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Bøger udgivet af The Foundry Publishing

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  • af The Foundry Publishing
    93,95 kr.

    Adult Faith Connections Bible Study Guide is a Bible study exposition written by pastors, leaders, and scholars to help group members go deeper in God's Word during and after the lesson. Each week, group members will gain a greater understanding of the focus passage, as well as have the opportunity to answer reflective questions to help them take time to consider the message of that week's session.During this study, we will explore the ways in which the early church encountered the transforming power of God and discover the way we can experience this same power in our lives today.

  • af The Foundry Publishing
    123,95 kr.

    Adult Faith Connections Bible Study Guide is a Bible study exposition written by pastors, leaders, and scholars to help group members go deeper in God's Word during and after the lesson. Each week, group members will gain a greater understanding of the focus passage, as well as have the opportunity to answer reflective questions to help them take time to consider the message of that week's session.During this study, we will explore the ways in which the early church encountered the transforming power of God and discover the way we can experience this same power in our lives today.

  • af Dan Boone
    105,95 kr.

    The activity of God makes the world go 'round. Advent is an emptying, quieting, anticipating space that God disrupts by meeting us at our most vulnerable. Join Dan Boone this Advent season in exploring the transformative movement of a God who only has to speak to change the world. In a creative departure from the norm, Joy of Every Longing Heart spotlights the Psalms across the four Sundays of Advent, examining themes of light, love, joy, and peace. Use this daily devotional to quiet your heart and invite the Holy Spirit to guide you as you watch and wait and long for the movement of God in the world and in your life.

  • af Dan Boone
    98,95 kr.

  • af Brent Peterson
    198,95 kr.

    What is the church? What does it mean to be the body of Christ? What is the role of the church in the world? What if the church messes up? What is the difference between clergy and laypeople? Brent Peterson discusses these topics and more in this volume of The Wesleyan Theology Series on The Church.In a three-part framework, learn about Jesus's creation of and vision for the church, our role as Christ's body in the world, and the political mission of the church in partnership with God. The church is a body that needs a diversity of parts working by the power of the Holy Spirit in order to function the way God intends.Christians are used to hearing theological language in the church but may not feel they have adequate resources to enhance their understanding of what certain terms or concepts mean. The Wesleyan Theology Series aims to discuss Christian doctrines in accessible language that states clearly what we believe and why. Each volume is written by an author with a particular expertise who also has the ability to simplify and clarify complex ideas. The Wesleyan Theology Series is written specifically for the theologically curious layperson, student, or pastor. Topics include: the Trinity, creation, eschatology, the church, the sacraments, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Scripture, sin, grace, salvation, sanctification, Christian ethics, and atonement.

  • af Al Truesdale
    163,95 kr.

    Throughout its history, the church has richly benefited from gifted persons with the ability to clearly communicate the Christian faith. Their writings, although suitable for reading and meditation any time of the church year, are often especially fitting during the season of Lent. Drawing on the timeless words of these Christ followers, who through the centuries have inspired the community of faith, the readings in Abide with Us guide Christians from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday and conclude with the celebration of Christ's resurrection on Easter. Accompanied by prayers, Scripture references, and questions for reflection, these selections by saintly mentors are thoughtful signposts on the Lenten journey.

  • af Carla D. Sunberg
    138,95 kr.

    Prayer is not simply another item for Christians to check off our daily to-do lists. If we are serious about the Christian life and about participating in God's mission in the world, then prayer will be an active and intentional part of our lives. In Teach Us to Pray, Carla Sunberg allows Scripture to be the guide, showing us where our ancestors and heroes in the faith-including Jesus himself but also Paul, the psalmists, and others-have already walked these paths and demonstrated for us how to achieve and enjoy a deep relationship with God through prayer. Each chapter closes with actionable steps and suggestions for Christians who want to practice what they've learned but don't know where to start.

  • af Peter Lundell
    173,95 kr.

  • af Joe Gorman
    178,95 kr.

    Jesus told us that we would have trouble in this life, so it should not surprise us when we encounter events that require or test our resilience. Unfortunately, there is no easy formula for developing resilience without pain. The journey toward resilience is always messy and unpredictable, but the good news is that we do not have to travel by ourselves. In Resilience, Joe Gorman explores the resources of the Christian faith that can sustain us during difficult seasons, helping us gradually grow into the kind of people who can withstand life's temptations, trials, setbacks, and storms.

  • af Barry L. Ross
    198,95 kr.

    The book of Daniel is a colorful collage of fascinating stories and visions. From a magnificent statue to a feisty, horn-regenerating goat, readers encounter a cavalcade of fantastic images. Added to these amazing sights are the harrowing confrontations between God's faithful servants and presumptuous kings. Grasping the meaning of all this is a weighty task. This volume of the Reading and Interpreting the Bible Series aptly meets this challenge, providing readers with the tools to interpret the message of Daniel and apply it to daily life. Using charts, word studies, and deep dives into ancient Middle Eastern culture, Old Testament scholar Barry Ross provides readers with the theological keys to this marvelous book.Reading the Bible with understanding is challenging. Without sound guidance, making sense of the different literary types, settings, and cultures found in the Scriptures can be overwhelming. The Reading and Interpreting the Bible Series opens the door to a proper and accessible method of biblical interpretation. Each volume concentrates on a specific literary type found in the Bible, highlighting its features and function. Social, political, and religious settings are examined, and a critical analysis of the biblical text brings to light its message and relevance for today. Readers will find in these volumes numerous illustrations of how to interpret specific texts, which can be used as a pattern for individual or group Bible studies.

  • af Simone Mulieri Twibell
    173,95 kr.

    Prayer seems intimidating to many Christians. We wonder if we are doing it right, or saying the right things, or praying often enough, or in the right way. In Intimacy with God, Simone Mulieri Twibell assures us that there is absolutely no wrong way to pray. Instead, opening ourselves up to prayer is opening ourselves up to receiving and enacting the grace of God already at work in our lives to fill us even more deeply. Twibell examines prayer from a triune perspective that engages God the Father, in the name of Jesus, through the power of the Spirit. Intimacy with God invites readers to step into deeper relationship with God by considering different aspects of prayer, including seeking the will of God, interceding for others, praying in community, and listening for God's unique voice guiding us toward kingdom purposes.

  • af Sam Barber
    163,95 kr.

    The call of Christ to be and make disciples is straightforward and clear. A People of Grace explores the amazing grace of God and defines the purpose of God's grace in our lives. Sam Barber introduces a new and effective method for discipleship that guides Christ followers along the path of effective discipleship for both themselves and those they will lead to faith.Based on the understanding that we need one another in order to grow in holiness and help others do this same, this study opens the door to the wonders of God's transforming love through group accountability.

  • af Dean Blevins
    118,95 kr.

    Have you ever wondered what brought about the radical transformation of Jesus's followers? The Disciples of Jesus is a portrait gallery of a bunch of unschooled, fickle, ordinary men and women turned into loyal, courageous, and committed disciples through the Master's compassion, tough love, and later presence through the Holy Spirit.With theological finesse, Dean Blevins brings us face-to-face with "action heroes, born skeptics, servant leaders," and the like. Despite their frailties, failures, and fears, the Master uniquely fine-tuned them for kingdom purposes, commissioning them to be his ambassadors in the power of the Holy Spirit. This compelling study, unveiling a set of ordinary character types and their relationships, is inviting you to imagine what God can accomplish through you.

  • af Frank Moore
    198,95 kr.

    Often the Holy Spirit is viewed as a force, a feeling, or an experience. But as the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit created us to relate to him personally. How do we get to know the Holy Spirit in this way? How do we come to embrace the Holy Spirit as our best friend?Frank Moore balances what we know and believe about the Holy Spirit with an emphasis on this personal friendship. While aptly attending to the scriptural, theological, and creedal knowledge of the Holy Spirit, Dr. Moore places significant focus on the Holy Spirit's ministry in saving, transforming, and befriending us. Combining the vital worlds of learning and divine companionship, this volume is a rich resource for Christian study and growth.Christians are used to hearing theological language in the church but may not feel they have adequate resources to enhance their understanding of what certain terms or concepts mean. The Wesleyan Theology Series aims to discuss Christian doctrines in accessible language that states clearly what we believe and why. Each volume is written by an author with a particular expertise who also has the ability to simplify and clarify complex ideas. The Wesleyan Theology Series is written specifically for the theologically curious layperson, student, or pastor. Topics include: the Trinity, creation, eschatology, the church, the sacraments, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Scripture, sin, grace, salvation, sanctification, Christian ethics, and atonement.

  • af Jeff Stark
    158,95 kr.

    Evangelism is not a sales pitch.Evangelism is authenticity in action.In The News Is Good, Jeff Stark invites readers into the everyday world of an evangelistic Christian life in order to show that making disciples isn't a formulaic, multistep program. Instead, true and effective evangelism is an honest way of doing life alongside those with whom we already find ourselves in community. Evangelists can travel the world preaching about Jesus, but that's not the only way to introduce people to the one true God. The News Is Good offers a down-to-earth approach that suggests "good newsers" can draw people toward a growing and genuine relationship with God by humbly living in authentic, Christlike ways in our everyday lives.

  • af Alex Varughese
    198,95 kr.

    Singular in beauty and scope, the book of Psalms exquisitely captures the interchange between God and humanity as does no other biblical book. From joy and love to hate and despair, from creation to consummation, the wide range of expressions and theological themes is matchless. For Jews and Christians alike, the book of Psalms-with its songs and prayers-is the quintessential reservoir of comfort, hope, assurance, and instruction for faithful living.In this volume of Reading and Interpreting the Bible, Alex Varughese equips readers with a detailed introduction to the Psalms, including guidelines for interpretation. He then skillfully illustrates his interpretive method by applying it to eight representative psalms. This accessible approach makes this volume an invaluable resource for anyone wanting to explore this sublime biblical book.Reading the Bible with understanding is challenging. Without sound guidance, making sense of the different literary types, settings, and cultures found in the Scriptures can be overwhelming. The Reading and Interpreting the Bible Series opens the door to a proper and accessible method of biblical interpretation. Each volume concentrates on a specific literary type found in the Bible, highlighting its features and function. Social, political, and religious settings are examined, and a critical analysis of the biblical text brings to light its message and relevance for today. Readers will find in these volumes numerous illustrations of how to interpret specific texts, which can be used as a pattern for individual or group Bible studies.

  • af Brad Kelle
    198,95 kr.

  • af Dan Boone
    128,95 - 198,95 kr.

  • af Al Truesdale
    198,95 kr.

    For Christians today, discussing the doctrine of sin is a task fraught with pitfalls and challenges. Maintaining a balance between God's love and holiness is only part of the job. Christians must also grapple with a postmodern relativism that often transforms sin into merely an illness or a mistake.Al Truesdale masterfully undergirds the discussion of sin with the assurance of God's self-giving love in Christ. At a time when God has been jettisoned from the consciousness of many, Truesdale asserts that sin must be discussed with reference to God. Not only is sin an offense against God and neighbor, but it is also overcome only by God's redemptive grace working through forgiveness and reconciliation. After articulating the nature of sin, Truesdale guides the reader to an understanding of Christ's victory and the life of holiness.The Wesleyan Theology Series aims to discuss Christian doctrines in easy to understand language that states clearly what Christians believe and why. Each volume is written by an author with a particular expertise who also has the ability to simplify and clarify complex issues. This 12-book series is written specifically for the theologically curious layperson, student, or pastor.

  • af Dan Boone
    128,95 kr.

    Luke is perhaps most well known for telling the story of the birth of Jesus in a way that is distinct from the other Gospel accounts. But Luke has other particularities too and, as an account of the life and ministry of Jesus, is rich with theological meaning, cultural background, and implications for contemporary application. This volume of the Shaped by Scripture series offers insights on the birth of Jesus, the beginning of his ministry, the coming of God's kingdom, the teachings and miracles of Jesus, and the resurrection-all from the singular perspective of the Gospel writer called Luke.A faithful reading of God's Word leads to a faithful response from God's people. The Shaped by Scripture series teaches a simple, engaging method of studying the Bible that will lead to honest interpretation and a changed relationship with God.

  • af Stephen G. Green
    208,95 kr.

  • af Al Truesdale
    188,95 kr.

    Is Christianity outdated? Has it become just like other world religions?Can Christians still confess that Jesus is Lord of all?Drawing on the work of biblical scholars, Confessing Christ as Lord of All in a Pluralistic World offers sound reasons for affirming Christ's universal lordship and the Christian mission. Divided into two parts, this book first surveys several world religions and strives to represent each faith and then delves deeply into the life of Christ. Through thoughtful analysis, explore the historical and biblical witness to Jesus, the resurrection, and the mission of God.

  • af Joshua R Sweeden
    138,95 kr.

  • af Gabriel J. Benjamin
    133,95 kr.

  • af Eric M. Vail
    313,95 kr.

  • af T. Scott Daniels
    198,95 kr.

  • af Dan Boone
    128,95 kr.

  • af David Ackerman
    198,95 kr.

  • af Doug Ward
    128,95 kr.

  • af David A. Busic
    168,95 kr.