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Her på siden sætter vi naturligvis pris på ord og deres stærke effekter. Hvis du ønsker at læse eller lytte til ordbøger og leksika, så er muligheden her for dette stort. Hvis du har en stærk lyst til at udvide dit ordforråd, så er ordbøger et perfekt redskab til at gøre netop dette. Det kan være rigtig ærgerligt at have tankerne men ikke kunne konstruere sætningen, hvis du f. eks befinder dig i udlandet. Derfor har vi ordbøger som består af de fleste oversættelser af verdens sprog. Næste gang du befinder dig i en samtale, så kunne du supplere det med det nye ord, du har lært! Udover ordbøger har vi også leksika, som indeholder sjov og utrolig spændende viden! Find din næste ordbog eller dit leksika her.
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  • af Helen Baird
    178,95 kr.

    A how-to guide with mosaic techniques, 60 creative step-by-step projects, and a gallery of inspiration.

  • af Simon (Professor of Philosophy Blackburn
    163,95 kr.

    This dictionary is written by one of the leading philosophers of our time, and it is recognized as the best dictionary of its kind. Comprehensive and authoritative, it includes over 3,300 alphabetical entries, it is the ideal introduction to philosophy for anyone with an interest in the subject, as well as students and teachers.

  • af David McCandless
    298,95 kr.

    Information is Beautiful (New Edition) is a captivating book by the renowned author, David McCandless. Published in 2012 by HarperCollins Publishers, this piece of literature falls under the non-fiction genre. The book is a testament to McCandless's unique ability to transform complex information into beautiful, simple diagrams that tease out unseen patterns and connections. With this new edition, you'll be taken on a journey through the world of information like never before. A must-read for anyone who wants to understand the complex world we live in. This book is not just informative but beautifully crafted and presented. Dive into the world of information with David McCandless's Information is Beautiful, a masterpiece from HarperCollins Publishers.

  • - Fourth edition
    af David Nelson
    153,95 kr.

    The Penguin Dictionary of Mathematics takes in all branches of pure and applied mathematics, from algebra to mechanics and from number theory to statistics. Invaluable for students at all levels, it is also a useful and versatile source book for economists, business people, engineers, technicians and scientists of all kinds who use mathematics in the course of their work.

  • af Kiley Kevin & Smith Digby
    218,95 kr.

    A definitive analysis of the weapons, equipment, deployment, tactics and motivation of these national forces, as well as fascinating detail of day-to-day life for the soldiers that fought the battles

  • af N. Chr. Sørensen & Else Juul Hansen
    253,95 kr.

    Med sine 53.000 opslagsord og 42.000 udtryk og vendinger dækker ordbogen det almene ordforråd, som både turisten og andre, der har et mere fagligt mål for deres rejse, kan møde. Ordbogen gør sig også godt til brug i skolen, ved læsning af litterære tekster samt blade og aviser. Den 10. udgave af ordbogen er opdateret på følgende punkter: Der er tilføjet over 8.000 nye ord og 11.000 nye udtryk, både fra det almene sprog og en del fagord, som kan træffes uden for rent faglige sammenhænge. Forældede ord og udtryk er fjernet. Mange nye opslagsord fra den digitaliserede hverdag (fx internaute (=netbruger) og télécharger (=downloade). Områder med særligt fokus i revisionen: Politiske nyheder, samfundsstof, tekniske udtryk fra den moderne hverdag, sport, mode og det uformelle talesprog, fx ONG (=ngo), pacs (=registreret partnerskab), la gauche caviar (=kystbanesocialister), fusée de détresse (=nødraket), déstockage (=udsalg), santiag (=cowboystøvle), relooker (=style, shine op). Franske forkortelser og kortformer, som ofte volder udlændinge besvær, er blevet inkluderet, fx expo for exposition (=udstilling), clim for climatisation (=airconditionanlæg). Mange opslagsord eller ordforbindelser har fået tilføjet ny betydning, fx renouvelable (=vedvarende), caviste (=vinhandler).

  • af Titia Thun
    94,95 - 108,95 kr.

  • af Bo von Eyben
    971,95 kr.

    Få en kort, klar og præcis definition på fagudtryk, du støder på, når du læser juridiske tekster.13. udgave er opdateret i forhold til de seneste års omfattende reformer. Blandt andet kommunal- og domstolsreformen.Især er opslagsartiklerne bearbejdet, og der er tilføjet mange nye. De grundlæggende begreber er også blevet væsentligt udbygget. Der er også tilføjet langt flere krydshenvisninger og henvisninger til de bestemmelser i lovgivningen, som begreberne knytter sig til.

  • - A Lady's Guide to Baking Bad!
    af Christine McConnell
    593,95 kr.

    187,95 kr.

    Indbydende, flot og morsomt illustreret billedordbog, der rummer 1.000 engelske ord og er egnet som første engelske ordbog. Ordbogen er delt i 26 kapitler med hver sit overordnede emne. Der er en illustration til hvert ord.Bogen er både en regulær ordbog og en underholdende myldrebogHvert ord står på både dansk og engelsk og understøttes af de mange fine illustrationer, så den lille ordbogsbruger hurtigt kan komme i gang med at lære masser af nye engelske ord.Siderne er opdelte i temaer fx DIN KROP, MAD & DRIKKE, FAMILIEN, FARVER, VEJR & ÅRSTIDER.Bagerst i bogen er der en ordliste.

  • af Rosalind Horton & Sally Simmons
    153,95 - 253,95 kr.

    The ultimate insider's guide to Bath, part of the international 111 Place/111 Shops series.

  • - Botanical Prints Hardcover Monthly Daily Desk Diary Organizer for Birthdays, Important Dates, Anniversaries, Special Days
    af Llama Bird Press
    248,95 kr.

  • - The Complete Guide to Writing Narrative Nonfiction
    af Jack Hart
    248,95 kr.

    "Storytelling is one of the few traits common to all human societies. A sequence of actions, a sympathetic character, a complication, a resolution-the key ingredients in a story are as familiar to us today as they were to our ancestors. Although we may associate the form with fictional narratives such as novels and movies, the same ingredients also underlie the best nonfiction works, including those by David Grann, Mary Roach, Tracy Kidder, and John McPhee. In the first edition of Storycraft, Jack Hart illustrated how these and other nonfiction writers, including many he coached over decades at the Oregonian, used the ingredients of story to create compelling and award-winning works of narrative nonfiction. For this revision, he has expanded the field to consider how storytelling techniques can be used in the rapidly growing nonfiction form of podcasting. He has added insights from recent research into storytelling and the brain, illustrating how facts and arguments effectively embedded in narrative are more likely to stick in readers' minds. And he has added new examples of effective nonfiction narratives."--

  • - Lokumsstruds
    af Jakob Fredslund
    168,95 kr.

    Godt Ord Igen er en helt specielt ordbog, som du kan finde på inter- nettet. Alle ord er nemlig genereret af en computeralgoritme, mens det er hjemmesidens brugere, som finder på, hvad ordene betyder.Når man besøger, sætter algoritmen to ord sammen til et nyt, sammensat ord. Det kunne fx være “bjerg” og “jolle”. Herefter kan man give det nye ord bjergjolle en forklaring og gemme den i ordbogen.Bogen her er den tredje samling af de bedste og sjoveste af hjemmesidens over 26.000 ord. Den første samling, “Godt ord igen - Egernrygning”, udkom i 2018 og den anden, “Godt ord igen - Landmandsflygel”, i 2019.Denne gang kan du finde uundværlige nye ord som backslashcoupé, øseskrædder, boksesolbrille, smældkarbonade, nougatkaleche og gymnastikhavre. Og bjergjolle; en bjergjolle er en kælk.Bogen er den anden samling af de bedste og sjoveste ord og ordforklaringer ud af de godt 25.000, som ordbogen rummer. Den første samling udkom i 2018: “Godt ord igen - Egernrygning”.

  • - Mastering the Most Popular Korean Words from K-POP and Talking Like a Real Fan
    af Jungho Park
    123,95 - 243,95 kr.

  • - Inspired Exercises to Heal Your Codependent Relationships
    af Robert Jackman
    183,95 kr.

    As you discovered through reading Healing Your Lost Inner Child, until we do our work to examine, understand and heal our wounded inner child, this part will continue to show up in our lives. In Healing Your Lost Inner Child Companion Workbook, Psychotherapist and author Robert Jackman builds on the extensive material in the book with expanded exercises to help you better understand your inner child, yourself and your wisdom so that you feel authentic and complete.This workbook features additional stories, examples and new concepts. You can read the Companion Workbook independently, but you will receive a deeper level of healing if you complete the exercises in the workbook as you read the book.Part One includes all the exercises from the book. You may find that by doing the exercises a second time your inner child will reveal even more wisdom to you.Part Two contains all new material and expands on the HEAL process, helping you develop a deeper understanding of your relationships, codependency patterns and triggers and create a self-nurturing plan.You are giving yourself a great gift of healing and wholeness.Understand how, when and why your inner child shows up to protect you.Develop healthy boundary skills and learn more functional tools.Heal your negative self-talk and storytelling.Explore what you are avoiding or ignoring in your relationships.Understand your circles of connection, and how to speak your truth.Rejoin your authentic self and feel emotionally free and whole again.

  • af Marc Dando, Sarah Fowler & David A. Ebert
    213,95 kr.

    Published in the United Kingdom and European Union in 2014 by Wild Nature Press.

  • af Anne Labell
    423,95 kr.

  • - Updated Version
    204,95 kr.

  • af Ragnar Redbeard
    187,95 kr.

  • - The Definitive Guide to Using Astrology in Every Aspect of Your Life
    af Julia Parker
    398,95 kr.

    Curious to calculate and interpret your or others' birth charts? The new edition of this highly praised reference to astrology from world-renowned astrologers Julia and Derek Parker is here to guide you.Explore the world of astrology and learn how to draw and interpret your own charts with this authoritative approach to the practice. Parkers' Astrology guides you through the techniques, showing you how to use astrology to improve every aspect of your life, from relationships and career to health and finance.Written in an easy-to-understand style, beautifully illustrated, and filled with practical information, it is an unbeatable reference guide for every aspiring astrologer and for those with more experience. Informative descriptions of the 12 sun signs, explanations of interpretative techniques, guidance on chart interpretations, and updated text on all the latest astrological developments make Parkers' Astrology the most authoritative guide to astrology.

  • - Landmandsflygel
    af Jakob Fredslund
    168,95 kr.

    Godt Ord Igen er en ordbog på internettet, hvor ordene er skabt af en algoritme, men hvor hjemmesidens brugere har givet ordene deres mening. Hvis man går ind på hjemmesiden, sætter den to tilfældigt valgte ord sammen, så man får et spritnyt, sammensat ord. Det kunne fx være “drible” og “piphans”, som hjemmesiden sætter sammen til “driblepiphans”. Herefter kan man give det nye ord en forklaring og gemme ord og ordforklaring i ordbogen.Bogen er den anden samling af de bedste og sjoveste ord og ordforklaringer ud af de godt 25.000, som ordbogen rummer. Den første samling udkom i 2018: “Godt ord igen - Egernrygning”.

  • - Hardcover Guest Comments Book For Events, Parties, Clubs, Retreat Centres
    278,95 kr.

    HARDCOVER: quality sleek matte finishPage size: 8.5

  • af Ben Team
    208,95 kr.

    sulcata tortoiseSulcata Tortoise Pet Owners Guide. The Captive Care of Sulcata Tortoises. Sulcata Tortoise care, behavior, enclosures, feeding, health, costs, myths and interaction.Most large tortoises are popular with turtle enthusiasts, but Sulcatas are undoubtedly the most beloved of all. Given their impressive size, gentle personalities and attractive markings, this should not be surprising. Unfortunately, many people acquire sulcatas without first learning about their needs, which often leads to frustrated keepers and neglected tortoises. As when caring for any animal as a pet, keepers must learn as much as possible about the biology, behavior and ecology of the species, in order to provide them the highest quality of life possible. Begin that journey inside, by learning about sulcatas, their place in the world and how to provide them with an artificial habitat that meets their needs. The author, Ben Team, is an environmental educator and author with over 16 years of professional reptile-keeping experience. Ben currently maintains, where he shares information, narration and observations of the natural world. When not writing about plants, animals and habitats, Ben enjoys spending time with his beautiful wife. Covered in this book:- Acquiring- Anatomy- Behavior- Biology- Breeding- Captive considerations- Daily care- Description- Diet- Ecology- Enclosure- Environment- Health- Husbandry- Interacting- Internal Anatomy- Lighting- Maintenance- Monitoring- Myths and Misunderstandings- Phylogeny- Taxonomy- The ideal environment- Water and Humidity- What you'll need.... and much more

  • - A Laxative for Creative Constipation
    af Romane Armand
    263,95 kr.

  • - A natural history and identification guide to over 565 varieties around the globe
    af Sally Morgan
    168,95 kr.

    Butterflies & Moths, The World Encyclopedia of, is an enlightening book penned by the renowned author, Sally Morgan. This comprehensive guide was first published in 2019 by Anness Publishing. As the title suggests, the book offers an extensive look at the world of butterflies and moths, making it an ideal read for nature enthusiasts and lepidopterists alike. The author's in-depth knowledge and passion for these intriguing creatures shine through every page, making it a must-have for anyone interested in learning more about these fascinating insects. The book is written in English and it's a perfect addition to any bookshelf, providing readers with hours of captivating reading.

  • - Inspiring Quotes to Help You Live Your Best Life
    af Summersdale Publishers
    98,95 kr.

    You're at your best when you're doing what you love, so follow your passions and let your inner light shine out! This little book, packed with inspiring quotes and uplifting statements, is here to help you dazzle the world with your brightest, happiest self.

  • - The Monocle Travel Guide Series
    af Monocle
    178,95 kr.

    Think of Athens and the first things that spring to mind are ancient ruins and camera-toting crowds (before they hotfoot it to the island-bound ferries at the port of Piraeus, that is). It's true, the Acropolis is ever present and during summer the city thrums with schools of holidaymakers. But there's much more to the Greek capital than temples and tourists.We've looked beyond the admittedly awe-inspiring Parthenon and explored the city's modernist marvels, from circular school to colonnaded embassy. We've combed the cobbled streets for independent boutiques offering straw hats, hand-thrown ceramics and golden jewellery - all proudly "Made in Greece". When you're feeling peckish, choose between traditional family-run tavernas and contemporary restaurants spicing up classic Greek dishes.Attica is a region of riches and, of course, some of the nearby islands are simply too good to miss - so we've included a short and sharp list of our top stopovers. For now, though, strap up your sandals and allow us to introduce you to this chaotic but ever-so-charismatic city.