Bøger udgivet af VEGUETA EDICIONES
184,95 kr. "This story takes place in Nodar, a small country lost on the map that lives in harmony with nature. with nature. The mountains protect it from the winds, the mighty river waters the willows and the humans communicate with the birds to help each other. But one day winter, confused among so many planes and roads in the world, gets distracted and appears in the village. Now, the birds must warn the inhabitants of Nodar's first snowfall. How can they prepare themselves to survive the variations in the landscape? Halfway between reality and dream, and accompanied by illustrations by Marâia Flâo, this children's story about change and traditions is an ideal entry into the poetry and work of the Uruguayan poet and winner of the Miguel de Cervantes Prize, Ida Vitale."--
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- 184,95 kr.
184,95 kr. My name is Jorge Oramas and I am known as the painter of light. My life was marked by the imprint of illness and poverty. However, despite all the darkness of my life, my work exudes luminosity and joy. In this book, I invite you to know my story: a story marked by adversity, but also by beauty. I painted everything I could and portrayed with intense colors the island where I was born, Gran Canaria. I dyed my life in gray with vivid tones, and that is why I became one of the most important artists of 20th century Canarian painting.
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- 184,95 kr.
184,95 kr. Joan Miró i Ferrà went down in history as a total artist who embraced everything: painting, poetry, music and sculpture. From an early age he traced lines and circles inspired by constellations, thus germinating a style that years later would make him one of the most important artists of the 20th century. For Miró, art meant opening windows, sharing experiences and speaking a universal language. Therefore, in this book we invite you to learn about his work and life through games and artistic experiments. You will learn a new way of seeing the world, and you will discover the secrets that the universe holds! Both the narrative register and the style of the images are suitable for school children between 6 and 11 years of age. The content as well as the illustrations make sure to deal with didactic themes transversal to the character's areas of activity, both for family reading as well as for use in schools and to reinforce the educational program. This title is included in Nuestros Ilustres -the series of biographies of outstanding figures in the fields of science, culture and history-, which is intended to serve as a cultural and educational support, as well as an extracurricula
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- 184,95 kr.
268,95 kr. A story of friendship, social media-showing off and the discovery that paradise can be found in the most unlikely of places Ina has no plans for the summer holiday. All of a sudden, in front of the entire class she blurts out that she's going to the Med for several weeks. She doesn't know why she's lying, and the lie keeps growing. A big problem is that the new boy in class has moved to Ina's neighbourhood and he will easily find out that she is not on holiday at all. Perhaps the best summer holiday is the one you thought would be the worst.
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- 268,95 kr.
168,95 kr. ¡Descubre la guía definitiva para aprobar el examen de PER y PNB! Este libro contiene una sorprendente cantidad de 500 preguntas de test de examen, ¡mucho más de lo que indica su título! Diseñadas para las diferentes Comunidades Autónomas, estas preguntas siguen el programa estándar del Plan de Estudios del 2014, por lo que no encontrarás grandes diferencias entre ellas. Además, hemos incluido instrucciones precisas para resolver preguntas de test de carta de navegación, aunque no se incluya la resolución gráfica. Después de estudiar el temario del Libro de Patrón de Embarcaciones de Recreo (PER), la mejor manera de prepararte para el examen teórico es poner en práctica tus conocimientos a través de la resolución de preguntas de test similares a las que encontrarás durante la prueba. En este libro, hemos seleccionado cuidadosamente 500 preguntas, la mayoría pertenecientes a cada Unidad Teórica, y otras agrupadas al final en dos tests de examen completos, abarcando todas las Unidades. De esta manera, podrás poner a prueba tus conocimientos y descubrir en qué temas necesitas profundizar más. Además, al final del libro tienes una contraseña para acceder a la escuela online y ver 4 Problemas Básicos de Cartas de Navegación para complementar tu preparación.Si te estás preparando para el examen de PNB, no te preocupes, también hemos pensado en ti. Los candidatos a ser Patrones para la Navegación Básica deberán realizar exclusivamente las preguntas de las Unidades Teóricas 1 al 6 de este libro, que abarcan desde Nomenclatura Náutica hasta el Reglamento Internacional para prevenir los accidentes en la mar. Así que, ya seas aspirante a ser Patrón de Recreo o a ser Patrón de Navegación Básica, este libro de test es perfecto para ti. Pero eso no es todo. Al final del libro, hemos incluido un test completo de examen que te permitirá evaluar tu nivel de preparación de forma exhaustiva. Así podrás asegurarte de estar listo para el examen y, una vez te conviertas en Patrón, disfrutarás de inolvidables travesías en mares únicos y contemplarás los colores incomparables del cielo y el agua.No pierdas esta oportunidad única de adquirir la mejor herramienta de estudio para el examen de PER y PNB. ¡Prepárate a fondo y asegura tu éxito!
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- 168,95 kr.
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- 198,95 kr.
378,95 kr. Rosa returns to the Canary Islands in search of something. What? She doesn't know. She is as lost as the rest of her family, the once influential and conservative Bernadotte lineage. Perhaps she can find answers from her grandfather Julio, who, in his nearly one hundred years of life, has witnessed the political history of the island and the mark it has left on all those around him. With a brilliant and strange literary style, the author of Archipiélago retraces Julio's life, that of the Baute and Bernadotte families, but also that of those who had no name: the small great stories of those who have not gone down in history.
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- 378,95 kr.
198,95 kr. It all started in 1979, when one of the usual floods of the Brahmaputra River, one of the longest in Asia, killed hundreds of snakes. Jadav, who was a child at the time, understood that the animals died because they had no shade to shelter in. He decided to fix this. Seed by seed he transplanted trees from nearby areas. Despite doubt from those around him, he managed to create a forest of almost six hundred hectares where birds, deer, rhinos, and elephants now live. A book about plants, animals, humans, and the importance of all working together to conserve our wonderful planet.
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- 198,95 kr.
205,95 kr. A dark and astonishing fairy tale, at once mythical and otherworldly and fiercely contemporary. A novel about love, marriage and its failures, power and revenge, metamorphosis and renewal. Lucy and Jake live in a house next to a field where the sun burns like a ball of fire. She works from home, adapting where she has gotten her routine to the children and to the house itself, which comforts her like a sly old friend. She until, one day, she receives a call from a stranger with a devastating message: her wife is having an affair with Lucy's husband, and she wants her to know about it. A revelation that inevitably has consequences. Lucy and Jake decide to stay together, with a strange modified condition to maintain some balance and thus save their marriage: she will hurt him three times. Jake won't know when, or how. As the pair undergo a delicate game of crime and punishment, Lucy herself begins to change, surrendering to a transformation of mind and body from which there is no return.
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- 205,95 kr.
288,95 kr. The Bukowski brothers have become famous for saving a baby from drowning and their reward is much more valuable than fame: a whole summer at the public pool! Through humor, Piscina tells us the story of three brothers who walk miles to achieve their ideal summer that they'll forever remember.
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- 288,95 kr.
288,95 kr. Inventario de sitios perdidos y amigos muertos antes de tiempo, Barcelona fantasma constituye el retrato fragmentario de una ciudad que fue y que ya no es. A veces melancâolico, a menudo irâonico y casi nunca moralista -aunque sâi teänido de un cierto fatalismo amable-, Ramâon de Espaäna reconstruye la Barcelona underground de los setenta y ochenta a travâes de una serie de lugares y personas que ya no estâan a la vista; cadâaveres gloriosos que alguna vez habitaron y adornaron la ciudad de literatura, cine, mâusica y, por quâe no, de dipsomanâia en los mâas famosos tugurios de la âepoca. En la pelâicula de Woody Allen Otra mujer, Gena Rowlands se preguntaba si un recuerdo es algo que se tiene o algo que se ha perdido. Algo parecido se plantea De Espaäna en este centenar de crâonicas que, como escribe Javier Cercas, bien pueden leerse como sobre su autor, evocando sus vivencias en la ciudad que lo vio nacer y que, ahora, solo existe en su memoria.
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- 288,95 kr.
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- 228,95 kr.
228,95 kr. Luz Illuminates Dyslexia At a very young age, Luz Rello realized that she was not learning at the same pace as her classmates. Something prevented her from understanding what the teacher was writing on cards, and her friends could read easily. Over time, Luz realized that she was dyslexic. But she did not give up, she learned to cope with these difficulties and ended up becoming an expert in linguistics. As an adult, as a researcher, Luz has managed to develop a test to detect the risk of dyslexia in less than fifteen minutes, which is a true global milestone in the treatment of one of the most common obstacles to children's learning. The story of Luz is that of someone who, from a very young age, realized that there were things around her that did not work well, and that maybe she could do something in order to change them. So she thought of a solution, she looked for teammates to carry it out and started a very important project to contribute to a better world.
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- 228,95 kr.
608,95 kr. El presente volumen de Nicanor Parra es la primera antología completa, y en edición de lujo, de los ecopoemas del gran poeta chileno, creador de la antipoesía y Premio Cervantes 2011. Por ecopoemas se entienden todas aquellas composiciones del autor dedicadas a la temática ecológica y la conservación del planeta, causa de la que fue militante pionero desde mediados del pasado siglo. El volumen reúne creaciones procedentes de títulos tan fundamentales como Poemas y antipoemas (1954), Ecopoemas (1982) o Poesía política (1983), y a la vez reproduce a gran formato los artefactos visuales del autor, tan geniales e incisivos como los poemas visuales de Joan Brossa. La antología y los comentarios corren a cargo de Niall Binns, profesor de literatura hispanoamericana de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y especialista en la vida y la obra de Parra. This Nicanor Parra volume is the first complete anthology, and in a deluxe edition, of the ecopoems of the great Chilean poet, creator of anti-poetry and winner of the 2011 Cervantes Prize. By ecopoems we understand all those compositions of the author dedicated to ecological issues and the conservation of the planet, a cause of which he was a pioneering activist since the middle of last century. The volume brings together creations from such fundamental titles as Poems and Antipoems (1954), Ecopoems (1982) or Political Poetry (1983), and at the same time reproduces in large format the author's visual artifacts, as brilliant and incisive as Joan Brossa's visual poems. This anthology and its commentaries are done by Niall Binns, professor of Hispano-American literature at the Complutense University of Madrid and a specialist in the life and work of Parra.
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- 608,95 kr.
223,95 kr. - Bog
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- 228,95 kr.
228,95 kr. El secreto de la vida Rosalind Franklin fue una de las químicas más influyentes del siglo XX. Experta en el uso de los rayos X, desveló uno de los enigmas mejor guardados de la naturaleza: la estructura del ADN, la molécula que se encarga de que todos, humanos, animales, plantas y resto de organismos, nos parezcamos a nuestros progenitores. A pesar de no haber obtenido apenas reconocimiento, la vida de Rosalind Franklin es un ejemplo de superación y de trabajo, al haber contribuido al descubrimiento del secreto de la vida. Tanto el registro de la narración como el estilo de las imágenes están adecuados a escolares con una franja de edad entre 8 y 11 años. El texto y las ilustraciones se aseguran de tratar temas didácticos transversales a los ámbitos de actividad del personaje, en especial aquellos relativos al mundo de la ciencia y la biología, de cara tanto a la lectura en familia como al uso en centros escolares y al refuerzo al programa educativo. Las páginas finales del libro contienen una biografía resumida del personaje y una cronología que lo enmarca en la evolución de su disciplina, entre otros personajes destacados. GENIOS DE LA CIENCIA Con la colección Infantil, desde Vegueta queremos realizar nuestra particular aportación al proyecto universal más apasionante que existe, el de la educación infantil y juvenil. Como una varita mágica, la educación tiene el poder de iluminar sombras y hacer prevalecer la razón, los principios y la solidaridad, impulsando la prosperidad. Genios de la Ciencia, nuestra serie de biografías de científicos e inventores, pretende aproximar a los niños a aquellos grandes personajes cuyo estudio, disciplina y conocimiento han contribuido al desarrollo y la calidad de vida de nuestra sociedad. Nuestras publicaciones desean apoyar la labor de creadores, pedagogos y maestros, sin cuyo esfuerzo y generosidad sería imposible el milagro de la transmisión del saber que, como el fuego de una antorcha, debe progresar y acrecentarse cada vez que pasa de una generación a la siguiente. Sin la encomiable entrega de estos profesionales y sin la curiosidad innata de nuestros mayores cómplices --todos los niños y niñas a los que ha picado alguna vez el chinche prodigioso de la lectura--, muy poco de lo que hacemos tendría sentido. The secret of life Rosalind Franklin was one of the most influential chemists of the 20th century. An expert in the use of X-rays, she unveiled one of Nature's best kept enigmas: the structure of DNA, the molecule that ensures that all of us, humans, animals, plants and other organisms, look like our progenitors. Rosalind Franklin's life is an example of improvement and work, having contributed to the discovery of the secret of life. Both the register of the narrative and the style of the images are appropriate for schoolchildren between 8 and 11 years old. The text and the images make sure to deal with pedagogical threads that traverse the characters' scope of activity, both for family readings at home and at school, supporting the educational program. Additionally, throughout the narrative the reader will find all the information necessary to appropriately situate the figure in a socio-historical context.
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- 228,95 kr.
258,95 kr. This volume tells the story of Jacques Cousteau, the legendary explorer who discovered the wonders of the underwater world, so close to our lives up to then, and yet so unknown. This exciting epic is narrated by Philippe, Commander Cousteau's younger son, and in it we will read about his father's inventions and exciting expeditions aboard the Calypso. We will also learn about the majestic creatures he came to meet in his travels and the dangers these creatures fase on account of the human species' invasive and destructive habits. The author visited Jan Cousteau, Cousteau's daughter-in-law and widow of his son Philippe, the main character of the book. The author met with her in Washington. Jan excitedly handed over to us for publication the letter she had received from Philippe when he was on an expedition. In addition to Philippe's letter, this title includes a postcard and a second letter simulating Philippe's correspondence with his mother, when he was at boarding school and his parents were travelling around the world on Calypso.
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- 258,95 kr.