Bøger udgivet af Whitaker House
- How to Call Heaven to Earth (First Edition, Enlarged/Expanded)
193,95 kr. - Bog
- 193,95 kr.
- Exploring Dimensions of Divine Presence
193,95 kr. "Christians are intended to live, move, and operate within 'glory realms.' Mills opens up God's glory by explaining the realms, spheres, and dimensions of the kingdom. He builds a faith framework in which the reader can begin to move into the glory with ease, forming a deepening awareness of the inflow and anointing of God's mighty presence"--
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- 193,95 kr.
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- 188,95 kr.
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- 188,95 kr.
193,95 kr. "Utilizes various passages from the Bible to consider what the author calls "the hidden man of the heart," or the human spirit recreated in Christ, in an effort to assist believers in understanding and utilizing the gifts of God"--
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- 193,95 kr.
193,95 kr. - Bog
- 193,95 kr.
- Divine Secrets of a Real Christian Life (Reissue, Repackage of Living in God's Power)
178,95 kr. "I tell you we are living in a day and hour when the Spirit of God has come into the world afresh, when the consciousness of mankind is opening up to God in a manner that it has never opened before." John G. Lake was a divine conduit for the f
- Bog
- 178,95 kr.
228,95 kr. In 1563, John Foxe published an account of the life of Christian martyrs, beginning with Stephen, the first to die for the cause of Christ, and ending with the most recent martyrs of his day--Protestants killed during Bloody Mary's reign. He knew that dan
- Bog
- 228,95 kr.
- Cultivating the Attributes That Influence Human Action (A Rnate)
228,95 kr. You were born to lead. Now it's time to become a leader. Leaders may be found in boardrooms, but they may also be found in families, schools, and organizations of all kinds--anywhere people interact, nurture, create, or build. Contrar
- Bog
- 228,95 kr.
- How Values, Morals, Ethics, and Principles Affect Leaders
193,95 kr. "Explores the crisis of character in leadership, how beliefs shape values and morals, the process of character development, essential qualities of principled leaders, how to recover after moral failure, and how to ensure leadership influence is both effective and enduring"--
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- 193,95 kr.
- How to Develop and Release Your Unique Gifts (Expanded)
193,95 kr. Activate Your Leadership Potential Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe dispels the myth that only some people are destined to be leaders, while everyone else is destined to be a follower. You can become the leader God intended you to be. Discover how to: Activate your leadership potential.Develop a positive legacy.Find resources to fulfill your vision.Empower others for leadership.Embrace your unique role in life.Recognize your inborn leadership abilities and become the leader you were meant to be! New expanded edition includes study questions for individual and group use.
- Bog
- 193,95 kr.
- Bring Wholeness and Joy Into Your Life
193,95 kr. Lester Sumrall describes how Spirit, Soul And Body can function in harmony, and how to yield each part to Christ in order to live a fulfilling, victorious life.
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- 193,95 kr.
- 60 Days in the Overflowing Presence of the Holy Spirit
146,95 kr. In this intriguing 60-day devotional, best-selling author Bill Johnson invites you to daily immerse yourself in the living, healing, powerful water of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is a person, and He wants to develop a close relationship with you as you learn His remarkable ways and all that He provides for you in Christ. Each day, through Johnson's welcoming personality and clear communication style, you will discover more about the purpose and mission of the Helper, Comforter, and Guide whom God has sent to come alongside you as you live for Him. Each devotion is simple to follow but rich in content, including Scripture readings, specially chosen meditations, prayer and worship opportunities, and inspiring thoughts for the day. Based on Johnson's book The Holy Spirit: Who He Is and Why We Can't Live Without Him, devotional themes include: The mystery of the Holy Spirit How the Spirit is our Helper Our calling to "host" the Spirit The beauty of God's voice The river of the Spirit Supernatural creativity Being God's resting place Developing the fruit of the Spirit Activating the gifts of the Spirit Becoming a minister of peace As you progress through this devotional, you will see how nothing in life is mundane once God touches it by His Spirit. You will have the opportunity to see and experience the natural elements of life become supernaturally empowered through God's presence. Accept the Spirit's call to know Him better each day and receive His overflowing life.
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- 146,95 kr.
- Stumbling Our Way Into God's Unlimited Goodness
157,95 kr. No one wants to talk about failure, but we all miss the mark from time to time. Even our biblical heroes like Noah, Abraham, and Moses did things they shouldn't have done, requiring God to step in and set things right. But that's the beauty of life when we mess up: God is there with us every step of the way. In Un-failing: Stumbling Our Way into God's Unlimited Goodness, authors Shane Stanford and Anthony Thaxton explain how viewing failure as an opportunity for spiritual growth can help us through experiences and seasons when we seem to have lost our way. From God's perspective, knowing that free will means we won't always do things His way, failure provides an opportunity for us to turn to Him. No matter what we do, His love is unfailing, and He makes all things work together for our good.
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- 157,95 kr.
- Living Out Our Greatest Calling and Blessing
137,95 kr. Can We Really Know God? Renowned international Bible teacher Derek Prince affirms that we can know God and that there is a clear path to doing so. He unfolds from Scripture what it means to know God intimately, become united with Him in His purposes, and commit ourselves to living for Him fully. Prince explains our need to know God personally and experientially so that we can have true life and fellowship with Him--and then understand what He is calling us to be and do. "There is a calling for every saved person," he says, "a special way of life, a special task, a special responsibility." This book describes the various steps to knowing God and having a right relationship with Him--and reveals what proceeds from that close relationship. We experience real strength and stability only from knowing God. As we earnestly seek Him, His wisdom, and His ways above all else, we will increasingly come to understand His mind and heart. Those whom Christ has redeemed are God's own special people, and He has made us a kingdom of priests to help bring the peaceful rule of His kingdom to individuals and nations. The dark forces of the enemy are encroaching on the world in many ways, blinding people to their true purpose and enslaving them in empty pursuits. God calls us to take part--through intercession and sharing the gospel message--in bringing them His light and setting them free so that they, too, can know God and live wholeheartedly for Him.
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- 137,95 kr.
- Ejercicios Rápidos Para Mejorar Tu Enfoque Y Capacidad Intelectual
75,95 kr. A medida que envejecemos, podemos lucir y sentirnos más jóvenes que la generación de nuestros padres (después de todo, los 60 son los nuevos 40), pero el declive mental puede comenzar tan temprano como en los 30 años, y nos influirá a todos en algún momento. La buena noticia es la siguiente: igual que la dieta y el ejercicio pueden mantener más sanos los cuerpos que envejecen, el régimen mental adecuado puede ralentizar, e incluso revertir, el deterioro de nuestra capacidad mental. En este libro práctico y lleno de esperanza, el Dr. Frank Minirth ofrece ejercicios mentales rápidos y demostrados que ayudan a preservar el enfoque, la memoria y la capacidad mental en cualquier edad. _______________ As we age, we may look and feel younger than our parents' generation (60 is the new 40, after all) but mental decline can begin as early as age 30, and it will impact us all at some point. The good news is, just as diet and exercise can keep aging bodies healthier, the proper mental regimen can slow, even reverse, the deterioration of our mental capacity. In this practical and hopeful book, Dr. Frank Minirth offers quick and proven mental exercises that help preserve focus, memory, and brainpower at any age. Based solidly on trustworthy scientific insights, these memory boosters will help you retain your current capacity and build memory skills for the future.
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- 75,95 kr.
- 40 Maneras de Cambiar Tu Perspectiva Y Tener Una Mejor Vida
79,95 kr. Con su caracterÃstica energÃa positiva contagiosa, John Mason ofrece un mensaje sencillo y a la vez poderoso de ánimo y esperanza: puedes apoderarte del presente y descubrir un mañana más brillante. A cualquiera que se sienta atascado, que anhele un cambio pero no está seguro de cómo perseguirlo, John le muestra que la herramienta más poderosa que tenemos es hacernos a nosotros mismos las preguntas adecuadas para obtener las respuestas correctas. Estas lecturas breves son perfectas para profesionales muy ocupados, mamás saturadas de trabajo, emprendedores, y cualquiera que busque un estÃmulo inspirador. ¿Te sientes atascado? ¿Anhelas un cambio? ¿No estás seguro de cómo perseguirlo? La herramienta más poderosa que tenemos para colocar nuestra vida en una dirección nueva y mejor es hacernos a nosotros mismos las preguntas adecuadas para obtener las respuestas correctas. Preguntas como: ¿Qué mentiras estás creyendo hoy? ¿Qué harÃas si no hubiera un mañana? ¿Qué has iniciado que necesitas terminar? ¿Qué lamento no quieres tener? ¿Qué se te da extraordinariamente bien? _______________ With his signature infectious positive energy, John Mason offers you a simple yet powerful message of encouragement and hope--you can seize today and uncover a brighter tomorrow. For anyone who feels stuck, who yearns for a change but isn't sure just how to pursue it, John shows that the most powerful tool we have is asking ourselves the right questions to get the right answers. These bite-sized readings are perfect for busy professionals, overworked moms, entrepreneurs, and anyone looking for an uplifting boost.
- Bog
- 79,95 kr.
- Un Relato Para Identificar a Las Personas Tóxicas, Donde Encontrarás Cómo Ser Útil Sin Ser Utilizado
141,95 kr. Este libro trata sobre la manipulación tóxica y los severos peligros que conlleva. También incursiona en el fanatismo. Con este término el autor no se refiere al ferviente seguidor de un artista, sino al radical, ciego y peligroso defensor a ultranza de unas ideas, sean cuales fueren. "Manipulación tóxica" aborda las nocivas y demasiado frecuentes técnicas de manipulación emocional. El fanatismo es el más fiel aliado de la manipulación, pues el fanático es un ser manipulado que, a su vez, se hace experto en técnicas de manipulación. Encontramos fanatismo y manipulación en todos los estamentos de la sociedad, sin excepción. Todas las organizaciones, y también los organismos, pueden sufrirlo y promoverlo. Una empresa, una iglesia, una fundación, un cÃrculo social, un partido polÃtico y una familia son susceptibles de padecerlo. El fanatismo es hierba fértil en muchos terrenos, por eso prolifera la manipulación que resta paz y multiplica la ansiedad; desaloja esperanzas y llena clÃnicas psiquiátricas; roba la fe y siembra la angustia. Estas páginas buscan encender luces rojas en el camino de quienes son susceptibles de caer en la tóxica manipulación, pero también busca rescatar a quienes cayeron en el abismo. Cada lÃnea de este libro grita un mensaje de esperanza y se convierte en una herramienta que nos dirige hacia la salida, porque sà hay una salida a la manipulación y el fanatismo. _______________ This book deals with toxic manipulation and the severe dangers it entails. It also delves into fanaticism. By this term, the author does not refer to fervent followers of an artist, but to radical, blind, and dangerously fervent defenders of certain ideas, whatever they may be. "Toxic Manipulation" addresses the harmful and all too frequent techniques of emotional manipulation. Fanaticism is the most faithful ally of manipulation, as the fanatic is a manipulated being who, in turn, becomes an expert in manipulation techniques. We find fanaticism and manipulation in all levels of society, without exception. All organizations, as well as individuals, can suffer from it and promote it. A company, a church, a foundation, a social circle, a political party, and a family are all susceptible to it. Fanaticism is fertile ground in many areas, which is why manipulation that diminishes peace and multiplies anxiety proliferates; it displaces hope and fills psychiatric clinics; it steals faith and sows distress. This book seeks to raise red flags on the path of those who are susceptible to falling into toxic manipulation, but it also aims to rescue those who have fallen into the abyss. "Toxic Manipulation" becomes a message of hope and a tool that directs us toward the way out, because there is indeed a way out of manipulation and fanaticism.
- Bog
- 141,95 kr.
- Descubre El Misterio de la Grandeza Interior Para Ser Tu Mejor Versión
132,95 kr. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado si dentro de ti yace un potencial inexplorado? En un mundo donde los avances extraordinarios son testimonio de la creatividad humana, existe algo aún más poderoso, un motor oculto que impulsa nuestras capacidades hacia nuevas alturas: lo divino. Descubre cómo transformarte en lo que el autor denomina "el súper humano", una existencia donde lo humano se funde con lo divino, revelando un misterio inscrito en la creación misma. Imagina ser capaz de reflejar la imagen y semejanza de nuestro Creador y ser la versión más elevada de ti. A través de las páginas de este libro, se revelarán ocho principios divinos, verdaderos "súper poderes" como la fe, que es el ingrediente que nos impulsa a creer, y permite que todo empiece a suceder; el conocimiento, que perfeccionará la práctica de tu talento; y el dominio propio, que te dará balance y control ante el éxito alcanzado. Estos son solo algunos de los elementos que impulsarán tu transformación. Dentro de nosotros existe grandeza, y necesita ser explorada. Encuéntrala, desarróllala, esto te convertirá en la mejor versión de ti, ¡en el super humano en el que te vas a convertir! _______________ Have you ever wondered if there's untapped potential within you? In a world where extraordinary advancements are a testament to human creativity, there exists something even more powerful, a hidden engine that propels our abilities to new heights: the divine. Discover how to transform into what the author calls "the superhuman," an existence where the human merges with the divine, revealing a mystery inscribed in creation itself. Imagine being able to reflect the image and likeness of our Creator and being the highest version of yourself. Through the pages of this book, eight divine principles will be revealed, true "superpowers" like faith, which is the ingredient that drives us to believe and allows everything to start happening; knowledge, which will perfect the practice of your talent; and self-control, which will give you balance and control in the face of success achieved. These are just some of the elements that will drive your transformation. There is greatness within us, and it needs to be explored. Find it and develop it. This will turn you into the best version of you, into the superhuman you are going to become!
- Bog
- 132,95 kr.
- No Te Pierdas En Tus Emociones
134,95 kr. La vida es lo suficientemente complicada como para, además, perderse en el bosque por no saber usar los elementos que uno lleva en la mochila. Eso es lo que nos pasa con las emociones: tenemos una herramienta potentÃsima para nuestro viaje, pero no se nos dice cómo utilizarla, y más de una vez todos nos hemos perdido en ese bosque que son nuestros sentimientos. Este libro busca que conozcamos bien el equipaje con el que enfrentamos el trayecto. Porque una vez estemos en el bosque tenemos que caminar para salir. No podemos teletransportarnos. Hay que atravesarlo, y debemos saber cómo hacerlo. De todos los instrumentos que podemos llevar encima en una travesÃa por el bosque, solo la brújula indica el norte. El resto de los dispositivos sirve para otros usos. Insistir, por ejemplo, en que el mercurio del termómetro nos dirige al norte solo nos mantendrá perdidos, y el tiempo corre en contra. No es cosa pequeña el bosque como para tomarlo a la ligera. Las emociones tampoco. Este ejemplo puede parecer muy simple, ya que todo el mundo sabe para qué sirve un termómetro. ¡Y nadie podrÃa ser tan tonto como para confundir una cosa con la otra! Sin embargo es sorprendente saber cuán frecuente se da este error en el terreno emocional al confundir las emociones. Es hora de encontrarnos para aprender a salir, y no tener que desorientarnos otra vez cuando podemos evitarlo. Esta vez las emociones jugarán a nuestro favor. _______________ Life is complicated enough to also get lost in the forest because of not knowing how to use the items one carries in the backpack. That's what happens with emotions: we have a powerful tool for our journey, but we're not told how to use it, and more than once, we all have gotten lost in that forest that is our feelings. This book seeks for us to become familiar with the luggage we face the journey with. Because once we're in the forest, we have to walk to get out. We can't teleport. We have to cross it, and we must know how to do it. Of all the instruments we can carry on a journey through the forest, only the compass points north. The rest of the devices serve for other uses. Insisting, for example, that the mercury in the thermometer points us north will only keep us lost, and time is running out. The forest is not a trivial matter to take lightly. Neither are emotions. This example may seem very simple, since everyone knows what a thermometer is for. And nobody could be so foolish as to confuse one thing with another! However, it is surprising to know how common this mistake occurs in the emotional field when confusing emotions. It's time to find ourselves to learn to get out, and not to get disoriented again when we can avoid it. This time, emotions will play in our favor.
- Bog
- 134,95 kr.
- Who He Is and Why We Can't Live Without Him
268,95 kr. Best-selling author Bill Johnson describes His decades-long intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit as "the adventure of a lifetime." You have the same opportunity for a life-defining "adventure" into God's presence, love, and power by coming to know His Spirit. Many people are unfamiliar with who the Holy Spirit is and what role He has in their lives. They may be confused about or even intimated by Him. Even many seasoned Christians have an easier time relating to God or Jesus, while the Spirit and His ways are often a mystery. Like Jesus's disciples, we wonder why Jesus had to leave earth so that the Spirit could come. In one sense, the Holy Spirit is surrounded by mystery because He is Spirit. But He is also personal and knowable. In fact, spiritually, we literally can't live without Him and the life He brings us. The Holy Spirit is Bill Johnson's foundational book on the Spirit, including both introductory and deep truths about the third person of the Trinity. He describes what he has learned about seeking God, hosting His presence, and seeing His Spirit change the atmosphere of families and communities--bringing peace where there was anxiety and discord, salvation where hope was gone, and restoration where purpose was lost. Johnson guides you into a close relationship with the Spirit--an eternal wellspring available for everyone, every day, everywhere, for every need and calling. Let the Spirit fill and overflow your life as He moves, shapes, cleanses, and carries you along in the adventure of God's purposes for the world.
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- 268,95 kr.
- Quién Es Y Por Qué No Podemos Vivir Sin Él
142,95 kr. El autor de éxitos de ventas Bill Johnson describe su relación Ãntima de décadas con el EspÃritu Santo como "la aventura de una vida". Tienes la misma oportunidad para una gran y definitiva "aventura" en la presencia, el amor y el poder de Dios al conocer a Su EspÃritu. Muchas personas no están familiarizadas con quién es el EspÃritu Santo y qué papel tiene en sus vidas. Incluso muchos cristianos experimentados tienen más facilidad para relacionarse con Dios o Jesús, mientras que el EspÃritu y Sus caminos son a menudo un misterio. Y en cierto sentido, el EspÃritu Santo está rodeado de misterio porque Ãl es EspÃritu; pero también es personal y conocible. El EspÃritu Santo es el libro fundamental de Bill Johnson sobre el EspÃritu, incluye tanto verdades introductorias como profundas sobre la tercera persona de la Trinidad. Describe lo que ha aprendido acerca de buscar a Dios, hospedar Su presencia y ver cómo Su EspÃritu cambia la atmósfera de familias y comunidades, trayendo paz donde habÃa y discordia, salvación donde se habÃa perdido la esperanza, y restauración donde se habÃa perdido el propósito. Johnson te guÃa hacia una relación cercana con el EspÃritu, una fuente eterna disponible para todos los dÃas, en todas partes, y para cada necesidad y llamado. Deja que el EspÃritu llene y desborde tu vida, mientras Ãl te lleva a lo largo de la aventura de los grandes propósitos de Dios para sus hijos. _______________ Best-selling author Bill Johnson describes His decades-long intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit as "the adventure of a lifetime." You have the same opportunity for a life-defining "adventure" into God's presence, love, and power by coming to know His Spirit. Many people are unfamiliar with who the Holy Spirit is and what role He has in their lives. They may be confused about or even intimated by Him. Even many seasoned Christians have an easier time relating to God or Jesus, while the Spirit and His ways are often a mystery. Like Jesus's disciples, we wonder why Jesus had to leave earth so that the Spirit could come. In one sense, the Holy Spirit is surrounded by mystery because He is Spirit. But He is also personal and knowable. In fact, spiritually, we literally can't live without Him and the life He brings us. The Holy Spirit is Bill Johnson's foundational book on the Spirit, including both introductory and deep truths about the third person of the Trinity. He describes what he has learned about seeking God, hosting His presence, and seeing His Spirit change the atmosphere of families and communities--bringing peace where there was anxiety and discord, salvation where hope was gone, and restoration where purpose was lost. Johnson guides you into a close relationship with the Spirit--an eternal wellspring available for everyone, every day, everywhere, for every need and calling. Let the Spirit fill and overflow your life as He moves, shapes, cleanses, and carries you along in the adventure of God's purposes for the world.
- Bog
- 142,95 kr.
- King James Easy Read Scripture Promises
174,95 kr. The Coastal Infinity Seashell Journal. Imagine being on a beach vacation: the inspiration, awe, and reverence you would receive from listening to waves crashing against the sand. Wouldn't it be great to look back on your thoughts, prayers, and memories captured within your own Coastal Infinity Seashell Journal? This journal is the perfect companion to capturing thoughts, notes, and sayings during weekly bible studies, daily devotional times, or while on a very needed vacation. This journal would complement any thalassophile's collection. Decorative seashells are thoughtfully placed throughout the journal, along with fifty Bible verses detailing the promises of God from the King James Version Easy Read edition. This journal is decoratively wrapped and adorned with the selected verse, "You rule the raging of the sea: when the waves thereof arise, You still them" (Psalm 89:9 KJVER).
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- 174,95 kr.
- King James Easy Read Scripture Promises
174,95 kr. The Flowers of Grace Journal. This journal would be an anthophile's dream! What better way to meditate on and write about God's promises than by using the Flowers of Grace Journal. Pages throughout this journal are decoratively designed with different flowers along with fifty Bible verses detailing the promise of God from the King James Version Easy Read edition. You shall be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not (Isaiah 58:11 KJVER). Bring this journal to the botanical gardens, nursery, or the nature preserve to take better hold of God's promises and the beauty of his creation. The promises of God are a highlight of the journal focusing on themes of promises of blessings, promises from God when we feel the negative forces and trials of life, as well as promises of God for those that love, believe, and trust in Him. This journal will be a lasting encouragement for anyone that uses it, not to mention another way to document God's goodness and mercy, and chance to practice for becoming a stronger writer.
- Bog
- 174,95 kr.
- El Poder de Ser Un Principiante, de Enamorarte de Lo Que Haces, Y Por Qué Necesitas Un Hobby
150,95 kr. Sabemos que hay ciertas cosas que debemos tener para sobrevivir: comida, un techo y seguridad, solo por mencionar algunas de ellas. Sin embargo, también hay aspectos de la vida que verdaderamente nos permiten sentirnos alegres y realizados. Para la popular autora de éxitos de ventas y podcaster Annie F. Downs, la diversión está cerca de lo más alto de esa lista. Pocos discutirÃan que la diversión no enriquece nuestras vidas, pero se interponen muchas cosas en el camino de llegar a darle prioridad. DÃas difÃciles, estar ocupados, y sentimientos de los que resulta complicado conversar nos alejan de la diversión que está ahà esperando a que la encontremos. Con Eso suena divertido, Annie nos ofrece una invitación irresistible a comprender el significado de la diversión, aceptarla y perseguirla, averiguar exactamente qué nos parece divertido a nosotros, ¡y después hacerlo! Al examinar algunas investigaciones y compartir algunas ideas que están detrás del porqué la diversión es importante, nos muestra cómo encontrar, experimentar y multiplicar la diversión. Con su caracterÃstico estilo narrativo y su alegre vulnerabilidad, Annie es la amiga que todos necesitamos para llevarnos a ser fieles a nosotros mismos y encontrar la diversión que necesitamos. _______________ We know there are certain things we must have to survive--food, shelter, and safety to name a few. But there are also aspects of life that truly allow us to be joyful and fulfilled. For popular podcaster and bestselling author Annie F. Downs, fun is close to the top of that list. Few would argue that having fun doesn't enrich our lives, but so much gets in the way of prioritizing it. Tough days, busyness, and feelings that are hard to talk about keep us from the fun that's out there waiting to be found. With That Sounds Fun, Annie offers an irresistible invitation to understand the meaning of fun, to embrace it and chase it, and to figure out what, exactly, sounds fun to you--then do it! Exploring some research and sharing some thoughts behind why fun matters, she shows you how to find, experience, and multiply your fun. With her signature storytelling style and whimsical vulnerability, Annie is the friend we all need to guide us back to staying true to ourselves and finding the fun we need.
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- 150,95 kr.
- King James Easy Read Scripture Promises
174,95 kr. The Tree of Life Journal. A perfect gift for any dendrophile, sprouting bible scholar, writer seeking to branch out with new ideas, or someone looking to document God's handiwork while walking through the forest. This journal is decoratively wrapped and adorned with the selected verse, "And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food" (Genesis 2:9 KJVER). The inside spine of the journal contains artistic renderings of trees, along with fifty Bible verses spread throughout the journal focusing on the promises of God from the King James Version Easy Read edition. The promises of God are a highlight of the journal focusing on themes of promises of blessings, promises from God when we feel the negative forces and trials of life, as well as promises of God for those that love, believe, and trust in Him. This journal will be a lasting encouragement for anyone that uses it, not to mention another way to document God's goodness and mercy, and chance to practice for becoming a stronger writer.
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- 174,95 kr.
- Convierte Tus Habilidades, Destrezas Y Maestría En Un Negocio Rentable
157,95 kr. Cómo ser un coach exitoso es un plan de 8 pasos que todo coach independiente necesita para ser exitoso. Muchas personas han experimentado un momento en el que entendieron que su carrera profesional no era tan segura o satisfactoria como pensaban que serÃa; o no han tenido la confianza para iniciar su propio negocio de consultorÃa. Ante este panorama, Donald Miller nos guÃa en una ruta para: Crear un menú de servicios para venderlo a los clientes. Generar y gestionar una lista de clientes potenciales. Crear un sitio web atractivo que atraiga a tus clientes ideales. Redactar y automatizar emails de ventas que lleguen a los clientes mientras tú duermes. Crear un embudo de mercadotecnia y una escalera de producto. Fijar metas de negocio realistas y alcanzarlas. Crear o juntar una comunidad para ayudarte a crecer. Manejar adecuadamente los matices de la relación entre cliente y coach _______________ Whether you're thinking about starting a consulting business or have been coaching for a while, Coach Builder will give you the 8-step plan every self-employed coach needs to be successful. Have you experienced a moment when you realized your career wasn't as secure or fulfilling as you thought it was going to be? Maybe you've thought about using your skills to start your own consulting business - but you haven't had the confidence to go for it. Donald Miller has been consulting and coaching for over two decades. He's consulted some of the world's top brands including TOMS Shoes, TREK Bicycles, and Tempur Sealy. In 2020, he founded his own coaching program, where he's helped hundreds of coaches start and grow their business. As a coach of coaches, he knows exactly what it takes to build a successful consulting career - and now he's sharing eight secrets of success with you. In Coach Builder you'll learn how to... Create a menu of services to sell to clients Generate and manage a list of potential clients Create a compelling website that attracts your ideal clients Write and automate sales emails that land clients while you sleep Create a marketing funnel and product ladder Set realistic business goals and accomplish them Build or join a community to help you grow Navigate the nuances of the client/coach relationship If you're ready to make a lot of money doing something you love every single day, Coach Builder is the book you've been waiting for.
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- 157,95 kr.
- de la Incertidumbre a la Esperanza
130,95 kr. El mundo en que vivimos se ha vuelto inseguro, peligroso, deprimente y, sobre todo, volátil e inestable. Atrás quedó la sociedad sólida de nuestros antepasados marcada por una cosmovisión predecible, ordenada y con visión de futuro. La historia, la polÃtica, la filosofÃa, las tradiciones, ritos y creencias que formaron nuestro universo cultural, se diluyen y desvanecen en una nueva realidad social marcada por cambios y mutaciones que suceden a un ritmo hiperacelerado y vertiginoso. En medio de este caos, este libro busca enfrentar la marea autodestructiva en la que se ha sumergido nuestra sociedad. ¿Cómo enfrentamos este panorama sombrÃo? A través de pequeñas fábulas e historias poderosas que contienen una profunda enseñanza, Mundo volátil nos anima a encontrar verdades absolutas que nos lleven a la estabilidad mental y la paz espiritual que necesitamos en nuestra alma. El mundo es el resultado de nuestras ideas, y aún estamos a tiempo de cambiar el caos en el que se ha sumergido nuestra vida. ¡Usted puede convertirse en embajador de esperanza en un mundo que está a punto de diluirse! _______________ The world we live in has become insecure, dangerous, depressing, and above all, volatile and unstable. The solid society of our ancestors, characterized by a predictable, orderly, and forward-thinking worldview, is a thing of the past. History, politics, philosophy, traditions, rituals and beliefs which shaped our cultural universe are now dissolving and vanishing into a new social reality marked by changes and mutations that take place at a hectic and vertiginous pace. In the midst of this chaos, this books seeks to confront the self-destructive tide into which our society is immersed. How do we face this somber panorama? Through brief tales and powerful stories containing a deep teaching. Volatile World encourages us to discover absolute truths that lead to mental stability and spiritual peace so needed in our souls. The world is the result of our ideas. We still have time to change the chaos in which our lives have plunged. You can become an ambassador of hope in a world about to dissolve!
- Bog
- 130,95 kr.
- Learning to Love God, Others, and Even Yourself
163,95 kr. Rachael Adams was sitting in a church pew one Sunday morning when a love offering envelope caught her eye. She sensed the Lord whisper to her heart, "You are My love offering. I've given you My love. Now how are you going to give My love to those around you?" Rachael's heart overflowed; she felt a burning desire to help others feel God's precious gift. In Everyday Prayers for Love: Learning to Love God, Others, and Even Yourself, Rachael extends the tender invitation from a loving God to His beloved. She explores the concept of biblical love and then guides readers through practical ways to live out love for others. In this thirty-one-day devotional and reflective journal for women, you will: - Realize that God is love - Understand the characteristics of biblical love - Grasp how much God truly loves you - Learn how to love yourself - Live out love through your actions toward others - Experience fulfillment through living out your purpose to love - Develop a deeper prayer life Everyday Prayers for Love will help you discover who God is leading you to love in a tangible way--and motivate you to impact others with the gift of love.
- Bog
- 163,95 kr.
- A 90-Day Devotional
139,95 kr. Experience a personal revelation of your leadership capacity. Leadership is not an "elite" gift. Every person has the instinct and capacity for leadership. Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe offers daily practical and biblical advice for living in the fullness of your leadership abilities--no matter where you are along your path of leadership. Based on his popular books The Spirit of Leadership and Becoming a Leader, this 90-day devotional will help you discover your inherent aptitude to lead and the special qualities of the spirit of leadership. Each day's devotion features insights and encouragement, a motivating thought for the day, and a Scripture reading. Included are "10 Powerful Attitudes for Leadership." Every human possesses the potential to lead, but most haven't found their passion to lead. Although we all have leadership abilities, we often do not have the understanding, courage, or will to cultivate them. That is why trapped within every follower is a hidden leader. True leadership goes far beyond the mechanics that many leadership programs promote. It has more to do with discovering a sense of meaning and significance and of aligning your life with your purpose to adopt a natural leadership style in the arena of your gifting. Then, you can develop the spirit of leadership, which includes the qualities of passion, initiative, teamwork, innovation, persistence, discipline, focus, confidence, self-cultivation, patience, peace, and compassion, as well as the ability to identify priorities, set goals, and manage your time. Discover and recover your leadership spirit, enabling you to become A Leader of Purpose and Power.
- Bog
- 139,95 kr.