Bøger af Kerstin Stakemeier
343,95 kr. The liberal capitalist world order that prevailed after 1989 is today in a stage of advanced disintegration. The collapse of this order exposes the illiberal core of its freedoms and forms of ownership shaped by the market: the violent unfreedoms of the dispossessed as well as the willingness of the propertied to use violence. Art, too, reveals itself as the venue of these forces and their exclusions: Through the downfall of liberality, the modern institution of "veranstaltlichte Kunst" ("institutionalized art", Arnold Hauser) and its social legitimacy are also increasingly called into question.Illiberal Arts is a search for forms concerning an artistic "Lebensarbeit" ("life's work", Lu Märten, publicist and art critic, 1879-1970) initiated with international artists, poets and authors. In the cracks of the decaying forms of market accumulation, anti-identitarian, communal horizons burst open, as do collective forms of perception and political spontaneities. The project subjects these to a practical test. For Lu Märten, "a person's whole life's work" was considered artistic; what was artistic didn't always have to become art. Perhaps what became art doesn't necessarily have to remain art either.With contributions by Juliana Spahr; Rosalind C. Morris; Aristilde Paz Justine Kirby;Övül Ö. Durmusoglu; Ana Teixeira Pinto; Simone White; Frank Engster, Lisa Jechske and MYSTI, Jenny Nachtigall, Fumi Okiji,Larne Abse Gogarty, arán Finlayson, Danny Hayward, Em Hedditch, Marina Vishmidt, Danny Hayward a.o.
- Bog
- 343,95 kr.
388,95 kr. Die Publikation Gift ist eine Auseinandersetzung mit Geschichtsschreibung anhand von Materialien aus dem deutschen Reich, der DDR und der BRD, die aus Eigentumsübertragungen, der Enteignung und der Rückübertragung eines Grundstücks in Schönebeck an der Elbe stammen. Es handelte sich um ein Eigentum aus der Familie des Künstlers, das 1983 enteignet und 1991 an dessen Großmutter rückübertragen wurde. Die Materialien sind Gegenstand einer Schenkung durch den Künstler an das Wende Museum of the Cold War in Los Angeles. Es sind die ersten Dokumente in dieser Sammlung, welche explizit die unterschiedlichen Eigentumsauffassungen von DDR und BRD zusammenbringen. Dies erweitert die Möglichkeit, außerhalb deutscher Grenzen über ideologische und ökonomische Aspekte der Vereinigung zu forschen. Die Publikation ist gefördert durch die Hessische Kulturstiftung. Der Künstler Julian Irlinger lebt und arbeitet in Berlin. Gezeigt wurden seine Arbeiten u.a. in der Galerie Wedding - Raum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Berlin, im Wilhelm-Hack-Museum, Ludwigshafen, im MMK Frankfurt am Main, und im Artists Space, New York.--Gift examines historiography on the basis of documents from the German Reich and from post-war East and West Germany relating to property transfers and the expropriation and retrocession of a plot of land in Schönebeck an der Elbe. The property in question had belonged to the artist's family: it was confiscated in 1983 and transferred back to his grandmother in 1991. The materials were donated by the artist to the Wende Museum of the Cold War in Los Angeles. They are the first documents in this collection to explicitly highlight the different ways in which property was viewed in East and West Germany. This extends the scope for conducting research outside Germany into the ideological and economic aspects of reunification. The publication is funded by the Hessische Kulturstiftung. Artist Julian Irlinger lives and works in Berlin. His works have been exhibited at a range of venues including Galerie Wedding-Raum für zeitgenössische Kunst in Berlin, the Wilhelm-Hack-Museum in Ludwigshafen, the MMK in Frankfurt am Main, and Artists Space, New York.
- Bog
- 388,95 kr.
128,95 kr. Hvad er fascisme i dag? Konfronteret med begivenheder som valget af Trump og Brexit-afstemningen og politikere som Orban, Duterte og Bolsonaro ogpartier som Lega er det igen blevet relevant at tale om fascisme. Men hvad kendetegner den ny fascisme? Hvordan erden lig og hvordan adskiller den sig fra mellemkrigstidens fascisme?Mikkel Bolt og Jakob Jakobsen har redigeret en antologi, som udstikkerkoordinaterne for en analyse af samtidens fascisme i politik, kultur og hverdagsliv. Bogens tekster argumenterer fornødvendigheden af kritisk at analysere fascismens nye former ogkonfrontere dem uanset hvor de viser sig: som politiske partier, enumenneskelig asylpolitik eller ironisk reaktionær samtidskunst. Med bidrag om Indien, Brasilien, Tyskland, Frankrig og USA kortlæggerantologien fascismens nye former og viser, hvordan den ny fascisme er en fortsættelse af såvel kolonialisme som mellemkrigstidens fascismer.Bogen indeholder bidrag af Enzo Traverso, Denise Ferreira da Silva, JairusBanaji, Ana Teixeira Pinto, Kerstin Stakemeier og Mikkel Bolt.Mikkel Bolt er professor i politisk æstetik på Københavns Universitet og forfatter til en række bøger, deriblandtTrumps kontrarevolution, som er blevet oversat til engelsk, fransk, italiensk og græsk.Jakob Jakobsen er billedkunstner og aktivist. Han står bag Hospital for Self Medication og har netop udgivet bogenOphør oprør – dagbog fra en indlæggelse.
- Bog
- 128,95 kr.
- Bog
- 228,95 kr.