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Bøger af Franz Kafka

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  • af Franz Kafka
    113,95 kr.

    The Metamorphosis is a novel by Franz Kafka that was first published in 1915. This book describes the story of Gregor Samsa, a traveling salesman, who wakes up one day and finds that he has transformed into a bug. The Metamorphosis is a book that concerns itself with the themes of separation, frustration, and existentialism. As Samsa struggles to accommodate his humanity with his change, Kafka, proficiently, twists his readers into a web that deals with the craziness of existence, the isolated experience of modern life, and brutality, leaving them at once amazed and influenced. In this way, it begins The Metamorphosis, referred to as one of the influential works of fiction of the 20th century.

  • af Franz Kafka
    273,95 kr.

    Cuando K llegó era noche cerrada. El pueblo estaba cubierto por una espesa capa de nieve. Del castillo no se podía ver nada, la niebla y la oscuridad lo rodeaban, ni siquiera el más débil rayo de luz delataba su presencia. K permaneció largo tiempo en el puente de madera que conducía desde la carretera principal al pueblo elevando su mirada hacia un vacío aparente. Se dedicó a buscar un alojamiento; en la posada aún estaban despiertos, el hostelero no tenía ninguna habitación para alquilar, pero permitió, sorprendido y confuso por el tardío huésped, que K durmiese en la sala sobre un jergón de paja. K se mostró conforme. Algunos campesinos aún estaban sentados delante de sus cervezas pero él no quería conversar con nadie, así que él mismo cogió el jergón del desván y lo situó cerca de la estufa. Hacía calor, los campesinos permanecían en silencio, aún los examinó un rato con los ojos cansados antes de dormirse.

  • af Franz Kafka
    213,95 kr.

    "A splendid new translation of an extraordinary work of modern literature-featuring facing-page commentary by Kafka's acclaimed biographer. In 1917 and 1918, Franz Kafka wrote a set of more than 100 aphorisms, known as the Zèurau aphorisms, after the Bohemian village in which he composed them. Among the most mysterious of Kafka's writings, they explore philosophical questions about truth, good and evil, and the spiritual and sensory world. This is the first annotated, bilingual volume of these extraordinary writings, which provide great insight into Kafka's mind. Edited, introduced, and with commentaries by preeminent Kafka biographer and authority Reiner Stach, and freshly translated by Shelley Frisch, this beautiful volume presents each aphorism on its own page in English and the original German, with accessible and enlightening notes on facing pages.The most complex of Kafka's writings, the aphorisms merge literary and analytical thinking and are radical in their ideas, original in their images and metaphors, and exceptionally condensed in their language. Offering up Kafka's characteristically unsettling charms, the aphorisms at times put readers in unfamiliar, even inhospitable territory, which can then turn luminous: "I have never been in this place before: breathing works differently, and a star shines next to the sun, more dazzlingly still."Above all, this volume reveals that these multifaceted gems aren't far removed from Kafka's novels and stories but are instead situated squarely within his cosmos-arguably at its very core. Long neglected by Kafka readers and scholars, his aphorisms have finally been given their full due here"--

  • - Essential Stories
    af Franz Kafka
    118,95 kr.

  • af Franz Kafka
    133,95 - 178,95 kr.

  • af Franz Kafka
    273,95 kr.

    The Metamorphosis is a captivating and unsettling novella by the enigmatic Franz Kafka. It follows the story of Gregor Samsa, a traveling salesman who wakes up one morning to find himself inexplicably transformed into a giant insect. As Gregor struggles to come to terms with his new body and its limitations, he must also confront the reactions of his family and society at large. Kafka's masterful use of surrealism and symbolism creates a haunting atmosphere that delves into themes of isolation, identity, and the absurdity of existence. The Metamorphosis is a thought-provoking and unforgettable exploration of the human condition that will leave readers questioning their own perceptions of self and reality.

  • af Franz Kafka
    188,95 kr.

    Cette lettre écrite par Kafka âgé de 36 ans, en novembre 1919, à son père, n'a jamais été envoyée. Elle a été publiée intégralement en 1953 et traduite en français la même année. Selon l'auteur, il s'agit d'une «lettre d'avocat» avec des «ruses d'avocat» dans laquelle il tente d'évoquer cette «conjuration intérieure» dirigée contre lui et l'impossibilité d'un rapport serein avec un père «castrateur» au tempérament tyrannique qui pratiquait l'éducation par l'ironie.

  • af Franz Kafka
    178,95 - 188,95 kr.

    "La Métamorphose" de Franz Kafka présente l'histoire troublante de Gregor Samsa, qui se réveille un matin transformé en un insecte monstrueux. L'oeuvre explore la déshumanisation, l'isolement et le désespoir face à une transformation radicale. À travers un style narratif unique et une atmosphère d'absurdité, Kafka suscite une réflexion sur l'aliénation et la condition humaine. "La Métamorphose" demeure une oeuvre emblématique du XXe siècle, exprimant le malaise existentiel et la difficulté de la communication au sein de la société moderne.

  • af Franz Kafka
    188,95 kr.

    Le voyageur est envoyé dans la colonie pénitentiaire afin de donner son avis sur le système judiciaire. L'officier le reçoit et lui explique que le condamné ne sait pas pourquoi il est arrêté, s'il est ou a été jugé, qu'elle est la sentence à laquelle il a été condamné. L'application de la sentence est simple, une machine se charge de l'appliquer. Cette machine fut inventée par le commandant. Le voyageur est opposé à ce système mais l'officier tente néanmoins de le convaincre, en vain...

  • af Franz Kafka
    238,95 kr.

    Em uma determinada manhã, Josef K., funcionário exemplar de um banco, é surpreendido por dois supostos guardas que lhe dão voz de prisão. Mas Josef não se lembra de ter cometido um delito que justifique qualquer acusação, chegando a pensar se tratar de alguma brincadeira de mau gosto feita pelos colegas de trabalho, provavelmente em comemoração ao seu trigésimo aniversário. Mas quando percebe a seriedade daquela abordagem repentina, tenta enxergar a situação com clareza, momento em que é invadido por muitas perguntas. Afinal, por que estava sendo preso? Quem o acusava? Qual autoridade era responsável por aquele inquérito? A narrativa se desenrola em uma busca dramática por respostas para as quais o protagonista nunca obtém esclarecimentos.

  • af Franz Kafka
    108,95 - 178,95 kr.

  • af Franz Kafka
    178,95 kr.

    Als Gregor Samsa eines Morgens aus unruhigen Träumen erwachte, fand er sich in seinem Bett zu einem ungeheueren Ungeziefer verwandelt. Er lag auf seinem panzerartig harten Rücken und sah, wenn er den Kopf ein wenig hob, seinen gewölbten, braunen, von bogenförmigen Versteifungen geteilten Bauch, auf dessen Höhe sich die Bettdecke, zum gänzlichen Niedergleiten bereit, kaum noch erhalten konnte. Seine vielen, im Vergleich zu seinem sonstigen Umfang kläglich dünnen Beine flimmerten ihm hilflos vor den Augen. »Was ist mit mir geschehen?«, dachte er. Es war kein Traum. Sein Zimmer, ein richtiges, nur etwas zu kleines Menschenzimmer, lag ruhig zwischen den vier wohlbekannten Wänden. Über dem Tisch, auf dem eine auseinandergepackte Musterkollektion von Tuchwaren ausgebreitet war ¿ Samsa war Reisender ¿ hing das Bild, das er vor kurzem aus einer illustrierten Zeitschrift ausgeschnitten und in einem hübschen, vergoldeten Rahmen untergebracht hatte. Es stellte eine Dame dar, die mit einem Pelzhut und einer Pelzboa versehen, aufrecht dasaß und einen schweren Pelzmuff, in dem ihr ganzer Unterarm verschwunden war, dem Beschauer entgegenhob.

  • af Franz Kafka
    108,95 kr.

    Only yesterday, Gregor Samsa was a meek salesman, browbeaten by his unappreciative employer and depended on fiercely by his ungrateful family. This morning, Gregor awakens to discover that, overnight, he has been transformed into a monstrous insect. As Gregor frantically tries to conceal his predicament, neither his family nor his unsympathetic employer accept that a terrible metamorphosis has upended his existence. Is Gregor's condition only temporary? Will he eventually revert back to the person he was and resume his normal life? Or might he have to accept that his transformation is only an outward expression of how he--and those in his life--actually see him? First published in 1915, Kafka's best-known tale has inspired numerous interpretations for more than a century and helped to establish the term "Kafkaesque" as a reference to a bizarre and nightmarish experience. This collection of his short fiction, in a new translation, includes more than 30 of his short stories and sketches, including "In the Penal Colony," "The Stoker," "The Judgment," "A Country Doctor," "A Hunger Artist," and more.

  • af Franz Kafka
    308,95 kr.

    Der außergewöhnlichste Schriftsteller der deutschen Literaturgeschichte zu sein - diesen Ruf hat sich Franz Kafka gegen seinen eigenen Willen erschrieben. Auch einhundert Jahre nach seinem Tod faszinieren die oft düsteren, bisweilen rätselhaften Motive seiner Texte Leser und Literaten gleichermaßen, obwohl Kafka den Großteil seiner Werke nach seinem Ableben vernichten lassen wollte. Dieses Lesebuch zeigt einen abwechslungsreichen Querschnitt durch das vielfältige Schaffen des von Zweifeln geprägten und doch mit einer ausgezeichneten Beobachtungsgabe gesegneten Autors: Prosatexte, Lyrik, Tagebucheinträge, ein Drama und Romanauszüge gehören ebenso dazu wie ausgewählte Zitate und eine Kurzbiografie Kafkas. Die Lektüre ermöglicht so einen Einstieg in eine einzigartige Gedankenwelt, deren Wirkung auf Leser und Literaturgeschichte noch lange nachhallt.Aus dem Inhalt:Der NachhausewegBrief an den VaterDer GruftwächterDie VerwandlungEin HungerkünstlerDer ProzessGestern kam eine Ohnmacht zu miru.v.m.

  • af Franz Kafka
    323,95 kr.

    Joseph K., employé de banque modèle et sans problème, est arrêté un matin par des inconnus vêtus d'un uniforme de voyage. K. reste pourtant libre de continuer à vivre comme si rien ne s'était produit, mais il est sans arrêt surveillé et épié par trois de ses collègues de travail. Pensant, au début, que tout cela n'était qu'une vile plaisanterie, K. ne tient pas compte de ce qui se passe. Intrigué par l'absurdité de la situation, il interroge les policiers sur son arrestation et n'obtient aucune réponse: c'est alors qu'un sentiment de culpabilité s'empare de lui. Pour montrer que tout le monde se trompe à son sujet, il accepte de venir à toutes les convocations et de comparaître devant le tribunal. Angoissé, il cherche par tous les moyens à s'innocenter et commence alors à négliger son travail. Sur le conseil de son oncle, il engage un avocat qu'il va renvoyer par la suite à cause de son inefficacité, ce qui le contraint à assurer luimême sa propre défense devant la Cour de Justice... Un roman d'une modernité absolue, la grande Oeuvre kafkaïenne: les situations sont impossibles, les personnages irréels, l'histoire peu plausible, et pourtant nous savons tous, lorsque nous lisons ce texte, que Kafka nous parle profondément, véridiquement, de nous, de la société, de ce drôle d'animal social qu'est l'homme.

  • af Franz Kafka
    183,95 kr.

    The Trial, German: Der Prozess, a book by imaginative German-language author Franz Kafka, was initially published after his death in 1925. One of Kafka's great works and possibly his most negative, this unusual story of a young man who finds himself in the mindless bureaucracy of the law has become inseparable from the anxieties and feelings of alienation of the modern age and with a conventional person's struggle against an unreasoning and troublesome power. It is always considered to be imaginary anticipation of dictatorship.

  • af Franz Kafka
    143,95 - 150,95 kr.

    A masterful mix of horror and absurdity that tells the story of traveling salesman Samsa, who wakes up one day to find out he has turned into a giant insect. Kafka's novella has beenadapted for film and television a number of times, most recently for radio when BBC's Radio 4 broadcast the story, read by Benedict Cumberbatch, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of its first publication. ABOUT THE SERIES: Arcturus Silhouette Classics are high-quality hardback editions with contemporary cover-designs. Presented with dust jackets and beautiful color end-papers, the titles in this series make wonderful gifts or collectibles for any classic literature lover.

  • af Franz Kafka
    128,95 kr.

    The classic surrealist novel by genius author Franz Kafka, a tale of "body horror" in which a man finds himself awakening one morning to the astounding fact that he has been transformed into a giant insect. This tale is more than just a nightmare-like exposition of weird disgust, however; it is a metaphor for the struggles of mankind in a cold, uncaring world that, quite literally, seems as if it wants to dehumanize us all. A literary classic.

  • af Franz Kafka
    223,95 kr.

    The Trial is a novel written by Franz Kafka in 1914 and 1915 and published posthumously on 26 April 1925. One of his best known works, it tells the story of Josef K., a man arrested and prosecuted by a remote, inaccessible authority, with the nature of his crime revealed neither to him nor to the reader. Heavily influenced by Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment and The Brothers Karamazov, Kafka even went so far as to call Dostoevsky a blood relative. Like Kafka's two other novels, The Trial was never completed, although it does include a chapter which appears to bring the story to an intentionally abrupt ending.

  • af Franz Kafka
    373,95 kr.

  • af Franz Kafka & Redaktion Gröls-Verlag
    133,95 - 198,95 kr.

  • af Franz Kafka
    143,95 kr.

    Metamorphosis (German: Die Verwandlung) is a novella written by Franz Kafka which was first published in 1915. One of Kafka's best-known works, Metamorphosis tells the story of salesman Gregor Samsa, who wakes one morning to find himself inexplicably transformed into a huge insect (German: ungeheueres Ungeziefer, lit. "monstrous vermin") and subsequently struggles to adjust to this new condition. The novella has been widely discussed among literary critics, with differing interpretations being offered. In popular culture and adaptations of the novella, the insect is commonly depicted as a cockroach.

  • af Franz Kafka
    178,95 - 288,95 kr.

  • af Franz Kafka
    123,95 kr.

  • af Franz Kafka
    138,95 kr.

  • af Franz Kafka
    128,95 kr.

  • af Franz Kafka
    413,95 kr.

    Franz Kafka (3 July 1883 - 3 June 1924) was a German-language writer of novels and short stories, regarded by critics as one of the most influential authors of the 20th century. Kafka strongly influenced genres such as existentialism. Most of his works, such as "Die Verwandlung" ("The Metamorphosis"), Der Prozess (The Trial), and Das Schloss (The Castle), are filled with the themes and archetypes of alienation, physical and psychological brutality, parent-child conflict, characters on a terrifying quest, labyrinths of bureaucracy, and mystical transformations.

  • af Franz Kafka
    458,95 kr.

    Albert Camus once said that "the whole of Kafka's art consists in compelling the reader to re-read him." Since the interpretations of Kafka are many and the search for the meaning of his stories seemingly endless, the reader will return to the story itself in the hope of finding guidance from within. Thus a second reading will --hopefully -- become a commentary on the first, and subsequent readings will -- again hopefully -- shed light on the preceding ones. It is the purpose of this volume to provide ready access to the entire corpus of Kafka's stories; they, rather than the novels, constitute the very core of his brief life's work.

  • af Franz Kafka
    530,95 - 797,95 kr.

  • af Franz Kafka
    208,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch ""In der Strafkolonie "" wurde in der gesamten Menschheitsgeschichte als wichtig angesehen, und damit dieses Werk niemals vergessen wird, haben wir uns bemüht, es zu bewahren, indem wir dieses Buch in einem modernen Format für gegenwärtige und zukünftige Generationen neu herausgeben. Dieses ganze Buch wurde neu formatiert, neu abgetippt und gestaltet. Diese Bücher bestehen nicht aus gescannten Kopien ihrer Originalarbeit und daher ist der Text klar und lesbar.