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Bøger udgivet af University of the West Indies Press

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  • af Erna Brodber
    433,95 kr.

    This work examines the strands of a collective African diasporic consciousness represented in the work of a number of Black Caribbean writers. Catherine A. John shows how a shared consciousness, or "third sight," is rooted in both pre- and postcolonial cultural practices and disseminated through a rich oral tradition.

  • af Diane Austin-Broos
    546,95 kr.

    Jamaica ismost well-known for its popular culture, crime and violence. Government, thestate, is viewed as a malign force. In Politics in an Island State notedanthropologist Diane Austin-Broos brings an alternative view of Jamaica, itsculture and governance. This history of Jamaica, and more pointedly, thehistory of politics in Jamaica, is brilliantly told through the biography ofWills O. Isaacs. Never the leader of his party - the People's National Party -Wills was active in politics from the 1930s and was nonetheless a prominent andnotorious figure. Informativeand entertaining, this biography of a "second-tier" political leader departsfrom the usual heroic style and addresses the challenges of a fledgling socialdemocracy in the mid-twentieth century. Decolonization and the decline ofsugar, the Great Depression and two world wars frame the challenges of thetime. Flanked by rural-to-urban migration, unemployment and industrialization, Jamaica'sstruggles into the twenty-first century and the conduct of government - thesuccesses, failures and foibles - are presented and viewed through a morenuanced lens. Leaders shape history, though they seldom dictate itsdirection. Viewing history through their eyes affords a dynamic account of thestructures and events that underpin a society's development. Politics in an Island State willfind a ready audience with readers generally interested in the Caribbean, buteven more so with sages - both academic and unconventional - of anthropology, history, foreign affairs, sociology, political science, development studies andpolitical economy.

  • af Hannah Regis
    363,95 kr.

    A Caribbean Poetics of Spirit offers a rare and penetrativeexploration into Caribbean literary articulations of non-material and numinouspresences. The study incorporates representations of African-Caribbean and Indigenousmythologies, syncretic spirituality, and magico-religious practices. From textsby ten writers, Hannah Regis extracts thematic and poetic references toCaribbean spectrality, its formal properties, and signifying practices to probethe nature and fictional representations of historical futures. Regislinks the haunting spectrality of the Middle Passagewith the lingering trauma and violence of the plantation order. She then raisesthe issue of how the latter has impacted complex ontological schema andconsiders how literary engagement with spirits operates as therapeuticinterventions to psychic maladies, and as a potential model for a Caribbeanaesthetic. This book also boldly re-conceptualizes ontological andepistemological approaches to contestcolonial and neocolonial hegemonic ways of being. It provides a comprehensivetaxonomy of Caribbean creative and intellectual practices, and theories foreffectively categorizing and explaining the emergence and workings of spiritpresences. Regis combines diverse theoretical perspectives from a range ofscholars working within the traditions of postmemory, cultural memory, spirituality and Caribbean philosophy to formulate a crucial counter-archivalhistory through which the voices of the oppressed find articulation andbelonging while indexing a repository of cultural, psychological and affectiveexpressions that are linked to the unfinished business of history. The writeradroitly contends that a Caribbean poetics of spirit sits at the edge of a newwave of literary criticism.

  • af Barbara Lalla
    274,95 kr.

    Disaster catapults three children into the careof their Caribbean grandparents, before another relative, elusive and perhapsunstable, makes a conflicting claim to guardianship. Balancing domesticcalamity against her own compulsive writing, Aria faces physical andpsychological threats, as a pandemic creeps up on the world and the countrymoves into lockdown. By Such a Parting Light offers a humorous andpoignant tale of aging and of coming of age, and it takes a mischievousapproach to the multiple meanings of retirement. A must for all readers of Caribbean and islandliterature - for readers with a taste for realism that blends seamlessly intostrains of the marvelous and gothic - the novel's themes of loss andseparation, love and resilience, are universally appealing. The book personalizes local and internationalviolence and terror by bringing it all home to a small country in aninternational context of uncontained infection and catastrophic politics. Turningan astonished eye on developed nations from the frail shelter of a tiny island, the tale unveils alternative notions of civilization and enlightenment.

  • - Papers in Honour of Hubert Devonish
    af Clive Forrester
    365,95 kr.

    Honouringthe remarkable career of Professor Hubert Devonish, a leading scholar inlinguistics, language education, and cultural studies, Soundsof Advocacy, Language and Liberation provides a representative spread oflinguistics addressing critical areas of academic and social responsibilitythrough the exploration and analysis of theoretical and sociocultural concerns.Through his tireless research Devonish illuminated the complexities ofCaribbean Creole languages and championed their rightful place in academia andsociety.This festschriftreveals the impact of Devonish's work on linguistic theory, spanningfascinating topics like implosives in Jamaican Creole and the mathematicalconstraints on allowable sentences in Guyanese Creole. The papers contain insightfulanalyses of the relationship between language, education, and culture, including Devonish's groundbreaking work on Creole language literacy and theimportance of promoting multilingualism. Provocative discussions on theintersection of politics, law, and language, shed light on Devonish'sunwavering commitment to social justice and the empowerment of marginalisedcommunities. Morethan just a collection of academic contributions, Sounds of Advocacy serves as a tribute to Professor Devonish'sdedication to intellectual inquiry, social justice, and the advancement ofCaribbean languages and cultures.

  • af B W Higman
    613,95 kr.

    Thehistorical study of food and the anthropology of food are recent and growingfields of scholarly inquiry. An understanding of these aspects of life canreveal much about a culture's crop production, economy, preparation methods, festivals, foodways, history, and environmental care and degradation. Thisbeautifully illustrated book by one of the Caribbean's pre-eminent historians, B.W. Higman, sheds new light on food and cultural practices in Jamaica from thetime of the earliest Taino inhabitants through the introduction of differentfoodways by enslaved peoples, to creole adaptations to the fast-food phenomenaof the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The author examines the shift inJamaican food practices over time, from the Tainos' use of bitter cassava to theMaroons' introduction of jerk pork, and the population's love affair with thefruits of the island such as pawpaw, guava, star apple, and avocado pear. Inthis accessible study, Higman traces how endemic animals, delicacies such asthe turtle, ringtail pigeon, black land crab and mountain mullet, barelyretained their popular status into the early twentieth century and are nowalmost completely forgotten, their populations dramatically depleted, oftenendangered. Thetwo main sections of the book deal separately with plants and animals. Plantsare grouped together according to the parts of them used as food: roots, stalksand leaves, fruits and seeds. Generally, all aspects of a particular plant havebeen discussed together and the plant as a whole has been located in itsdominant use. Animals are treated in the same way, putting all of their uses ina single place but grouped into biological families.

  • af Elizabeth Walcott-Hackshaw
    158,95 - 258,95 kr.

    This brief biography looks at one of the most influential writers from the francophone Caribbean. Aimé Césaire was a poet, playwright and politician, who, along with Léon-Gontran Damas from French Guiana and Léopold Senghor of Senegal, founded the Negritude movement in the 1930s. The men had come together as young black students in Paris at a time when the French capital had become the locus of ideas on black identity and pan-Africanism. The Negritude movement called for a cultural awakening of African heritage, a rejection of Western ideology that inherently saw blacks as inferior to whites, and a reclamation of what it meant to be black. Césaire's first major and most famous poetic work, Cahier d'un retour au pays natal (Notebook of a Return to My Native Land), explored the contours of this African heritage and his complex identity as a black man born under French rule on the Caribbean island of Martinique. Throughout his long political career, which lasted for most of his life, Césaire fought not only for his own people but for those who had been wronged by vestiges of colonial regimes. This book is an exploration of Césaire's life in his never-ending decolonizing battle.

  • af Acolla Lewis-Cameron
    460,95 kr.

    Unlock the secrets of sustainable Caribbeantourism in Sun Lust to Sun Plus: Niche Tourism in the Caribbean, a comprehensiveoverview of niche tourism development strategies that are restructuring theparadisiacal destinations of the Caribbean. Discover how the small islanddeveloping states (SIDS) of the Caribbean are redefining their approach totourism, moving from traditional mass tourism, the "Sun Lust" of the past, to amore sustainable and diverse model, the "Sun Plus" of the present and future. Through an exploration of existing andpotential tourism niches in the region, Accola Lewis-Cameron and Leslie-AnnJordan-Miller lead an impressive group of scholars who, through case studiesand analyses of various niche tourism products, highlight the uniqueopportunities and challenges facing SIDS in the Caribbean and providerecommendations for creating a more resilient and sustainable industry. While each chapter in this edited volume offersa unique perspective, they collectively provide a complete understanding ofniche tourism's role in bolstering and sustaining a vibrant and dynamic Caribbeantourism offer. Explore the concept of music tourism in Trinidad and the role ofslow food in culinary tourism in the Caribbean. Dive into the challenges andopportunities of cruise tourism in Cozumel and the promise of medical tourismin the Cayman Islands. Uncover the potential of sustainable ecotourism inDominica as a post-COVID-19 recovery strategy, and uncover the potential ofeducational tourism in Grenada as a socio-economic force. The final chapters conclude with a clarioncall for further tourism diversification away from the Caribbean's traditional 3S product offering (sun, sea and sand) and for the introduction of a scorecardapproach to ensure that the future of tourism in these tropical paradises isrobust and sustainable. From a reading of this collection, academics, students andpractitioners will gain invaluable insights and best practices that bridge thegap between tourism management theory and its application.

  • af Winston Dookeran
    498,95 kr.

    In the wake of pervasive global challenges exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Caribbean stands at a critical point in its economic development. Development and Diplomacy: Resetting Caribbean Policy Analysis in the Aftermath of the COVID-19 Pandemic is an illuminating exploration of the region's need to recalibrate and reshape its developmental policy strategy.Under the stewardship of Winston Dookeran and Dr M. Raymond Izarali, the volume embarks on a comprehensive examination of the frontiers in economic policy analysis: convergence, complexity, competitiveness, and the circular economy. These frontiers, often discussed in isolation, collectively establish the theoretical framework for the World Economic Forum's "The Great Reset Initiative", aimed at rebuilding a more sustainable, equitable, and inclusive world following the pandemic.Thought-provoking chapters - written by scholars and practitioners both within and beyond the region - span issues such as the challenges facing small island states, the adequacy of orthodox growth models, regional advances in policy structures, liberalism, investment and capital flows, and health diplomacy to name a few and encapsulate a multidisciplinary approach. This approach expertly weaves together the disciplines of economics, politics, and diplomacy to forge not only a holistic understanding of Caribbean policy dynamics but also forge a clear path to translating research findings into actionable policy insights, which could propel the Caribbean towards a future of renewed prosperity and shared success.Development and Diplomacy is a sequel to previous publications, such as Winston Dookeran's Power, Politics and Performance: A Partnership Approach for Development (2012); Crisis and Promise in the Caribbean: Politics and Convergence (2015); The Caribbean on the Edge: The Political Stress of Stability, Equality, and Diplomacy (2022) and Dookeran and Carlos Elias's Shifting the Frontiers: An Action Framework for the Future of the Caribbean (2016). This volume is poised to empower professors and students in the field of development studies, policy leaders and practitioners within agencies, and the voices of citizens and advocates shaping public discourse.

  • af Dara Wilkinson Bobb
    123,95 kr.

  • af Ruth Baker-Gardner
    468,95 kr.

  • af Joseph T Farquharson
    508,95 kr.

  • af Suzanne Francis-Brown
    428,95 kr.

  • af Rupert C. Lewis
    168,95 kr.

  • af Patrick E Bryan
    678,95 kr.

    Includes bibliographical references and index.

  • af Michela A. Calderaro
    428,95 kr.

  • af Dave St Aubyn Gosse
    428,95 kr.

  • af Hilary McD Beckles
    548,95 kr.

    "The modern Caribbeaneconomy was invented, structured and managed by European states for onepurpose: to achieve maximum wealth extraction to fuel and sustain theirnational financial, commercial and industrial transformation." So begins How Britain Underdeveloped the Caribbean: AReparation Response to Europe's Legacy of Plunder and Poverty as HilaryMcD. Beckles continues the groundbreaking work he began in Britain's Black Debt: Reparations for Caribbean Slavery and NativeGenocide. We are now ina time of global reckoning for centuries of crimes against humanity perpetratedby European colonial powers as they built their empires with the wealthextracted from the territories they occupied and exploited with enslaved and, later, indentured labour. The systematic brutality of the transatlantic tradein enslaved Africans and the plantation economies did not disappear with theabolition of slavery. Rather, the means of exploitation were reconfigured toensure that wealth continued to flow to European states. Independencefrom colonial powers in the twentieth century did not mean real freedom for theCaribbean nations, left as they were without the resources for meaningfuldevelopment and in a state of persistent poverty. Beckles focuses his attentionon the British Empire and shows how successive governments have systematicallysuppressed economic development in their former colonies and have refused to acceptresponsibility for the debt and development support they owe the Caribbean.

  • af Robyn Cope
    548,95 kr.

    "A well-documented comparative study of food imagery in contemporary fiction by Guadeloupeans Maryse Condâe and Gisáele Pineau, Haitian Edwidge Danticat, and Trinidadians Lakshmi Persaud and Shani Mootoo.".

  • af Richard L Bernal
    548,95 kr.

    Globalization, Trade, and Economic Development: The CARIFORUM-EU Economic PartnershipAgreement is the most in-depth study of theeconomic partnership between the European Union and the fifteen Caribbeandeveloping countries that make up CARIFORUM. The CARIFORUM-EU EconomicPartnership Agreement (EPA) is the first trade agreement of its kind, as it isa new type of WTO-compatible trade agreement between a group of developedcountries and a group of developing countries. As a principal negotiator forCARIFORUM, Richard L. Bernal is uniquely qualified to provide a uniqueperspective on trade and economic development in the midst of globalization. Inthis book, he comprehensively explores the components of the EPA from allangles, explains how the agreement provides opportunities to strengthen andaccelerate economic development, and outlines the policies which can allow theCARIFORUM countries to seize these opportunities. Bernal's explanation of theinstitutional arrangements for the conduct of the negotiations by CARIFORUM isinvaluable to governments and regional organizations in developing countries forcoordinating groups to advance common and joint positions in internationalnegotiations.

  • af Brent Hagerman
    613,95 kr.

    Jamaican deejayYellowman divided a country with his bawdy songs and his very body: he has beenwildly popular among dancehall fans, yet widely despised by polite society. Eventhough his contribution to Jamaican musical culture is immense, scholars haveignored him and reggae histories have largely misunderstood him. King Yellowman: MeaningfulBodies in Jamaican Dancehall Culture is the first serious study of one Jamaica's most significant artistsand dancehall's first major international star. It is a critical biography designedto satisfy fans while furthering academic discourse on dancehall by offering anew perspective on the way Yellowman negotiates the slackness/culture binary inJamaican music. Based on years of ethnographicfieldwork, Brent Hagerman begins with the compelling story of Winston Foster'searly life as an abandoned ghetto outcast and his hard-fought journey to becomethe King of Dancehall, then goes on to a critical exploration of themarginalization of people with albinism in Jamaica and the use of slackness inCaribbean music. Through slackness and his mobilization of Rastafarian symbols, Yellowman subverts embedded Jamaican cultural notions of sexuality, gender, andrace to overcome his cultural displacement, promote his yellow body as sexuallyappealing and forge a place for himself among the Jamaican body politic.

  • af Verene Shepherd
    163,95 kr.

  • af Barbara Lalla
    428,95 kr.

  • af Shinique Walters
    393,95 kr.

    In International Aid under the Microscope: European Union Project Cycle Management in Jamaica, Shinique Walters critically analyses the discourse surrounding the European Union's project management guidelines and their role in the development, conceptualization, management and implementation of social development projects administered in Jamaica. Walters looks at the communities engaged under the Jamaica Social Investment Fund Poverty Reduction Programme II and explores the role of the European Union and its impact on aid dependency as well as the role of environmental and social factors in achieving project success. She determines that leadership, capacity building, and individual and community development are important approaches that need to be examined to encourage development and must be seen as a part of the development script. Moreover, it is the responsibility of donors to ensure that they provide the necessary tools and support to build capacity. This work will be of interest to academics, public-policy practitioners, development specialists, and government and non-governmental agencies involved with community-based interventions and social development.

  • af Sandra Ingrid Gift
    683,95 kr.

    Caribbean Quality Culture takes the Caribbean higher education community and its stakeholders beyond quality assurance of higher education to delve into an exploration and assessment of the application of continuous quality improvement principles and strategies that are essential elements of a mature and effective quality management system in higher education institutions. The principles and strategies that can actually result in continuous quality improvement may not always be fully understood throughout higher education institutions. This collection seeks to bridge this gap to facilitate successful implementation of continuous quality improvement in such operational areas as governance and administration, student development and learning outcomes, and external quality assurance. Experienced and respected Caribbean higher education stakeholders, including leaders and practitioners, explore a range of topics, such as leadership, stakeholder engagement, the online learning environment, curriculum development and curriculum renewal for sustainable development, the transformative development of students, and the continuous quality improvement implications for the Caribbean of international and regional developments in the higher education sector. Contributors: Jonas I. Addae, Eduardo Raoul Ali, Hilary McD. Beckles, Compton Bourne, Ronald Brunton, Margo Burns, Beverly-Anne Carter, Alan Cobley, Kristen Cockburn, Celia Davidson Francis, Pamela C. Dottin, Jessica Dunn, Tennille Fanovich, Sandra Ingrid Gift, Stephan J.G. Gift, Carolyn Hayle, Sharine A. Isabella, Halima-Sa'adia Kassim, Patricia Mohammed, Fasil Muddeen, Anna Kasafi Perkins, Shilohna Phillanders, Kay Hinds Thompson, Dianne Thurab-Nkhosi, Elizabeth Walcott-Hackshaw, June Wheatley-Holness, Raynata A. Wiggins

  • af Rodney Worrell
    488,95 kr.

    In George Padmore's Black Internationalism, Rodney Worrell traces the main features of Padmore's social and political thought. Worrell explores Padmore's use of the ideologies of Marxism and pan-Africanism as vehicles to liberate Africa and the Caribbean from the grip of European imperialism. As an engaged Marxist revolutionary, Padmore played a leading role in the Soviet Union's black internationalism project during the early 1930s. After he severed his ties with the Comintern, he became one of the leading pan-African activists in Britain from the mid-1930s until he migrated to Ghana in 1957, where he made his mark as a member of the International African Service Bureau, the Pan-African Federation, and in organizing the Fifth Pan-African Congress in Manchester, England, in 1945. Padmore became a major theorist of the unification of the African continent and worked assiduously to see this become a reality as Kwame Nkrumah's advisor on African affairs. Worrell provides a sound and thorough account of Padmore's strident anti-imperialism and radical anti-colonial critiques while simultaneously outlining his championing of self-determination. This engrossing work scrutinizes Padmore's political praxis and illuminates his invaluable contribution to pan-Africanism and his dedication to the liberation of Africa and the Caribbean from colonial rule.