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  • - How to Apply Political Economy Concepts in Practice
    af Cristina Corduneanu-Huci
    499,45 kr.

    How does the social and political context in which decision-makers find themselves in affect their ability to realize their reform goals? How does this context facilitate or inhibit specific reform agendas and projects? How can we operationalize and evaluate these risks and opportunities in order to decide what reforms and projects are feasible given the circumstances? This book provides the reader with the full panoply of political economy tools and concepts necessary to understand, analyze, and integrate how political and social factors may influence the success or failure of their policy goals. Starting with the empirical puzzle of why corruption, rent seeking, and a lack of good governance emerge and persist in a host of countries and sectors the book reviews how collective action problems and the role of institutions, as well as a host of ancillary political economy concepts can affect the feasibility of different projects. However, the book is not just a one stop shop of political economy concepts, but also provides practical advice on how to organize and use this information via the introduction of stakeholder mapping tools and the development of an actionable political economy toolkit.In other words researchers, graduate students, and policy practitioners interested in understanding, the what, the why and the how of policy reform will find this book an essential tool.

  • - An Assessment of the Sistema Unico de Saude
    af Michele Gragnolati
    384,45 kr.

    It has been over twenty years since the Brazilian Sistema Unico de Saude (Unified Health System or SUS) was formally established by the 1988 Constitution. The impetus for the SUS came in part from rising costs and a crisis in the social security system that preceded the reforms, but also from a broad-based political movement calling for democratization and improved social rights. Building on reforms that started in the 1980s, the SUS was based on three overarching principles: (i) universal access to health services, with health defined as a citizens right and an obligation of the state; (ii) equality of access to health care; and (iii) integrality (comprehensiveness) and continuity of care; along with several other guiding ideas, including decentralization, increased participation, and evidence-based prioritization. The SUS reform established health a fundamental right and duty of the state, and started a process of fundamentally transforming Brazils health system to achieve this goal. So, what has been achieved since the SUS was established? And what challenges remain in achieving the goals that were established in 1988? These questions are the focus of this report. Specifically, it seeks to assess whether the SUS reforms have managed to transform the health system as envisaged more than 20 years ago, and whether the reforms have led to improved outcomes in terms of access to services, financial protection, and health status.Any effort to assess the performance of a health system runs into a host of challenges concerning the definition of boundaries of the health system, the outcomes that the assessment should focus on, data sources and quality, and the role of policies and reforms in understanding how the performance of the health system has changed over time. Building on an extensive literature on health system assessment, this report is based on a simple framework that specifies a set of health system building blocks, which affect a number of intermediate outcomes such as access, quality and efficiency, which, in turn, contribute to final outcomes, including health status, financial protection, and satisfaction. Based on this framework, the report starts by looking at how key building blocks of Brazils health system have changed over time and then moves on to review performance in terms of intermediate and final outcomes."

  • - How Can Training Programs Improve Employment and Productivity?
    af Peter Darvas
    384,45 kr.

    Skills development in Ghana encompasses foundational skills, transferable/soft-skills, and technical and vocational skills. This report focuses on one segment of this skills development system: formal and informal technical and vocational education and training (TVET) at the pre-tertiary level. TVET represents a major intersection between education, youth and the labor market. The government has long promised to the population that increasing technical and vocational skills training opportunities will help solve youth unemployment. However, market distortions and inefficiencies have led to an adverse cycle of high costs, inadequate quality of supply and low demand, leading to further pressures on the effectiveness and efficiency of TVET services. This adverse cycle means that the political and policy promise of skills development helping to ease the unemployment problem is at risk of remaining unfulfilled. The report focuses on social and economic demand for (pre-tertiary) technical and vocational skills and maps out the supply of these skills from formal and informal, private and public sectors. The dual purpose has been to both carry out an institutional and policy analysis and also to establish a platform for monitoring sector performance and assisting policy and Development Partner harmonization. The report analyzes the economic and social demand for technical and vocational skills and the suitability of the current supply as well as the effectiveness of policy, coordination and financing of technical and vocational skills development. The report annex provides the summary of economic demand analyses from the key sectors reviewed and provides a full mapping of all technical and vocational programs in Ghana. The study offers a comprehensive set of policy recommendations for improving Ghanas pre-tertiary technical and vocational skills development sector, which will be of interest to policy makers and development partners in Ghana.

  • - Strong Foundations, Later Success
    af Amer Hasan
    334,45 kr.

    Indonesia has begun to emerge into middle-income status, yet persistent poverty and stark inequalities continue to affect young childrens development. This book tells the story of Indonesias efforts to change the trajectory of development for poor children. Many countries have similar aims, but several aspects of what is reported here are especially valuable and perhaps unique.The study offers data on all aspects of health and development in a sample of rural young children, collected with internationally-validated measures, as well as household information, information about parenting practices including feeding patterns, parent questionnaires, and data on the prevalence and distribution of ECED services. The data reported in this book is based on a sample of more than 6,000 Indonesian children living in 310 poor villages, including two age cohorts (aged 1 and 4 years old when data were first collected on their development in 2009). From the start, the project aimed not only to support service provision but also to support the development of national standards, build national and district capacity, and encourage the establishment of a system of ECED quality assurance, efforts that are still in process. Few such analyses have been done with such a large sample and with multiple measures. These design features allow a high level of confidence in the results that are reported. The lessons from this book will help to inform not only this projects further implementation but ECED initiatives in Indonesia and around the world. Thus, the results presented in this book are of significance for researchers, policy-makers, and practitioners within and beyond Indonesia. The experiences and research results discussed here are especially relevant for: Researchers in early childhood development and program evaluation; Policymakers within and beyond Indonesia; Providers of early childhood services; Professional development providers; and Advocates for quality early childhood services.

  • - Does Participation Work?
    af Ghazala Mansuri
    444,45 kr.

    The Policy Research Report Localizing Development: Does Participation Work? brings analytical rigor to a field that has been the subject of intense debate and advocacy, and billions of dollars in development aid. It briefly reviews the history of participatory development and argues that its two modalities, community-based development and local decentralization, should be treated under the broader unifying umbrella of local development. It suggests that a distinction between organic participation (endogenous efforts by civic activists to bring about change) and induced participation (large-scale efforts to engineer participation at the local level via projects) is key, and focuses on the challenges of inducing participation.The report provides a conceptual framework for thinking about participatory development and then uses this framework to conduct a comprehensive review of the literature. The framework develops the concept of OC civil society failureOCO and explains its interaction with government and market failures. It argues that participatory development, which is often viewed as a mechanism for bypassing market and government failures by OCOharnessingOCO civic capacity, ought to be seen instead as a mechanism that, if done right, could help to repair important civil society failures. It distills literature from anthropology, economics, sociology, and political science to outline the challenges for effective policy in this area, looking at issues such as the uncertainty of trajectories of change, the importance of context, the role of elite capture and control, the challenge of collective action, and the role of the state. The review of the evidence looks at a variety of issues: the impact of participatory projects on inclusion, civic capacity, and social cohesion; on key development outcomes, such as income, poverty, and inequality; on public service delivery; and on the quality of local public goods. It draws on the evidence to suggest several recommendations for policy, emphasizing the key role of learning-by-doing. It then reviews participatory projects funded by the World Bank and finds the majority lacking in several arenas OCo particularly in paying attention to context and in creating effective monitoring and evaluation systems that allow for learning.

  • - Balancing Financial Integrity and Inclusion
    af Emiko Todoroki
    444,45 kr.

    H.M. Queen Maxima of the Netherlands, United Nations Secretary-Generals Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development stated that the impact of helping migrants and their families will be lasting and global if we link remittances to other financial services and make them more affordable and more relevant to their needs. Remittances are a critical source of financing for most developing countries. The importance of remittances goes beyond numbers. For many households in developing countries, they are probably the most stable source of primary or additional income. At the same time, the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks exposed the use and abuse of remittance channels for financing terrorism. In response to this threat, the international community issued new international anti-money laundering/combating the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) standards on remittance transfers and their service providers. For the first time, remittance service providers were required to be brought under the government oversight and either registered with or licensed by a competent authority, and to be subject to AML/CFT obligations.While the FATF Recommendations appear straightforward on paper, regulating and supervising in practice the money transfer business has proved to be a very challenging task in both developed and developing countries. This book assists policy makers, regulators, and supervisors of money transfer businesses to craft effective regulatory and supervisory frameworks governing remittances that meet international AML/CFT standards, while at the same time ensuring that the neediest have access to these crucial services."

  • - Evidence from Developing Countries
    af Maria Vagliasindi
    384,45 kr.

    Poorly implemented energy subsidies are economically costly to taxpayers and damage the environment. This report aims at providing the emerging lessons form a representative sample of case studies in 20 developing countries that could help policy makers to address implementation challenges, including overcoming political economy and affordability constraints. The sample has selected on the basis of a number of criteria, including the countryOCOs level of development (and consumption), developing country region, energy security and the fuel it subsidies (petroleum fuel, electricity, natural gas). The case studies were supported by data collection related to direct budgetary subsidies, fuel and electricity tariffs, and household survey data.The analysis provides strong evidence of the success of reforms in reducing the associated fiscal burden. For the sample of countries, the average energy subsidy recorded in the budget was reduced from 1.8% in 2004 to 1.3%GDP in 2010. The reduction of subsidies is particularly remarkable for net energy importers. Pass-through of international fuel prices was also notable in the case of electricity generated by fossil fuel. For the sample of countries, the average end-user electricity tariff increased by 50%, from USD 6 cents in 2002 to USD 9 cents per kWh in 2010.In spite of the relatively price inelastic demand for gasoline and diesel, fossil fuel consumption in the road sector (per unit of GDP) declined in the 20 countries examined from 53 (44) in 2002 to about 23 kt oil equivalent per million of GDP in 2008 in the case of gasoline (Diesel). The most notable decline in consumption was recorded in the low and lower middle income countries. This reflects the much higher rate of growth in GDP in this group of countries and underlines the opportunities to influence future consumption behavior rather than modifying the existing consumption patterns, overcoming inertia and vested interests. Similar trends are recorded for power consumption.While there is no one-size-fits-all model for subsidy reform, implementation of compensatory social policies and an effective communication strategy, before the changes are introduced, reduces helped with the implementation of reforms."

  • - Legal Rights and Economic Opportunities in Africa
    af Mary Hallward-Driemeier
    384,45 kr.

    The importance of property rights in providing the incentive to invest, work hard, and innovate has been recognized for centuries. Yet, many women in Africa do not have the same property rights or formal legal capacity enjoyed by men. Empowering Women: Legal Rights and Economic Opportunities in Africa documents the extent to which the legal capacity and property rights vary for women and men, and analyzes the impact this has on womenOCOs economic opportunities. The book introduces the OC WomenOCOs Legal Economic Empowerment Database OCo Africa (Women LEED Africa).OCO This database covers all 47 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, providing indicators and links to constitutions, ratified international conventions, and domestic statutes where there are gender gaps in legal capacity and property rights. It shows how and where, despite universal constitutional recognition of non-discrimination, many countries have exceptions in areas of marriage, ownership, and control over property and inheritance. With less secure property rights, women in these countries do not have the same ability OCo or incentive OCo to accumulate and control assets and thus to access finance or to grow their businesses. After laying out the various gender gaps in legal capacity and property rights, the book addresses the additional challenges stemming from legal systems with a multiplicity of sources of law. Overlapping legal systems themselves add uncertainty to defining womenOCOs economic rights. The authors use case law to trace out the implications for womenOCOs rights and to provide examples of effective reforms.The book recognizes that beyond de jure differences, women may face greater practical constraints in having their rights protected. This book spells out specific steps that can be taken to address gender gaps both in formal property rights and in practical constraints in accessing justice."

  • af World Bank
    659,45 kr.

    This report examines the impacts of subsidies on the world's stock of foundational natural capital -- clean air, land, and oceans. It presents new research on the magnitude and impact of these subsidies, and presents solutions to reform them in efficient and equitable ways.

  • af World Bank
    664,45 kr.

    This book focuses on studying Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia, investigating the role the institutional environment on firms? and workers? decisions to operate informally, and its relationship with higher level economic and social outcomes.

  • af Marguerite Clarke
    584,45 kr.

    Des pays du monde entier se sont lancés dans de grandes évaluations nationales ou ont participé pour la première fois à de grandes évaluations régionales ou internationales dans le but d'améliorer leur systèmed'éducation. Lorsque les évaluations sont bien conçues, les informations crédibles qu'elles f ournissent au sujet de la performance des élèves peuvent contribuer à mieux répartir les ressources entre les établissements et à améliorer la qualité de l'enseignement et le rendement de l'apprentissage. Les services de la Banque mondiale ont rédigé le présent Manuel pour les évaluations à grande échelle des acquis scolaires dans le but de proposer un guide complet à ceux qui veulent en apprendre davantage sur la conception et l'administration de ce type d'évaluations et sur l'analyse et l'utilisation de leurs résultats. Cet ouvrage répond à des questions que se posent souvent les équipes chargées de grandes évaluations et les responsables politiques qui souhaitent prendre des décisions les concernant en toute connaissance de cause. Chaque chapitre aborde une étape du processus d'évaluation, prodigue des conseils, propose des orientations et donne des exemples de ce qui se fait dans des pays. Par ailleurs, cet ouvrage décrit les nouvelles tendances qui se dessinent dans les grandes évaluations et donne des informations à jour sur de grandes évaluations régionales et internationales. DIRK HASTEDT, Directeur exécutif de l'Association internationale pour l'évaluation du rendement scolaire (IEA) Ce qu'il y a d'unique dans cet ouvrage, c'est qu'en plus de passer des spécifications techniques en revue, il donne des exemples de la façon dont des pays du monde entier administrent des évaluations à grande échelle, en tirent des enseignements et en utilisent les résultats. En ce sens, ce Manuel pour les évaluations à grande échelle des acquis scolaires est un excellent guide pratique à consulter pour obtenir une vue d'ensemble des grandes évaluations et mieux comprendre comment et pourquoi les administrer. SILVIA MONTOYA, Directrice de l'Institut de statistique de l'UNESCO (ISU) C'est l'ouvrage idéal pour les responsables d'évaluations scolaires à la recherche d'informations complètes, mais lisibles, sur le sujet. Il est extrêmement bien rédigé et parfaitement structuré, de sorte qu'il est facile à consulter et que tous les aspects y sont décrits clairement et avec concision. C'est l'ouvrage de référence par excellence pour tous ceux qui veulent explorer les étapes à enchaîner pour mener une grande évaluation, d'autant qu'il foisonne d'exemples sur toutes les grandes évaluations internationales. ANDREAS SCHLEICHER, Directeur de la Direction de l'éducation et des compétences et conseiller spécial du Secrétaire général, chargé de la politique de l'éducation, de l'Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE) De nombreux pays ont décidé d'administrer des évaluations internationales pour comparer la qualité, l'équité et l'efficience de leur système d'éducation à des normes de référence. Mais retirent-ils vraiment de leurs efforts de planification, d'administration et d'analyse de quoi aider les élèves à mieux apprendre, les enseignants à mieux enseigner et les établissements à travailler plus efficacement ? Ce Manuel pour les évaluations à grande échelle des acquis scolaires aidera les responsables politiques et leurs équipes techniques à répondre à ces questions.

  • af Huihui Wang
    414,45 kr.

    Improving nutrition requires a multisectoral effort, which complicates the task of determining basic information, such as how much is being spent and on what. This book presents the key elements of a Nutrition Public Expenditure Review (NPER) and offers guidance and practical considerations, drawing upon good practices from past NPERs.

  • af World Bank Publications
    659,45 kr.

    Globally, 70 percent of greenhouse gas emissions emanate from cities. At the same time, cities are being hit increasingly by climate change related shocks and stresses, ranging from more frequent extreme weather events to inflows of climate migrants

  • af The World Bank
    584,45 kr.

    Fintech--the application of digital technology to financial services--is reshaping the future of finance. Digital technologies are revolutionizing payments, lending, investment, insurance, and other financial products and services--and the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated this process.

  • af The World Bank
    664,45 kr.

    We live in a rapidly aging world, in which people who are age 60 and older outnumber children under the age of five. This book reveals large and growing gaps in care for older adults in countries at all income levels and shows how to leverage reforms for improving health outcomes for older adults and create healthier, more prosperous communities.

  • af Pierre-Laurent Chatain
    454,45 kr.

    Preventing Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing, Second Edition

  • af The World Bank
    579,45 kr.

    New analysis in the report Where is the Value in the Chain? Pathways out of Plastic Pollution provides key recommendations to policymakers on how to create a comprehensive approach to addressing plastic pollution and make informed decisions.

    724,45 kr.

    Commodity markets are integral to the global economy. Understanding what drives these markets is critical to design policy frameworks that enable growth, inflation stability, poverty reduction, and the climate change mitigation. This study examines market and policy developments for all commodity groups over the past century.

  • af Norbert Schady
    584,45 kr.

    The COVID-19 pandemic has dealt a severe blow to human capital. This report presents new evidence and analysis to provide a comprehensive diagnostic of the effects of the pandemic on human capital outcomes and identify promising policy responses for governments faced with the task of rebuilding human capital in the wake of the pandemic.

  • af Anna Corsi
    599,45 kr.

  • af Fulbert Tchana Tchana
    554,45 kr.

  • af World Bank
    659,45 kr.

    International Debt Statistics (IDS) is a longstanding annual publication of the World Bank featuring external debt statistics and analysis for the 123 low- and middle-income countries that report to the World Bank Debt Reporting System (DRS).

  • af Bernard Aritua
    474,45 kr.

    How can countries develop their ports to become gateways for economic prosperity? Despite being endowed with natural coastlines, many countries in Africa and Asia have struggled to translate this competitive advantage into vehicles for economic transformation. What China achieved can be informative.

  • af Laurent Bossavie
    483,95 kr.

    This book analyzes the vulnerabilities and inefficiencies associated with international labor migration from the Kyrgyz Republic brought to light by the COVID-19 pandemic and proposes policy options to address them.

  • af World Bank
    524,45 kr.

    Countries in East Asia and the Pacific were already experiencing a learning crisis when the COVID-19 pandemic made things worse. This report examines key factors affecting learning outcomes in the region, including teaching, the use of educational technologies (EdTech), and public spending on education.

  • af Asli Demirguc-Kunt
    579,45 kr.

    The fourth edition of Global Findex - the world's most comprehensive database on financial inclusion - offers a lens into how people accessed and used financial services during COVID-19, when mobility restrictions and health policies drove increased demand for digital services of all kinds.

  • af Fulbert Tchana Tchana
    474,45 kr.

    Chad's economy has contracted since 2015, preventing poverty reduction and the improvement of development outcomes. This Systematic Country Diagnostic identifies key constraints on poverty reduction and recommends solutions.

  • af The World Bank
    654,45 kr.

    The Global Economic Prospects is a World Bank Group Flagship Report that examines global economic developments and prospects, with a special focus on emerging market and developing economies.