Bøger udgivet af White Soup Press
- A Pride & Prejudice Variation
163,95 kr. Trapped for three days by a flood, and trapped forever by society because of it....The river isn't the only thing overflowing in Hunsford when a natural disaster forces Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy to work together. The residents of flood-stricken Hunsford, seeking refuge in the parsonage atop the hill, are unaware they are interrupting Darcy's disastrous proposal. Even worse, the flood has washed out the only bride to Rosings Park, stranding Darcy with the woman who has just refused his offer of marriage. But it may already be too late to redeem Elizabeth's reputation....In this Pride & Prejudice variation, the lane dividing the Hunsford parsonage from Rosings Park has been replaced by one of the flood-prone Kentish rivers. The storms are real - the spring of 1811 was remarkable for numerous thunderstorms in Southeast England.
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- 163,95 kr.
- Given Good Principles Vol 4
103,95 kr. Twelfth Night-a night for wondrous things to happen.At least for other people.In the months after her sisters' weddings, nothing has gone well for Kitty Bennet. Since Lydia's infamous elopement, her friends have abandoned her, and Longbourn is more prison than home. Not even Elizabeth's new status as Mrs. Darcy of Pemberley can repair the damage to Kitty's reputation. More than anything else, she wishes to leave the plain ordinary Kitty behind and become Catherine Bennet, a proper young lady.Her only ray of hope is an invitation to Pemberley for the holidays. Perhaps there she might escape the effects of her sister's shame. Getting to Pemberley is not as simple as it sounds. First she must navigate the perils of London society, the moods of Georgiana Darcy, and the chance encounter with the man who once broke her heart. Perhaps though, as Catherine, she might prove herself worthy of that gentleman's regard.But, in an instant all her hopes are dashed, and her dreams of becoming Catherine evaporate. Will Kitty Bennet's inner strength be enough to bring her heart's desire? On an ordinary night perhaps not, but on Twelfth Night, it just might be enough.
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- 103,95 kr.
- Given Good Principles Vol 3
173,95 kr. What is a young woman to do? One handsome young man has all the goodness, while the other the appearance of it. How is she to separate the gentleman from the cad? When Darcy joins his friend, Bingley on a trip to Meryton, the last thing on his mind is finding a wife. Meeting Elizabeth Bennet changes all that, but a rival for his affections appears from a most unlikely quarter. He must overcome his naturally reticent disposition if he is to have a chance of winning her favor. Elizabeth's thoughts turn to love and marriage after her sister Mary's engagement. In a few short weeks, she goes from knowing no eligible young men, to being courted by two. Both are handsome gentleman, but one conceals secrets and the other conceals his regard. Will she determine which is which before she commits to the wrong one?Sweet Regency Romance
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- 173,95 kr.
- A Pride & Prejudice Variation
173,95 kr. There's only one fact that notorious rake Lord Charles Carlisle and his cousin, Fitzwilliam Darcy, can agree upon: a house party given by the Marquess of Bentham is bound to be intolerably dull. To relieve his boredom, Lord Charles accepts a bet that he can seduce his sister's pretty friend during their stay at Bentham Park. After all, it's easy money for an experienced seducer. Why should he care if his staid cousin Darcy disapproves?But when Darcy discovers that Lord Charles' new target is none other than Elizabeth Bennet, the woman who refused Darcy's offer of marriage, he cannot stand by and watch as the woman he still loves is callously ruined. What he doesn't know is that Lord Charles has a dark secret, and that his attentions to Elizabeth may not be what they seem. After a midnight rescue, clandestine meetings, a long-lost son, conspiracies, blackmail, and an attempted elopement, everyone can agree that this house party is anything but dull.
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- 173,95 kr.
- Eine Variation von Stolz und Vorurteil
218,95 kr. Stolz und Vorurteil trifft SchottlandFitzwilliam Darcy, der immer noch unter Elizabeths Abfuhr leidet, findet heraus, dass sie aufgrund seiner Handlungen gezwungen war, in Schande aus ihrem Zuhause zu fliehen. Glasklar, was er nun zu tun hat: Er muss sie heiraten. Das ist eine Frage der Ehre. Dazu braucht es weiter nichts, als sie zu finden und ihr einen Antrag zu machen. Das sollte nicht schwer sein.Aber Elizabeth möchte nicht gefunden werden, ganz besonders nicht von Darcy. Seit er in ihr Leben getreten ist, folgt ein Desaster auf das nächste. Nun ist er ihr sogar bis nach Schottland gefolgt, und glaubt törichterweise auch noch, all ihre Probleme zu lösen läge in seiner Macht. Doch viel mehr steht auf dem Spiel als Darcy bewusst ist und Elizabeth sieht keinen Ausweg mehr. Darcys Suche nach Elizabeth führt ihn nicht nur hinter die Bühne des königlichen Theaters in Edinburgh, sondern auch in die wilden schottischen Highlands, deren Bewohner sowohl Freunde als auch Rivalen werden. Und nun riskiert er mit seiner Suche auch noch, lange gehegte Geheimnisse aufzudecken, die sein Glück und ihre Zukunft gefährden.Auf der Flucht und in Gefahr, sieht sich Elizabeth gezwungen, unerträgliche Entscheidungen zu treffen, um die zu schützen, die sie liebt - Darcy eingeschlossen. Immer stärker fühlt sie sich zu ihm hingezogen, und doch ist äußerste Vorsicht geboten, denn es steht unglaublich viel auf dem Spiel. Kann sie darauf vertrauen, dass er weiterhin für ihre Sicherheit kämpfen wird, wenn er die ganze Wahrheit kennt? Und wenn er es täte, dann aus Liebe ... oder wäre es lediglich eine Frage der Ehre für ihn?Begleiten Sie die Bestsellerautorin Abigail Reynolds wenn sie ihre Leser in diesem mitreißenden Regencyroman, basierend auf Jane Austens Stolz und Vorurteil, zu den schottischen Lochs und Bergen führt!
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- 218,95 kr.
- Eine Variation von Stolz und Vorurteil
200,95 kr. Verliebt in die Verlobte seines Bruders...Was Fitzwilliam Darcy anbelangt, gab es nur ein Gutes daran, dass Elizabeth Bennet sein Herz gebrochen und seine Hand so bitter zurückgewiesen hat: Seine neu gefundene Entschlossenheit, ein besserer Mensch zu werden. Und das hatte er auch umgesetzt, indem er den schmerzlichen Graben zwischen sich und seinem entfremdeten jüngeren Bruder Drew überbrückt hat. Und nun ist Drew frisch verlobt...mit Elizabeth Bennet.Die Pflicht für seine Familie zwingt Darcy dazu, das Verlöbnis zu unterstützen, insbesondere, da auch nur der kleinste Hauch von Missbilligung die hart erkämpfte Versöhnung mit seinem Bruder zunichtemachen könnte. Aber wie kann er es ertragen, dabei zusehen zu müssen, wie sein Bruder die Frau heiratet, die er selbst liebt? Mit ansehen zu müssen, wie sie in Drews Armen liegt, Drews Kinder zur Welt bringt und für immer außerhalb seiner Reichweite ist?Eine kompromittierende Situation, die sie sich nicht ausgesucht habenElizabeth bleibt keine Wahl, als den Antrag des gutaussehenden Drew Darcys anzunehmen. Er ist liebenswert, gebildet und achtbar, und wenn er nicht diesen Nachnamen trüge, hätte sie auch nichts dagegen gehabt. Aber den Bruder jenes Gentlemans zu heiraten, den sie nur ein paar Monate zuvor so kühl abgewiesen hatte? Besonders nun, da ihr bewusst wird, dass ihre Gefühle nicht gerade schwesterlicher Natur sind. Wie könnte sie Drew heiraten, während sie sich eigentlich nach seinem Bruder sehnt? Aber der Preis, den sie für die Auflösung ihres Verlöbnisses zahlen müsste, wäre ein ruinierter Ruf und damit würde sie jede Hoffnung auf ein Leben mit Darcy verlieren.Gefangen zwischen Loyalität, Liebe und Anstand, gibt es keinen Ausweg. Doch alte Familiengeheimnisse halten die beiden Darcy Brüder in Atem. Könnten diese Geheimnisse alles verändern, wenn sie gelüftet würden?Mit dieser intensiven und gefühlvollen Variation von Jane Austens Stolz und Vorurteil werden Sie sich noch einmal ganz von Neuem in Elizabeth und Darcy verlieben.
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- 200,95 kr.
- Eine Variation von "Stolz und Vorurteil
253,95 kr. In einem Regency-England, in dem Magie und Feen real sind...Fitzwilliam Darcy ist ein mächtiger Magier, der Feuer, Wasser und Wind unter Kontrolle hat. Was er allerdings nicht kontrollieren kann, sind seine wachsenden Gefühle für Miss Elizabeth Bennet. Aber Darcy hat auch geschworen, die Gesetze zu beachten, die es Frauen verbieten, ihre Magie einzusetzen, und Elizabeth weiß das.Elizabeths Gefühle für Darcy könnten unterschiedlicher nicht sein: Sie verabscheut seine Arroganz, und sie fürchtet, er wird sie bloßstellen, weil sie unerlaubterweise ihre Magie einsetzt. Er ist der letzte Mensch auf Erden, von dem sie sich bei einem schwierigen und gefährlichen Unterfangen helfen lassen würde. Aber als ein magischer Krieg zwischen ihrer Welt und Faerie, dem Land der Feen, schwelt, verlangt ein Feenlord, dass Darcy und Elizabeth gemeinsam als seine Vermittler zwischen den Welten fungieren, um Frieden mit den anderen Sterblichen zu schließen. Diese Mission wirft sie mitten in ein chaotisches Kräftemessen zwischen Magiern, gegen deren Kräfte ihre geradezu zwergenhaft erscheinen und alles, was Elizabeth über ihre Familie, ihre Freunde und ihre Feinde zu wissen geglaubt hat, wird plötzlich in Frage gestellt. Diese magische Variation von Jane Austens Stolz und Vorurteil lässt das Land der Feen ebenso Realität werden wie das London des Regencys und Rosings Park und Bestsellerautorin Abigail Reynolds hat neue Herausforderungen für Darcy und Elizabeth in ihrer bis dato längsten und zauberhaftesten Geschichte in petto.
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- 253,95 kr.
- Eine Variation von Stolz und Vorurteil
228,95 kr. Allein mit Mr. Darcy...Elizabeth Bennet kann sich nichts Schlimmeres vorstellen, als während eines Schneesturms in einem winzigen Cottage mit dem stolzen und unfreundlichen Mr. Darcy festzusitzen. Dort aber über Tage - und auch die Nächte dazu - hinweg mit einem verletzten und verwirrten Mr. Darcy gefangen zu sein, der immer wieder die seltsamsten Dinge über sie sagt, ist sogar noch schlimmer. Zumindest besitzt er die nützliche Fähigkeit, ein Feuer zu entfachen, sodass sie sich nicht zu Tode frieren müssen. Als er aber seine Arme um sie legt, findet sie heraus, dass er nicht nur im Kamin ein Feuer entfachen kann. Und das kleine halberfrorene Kätzchen, das er im Holzstoß findet, stellt sich nicht als brauchbare Anstandsdame heraus.Sie nimmt ihm seine Versprechungen, sie zu heiraten, falls jemand etwas darüber herausfindet dass sie zwei Nächte allein verbracht haben, nicht wirklich ab, insbesondere nachdem sie herausfindet, dass er in der Vergangenheit von einer anderen Frau verraten wurde. Als ihre schlimmsten Befürchtungen wahr werden und ihr guter Ruf zerstört ist, wundert es sie nicht, dass sich Mr. Darcy rarmacht und ihr keine andere Wahl lässt, als sich schnellstmöglich einen Ehemann zu suchen, bevor ihre gesamte Familie ruiniert ist. Jeder Gatte wäre nun recht, ganz gleich, wie sehr er ihr widerstrebt. Auch wenn sie nicht aufhören kann, an Mr. Darcy zu denken... * Lob für Abigail Reynolds: "Falls Ihnen diese fesselnden und romantischen Pemberley-Variationen nicht bekannt sind: Es handelt sich dabei um Abwandlungen von Stolz und Vorurteil, die unsere geliebten Romanhelden auf einen etwas anderen Weg schicken. Abigail Reynolds, eine meiner liebsten unter den Austen-esken Autorinnen, ist eine talentierte Geschichtenerzählerin, eine glühende Verehrerin von Jane Austen und ziemlich geschickt darin, jede Menge Emotionen, Spannung und Leidenschaft in ihre Geschichten einfließen zu lassen." Austenesque Reviews * Es hat ein Weilchen gedauert, bis Reynolds ihr neuestes Werk veröffentlichte, was mir genug Zeit ließ, mir große Hoffnungen zu machen, bis "Allein mit Mr. Darcy" schließlich in den Regalen lag. Ich freue mich, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass Reynolds meine hohen Erwartungen erfüllt und sogar noch übertroffen hat. Ich halte sie für einen Eckpfeiler in der Community der Jane Austen Fanfiction und ich bin dankbar dafür, dass sie immer noch so faszinierende Geschichten schreibt und uns daran teilhaben lässt. "Allein mit Mr. Darcy" ist eine weitere großartige Ergänzung ihres Repertoires und voll von fantastischen und einfallsreichen Kulissen und Erzählsträngen, sodass Sie sicherlich alle vom Reynolds Werken lesen möchten, wenn Sie es nicht schon getan haben." - 5 von 5 Sternen für "Alone with Mr. Darcy" [englische Version] von Kimberley Denny-Ryder, Austenprose.com
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- 228,95 kr.
- A Supernatural Pride & Prejudice Novella
88,95 kr. After an unspeakable tragedy befalls his sister at Ramsgate, Fitzwilliam Darcy of Pemberley finds himself in Hertfordshire. There, he meets the alluring Elizabeth Bennet, whose dark eyes, engaging wit, and intelligent discourse thoroughly enchant him. A taciturn gentleman by nature, Darcy prefers to keep his emotions and desires on a tight rein, especially among strangers; but the degree of power Elizabeth wields over him not only tests his inherent ability to restrain himself, but greatly alarms him. Why does this bewitching slip-of-a-woman render his long-practiced self-control all but useless? Why does her father appear to dislike him so vehemently from the start? And what mysterious secret is her family intent on keeping from him-Mr. Bennet and her elder sister, Jane, especially-aside from Elizabeth's whereabouts, that is? But Darcy has a secret of his own; a secret he dreads coming to light for fear that Elizabeth will turn from him with horror and revulsion. But learn of it she does, and Darcy is shocked to discover that her reaction isn't at all what he expected.
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- 88,95 kr.
- A Pride & Prejudice Variation
218,95 kr. Mr. Darcy is at his wits' end. Elizabeth Bennet, the woman he can't live without, overhears him insulting her family. Now she won't even listen to his apologies. Then his old friend Sir Anthony Duxbury tells him two of their friends are in terrible danger. If Darcy wants to help them, they have to leave for Yorkshire immediately. But something doesn't add up. Elizabeth claims to know Sir Anthony, too - but by a different name. What game is his old friend playing? And is it dangerous?Even Sir Anthony says the trip is dangerous. The Luddite rebels are on the verge of armed revolt - and he should know, because he's one of them. Darcy's cousin Lady Frederica decides she's going with them anyway, and insists on bringing Elizabeth. Could this be Darcy's chance to earn Elizabeth's forgiveness and her love?Elizabeth would rather face a squad of Napoleon's soldiers than spend three days trapped in a carriage with Darcy and his headstrong cousin, but she has her own reason for agreeing to come. If she can just manage to keep her temper, she may be able to rescue her uncle from financial ruin. But when a Luddite riot erupts around them, it's Darcy and Elizabeth who need rescuing - from each other.Mr. Darcy's Journey is a variation on Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice by nationally best-selling author Abigail Reynolds.Praise for Abigail Reynolds "If you are unfamiliar with these riveting and romantic variations, they are retellings of Pride and Prejudice that take our beloved hero and heroine down a slightly altered path. Abigail Reynolds, one of my favorite Austenesque authors, is a skilled-story teller, an ardent admirer of Jane Austen, and quite proficient at infusing a lot of emotion, tension, and passion into her stories!" Austenesque Reviews "If romantics can overlook the subversion, they should enjoy witnessing Elizabeth as an industrious and caring wife, administering to Pemberley's tenants, learning how to be an equestrian and growing to love that perplexing Darcy." Publishers Weekly
- Bog
- 218,95 kr.
- Eine Variation von Stolz & Vorurteil
173,95 kr. In Jane Austens Klassiker "Stolz und Vorurteil" erwartet Elizabeth Bennet nicht, Mr. Darcy nach seinem desaströsen Antrag in Hunsford jemals wieder zu begegnen. Doch was wäre, wenn familiäre Ereignisse es ihm erforderlich machten, auf Rosings zu bleiben, nachdem er ihr seinen Brief überreicht hatte? In dieser leidenschaftlichen Variation trifft Elizabeth nur Tage später wieder auf Mr. Darcy und erhält eine neue Chance, ihn zu verstehen... oder eben die Möglichkeit, dass es zu noch mehr Missverständnissen kommt. In der englischsprachigen Jane-Austen Fan-Community ist das Genre der Variationen von Stolz und Vorurteil bereits den Kinderschuhen entwachsen. Dort widmen sich etliche Autoren der bekannten "was wäre, wenn..."-Frage. Ein Mitglied der ersten Stunde und eine feste Größe unter den vom Werk Jane Austens inspirierten Autoren ist die US-Bestsellerautorin Abigail Reynolds, die in ihren romantischen, atmosphärisch dichten Liebesromanen eines der bekanntesten Liebespaare der Weltliteratur alternative Wege zu ihrem Glück finden lässt. Anmerkung: Enthält Szenen expliziter Natur zwischen zwei erwachsenen Verlobten.
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- 173,95 kr.
- A Pride & Prejudice Variation
198,95 kr. Once disguise of every sort had been his abhorrence. Now Darcy could hardly recall when he had not worn a disguise.Fitzwilliam Darcy is a traitor. And there is nothing Elizabeth Bennet despises more than a traitor.But Elizabeth can't make sense of Darcy. He openly admits to collaborating with the French after their invasion of England, but he doesn't act like a traitor. He risks his own safety to save young women from Napoleon's troops. And how can she despise a man who loves puppies? Something about him doesn't add up - and she finds him far too attractive.When Darcy's carefully constructed world crumbles, he must entrust his closest-held secret to Elizabeth, and suddenly everything makes sense. To protect that secret, Elizabeth must disappear entirely, plunging herself into the dizzying world of fashionable London and the dangers of the Loyalist Resistance. Nothing will ever be the same again.Darcy is determined to find Elizabeth. Now that she knows the truth about him, there's nothing to keep them apart - nothing, that is, until the day Darcy is forced to choose between his country and the life of the woman he loves..."Conceit & Concealment is an exhilarating tale of romance and rebellion, disguise and despair, action and angst, treachery and treason! Abigail Reynolds once again delivers an exceptionally wonderful Pride & Prejudice tale that will enthrall readers who love strong protagonists and daring adventures!" - Austenesque Reviews
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- 198,95 kr.
- An A to Z History of Georgian Ice Cream
98,95 kr. ... In the meantime, for elegance and ease and luxury, the Hattons and Milles' dine here to-day, and I shall eat ice and drink French wine, and be above vulgar economy. Jane Austen to Cassandra, Godmersham, June 20, 1808 We know Jane Austen ate ice cream. What might her favorite flavors have been? Pride and Pistachios? Sense and Strawberry Cream? Whatever it was, we can be fairly certain it wasn't vanilla-read more to find out why! Take a romp through period recipes, personalities and polite society and get a taste for the ice cream Jane Austen would have eaten!
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- 98,95 kr.
- A Pride and Prejudice Variation
163,95 kr. Dull, plain and practical, Mary Bennet was the girl men always overlooked. Nobody thought she'd garner a second glance, much less a husband. But she did, and now she's grateful to be engaged to Mr. Michaels, the steady, even tempered steward of Rosings Park. By all appearances, they are made for each other, serious, hard-working, and boring. Michaels finds managing Rosings Park relatively straight forward, but he desperately needs a helpmeet like Mary, able to manage his employers: the once proud Lady Catherine de Bourgh who is descending into madness and her currently proud nephew and heir, Colonel Fitzwilliam, whose extravagant lifestyle has left him ill-equipped for economy and privation.Colonel Fitzwilliam had faced cannon fire and sabers, taken a musket ball to the shoulder and another to the thigh, stood against Napoleon and lived to tell of it, but barking out orders and the point of his sword aren't helping him save Rosings Park from financial ruin. Something must change quickly if he wants to salvage any of his inheritance. He needs help, but Michaels is tedious and Michaels' fiancée, the opinionated Mary Bennet, is stubborn and not to be borne. Apparently, quiet was not the same thing as meek, and reserved did not mean mild. The audacity of the woman, lecturing him on how he should manage his barmy aunt. The fact that she is usually right doesn't help. Miss Bennet gets under his skin, growing worse by the day until he finds it very difficult to remember that she's engaged to another man. Can order be restored to Rosings Park or will Lady Catherine's madness ruin them all? A Jane Austen inspired sweet regency romance.
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- 163,95 kr.
- A Pride and Prejudice Variation
183,95 kr. Complete in one volume.Lady Catherine de Bourgh is prepared to be very generous when it comes to medical care for her sickly daughter, Anne - generous enough to lure noted physician Dr. Thomas Bennet to give up his London practice and move his family to Rosings Park. But his good income comes with a price: complete dependence on his demanding patroness's every whim. Now the Bennet family is trapped, reliant on Lady Catherine for their survival. Their patroness controls every aspect of the Bennet household, from the shelves in the closet to the selection of suitors for the five Bennet daughters. Now she has chosen a husband for headstrong Elizabeth Bennet- Mr. George Wickham. But Lady Catherine's nephew, Fitzwilliam Darcy, is not so sure about his aunt's choice. He is fascinated by the compassionate Elizabeth who seems to effortlessly understand everyone around her, including him. Lady Catherine has other plans for Darcy, though, and she forbids Elizabeth to even speak to him. As Anne's health takes a turn for the worse, Darcy and Elizabeth are thrown together as Dr. Bennet struggles to save Anne's life. Darcy can no longer deny the truth - he is in love with Elizabeth Bennet. But Lady Catherine will do anything to stop Darcy from marrying her - even if it means Elizabeth will lose everything she loves.Sweet Regency Romance
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- 183,95 kr.
- ..Only as It Gives You Pleasure
153,95 kr. Elizabeth Bennet's father, Admiral Thomas Bennet, assures his daughters that his retirement from His Majesty's Navy will be the start of a new life for them all. Little does he know his family's battles have only just begun. Well-connected and in possession of a good fortune, their entry into society should have been a triumph. However, their long-awaited first season in London proves a disaster, and the resulting scandal sends the Bennets fleeing to the wilds of Derbyshire. Widower Fitzwilliam Darcy, the master of Pemberley, wants for nothing, most especially not a wife. From the moment the Bennets arrive in Derbyshire, Darcy's neatly ordered life turns upside down. His sons beg to keep company with their new playmates, the young Bennet twins. His mother-in-law sets her cap for Admiral Bennet. Worst of all, Darcy cannot get his mind off a certain bewitching Miss Elizabeth Bennet, but she has sworn never to let another gentleman near her heart. Darcy's best efforts to befriend and assist the Bennet family go horribly awry, alienating first Miss Elizabeth, then her father, and finally endangering what both men hold most dear. Can the two men Elizabeth loves most set aside their pride to prevent catastrophe for their families and win the love they seek?Jane Austen-inspired, Sweet Regency Romance
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- 153,95 kr.
- Regency Christmas Traditions
93,95 kr. Many Christmas traditions and images of 'old fashioned' holidays are based on Victorian celebrations. Going back just a little further, to the beginning of the 19th century, the holiday Jane Austen knew would have looked distinctly odd to modern sensibilities. How odd? Families rarely decorated Christmas trees. Festivities centered on socializing instead of gift-giving. Festivities focused on adults, with children largely consigned to the nursery. Holiday events, including balls, parties, dinners, and even weddings celebrations, started a week before Advent and extended all the way through to Twelfth Night in January. Take a step into history with Maria Grace as she explores the traditions, celebrations, games and foods that made up Christmastide in Jane Austen's era. Packed with information and rich with detail from period authors, Maria Grace transports the reader to a longed-for old fashioned Christmas. Non-fiction
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- 93,95 kr.
- A Pride & Prejudice Variation
213,95 kr. Alone with Mr. Darcy.... Elizabeth Bennet can't imagine anything worse than being stranded by a blizzard in a tiny cottage with proud and unpleasant Mr. Darcy. But being trapped there for days - and nights - with an injured and confused Mr. Darcy who keeps saying the oddest things about her is even worse. At least he possesses the useful ability of lighting a fire to keep them from freezing to death. But when he puts his arms around her, she discovers the hearth isn't the only place he knows how to build a fire. And the little half-frozen kitten he finds in a woodpile isn't proving to be much of a chaperone. She doesn't really believe his promises to marry her if anyone finds out they spent two nights alone together, especially after learning he was betrayed by another woman in the past. When her worst fears are realized and her reputation is in tatters, she isn't surprised to discover Mr. Darcy has vanished into thin air, leaving her no choice but to find a husband as soon as possible before her whole family is ruined. Any husband will have to do, no matter how much she dislikes him. Even if she can't stop thinking of Mr. Darcy.... Praise for Abigail Reynolds "If you are unfamiliar with these riveting and romantic variations, they are retellings of Pride and Prejudice that take our beloved hero and heroine down a slightly altered path. Abigail Reynolds, one of my favorite Austenesque authors, is a skilled-story teller, an ardent admirer of Jane Austen, and quite proficient at infusing a lot of emotion, tension, and passion into her stories!" Austenesque Reviews "If romantics can overlook the subversion, they should enjoy witnessing Elizabeth as an industrious and caring wife, administering to Pemberley's tenants, learning how to be an equestrian and growing to love that perplexing Darcy." Publishers Weekly
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- 213,95 kr.
83,95 kr. A Pride & Prejudice Novella Elizabeth Bennet longs to see the view from the famous Black Rocks in Derbyshire, but her aunt and uncle refuse to allow her to climb to the highest rock outcroppings alone. Elizabeth's distress is only worsened by a chance encounter with Mr. Darcy -- at least until he offers to escort her to the top. But unbeknownst to her, the Black Rocks have a very special meaning for him. As Darcy tells her the tale of his parents' courtship and marriage, Elizabeth, like Darcy's mother before her, is forced to confront the true power of family and destiny atop the Black Rocks. Please note that this story is a novella, not a full-length novel.
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- 83,95 kr.
198,95 kr. Theo Darcy is everything his disapproving elder brother, Fitzwilliam, is not-charming, easy-going, and full of fun. A tragic event as children severed their bond of friendship, but now they are together again. They are still at odds, though, this time over the love of Miss Elizabeth Bennet and the truth about George Wickham. Will Wickham manage to divide the brothers again? And more importantly, which Mr. Darcy will Elizabeth choose? Find out as the two brothers lock horns in this unique Pride & Prejudice variation collectively written by five respected authors. The Darcy Brothers was first conceived as an interactive group writing project and has developed into a full-length novel featuring the charismatic Theo Darcy. A sweet Regency romance for all lovers of Pride and Prejudice. Look for more about Theo on Facebook (www.facebook.com/theophilusdarcy), Goodreads (www.goodreads.com/book/show/23084952-the-darcy-brothers), and on The Darcy Brothers website (www.thedarcybrothers.com). Praise for Abigail Reynolds "If you are unfamiliar with these riveting and romantic variations, they are retellings of Pride and Prejudice that take our beloved hero and heroine down a slightly altered path. Abigail Reynolds, one of my favorite Austenesque authors, is a skilled-story teller, an ardent admirer of Jane Austen, and quite proficient at infusing a lot of emotion, tension, and passion into her stories!" Austenesque Reviews "If romantics can overlook the subversion, they should enjoy witnessing Elizabeth as an industrious and caring wife, administering to Pemberley's tenants, learning how to be an equestrian and growing to love that perplexing Darcy." Publishers Weekly Praise for Cassandra Grafton "This book is a total delight for anyone who is a fan of Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy, Regency romance and... oh, just romance in general. Ms Grafton writes beautifully and has a descriptive style that can make small things into beautiful wonders." Tess Quinn, Goodreads "Through witty dialog and beautiful Regency language, this book is in the style of Jane Austen herself. I cannot recommend it highly enough. It ranks among the best of the Austenesque novels that I have read." More Agreeably Engaged Praise for Maria Grace "Grace has quickly become one of my favorite authors of Austen-inspired fiction. Her love of Austen's characters and the Regency era shine through in all of her novels." Diary of an Eccentric "A great read for any Jane Austen fan-fiction lover. With great characters, witty writing, and a swoon-worthy romance, Maria Grace's Given Good Principles series is a solid addition to your bookshelf." Austenprose Praise for Monica Fairview "This novel stands very well on its own as a Regency Romance, but for the Janeites among its readers it's important to know how well Monica Fairview treats the beloved characters from Pride and Prejudice." All About Romance "Infused with humor ... Fairview has proven again why she was my top choice of Austenesque debut authors of 2009. She is well on her way to becoming a nonpareil in Austen paraliterature and I recommend The Darcy Cousins to those who dearly love a satisfying love story and a hearty laugh." Austenprose Praise for Susan Mason-Milks "Susan Mason-Milks pens a Pride and Prejudice variation that explores an untraveled road in Jane Austen's classic novel...As you may guess, this path to true love has a whole lot more more ruts and turns for our hero and heroine..." Austenesque Reviews "After reading it I find myself even more enamored of Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy. I think this is a true testament to how beautifully Susan Mason-Milks crafted this "what if" version of Pride and Prejudice. - Va
- Bog
- 198,95 kr.
- A Pride and Prejudice Variation
103,95 kr. His muse desires her; she detests him. How will his soul survive?Gentleman artist Fitzwilliam Darcy had never been able to express himself in words, but with his brushes and paints, he expressed what few men ever could. When his flighty muse abandons him, though, he finds himself staring at blank canvases in a world that has turned bland and cold and grey. Worried for his friend, Charles Bingley invites Darcy to join him in Hertfordshire, in hopes the picturesque countryside might tempt Darcy's muse to return. The scheme works only too well. His muse returns, with a vengeance, fixated upon the one young woman in the county who utterly detests him. Will his selfish disdain for the feelings of others drive her and his muse away or can he find a way to please this woman with the power to bring color and feeling back into his world?Sweet, Austen Inspired Regency Romance
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268,95 kr. Apaixonado Pela Noiva de seu Irmão... No que diz respeito à Fitzwilliam Darcy, a única coisa boa que resultou da recusa de Elizabeth Bennet a sua proposta de casamento foi sua nova determinação de provar a si mesmo que agora ele era um homem melhor. Ele provaria isso também, acabando com a separação dolorosa que havia entre ele e seu distante irmão mais novo, Drew. E agora Drew está prestes a se casar… com Elizabeth Bennet. O dever familiar obriga Darcy a apoiar o noivado, especialmente porque até mesmo o menor sinal de desaprovação pode arruinar a reconciliação duramente conquistada pelos irmãos. Mas como ele pode suportar ver seu irmão se casar com a mulher que ele ama? Vê-la nos braços de Drew, carregando os filhos de Drew e para sempre fora de seu alcance? Um Compromisso Acidental Elizabeth não tem escolha a não ser aceitar um noivado com o belo Drew Darcy. Ele é amável, educado e respeitável, e se não fosse pelo sobrenome, ela nem se importaria com essa ideia. Mas casar com o irmão do homem que ela havia rejeitado tão friamente apenas alguns meses antes? Especialmente agora que ela estava percebendo que seus sentimentos por ele estão longe de ser fraternais. Como ela poderia se casar com Drew ansiando por seu irmão? Mas o custo de romper o noivado seria a ruína e, com ela, a perda de qualquer esperança de uma vida com Darcy. Preso pela lealdade, amor e honestidade, não há saída. Mas velhos segredos de família assombram os irmãos Darcy. Esses segredos, quando revelados, poderão mudar tudo? "O Preço do Orgulho" - esta variação intensamente emocional de Orgulho e Preconceito de Jane Austen fará você se apaixonar intensamente por Elizabeth e Darcy, novamente.
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- A Story of Jane Austen's Fighting Men
188,95 kr. A decade ago, groundbreaking novel THE THREE COLONELS began the epic Jane Austen's Fighting Men series and transformed Austenesque literature with its blend of Regency romance and historical fiction. ROSINGS PARK is its long-awaited conclusion! The Napoleonic Wars are finally over, and Britain seeks to rebuild after a generation of war. Gone is the "green and pleasant land" of the early Regency. In its place, a natural disaster on the other side of the world exacerbates the country's woes: economic depression, widespread hunger, industrialization, and civil unrest. Great Britain faces ruin and revolution. Fitzwilliam and Elizabeth Darcy agree to take in the young and spirited daughter of Lydia Wickham, and all the while, their beloved Pemberley is being endangered by riotous Luddites. Colonel Sir Richard Fitzwilliam marries Anne de Bourgh but finds the management of Rosings Park no easy matter, especially with Lady Catherine de Bourgh ready and eager to offer advice. Haunted by despair and gravely wounded in body and spirit, a bitter Colonel Sir John Buford returns to England to be nursed by his wife, the former Caroline Bingley. Then, an evil out of the past returns to wreak vengeance on Rosings Park, and the Darcys, Fitzwilliams, Bufords, and their friends face a devastating truth: HAPPILY EVER AFTER MUST BE EARNED.
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- Book Three of Jane Austen's Fighting Men
188,95 kr. The long-awaited sequel to Jane Austen's final novel, Persuasion-After an eight-year separation and a tumultuous reunion, Anne Elliot marries the dashing Captain Frederick Wentworth. The pair looks forward to an uneventful honeymoon cruise aboard the HMS Laconia.But the bride and groom find the seas of matrimony rough. Napoleon has escaped from Elba, the country is at war with France again, and the Admiralty imposes on Wentworth a mysterious passenger on a dangerous secret mission. The good captain is caught between duty to his country and love for his wife.All eyes are trained for enemies without, but the greatest menace may already be on board...
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148,95 kr. Nobody had any compassion for dragon lore expert Thomas Bennet's nerves. >As much as her father might rant and storm about the need for secrecy and expect that to be the end of it, Elizabeth cannot contain her curiosity about all things dragonic. Nor, would it seem, could she stem the development of her unique and prodigious talent for bonding with the creatures. When Elizabeth discovers an abandoned clutch of fairy dragon eggs, Mr. Bennet finds an unhappy alternative before him. Somehow, he must save the dragon eggs, contend with the jealous estate dragon, and keep it all hidden from his family...or risk exposure of England's greatest secret and the breaking of the Pendragon Treaty that keeps the tenuous peace between man and dragon. And through it all, can he help his precocious, passionate daughter find her place in a dangerous world that little tolerance for little girls. A fresh new gaslamp fantasy adventure in the engrossingly intricate world of Jane Austen's Dragons. Anne McCaffrey meets Jane Austen perfect for dragon lovers and regency-era fans alike. Book 4 in the Jane Austen's Dragons series.
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