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Bøger af Lindsay Anderson

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  • af Lindsay Anderson
    67,95 kr.

    Dancing on the dance floor with my best friends, our plethora of good friends, and the rest of the juniors and seniors, I could not help but smile. Tonight was my school's junior/ senior prom. Due to the fact that this was the senior's final dance before graduation next Thursday, tonight gave us an opportunity to be together with everyone one last time. With this said, tonight's dance was a very special one.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, While dancing with Rhiannon at the dance on Monday, something happened inside of my heart. I found myself feeling more than friendship feelings for her. At first, I thought these feelings came up because of the slow song that we were dancing to, and would go away as soon as the song ended. Two days later, they are still here. These feelings have made me realize something: I have been secretly in love with Rhiannon for years. This is not surprising, because there have been times when I wondered what it would be like to have Rhiannon as a girlfriend. There were also times where I would get a little jealous when she would hang out with other guys. Even though these feelings are in my heart, I am not going to act on them yet, nor tell her how I feel. Besides the possibility of Rhiannon not feeling the same way, I want things to remain the same with Rhiannon, my best friend in the entire world, and me for a while.-She

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, for as long as I can remember, my family and I would spend the week of Christmas at our beach house with my family's lifelong friends, the Arthur's. Even when I moved to Los Angeles when I was thirteen, I would still meet up with my parents and the Arthur's. While I have always gotten along with Aunt Pam and Uncle Peter, I have never really gotten along with their son, Phillip. In fact, we would bicker and pick at each other every chance that we got! Today, however, something awesome happened: Phillip and I came to a truce and decided to stop bickering, Quickly, I had realized why I would bicker with Phillip, and it was not because he is three years older than me. It was because I have secretly been in love with him this entire time! Even though it scares me a little, it also makes me very excited!-Addie xoxo

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    As I get ready for my first day of my school's dance team practice, as well as the first day of being captain, I cannot help but feel happy! Today is a big day for me for more reasons than one! Not only is today a big birthday for me, as well as my big photo shoot, but it is also the three year anniv-ersary of me being cancer free! Truth be told, it is going to be an awe-some day

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    "It's so great for you to be leaving this place, and to finally be home, birthday girl!" Mom smiled, as my freshly shower-ed self got dressed into my faded blue jeans, black halter top, and black, strappy, low heels. "Your Dad and I have missed you so much!""I've missed you guys, too!" I smiled and piped. This was very true. After seven months of surger-ies and treat-ments, and being in the hospital, I am finally able to go back home, be with my parents and best friends, and have the normal-cy return to my life. Truth be told, leaving the hospital today cancer free is the best birthday gift that I could ever ask for!Gather-ing my suitcase, Mom took my hand in hers, smiled at me, and asked, "Are you ready?""Ready." I smiled, taking her hand.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    Pretty soon, Devan began to think about what today would bring. Not only would she be getting to open presents with the Cole's but she would also be attending her boyfriend and best friends' annual Christmas party tonight. With all of the wonderful things going on, Devan predicted that today was going to be an all around amazing day.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "I am praying with all of my heart that you are picked for next year's dance team captain!" Lauren smiled, keeping her eyes on the road. "Even though I want it, I also want it for you, too.""I feel the exact same way that you feel, girl." I smiled. "If either of us wins, I will be more than happy with the outcome either way."Today was the last day of school, and both Lauren and had alot to look forward to this summer. Besides summer camp and dance camp, there was also the trip to Henley Beach, Florida with my family and best friends. There was also the fact that my best friends and I will be turning eighteen this summer (Them on 6/5, me on 7/5). Truth be told this summer was going to be awesome!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Last night, I could barely sleep. My excitement about marrying the woman that I love more than anything kept me up. Kaylee is everything and more that I could ask for in a life partner, and I truly could not imagine my life without her.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    "AAAAAHHHH!!!" Dylan screamed from the doorway. "WHAT IN THE WORLD " All of a sudden, screeching car tires could be heard. Wondering aloud what was going on and shouting Dylan's name, the rest of the team and myself got up from our seats and bolted to where Dylan was standing. As soon as we got there, we stopped dead in our tracks.She was covered in ketchup and mustard. A sign also hung from her neck reading, "Lady Eagles, you have just been schooled by the Dragons."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Maggie's senior year at Weston Christian Academy has finally arrived and she could not be more pumped! Not only has she been assigned some pretty amazing classes, Maggie will also be reveling in the good times of Senior year with her best friends and boyfriend, Nina, Kate, and Jeff Billings. At this point, it is only natural that Maggie thinks that things could not possibly get any better than they already are. However, she is soon proven wrong. On a cool Saturday in October, Coach Ellie calls Maggie and the other girls of the WCA Varsity volleyball team together for a lunch at Chick Fil-A. She has informed them of some amazing news she has for them. As the girls will soon learn, this news withholds a once and a lifetime opportunity. This opportunity, in fact, is one that could change the girls' lives forever.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, today is my sixteenth birthday. While most kids wish for cars or big parties for their Sweet Sixteen, I wish for other things. Wish one: I wish my father were home from serving in Iraq. Wish two: I wish my movie star best guy friend, Jason, could be here with me on my special day. Finally, here is wish number three: I wish that I was cancer free and could be released from the hospital.-Jessa Taylor

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    As Katie and I looked through all of my birthday wishes, my heart felt happy and full. So many people had left a plethora of birthday messages on my personal Facebook page, Facebook fan page, and my Twitter page. It made my heart smile.On a different note, I had a plethora of more things to smile and be happy about. Not only was I celebrating my birthday at Walt Disney World, and spending a few fun filled days there, but I was celebrating and spending time at Walt Disney World with my boyfriend, best friends, and parents! Life is truly awesome!

  • - An Isla Danney Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "I think I am going to be sick." Kristin said, tears filling her eyes. "Am I really seeing this right now?""Yes." Katie said, anger filling her heart. As the girls looked down at the text message, they could not believe what they saw. Ian had sent both Kristin and Katie a text with a picture of Molly and Landon kissing. The caption read: "Katie and Kristin-Words cannot describe how angry and upset I am about this. How could these two do this to me, especially Isla? On a different note, I need to ask you two a favor. PLEASE DO NOT show this to Isla or tell her about it just yet. Due to the fact that she has the competition today (I wish I could be there to cheer her on) I don't want her to be aware of this quite yet. I want her to focus on the competition. I am just trying to look out for her. Thank you, Ian

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    As the high school campers were at dinner, Tasha as well as Shayna and Colton Drake, the camp director of Valley Hi Church Camp and seven-teen year old Evette Drake's body guards, mana-ger's, and most import-antly her amazing and loving parents led her off of her tour bus, made their way towards the cabin that Evette would call home for the next week and a half. Due to touring sched-ules, Evette had not been able to attend VHCC for the last two years. How-ever, this year was different. Tonight was her final concert of the summer tour, and it would be taking place right here at the camp! The best part, none of the campers knew about this surprise after dinner concert, and that is how Evette liked it!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    After changing into my beautiful, new, cut out, one piece, multicolored swimsuit, I looked at myself in the mirror. Standing there facing me was a freshly new high school graduate. Also standing there was a girl who was moving to Los Angeles tomorrow to continue to pursue her career as an actress. Before I could think any more about it, the doorbell was ringing.Party time! I thought to myself, as I made my way downstairs to greet my guests.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Thank you so much for driving me to school this morning, Shane!" I smiled, opening the passenger's side door of Shane's car. "It's truly my pleasure." Shane smiled back. Getting into the car and shutting the door, Shane asked, "Are you ready for an awesome day and year?""Definitely!" I replied, sincerely. Two days ago, Shane, my secret love interest and one of my best friends, had called me. During the phone call, he had asked if he could take me to school today. Immediately, I had said yes! After all, who was I to give up an opportunity to have some one on one time with Shane?

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    "I know that your Dad and I have said this millions of times since you got home from Japan, but we missed you a whole bunch-es, and am so glad that you are finally home." Mom smiled, standing in my door-way."It's good, Mom, I prom-ise!" I smiled, wrapp-ing my best friends birthday gifts that I got for them in Japan. "Resid-ing in Japan for the summer, and model-ing there was awe-some, and an amazing exper-ience that I will never forget, but I am more than happy to be home with you guys again. After all, I missed you greatly."The day after school let out in May, I left my parents and best friends here in Houston and departed to Japan, where I would model and reside for the summer.Even though getting to exper-ience this with my plethora of good model friends, it was nothing like being home with my family. With this said, I was more than happy to see them when I got home yester-day morn-ing!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    My name is Bruin Kimberly Bow-man, and I am seven-teen years old. My family and I moved from Denver, CO to Los Angeles, CA when I was thirteen to pursue my career as a Christ-ian singer. Four and a half years later, I have made a positive name and repu-tation for myself! Not only have I played in a plethora of shows around the world, been on many tours, and have pro-duced four award winning CD's that sold quickly in store and in iTunes, and have won a plethora of awards. Truth be told, it has been a great ride, and I know that it will continue to be that way!Moving on, let me tell you a little bit about tonight! Tonight is the last night of my six week tour, and it will be taking place at a camp that I hold dear to my heart: My former stomp-ing grounds, Mc-Creedy Christ-ian Camp. My best friends and good friends from Denver and camp attend this camp, and are here for their last year as camp-ers. How-ever, them and the rest of the campers have no idea that I will be perform-ing a special concert here tonight.Only the directors and counsel-ors know! With this said, I am beyond excited about this concert!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Guys, I am so nervous about this." Nick said, as he and his parents made their way to the Halsey's for Nick and Jenna's joint birthday break-fast. "Do you think that I am doing the right thing?""I think you are doing an extreme-ly right and great thing, son!" Nate Moore piped. "Jack and Jill would not have given you their blessing if they thought that you were rushing things.""That's right, son." Natalie smiled, reaching behind her seat, and taking Nick's hand in hers. "There is nothing to be afraid of, I prom-ise. After all, you are follow-ing your heart."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    As I finished watching the video that Danny Eggleston had sent me, anger and rage filled my heart. When Danny had sent me a text that read I did not know that your sisters could be this cruel with a video attached to it, I did not know what to think. Not knowing what to expect, I had opened the video. Apparently, Danny had been at Golden Brooks Mall the same time that my sisters, Lanica, and Bonnie had. In the video, Deidre was making fun of Lanica, Bonnie was coming to Lanica's defense, Deidre was making my sisters, Stacy and Sarah, choose between her and Lanica, my sisters chose Deidre and dissed Lanica, ended their friendship with Lanica and Bonnie, and ended this horror of events by dousing Lanica with sprite. Knowing that it was important for them to see this, I sent this to both of Lanicas' parents. Afterwards, I rushed downstairs to show Mom and Dad what my best guy friend had sent me. After all, this was something that they truly needed to see.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, My first Christmas back home with my family has been an awesome and amazing one! Not only did we have a nice breakfast and lunch, but we also opened presents. Some of the presents that I got included gift cards and clothes. Even though this morning was awesome and amazing, I have a feeling that tonight will turn out to be as equally amazing. Tonight is my best friend and secret love interest Nathan's Christmas party! Since I have not seen my best friends and good friends since May, I am truly excited about seeing them tonight! -C

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    As soon as Mom, Dad, and I had boarded our personal plane this afternoon, it had not been long until I would close my eyes and dream of the vacation that was to come. From tonight until Friday morning, my family and our lifelong best friends, the Hollidays, we would be spending some quality time together in the Bahamas at the Atlantis Resort. With this said, I am especially excited about seeing Kent, my best friend and longtime secret love interest. Due to the fact that my family and I have not seen the Hollidays in a while, we are looking forward to seeing them. Before I can dream anymore of the fun vacation that was about to take place, the pilot was announcing that we were touching down in the Bahamas!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Due to the fact that today was my best friends, boyfriend's, and my high school graduation, all of the parents had left it up to us to decide where we wanted to have our graduation dinner. In the end, the four of us had decided on P.F. Chang's. After all, it was one of our favorite nice restaurants of all time! As all of us enjoyed our food and participated in good conversation, I could not help but have a great time! After all, I was enjoying dinner with the people who meant the most to me!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    It has been two years to be exact. After all, that is when I was diag-nosed with leukemia and put in the on-cology hospital that my family owns. On a VERY happy note, I am cancer free as of Thurs-day, and am officially out of the hospital, as of this mor-ning!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    As Harley and everyone else watched and enjoyed the second movie, Harley could not help but smile. Portraying Genevieve Gerard had been one of the best experiences of her life. Not only had it been fun to film, but Harley had gained amazing friends, best friends and an amazing boyfriend. In conclusion, Harley would not trade the wonderful experience for anything. After all, it was too precious for her to let go of.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for your Lady Bobcats!"As the crowd cheered for us, and my teammates and I ran into the gym, excitement and nerves filled every chamber of my body. This afternoon was the final volleyball game of the season, as well as my high school career. Truth be told, it had been quite an amazing season! My teammates and I had won every game so far, and if we end up winning today, we will have had the perfect season! Truth be told, I wanted a win today more than anything!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    Tired, happy, and relaxed, I open my eyes to the dimmed lights in the plane. The pilot has just announ-ced that we will be landing at Hobby Airport in ten minutes. Due to the fact that it has been six whole months since I have seen my parents and best friends (This was due to filming a movie this summer, as well as my TV show), this makes me VERY excited.As I relax into my first class plane seat, I think about what this trip home has to offer. Not only will I be cele-brating Christmas with my wonderful parents, I will also be attending my best friends' annual Christmas sleepover. Another exciting thing about this trip is the fact that I will be turning eighteen in two days, and will be having a big party at Hotel Icon! With this said, even though I am here until Friday, I have alot to look forward to!

  • - Book Two
    af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    The last week of school has barely begun, and it is turning out to be a big week for Bea. Not only has she been chosen as next year's captain for the football cheerleading squad, as well as the drill team, Bea has also been accepted to the college of her choice! As the week goes on, and more excitement and surprises ensue, Bea quickly learns that this week is turning out to be big and awesome!In this story told in the form of Bea's journal entries, follow Bea as she experiences one of the best weeks of the year!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    "I definitely think that you will be nominated as cheer captain!" Mitzi smiled, as she and I grabbed our backpacks, got out of the car, and slammed the doors shut. "After all, you are exactly the type of captain that our cheer squad needs!""Thanks for the support." I smiled, giving my best friend a side hug. "I want this more than anything!"

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "Are you okay, girl?" Natalie asked, giving my back a small rub."No." I replied. "I told Nick how I felt about him, and he laughed in my face and asked how he could love someone like me.""The true question is how could YOU like someone like HIM?" Natalie said, gently. "The truth is, girl, Nick is a fool for what he said, and I can only imagine how hurt you must be."Before I could say anything more, it was time for my parents, Natalie, and I to say a prayer before I went on stage. With this said, I got up from my seat, hugged my best friend, and made my way out of the dressing room to the backstage.