Bøger af Jose O'Daly
444,95 kr. Vemos o mundo com a retina, as células ganglionares enviam axónios para o nervo ótico até ao córtex occipital no cérebro. A mente cresce com todas as informações do mundo interior e exterior. A retina dos teleósteos é utilizada como modelo para a retina dos vertebrados. A partÃcula de campo eletromagnético Mindtron, explica a existência da mente no cérebro humano. Existem correlações entre o quociente de inteligência e o tamanho da massa cinzenta cerebral, as mulheres com os córtices de associação pré-frontal e temporal, os homens com a área temporal-occipital. As principais células receptoras de luz na retina são as células fotorreceptoras, os bastonetes e os cones. Uma terceira célula de deteção da luz, a célula ganglionar fotossensÃvel, produz os ritmos circadianos e as respostas reflexas, o reflexo pupilar da luz. A retina tem 7 milhões de cones e 75-100 milhões de bastonetes com necessidades energéticas superiores à s do cérebro para renovar os segmentos externos dos fotorreceptores, dos quais 10% são eliminados diariamente. A retina central contém predominantemente cones, enquanto a retina periférica contém bastonetes. No total, a retina tem cerca de sete milhões de cones e cem milhões de bastonetes. A retina central contém cones, enquanto a periférica contém bastonetes.
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- 444,95 kr.
444,95 kr. Vediamo il mondo con la retina, le cellule ganglionari inviano assoni al nervo ottico fino alla corteccia occipitale del cervello. La mente cresce grazie a tutte le informazioni provenienti dal mondo interno ed esterno. La retina dei teleostei è usata come modello per la retina dei vertebrati. La particella di campo elettromagnetico Mindtron spiega l'esistenza della mente nel cervello umano. Esistono correlazioni tra il quoziente di intelligenza e la dimensione della materia grigia cerebrale, le donne con le cortecce prefrontali e di associazione temporale, gli uomini con l'area temporo-occipitale. Le cellule recettrici primarie della luce nella retina sono i fotorecettori bastoncelli e i coni. Una terza cellula che percepisce la luce, la cellula gangliare fotosensibile, produce i ritmi circadiani e le risposte riflesse, il riflesso luminoso pupillare. La retina ha 7 milioni di coni e 75-100 milioni di bastoncelli con un fabbisogno energetico superiore a quello del cervello necessario per rinnovare i segmenti esterni dei fotorecettori, il 10% dei quali viene perso ogni giorno. La retina centrale contiene prevalentemente coni, mentre la retina periferica contiene bastoncelli. In totale, la retina ha circa sette milioni di coni e cento milioni di bastoncelli. La retina centrale contiene coni, mentre i bastoncelli periferici.
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- 444,95 kr.
444,95 kr. Nous voyons le monde avec la rétine, les cellules ganglionnaires envoient des axones au nerf optique jusqu'au cortex occipital dans le cerveau. L'esprit se nourrit de toutes les informations provenant des mondes intérieur et extérieur. La rétine des téléostéens sert de modèle à la rétine des vertébrés. La particule de champ électromagnétique Mindtron explique l'existence de l'esprit dans le cerveau humain. Il existe des corrélations entre le quotient intellectuel et la taille de la matière grise cérébrale, les femmes avec les cortex d'association préfrontal et temporal, les hommes avec la zone temporo-occipitale. Les principales cellules réceptrices de la lumière dans la rétine sont les cellules photoréceptrices à bâtonnets et à cônes. Une troisième cellule de détection de la lumière, la cellule ganglionnaire photosensible, produit les rythmes circadiens et les réponses réflexes, le réflexe pupillaire à la lumière. La rétine compte 7 millions de cônes et 75 à 100 millions de bâtonnets dont les besoins énergétiques sont supérieurs à ceux du cerveau pour renouveler les segments externes des photorécepteurs, dont 10 % sont éliminés chaque jour. La rétine centrale contient principalement des cônes, tandis que la rétine périphérique contient des bâtonnets. Au total, la rétine compte environ sept millions de cônes et cent millions de bâtonnets. La rétine centrale contient des cônes, tandis que la rétine périphérique contient des bâtonnets.
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- 444,95 kr.
444,95 kr. Wir sehen die Welt mit der Netzhaut, die Ganglienzellen senden Axone zum Sehnerv bis zur okzipitalen Rinde im Gehirn. Der Verstand verarbeitet alle Informationen aus der inneren und äuÃeren Welt. Die Netzhaut der Teleosteer wird als Modell für die Netzhaut der Wirbeltiere verwendet. Das elektromagnetische Feldteilchen Mindtron, erklärt die Existenz des Geistes im menschlichen Gehirn. Es gibt Zusammenhänge zwischen dem Intelligenzquotienten und der GröÃe der grauen Hirnsubstanz, bei Frauen mit dem präfrontalen und dem temporalen Assoziationscorticus, bei Männern mit dem temporal-okzipitalen Areal. Die primären Lichtrezeptorzellen in der Netzhaut sind die Stäbchen- und Zapfenphotorezeptoren. Eine dritte Lichtsinneszelle, die lichtempfindliche Ganglienzelle, erzeugt den zirkadianen Rhythmus und die reflexartigen Reaktionen, den Pupillenlichtreflex. Die Netzhaut besteht aus 7 Millionen Zapfen und 75-100 Millionen Stäbchen, deren Energiebedarf gröÃer ist als der des Gehirns zur Erneuerung der äuÃeren Photorezeptorensegmente, von denen täglich 10 % abgestoÃen werden. In der zentralen Netzhaut überwiegen die Zapfen, in der peripheren Netzhaut die Stäbchen. Insgesamt verfügt die Netzhaut über etwa sieben Millionen Zapfen und hundert Millionen Stäbchen. Die zentrale Netzhaut enthält Zapfen, während die peripheren Stäbchen enthalten.
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- 444,95 kr.
435,95 kr. We see the world with the retina, ganglion cells send axons to the optic nerve up to the occipital cortex in the brain. The mind growths by all the information from the inner and outer worlds. The teleost retina is used as a model for the vertebrate retina. The electromagnetic field particle Mindtron, explains the existence of the mind in the human brain. There are correlations between the intelligence quotient and cerebral gray matter size, women with prefrontal and temporal association cortices, men with temporal-occipital area. The primary light receptor cells in the retina are the photoreceptor cells rod and cones. A third light sensing cell, the photosensitive ganglion cell, produces the circadian rhythms and reflexive responses, the pupillary light reflex. The retina has 7 million cones and 75-100 million rods with energy requirements greater than the brain needed to renew the photoreceptor outer segments, of which 10% are shed daily. The central retina predominantly contains cones, while the peripheral retina contains rods. In total, the retina has about seven million cones and a hundred million rods. The central retina pcontains cones, while the peripheral rods.
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- 435,95 kr.
681,95 kr. Pensamento e pensamento são processos cognitivos utilizados para julgar, raciocinar, formação de conceitos, resolução de problemas, deliberação, considerando uma ideia, memória, percepção da imaginação e processos mentais inconscientes. Consciência é a consciência da existência interna e externa, o aspecto mais misterioso das nossas vidas, sinónimo da vida interior da mente, o mundo da introspecção, imaginação e volição. A fala interior evoca silenciosamente palavras para formar sentenças mentais com actividade muscular nos órgãos da fala conhecidos como a linguagem do pensamento referida como Mentalês. O pensamento é a sucessão de ideias regida por leis de associação, determinando o treino do pensamento. Comportamento, é uma reacção a estímulos ilustrados na experiência canina de Pavlov. O computacionalismo considera o pensamento como uma forma de processamento de informação semelhante às operações informáticas no século XX. Pensar é o acto de julgar o que acreditar se a proposta julgada é verdadeira ou falsa. O raciocínio é a forma mais paradigmática de pensar tirando conclusões a partir de premissas. As falácias vão contra as normas do raciocínio correcto. Os conceitos são blocos fundamentais de construção do pensamento.
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- 681,95 kr.
501,95 kr. First cases COVID-19 in Wuhan China end 2019 then went to the world. Symptoms: Fever, cough, headache, fatigue, breathing difficulties and loss of taste transmitted by droplets particles from infected people. Lung organ most affected. Treatment: stopping cytokine storm leading cause of morbidity and mortality in COVID-19 disease. Vaccines prevented 14.4 to 19.8 deaths in 185 countries from 8 December 2020 to 8 December 2021. 18 June 2023 13.42 billion doses of COVID-19 have been given worldwide. Immune response to Sars-Covid-19-2 virus is a combination of cell mediated immunity and antibodies. Pandemic has resulted in 110 million confirmed infections with 2.4 million deaths worldwide in February 2021. August 6, 2023, confirm cases 552,695 with 5,856 deaths and 546,537 (96%) recuperated cases in Venezuela. In the world 768,982,331 with 6,953,730 deaths. Reactivated virus like Epstein-Barr-Virus (EBV), Human Herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6) have been found in patients with long COVID, viral persistence is a driver of long COVID symptoms, viral proteins and RNA, in the reproductive system, brain, eyes, muscles, cardiovascular system, lymph nodes, appendix, breast, hepatic, lung tissue.
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- 501,95 kr.
370,95 kr. Neural substrates of spirituality are unknown, in the brainstem periaqueductal grey brain lesions associated with spirituality. Functional magnetic resonance Secondary School La Salle High School Caracas maging in the brain, show structure abnormalities. Thoughts and feelings are in Mind, consciousness is thought, perception, memory, emotion, unconscious cognitive processes. Hippocrates: From the brain, arise our pleasures, joys, laughter, jests, sorrows, pains, griefs and tears. Aristotle: Man is born with a tabula rasa on which experiences are written to form the Mind. A hundred billion neurons with a hundred trillion synapses, are in brain produce human thought. Damage to Broca area results in inability to talk. Penfield did electrical stimulation of the brain and triggered memories of past events. Sperry splitting the corpus callosum split the self, produced two persons, John Doe Left express himself more logical at planning and John Doe Right more aggressive, impulsive, emotional. Pythagoras: The soul has intelligence, reason and passion. Leonardo da Vinci: Soul is above the optic chiasm.
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- 370,95 kr.
563,95 kr. Human consciousness adapt to circumstances using moral principles as honesty, fairness, and equality. No pattern of brain activity indicates consciousness. Absolute principles are universal based on the nature of human beings. Relative principles depend on the situation based on opinions changing from person to person. Conscious awareness from billions of nerve cells is an unanswered questions of life. In disorders of consciousness, there is reduced connectivity and physical damage in connections between cortex and deep brain structures. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and electroencephalography revealed the neural activity that accompanies disorders showing the networks involved in working memory, attention, and mind wandering. Integrated Information theory is a key theory of consciousness proposing it is a fundamental property of all physical systems. In lucid dreaming the person becomes aware that they are dreaming during the dream. Neurocognitive evidence insight into dreaming is a prognostic factor for help in schizophrenia. Conscience is a mental faculty that determines the rightness and wrongness of actions. Communication is a behavior to change attitude of another.
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- 563,95 kr.
370,95 kr. Pyramid of Khufu is one of the Seven Wonders of the World funerary edifice built over 2700 years. Pyramids are in Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, western Asia, Greece, Cyprus, Italy, India, Thailand, Mexico, South America, of the Sun and the Moon at Teotihuacán in central Mexico, the Castillo at Chichén Itzá, and Inca and Chimú structures in the Andeans. Correlation between the location of the three largest pyramids of Giza and Orion's Belt of the constellation Orion associated with Osiris, the god of rebirth and afterlife. We live in a world defined by three spatial dimensions and one of time. Scientists propose a six-dimensional geometric shape shown in a Calabi-Yau shape. We are certain of 3 spatial dimensions and one of time, other dimensions are beyond our limited perception, a place where spirits lived. The fourth dimension is any space perpendicular to a cube that we can't visualize. String theory, propose 10 dimensions. Multiverse theory proposed parallel universes creating a Big Bang. For Superstring theory there are 10 dimensions nine of space and one of time. The basic units of the universe are strings infinitesimally small, vibrating filaments of energy, Large Hadron Collider.
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- 370,95 kr.
501,95 kr. Galaxies move away from our universe which is expanding after a Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago. Normal matter is 5 % of the universe, dark matter 26 %, and dark energy 69 %, the real world force of Einstein¿s cosmological constant, preventing a Big Crunch collapse. For Catholics and Christians God is the author of the universe, man depend on the universe for survival. Creation theology integrates the wisdom of all religions with the scientific understanding of the universe. Humans must stop their destructive industries, and preserve the environment. Science must answer how the universe came into being; the formation of galaxies, stars, and planets and whether there is life on other worlds. A. Einstein developed the theory of relativity, quantum mechanics the two pillars of modern physics. His mass energy formula E = mc2, is the world's most famous equation.
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- 501,95 kr.
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- 501,95 kr.
649,95 kr. Eight planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Pluton are part of the Solar System of a galaxy, the Milky Way with 200 billion stars. The Galactic Center has a massive black hole. The Universe is expanding after the Big Bang. Lightning provided the energy for life to begin, generating amino acids and sugars from an atmosphere. The DNA store information for other molecules. Life on Earth began > 3 billion years ago. RNA, created DNA and proteins. Panspermia: Life came to earth from space. Abiogenesis is a process by which life has arisen from 4 key chemicals: lipids for cell membranes, carbohydrates for sugars, amino acids for protein metabolism, and nucleic acids DNA and RNA for heredity. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are precursors to the RNA world. A protocell is a self-organized, spherical collection of lipids a stepping-stone to the origin of life which requires a loss of entropy, when molecules organize into living matter. Chemiosmosis is a cell's primary system of energy conversion. Mitochondria produce adenosine triphosphate the energy currency of the cell. Theories of Origin of Life: 1. Living organisms were formed on our planet by God..
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- 649,95 kr.
370,95 kr. What is the truth? The true is a part of humans to know what is happening mentally, emotionally, physically. Human actions affect human sphere and nature. Thru reincarnations humans develop his higher potential. There is no final statement of truth. What is truth? Pilate¿s question to Jesus Christ has reverberated thru the centuries of human experience. Christ: ¿And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free¿. The universe seem infinite. The Big Rip: everything will be torn to shreds, when dark energy, becomes stronger than gravity, apocalyptic scenarios won¿t happen for billions of years to come. Rosicrucian conception of God Hermeticism, Hinduism, Christianity, and Enrico Fermi question referred to extraterrestrials are discussed in detail. Jung individuation is the central concept of analytical psychology for differentiation of conscious and unconscious elements, the main task of human development. Key concepts of analytical psychology: Anima and animus, Archetype, Archetypal images, Collective unconscious, Complex, Extraversion ntroversion, Individuation.
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- 370,95 kr.
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- 370,95 kr.
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- 370,95 kr.
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- 563,95 kr.
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- 649,95 kr.
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- 742,95 kr.
455,95 kr. Reincarnation: The soul of a living being begins a new life in a different body after death, central in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Paganism, Judaism, Gnostics, the Indigenous peoples. Plato, Pythagoras, Socrates, believed in metempsychosis. For Jainism the soul Jiva, is eternal, experience Säs¿ra and Karma, transmigration and rebirth. For Buddhist Säs¿ra is death and rebirth, without beginning or end is the wheel of existence, liberation is Nirvana. Hindu: soul is the eternal essence of a living being, reincarnates until self-knowledge. Jewish belief in an immortal soul, Kabbalah teaches Gilgul, transmigration of souls. In Christianity, reincarnation is incompatible with the doctrine of salvation of the faithful after death. Taoist: Lao Tzu appeared on earth as different persons, Chuang Tzu: Birth is not a beginning; death is not an end. General G. Patton thought he was a reincarnation of the Carthaginian General Hannibal. For Plato and Benjamin Franklin the number of souls is finite. Hypnosis, used in psychoanalysis for past life recall. Tibetan, Chinese and Japanese schools believe in a bardo or intermediate state. Christians do not believe in reincarnation.
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- 455,95 kr.
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- 455,95 kr.
416,95 kr. In the endemic ¿Valle Arribä neighborhood, located in Caracas, Venezuela, with leishmaniasis morbidity 24.76 o/oo, an amastigotes vaccine with four Leishmania species was applied for protection against leishmaniasis in 3,191 people with a follow up of three years and also in hyperendemic ¿El Ingenio¿ with morbidity of 164.04 o/oo. The vaccine contains 8-10 proteins after treatment amastigotes with TLCK and NP40. Before the vaccine both vaccinated and control groups had 24% of positive volunteers to Delayed Type Hypersensitivity intradermic reaction with vaccine antigens. One month after three vaccines, 95.67% of vaccinees previously DTH negative converted to a positive DTH. The morbidity rate was 7.94 o/oo in the vaccinated group, and 56.17 in the control-unvaccinated group, an incidence 7.07 times bigger after three years of the field trial. In ¿La Plantä hyperendemic zone 41.78% were DTH positive before vaccination, with 122 cases from 1972-1994 and highest morbidity (205.23 o/oo) in 0-5 years old, which points out to intra-domiciliary transmission of the disease . ELISA and immunoblottings were equal before and after vaccination, the vaccine induced cellular immunity.
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- 416,95 kr.
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- 416,95 kr.
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- 308,95 kr.
509,95 kr. Thoughts are ideas and concepts from memories and the environment, used for human actions. The Mindtron is an oscillating particle inducing the brain¿s EM field. The nature of the mind is mental events, functions, originating consciousness. Human perceptions induce pleasant or unpleasant sensations, sensory neurons respond to touch, sound, light, odors, food, send signals to brain, motor neurons cause muscle contractions and glands secretion. Neurons don¿t divide, after destruction are replaced by astrocytes. Cognitive psychology deals with, memory, and language for thinking. The structural model of the psyche is the Id, Ego, and Super-Ego, collective unconscious form by archetypes are in humanity myths, religions. Types of thinking: Critical, Analytical, Creative, Abstract, Concrete, Convergent, Divergent. Illumination occurs when a solution is reached. Consciousness is associated with gamma bands. EEG diagnose epilepsy, sleep disorders, coma, anesthesia, death, tumors, stroke and focal brain problems. Cognition includes conscious and unconscious processes. Feelings are mental experiences like hunger, tissue injury, pain, well-being, threats to the organism like fear, anger, love.
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- 509,95 kr.
571,95 kr. Electromagnetic radiation from the brain is the carrier of energy and information for thoughts and emotions, the "Mindtron" is the particle in the psychic energy electromagnetic (EM) field. The mind is structured by: intuition, consciousness, perception, love, thoughts, judgment, emotions, decisions and memory. Thinking permit humans to use tools, understand cause and effect, respond to the world. Conscience is produced by neuronal activity in the brain evolving with brain development in human species, growing with civilization. Analysis of brain damage localized brain functions. Research is needed to understand personal and collective unconscious root of all the psyquic energy. Alzheimer disease will help to uncover the function of memory, the relation with the environment and neurophysiology. The brain's EM field creates a representation of the information in the neurons and conscious experience correlates with the synchrony of neurons firing. Alzheimer chronic disease is cause of 60% -70% cases of dementia, five medications are used: Tacrine, Rivastigmine, Galantamine and Donepezil, and Memantine but none delay the progression of disease.
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- 571,95 kr.
587,95 kr. Five mitogenic proteins in FCS stimulate T. cruzi division, found in plasma membranes and cytoplasmic granules, changed structure by T. cruzi growth, base of autoimmunity. Insoluble fraction from T. cruzi membranes lysed cells, it is a lipid, pronase, trypsin, temperature resistant, inhibited by albumin. Inhibition of T. cruzi¿s proteolytic activity, key for vaccines¿ production. Synthetic medium, allowed T cruzi growth between 26°- 37°C, with FCS or peptides of glutamic acid, alanine and lysine. Infected homozygous mice had suppression by macrophages to T and B cell mitogens, parasite antigens, at 17 days postinfection, recovering at chronic phase. Trypomastigotes inhibited response to mitogens, epimastigotes stimulated it, higher than mitogens. Hydroinsoluble protein of 14 -15 kDa, from infected spleens, induced suppression to mitogens thru macrophages. Epimastigotes changed surface proteins, between 30° to 34°C. Lowest parasitemia, longest survival time and no immunosuppression, postimmunization with pellets, from TLCK treated epimastigotes cultured at 30°C. Surface, secreted proteins, T. cruzi extracts have antigens for diagnosis explaining pathogenesis of Chagas disease.
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- 587,95 kr.
672,95 kr. Humans¿ evolution depends on grey matter by neurons¿ energetic connections for thinking. Metaphysics explains being, reality, Spacetime, mind-body problem. S¿¿khya is dualism of consciousness and matter.Scholasticism joins Christian theology with Aristotle¿s ideas. God concepts are as follows: Jewish worship Israel¿s Yahweh, Christianity believes in the Father, the Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit, Unitarianism as the Father including atheism, agnosticism, pantheism,Binitarianism as the Father and the Son Jesus, Mormonism as Elohim the Father, Islam as the One, the Eternal, Bahá'ís as the creator of everything, Buddhism to get to Nirvana, Sikhism includes meditation on the one creator, for Satanism God is a creation of man and Hinduism is the oldest religion without founders, Brahman is the final cause of all that exists, Rosicrucianism, combines Kabbalah, Hermeticism and Alchemy. The swastika a symbol of the Aryan race was used by Hitler¿s Nazi Party. Life started in a 4D world of Spacetime, extending to 10D. The superstring model resolves the relationship between matter and mind, the nature of time and explains apparitions, out of body experiences, near death experiences, dreams.
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- 672,95 kr.
587,95 kr. Neurons generate from neural stem cells, at 250,000/min and synapses at 40,000/sec beginning at 42 days post conception, establishing brain¿s neural networks, brain increases 4x in preschool, reaching 90% of adult size by age 6, has 2x synapses as in adulthood, surplus connections eliminated posteriorly by apoptosis. Epigenetics differentiate neuron stem cells into neurons and glia, thru molecular processes for Gene-Environment interactions. Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal axis, is activated at danger, produces cortisol, enhancing cardiovascular tone and attention. The human brain has > 100 billion neurons, forming networks for thoughts, feelings and actions, each one connecting with > 1,000 other neurons, creating > 60 trillion neuronal connections thru synapses, ending at 6-layered structure in brain cortex. Proliferation of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells, begins prenatally, persist in the adult, in the forebrain subventricular zone and migrate into white matter, cortex, striatum and hippocampus, forming astrocytes and oligodendrocytes for myelin sheaths. Iron, Zinc, and Iodine should be given at prenatal period and early infancy to increase the world IQ by 10 points.
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- 587,95 kr.
587,95 kr. The brain has 100 billion neurons, connected by the connectome, base of human cognition. An autapse is the axon of a neuron onto itself, found in neocortex, substantia nigra, hippocampus. Neurotransmitters are stored in synaptic vesicles, released into the synaptic cleft, to the postsynaptic neuron. The locus coeruleus is in the pons, site for stress, and norepinephrine. The hippocampus is component of the limbic system, role in memory. The cerebral cortex is the brain outer layer, implicated in speech, language. The cingulate cortex is above the corpus callosum, involved with emotion, learning, and memory. The ventral tegmental area are neurons in the midline on the floor of the midbrain origin of the mesocorticolimbic dopamine system it is implicated in the drug and natural reward circuitry of the brain. Psychosis doesn¿t know what is real, with hallucinations, incoherent speech. The hypothalamus links the nervous system to the endocrine system via the pituitary gland. The midbrain is associated with vision, hearing, motor control. The psyche is the conscious and unconscious mind. New cells described in retina, glycogen as source of energy, gap junctions with Na+K+ATPase.
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- 587,95 kr.