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  • af Milan Kundera
    123,95 kr.

    In this novel - a story of irreconcilable loves and infidelities - Milan Kundera addresses himself to the nature of twentieth-century 'Being' In a world in which lives are shaped by irrevocable choices and by fortuitous events, a world in which everything occurs but once, existence seems to lose its substance, its weight.

  • - The Omnibus Edition/Forever Peace, Forever Free, Forever War
    af Joe Haldeman
    153,95 kr.

    Together in one volume for the first time ever - the classic novel of epic future conflict THE FOREVER WAR, its sequel FOREVER FREE, and the companion novel FOREVER PEACE

  • af J. R. R. Tolkien
    118,95 - 1.128,95 kr.

    The popular paperback edition of this fascinating collection of stories, which continue the tales of The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion and contains an alternative version of The Children of Hurin.Unfinished Tales is a collection of narratives ranging in time from the Elder Days of Middle-earth to the end of the War of the Ring, and provides those who have read The Lord of the Rings with a whole collection of background and new stories from the twentieth century's most acclaimed popular author.The book concentrates on the realm of Middle-earth and comprises such elements as Gandalf's lively account of how it was that he came to send the Dwarves to the celebrated party at Bag-End, the emergence of the sea-god Ulmo before the eyes of Tuor on the coast of Beleriand, and an exact description of the military organization of the Riders of Rohan.Unfinished Tales also contains the only story about the long ages of Numenor before its downfall, and all that is known about such matters as the Five Wizards, the Palantiri and the legend of Amroth. The tales were collated and edited by JRR Tolkien's son and literary heir, Christopher Tolkien, who provides a short commentary on each story, helping the reader to fill in the gaps and put each story into the context of the rest of his father's writings.

  • af Joe Abercrombie
    138,95 - 218,95 kr.

  • - The dystopian classic reimagined with cover art by Shepard Fairey
    af George Orwell
    113,95 kr.

    1984, a masterpiece novel crafted by the renowned author George Orwell, plunges you into a dystopian world where Big Brother is always watching. Published by Penguin Books Ltd in 2008, this classic piece of literature transcends the boundaries of time and continues to resonate with readers across the globe. The genre of this book is dystopian and political fiction, and it serves as a warning about the perils of a totalitarian regime. Orwell's genius lies in his ability to create a chillingly realistic world that mirrors the darker aspects of our society. With 1984, Orwell has cemented his place as one of the most influential authors of the 20th century. This book is a must-read for anyone who appreciates thought-provoking literature. Published by Penguin Books Ltd, it's a testament to their commitment to bringing quality literature to readers everywhere.

  • - Outlander
    af Diana Gabaldon
    148,95 - 289,95 kr.

    Fjerde bog i den succesfulde Outlander-serie, der vises på Netflix og Viaplay. ITrommer i det fjerne, fortsætter Diana Gabaldon sin imponerende Outlander-serie om Claire og Jamie Fraser, som begyndte med Den engelske kvinde. På dansk er også udkommet Guldsmed i rav og Den rejsende. Ægteparret Claire og Jamie Fraser er efter et skibbrud havnet i de amerikanske kolonier og står nu over for et svært valg: Enten må de vende tilbage til et forarmet Skotland plaget af fattigdom og nød, eller også må de vove at begynde et nyt liv i Den Nye Verden, skønt Claire ved, at Den Amerikanske Revolution lurer i horisonten.. Men højlændere er jo fødte vovehalse – og det samme er tidsrejsende. Deres datter, Brianna, er i sikkerhed – tror de – på den anden side af den farlige fremtid, så de kan sætte deres egne liv på spil, som de vil. Fast forankrede i troen på sig selv og hinanden, forsøger de at begynde forfra blandt de skotske højlændere, der nu lever i eksil på Cape Fear-flodens frugtbare sletteland i kolonien North Carolina. Selv i Den Nye Verden finder Claire og Jamie dog deres håb om et fredeligt liv truet både udefra og indefra – af den britiske krone og af Jamies tante, Jocasta MacKenzie, den sidste overlevende af Leochs MacKenzie-slægt. Længslen efter frihed driver Jamie mod højlænderens eneste sande tilflugtssted: bjergene. Og her finder de endelig fred og ro – hvis man ser bort fra vilde dyr, indianere og faren for at sulte ihjel – til at skabe sig en tilværelse i vildmarken, i tryg forvisning om at selv krigen ikke kan nå deres fjerne fristed. Men historiens gang er nådesløs, og da Brianna følger sin mor ind i fortiden, kan selv ikke bjergene beskytte en højlænder. For Brianna drives ikke blot af længslen efter at finde den mor, hun har mistet, og den far, hun aldrig har mødt; hun må også redde dem begge fra en fremtid, kun hun kan se.

  • - Gøtreks saga og Rolf Gøtrekssøns saga
    af Ingen Forfatter
    73,95 - 248,95 kr.

    Oldtidssagaerne har fra gammel tid spillet en enorm rolle for vores viden om den ældre danske historie; uden oldtidssagaerne ville den danske sagnhistorie ganske enkelt være både kortere og kedeligere. Med dette kulturhistorisk vigtige oversættelsesprojekt tilvejebringes den første samlede oversættelse af oldtidssagaerne. I et mundret og moderne dansk gøres samtlige oldtidssagaer tilgængelige for danske læsere. Seriens i alt otte bind er illustreret af Peter Brandes, som har skabt ni nye træsnit i farver til hvert bind. Ligeledes har han stået for typografi og omslag. Serien er redigeret af Annette Lassen. De to første bind udkom i april 2016. Bind 3 indeholder: Gøtreks saga og Rolf Gøtrekssøns saga.

  • - Lige for lige/Othello/Når enden er god, er alting godt/Timon fra Athen/Kong Lear/Macbeth
    af William Shakespeare
    44,95 - 273,95 kr.

    Femte og næstsidste bind af Niels Brunses nye, komplette Shakespeareoversættelse, som Gyldendal udgiver i seks bind. De seks skuespil i dette bind V omfatter både nogle af de bedst kendte Shakespeare-tragedier: Othello, Kong Lear og Macbeth, de sjældnere opførte komedier Lige for lige og Når enden er god, er alting godt og det meget sjældent spillede Timon fra Athen, der er en mellemting mellem tragedie og moralsk satire. Alle stykkerne er formodentlig skrevet i tidsrummet 1604-1606, hvor Shakespeare havde nået den fulde udfoldelse af sin dramatiske kunnen og sin sprogkunst, der undertiden udfordrede hans modersmål på helt nye måder. Niels Brunses oversættelser af Kong Lear, Macbeth og Lige for lige har været brugt til diverse opførelser på danske teatre – de er dog alle tre revideret i større eller mindre grad i denne udgave, Kong Lear mest – mens de tre andre i skrivende stund ikke har været opført og altså præsenteres her for første gang.

  • af Anne Lise Marstrand-Jørgensen
    73,95 - 243,95 kr.

    Efter skabelsen græder guden ved tanken om menneskenes lidelse. Med gudens tårer bliver sorgens grundstof til. I tidernes morgen føder en gigantisk muldvarp sine unger i en hule, som engang var fuld af tårer. Den graver sig vej fra Den Arabiske Halvø til det europæiske kontinent og afsætter sorgens grundstof på alt, hvad den kommer i nærheden af. Den bliver pelset i Wien i 1814, netop som Europas statsoverhoveder mødes for at lave fredsaftaler efter Napoleonskrigene. Muldvarpeskindet anvendes til at indbinde en pragtbibel og til at pudse nogle særligt smukke granater, der bliver til en perlekæde og et armbånd. Den jødiske forretningsmand Benoni, den armenske antikvitetshandler Hakob og slaveefterkommeren Grace kommer i berøring med biblen og smykkerne og knyttes dermed sammen af sorgens grundstof. De rejser gennem tiden, fra Wienerkongressen i 1814 gennem det 20. århundredes storpolitiske begivenheder og krige, og bliver vidner til både uroligheder og fremskridt i Europa. ”Sorgens grundstof” er fortællingen om menneskets sorg og længsel, om folkevandringer og politiske magtkampe, om glemsel og erindring. Og om den krig, medfølelse og kærlighed, der aldrig hører op.

  • af Svend Åge Madsen
    73,95 - 219,95 kr.

    AF DEN ANDEN VERDEN er en alternativ holocaust-roman om en flok flygtede KZ-fanger, som frarøvet deres hukommelse slår sig ned på fjerne kyster og bygger en ny verden op fra grunden. Men under det spirende samfund ligger traumer fra fortiden, og vage minder begynder at dukke op i de tidligere fangers drømme.

  • af Line Knutzon
    73,95 - 143,95 kr.

    Er du en rasende 65-årig mand med udstående øjne, der vil have lov til at råbe fede kælling til fede kællinger? Er du en tavs og skeptisk 12-årig pige, der nægter at tale med voksne? En storrygende og dehydreret 45-årig kvinde på den yderste venstrefløj? En 87-årig kvinde, der ikke har råd til din egen begravelse? En panikslagen dramatiker, der har bidt fingrene af sig selv. Er du nisse? Ufødt? Slagtesvin? Midt i en aggressiv debat om istidens slutning? Er du faret vild i Sverige, i livet, i mørket uden at kunne finde kontakten, sulten, på randen af sammenbrud, fattig, til grin og tørret i det moderne Danmark? Så spørg Camille Cloud – hun har svar på alt, hun er tidens svar og tidens lyd, for hun har succes og har tænkt på alt, før hun blev født.

  • af Masashi Kishimoto
    108,95 kr.

    Volume 13 in the bestselling Naruto series from Viz Media and Simon & Schuster.

  • af Patrick Rothfuss
    138,95 - 333,95 kr.

  • af Masashi Kishimoto
    98,95 kr.

    The bestselling Naruto series from Viz Media and Simon & Schuster continues with volume 14.

  • - The Black Company - Shadows Linger - The White Rose
    af Glen Cook
    223,95 kr.

    The series that brought grittiness to Fantasy and became a bestseller in the US finally comes to the UK

  • af Brian Aldiss
    133,95 kr.

    The Sun is about to go Nova. Earth and Moon have ceased their axial rotation and present one face continuously to the sun. The bright side of Earth is covered with carnivorous forest. This is the Age of vegetables. Gren and his lady - not to mention the tummybelly men - journey to the even more terrifying Dark side. One of Aldiss' most famous and long-enduring novels, fast moving, packed with brilliant imagery.

  • af Frank Herbert
    99,95 - 123,95 kr.

    Before The Matrix, before Star Wars, before Ender's Game and Neuromancer, there was Dune: winner of the prestigious Hugo and Nebula awards, and widely considered one of the greatest science fiction novels ever written. Melange, or 'spice', is the most valuable - and rarest - element in the universe; a drug that does everything from increasing a person's life-span to making intersteller travel possible. And it can only be found on a single planet: the inhospitable desert world Arrakis.Whoever controls Arrakis controls the spice. And whoever controls the spice controls the universe. When the Emperor transfers stewardship of Arrakis from the noble House Harkonnen to House Atreides, the Harkonnens fight back, murdering Duke Leto Atreides.Paul, his son, and Lady Jessica, his concubine, flee into the desert. On the point of death, they are rescued by a band for Fremen, the native people of Arrakis, who control Arrakis' second great resource: the giant worms that burrow beneath the burning desert sands. In order to avenge his father and retake Arrakis from the Harkonnens, Paul must earn the trust of the Fremen and lead a tiny army against the innumerable forces aligned against them.And his journey will change the universe.

  • af Ovid
    128,95 - 598,95 kr.

    Hailed in Newsweek for his translation of The Poems of Catullus ("Charles Martin is an American poet; he puts the poetry, the immediacy of the streets back into the English Catullus. The effect is electric"), Martin's translation of Metamorphoses will be the translation of choice for contemporary readers.

  • - 50th Anniversary Edition
    af Harper Lee
    113,95 - 233,95 kr.

    ___________________________________'Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit 'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird.'A lawyer's advice to his children as he defends the real mockingbird of Harper Lee's classic novel - a black man falsely charged with the rape of a white girl.

  • - Stories of the Norse Gods and Heroes
    af Jackson Crawford
    258,95 - 563,95 kr.

  • - Raft, Timelike Infinity, Flux, Ring
    af Stephen Baxter
    173,95 kr.

    The books that launched Stephen Baxter's career; the creation of one of the most astonishingly ambitious universes in SF's history: brought together in one astounding volume.

  • af C. S. Lewis
    288,95 kr.

    This striking one-volume edition marks the 75th anniversary of Lewis's classic SF trilogy featuring the adventures of Dr Ransom on Mars, Venus and Earth. It includes an exclusive Foreword compiled from letters by J.R.R. Tolkien, who inspired Lewis to write the first volume.The Space Trilogy is a remarkable work of fantasy, demonstrating the powerful imagination of C.S..Lewis. This new one-volume edition marks the 75th Anniversary of the first publication of Out of the Silent Planet with an exclusive Foreword by J.R.R. Tolkien, on whom the main character of Ransom was largely based.OUT OF THE SILENT PLANETDr Ransom, a Cambridge academic, is abducted and taken on a spaceship to the red planet of Malacandra, which he knows as Mars. His captors are plotting to plunder the planet's treasures and offer Ransom as a sacrifice to the creatures who live there...PERELANDRAHaving escaped from Mars, Dr Ransom is called to the paradise planet of Perelandra, or Venus. When his old enemy also arrives and is taken over by the forces of evil, Ransom finds himself in a desperate struggle to save the innocence of this Eden-like world...THAT HIDEOUS STRENGTHInvestigating the truth about her prophetic dreams, Jane Studdock encounters the fabled Dr Ransom, who is in great pain after his travels. A sinister society run by his old adversaries intends to harness the ancient powers of a resurrected Merlin in their ambition to subjugate the people of Earth...

  • - The Complete Fiction
    af H. P. Lovecraft
    438,95 kr.

    In the 1920s and '30s, H P Lovecraft pioneered a new type of fiction that fused elements of supernatural horror with the concepts of visionary science fiction. Lovecraft's tales of cosmic horror revolutionised modern horror fiction. This title collects Lovecraft's fictions.

  • - Gift Edition including all three novels: Northern Lights, The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass
    af Philip Pullman
    273,95 kr.

    Now a major critically acclaimed BBC series This special collection features all three titles in the award-winning trilogy: Northern Lights, The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass. Northern Lights Lyra Belacqua lives half-wild and carefree among the scholars of Jordan College, with her daemon familiar always by her side. But the arrival of her fearsome uncle, Lord Asriel, draws her to the heart of a terrible struggle - a struggle born of Gobblers and stolen children, witch clans and armoured bears.The Subtle Knife Lyra finds herself in a shimmering, haunted otherworld - Cittagazze, where soul-eating Spectres stalk the streets and wingbeats of distant angels sound against the sky. But she is not without allies: twelve-year-old Will Parry, fleeing for his life after taking another's, has also stumbled into this strange new realm. On a perilous journey from world to world, Lyra and Will uncover a deadly secret: an object of extraordinary and devastating power.And with every step, they move closer to an even greater threat - and the shattering truth of their own destiny. The Amber Spyglass Will and Lyra, whose fates are bound together by powers beyond their own worlds, have been violently separated. But they must find each other, for ahead of them lies the greatest war that has ever been - and a journey to a dark place from which no one has ever returned.

  • af John Crowley
    128,95 kr.

    A magical, funny, eloquent, unforgettable fantasy about a house filled with enchantment and the strange folk who inhabit it. Introduction by Graham Sleight.

  • af Paulo Coelho
    118,95 - 148,95 kr.

    A global phenomenon, The Alchemist has been read and loved by over 62 million readers, topping bestseller lists in 74 countries worldwide. Now this magical fable is beautifully repackaged in an edition that lovers of Paulo Coelho will want to treasure forever.

  • - Book 1 of the Expanse (now a Prime Original series)
    af James S. A. Corey
    123,95 - 343,95 kr.

    NOW A PRIME ORIGINAL SERIES'The science fictional equivalent of A Song of Ice and Fire' NPR BooksLeviathan Wakes is the Hugo-nominated first book in the New York Times bestselling Expanse series. Humanity has colonised the solar system - Mars, the Moon, the Asteroid Belt and beyond - but the stars are still out of our reach. Jim Holden is an officer on an ice miner making runs from the rings of Saturn to the mining stations of the Belt. When he and his crew discover a derelict ship called the Scopuli, they suddenly find themselves in possession of a deadly secret. A secret that someone is willing to kill for, and on an unimaginable scale. War is coming to the system, unless Jim can find out who abandoned the ship and why. Detective Miller is looking for a girl. One girl in a system of billions, but her parents have money - and money talks. When the trail leads him to the Scopuli and Holden, they both realise this girl may hold the key to everything. Holden and Miller must thread the needle between the Earth government, the Outer Planet revolutionaries and secret corporations, and the odds are against them. But out in the Belt, the rules are different, and one small ship can change the fate of the universe.The Expanse series has sold over two million copies worldwide and is now a major television series.The Expanse series: Leviathan WakesCaliban's WarAbaddon's GateCibola BurnNemesis GamesBabylon's AshesPersepolis RisingTiamat's WrathPraise for the Expanse: 'As close as you'll get to a Hollywood blockbuster in book form''Great characters, excellent dialogue, memorable fights''High adventure equalling the best space opera has to offer, cutting-edge technology and a group of unforgettable characters . . . Perhaps one of the best tales the genre has yet to produce' Library Journal'This is the future the way it's supposed to be' Wall Street Journal'Tense and thrilling' SciFiNow

  • af George R. R. Martin
    118,95 kr.

    HBO's hit series A GAME OF THRONES is based on George R R Martin's internationally bestselling series A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE, the greatest fantasy epic of the modern age. A DANCE WITH DRAGONS: AFTER THE FEAST is the SECOND part of the fifth volume in the series. `A brutally modern take on human nature' Telegraph

  • af J. R. R. Tolkien
    108,95 - 998,95 kr.

    The Silmarillion is an account of the Elder Days, of the First Age of Tolkien's world. It is the ancient drama to which the characters in The Lord of the Rings look back, and in whose events some of them such as Elrond and Galadriel took part.The tales of The Silmarillion are set in an age when Morgoth, the first Dark Lord, dwelt in Middle-Earth, and the High Elves made war upon him for the recovery of the Silmarils, the jewels containing the pure light of Valinor.Included in the book are several shorter works. The Ainulindale is a myth of the Creation and in the Valaquenta the nature and powers of each of the gods is described. The Akallabeth recounts the downfall of the great island kingdom of Numenor at the end of the Second Age and Of the Rings of Power tells of the great events at the end of the Third Age, as narrated in The Lord of the Rings.

  • - Soon to be a film starring Harry Styles and Emma Corrin
    af Bethan Roberts
    113,95 kr.

    An exquisitely told tragic tale of thwarted love, My Policeman is soon to be adapted into film by Amazon Prime starring Harry Styles and Emma Corrin. It is in 1950s' Brighton that Marion first catches sight of Tom.