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  • af Natalie Kormos
    143,95 kr.

    A lyrically rhyming story of the emotions, challenges and experiences of living with Alzheimer's. Following along from the perspective of a man living with Alzheimer's and his connections with loved ones and the world around him. This book provides an opportunity for readers of all ages, to share and discuss personal experiences, questions and emotions around memories and Alzheimer's. Paired with beautiful illustrations created by an individual who lived with Alzheimer's, this story honours our memories; those created, lost, shared and all those yet to come. *Featuring large-print interior text

  • af D G Herchuk
    83,95 kr.

    AND THEN THIS HAPPENED (BOOK TWO) - the second collection in this series of fictional stories - very short stories, a page, or two, or three. Thirty-four of them. Moments in time that have changed the flow of life as they have always done. Many of these are serious accounts - thoughts of understanding, caring and concern. Sometimes there is a little humour, but not much, only a touch. The characters in the stories remind us of people we have known, and in some cases they remind us of ourselves. Some of the people are from many years ago, before our time, and yet, they touch our lives. Stories of Her ... A teenage girl places her poppy on a name. Whenever you are thinking of me ... We should have told him. Come and get me, hurry! She thinks of her Dad when she's golfing. The Ordinary Life. AND THEN THIS HAPPENED

  • af D. G. Herchuk
    83,95 kr.

    AND THEN THIS HAPPENED - the first collection in this series of fictional stories - very short stories, a page or two. Forty-three of them. Moments in time that have changed the flow of life as they have always done. Many of these are serious accounts - thoughts of understanding, caring and concern. Sometimes there is a little humour, but not much, only a touch. The characters in the stories remind us of people we have known, and in some cases they remind us of ourselves. Some of the people are from many years ago, before our time, and yet, they touch our lives. 1918 and a bullet is on a journey. She wonders about him. So many years ago. Gentleness of a spring day in early March. He meets her in Vancouver when he is in his twenties. The people before us. Mom.... Taking turns being someone else. A young girl who changed her mind. He hasn't seen his daughter in forty years. AND THEN THIS HAPPENED

  • af Patrick Clermont
    163,95 kr.

    Unless your retirement plan is dying... You have a retirement; you just might not know it. Find out where your life is going and what your present retirement plan is (if nothing in your life ever changes).At the age of thirty-two I was married with two kids and had lost one child to cancer three years before. We renting an apartment and were $25,000.00 in credit card debt. We were a one income minimum wage earning family. Then one day it hit me... I don't want to work until I die. So, I took a few minutes and made my retirement plan. I was going to retire at the magical number of sixty-five.I called it my Z plan. It was my best-worst-case scenario. Then I asked myself one question. What small change can I make to improve my Z plan? It had to be small and easy. I made one change, then another, then another slowly working my way down the alphabet... I retired at 52.My objective with this book is not to show you how to set a goal and go and get it. My desire is that you'll see that a couple working 9 to 5 jobs who make tiny changes in their lives can improve their future situation. And in the end you'll improve yours.

  • af Regine Abel
    198,95 kr.

    Ela obteve mais do que esperava. Quando Serena chegou a Trangor para participar da Primeira Caçada, a última coisa que ela esperava era ser forçada a se casar com um Ordosiano... ou ser executada. Ela não sabe nada sobre o povo dele, nada sobre ele, exceto que ele possui presas, escamas e uma cauda longa e estranha. Serena só tem que fazer o papel de esposa por seis meses, e então ela estará livre para ir embora. Mas Szaro parece ter outros planos. Ele é grande, intimidador e definitivamente não é humano. No entanto, como ela pode permanecer indiferente quando ele faz de tudo para agradá-la? Desde o momento em que ele colocou os olhos em Serena, Szaro ficou fascinado pela delicada fêmea humana. De aparência enganosamente frágil, ela é uma caçadora destemida e habilidosa. O gosto persistente do cheiro dela em sua língua é inebriante. Reivindicá-la para salvar sua vida não é algo difícil para ele. Superar suas diferenças e convencê-la a ficar de bom grado é um desafio que ele adora. Mas isso provará ser mais do que qualquer um deles pode suportar?

  • af Robert Houben
    88,95 kr.

    Ten-year-old Jacob, a double amputee, finds himself, along with his eight-year-old brother, accidentally sent back in time to the year 1910. In this era, the wonders of electricity were just beginning to be realized, and many people believed that the sky was the limit! This made his state-of-the-art bionic prosthetic arm and prosthetic leg a fascinating sight that feels possible but still raises eyebrows. Jacob enjoys playing robot with his advanced prostheses, but soon realizes that the term "robot" doesn't even exist in 1910. He discovers however that the children he meets are familiar with a metal-man called Tik-Tok in the Osma of Oz story book, from the Wizard of Oz series, so he renames his play "playing Tik-Tok" instead. He and his brother make many new friends playing Tik-Tok. While they wait to be rescued by their parents, an ambitious inventor notices the remarkable nature of Jacob's prostheses and becomes determined to steal them so he can patent the technology and become wealthy. Discover how Jacob and his brother escape the clutches of the inventor in this thrilling children's time travel adventure!

  • af Corinne Copnick
    198,95 kr.

  • af Regine Abel
    198,95 kr.

  • af Colleen Grove
    103,95 kr.

  • af Regine Abel
    223,95 kr.

  • af Regine Abel
    253,95 kr.

    Bugie. Tradimento. Inganno. Nata in un recinto di allevamento, Valena non ha mai conosciuto un giorno di libertà. Da bambina, il suo padrone le ha bruciato la retina per impedirle di controllare mentalmente coloro che incontravano il suo sguardo. Ma con il suo tocco ha ancora potere sui pensieri delle persone. Venduta alle Case del Sangue di Xelix Prime, è costretta a usare la sua abilità per tenere buone le altre schiave. Quando il Fato mette un potente Consigliere sulla sua strada, complotta e trama per usarlo per scappare, finché i suoi sentimenti per lui non complicano le cose. Mentre i piani del suo padrone prendono una piega più oscura, bugie, tradimenti e tragedie minacciano ogni sua speranza di un futuro migliore.

  • af Andrew D. Thompson
    218,95 kr.

    A High-Performing Mind is about reclaiming your inner strength and personal power. It's a hands-on guide that provides empowering, life-changing tools that help you get through adversity, overcome any life obstacle, and to bring your best to everything you do. If you've ever had something important not work out the way you hoped, failed to reach a goal, performed below expectations, struggled with your health or your relationships, been stopped by fear, blocked by nerves, pulled down by negativity, or sidelined by unexpected life-altering setbacks, then you're in the right place. A High-Performing Mind shows us how it's possible to find our best responses even during our most difficult times and, as a result, better experiences in the areas of our lives that matter most. ► Gain clarity about what matters most to you ► Increase your mental strength and resilience ► Find positive responses for life's challenges and setbacks ► Get past the fear that holds you back ► Find creative ways to thrive in any situation ► Discover how to access your best when it counts>A High-Performing Mind offers a unique approach to help you optimize your life and reach your full potential. It shares simple strategies to change your thinking and get past the limiting beliefs that hold you back. These practical tools can be used daily to help you overcome life's challenges and strive toward your goals. Each chapter explores new principles that will help you break through the barriers that block you from living a more fulfilling life.

  • af Keith Hoare
    138,95 kr.

    A fictional action adventure story set in the gray world of people trafficking. A young girl is abducted and destined for a traffickers auction, with little chance of escape. However, the girl is capable, resourceful and an opportunist, determined to use every means possible in her bid for freedom. Although she soon finds out, freedom often comes at a price. The Sequels to this book is The People Trafficker and Unit T Special Forces

  • af Regine Abel
    243,95 kr.

    Schiavizzata. Sfruttata. Braccata. Nata e cresciuta su una nave di schiavisti, Amalia è una delle rare sopravvissute della razza Verediana. E come tutte le femmine Verediane, Amalia possiede un'abilità psichica unica che la rende l'animale domestico privilegiato del suo padrone Gruuk. Un giorno Amalia fugge su Xelix Prime, pianeta guerriero dove la schiavitù è proibita. Lì partecipa al Legamento per scegliere uno degli innumerevoli guerrieri speranzosi come suo compagno e protettore. Ma si troverà poi contesa tra due cugini. Per Khel e Lhor il tempo stringe. Come la maggior parte dei maschi Xelixiani, sono vittime della Contaminazione. Oltre ad essere marchiati come classe inferiore della società, la malattia ne rovina i corpi e riduce la loro durata di vita a meno di quarant'anni. Solo una femmina compatibile può rallentare o invertire la Contaminazione. Ma le femmine che partecipano al Legamento evitano i maschi con sintomi evidenti. Finché non arriva Amalia... Tra l'accanimento di Gruuk, le rivalità mortali, gli assassini e i nobili corrotti, riusciranno i cugini a tenere Amalia al sicuro o i rispettivi sentimenti per lei li devasteranno?

  • af Angelo Mariano
    128,95 kr.

  • af Regine Abel
    198,95 kr.

    Sarai capace di resistere alle tentazioni? Re Erik Thorsen, noto anche come Barbablù, è di nuovo vedovo. Come tutte le altre prima di lei, la sua defunta moglie ha ceduto al richiamo della maledizione che lo affligge e minaccia il regno. Mentre fanciulle bendisposte si riuniscono al castello nella speranza di essere scelte, Erik posa lo sguardo su una bellezza dorata di nome Astrid. Ma diventare la sua regina ha un prezzo molto alto. La nuova sposa del re deve prima resistere alle tentazioni per un anno e un giorno... o morire nel tentativo. Sarà Astrid la prossima a cadere preda di ciò che si cela oltre la Porta Sigillata?

  • af Regine Abel
    188,95 kr.

    ¿Podrás resistir la tentación? El Rey Erik Thorsen, también conocido como Barba Azul, ha enviudado una vez más. Como todas las anteriores, su difunta esposa sucumbió a la atracción de la maldición que lo atormenta y amenaza al reino. Mientras doncellas dispuestas se reúnen en el castillo con la esperanza de ser elegidas, Erik pone sus ojos en una belleza dorada llamada Astrid. Sin embargo, convertirse en su reina tiene un precio muy alto. La nueva novia del Rey debe resistir la tentación durante un año y un día... o morir en el intento. ¿Será Astrid la siguiente en caer ante lo que hay más allá de la Puerta Sellada?

  • af Marcelo Vaccaro
    133,95 kr.

    This is the story of Ariel, an ordinary man. A man at the end of his existence, who understands that love goes beyond selfishness and materialism and that it is something purer and more sublime that overcomes the barriers of space and time.In this work, Marcelo Vaccaro explores the depth of the genuine feeling that unites a grandfather and his grandson. A sentiment so solid and, at the same time, much more selfless than the one that connects a father with a son, because it is forged in absolute dedication, full of enjoyment and new experiences.This book explores new connections between storytelling, memories, children's stories, longing, and melancholy. This work invites us to love without barriers, enjoy the simple moments, and value the bonds that unite us as a family in body and spirit, in happiness and pain. These ties give purpose to our existence and endure beyond any frontier.

  • af Marcelo Vaccaro
    138,95 kr.

    Esta historia es la historia de un hombre común, de Ariel. Un hombre en las postrimerías de su existencia que comprende que el amor va más allá del egoísmo y del materialismo, que es algo más sublime y puro que supera las barreras del espacio y del tiempo.En esta obra, Marcelo Vaccaro explora la profundidad del sentimiento genuino que une a un abuelo y a su nieto. Un sentimiento tan sólido y a la vez mucho más desinteresado del que une a un padre con su hijo. Porque está forjado en la entrega total, es un goce íntegro sin condiciones y con la experiencia de la que se carecía cuando se fue padre.Este es un libro que explora nuevos códigos, entre el relato, la memoria, los cuentos infantiles, los anhelos y la melancolía. Una obra que nos invita a amar sin barreras, a disfrutar de los momentos sencillos, a valorar esos lazos que nos unen como familia, tanto en la presencia como en la ausencia, en la felicidad y en el dolor. Los lazos que dan continuidad a nuestra existencia y que perduran más allá de cualquier frontera.

  • af Calynda Triffo
    233,95 kr.

    Most people don't pay attention to how thoughts can impact their lives. Thinking is the GPS that influences almost everything in our world. It's the perception that creates the stories to be true. It's our minds whispering constant feedback about who we are, what we deserve, what we believe is true and what is possible.Listening to those thoughts can make you unstoppable or stop you in your tracks, depending on the stories we react to. If your inner bully is telling fear-based stories, it's a different experience than having a cheerleader that makes you feel good. I hope your mindset is your biggest cheerleader constantly reminding you are amazing because you are. Living this gift we call life to the fullest is what we were put on earth to do. When self-sabotaging thoughts wreak havoc in health, wealth, relationships, career or environment, paying attention to the thought patterns that have become habits can be helpful because those habits have created the life you are currently living! Good news!!! New habits can be implemented.READY? Let's dig into Your Mindset Matters!Calynda Triffo is an anxiety survivor that has figured out the body remembers what the head forgets. After discovering thought can have the power to cause physical pain, she found natural ways to restore body balance. Calynda has over 20 certifications including reflexology therapist and teacher licensed with the Reflexology Association of Canada. In 2014, she developed emotional reflexology by combining the knowledge she gained from her certification and life experience. Calynda is a current member of the ICF, author of Journals of a Loved One and Pivot From BS the 90 Day Journal. Her passion is to help others escape the prison of the mind so they can experience health and happiness in all aspects of life. That's what she gets up for!

  • af Marie Blanchet
    233,95 kr.

    Le fantastique rencontre la science-fiction quand deux guerriers venus d'une planète médiévale se font enlever par des extraterrestres au beau milieu d'un combat à mort. Pier-Paul est un prisonnier forcé dans l'arène. Lucretia est une aristocrate qui planifie perdre le combat. Aucun des deux ne s'attend à se faire soudainement soulever dans le ciel par un vaisseau spatial. Enfermés dans le donjon du Kalipso, entourés d'extraterrestres bizarres et de technologies qu'ils ne comprennent pas, Pier-Paul et Lucretia doivent apprendre à s'entendre s'ils veulent survivre à tout ça. Mais le passé mystérieux de Lucretia pourrait être encore plus difficile à échapper que la pire des embrouilles manigancées par les extraterrestres qui les ont capturés... Nominée en 2020 pour le prix Bédélys indépendant, Kalipso est une webcomic mise à jour à toutes les semaines qui suit l'histoire de plusieurs personnages venant de planètes inspirées de la littérature fantastique et qui se font enlever par des extraterrestres. Ce premier volume contient les chapitres 1 à 4 de la BD.

  • af Danielle Paquette-Harvey
    178,95 kr.

    ✨✨ Critique éditoriale - Delene Vrey pour Readers' Favorite ✨✨ "[...] Les gardiens de la déesse (The Goddess's Wards) de Danielle Paquette-Harvey raconte l'histoire de personnes refusant d'être liées par des conditions préalables et les machinations des dieux et des démons. [...] L'histoire a tout ce qu'un lecteur de romance paranormale veut, y compris des vampires, des métamorphes, des sorcières et des nymphes. Ajoutez un humain pathétique qui passe un accord avec un démon pour se venger de ceux qu'il considère comme ses ennemis, et vous obtenez une lecture passionnante et captivante. Danielle crée un monde où tout est possible. Avec une myriade de personnages fantastiques combinés dans un monde qui est laissé aux caprices des entités maléfiques et des dieux mesquins, les âmes soeurs doivent se trouver l'un l'autre et se battre pour l'inclusion ainsi que l'acceptation dans leurs communautés". ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐"J'étais le juge et le bourreau." "Attachez vos ceintures - c'est toute une lecture! C'est une histoire qui parle de bien plus que d'amour - c'est une histoire qui parle de ce qui se passe quand le monde que vous pensiez connaître est bouleversé. C'est une histoire sur la découverte de soi, la trahison, et sur le fait de devenir l'impossible. Danielle se surpasse avec ce livre. Son exécution de l'histoire et du développement des personnages est parfaite. Elle s'est vraiment surpassée sur ce livre ! Il y a juste ce qu'il faut de noirceur pour que tout amateur de fantastique s'interroge sur sa moralité..." - Goodreads C.D. McKenna - Auteur de la saga Vorelian Que feriez-vous si votre compagnon était tué ? Jusqu'où iriez-vous pour le récupérer ? Les textes anciens parlent de la fin d'un âge sombre et de l'aube d'une nouvelle ère de paix et de prospérité. Mais l'histoire a oublié que cette paix a un prix. Matthew, le fils de l'Alpha, est né avec une date d'expiration: il est destiné à être sacrifié pour éloigner le démon. Il est persuadé qu'il n'a pas d'âme soeur jusqu'à ce qu'il entende son appel à l'aide. Il détruira tout ce qui l'empêchera d'être avec elle. DeMörder a passé un accord avec un démon. Il détient désormais un pouvoir qui ferait pâlir d'envie les dieux. Jouant avec la vie et la mort, il prépare sa vengeance. Serena est l'une des plus puissantes sorcières de la meute. Lorsque les ténèbres éternelles s'abattent sur eux, elle est envoyée pour en rechercher la cause. Au cours de son voyage, elle rencontre une créature à la fois dangereuse et séduisante: un vampire. Elle pense tout savoir sur eux, mais découvre bientôt qu'elle se trompe. Que se passera-t-il lorsque le père de Matthew, l'Alpha, et toute la meute décideront de tourner le dos à la promesse faite par leurs ancêtres à la Déesse de la Lune ? Lorsque des personnes disparaissent et que les morts ressuscitent, faudra-t-il se sacrifier ou y aura-t-il une autre solution ? Matthew trouvera-t-il sa compagne ou mourra-t-il en sacrifice ? Plongez dans un monde ancien plein d'amour, de désir, de tromperie et de mort. Découvrez la vérité sur ceux que l'on appelait les gardiens de la déesse.

  • af Regine Abel
    208,95 kr.

    Él era su pareja perfecta. Harta de los inútiles y los imbéciles que infestan el mundo de las citas, Maeve acude a la Agencia Primaria con la esperanza de mejorar su suerte. Su temor a acabar junto a un extraño alienígena primitivo se alivia de inmediato cuando la emparejan con un despampanante Edocit. Inteligente, divertido, dulce y tan empeñado como ella en proteger a los débiles y oprimidos, Helio supera todo lo que ella había soñado. Ojalá ella no tuviera que ocultarle tantos secretos. Helio no había estado buscando activamente una compañera, y menos aún una forastera. Pero en cuanto ve a Maeve, se siente atraído... pero también intimidado. Aparte del choque cultural que supone para ella su emparejamiento, él es un simple cazarrecompensas, mientras que ella es una brillante oficial de alto rango de los Enforcers, las fuerzas de élite intergalácticas para el mantenimiento de la paz. A pesar de sus inseguridades, tienen un gran comienzo... hasta que se desata la tragedia. Con las vidas de innumerables inocentes en juego, ¿los separará el choque de sus respectivos mundos o superarán la adversidad para prevalecer contra el mal?

  • af Laura Nettles
    168,95 kr.

  • af Regine Abel
    188,95 kr.

  • af Regine Abel
    198,95 kr.

    Ser amada por una sombra en la Niebla. Cada mes, durante tres días, una niebla misteriosa, llena de criaturas demoníacas, se traga el mundo. Desde su primera aparición hace una década, he asegurado diligentemente mi hogar contra el peligro. Hoy, la negligencia de mi hermana ha permitido que algo entre. Un Mistwalker. Una parte de él ahora reside dentro de mí, su marca en mi pecho es un recordatorio constante de su presencia. Me aterroriza y amenaza con descarrilar la vida que he estado construyendo. Y, sin embargo, una parte de mí se siente atraída por él... He caminado dos mundos para estar con ella. Durante años, he acechado en la Niebla a la espera de la oportunidad de llegar a mi ardiente Jade. Ahora que los humanos han rasgado el Velo, nada me impedirá cruzar al Plano Mortal para reclamarla. Ella es mi pareja. No permitiré que se esconda de la verdad que conoce muy dentro de ella pero que teme reconocer. Yo fui hecho para ella. Soy su mayor deseo.

  • af Regine Abel
    208,95 kr.

  • af Robin A. R. Halsey
    228,95 kr.