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Bøger af George Orwell

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  • af George Orwell
    313,95 kr.

  • af George Orwell
    128,95 kr.

    "En enestående og forunderlig bog: smukt formuleret, omhyggelig, ærlig og sjov." – The Independent I foråret 1928 tog en ung George Orwell til Paris for at skrive. Han levede på et eksistensminimum blandt de fattige og nødlidende, mens han forsøgte at slå igennem som forfatter og journalist, først i Paris og sidenhen i London. Oplevelserne kom til at danne grundlag for hans første bog, erindringsromanen Paris og London på vrangen, der udkom i 1933. I Paris og London på vrangen beskriver Orwell livets barske realiteter for de arbejdende fattige og de hjemløse i to af Europas mest berømte og glamourøse byer og afslører en skjult verden af slid, elendighed og angst. Første del af bogen foregår i Paris, hvor Orwell arbejdede under usle forhold som opvasker i køkkenet hos en af byens finere restauranter og boede kummerligt på nedslidte herberger. Kampen for overlevelse og de menneskeskæbner han møder, skildres på rørende vis krydret med humoristiske anekdoter. London er omdrejningspunkt for bogens anden del. Her oplevede Orwell livet som hjemløs og som vagabond, mens han ventede på et job, han var blevet stillet i udsigt. Han beretter om at pantsætte sine ejendele for at købe mad og om tilkæmpe sig plads på de hjemløses herberger. Med følsomhed og stor indsigt beskriver Orwell fattigdom, en verden af sult, snavs, hån og fordomme. "Disse rystende skildringer, så kølige, så ægte og så intime, omfatter Paris og London set nedefra og udefra. De er gjort af en mand, der har delt elendigheden med sin næste, og de er trods titlen så læseværdige, så levende, at ingen bør afvise bogen … Man har lyst til at sige mesterværk. Men i grunden er det en æstetisk betegnelse, som måtte forarge Orwells alvor." – Jens Kruuse, Jyllands-Posten "Orwells beretning er en afsløring af fattigdommen, fattigdommens tarvelighed og gemenhed, løgnene, man benytter sig af … Hans skildring af det Parisiske slumkvarter og dets utrolige typer, latterlige, gribende, uhyggelige, er ganske simpelt mesterlig … Ligeså overbevisende … er beretningen om livet blandt de engelske bumser. Det er både rørende og rystende at læse om denne smudselige menneskelige nedværdigelse…" – Jens Kistrup, Berlingske Tidende "Tyven, der stjal de sidste penge fra en sygdomssvækket George Orwell på hans værelse i Paris i 1929, gjorde den politiske litteratur en stor tjeneste." – Vanessa Thorpe, The Observer “Stort set alt, hvad Orwell har skrevet – her og andre steder – har bevaret sin grundlæggende relevans, lige fra årsagerne til fattigdom og dens langsigtede virkninger – 'det udsletter fremtiden' – til dens daglige kedsomhed." – Laurence Mackin, Irish Times "… en enestående og forunderlig bog: smukt formuleret, omhyggelig, ærlig og sjov. George Orwells erindringer fra 1933 – som også er et studium af fattigdom – er en bog, der både har rod i sin egen tid og samtidig formår at overskride den." – The Independent "Hvis ordene 'enestående prosa' kun måtte tildeles én forfatter, ville jeg give dem til Orwell for denne beretning om at leve på et eksistensminimum." – The Guardian George Orwell, pseudonym for Eric Arthur Blair (1903-1950), var en engelsk forfatter, essayist og journalist, født i Indien. Han blev uddannet på Eton College og arbejdede derefter i det koloniale politi i Burma i årene 1922-27. Herefter vendte han tilbage til Europa, hvor han oplevede forholdene på samfundets bund som opvasker i Paris og som vagabond og hjemløs i London. Senere deltog han som frivillig i den spanske borgerkrig i 1937. Efter hjemkomsten ernærede Orwell sig som journalist samtidig med, at han skrev sine romaner og politiske og kulturelle essays. Det gjorde ham til en af sin tids mest fremtrædende forfattere. Orwell var socialist, men betegnede sig som demokratisk socialist. Han var imod enhver form for totalitært styre, som han spiddede i sine to verdensberømte, satiriske romaner Dyregården og 1984. Lydbogen er indlæst af Dan Schlosser, der er uddannet skuespiller og har lagt stemme til utallige dokumentarer på tv. Han har indlæst ca. 300 lydbøger, heriblandt klassikere af Dickens, Hemingway, Steinbeck og J.P. Jacobsen samt moderne værker af bl.a. Cormac McCarthy, Halldór Laxness og Eugen Ruge. © 2022 Bechs Forlag – Viatone Paris og London på vrangen er oversat fra engelsk af Birte Svensson efter Down and Out in Paris and London Illustration: Foto af George Orwell (1940)

  • af George Orwell
    378,95 kr.

  • af George Orwell
    70,95 kr.

    Inside the Whale discusses Henry Miller's controversial Tropic of Cancer, and considers the driving power behind the great books of the 1930s. Comparing Miller with other literary giants, Orwell lambasts the notion that all literature is good, forcing the reader to think for themselves.

  • af George Orwell
    263,95 kr.

  • af George Orwell
    98,95 kr.

    This annotation edition of Orwell's well-known satire is perfectfor students and Orwell enthusiasts alike. Extra wide margins anddouble spacing leaves lots of room for notes. Contains top tipson effective annotation and different revision techniques.

  • af George Orwell
    263,95 kr.

    Nineteen Eighty-Four is a dystopian social science fiction novel and cautionary tale written by English writer George Orwell. It was published on 8 June 1949 as Orwell's ninth and final book completed in his lifetime. Thematically, it centres on the consequences of totalitarianism, mass surveillance and repressive regimentation of people and behaviours within society. Orwell, a democratic socialist, modelled the totalitarian government in the novel after Stalinist Russia and Nazi Germany. More broadly, the novel examines the role of truth and facts within politics and the ways in which they are manipulated.

  • af George Orwell
    168,95 kr.

  • af George Orwell
    463,95 kr.

  • af George Orwell
    268,95 kr.

  • af George Orwell
    70,95 kr.

    On Reading collects together Orwell's short essays on books - 'Bookshop Memories', 'Good Bad Books', 'Nonsense Poetry', 'Books vs. Cigarettes' and 'Confessions of a Book Reviewer' - giving a rounded view of the great writer's opinions on the literature of his day, and the vessels in which it was sold.

  • af George Orwell
    98,95 - 153,95 kr.

  • af George Orwell
    238,95 kr.

  • af George Orwell
    198,95 kr.

    This book is a 2-in-1 combo of Animal Farm and Homage to Catalonia by the world renowned author George Orwell. George Orwell is one of the world's most influential writers, the visionary author of Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-four and non-fiction classics Down and Out in Paris in London, The Road to Wigan Pier and Homage to Catalonia. George Orwell was born Eric Blair in India in 1903 into a comfortable 'lower-upper-middle class' family. Orwell's father had served the British Empire, and Orwell's own first job was as a policeman in Burma. Orwell wrote in "Shooting an Elephant" (1936) that his time in the police force had shown him the "dirty work of Empire at close quarters"; the experience made him a lifelong foe of imperialism. By the time of his death in 1950, he was world-renowned as a journalist and author: for his eyewitness reporting on war (shot in the neck in Spain) and poverty (tramping in London, washing dishes in Paris or visiting pits and the poor in Wigan); for his political and cultural commentary, where he stood up to power and said the unsayable ('If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear'); and for his fiction, including two of the most popular novels ever written: Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four.

  • af George Orwell
    283,95 kr.

  • af George Orwell
    163,95 kr.

    1984's brilliance comes from Orwell's prescient understanding of modern life-the power of media, the distortion of language, and the suppression of individual thought and expression. Required reading for students since it was first published, it is one of the most disturbing and powerful novels ever written.

  • af George Orwell
    133,95 kr.

    Edición definitiva avalada por The Orwell Estate. Sin duda uno de los libros más importantes del siglo XX. Una obra clave sobre la guerra civil española por uno de los principales escritores de la época y testigo del episodio. Admirado por autores de toda época y condición, desde Connolly o Trilling hasta Javier Cercas, Antony Beevor o Mario Vargas Llosa, Homenaje a Cataluña es un poderoso manifiesto del hombre contra las abstracciones que acaban conduciendo inevitablemente al terror. Es también un texto clave sobre la guerra de España, un testimonio sin par que recoge la experiencia personal de George Orwell. El autor británico llegó en diciembre de 1936 a una Barcelona en plena efervescencia revolucionaria, pero en menos de un año tuvo que huir de la implacable maquinaria soviética por haber formado parte de las milicias del POUM. La honestidad y el coraje con el que Orwell narra lo que vivió le convierten en el escritor moral por excelencia. La presente edición, avalada por The Orwell Foundation, sigue fielmente el texto definitivo de las obras completas del autor, fijado por el profesor Peter Davison. Incluye, además, un prólogo del profesor y ensayista Miquel Berga, que reconstruye con maestría la historia editorial del libro. Miguel Temprano García firma la estupenda traducción, publicada por primera vez en 2011. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION This edition follows the definitive text endorsed by The Orwell Foundation. Without a doubt one of the most important books of the 20th century. Homage to Catalonia is a fundamental work and one of the most famous accounts of the Spanish Civil War by one of the leading writers of the time, and witness to the events. Admired by authors of every age and background, from Connolly and Trilling, to Javier Cercas, Antony Beevor, and Mario Vargas Llosa, Homage to Catalonia is a powerful manifesto from man against ideas and notions that inevitably lead to terror. It is also an important text about the Spanish Civil War, an unparalleled testimony that collects George Orwell's personal experiences fighting for the POUM militia of the Republican army. The British author arrived in Barcelona at its full revolutionary effervescence in December 1936, but in less than a year he had to leave the POUM militia. The honesty and courage with which Orwell narrates what he experienced make him the epitome of moral writers by excellence. This edition, endorsed by The Orwell Foundation, faithfully follows the definitive text of the author's complete works, put together by Professor Peter Davison. It also includes a prologue by professor and essayist Miquel Berga, who masterfully reconstructs the book's editorial history. Miguel Temprano García authored the wonderful Spanish translation, first published in 2011.

  • af George Orwell
    139,95 kr.

    1984, le livre légendaire écrit par George Orwell, enfin disponible dans une nouvelle traduction française. Un regard terrifiant sur l'avenir et une menace très claire sur ce que pourrait être notre futur, avec un État omniprésent et ultra-répressif. 1984 est le livre incontournable de l'anticipation dystopique. L'histoire : Dans le futur, le monde a été divisé en trois empires qui se combattent en permanence : L'Océanie, l'Asie de l'Est et l'Eurasie. 1984 se passe à Londres, dans l'Océanie, une dictature. Winston Smith est le personnage principal du roman, un agent du Parti qui travaille au ministère de la Vérité. Son travail consiste à réécrire les articles de presse et modifier les données de l'État afin que tout correspondent à la vision du Parti unique. Big Brother est le chef invisible du Parti, mais ses portraits sont partout. Chacun est constamment surveillé, d'où le slogan " Big Brother vous regarde ". Trois slogans sont omniprésents : " La guerre c'est la paix ", " La liberté c'est l'esclavage ", " L'ignorance c'est la force " ; quatre ministères l'organisent – Vérité, Paix, Amour, Abondance -, et la population est répartie en trois classes – le Parti intérieur (les dirigeants), le Parti extérieur (ceux qui servent le pouvoir), et les prolétaires. " Dans cette contre-utopie cinglante, Orwell propose une réflexion sur la ruine de l'homme par la confiscation de la pensée et la prolifération de la technocratie ". Cette vision du futur est elle improbable ? A vous d'en juger...

  • af George Orwell
    283,95 kr.

    First published in 1934, George Orwell's first novel 'Burmese Days', presents a devastating portrayal of British colonial rule, inspired by his experiences in the Indian Imperial Police in Burma. The story describes both indigenous corruption and Imperial bigotry. John Flory is a white timber merchant in 1920s Burma. Disillusioned by imperial life, Flory defies orthodoxy and befriends Indian Dr. Veraswami. The doctor is being pursued by a corrupt magistrate, U Po Kyin, who is orchestrating his downfall. The only thing that can save his reputation is membership in the all-white Club, and Flory is in a position to help. Flory's life is also upended by the arrival of beautiful Parisian Elizabeth Lackersteen, who offers an escape from loneliness and the deceit of colonial life. It is an astonishing examination of the debasing effect of empire on occupied and occupier. Top 10 Hardcover Library Books: A Wrinkle in Time (9789389440188) How to Stop Worrying and Start Living (9789387669161) Their Eyes Were Watching God (9789389440577) The Magic of Believing (9789388118217) Zen in the Art of Archery (9789354990298) A Cloud by Day, a Fire by Night (9789391181611) Siddhartha by Hermann hesse (9789387669116) The Richest Man in Babylon (9789354990717) The Book of Five Rings (9789389440553) The Knowledge of the Holy (9789389157239) Note: Search by ISBN

  • af George Orwell
    73,95 kr.

    Animal Farm, a fairy story, is a short novel by George Orwell. It describes a farm where animals revolt, take over and drive out men. It is an apologue written in the form of an animal fable, but also a dystopia. In this novel, Orwell offers a satire of the Russian Revolution and a critique of the Soviet regime, particularly Stalinism, and beyond that, authoritarian regimes and totalitarianism. The book was named one of the 100 best English-language novels written from 1923 to 2005 by Time magazine.

  • af George Orwell
    93,95 kr.

  • af George Orwell
    93,95 kr.

  • af George Orwell
    113,95 kr.

    Animal Farm, George Orwell's satirical political fable, tells the story of a group of barnyard animals who overthrow their human masters in hopes of fashioning for themselves an egalitarian society. As their rebellion germinates and eventually fails in slow motion, Orwell draws deliberate parallels to events leading up to the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the Stalinist era of the former Soviet Union. Animal Farm is considered one of Orwell's finest works-a flawless novella full of wit, imagination, and stylistic verve. This Warbler Classics edition contains twenty vintage illustrations drawn from Brockhaus Konversations-Lexikon.

  • af George Orwell
    123,95 kr.