Bøger udgivet af Springer
396,95 kr. - Bog
- 396,95 kr.
- Asian Research in Thermal and Fluid Sciences
2.221,95 kr. This book is a collection of the best peer-reviewed papers presented at the ninth Asian joint workshop on thermophysics and fluid science organized in Utsunomiya, Japan, in November 2022. The book is a valuable addition to the conference series started in the year 2006, with contents that include the research outputs from Asian countries--India, China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea. Some of the papers are collaborative efforts by academicians from these countries. The book provides an overview of recent research in the fields of fluid and thermal engineering. The chapters in the book deal with research problems on aerodynamics, propulsion, transonic and supersonic flows, aero-acoustics, fluid dynamics, thermodynamics, combustion, heat and mass transfer, and turbomachinery. Analytical, experimental, and numerical approaches are employed in the chapters. This volume will benefit academicians, researchers, and students working on research problems in thermal and fluid sciences.
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- 2.221,95 kr.
- Cis 2023, Volume 1
2.224,95 kr. This book is a collection of selected papers presented at the Fourth Congress on Intelligent Systems (CIS 2023), organized by CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore, India, under the technical sponsorship of the Soft Computing Research Society, India, during September 4-5, 2023. It includes novel and innovative work from experts, practitioners, scientists, and decision-makers from academia and industry. It covers topics such as the Internet of Things, information security, embedded systems, real-time systems, cloud computing, big data analysis, quantum computing, automation systems, bio-inspired intelligence, cognitive systems, cyber-physical systems, data analytics, data/web mining, data science, intelligence for security, intelligent decision-making systems, intelligent information processing, intelligent transportation, artificial intelligence for machine vision, imaging sensors technology, image segmentation, convolutional neural network, image/video classification, soft computing for machine vision, pattern recognition, human-computer interaction, robotic devices and systems, autonomous vehicles, intelligent control systems, human motor control, game playing, evolutionary algorithms, swarm optimization, neural network, deep learning, supervised learning, unsupervised learning, fuzzy logic, rough sets, computational optimization, and neuro-fuzzy systems.
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- 2.224,95 kr.
- Design and Synthesis
1.618,95 kr. This contributed volume presents the latest research on additive manufacturing (AM) or 3D printing, one of the key techniques of novel medical devices, which can process complicated or customized structures to match the properties of human tissues. AM allows for the fabrication of devices with optimal architectures, complicated morphologies, surface integrity, and regulated porosity and chemical composition. Various AM methods can now consistently fabricate dense products for a variety of materials, comprising steels, titanium alloys, Co-Cr alloys, metal-based composites, and nanocomposites. This book elucidates the chronology of various techniques that are categorized under additive manufacturing. Moreover, the futuristic techniques or advancements in this area are also described. The available literature focuses on the microstructure and various properties of 3D-printed alloys. However, the research on the wear characteristics, corrosion resistance, and biocompatibility of 3D-printedtechnology for biomedical applications is limited. This book comprises the helicopter view of different surface analysis trends of additive manufactured alloys. The book can be a valuable reference for beginners, researchers, and professionals interested in bioimplant manufacturing and allied fields.
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- 1.618,95 kr.
- Perspectives from a Developing Economy
950,95 kr. This book contributes toward the understanding of the human experience at work during the pandemic and its implications on employee well-being in the context of Malaysia, a developing economy with its own set of unique challenges. Very little research has been done about this issue to date, particularly in Malaysia. This book aims to bridge this gap by examining the Malaysian perspective of the concept of employee well-being in detail with the overarching goal of serving as a guide toward overcoming the challenges wrought on by the ever-changing post-pandemic environment. Different conditions and experiences are discussed to contextualize the unique ways in which individuals react to difficulties with an emphasis on how organizations can assist at a micro-level to allow employees to overcome such difficulties.
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- 950,95 kr.
- Harnessing Technology for Water Resources, Irrigation and Environmental Management
2.226,95 kr. This book is a guide to achieving optimal crop yield while ensuring the sustainable and efficient use of water resources. It delves into critical topics such as irrigation water management, global and regional climate variability and change, food security, water pollution, soil erosion, and fertility loss. With the growing stress on water resources, the emphasis needs to be on environmentally friendly alternatives, including cutting-edge solutions like AI-based approaches, sensor-driven automation systems, and the integration of IoT in irrigation automation. This book collates information and analyzes current challenges in agriculture but also proposes innovative solutions, particularly in the context of the interconnected factors of water, crops, and climate change. By offering insights and strategies, it aims to guide the development of a water-wise, sustainable agriculture system that ensures the safety and well-being of future generations. This book is a valuable resource for anyone involved in agriculture and related fields, providing knowledge and tools to create a resilient and efficient food system. The target audience is diverse, ranging from farmers and students to researchers, scientists, irrigation practitioners, decision-makers, professors, and policymakers.
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- 2.226,95 kr.
1.326,95 kr. This book presents state of the art knowledge on new techniques and materials that can improve functional and aesthetic results in wound healing while reducing invasiveness, based on the author's extensive personal experience. The aim is to equip the practitioner with all the information required in order to select a strategy that will accelerate wound healing and minimize both the risk of complications and scar formation after the wound has fully healed. The opening chapters set the stage by providing an overview of wound healing, including brief descriptions of the anatomy of the skin, the wound healing process, and advanced wound dressings. A full description follows of the various methodologies employed in repairing acute wounds with the goal of achieving optimal functional and cosmetic outcomes while utilizing the safest and least invasive method. Treatment protocols that have proven successful in closing nonhealing and/or delayed healing chronic wounds are then presented. In addition, a chapter addresses aesthetic procedures using advanced technology in wound healing. The closing chapter presents author's experience with the establishment a hospital wound dressing team. The text is supported by 1,411 full color photos. Since the publication of the second edition, there have been many notable advances in wound healing research. The third edition is expanded and updated to reflect the advancements and new information. Key revisions include new chapters and/or sections on recently developed dressings such as a bioelectric dressing, a fluorescence imaging device of bacteria, usefulness of fibrin glue to support wound healing, graft of 3D-printed micronized adipose tissue, significance of skin hydration level for wound healing, novel staged excision technique to reduce scar length, newly developed risk scoring system to predict wound healing outcomes in diabetic patients, expanded coverage of cell therapy, new devices such as extracorporeal shock wave therapy, and automated SVF cell isolation system.
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- 1.326,95 kr.
- Breast Reconstruction
1.135,95 kr. The aim of this book is to introduce the clinical applications of various flaps in oncoplastic surgery. After a brief introduction of the background and anatomical basis of breast reconstruction, the book shows surgical reconstruction procedures using different types of flaps, for example, deep inferior epigastric perforator (DIEP) flap, profunda artery perforator flap and omentum flap. The great number of representative clinical cases together with high quality operative pictures constitute one of the highlights of this book. These pictures provided with details in flap design, elevation, harvest, transfer, and complications management. Furthermore, the use of Indocyanine green angiography and three-dimensional shaping with autologous tissue transplantation is discussed. Written by a group of experienced oncoplastic surgeons, this book offers a valuable reference work for medical researchers and practitioners in microsurgery, plastic and reconstructive surgery.
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- 1.135,95 kr.
- Algorithms and Practice
587,95 kr. Transfer learning is one of the most important technologies in the era of artificial intelligence and deep learning. It seeks to leverage existing knowledge by transferring it to another, new domain. Over the years, a number of relevant topics have attracted the interest of the research and application community: transfer learning, pre-training and fine-tuning, domain adaptation, domain generalization, and meta-learning. This book offers a comprehensive tutorial on an overview of transfer learning, introducing new researchers in this area to both classic and more recent algorithms. Most importantly, it takes a "student's" perspective to introduce all the concepts, theories, algorithms, and applications, allowing readers to quickly and easily enter this area. Accompanying the book, detailed code implementations are provided to better illustrate the core ideas of several important algorithms, presenting good examples for practice.
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- 587,95 kr.
1.043,95 kr. This edited book reflects the state of the art in learner corpus and related approaches to Chinese as a second language (CSL). CSL as a field has flourished in the past few decades due to the increasingly important role of the Chinese language at the world stage, yet studies of Chinese as a second language based on learner corpora have been less well developed due to the limited availability of data and lack of theoretical insights. This book represents the latest research in this area by 1) assembling a large group of active researchers from multiple international research communities (USA, China, Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, Taiwan, and France); 2) discussing the latest resources and technologies in Chinese and other Asian languages learner corpora and corpus building; 3) basing Chinese as a second language studies on data from learners of Chinese with a wide range of first language backgrounds (English, Japanese, Korean, French, among others); and 4) integrating corpus methodswith a wide range of related methods in allied fields-language acquisition, usage-based linguistics, psycholinguistics, and neurolinguistics. This comprehensive collection is indispensable for anyone who is interested in corpus approaches to CSL and Chinese applied language studies in general.
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- 1.043,95 kr.
- Traumafolgestörungen Kindgerecht Erklärt
170,95 kr. Mit diesem Ratgeber erhalten Eltern und Angehörige die Möglichkeit, ihren noch jungen Kindern mit Hilfe der Geschichte von Igelino die menschliche Psyche im Falle einer Traumafolgestörung altersgerecht verständlich zu machen. Hierbei liegt der Fokus jedoch nicht auf der eigenen Erkrankung bzw. den eigenen Symptomen, sondern auch in der Vermittlung von Wissen über psychische Störungen bei Familienmitgliedern, Freund*innen oder Klassenkamerad*innen mit Verhaltensauffälligkeiten.Eltern erhalten darüber hinaus wichtige grundlegende Informationen zur psychischen Störung, Tipps, wie eine solche Störung erkannt (und von anderen Verhaltensauffälligkeiten abgegrenzt) werden kann, wie man sich gegenüber Betroffenen verhält, sowie Informationen über Therapiemöglichkeiten, Anlaufstellen für Hilfsangebote und eigenständig durchführbare Interventionen in Form von Ressourcenübungen. 1. Psychische Störungen: Zahlen und Fakten.- 2. Tipps zum gemeinsamen Lesen. -3. Igelino und die erschrockene Schnecke- 4. Was ist eine Traumafolgestörung?.- 5. Wie entsteht eine Traumafolgestörung?.- 6. Wer kann helfen?.- 7. Was können wir tun?.
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- 170,95 kr.
- Theoretical Foundations for the Transformation to a Purpose-Driven Organization
877,95 kr. Organizations are increasingly faced with the challenge of recruiting and retaining suitable personnel. It is crucial to have employees who are committed to their organization and actively support change. Such commitment is primarily present when employees find suitable framework conditions for themselves that result from the lived values that are anchored in the organizational culture. Accordingly, a culture must be based on an image of human dignity.An image of human digity is reflected in Ikigai. Ikigai takes a purpose-driven approach and is based on the theory that the core motivation of human beings is the search for meaning.The book lays the theoretical foundation for a comprehensive individual and organizational consideration of Ikigai by describing Ikigai as a Japanese philosophy of life and, on the basis of original logotherapy, opening up Ikigai for the non-Japanese cultural area. The necessity of a purpose driven view is explained and individual Ikigai is transferred to the organizational context as a blueprint. The four central levers of organizational Ikigai are described and the theoretical foundations for a transformation to a purpose-driven organization are presented.
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- 877,95 kr.
345,95 kr. Verwaltung ist vielfältig, aber ihr Recht lässt sich anhand allgemeiner Grundsätze verständlich machen. Dieses Buch schlägt Schneisen durch das Vorschriftengeflecht und präsentiert das Allgemeine Verwaltungsrecht systematisch anhand der beteiligten Rechtsträger, der zu erwerbenden Rechtspositionen und der vorkommenden Rechtsakte. Zahlreiche Beispiele machen die Bedeutung der einzelnen Rechtsinstitute anschaulich. Durchgehend findet auch die Falllösungsperspektive Berücksichtigung. Das Buch ist somit sowohl für den Einstieg ins Verwaltungsrecht als auch zur Vertiefung geeignet.
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- 345,95 kr.
- Impulsgeber Für Mehr Urlaubsfeeling Im Alltag
218,95 kr. Viel zu tun und kein Urlaub in Sicht? Wunderbar - dann ist jetzt genau die richtige Zeit für Erholung! Denn auch zwischen Videokonferenzen, langen Besprechungen und diversen anderen Verpflichtungen bleibt Zeit für kleine Auszeiten. Und das lohnt sich! Denn Erholung ist ein wahres Wundermittel, um uns gegen Stress zu wappnen. Und sicher die angenehmste Sache, sich etwas Gutes zu tun. Der Ratgeber einer erfahrenen Erholungsexpertin bietet das erforderliche Handwerkszeug, um sich im Alltag gut zu erholen und so den Herausforderungen der heutigen Arbeitswelt entgegentreten zu können. Dafür brauchen Sie weder (mehr) Urlaub noch viel Zeit, sondern Lust auf Alltagsabenteuer, Schaffensrausch und neue Routinen! Mit diesem Buch gelingt Ihnen Erholung vielleicht nicht immer perfekt, aber jeden Tag ein bisschen besser.
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- 218,95 kr.
- Was Superfoods, Smoothies, Keto Und Andere Ernährungshypes Wirklich Können
218,95 kr. Im Labyrinth der Ernährungsratschlägen kann man sich schnell verlaufen. Irrungen und Wirrungen sind bei den vielen Versprechungen der modernen Ernährungshypes rund um eine gesunde Ernährung vorprogrammiert. Viele stellen sich dabei die berechtigte Frage: Was sollen/können/dürfen wir eigentlich noch essen? Der humorvolle Ratgeber einer erfahrenen Ernährungsberaterin will hier Abhilfe schaffen. Aus den Fragestellungen und Problemen der unterschiedlichen Menschen, die zu ihr in die Praxis kommen, geht sie den diversen Ernährungstrends und Diäten auf den Grund. Mit viel Wortwitz zeigt sie auf, was hinter modernen Schlagworten wie "Superfoods" tatsächlich steckt und wie einfach eine vernünftige Ernährung sein kann, wenn man sich nicht im Sog des Informationsüberflusses verliert. Die schnellen, einfachen Rezepte im zweiten Teil des Buches sind selbst für absolute Kochmuffel geeignet Das Buch ist für alle gedachte, die einen vernünftigen, entspannten Zugang zur Ernährung suchen, in dem das Essen nicht eine weitere Trophäe auf der ewigen Jagd nach Perfektion ist.
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- 218,95 kr.
- Strategy - Design - Digital Technology
1.369,95 kr. Increasing customer demands and innovations in digital sales require targeted management and flexible organisation of multiple sales channels. Multi-channel marketing can be used to achieve outstanding competitive advantages. This book provides a comprehensive and systematic overview of the fundamentals and management of multi-channel marketing. The book understands multi-channel marketing as an integrative marketing system with special consideration of digital technologies. "Multi-Channel-Marketing is with increasing frequency a key success factor for companies in competition for customers. Bernd Wirtz' textbook provides a clearly patterned, incorporated and theoretically funded overview for this purpose. The author excellently succeeded in illustrating in a descriptive way the considerable complexity and breadth of applicability and contemporaneously establishing a high practical relevance." Dr. Rainer Hillebrand, Deputy Executive Board Chairman of Otto Group "Wirtz examines the whole path down from theoretical basic knowledge of Multi-Channel-Marketing right up to the practical realization. This book is a needed approach which is at the same time a reference book for specific issues. 'The Wirtz' is essential for everyone who is concerned with this highly topical subject in his studies or in practice already." Dr. Arno Mahlert, Chief Executive Officer Tchibo Holding AG (2004-2009), Member of the Board of Directors Peek&Cloppenburg KG and maxingvest AG
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- 1.369,95 kr.
- Unequal Participation. on the Situation of the Sinti and Roma in Germany
1.122,95 kr. Based on a cooperation between science and minority self-organizations, the book offers for the first time comprehensive data on the national minority of German Sinti and Roma and immigrant Roma in Germany. The social and educational situation of Sinti and Roma in Germany is examined using an innovative sampling strategy with interviewers from the minority. An international team of renowned authors from minority and majority analyzes the connections between discrimination, expectations and developments in school and training qualifications.
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- 1.122,95 kr.
- A Guide for Students and Researchers
1.138,95 kr. This textbook provides an overview of the fundamentals of game theory and its applications in various fields. It introduces game theory as an established toolkit for the mathematical analysis and evaluation of strategic decisions. Through applied exercises, it introduces the basic concepts of game theory and offers students from various disciplines the opportunity to practice the concepts through in-depth training. The textbook addresses advanced students of economics, business administration, and related disciplines, university graduates with basic mathematical training as well as interested readers from all fields. For this, it provides student-friendly explanations, a variety of exercises and problems, and useful references to further reading. The book is divided into a beginner-friendly theory section, in which the most important aspects are presented in a compact and clear manner, and an application-oriented problem section, in which the readers can directly check what they have learned and find many application examples. The latter can also be used as a source of inspiration for instructors.
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- 1.138,95 kr.
1.831,95 kr. This book is a compendium of the worldwide ocular stem cell, gene therapy, and other studies treating Optic Nerve Disease that are registered with Clinicaltrials.gov. The study and the Clinical Trial number is provided in order to make it easier for the reader to obtain further information. The book contains an introduction to Optic Nerve Disease as well as a summary of common optic nerve conditions.Clinical Trials in Optic Nerve Disease Treatment is a valuable resource for ophthalmologists, optometrists, other physicians, and researchers.
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- 1.831,95 kr.
1.624,95 kr. This book is a compendium of the worldwide ocular stem cell, gene therapy, pharmaceutical, and other miscellaneous studies treating Stargardt Disease registered with Clinicaltrials.gov. Clinicaltrials.gov is the largest website listing of registered clinical research studies in the world. The study numbers and the clinical trial numbers are provided in order to make it easier for the reader to obtain further information. The book also contains an introduction to Stargardt Disease as well as analysis of the clinical trials.Clinical Trials in Stargardt Disease Treatment is a valuable resource for ophthalmologists, optometrists, other physicians, and researchers.
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- 1.624,95 kr.
1.616,95 kr. This book is a compendium of the worldwide studies of Alzheimer's disease utilizing the eye as a biomarker, or as a treatment method, that are registered with the United States National Institutes of Health website, clinicaltrials.gov. Clinicaltrials.gov is the largest listing of research studies in the world. The study titles are provided, as is the country of origin and the Clinical Trial Number in order to make it easier for the reader to locate the study and obtain further information. New drug development is costly and time consuming. If through the use of biomarkers, study durations and research costs decrease, there is a greater possibility of a new and effective drug to treat this devastating disease. The eye offers the possibility of early diagnosis and of treatment. Alzheimer's Disease and the Eye is a valuable resource for ophthalmologists, optometrists, other physicians, and researchers.
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- 1.616,95 kr.
1.631,95 kr. This book is a compendium of the worldwide ocular stem cell, gene therapy, pharmaceutical, and other miscellaneous studies treating Age-Related Macular Degeneration registered with Clinicaltrials.gov. Clinicaltrials.gov is the largest website listing of registered clinical research studies in the world. The study and the clinical trial numbers are provided in order to make it easier for the reader to obtain further information. The book also includes an introduction on Age-Related Macular Regeneration as well as analysis of the clinical studies. Clinical Trials in Age-Related Macular Regeneration Treatment is a valuable resource for ophthalmologists, optometrists, other physicians, and researchers.
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- 1.631,95 kr.
1.621,95 kr. This book is a compendium of the worldwide ocular stem cell, gene therapy, optogenetic, and other miscellaneous studies treating Retinitis Pigmentosa registered with Clinicaltrials.gov. Clinicaltrials.gov is the largest website listing of registered clinical research studies in the world. The study title and the Clinical Trial Number is provided in order to make it easier for the reader to obtain further information. The book contains chapters that act as an introduction to Retinitis Pigmentosa, as well as discussion and analysis of the studies. References are also included for the readers¿ use. Clinical Trials in Retinitis Pigmentosa Treatment is a valuable resource for ophthalmologists, optometrists, other physicians, and researchers.
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- 1.621,95 kr.
- The Case of Syrian Refugees
1.043,95 kr. This book investigates the integration of Syrian refugees in the United States, and it identifies the challenges that hinder their successful integration. After providing a comprehensive analysis of the U.S. legal instruments in national and international laws and obligations to receive forced migrants, the book then highlights the resettlement process and programs as a coordinated interagency process that entails a collaboration between the UN Refugee Agency and the related U.S. departments and agencies and the nongovernmental partners and refugee advocacy organizations. Moreover, it delves into integration as a proxy theory and governance that entails an analytical component from a theoretical lens to understand some aspects of realities that revolve around the resettlement of forced migrants' concepts, principles, and policies.Built on rich qualitative data from Syrian refugees in the U.S. to understand their resettlement experiences and their integration in multidimensional analysis, the book shows how the lack of federally driven integration policies and institutions in the U.S. negatively affects just integration. Relying on voluntary organizations leads to uneven outcomes among forced migrants, affecting social equity. Alongside this book's theoretical and practical implications, it highlights the ethical consideration of studying forced migrants and the synergy between forced migrants' vulnerability and cultural sensitivity. Ultimately, the book discusses the roadmap for implementing integration policies in the U.S. Among the topics covered: Introduction: The History of Managing Forced Migration in the U.S.: Political Climate and Global Events The U.S. Legal and Institutional Frameworks of the Resettlement of Syrian Refugees The Syrian Refugees' Integration Challenges in the U.S. and the Roadmap for Integration PoliciesNavigating Integration Policies of Forced Migration in the United States: The Case of Syrian Refugees is relevant reading for researchers who are interested in integration and refugee-related topics; academics who conduct research in social policies, refugee integration, and resettlement; public policymakers who are involved in formulating refugee integration policies; practitioners at various levels who assist resettled forced migrants; and graduate students studying political science, public administration, social work, and sociology. Politicians with left-wing views who are advocating for improved human security for everyone also would find the book a useful resource.
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- 1.043,95 kr.
- Miccai Challenge, Flare 2023, Held in Conjunction with Miccai 2023, Vancouver, Bc, Canada, October 8, 2023, Proceedings
786,95 kr. This book constitutes the proceedings of the MICCAI 2023 Challenge, FLARE 2023, held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2023, in Vancouver, BC, Canada, on October 8, 2023. The 27 full papers presented in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 37 submissions. The papers present research and results for abdominal organ segmentation which has many important clinical applications, such as organ quantification, surgical planning, and disease diagnosis.
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- 786,95 kr.
- Developments, Applications, Challenges, Strategies, and Sustainability
1.622,95 kr. This book presents the managed aquifer recharge, also called MAR, as state of the art in the Middle East and North Africa. Renewable groundwater resources are scarce in the majority of the MENA countries. The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) area is often regarded as the world's most water-scarce region. The MENA region consists of eighteen countries covering an area of approximately 12 million km2. The population of MENA countries is around 6% of the world's population, but its water resources are four times lower. Aquifer recharge plays an essential role in adequately allocating recovered water into the groundwater storage capacity, recovering overexploited groundwater, and improving groundwater quality. MAR may help minimize flood mitigation and flood hazard by harvesting floodwater using storage dams, which allows it to replenish the underlying groundwater aquifer while simultaneously lowering flood risks to downstream areas. MAR has the potential to be a crucial water management strategy to promote groundwater storage in arid and semiarid regions as MENA region. This book explores several themes, including the status of the applications of the MAR in MENA countries, strategies for the MAR in MENA countries, MAR methods and assessments, the economics of using MAR in the MENA region, sustainability of the MAR in MENA countries, environmental risk management, and relevant applications of remote sensing and GIS techniques for the managed aquifer recharge. This book presents various strategies for the managed aquifer recharge in the MENA countries to help them achieve their sustainability agenda 2030.
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- 1.622,95 kr.
- Processes, Stories and Challenges in the Czech Republic
1.627,95 kr. This book addresses the transformation of primary education in the former Czechoslovakia (now the Czech Republic) after the fall of the communist regime in 1989. It follows the overall transformation of education and school policy and offers original insights into the everyday life of the schools at that time. It also provides a unique perspective on the whole transformation process. The work discusses the school environment in the context of specific local characteristics, such as parents, community, regional institutions, and national and international contexts. The book specifically focuses on the changes in primary school management in terms of economics, organization, and personnel. The processes of pedagogical change are an essential theme of the book. They cover how teachers proceeded through the changes in their work at the time of the transformation and the reasons for their resistance to change, including the challenges that the transformation introduced into their work and personal lives. The book also monitors how the teachers navigated the selection and use of new textbooks and tools, such as digital tools. The work originates in historical-pedagogical research, based primarily on the oral history method and complemented by the study of contemporary documents.
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- 1.627,95 kr.
355,95 kr. This book is a gentle introduction for all those wishing to learn about modern views of the cosmos. Our universe originated in a great explosion - the big bang. For nearly a century cosmologists have studied the aftermath of this explosion: how the universe expanded and cooled down, and how galaxies were gradually assembled by gravity. The nature of the bang itself has come into focus only relatively recently. It is the subject of the theory of cosmic inflation, which was developed in the last few decades and has led to a radically new global view of the universe. Students and other interested readers will find here a non-technical but conceptually rigorous account of modern cosmological ideas - describing what we know, and how we know it. One of the book's central themes is the scientific quest to find answers to the ultimate cosmic questions: Is the universe finite or infinite? Has it existed forever? If not, when and how did it come into being? Will it ever end? The book is based on the undergraduate course taught by Alex Vilenkin at Tufts University. It assumes no prior knowledge of physics or mathematics beyond elementary high school math. The necessary physics background is introduced as it is required. Each chapter includes a list of questions and exercises of varying degree of difficulty. This new edition includes hints for answering the questions and exercises, as well as extensions to the discussions on dark matter, quantum cosmology. A new chapter summarizing the standard cosmological model has also been added.
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- 355,95 kr.
- 43rd Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, Zurich, Switzerland, May 26-30, 2024, Proceedings, Part VII
787,95 kr. The 7-volume set LNCS 14651 - 14657 conference volume constitutes the proceedings of the 43rd Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, EUROCRYPT 2024, held in in Zurich, Switzerland, in May 2024. The 105 papers included in these proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from 500 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: Part I: Awarded papers; symmetric cryptology; public key primitives with advanced functionalities; Part II: Public key primitives with advances functionalities; Part III: AI and blockchain; secure and efficient implementation, cryptographic engineering, and real-world cryptography; theoretical foundations; Part IV: Theoretical foundations; Part V: Multi-party computation and zero-knowledge; Part VI: Multi-party computation and zero-knowledge; classic public key cryptography, Part VII: Classic public key cryptography.
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- 787,95 kr.
- 43rd Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, Zurich, Switzerland, May 26-30, 2024, Proceedings, Part VI
1.436,95 kr. The 7-volume set LNCS 14651 - 14657 conference volume constitutes the proceedings of the 43rd Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, EUROCRYPT 2024, held in in Zurich, Switzerland, in May 2024. The 105 papers included in these proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from 500 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: Part I: Awarded papers; symmetric cryptology; public key primitives with advanced functionalities; Part II: Public key primitives with advances functionalities; Part III: AI and blockchain; secure and efficient implementation, cryptographic engineering, and real-world cryptography; theoretical foundations; Part IV: Theoretical foundations; Part V: Multi-party computation and zero-knowledge; Part VI: Multi-party computation and zero-knowledge; classic public key cryptography, Part VII: Classic public key cryptography.
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- 1.436,95 kr.