden på læseren. "Et spor af ild" er ikke nogen undtagelse: en klassisk, velskrevet krimi af den slags, der er svær at lægge fra sig. - Sus Nørding, Holte Bibliotek

  • af Peter Robinson
    138,95 kr.

    På kanten af en klint, en kølig morgen i marts, bliver Karen Drew fundet i sin kørestol med halsen skåret over. Vicekriminalkommissær Annie Cabbot får besked på at tage sig af sagen. Samme morgen i den nærliggende by Eastvale finder man en 19-årig pige kvalt og voldtaget i en smal gyde. Kriminalkommisær Banks bliver tilkaldt og finder hurtigt flere mistænkte, mens Annie i sin sag er på bar bund. Karen Drew boede på plejehjem, og ingen kendte tilsyneladende til hendes liv, før hun flyttede ind. Da Annie pludselig får et gennembrud i efterforskningen sendes hun i en chokerende retning, og Banks involveres. Mens de to intensiverer efterforskningen og afslører tættere sammenhængetyder alt på , at der er tale om ikke en, men to mordere, og at den ene højst sandsynligt vil slå til igen. OM DJÆVELENS VEN"Hvis du ikke har mødt kriminalkommissær Alan Banks før, så forbered dig på et lynkursus i stram, klar stil og subtil psykologi – og vær på udkig efter uventede drejninger, De vil overraske dig hver gang" – Ian Rankin