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Bøger af John Miller

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  • af John Miller
    217,95 kr.

    This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this work is culturally important, and despite the imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.

  • af John Miller
    363,95 kr.

  • af John Miller
    223,95 kr.

    Due to the abundance of information and stimuli in today's society, customers are becoming less attentive. Marketing and communication experts have emphasized storytelling, or rather, the creation of stories around companies or products, in an effort to draw customers in, foster engagement, and increase sales.Apple, Disney, Coca-Cola, Ford, Havaianas and Nike are excellent storytellers and that is the fundamental similarity that unites them as influential brands in various markets. This subject is what Storytelling: Stories that leave marks deals with.Storytelling is a broad concept that represents both an art and a technique to narrate a story. It is a hybrid formulation that publicist John Miller thoroughly examines when analyzing each stage of a narrative structure.Creators and producers of content for entertainment and culture, professionals in marketing, advertising, sales, journalism, teaching, politics, any activity that deals with presenting ideas or projects, we suddenly perceive storytelling as a question of fundamental importance.In this book, John Miller makes a rich panorama about the subject, presenting its origin, the stories made by the Jews and the origin of the Old Testament, as well as examples and cases of great brands that have the ability to mix with the perception of consumers, through detailed stories. Storytelling is a strategy that encompasses all of a brand's communication plan and is fundamental to its construction.

  • af John Miller
    502,95 - 663,95 kr.

  • af John Miller
    158,95 kr.

    Piensa demasiado, ¿verdad? ¿Hay demasiados pensamientos que te dan vueltas en la cabeza? ¿No estás seguro de cómo deshacerte de la confusión que invade tu mente? ¿Experimentas ideas antes de acostarte? Siga leyendo si encaja en una de estas categorías.Una de las citas más famosas del filósofo Descartes es "Pienso, luego existo". Por lo tanto, el pensamiento es lo que hace a un ser humano. Somos capaces de lograr cosas asombrosas gracias a nuestra capacidad de pensar, desarrollar ideas y formar imágenes mentales. Sin embargo, ¿qué sucede si nuestras mentes están sobrecargadas de ideas y pensamientos?Hay un problema conocido como "pensar demasiado", según los académicos. Aunque el idioma italiano carece de una traducción clara para esta frase, "exceso, confusión de pensamiento" es lo que más se acerca. Los pensamientos se enredan, surgen nuevos continuamente y somos incapaces de llegar a una conclusión porque hemos creado una maraña mental en la que estamos atrapados.Sobreanalizar nunca produce ningún resultado. Incluso de vez en cuando, escuchamos a alguien comentar: "Piensas demasiado". Esto es irritante porque, aunque sin duda también somos muy brillantes y sensibles, nuestro método de "pensar" nos impide llegar rápidamente a las mismas conclusiones a las que han llegado otros, quizás un poco más superficiales.¿Hay alguna causa asociada a todo esto? Y sobre todo, ¿podemos hacer algo para mitigar o eliminar este problema nuestro? La respuesta es sí.Pensar demasiado es un problema que se ha examinado en numerosos estudios, y algunos han ofrecido muy buenas respuestas. Puede comprender los resultados de los análisis y las posibles soluciones que existen para el problema de pensar en exceso al leer esta guía. Descubrirás:comprender los fundamentos del pensamiento y cómo funciona, así como el "por qué" con frecuencia pensamos demasiadoadoptar técnicas básicas de atención plenaadquirir técnicas básicas de relajaciónpara comprender cómo resolver problemas organizados y mucho más.Aunque quizás nadie te haya explicado todavía cómo mejorar tu forma de pensar y tu capacidad para "vaciar" tu mente de pensamientos excesivos y negativos, y aunque todavía dudes de tu capacidad para abordar el tema del overthinking, este libro le presentará y le guiará hacia un posible curso de acción.

  • af John Miller
    168,95 kr.

    Leer un libro es todo lo que se necesita para marcar una diferencia personal.Hoy en Londres. A Leonard Want, conductista y especialista en persuasión no verbal y lingüística, se le asigna una tarea inusual: debe ayudar a Dios a decidir si borrar una vez más a la especie humana. Solo hay un problema menor: además de Dios, que es un fumador empedernido, viejo y vulgar, Leonard también tiene que lidiar con una serie de arcángeles irritables, un ángel asesino que odia a los humanos y usa pantalones de cuero, e incluso el mismo Lucifer.La palabra mágica es un libro único con un objetivo claro: divertir al lector mientras lo transforma en cada página y le permite desarrollar todo su potencial. Está lleno de recomendaciones y enseñanzas que funcionan a medida que las lees: palabra a palabra, podrás experimentar el cambio y la transformación de primera mano, casi sin darte cuenta. Fue escrito por una de las máximas autoridades en inteligencia lingüística y persuasión lingüística.El primer libro que lees que te cambia la vida. Para la magia, ¿estás preparado?

  • af John Miller
    198,95 kr.

    Reading a book is all it takes to make a personal difference.Today in London. Leonard Want, a behaviourist and specialist in nonverbal and linguistic persuasion, is given an unusual assignment: he must assist God in deciding whether to once more wipe off the human species. There's only one minor problem: in addition to God, who is an old, vulgar, chain-smoker, Leonard also has to contend with a number of irritable archangels, a killing angel who hates humans and wears leather pants, and even Lucifer himself.The magic word is a one-of-a-kind book with a clear goal: to amuse the reader while transforming him on every page and enabling him to realise his full potential. It is full of recommendations and teachings that work as you read them: word by word, you will be able to experience change and transformation firsthand, almost without realising it. It was written by one of the top authorities in linguistic intelligence and linguistic persuasion.The first book you read that alters your life. For the magic, are you prepared?

  • af John Miller
    1.148,95 - 1.358,95 kr.

  • af John Miller
    188,95 kr.

    How frequently do you obsess over daily occurrences? Fear not! It is possible to get out of this destructive routine!You lose mental control as you travel down the tunnel of overthinking.You experience great confusion and bewilderment on a constant basis.This book contains a wealth of knowledge that will help you overcome your mental obstacles and live a happier life:¿ the role of our brain, how we process information and why we tend to dwell on everything that can go wrong.¿ how thoughts and doubts monopolize the day and how they are influenced by external sources¿ the causes of mental stress: what makes us vulnerable, the negative distortions that concatenate in the mind, social anxiety, emotions¿ recognize the existence of a problem and become aware of one's identity¿ how not to focus too much on the present and how not to fall into the deception of being able to control the future¿ many exercises on how to maintain control, concentration, on mindfulness, and on the different types of meditation, but also writing therapyOverthinking is something that can happen to anyone.But if you have a great way to deal with it, you can drive away negative, anxious, stressful thoughts and turn it into something useful, productive and effective.

  • af John Miller
    258,95 kr.

    Do we really know everything?In truth, behind the glorious and successful story of one of the richest men in Italy, of a powerful character, of our compatriot perhaps best known in the world, of a politician loved and hated like never before (with the exception of Benito Mussolini), there is an inexhaustible theory of black holes, controversial issues, questions asked a thousand times but often left unanswered. Where did his first millions come from? What relationships did you establish with the men of Cosa Nostra? Why did he "take the field"? How was Forza Italia born? How did he bring down the Prodi government in 2008? How many ad personam laws did Parliament pass when you were Prime Minister? How did he come out (almost) unscathed from dozens of trials? How did Milan sell? Were those at Arcore really "elegant dinners"? Many questions, too many answers, but also many silences and countless lies.Many dozens of books have been written about Berlusconi. Yet this was missing. It tells an Italian story. Thus was the title of the illustrated brochure which celebrated his life and which was distri published in millions of copies to all Italian families before the 2001 elections. His adventure - human, entrepreneurial, political - is truly an Italian story. Silvio is a character who has also entered the history of our costume and has modified and forged it in his image and likeness.

  • af John Miller
    153,95 kr.

    Think too much, do you? Are too many thoughts making your head spin? Unsure of how to get rid of the confusion that invades your mind? Do you experience ideas before bed? Read on if you fit into one of these categories.One of the most famous quotes from the philosopher Descartes is "I think, therefore I am." Therefore, thought is what makes a human being. We are able to accomplish amazing things thanks to our ability to think, develop ideas, and form mental pictures. What transpires, though, if our minds are overloaded with ideas, and thoughts?There is a problem known as "overthinking," according to academics. Although the Italian language lacks a clear translation for this phrase, "excess, confusion of thinking" comes the closest. Thoughts entangle, new ones emerge continually, and we are unable to reach a conclusion because we have created a mental tangle in which we are trapped.Overanalyzing never yields any results. Even now and then, we hear someone comment, "You think too much." This is irritating because, although we are undoubtedly also highly brilliant and sensitive, our method of "thinking" prevents us from quickly coming to the same conclusions that others, who may be a little more superficial, have reached.Is there a cause associated with all of this? And above all, can we do something to mitigate or eliminate this problem of ours? The answer is yes.Overthinking is an issue that has been examined in numerous studies, and some have offered very good answers. You may understand the findings of the analyses and what possible solutions there are for the issue of thinking excessively by reading this guide. You'll discover:to understand the fundamentals of thinking and how it functions, as well as the "why" we frequently overthinkto adopt basic mindfulness techniquesto acquire basic relaxation techniquesto comprehend how to do organized problem solving and much more!Although perhaps no one has yet explained to you how to improve your way of thinking and your capacity to "empty" your mind of excessive and negative thoughts, and although you may still be doubtful about your capacity to address the issue of overthinking, this book will introduce you to and guide you toward a potential course of action.

  • af John Miller
    178,95 kr.

    The author, John Miller, gives you a testimony and information from a person who experienced things "from the inside" through his professional functions which led him to travel the world and see behind the scenes of our world of opulence. The presentation is like a conversation between the author and his granddaughter to whom he explains in a simple and clear way his point of view on capitalism. Because of this bias, technicality is absent from the book and some will therefore perhaps find it simplistic, simple to access, simple to understand, simple to read, simple in its presentation... In a world where money buys everything, where the media is almost all under the control of billionaires, it feels good to hear a discordant voice telling us that this model of which we are the have-nots is not as pleasant for all the world and that it is even essentially inhuman for the majority of human beings. The examples (experienced and sourced) follow one another to support the author's point of view and clearly demonstrate that the sacrosanct "law of the market" kills a number of human beings every day much higher than the most dangerous of diseases...

  • af John Miller
    313,95 kr.

    The news is now dominated by finance. Its complexity, the size of the sums at risk, the speed at which fortunes may be made or lost, the dance of stock markets and currencies, the rise of forces outside the authority of states-all of this attracts or alarms. What some people see as a win for efficiency and freedom is merely the deadly upheaval of capitalisms to others. The author's initial goal in this essay is to dispel worries based on ignorance and to pose pertinent issues with icy rigour. Why does money go about, and who benefits from it? What is a speculative bubble, how does one start, and who pays the price in the end? Why does globalisation come with rising inequalities? Are obligations for pension funds now applicable to businesses?Have markets displaced states' whole economic power? There are several inquiries that the author responds to with analyses of exceptional lucidity. This is accomplished by utilising all the ramifications of a straightforward but subtle realisation: what finance deals in are always "promises," or rights to future riches that nothing can guarantee since the future is inherently unpredictable. A message that is stern but not devoid of optimism develops throughout this probe into the core of global finance. Globalisation does tend to provide more active growth occasionally, but it also creates a harsher, more unpredictable, and unequal society where those who are "competitive" are driven to isolate themselves from others. However, less unequal growth remains possible; it only depends on the return of political will, in forms that are, it is true, profoundly renewed.

  • af John Miller
    228,95 kr.

    This book is the result of two years of investigation into the networks and methods of one of the most powerful men in france.An investigative book on the borders of business, politics and the freedom to inform. The authors are seasoned investigative journalists, those who don't let themselves be intimidated. Courage was needed to complete this investigation of vincent bolloré, a man who likes to own the media but not to be investigated. One of the authors was thus surprised one day to receive a summons asking him for 750,000 euros in damages for having just sought to interview the senior executives surrounding the businessman! 750,000 euros for just wanting to exercise the profession of informing, which supposes giving the floor to the people we are talking about, it is expensive to pay. Does mr. B have things to hide? Far from dissuading the authors, this unprecedented episode of intimidation of the press even before publication confirmed them in the idea that their investigation was for public health. Methodical construction of an empire with multiple ramifications. They dissect the methods and the personality, as admired as it is feared, of one of the most powerful men in france, who knew, in twenty years, to conquer political circles, spheres industrial and financial, in france and in africa. They tell the story of this universe, where politics, finance and media intersect and where moods are the prerogative of the weak and bluffing the weapon of the powerful. They wonder about the fragility of freedom information in a media world increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few financial empires.

  • af John Miller
    248,95 kr.

    If you want to learn how to trade professionally on the stock exchange, you have to be aware that there is no one way and there is no holy grail of trading either. Becoming a professional trader is sometimes a hard and rocky road. But those who have walked it know that investing the time, effort, and dedication into trading is worth it.This book explains the most important basics that are required for professional stock exchange trading. The logic of trend trading is the most important technical basis that a newcomer to the stock market must internalize. Above all, it is necessary to constantly put oneself in the position of the other market participants. Because we traders have no chance to move liquid markets. All we can do is swim with the big capital and never trade against it.It was very important to the authors of this book to provide the reader with specific setups. But these setups won't help the reader much if they don't understand the logic behind them.The chapters on risk management and psychology are just as important here, because many mistakes lurking here are easy to make, especially for a novice trader. If the reader is to really derive any benefit from this book, then it is necessary to read it more than once. Because if you really toy with the idea of learning professional stock exchange trading, you not only need time, but also a lot of energy.

  • af John Miller
    193,95 - 288,95 kr.

  • af John Miller
    233,95 kr.

    Peak oil is back. In the 2000s, the idea that oil production would soon peak before declining shook the energy world. The shale oil boom in the united states seemed to invalidate this forecast, offering a reprieve to a world still addicted to oil. But this boom reveals its weaknesses, and the countdown continues. Without sufficient reserves, world production is likely to decline in the coming years. Based on hitherto confidential geological and industrial data, the authors raise the alarm about a largely ignored threat… except from the oil companies themselves! The era of plenty is coming to an end. If the economy does not anticipate this weaning, the consequences promise to be severe. In addition, warns this solidly documented work, the decline of the oil windfall risks causing major geopolitical upheavals. There is a solution: take our climate commitments seriously, and finally get out of dependence on oil. This book sounds like an urgent wake-up call.

  • af John Miller
    253,95 kr.

    The entrepreneur has invested in all fields of contemporary science: he is revolutionizing the space sector, taking a stand on artificial intelligence, wishing to transform neuroscience by connecting computers to our brains, and playing influencers for the development of virtual currencies .But is there any organized scientific thought in this great upheaval of contemporary innovation? What are the major technical, biological and computer principles that elon musk intends to push to their limits?...And what are the issues on which elon musk ignores, because they would be so many brakes on his futuristic visions ?

  • af John Miller
    318,95 kr.

    United states. In a few days, "black lives matter" becomes a universal slogan, while inscribing its action in the long history of political struggles of black americans. The history of african-americans, John Miller reminds us, is branded by slavery, segregation and racial violence. Without forgetting the resistances, the victories won in pain and the artistic cultures of an incredible richness, in particular the spirituals, the gospel and the jazz. From nat turner's revolt in 1831 to the abolition of slavery in 1865, from laws imposing segregation and disenfranchisement in the american south to martin luther king's famous i have a dream, from the black power movement to the election of barack obama, the author analyzes the struggles.

  • - Inside the Secret World of Terrorism
    af Michael Stone & John Miller
    308,95 - 468,95 kr.

  • af John Miller
    453,95 kr.

    "In 1841, in his reception speech at the french academy, victor hugo had evoked the "populace" to designate the people of the poor districts of paris. Vinçard having vigorously protested in an article in la ruche populaire, hugo was very embarrassed. He realized at that time that he had readers in popular circles and that they felt humiliated by his demeaning vocabulary. Gradually the word "miserable", which he used at the beginning of his novels to describe criminals, changed meaning and designated the little people of the unfortunate. The same shift in meaning is found in the mysteries of paris by eugène sue. Thanks to the voluminous letters sent to him by his working-class readers, eugène sue discovered the realities of the social world he evoked in his novel. The former legitimist thus became a spokesman for popular circles. The little people of paris then ceased to be described as a race to become a social class. France is here all the territories (colonies included) which have been placed, at one time or another, under the control of the french state. In this sum, the author wanted to shed light on the place and role of the people in all the great events and the great struggles that have punctuated its history since the end of the middle ages: wars, the affirmation of the state, the revolts and revolutions, economic changes and crises, slavery and colonization, migrations, social and national issues france is here all the territories (colonies included) which have been placed, at one time or another, under the control of the french state. In this sum, the author wanted to shed light on the place and role of the people in all the great events and the great struggles that have punctuated its history since the end of the middle ages: wars, the affirmation of the state, the revolts and revolutions, economic changes and crises, slavery and colonization, migrations, social and national issues france is here all the territories (colonies included) which have been placed, at one time or another, under the control of the french state. In this sum, the author wanted to shed light on the place and role of the people in all the great events and the great struggles that have punctuated its history since the end of the middle ages: wars, the affirmation of the state, the revolts and revolutions, economic changes and crises, slavery and colonization, migrations, social and national issues.

  • af John Miller
    253,95 kr.

    This book has a very grand ambition. That of putting forth a fundamentally new economic theory-the symbiotic economy-that could bring about the coexistence of humans and nature.John miller offers a synthesis of numerous methodologies and fields of study that have gained attention recently, including permaculture, the circular economy, the economy of functionality, peer-to-peer lending, the social and solidarity economy, and complementary currencies. This gets amazing achievements by combining the advantages of each of them and identifying the underlying idea. As we rebuilt the productive capacities of the regions, we were able to reduce our material consumption in several locations by more than 90%. By using plants instead of metal and ores, we may prevent the need to send people down into the mines. We could design communities that could provide their own water, energy, and fresh food.The symbiotic economy is founded on the interdependence of technological advancement, natural ecosystem power, and human knowledge (the tools). It is feasible to generate without using up resources by striking the correct balance between the three.

  • af John Miller
    178,95 kr.

    Advertising is no longer the weapon of mass seduction that it was in the era of its triumph. While the collection of personal data on a massive scale has brought advertising into a radically new world, the responsibility it bears is immense. How to dream without betraying, to make people want without manipulating? How can a collective imagination exist when the public space is fragmenting before our eyes? In this hard-hitting and insightful text, john miller confronts criticism with nuance and does not evade the challenges that arise in a postmodern society worried about the way it produces, innovates, consumes and desires. Much more than a defense of advertising as such, it offers us a quest: to bring out positive, conscious but re-enchanted advertising.

  • af John Miller
    1.128,95 kr.

    Rory Carter is my name, and I am a nasty person.I often wonder if my weekly confessions to the Sinners Anonymous hotline will be sufficient to repair the burnt soul that lies behind this beautiful appearance.The only nice deed I've ever done was marry the seventy-something boss of the Cosa Nostra to save my father.Under the artificial grin and tight clothes, I'm burning with resentment, but I managed to maintain composure.Was.Until my fiance's nephew shows up unannounced for dinner.

  • af John Miller
    1.118,95 kr.

    The goddess of rock is Nat Butler.A goddess with a luxury residence, an extensive profession, and fans all over the world... with nothing substantial to cling to.When a messy breakup thrusts Nat into the spotlight as her recording contract is up, she determines the universe is telling her to take a break from Los Angeles. She returns to her Ohio hometown to look for a local band in the hopes of launching a production firm since she is ready to create something real on her own.

  • af John Miller
    1.268,95 kr.

    Old secrets persist, and when a compelling twist emerges, the Warfield dynasty as a whole is in danger. William's entire world is set flames, putting his acts of love, dedication, and bravery to the test.

  • af John Miller
    183,95 kr.

    Do we learn to manage? Are there any techniques or skills you need to know to manage teams? How can philosophy help us? This book starts from a simple idea: to become a good manager, you have to mourn a certain form of ego. This shift from the corporate "i" to the collective "we" is ambitious because it goes against the deep nature of man. It presupposes taking an initiatory path that passes through the unavoidable "know thyself" of philosophy. John miller addresses here all the themes of management, shedding light on them in the light of the great philosophers - the place of each person in the company, the questions of power and recognition, managerial courage, the value of work, etc. At the end of this course, the manager will have better identified his own motivations and developed his "savoir-être": so many assets to embark on this human adventure that is management.

  • af John Miller
    173,95 kr.

    How can you raise your market share when it's shrinking? How may a terrible situation be turned into a time of company growth? How can i recognize an opportunity... And make it pay off? In addition, always have a backup plan, operate clandestinely, concentrate on client follow-up, and battle paperwork... This book offers a wide range of suggestions to address the issue in 60 condensed chapters on management, management, and psychology. A book that one regrets not writing is not only on the right-hand pages; one might pull them out and hang them on the office wall like so many laws to learn and discuss with one's coworkers. It's difficult not to succeed.

  • af John Miller
    193,95 kr.

    The firm is trying a true takeover bid on civil society at a time when the political crisis is growing worse and worse. The existence of a boss at the Elysée, a cure-all for the ills of this century's end, is openly questioned by the media. The firm asserts the right to make decisions in all spheres, including education, culture, leisure, and morality, in an effort to distract people from the fact that it was founded on the pursuit of wealth and the power that comes with it. It is this exorbitant and dangerous role that the author denounces, because it is about the freedom of the individual who, before being a producer or a consumer, is first of all a citizen.

  • af John Miller
    173,95 kr.

    In all sectors of society there are flourishing references to ethics and the claiming of values, an expression of the deep need for new benchmarks or moral principles for a disoriented era. The author endeavors to analyze and criticize the reigning confusion in this recourse to ethics.