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  • af L. H. Kuhrau
    172,95 kr.

    In the second book of the "One last..." series, Lusie will try to figure out what love really means¿and if it even is conected to erotica. Deen wants her, but will he accept sharing the girl of his dreams? Will the coming holidays bring them closer or separate them forever, as the choice is: being together forever or alone, their story forever unknown? What they shouldn't forget is the pharmacists; may they be able to hurt them across the borders too?

  • af William Harding
    131,95 kr.

    Descifra el código del niño pequeño: Cómo criar a un niño feliz y bien adaptado sin volverte locoMantener el equilibrio entre la paternidad y otras responsabilidades y obligaciones puede sentirse como caminar por la cuerda floja.No te quieres perder los momentos importantes en la vida de tu pequeño, pero tienes que trabajar para mantener a la familia.No tienes tiempo para ir al gimnasio, tener una cita nocturna con tu pareja o simplemente pasar un domingo perezoso durmiendo hasta el mediodía.Y mientras tú pasas más tiempo en la oficina y menos haciendo las cosas que te gustan, a tu hijo pequeño parece que nunca se le acaba la energía, hace berrinches con regularidad y se niega a comer otra cosa que no sean dulces.Amas a tu hijo pequeño más que a tu propia vida, pero sus exigencias son infinitas. Es abrumador y cansado.Pero, ¿tiene que ser tan difícil? ¿Hay alguna forma de ser un padre increíble y al mismo tiempo tener tiempo para ir a pescar o llevar a tu pareja al cine?Por suerte, la hay.No tienes que sacrificar todo tu tiempo por tu hijo y renunciar a las cosas que disfrutas hacer.Por supuesto, aún tienes que encontrar un equilibrio- tu hijo pequeño necesita un padre presente e involucrado.Pero si cuentas con una guía práctica que te ofrezca herramientas y estrategias de crianza realistas, podrás conseguir que tu hijo pequeño, tu pareja y tú mismo estén más tranquilos y sean más felices, con tiempo de calidad suficiente para todos.En el interior de este libro, descubrirás:Cómo disciplinar a tu hijo pequeño con amor y respeto para ayudarle a convertirse en un adulto responsable y empático.Cómo manejar las rabietas de tu hijo pequeño, fomentando al mismo tiempo su independencia y confianza.9 citas de juego divertidas y sorprendentes que desatarán la creatividad y la imaginación de tu hijo pequeño, y desarrollarán sus habilidades socialesDescubre cómo equilibrar el autocuidado con las exigencias de ser padre primerizo con el método T.I.M.E.Cómo dejar de sentirte abrumado y poco preparado con algunas estrategias sencillas que aumentarán tu confianza y te convertirán en el mejor padre que puedas serCómo eliminar el mal olor de enseñar a tu hijo a usar el baño con el sencillo método de las 3 Ps.Y mucho más.Aunque tengas otros hijos y hayas criado a un niño pequeño antes, esta guía te dará nuevas ideas sobre cómo hacerlo más fácil esta vez.Nadie nace preparado para ser un padre de forma natural-es una curva de aprendizaje empinada que te toma por sorpresa.Pero siempre es una experiencia gratificante y feliz, sobre todo si tienes las herramientas y los recursos necesarios para que las cosas tediosas se hagan en poco tiempo y puedas centrarte en el lado divertido de criar a un niño asombroso y fascinante.Si quieres ser un padre seguro de sí mismo y construir una relación fuerte y sana con tu hijo pequeño, desplázate hacia arriba y haz clic en el botón "Añadir al carrito" ahora mismo.

  • af Simon van de Loo
    211,95 kr.

    Intelligente Königin oder unheilbare Verrückte?The Outer Realms 1862 m.Z. - Die Westreiche zerfallen und die Industrienationen stecken in einer tiefen Krise, während Königin Marybeth isoliert im Shelwynn Sanatorium ihr Dasein fristet, einem Ort für untragbare Adelskinder.Ihr Schicksal nimmt eine Wendung, als sie aus ihrer Isolation geholt wird, um bei einer Gedenkfeier zu sprechen. Ein brutales Attentat erschüttert die Veranstaltung, und Marybeth findet sich in einem Strudel aus Gefahr und Intrigen wieder.Als die Natur selbst gegen die Führung der Industrienationen zu rebellieren scheint, erkennt Marybeth ihre Chance.Kann sie sich aus den Fesseln ihrer Vergangenheit befreien und die Königin werden, die das Reich dringend benötigt?

  • - Digte
    af Kristine Kittelmann-Andersson
    168,95 kr.

    Med heftig inspiration fra Halfdan Rasmussens ABC opstod ‘Den bitre ABC’ i de sene aftentimer, hvor forfatteren som nybagt mor var bundet til egen matrikel og derved fik mulighed for at dykke ned ide fjerneste og tidligere ukendte afkroge af hendes kreative hjerne.Denne ABC for voksne består af lige dele bitre og humoristiske referencer som forhåbentlig kan bringe et smil på læben hos læserne, men også opfordre til refleksion omkring brugen af alkohol og dens mulige negative effekt på visse skæbner.Skål, og god fornøjelse!

  • af Franz Habegger
    200,95 - 388,95 kr.

  • af Katrin S. Knopp
    353,95 kr.

    Eine jugendliche Heldin, ein Schwarzwald-Sommer voller magischer Abenteuer, die erste Liebe und ein tragisches Familiengeheimnis: In "Hier könnte es Drachen geben" überwindet Linda die Drachen, die die Geheimnisse ihrer Familie hüten - buchstäblich und im übertragenen Sinn. Ein tiefgründiger Coming-of-Age-Roman voller Romantik und Magie.

  • af Martin G Durst
    113,95 kr.

    Do you know what it means to be a man? Does something feel wrong? Do you feel less than whole or unsatisfied with your life? Do you feel unmanly and the need to reclaim your manhood? Every man wants to feel whole and relevant. Men want dominion over life. Young or old, the fact is, control in life is limited. So, you must minimize the amount of stupid you inflict upon yourself. Finances, relationships, marriage, and children all thrive under the leadership of a strong man. Manage these things well, and happiness and confidence will follow. Inside this book are some suggestions to help you get there, so that you can focus on God's plan for your life. This book will also help you avoid some painful life lessons; and to reflect deeply as to what kind of man you want to be.

  • af Michael Stewart
    108,95 kr.

    Living with an enlarged prostate is not the end; it is just a new beginning. Learn how you can live a better and healthier lifestyle.Life as we know it will take us though different stages; each stage I would call a new beginning. The outcome of each stage totally depends on the way we approach them at the beginning. Enlarged prostate is one of those stages which a lot of men have to go through, and the outcome of it will be determined by the way we approach it at the beginning. This book will teach you the ways and the skills you need to continue to live a healthy and happy lifestyle through this chapter of your life. And remember-it is not always the abundance of the things that you know and do that have the greatest effects, but the little things that we neglect or overlook.

  • af Israr Khan
    283,95 kr.

    Discover the transformative power of Mindful Parenting: Nurturing Happy and Resilient Children in a Fast-Paced World. In this comprehensive guide, we dive into practical strategies and timeless principles designed to empower parents in today's dynamic and demanding environment.Uncover the secrets of fostering happiness and resilience in your children through actionable insights grounded in the principles of mindfulness. From cultivating a growth mindset in your child to navigating the challenges of fast-paced parenting, this book is your roadmap to building a thriving family life.Explore the art of mindful communication, equipping you with the skills to strengthen your bond with your child. Dive into the world of emotional well-being, discovering how to integrate mindfulness practices seamlessly into your daily parenting routine.Discover the balance between technology and mindful parenting, as we address the impact of screens on family life and provide guidance on establishing healthy screen time habits. Unearth the essence of mindful discipline and setting effective boundaries, creating a harmonious and supportive home environment.This guide is not just about theories; it's a collection of real-life stories, illustrating the transformative impact of mindful parenting in diverse scenarios. Whether you're parenting toddlers or navigating the challenges of parenting teenagers, our insights adapt to every stage of your child's growth.Moreover, join a vibrant and supportive parenting community that shares your commitment to mindful living. Learn from others, share your experiences, and contribute to a collective effort in nurturing happy and resilient families.Embrace the journey of Mindful Parenting as you build a legacy of love, understanding, and lasting joy within your family. This book is not just a guide; it's a companion on your ongoing journey towards creating a home filled with mindful connections and resilient hearts.

  • af Dale N. Alter
    158,95 kr.

    Join Dale Alter as he embarks on an extraordinary retelling of his journeying with Jesus- one marked by faith, redemption, miracles, and divine love. This enlightening biography chronicles his life, from the pivot point of his encounter with Christ while on an acid trip, to his leadership in the Jesus Movement, to his fulfilling career in emergency medicine.Despite professional triumphs, Dale's personal life was fraught with difficulties. Yet, even in the face of failed marriages and strained relations, Dale found purpose in his missionary work in East Africa, his bond with Christ, and his community.This book is not only a testament to Dale's transformative journey but also a celebration of the miraculous, healing power of divine love and the joy found in Christ's embrace. Let Dale Alter's relentless pursuit of God's kingdom on earth inspire your own lifelong adventure of walking with Jesus.

  • af Roland E. Ruf
    165,95 kr.

    Fünf Jahre alt ist Roland, als er in einer kalten Kriegsnacht 1945 mit seiner Familie von Breslau nach Westen fliehen muss.Mangel, Improvisation und Orientierungslosigkeit begleiten fortan seine Kindheit im Karlsruhe der unmittelbaren Nachkriegszeit bis ins frühe Erwachsenenalter hinein.Beharrlich sucht und seinen Weg zwischen verkrusteten Ordnungsvorstellungen und Selbstbestimmung.Das Bild, das er dabei von seiner Familie zeichnet, offenbart den Konflikt zwischen Kriegs- und Nachkriegsgeneration im schlichten bürgerlichen Milieu.Dem ¿Gespenst Ordnung¿ begegnet er auf seine Weise: ¿ Vor allem war es das Spielerische und Zufällige, das mich in seinen Bann zog, was es in Gang setzte, welche Welten es erschloss und welche Spielräume sich meiner Neugier und Phantasie öffneten.¿Präzise, in oft ironisch-kritischen Beobachtungen und Reflexionen beleuchtet der Erzähler, bisweilen mit umwerfender Komik, die Gesellschaft der jungen Bundesrepublik, eng verwoben mit seinen eigenen Lebensentscheidungen.Authentisch und von verblüffender Aktualität!

  • af Hermann Candahashi
    207,95 - 446,95 kr.

  • af Ziri Dafranchi
    148,95 kr.

    A beautiful collection of easily-relatable and heart-warming poems exploring the true meaning of love and life, and the relationship between the two. Get ready for a remarkable voyage. Have you ever wondered what life would be like without love? Life is a priceless gift deliberately crafted and packaged for our enjoyment, but it is not a bed of roses. It is a mixture of the good, bad and ugly-including pains and gains, sadness and joy, despair and hope, failures and successes- and it ends in death. Death reminds us we must make the most of this gift before it expires. How can we do this? Love and life are inseparable, dependent and complementary; love powers life while life makes love visible. This beautiful relationship is broken when both are misused or abused, usually due to a flawed understanding of what each truly is. What is love and what is life? Love And Life: Poems About You And Me is a beautiful collection of easily-relatable and heart-warming poems arranged into two thematic parts exploring love and life. The poems speak personally to you and take you on a voyage that could leave you questioning some of the things you thought you knew about love and life. In the end you would realise: "After all have been said and done, after life has been lived and spent and, when we finally bid the world goodbye, only one thing will matter...the love we shared." Ziri Dafranchi who has written some award-winning poetry, reveals why he is admired in local poetry communities as he deploys literary techniques in combination with his unique style in this well curated collection which is suitable for all readers. The first two volumes of his debut poetry collection, a series titled Wilderness Fruits: Eclectic Poems And Musings, published in 2021 and 2024, contain some of his award-winning poems including one titled Opportunity which won a competition organised by UK's National Poetry Library in 2018. This latest collection is bound to scintillate both avid poetry lovers and readers with a passing interest in poetry. Are you looking for love (to love and be loved) or you desire a better love life? Are you satisfied with the life you're living or you desire a more fulfilling life? Do you wish you understood life and love better? Love And Life: Poems About You And Me is just for you.

  • af Luke Russert
    173,95 - 298,95 kr.

  • af J. L. Suhr
    217,95 - 320,95 kr.

  • af Hal N. Schneider
    320,95 - 442,95 kr.

  • af Gerhard Kogler
    250,95 kr.

    Terror ist derzeit in aller Munde. Im Buch wird ein mögliches Szenario beschrieben, wie Terroristen wirklich ihr Ziel erreichen könnten. Mit Hilfe von Söldnern und Waffenschiebern und dem Zusammenschluss sämtlicher Terrorgruppen, stünde ihnen nichts im Wege die USA zu schwächen und insbesondere Israel zu vernichten.

  • af Harvest House Publishers
    108,95 kr.

    This insightful devotional featuring Scripture verses from the King James Version of the Bible enriches men's lives with wisdom from God's Word and encouragements for daily living, making it a great addition to any man's spiritual library and quiet time.

  • af Tory Swedlund
    188,95 kr.

    Being a single father is a unique and challenging journey that many men and themselves navigating. In the book "Raising Resilient Hearts: Single Fathers Nurturing Multiple Children with Love and Strength," we delve into the intricacies of single fatherhood and provide valuable insights and support for those who are in this role.

  • af Elisha Cooper
    178,95 kr.

  • af Mark Williams
    143,95 kr.

    What transpires when men transition into fatherhood? Why do some fathers blossom, many fathers struggle, and how can we pinpoint those who do? What implications does this have for their offspring and their relationships? What measures can we take to address this? This book illuminates the multifaceted aspects of antenatal/postnatal anxiety and depression in fathers - a topic unfamiliar to many. It encompasses a diverse range of perspectives, including recent studies and research in this field, and sharing their voices to normalise the conversation.With the high risk of suicide in new fathers and better outcomes for the whole family and the developing baby when we support fathers. Shouldn't we be asking "How Are You dad"?

  • af Paul J Porterfield
    158,95 kr.

    Dr. Porterfield has determined that there is a need to assist men, both black and white, on a larger scale than one-on-one counseling. Hence, the book When A Black Man Cries.

  • af Shelley Mitchom
    243,95 kr.

    Join three young brothers who by sheer imagination embark on an urban adventure. The brother's creative minds can't be confined to a bedroom when they have so much to discover right outside of their front door.

  • af Steve Snider
    198,95 kr.

    Authentic Manhood is a guided journey to wholehearted masculinity as modeled by Jesus, the most authentic man who ever lived. Its daily reflections will draw you into your biggest struggles, deepest questions, and greatest fears and joys, helping you see yourself more clearly, connect with God more deeply, and become who you were created to be.

  • af David G. Evans
    258,95 kr.

  • af Dnt Publishing
    133,95 kr.

    In "A Dad's Guide to Navigating Parenthood in a Digital Age," embark on a transformative journey into the intricate intersection of modern fatherhood and the ever-evolving world of technology. This insightful guide is tailored for fathers navigating the challenges and opportunities presented by the digital landscape as they embark on the extraordinary adventure of parenting.As the digital age continues to redefine family dynamics, this book provides a roadmap for dads seeking to strike a harmonious balance between embracing technology and nurturing strong connections with their children. From understanding the impact of technology on parenting to practical strategies for fostering a positive digital environment, this guide is a comprehensive resource for dads ready to navigate the complexities of raising children in a tech-savvy world.Explore essential topics such as shaping values in a connected world, becoming a tech-savvy mentor, effectively managing screen time, and addressing digital dangers like cyberbullying and privacy concerns. With real-life stories, case studies, and actionable advice, this guide empowers dads to be active participants in their child's digital journey.Through reflective insights and practical tools, "A Dad's Guide to Navigating Parenthood in a Digital Age" equips fathers with the knowledge and skills needed to not only keep pace with the digital era but to thrive as engaged, empathetic, and tech-savvy parents. Discover how embracing technology as a tool, fostering open communication, and modeling responsible tech use can lead to a fulfilling and balanced parenting experience in the 21st century. This guide is your compass for navigating the uncharted territories of digital parenting with confidence and connection.

  • af That's My Dad Project
    353,95 - 433,95 kr.

  • af Elizabeth Benson
    278,95 kr.

    Discover how you can navigate the ups and downs of pregnancy with your partner and embrace the joy of fatherhood.Are you anxious about taking on the responsibilities of supporting your pregnant partner and becoming a new dad?Do you feel like you lack the necessary parenting skills and know next to nothing about what your partner is going through?Wish you had a GPS for fatherhood to help you find your footing in the world of diapers, baby budgets, bonding with your growing family, and everything in between? If these worries sound familiar, congratulations¿ you're officially thinking like a dad!Needless to say, pregnancy is no walk in the park, and being the rock your partner and future child need is an enormous undertaking.Even before your child is born, your presence already matters. Studies have shown that being involved in your partner's pregnancy doesn't just help reduce her stress levels but can actually reduce the chances of your child having a low birth weight and positively affect both the mother and baby's overall health.     Once the baby comes, you'll be juggling three primary roles: protector, provider, and disciplinarian, which come with endless demands, immense worries, and crushing doubts.While embarking on this unchartered path with all of these thoughts weighing on your mind can be overwhelming, you're more than capable of overcoming your fears.Start with this comprehensive, easy-to-read guide filled with practical advice and information on how to up your dad game and become a confident and fearless father.Here's just a fraction of what you'll discover from this book: A look into the common worries, fears, and stress triggers that come with being a first-time father¿ and how to conquer themUnderstanding "Dad Brain" and the different ways fatherhood can change both your body and your brain A complete guide to creating a bulletproof birth plan and making baby preparations to give you a sense of control over your fatherhood journey and your budding family A comprehensive list of essential dad skills every father needs to knowEverything you need to know about prenatal visits and how you can ensure your partner and your baby are safe & healthy, every step of the wayAn in-depth weekly timeline of your baby's development¿ and all the physical and emotional changes your partner experiences along with itTips and tricks on how to look after the other participant of this pregnancy journey who is often overlooked¿ you!A step-by-step guide on what to do during D-day (delivery day), and ways to build a strong bond with your newbornAnd so much more.Although all the parenting advice you find online ¿ apart from the additional ones being thrown at you ¿ already seems like a lot, you can cut through the noise and figure out how to make the best choices during your and your partner's pregnancy journey.Equip yourself with the tools to be the best love & support system for your partner, baby, and yourself. Your first step to building a solid foundation for your family starts today!