Bøger udgivet af Springer
487,95 - 713,95 kr. - Bog
- 487,95 kr.
856,95 kr. - Bog
- 856,95 kr.
164,95 kr. Why do you lean in a bend? Why does a sprinter slow down before the finish line? Why do golf balls have dimples? Why do you swim better slightly underwater? Why, on a bike, the faster you go, the more stable you are? Why shouldn¿t you rely on doping tests too much? Is there a law of evolution of records?These are some of the 40 questions that Amandine Aftalion answers in this book using simple physics and mathematics, and some humor. Not only will it allow you to improve yourself in sports, but it will also but it will also give way to understanding how champions do.An easy book to read and the must to have if you are a sports addict or if you watch sports on TV and ask yourself ¿why?¿.Amandine Aftalion is a French mathematician. She is a CNRS senior scientist and graduated from École normale supérieure in Paris. She has given talks all over the world, as a specialist of models coming from low temperature physics. She has written a book on vortices in Bose¿Einstein condensates. More recently, she has used energy minimization to study an optimal control problem coming from human energy: optimizing running. She has written papers on sports aimed at coaches. Part of her latest results have inspired the first chapter of this book. She is the producer and director of a French YouTube channel for the popularization of mathematics, Videodimath, elected as one of the 5 best French YouTube channels for popular mathematics.
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- 164,95 kr.
- The Role of Sea Transport in the Global Economy
548,95 - 560,95 kr. Based on thoroughly researched texts and rare photographies this book describes the actual developments of international shipping and all the facets connected to overseas good flows.
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- 548,95 kr.
395,95 kr. - Bog
- 395,95 kr.
- Design and Synthesis
1.190,95 kr. This contributed volume presents the latest research on additive manufacturing (AM) or 3D printing, one of the key techniques of novel medical devices, which can process complicated or customized structures to match the properties of human tissues. AM allows for the fabrication of devices with optimal architectures, complicated morphologies, surface integrity, and regulated porosity and chemical composition. Various AM methods can now consistently fabricate dense products for a variety of materials, comprising steels, titanium alloys, Co-Cr alloys, metal-based composites, and nanocomposites. This book elucidates the chronology of various techniques that are categorized under additive manufacturing. Moreover, the futuristic techniques or advancements in this area are also described. The available literature focuses on the microstructure and various properties of 3D-printed alloys. However, the research on the wear characteristics, corrosion resistance, and biocompatibility of 3D-printedtechnology for biomedical applications is limited. This book comprises the helicopter view of different surface analysis trends of additive manufactured alloys. The book can be a valuable reference for beginners, researchers, and professionals interested in bioimplant manufacturing and allied fields.
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- 1.190,95 kr.
- Perspectives from a Developing Economy
1.041,95 kr. This book contributes toward the understanding of the human experience at work during the pandemic and its implications on employee well-being in the context of Malaysia, a developing economy with its own set of unique challenges. Very little research has been done about this issue to date, particularly in Malaysia. This book aims to bridge this gap by examining the Malaysian perspective of the concept of employee well-being in detail with the overarching goal of serving as a guide toward overcoming the challenges wrought on by the ever-changing post-pandemic environment. Different conditions and experiences are discussed to contextualize the unique ways in which individuals react to difficulties with an emphasis on how organizations can assist at a micro-level to allow employees to overcome such difficulties.
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- 1.041,95 kr.
- Harnessing Technology for Water Resources, Irrigation and Environmental Management
2.486,95 kr. This book is a guide to achieving optimal crop yield while ensuring the sustainable and efficient use of water resources. It delves into critical topics such as irrigation water management, global and regional climate variability and change, food security, water pollution, soil erosion, and fertility loss. With the growing stress on water resources, the emphasis needs to be on environmentally friendly alternatives, including cutting-edge solutions like AI-based approaches, sensor-driven automation systems, and the integration of IoT in irrigation automation. This book collates information and analyzes current challenges in agriculture but also proposes innovative solutions, particularly in the context of the interconnected factors of water, crops, and climate change. By offering insights and strategies, it aims to guide the development of a water-wise, sustainable agriculture system that ensures the safety and well-being of future generations. This book is a valuable resource for anyone involved in agriculture and related fields, providing knowledge and tools to create a resilient and efficient food system. The target audience is diverse, ranging from farmers and students to researchers, scientists, irrigation practitioners, decision-makers, professors, and policymakers.
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- 2.486,95 kr.
- Breast Reconstruction
1.133,95 kr. The aim of this book is to introduce the clinical applications of various flaps in oncoplastic surgery. After a brief introduction of the background and anatomical basis of breast reconstruction, the book shows surgical reconstruction procedures using different types of flaps, for example, deep inferior epigastric perforator (DIEP) flap, profunda artery perforator flap and omentum flap. The great number of representative clinical cases together with high quality operative pictures constitute one of the highlights of this book. These pictures provided with details in flap design, elevation, harvest, transfer, and complications management. Furthermore, the use of Indocyanine green angiography and three-dimensional shaping with autologous tissue transplantation is discussed. Written by a group of experienced oncoplastic surgeons, this book offers a valuable reference work for medical researchers and practitioners in microsurgery, plastic and reconstructive surgery.
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- 1.133,95 kr.
- Algorithms and Practice
580,95 kr. Transfer learning is one of the most important technologies in the era of artificial intelligence and deep learning. It seeks to leverage existing knowledge by transferring it to another, new domain. Over the years, a number of relevant topics have attracted the interest of the research and application community: transfer learning, pre-training and fine-tuning, domain adaptation, domain generalization, and meta-learning. This book offers a comprehensive tutorial on an overview of transfer learning, introducing new researchers in this area to both classic and more recent algorithms. Most importantly, it takes a "student's" perspective to introduce all the concepts, theories, algorithms, and applications, allowing readers to quickly and easily enter this area. Accompanying the book, detailed code implementations are provided to better illustrate the core ideas of several important algorithms, presenting good examples for practice.
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- 580,95 kr.
1.133,95 kr. This edited book reflects the state of the art in learner corpus and related approaches to Chinese as a second language (CSL). CSL as a field has flourished in the past few decades due to the increasingly important role of the Chinese language at the world stage, yet studies of Chinese as a second language based on learner corpora have been less well developed due to the limited availability of data and lack of theoretical insights. This book represents the latest research in this area by 1) assembling a large group of active researchers from multiple international research communities (USA, China, Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, Taiwan, and France); 2) discussing the latest resources and technologies in Chinese and other Asian languages learner corpora and corpus building; 3) basing Chinese as a second language studies on data from learners of Chinese with a wide range of first language backgrounds (English, Japanese, Korean, French, among others); and 4) integrating corpus methodswith a wide range of related methods in allied fields-language acquisition, usage-based linguistics, psycholinguistics, and neurolinguistics. This comprehensive collection is indispensable for anyone who is interested in corpus approaches to CSL and Chinese applied language studies in general.
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- 1.133,95 kr.
334,95 kr. Verwaltung ist vielfältig, aber ihr Recht lässt sich anhand allgemeiner Grundsätze verständlich machen. Dieses Buch schlägt Schneisen durch das Vorschriftengeflecht und präsentiert das Allgemeine Verwaltungsrecht systematisch anhand der beteiligten Rechtsträger, der zu erwerbenden Rechtspositionen und der vorkommenden Rechtsakte. Zahlreiche Beispiele machen die Bedeutung der einzelnen Rechtsinstitute anschaulich. Durchgehend findet auch die Falllösungsperspektive Berücksichtigung. Das Buch ist somit sowohl für den Einstieg ins Verwaltungsrecht als auch zur Vertiefung geeignet.
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- 334,95 kr.
- Impulsgeber Für Mehr Urlaubsfeeling Im Alltag
248,95 kr. Viel zu tun und kein Urlaub in Sicht? Wunderbar - dann ist jetzt genau die richtige Zeit für Erholung! Denn auch zwischen Videokonferenzen, langen Besprechungen und diversen anderen Verpflichtungen bleibt Zeit für kleine Auszeiten. Und das lohnt sich! Denn Erholung ist ein wahres Wundermittel, um uns gegen Stress zu wappnen. Und sicher die angenehmste Sache, sich etwas Gutes zu tun. Der Ratgeber einer erfahrenen Erholungsexpertin bietet das erforderliche Handwerkszeug, um sich im Alltag gut zu erholen und so den Herausforderungen der heutigen Arbeitswelt entgegentreten zu können. Dafür brauchen Sie weder (mehr) Urlaub noch viel Zeit, sondern Lust auf Alltagsabenteuer, Schaffensrausch und neue Routinen! Mit diesem Buch gelingt Ihnen Erholung vielleicht nicht immer perfekt, aber jeden Tag ein bisschen besser.
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- 248,95 kr.
- Strategy - Design - Digital Technology
1.379,95 kr. Increasing customer demands and innovations in digital sales require targeted management and flexible organisation of multiple sales channels. Multi-channel marketing can be used to achieve outstanding competitive advantages. This book provides a comprehensive and systematic overview of the fundamentals and management of multi-channel marketing. The book understands multi-channel marketing as an integrative marketing system with special consideration of digital technologies. "Multi-Channel-Marketing is with increasing frequency a key success factor for companies in competition for customers. Bernd Wirtz' textbook provides a clearly patterned, incorporated and theoretically funded overview for this purpose. The author excellently succeeded in illustrating in a descriptive way the considerable complexity and breadth of applicability and contemporaneously establishing a high practical relevance." Dr. Rainer Hillebrand, Deputy Executive Board Chairman of Otto Group "Wirtz examines the whole path down from theoretical basic knowledge of Multi-Channel-Marketing right up to the practical realization. This book is a needed approach which is at the same time a reference book for specific issues. 'The Wirtz' is essential for everyone who is concerned with this highly topical subject in his studies or in practice already." Dr. Arno Mahlert, Chief Executive Officer Tchibo Holding AG (2004-2009), Member of the Board of Directors Peek&Cloppenburg KG and maxingvest AG
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- 1.379,95 kr.
- Unequal Participation. on the Situation of the Sinti and Roma in Germany
1.133,95 kr. Based on a cooperation between science and minority self-organizations, the book offers for the first time comprehensive data on the national minority of German Sinti and Roma and immigrant Roma in Germany. The social and educational situation of Sinti and Roma in Germany is examined using an innovative sampling strategy with interviewers from the minority. An international team of renowned authors from minority and majority analyzes the connections between discrimination, expectations and developments in school and training qualifications.
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- 1.133,95 kr.
- A Guide for Students and Researchers
856,95 kr. This textbook provides an overview of the fundamentals of game theory and its applications in various fields. It introduces game theory as an established toolkit for the mathematical analysis and evaluation of strategic decisions. Through applied exercises, it introduces the basic concepts of game theory and offers students from various disciplines the opportunity to practice the concepts through in-depth training. The textbook addresses advanced students of economics, business administration, and related disciplines, university graduates with basic mathematical training as well as interested readers from all fields. For this, it provides student-friendly explanations, a variety of exercises and problems, and useful references to further reading. The book is divided into a beginner-friendly theory section, in which the most important aspects are presented in a compact and clear manner, and an application-oriented problem section, in which the readers can directly check what they have learned and find many application examples. The latter can also be used as a source of inspiration for instructors.
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- 856,95 kr.
- The Case of Syrian Refugees
1.041,95 kr. This book investigates the integration of Syrian refugees in the United States, and it identifies the challenges that hinder their successful integration. After providing a comprehensive analysis of the U.S. legal instruments in national and international laws and obligations to receive forced migrants, the book then highlights the resettlement process and programs as a coordinated interagency process that entails a collaboration between the UN Refugee Agency and the related U.S. departments and agencies and the nongovernmental partners and refugee advocacy organizations. Moreover, it delves into integration as a proxy theory and governance that entails an analytical component from a theoretical lens to understand some aspects of realities that revolve around the resettlement of forced migrants' concepts, principles, and policies.Built on rich qualitative data from Syrian refugees in the U.S. to understand their resettlement experiences and their integration in multidimensional analysis, the book shows how the lack of federally driven integration policies and institutions in the U.S. negatively affects just integration. Relying on voluntary organizations leads to uneven outcomes among forced migrants, affecting social equity. Alongside this book's theoretical and practical implications, it highlights the ethical consideration of studying forced migrants and the synergy between forced migrants' vulnerability and cultural sensitivity. Ultimately, the book discusses the roadmap for implementing integration policies in the U.S. Among the topics covered: Introduction: The History of Managing Forced Migration in the U.S.: Political Climate and Global Events The U.S. Legal and Institutional Frameworks of the Resettlement of Syrian Refugees The Syrian Refugees' Integration Challenges in the U.S. and the Roadmap for Integration PoliciesNavigating Integration Policies of Forced Migration in the United States: The Case of Syrian Refugees is relevant reading for researchers who are interested in integration and refugee-related topics; academics who conduct research in social policies, refugee integration, and resettlement; public policymakers who are involved in formulating refugee integration policies; practitioners at various levels who assist resettled forced migrants; and graduate students studying political science, public administration, social work, and sociology. Politicians with left-wing views who are advocating for improved human security for everyone also would find the book a useful resource.
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- 1.041,95 kr.
- Miccai Challenge, Flare 2023, Held in Conjunction with Miccai 2023, Vancouver, Bc, Canada, October 8, 2023, Proceedings
765,95 kr. This book constitutes the proceedings of the MICCAI 2023 Challenge, FLARE 2023, held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2023, in Vancouver, BC, Canada, on October 8, 2023. The 27 full papers presented in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 37 submissions. The papers present research and results for abdominal organ segmentation which has many important clinical applications, such as organ quantification, surgical planning, and disease diagnosis.
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- 765,95 kr.