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Bøger af Chandan Kumar

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  • - Story to Cure Urethral Stricture
    af Chandan Kumar
    178,95 kr.

    Immerse yourself in the remarkable journey of Chandan Kumar, who has battled and conquered urethral stricture with strength, resilience, and medical innovation. In "Breaking the Chains of Pain," you will be taken through the agonizing physical and emotional challenges of living with this condition, as well as the inspiring story of hope and perseverance that lies at its core. This captivating narrative will leave you with: -A newfound appreciation for the power of the human spirit-A sense of hope and courage to overcome any health setback-Invaluable insights into the complexities of urethral stricture and the medical advancements that can make a difference-A refreshing reminder that healing is possible and that the only way out is throughIn this eBook, you will find: -A heartfelt account of Chandan Kumar's struggle with urethral stricture-A candid exploration of the physical and emotional toll of this condition-A deep dive into the medical consultations, treatments, and breakthroughs that contributed to his healing-A source of inspiration and comfort for anyone dealing with similar health issues- A holistic method to cure Urethral Stricture.Don't miss out on this inspirational journey! Get your copy of "Breaking the Chains of Pain" now before the price changes.

  • af Chandan Kumar
    643,95 kr.

    L'utilisation des rayonnements est une modalité primaire bien établie pour le traitement de divers cancers. La thérapie par radionucléides utilisant des produits radiopharmaceutiques est très efficace dans certains cancers, tels que le cancer de la thyroïde et les micrométastases tumorales. La thérapie par radionucléides est le plus souvent réalisée à l'aide de radio-isotopes capables d'émettre des rayons alpha et/ou bêta, car il est important de délivrer la dose de rayonnement au tissu cible, tout en épargnant les tissus sains avoisinants. Dans ce contexte, l'131I est utilisé depuis plus de six décennies pour traiter les troubles de la thyroïde et reste l'un des radionucléides thérapeutiques les plus prometteurs. Alors que le cancer de la thyroïde est traité depuis plusieurs décennies à l'aide de produits radiopharmaceutiques, les tentatives de traitement de nombreux autres cancers dans le passé ont ouvert la voie à un traitement efficace de plusieurs tumeurs malignes. L'une de ces tumeurs est le lymphome non hodgkinien (LNH), qui exprime un nombre élevé de CD20. Plusieurs anticorps anti-CD20 sont utilisés en clinique, mais le rituximab a été choisi pour la libération ciblée de radionucléides dans les tissus tumoraux, ce qui devrait entraîner une plus grande mortalité cellulaire. L'étude se poursuivra en combinant les médicaments pour améliorer l'efficacité thérapeutique en termes de mort cellulaire.

  • af Chandan Kumar
    643,95 kr.

    L'uso delle radiazioni è una modalità primaria ben consolidata per il trattamento di vari tipi di cancro. La terapia con radionuclidi che utilizza radiofarmaci è molto efficace per alcuni tipi di cancro, come il cancro della tiroide e le micrometastasi tumorali. La terapia con radionuclidi viene spesso effettuata utilizzando radioisotopi in grado di emettere radiazioni alfa e/o beta, poiché è importante fornire la dose di radiazioni al tessuto bersaglio, risparmiando i tessuti sani vicini. In questo contesto, il 131I è stato utilizzato per la terapia da oltre sei decenni per trattare i disturbi della tiroide ed è ancora tra i radionuclidi terapeutici più promettenti. Mentre il cancro della tiroide è stato trattato per decenni con i radiofarmaci, i tentativi di trattare molti altri tipi di cancro in passato hanno aperto la strada a un trattamento efficace di diverse neoplasie. Una di queste neoplasie è il linfoma non-Hodgkin (NHL), che esprime un numero elevato di CD20. Esistono diversi anticorpi anti-CD20 utilizzati in clinica, ma il rituximab è stato scelto per la somministrazione mirata del radionuclide al tessuto tumorale e per la morte cellulare prevista. Per questo motivo, è necessario esplorare ulteriormente la possibilità di combinare i farmaci per ottenere una maggiore efficacia terapeutica in termini di morte cellulare.

  • af Chandan Kumar
    643,95 kr.

    Die Bestrahlung ist eine bewährte primäre Methode zur Behandlung verschiedener Krebsarten. Die Radionuklidtherapie mit Radiopharmaka ist bei bestimmten Krebsarten wie Schilddrüsenkrebs und Tumormikrometastasen sehr wirksam. Für die Therapie mit Radionukliden werden meist Radioisotope verwendet, die Alpha- und/oder Betastrahlung abgeben können, da es wichtig ist, die Strahlendosis auf das Zielgewebe zu richten und gleichzeitig das benachbarte gesunde Gewebe zu schonen. In diesem Zusammenhang wird 131I seit mehr als sechs Jahrzehnten zur Behandlung von Schilddrüsenerkrankungen eingesetzt und ist nach wie vor eines der vielversprechendsten therapeutischen Radionuklide. Während Schilddrüsenkrebs bereits seit mehreren Jahrzehnten mit Radiopharmaka behandelt wird, haben die Versuche, viele andere Krebsarten zu behandeln, in der Vergangenheit den Weg für eine wirksame Behandlung verschiedener bösartiger Erkrankungen geebnet. Eine dieser bösartigen Erkrankungen ist das Non-Hodgkin-Lymphom (NHL), das eine höhere Anzahl von CD20 aufweist. In Kliniken werden mehrere Anti-CD20-Antikörper eingesetzt, wobei Rituximab für die gezielte Abgabe von Radionukliden an das Tumorgewebe ausgewählt wurde und einen höheren Zelltod erwarten lässt. Die weitere Erforschung mit der Kombination von Medikamenten für einen besseren Gewinn der therapeutischen Wirksamkeit in Bezug auf den Zelltod.

  • af Chandan Kumar
    318,95 kr.

    Ispol'zowanie radiacii qwlqetsq horosho zarekomendowawshim sebq perwichnym metodom lecheniq razlichnyh onkologicheskih zabolewanij. Radionuklidnaq terapiq s ispol'zowaniem radiofarmpreparatow ochen' äffektiwna pri nekotoryh widah raka, takih kak rak schitowidnoj zhelezy i mikrometastazy opuholi. Dlq radionuklidnoj terapii chasche wsego ispol'zuütsq radioizotopy, sposobnye ispuskat' al'fa- i/ili beta-izluchenie, tak kak wazhno dostawit' dozu izlucheniq k tkanqm-mishenqm, schadq pri ätom sosednie zdorowye tkani. V ätom kontexte 131I ispol'zuetsq dlq lecheniq zabolewanij schitowidnoj zhelezy uzhe bolee shesti desqtiletij i do sih por qwlqetsq odnim iz naibolee perspektiwnyh terapewticheskih radionuklidow. V to wremq kak rak schitowidnoj zhelezy uzhe neskol'ko desqtiletij lechitsq s pomosch'ü radiofarmpreparatow, popytki lecheniq mnogih drugih widow raka w proshlom otkryli wozmozhnosti dlq äffektiwnogo lecheniq rqda zlokachestwennyh nowoobrazowanij. Odnim iz takih zlokachestwennyh nowoobrazowanij qwlqetsq nehodzhkinskaq limfoma (NHL), äxpressiruüschaq powyshennoe kolichestwo CD20. V klinikah ispol'zuetsq neskol'ko antitel protiw CD20, odnako rituximab byl wybran za adresnuü dostawku radionuklida w opuholewuü tkan' i ozhidaemuü bol'shuü gibel' kletok.

  • af Chandan Kumar
    643,95 kr.

    A utilização de radiações é uma modalidade primária bem estabelecida para o tratamento de vários cancros. A terapia com radionuclídeos utilizando radiofármacos é muito eficaz em certos tipos de cancro, como o cancro da tiroide e as micrometástases tumorais. A terapia com radionuclídeos é mais frequentemente efectuada utilizando radioisótopos capazes de emitir alfa e/ou beta, uma vez que é importante administrar a dose de radiação ao tecido alvo, poupando os tecidos saudáveis vizinhos. Neste contexto, o 131I tem sido utilizado há mais de seis décadas no tratamento de doenças da tiroide e continua a ser um dos radionuclídeos terapêuticos mais promissores. Embora o cancro da tiroide seja tratado há várias décadas com radiofármacos, as tentativas de tratamento de muitos outros cancros ao longo do tempo abriram caminho para o tratamento eficaz de várias doenças malignas. Um desses cancros é o linfoma não-Hodgkin (LNH), que exprime um maior número de CD20. Existem vários anticorpos anti-CD20 utilizados na clínica, mas o rituximab foi escolhido para a administração direccionada de radionuclídeos ao tecido tumoral, esperando-se uma maior morte celular. O rituximab foi escolhido para a entrega direccionada de radionuclídeos ao tecido tumoral e espera-se uma maior morte celular.

  • af Chandan Kumar
    73,95 kr.

    Enter into a world of meditations from a different perspective with Chandan Kumar.This book provides insights into human life on this planet in the present scenario. It depicts the things observed as they have been in a poetry style.The writer's striking use of metaphor will totally engross you in terms of their relevance.Enjoy reading a new class of poetry, that is what he calls-'Meditative Poetry'.

  • af Chandan Kumar
    523,95 kr.

    Der steigende Kraftstoffverbrauch im Energie- und Automobilsektor führt zu einer zunehmenden Verschmutzung der Umwelt. Aus der Literatur geht hervor, dass die Motoremissionen durch die Zugabe von Additiven zum Dieselkraftstoff verringert werden können. Unter den verschiedenen Additiven sind sauerstoffhaltige Additive am weitesten verbreitet. Dies ist darauf zurückzuführen, dass ihr Sauerstoff an den Reaktionen beteiligt ist und zu einer besseren Verbrennung und damit zu einer Verringerung der Emissionen führt. Nitromethan hat einen hohen Sauerstoffgehalt in seiner Molekularstruktur.

  • af Chandan Kumar
    523,95 kr.

    O aumento do consumo de combustível nos sectores da energia e automóvel, aumenta a poluição do ambiente. Uma revisão bibliográfica sugere que as emissões dos motores podem ser reduzidas através da adição de aditivos com gasóleo. Entre os vários aditivos, os aditivos oxigenados são os mais amplamente utilizados. Isto deve-se à participação do seu oxigénio nas reacções e conduz a uma melhor combustão, diminuindo assim as emissões. O nitrometano tem um elevado teor de oxigénio na sua estrutura molecular.

  • af Chandan Kumar
    523,95 kr.

    L'aumento del consumo di carburante nei settori dell'energia e dell'automobile aumenta l'inquinamento dell'ambiente. Una revisione della letteratura suggerisce che le emissioni dei motori possono essere ridotte aggiungendo additivi al carburante diesel. Tra i vari additivi, quelli ossigenati sono i più utilizzati. Ciò è dovuto alla partecipazione dell'ossigeno alle reazioni, che porta a una migliore combustione e quindi a una riduzione delle emissioni. I nitrometani hanno un elevato contenuto di ossigeno nella loro struttura molecolare.

  • af Chandan Kumar
    523,95 kr.

    L'augmentation de la consommation de carburant dans les secteurs de l'énergie et de l'automobile accroît la pollution de l'environnement. Une revue de la littérature suggère que les émissions des moteurs peuvent être réduites en ajoutant des additifs au carburant diesel. Parmi les différents additifs, les additifs oxygénés sont les plus utilisés. Cela est dû à la participation de l'oxygène dans les réactions et à une meilleure combustion, ce qui réduit les émissions. Le nitrométhane a une forte teneur en oxygène dans sa structure moléculaire.

  • af Chandan Kumar
    585,95 kr.

    This Book ¿Terracotta Art of lower Ganga Plain (300 B.C. to 1000 A.D.) covers mostly terracotta from Eastern India (Bihar, West Bengal and nearby Region) which includes Geography and Geomorphology of the Region, Origin and Development of Terracottas Art, Technique of Terracotta Art, Find Spots of Terracotta, Religious Significance of Terracotta. Introduction parts ¿Terracotta Art in South Asia Through the Ages¿ was prepared by Dr. D.P. SharmaIt is my pleasant duty to express gratitude to my respected teacher Dr. D.P. Sharma, ex Director, Bharat Kala Bhawan Museum, BHU and Ex- HOD, Museology, NMI, New Delhi..My thanks are also due to my Friends, for her who lehearted support in preparing this work. I am also grateful to the staff of the National Library, Calcutta; Mannulal Magadh University, Library, Bodh-Gaya; Seminar Library, Department of Ancient Indian & Asian Studies, Magadh University, Bodh- Gaya; Bihar Research Society, Patna; K. P. Jayaswal Research institute, Patna; Bihar, who very kindly extended me their co-operation and help during the course of my research work Finally. This book has 33 color plates.

  • af Chandan Kumar
    346,95 kr.

    Diesel engine plays a vital role in the field of automobile, agriculture, construction, and power generation. Due to serious environmental problems and the rising cost of diesel, a lot of research work is going on in the field of renewable energy to replace conventional sources of energy. The diesel engine can not be replaced because of its efficient performance at higher power and reliability with alternative engines. The emissions from diesel engines are very harmful to the environment and for human health. The significant emissions are smoke and NOx which need to be controlled in an effective manner. Numerous research is going on to diminish the emissions from CI engines by using some additives as well as the use of alternative fuels. This investigation focuses on determining the outcome of oxygenated additives and injection pressure on exhaust emissions and the performance characteristics of a CI engine.

  • af Chandan Kumar
    389,95 kr.

    Use of radiation is well established primary modalities for the treatment of various cancers. Radionuclides therapy using radiopharmaceuticals are very effective in certain cancers, such as thyroid cancer and tumor micrometastasis. Radionuclides therapy is most often accomplished by using radioisotopes capable of emitting alpha and/or beta, as it is important to deliver the radiation dose to the target tissue, while sparing the neighboring healthy tissues. In this context,131I has been used for therapy since more than six decades to treat thyroid disorder and is still among the most promising therapeutic radionuclide. While thyroid cancer has been treated since several decades using radiopharmaceuticals, attempt to treat many other cancers over the past have opened the avenue for effective treatment of several malignancies. One such malignancy is non-Hodgkin¿s lymphoma (NHL), express higher number of CD20. There are several anti CD20 antibodies used in clinics however, rituximab chosen for the targeted delivery of radionuclide to the tumor tissue and expected more cell death. Which further explore with combining drugs for better gain of therapeutic efficacy in terms of cell death.

  • af Chandan Kumar
    476,95 kr.

  • af Chandan Kumar
    317,95 kr.

    Rapidly increasing petroleum product consumption is causing serious problems to our atmosphere. The urbanization, deteriorating air quality, cost and feasibility of the fossil fuels have generated alertness for cleaner environment and search for alternative fuels. Expedition of cleaner fuels (Bio-fuels) has been derived due to increase in emission constraints, which can be used for compression ignition engines.

  • af Chandan Kumar, Akash Sanghi & Jitendra Nath Shrivastava
    515,95 kr.

  • af Chandan Kumar
    534,95 kr.

  • af Chandan Kumar & Sulabha Parasuraman
    637,95 kr.

  • - Establishing the Relationship between Drying Parameters and Dried Food Quality
    af Mohammad U.H. Joardder, Azharul Karim, Chandan Kumar & mfl.
    606,95 kr.

    This Brief provides a comprehensive overview of porosity's effects on dried food quality. The Brief presents a comprehensive view of the factors affecting porosity in dried foods, from pressure and drying rate to temperature and coating treatment, and relates these to porosity effects during the five major drying processes.