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- Histoires d'un adorable petit Singe: かわいい小猿の物語 - édition Français Japonais en images pour les petits
163,95 kr. Bilingue ( Japonais - Français ) Livre d'histoire en images pour les EnfantsHistoires d'un adorable petit Singeかわいい小猿の物語Apprendre le Japonais en lisant
- Bog
- 163,95 kr.
393,95 kr. 沖擊現代運動-太極勁秘傳(趙堡架) 稿册原名「勁法威力」。勁法威力勁太極,運動精英跑跳碰! 「勁」是古典太極所描寫的內功力量,使領教過的人印像深刻,以現代語言解釋,是指两腿肌肉發動體重的力量。「法」是指駕駛技巧,把體重沿關節軌道駛入立體空間,使來犯者一觸即發、應手即飛。「勁」就如氣車的內燃機,「法」則是駕駛體重的方法。 没有受過正式勁法訓練的運動員、武者和百姓的運動,均容易錯傷筋腱。勁法的沖擊力,取決於動量三因子,姿勢發勁的威力,起始於高勢能的軌道位置。「定式發勁」以粘黏保持等速,是趣味挑戰兼備的現代內功運動,適合在學、在職和退休的各年齡層,比拼活步黐手時槓桿運發技巧於不動形影中,當中科學現像,耐人尋味,功力深厚。定式既是比賽形式,亦是訓練方法,能有效提升站行踏、跑跳踫的基礎運動效益,探索個人體能的致高境界,與運動愛好者齊步蹬峰。
- Bog
- 393,95 kr.
287,95 kr. ※图书简介※ 【我见我闻的福音】是一套福音神视录。栩栩如生的情节,能带领读者身历其境,参与宗徒们一起追随耶稣的芳踪!书中描述耶稣在地上的生活。涵盖的范围包括:圣母玛利亚的出生与成长→耶稣的诞生→童年生活→三年宣教→受难圣死→耶稣复活升天→圣神降临→初期教会→圣母蒙召升天等,犹如电影般清晰地呈现在眼前! 作者华多达女仕,在1944~1947年间,耶稣亲自启示给她,让她"看见" 福音全部的面貌。耶稣并且要求华多达详细记录所见所闻的福音,以供世人阅读。直到目前为止,此套意大利原文十册的福音神视录,已被翻译成二十多国语言。 而教会的一些标竿人物对此书的评价: 华多达当代教宗碧岳十二世,说:「要依照华多达著作的原貌出版...谁读了,自会知悉。」 中文天主教圣经思高版的推手及主要翻译功臣,"真福"雷永明神父,对华多达的著作也推崇备至,他说:「天主的手指在这里!」 五伤圣碧奥神父曾对他辅导的教友 Elisa Lucchi 说 :「我并非建议,而是我命令妳,阅读华多达的著作。」 罗西尼神父(Fr. Gabriel Roschini) 是罗马宗座拉特朗大学一位赫赫有名的教授,他本人撰写过130本圣母学的书,却谦虚地表示:把他所研读过的统统加起来,也比不上华多达笔下所描写的圣母那么生动传神! The main work among Maria Valtorta''s writings is entitled【The Gospel As Revealed to Me】. The original language was Italian and has been published in ten volumes . It narrates, in a form of "vision" , the birth and childhood of Mary and her Son Jesus→ the three years of Jesus'' public life→His passion, death, resurrection, and ascension→the beginnings of the Church→and the assumption of Mary, as if one is watching a movie. In 1944~1947, the author, Maria Valtorta, received the revelation directly from Jesus Christ Himself, which enabled her to "see" the gospel in vision. Jesus asked her to write down everything she "saw" in details, so that the world may read it and hence understand the gospel in content. Up to the moment, the Italian masterpiece has been translated into more than 20 languages. And this Chinese version is one of them. Now, let''s see what the outstanding personalities of the church said about: The contemporary Pope Pius XII said on 1984 February 26:「Publish this work as it is. There is no need to give an opinion about its origin, whether it be extraordinary or not. Who reads it will understand.」 Renowned Bible Scholar, the Blessed Fr. Gabriel M. Allegra, a Franciscan missionary who is highly revered by Chinese Catholics for being the very first to translate the entire Catholic Bible into Chinese, was beatified on September 29, 2012 by Pope John Paul II, said:「The finger of God is here.」 Saint Padre Pio da Pietralcina said to a spiritual daughter, Elisa Lucchi, about Valtorta''s writings. 「I don''t advise you ---I "order" you to read them!. 」 Fr. Gabriel Roschini, a distinguished Mariologist and professor, who himself has written 130 books on the topic, humbly said:「even if I put all my writings together, is still inferior to that of Valtorta''s in terms of vividness. 」
- Bog
- 287,95 kr.
287,95 kr. 【我見我聞的福音】是一套福音神視錄。栩栩如生的情節,能帶領讀者身歷其境,參與宗徒們一起追隨耶穌的芳蹤!書中描述耶穌在地上的生活。涵蓋的範圍包括:聖母瑪利亞的出生與成長→耶穌的誕生→童年生活→三年宣教→受難聖死→耶穌復活升天→聖神降臨→初期教會→聖母蒙召升天等,猶如電影般清晰地呈現在眼前! 作者華多達女仕,在1944~1947年間,耶穌親自啟示給她,讓她"看見" 福音全部的面貌。耶穌並且要求華多達詳細記錄所見所聞的福音,以供世人閱讀。直到目前為止,此套義大利原文十冊的福音神視錄,已被翻譯成二十多國語言。 而教會的一些標竿人物對此書的評價: 華多達當代教宗碧岳十二世,說:「要依照華多達著作的原貌出版...誰讀了,自會知悉。」 中文天主教聖經思高版的推手及主要翻譯功臣,"真福"雷永明神父,對華多達的著作也推崇備至,他說:「天主的手指在這裡!」 五傷聖碧奧神父曾對他輔導的教友 Elisa Lucchi 說 :「我並非建議,而是我命令妳,閱讀華多達的著作。」 羅西尼神父(Fr. Gabriel Roschini) 是羅馬宗座拉特朗大學一位赫赫有名的教授,他本人撰寫過130本聖母學的書,卻謙虛地表示:把他所研讀過的統統加起來,也比不上華多達筆下所描寫的聖母那麼生動傳神! The main work among Maria Valtorta''s writings is entitled【The Gospel As Revealed to Me】. The original language was Italian and has been published in ten volumes . It narrates, in a form of "vision" , the birth and childhood of Mary and her Son Jesus→ the three years of Jesus'' public life→His passion, death, resurrection, and ascension→the beginnings of the Church→and the assumption of Mary, as if one is watching a movie. In 1944~1947, the author, Maria Valtorta, received the revelation directly from Jesus Christ Himself, which enabled her to "see" the gospel in vision. Jesus asked her to write down everything she "saw" in details, so that the world may read it and hence understand the gospel in content. Up to the moment, the Italian masterpiece has been translated into more than 20 languages. And this Chinese version is one of them. Now, let''s see what the outstanding personalities of the church said about: The contemporary Pope Pius XII said on 1984 February 26:「Publish this work as it is. There is no need to give an opinion about its origin, whether it be extraordinary or not. Who reads it will understand.」 Renowned Bible Scholar, the Blessed Fr. Gabriel M. Allegra, a Franciscan missionary who is highly revered by Chinese Catholics for being the very first to translate the entire Catholic Bible into Chinese, was beatified on September 29, 2012 by Pope John Paul II, said:「The finger of God is here.」 Saint Padre Pio da Pietralcina said to a spiritual daughter, Elisa Lucchi, about Valtorta''s writings. 「I don''t advise you ---I "order" you to read them!. 」 Fr. Gabriel Roschini, a distinguished Mariologist and professor, who himself has written 130 books on the topic, humbly said:「even if I put all my writings together, is still inferior to that of Valtorta''s in terms of vividness. 」
- Bog
- 287,95 kr.