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Har du for nyligt fået en ny ide, som kunne være millioner eller tusinder af kroner værd? Så skulle du prøve og supplere det med nogle bøger om iværksætteri! Vi har samlet en masse bøger om emnet, og det er bøger skrevet af tidligere eller nuværende erhvervsdrivende eller lignende. Det er eksperter på området, som har en masse gode tips til, hvordan du kan starte din virksomhed op. Nu om dage er der efterhånden opfundet så meget forskelligt, at man næsten tænker intet andet kan komme. Men det handler om diversitet! Forskellighed! Vi er alle tiltrukket af det nye og spændende, så bare rolig, hvis du har en idé der findes, så handler det om at skabe noget nyt inden for området. Hvis du mangler inspiration til opstarten eller hvis du allerede i gang, så har vi de perfekte bøger til dig. Prøv og dyk ned i vores udvalg og find din næste relevante bog om iværksætteri!
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  • - Venture Capital-and How to Get It
    af Scott Kupor
    233,95 kr.

    Im Tal der Windmühlen haben die Bewohner das Wünschen verlernt, denn sie besitzen Maschinen, die ihnen auf Knopfdruck perfekte Momente vorgaukeln. Nur Anna, die Schneiderin, hat sich das Träumen bewahrt. Und so glaubt sie ganz fest daran, dass Sie einem Riesen seinen Herzenswunsch erfüllen kann: Er möchte fliegen! Doch wie verhilft man einem Riesen dazu, schwerelos zu schweben wie eine Feder?Die farbgewaltigen Illustrationen zu Noelia Blancos fantastischer Geschichte stammen von der Argentinierin Valeria Docampo, Illustratorin des Bilderbuch-Bestsellers Die große Wörterfabrik. Auch für Im Garten der Pusteblumen setzt sie auf intensive und atmosphärische Bilder.

  • af Tobias Lau
    73,95 - 179,95 kr.

    Vi er den eneste art på Jorden, der efterlader os affald, som ingen andre arter ønsker eller kan bruge til noget. Men nu er der mikro-plast i havene, insektdød og rod i økosystemerne, og det skyldes vores manglende evne til at håndtere det affald, vi selv har skabt i vores hastige udvikling. Det kan ikke fortsætte.Vi må bruge vores fantasi til at betragte affaldsudfordringen med opfinderbriller. Affald er et demokratisk råmateriale, som enhver har adgang til. Ligesom fantasien. Med fantasiens hjælp kan vi forædle affaldet på intelligente og kreative måder, så det, der ligner værdiløse spildprodukter, kan genopstå som ny værdi – også i økonomisk forstand.AFFALD OG FANTASI er en guide til at tænke vildt – for fremtidens skyld. Bogen fortæller om danskere fra Lemvig til København NV, som har gjort sig selv til moderne alkymister, og den viser, hvordan du også kan komme til at spille en rolle i et grønt paradigmeskift. Affald og fantasi kan meget vel vise sig at være den både betydeligste og sjoveste vej til at skabe den verden, vi ønsker os.

  • - og få succes med Big Data
    af Per Østergaard Jacobsen, Pernille Rydén & Torsten Ringberg
    359,95 kr.

    Organisationer fokuserer i stigende grad på, hvordan de kan bruge Big Data strategisk. De investerer milliarder af kroner i denne ny teknologi, men værdien og afkastet viser sig tit at være begrænset. Sådanne udfordringer kan meget vel skyldes ledernes mindset, der begrænser hvordan organisationen bruger Big Data-teknologi til at styrke interaktionen og samspillet med kunder og andre interessenter.Det første skridt på vejen mod at få succes med Big Data er derfor at identificere og udfordre sit ledelsesmæssige mindset. I denne bog identificerer og diskuterer vi fire dominerende ledelsesmæssige mindset, der hver især fører til fire unikke Big Data strategier. Når ledere inden for samme team har forskellige mindset, kan det føre til manglende mental og organisatorisk alignment og problemer med at håndtere disruption. Da mindsets ofte er ubevidste, har vi udviklet en onlinetest, der hjælper dig og dine kolleger med at identificere jeres dominerende mindset. Det vil give jer et det bedste afsæt til at vurdere og beslutte hvad der er jeres optimale strategiske vej til Big Data succes.Omtale"Bogen giver en praktisk og teoretisk indførelse i big data. (…) Bogen har mange eksempler, som understøtter bogens budskaber."5/6 stjerner- anmeldt af Henrik Ørholst, Børsen, 1. februar 2018“Det er næsten provokerende, at sammenhængen mellem lederes mindset og succesfuld innovation kan være så markant. Læs bogen og få rystet rundt på dit eget mindset.”- Camilla Laudrup, leder af DRs public outreach sekretariat

  • - How to Be a Success on Your Own Terms
    af Jamal Edwards
    153,95 kr.

    At the age of 15, with only a hand-held camera and a Wi-Fi connection, the author started to build his media empire. This book shares his own story and some of the things he has learned, in order to inspire other young people to get some self-belief and turn their dreams and ideas into reality.

  • - The Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for Anyone Starting Anything
    af Guy Kawasaki
    133,95 kr.

    Fully revised and expanded for the first time in a decade, The Art of the Start 2.0 is Guy Kawasaki's classic bestselling guide to launching and making your new product, service or idea a success. This new edition has been expanded to reflect the seismic changes in business over the last decade, in which once-invulnerable market leaders have struggled and many of the basics of getting established have become easier, cheaper and more democratic.Today, business plans are no longer necessary. Social media has replaced PR and advertising as the key method of promotion. Crowdfunding is now a viable alternative to investors. Cloud computing makes basic infrastructure affordable for almost any new venture.The Art of the Start 2.0 will show you how to effectively deploy all these new tools. And it will help you master the fundamental challenges that have not changed: building a strong team, creating an awesome product or service, and facing down your competition. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur, own a business, or want to get more entrepreneurial within any organisation, this book will help you make your crazy ideas stick. It's an adventure that's more art than science - the art of the start.'The Art of the Start 2.0 is the ultimate entrepreneurship handbook. Kawasaki's generous wisdom, tips, and humour reflect his successes and failures. We can all benefit from his insights' Arianna Huffington, president and editor in chief, Huffington Post'A successful entrepreneur requires three things: a garage, an idea, and this book - Guy's irrepressible guide to the raw essentials of life in a young company' Michael Moritz, Sequoia Capita Guy Kawasaki is the chief evangelist of Canva (an online design service) and an executive fellow of the Haas School of Business at U.C. Berkeley. Previously, he was the chief evangelist of Apple and special adviser to the CEO of the Motorola business unit of Google. His many acclaimed books include The Art of Social Media and Enchantment.

  • - Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion
    af Gary Vaynerchuk
    178,95 - 293,95 kr.

    Gary Vaynerchuk has captured attention with his multi-faceted approach to personal branding and business. After utilizing traditional advertising techniques to build his family's local wine business into a national industry leader, Gary leveraged social media tools such as Twitter and Facebook to promote Wine Library TV, his video blog.

  • af Walter Isaacson
    181,95 - 398,95 kr.

    Forfatteren af "Steve Jobs" og andre storsælgende biografier går tæt på en af vor tids mest fascinerende og kontroversielle opfindere – Elon Musk, en grænseoverskridende visionær, som har bragt verden ind i en æra af elbiler, privat rumforskning og kunstig intelligens.Walter Isaacson har fulgt Musk og menneskerne omkring ham gennem to år. Resultatet er blevet en fyldestgørende biografi om en excentrisk personlighed, der deler vandene med sin radikale risikovillighed og i sidste ende rejser spørgsmålet: Er Musks dæmoner også en forudsætning for nytænkning og fremskridt?Om forfatteren:Walter Isaacson (f. 1952) er professor i historie, journalist samt forfatter og er især kendt for at være en af vor tids største biografister med fokus på at portrættere visionære og innovative personligheder, der har sat deres præg på verden.

  • af Andrew McAfee
    109,95 - 243,95 kr.

  • - How Great Founders Do More with Less
    af Sahil Lavingia
    96,95 - 178,95 kr.

    The Minimalist Entrepreneur is the manifesto for a new generation of founders who would rather build great companies than big ones. Why bother chasing unicorns when you can build a profitable, sustainable business that customers love?

  • - The Art and Science of Creating Good Luck
    af Dr Christian Busch
    133,95 kr.

  • - How to Access 600 Million Customers in 10 Minutes
    af Perry Marshall & Thomas Meloche
    233,95 kr.

    Covers critical updates including:-Targeting by birthday, family status, and more-Pinpointing who is seeing your ads-Managing impressions per ad to avoid ad fatigue-Using Sponsored Story Adsthe newest advertising categoy-Creating a Facebook businessp and identityMAKE A FORTUNE WITH FACEBOOKPerry Marshall, author of the #1 selling book on Google advertising, and internet strategist Thomas Meloche lift the curtain to the 600 million potential customers on Facebook and show you how to reach them, convert them, and keep them as your fan, friend, and customer for life. Introducing game-changing strategies, tools, and reports, Marshall and Meloche breakdown the magic of Facebook Paid Advertising and show you how to gain dramatically on your investmentin clicks, customers, and profits. Perry and Tom not only understand every nuance of the technical aspects of getting Facebook ads to work for your business, they also understand the psychology behind what works and what doesn't when it comes to advertising online. If you're looking for an uber-effective way to master the art of driving traffic to your offers through paid advertising, get this book - it truly is the ultimate guide!Mari Smith, co-author of Facebook Marketing: An Hour A Day and author of The New Relationship MarketingIf anybody can make practical sense of Facebook for marketers, its Perry. He has his finger on its truth - as advertising media not social media. This book shows how to capitalize on ideal timing with this media. He is a well-disciplined direct-response practitioner who holds this accountable for ROI. I bestow my No B.S. blessing.Dan S. Kennedy, legendary direct marketing advisor and author of the No B.S. book series, www.NoBSBooks.comUltimate Guide to Facebook Advertising just might be your ultimate guide to earning a ton of money with this social media phenomenon. What you don't know about Facebook could hurt you and what you will learn about Facebook from this book definitely will help you. It's a fun and easy read and a surefire way to seriously increase your income.-Jay Conrad Levinson, The Father of Guerrilla Marketing, author of Guerrilla Marketing series of books

  • - The Step-By-Step Guide for Building a Great Company
    af Steve Blank
    380,95 kr.

    More than 100,000 entrepreneurs rely on this book for detailed, step-by-step instructions on building successful, scalable, profitable startups. The National Science Foundation pays hundreds of startup teams each year to follow the process outlined in the book, and it's taught at Stanford, Berkeley, Columbia and more than 100 other leading universities worldwide. Why?The Startup Owner's Manual guides you, step-by-step, as you put the Customer Development process to work. This method was created by renowned Silicon Valley startup expert Steve Blank, co-creator with Eric Ries of the "Lean Startup" movement and tested and refined by him for more than a decade. This 608-page how-to guide includes over 100 charts, graphs, and diagrams, plus 77 valuable checklists that guide you as you drive your company toward profitability. It will help you:? Avoid the 9 deadly sins that destroy startups' chances for success? Use the Customer Development method to bring your business idea to life? Incorporate the Business Model Canvas as the organizing principle for startup hypotheses? Identify your customers and determine how to "get, keep and grow" customers profitably? Compute how you'll drive your startup to repeatable, scalable profits.The Startup Owner?s Manual was originally published by K&S Ranch Publishing Inc. and is now available from Wiley. The cover, design, and content are the same as the prior release and should not be considered a new or updated product.

  • - Hvordan etablerede organisationer skal innovere for at skabe fremtidens succes
    af Kris Østergaard
    123,95 - 253,95 kr.

    Innovation er noget af det, som etablerede organisationer taler allermest om, men også har allersværest ved at få til at lykkes. Alt for ofte ser man, at organisationer iværksætter innovationstiltag, som ikke giver de ønskede resultater, fordi de mangler et ambitiøst og strategisk innovationsdesign.Bogen fortæller: Hvordan man bedst forbereder sin organisation til innovation. Hvilke mekanismer, der risikerer at svække organisationens innovationskraft. Hvorfor virksomheden skal arbejde med tre typer innovation: Den optimerende som de fleste allerede er mestre i. Den augmenterende som opgraderer organisationens kerne og udvikler innovationskulturen. Den muterende som udfordrer organisationens kerne og udforsker, hvilken organisation man vil være på langt sigt. Læseren får en grundig indføring i, hvordan man som etableret virksomhed opnår varige resultater med innovation. Kris Østergaard tager læseren med verden rundt til virksomheder som Amazon, Grundfos, Google, der nu er blevet til Alphabet, og Mærsk – virksomheder, der på hver deres måde har investeret i at fremtidssikre deres organisationer gennem innovation.

  • - Nordic Leadership in Times of Extreme Change
    af Chris Shern & Henrik Jeberg
    248,95 kr.

    RETURN OF THE VIKINGS – NORDIC LEADERSHIP IN TIMES OF EXTREME CHANGE tells the story of the rich heritage of the Nordic peoples: as explorers, navigators, trendsetters, political and educational innovators. This provides deep roots, traced back to the Viking era and the nine noble virtues of Nordic mythology. And it still informs the way the Nordic peoples live and work today. “The methods, values and leadership practices of the Vikings are woven into the DNA of international businesses founded in the Nordics, and exemplified by many Nordic practitioners who work in other countries or for non-Nordic organizations. The inclusive, trusting, collaborative style of Nordic leadership offers an alternative way to negotiate through our current times of extreme change. What many of us are now experiencing online in distributed, fluid, networked communities, the Nordics have been practicing on land and sea for centuries. The Nordics are not waiting around to find out when the future begins. They are already leading the way” (passage from the book). "Return of the Vikings takes a timely and insightful look into the trust-based Nordic approach to leadership, its origins in the Viking era, and its relevance for a future marked by extreme change and uncertainty. An inspirational read told through the stories of others." – Jan Carlzon, Former CEO for Scandinavian Airlines System and international best-selling author of Moments of Truth.Chris Shern and Henrik Jeberg offer an intriguing perspective on the Nordic societies, their leadership style and way of doing business. Their own stories are interwoven with those of a diverse range of interviewees, including business executives, politicians, writers, designers, athletes, military personnel and entrepreneurs.Chris Shern is a cultural adventurer. He has lived and worked internationally for over 20 years. Chris was employed by Scandinavian Airlines for many years in leadership roles across three continents. Currently, he is Managing Director of IME, a Danish business foundation specializing in executive education and leadership development.Henrik Jeberg has worked in the international IT sector for over 25 years. He has lived in Europe, Asia, Australia and the US. Henrik was part of the top-management of Navision Software, which was sold to Microsoft. He later became Deputy Director General of the Danish Ministry of Finance, leading the Government's horizontal IT complex. Henrik currently works as a mergers-and-acquisitions advisor, and serves as President of the Danish–American Chamber of Commerce in California.

  • - How to Turn A Great Idea Into a Thriving Business
    af Michael E. Gerber
    133,95 kr.

    Coming up with a great business idea is easy. Turning it into a viable business is the hard part. This book shows would-be entrepreneurs how to design a business that can thrive.

  • - En antologi om erhvervspsykologiens bidrag til innovation
    af Claus Elmholdt, Lene Tanggaard, Thea Mikkelsen, mfl.
    313,95 - 398,95 kr.

    Innovation udgør i dag et vigtigt samfundsmæssigt anliggende for både politikere, virksomhedsledere, medarbejdere og andre, og der diskuteres fra mange forskellige faglige vinkler og interesser. Med denne antologi sættes der fokus på, hvordan erhvervspsykologien bidrager til innovation i offentlige og private virksomheder. Bogens forfattere er psykologer med omfattende erfaring som både forskere eller konsulenter. Tilsammen præsenterer de et bredt udvalg af cases og psykologisk teori. Gennem eksempler fra egen praksis og diskussioner med afsæt i den nyeste viden om innovation viser de, hvordan erhvervspsykologien kan bidrage til at stille de relevante spørgsmål og sørge for fokus og retning i bestræbelserne på at skabe et mere innovativt samfund. De praksisnære cases bringer læseren fra uddannelse, hjemmepleje og sundhedsvæsenover ledelse, arkitekter og folkeskolen til PPR (kommunernes Pædagogisk PsykologiskRådgivning) og rådgivende ingeniører. Redaktørerne er Mads Bendixen, som arbejder som erhvervspsykolog hos ingeniørvirksomheden Alectia samt lektor Niels Christian Mossfeldt Nickelsen fra Aarhus Universitet, DPU. Bogen henvender sig til alle, der interesserer sig for innovation i organisationer og i samfundet generelt.

  • af Kara Swisher
    193,95 kr.

  • af Dean Graziosi
    178,95 kr.

    Legendary business coach and entrepreneur Dean Graziosi takes you from where you are in life to where you want to be, using simple tools to reshape daily routines and open new doors to prosperity--whether you're a fellow entrepreneur, an employee or executive, or a new grad in your first job. Now in paperback.

  • - Are You Ready to Reinvent Your Organization?
    af Aaron Dignan
    133,95 kr.

  • - The Unofficial Fortnite Esports Guide for Players and Parents
    af Johnny Troset Andersen & Anne Fish
    253,95 kr.

    Behind every professional esports player is a support team making their dreams come true. In this book, Anne Fish, mother of Benjy "benjyfishy" Fish and Johnny Troset Andersen, father of Martin "MrSavage" Foss Andersen share the high and lows of their journeys as parents in supporting the competitive Fortnite careers of their sons.

  • - The Future of the System That Rules the World
    af Branko Milanovic
    191,95 - 246,95 kr.

    For the first time in history, the globe is dominated by one economic system. Capitalism prevails because it delivers prosperity and meets desires for autonomy. But it also is unstable and morally defective. Surveying the varieties and futures of capitalism, Branko Milanovic offers creative solutions to improve a system that isn't going anywhere.

  • - Guide til succesfuld klimaomstilling
    af Anders Nolting Magelund & Anna Fenger Schefte
    360,85 kr.

    KLIMAKLAR VIRKSOMHED gør det nemt og overskueligt at navigere i kompleksiteten og få greb om de nødvendige skridt på vejen til en succesfuld klimaomstilling. Det er en guide til dig, der som leder, ejer, bestyrelsesmedlem eller medarbejder står i spidsen for at sikre, at virksomheden er bedst muligt rustet til at realisere og gennemføre en klimaomstilling – kilo for kilo og ton for ton. Guiden samler den relevante og nødvendige viden, alle de gode råd og tips og giver dig et samlet overblik over, hvordan du kan integrere klimaet i hele forretningen. Den er samtidig et overskueligt opslagsværk, som du kan hive frem, når du skal finde de rentable og effektive virkemidler, du lige står og mangler, eller når du er på jagt efter de hurtige råd, som kan hjælpe dig med at sikre medarbejdernes engagement i klimaomstillingen. Bogen viser gennem talrige cases og eksempler fra både ind- og udland, at det faktisk er muligt, og at der allerede er mange både små og store virksomheder, som lykkes med og vækster på at tænke klimaet og CO2-reduktioner ind i deres kerneforretning. Tommy Ahlers, tidligere uddannelses- og forskningsminister, har skrevet bogens forord, og ifølge ham er Klimaklar virksomhed et rigtigt godt udgangspunkt og en inspirerende introduktion, der kan hjælpe virksomhedsledere og -ejere med at tage de første og nødvendige skridt på vejen hen imod en grønnere virksomhed og fremtid.

  • - om at bruge afvisninger som drivkraft
    af Lene Tanggaard
    232,95 kr.

    I Det kreative nej giver professor i kreativitet, Lene Tanggaard, nye svar på, hvordan vi kan bruge afvisning som en kreativ drivkraft.Hun giver indblik i, hvordan vi kan omfavne de fejl og de afvisninger, vi støder på livet igennem, så de giver os positiv energi og bliver værdifulde medspillere i vores kreativitet.Bogens rummer inspirerende eksempler på, hvordan et nej kan katapultere os videre til noget, der får positiv betydning for vores liv.

  • - Successful Strategies for Products that Win
    af Steve Blank
    264,50 kr.

    The bestselling classic that launched 10,000 startups and new corporate ventures - The Four Steps to the Epiphany is one of the most influential and practical business books of all time.The Four Steps to the Epiphany launched the Lean Startup approach to new ventures. It was the first book to offer that startups are not smaller versions of large companies and that new ventures are different than existing ones. Startups search for business models while existing companies execute them.The book offers the practical and proven four-step Customer Development process for search and offers insight into what makes some startups successful and leaves others selling off their furniture.Rather than blindly execute a plan, The Four Steps helps uncover flaws in product and business plans and correct them before they become costly. Rapid iteration, customer feedback, testing your assumptions are all explained in this book.Packed with concrete examples of what to do, how to do it and when to do it, the book will leave you with new skills to organize sales, marketing and your business for success.If your organization is starting a new venture, and you're thinking how to successfully organize sales, marketing and business development you need The Four Steps to the Epiphany.Essential reading for anyone starting something new.The Four Steps to the Epiphany was originally published by K&S Ranch Publishing Inc. and is now available from Wiley. The cover, design, and content are the same as the prior release and should not be considered a new or updated product.

  • - Build a Side Business and Make Extra Money - Without Quitting Your Day Job
    af Chris Guillebeau
    133,95 kr.

    A 27-day plan for building a side business to supplement what you earn from your day job.

  • - Unlock the Secret of Lasting Confidence
    af Cara Alwill Leyba
    188,95 kr.

  • - The Foundations of Business Strategy
    af Hamilton Helmer
    313,95 - 433,95 kr.

  • - A Painfully Honest Field Guide to the Startup World
    af Rand Fishkin
    198,95 kr.

  • - A Real-World Guide to Living Bigger, Loving Deeper, and Leaving a Legacy
    af Lewis Howes
    188,95 kr.

    Greatness is a code to crack, and Lewis Howes is here to school readers on the formula in the paperback edition of his New York Times bestselling book

  • - How Entrepreneurial Management Transforms Culture and Drives Growth
    af Eric Ries
    213,95 kr.