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  • - The Secret to Freedom and Success
    af Napoleon Hill
    218,95 kr.

    Napoleon Hill's Outwitting the Devil The Secret to Freedom and SuccessSecrets from the Vault, Written in 1938, Revealed TodayAn Official Publication of The Napoleon Hill FoundationBestselling author Napoleon Hill reveals the seven principles of good that allow us to triumph over obstacles . . . and find success.

  • af Napoleon Hill
    193,95 kr.

    Motivation is more than a feeling--it's a state of mind! In this book, you will learn the secrets to creating a motivated mindset from Napoleon Hill, author of the international bestselling books Think and Grow Rich(R) and Outwitting the Devil(R). Like any state of mind, motivation must be cultivated through the repeated expression of thought habits. Discover how you can take control of your mind power and direct it to attain the things you desire in life--all through the application of simple principles and daily practices that condition your mind for success. Harness the energy of thought to transform motives into burning desires that ignite your enthusiasm, stimulate your imagination, and inspire you to take action daily on your goals. Uncover the keys to: Letting go of negative energy and limiting beliefs Creating an environment that primes you for success Overcoming procrastination and other mental blocks Attracting opportunities with a positive mental attitude Leveraging challenges as stepping stones to success And more! Napoleon Hill's How to Create a Motivated Mindset equips you with the tools and techniques you need to access the mind's unlimited power for achievement so that you can get and stay motivated on your path to purpose.

  • af Hill Napoleon Hill
    188,95 kr.

    Napoleon Hill's Original Master Class on Individual Achievement Before the landmark book Think and Grow Rich came The Law of Success, an eight-volume series in which Hill presents the complete Science of Success philosophy. Originally published in 1928, this success system contains sixteen lessons on personal achievement, gleaned from interviews with and research on over 500 top performers from various industries and walks of life. Now condensed for your convenience into one compact volume curated by the Trustees of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, The Law of Success details the exact steps by which any individual can harness the power of thought to turn their dreams into reality. This is much more than a guide or roadmap; it is a total lifestyle makeover, with concrete resources for everyday application. If you are serious about becoming the best version of yourself in your field, your relationships, your health, and your finances, then you are ready for the original master class on success. A message from the executive director and CEO of the Napoleon Hill Foundation There have been many requests over the years for a version that is more concise and compact yet contains the core lessons discovered and set forth in the discussion of the sixteen success principles. The Trustees of the Napoleon Hill Foundation heard these requests and took on the task of producing such a book, containing what they viewed as the essential lessons and most important portions of the original work, and what you are about to read is the result. This version has dispensed with the third party quotations and "After the Lesson" essays in the original work, deleted some stories that were repeated in other of Hill's books published after 1928, and eliminated repetition (rightly valued by Mr. Hill as a learning method but not appropriate for a compact volume.) The Trustees believe, and hope you will agree, that the resulting volume contains all the essential wisdom of this groundbreaking work, Law of Success. I have been the Executive Director of the Napoleon Hill Foundation since 2000, and I and the other Trustees who contributed to this work have nearly 200 years combined years of service to the Foundation. I believe they are singularly equipped to produce the best distillation of Napoleon Hill's seminal work and am proud to present this book for your enjoyment, appreciation, and education. --Don M. Green, Executive Director, Chief Executive Officer, and Trustee

  • af Earl Nightingale
    178,95 kr.

    Welcome to a transformational journey towards self-discovery and personal empowerment with Earl Nightingale's profound guide, Master Your Inner World. Nightingale, the legendary motivational speaker and author, brings you an illuminating exploration of emotions, happiness, and the hidden depths of human potential. Delve into your emotional landscape with Nightingale's deep, insightful exploration of human emotions. Learn how to identify, understand, and effectively manage negative emotions, leading to a healthier, happier life. Nightingale offers robust tools and strategies to help you navigate the complexities of your emotional world, teaching you how to replace negativity with positivity, fear with courage, and anxiety with peace. Discover the true essence of happiness and how to cultivate it in your life. Nightingale presents compelling arguments and practical techniques to embrace joy, gratitude, and serenity in daily life. Master Your Inner World isn't just about overcoming negativity; it's about unleashing the power of your potential. Learn how to harness your unique abilities and gifts, and stride confidently towards your goals. Earl Nightingale's inspirational guidance is the beacon that lights your path towards personal growth and inner peace. His words inspire, motivate, and empower, encouraging you to take control of your life. "Earl Nightingale's Master Your Inner World is more than just a book - it's a masterclass in personal growth and emotional intelligence. Learn to navigate your emotional world, unshackle from negative feelings, and unearth the happiness that lies within. This is your opportunity to seize control, unleash your true potential, and embark on a journey towards a life of fulfillment and joy." Start your journey to inner peace and maximum potential today!

  • af Claude Hopkins
    173,95 kr.

    The essential guidebook on how to make your marketing and advertising more profitable--faster. You already have a great product or service--how do you build a narrative around it that speaks to your customers' attitudes, interests, and needs? Drawing on established techniques and proven methods, Scientific Advertising by Claude Hopkins eliminates the guesswork from advertising so that you can actually get a measurable and substantive ROI. Students and experts alike will benefit from the timeless principles in this book, such as how to: Create a winning personality for your adsIncentivize people to buy without using sensationalism or empty rhetoricStrategically incorporate visual design elements into adsHarness the power of coupon advertising, product sampling, and direct-mail marketingRun test campaigns to make smarter decisions about your advertising dollarsKnown as the "father of modern advertising techniques," Claude C. Hopkins transformed the marketing industry when he published Scientific Advertising, which is largely considered to be the landmark book on direct response marketing and split testing. More relevant today than ever before, Scientific Advertising provides a solid foundation in branding, writing compelling marketing copy, and testing and measuring advertising campaigns that will enhance not only your print marketing plan, but also your digital marketing and e-commerce strategies. Increase your company's bottom line, stop wasting time and losing money on advertising focused merely on brand awareness or entertainment, and start leveraging salesmanship in advertising to boost sales and attract new customers.

  • af Charles Haanel
    133,95 kr.

    The Master Key System is a system that teaches the ultimate principles, causes and effects, as well as the spiritual laws that underlie all attainment and success. When you want to attain something, The Master Key System will show you how to get it. The results you will attain from using this system are so startling as to appear incredible. For this reason, more and more people are becoming students of The Master Key System than ever before, even almost a hundred years after it was first published. The Master Key sets out the fundamental principles of life and conscious, rightful living. Basic to his teaching is the correct development and use of mental power -- the key to truly creative power and action, harmony and health, love and happiness, and abundant possibilities. Charles Haanel's numbered common-sense messages still have a freshness almost one hundred years after they were first assembled. It was Napoleon Hill, author of "Think and Grow Rich", who thanked Charles Haanel in a personal letter for publishing the Master Key System, as Hill deemed it invaluable in achieving his own personal success. That alone speaks volumes.

  • af Jim Stovall
    238,95 kr.

    The fastest way to success in any endeavor of life is to study the wisdom of people who have been where you want to go--this collective wisdom is stored between quotation marks and offered to you in Words That Shaped Our World Volume Two. These significant quotations are powerful not only for their message, but also for who spoke or wrote them and the circumstances surrounding each person. Jim Stovall, New York Times bestselling author whose books have been adapted into nine films, and Kathy Johnson, a highly regarded author, editor and researcher, share their insight on twenty-two quotations that transcend time and place--forming an energetic link of human experiences. These are legendary quotations to live by, that shape our lives and inspire us to live more meaningful lives. These men and women had a vision and followed their dreams--you can too! Quotes include wisdom from: Artists, Actors, Musicians: Dolly Parton, John Wayne, Norman Rockwell, Lucille Ball, John Lennon, Marilyn Monroe, Louis Gossett Jr., Raquel Welch, Steve Martin, Bob Newhart Politician: Margaret Thatcher Novelists, Screenwriter, Journalist: Mel Brooks, Kurt Vonnegut, Leo Tolstoy, Andy Rooney Scientist: Sir Isaac Newton Inventor and Business Leader: Henry Ford Military Icon, Astronaut, Discoverer: Julius Caesar, Neil Armstrong, Robert Ballard > Discover--or rediscover--the inspiration and motivation you need to create an exciting, impactful, purposeful life worth!

  • af Jim Rohn
    238,95 kr.

    "Challenges make life worthwhile and valuable, the necessary struggle for high ideals to make your life exceptional." If you want to be in charge of your life and really make the most of the years ahead, Take Charge of Your Life is full of well-proven successful advice, wisdom from personal experiences, and a dash of home-grown humor. Some people have an incredible zest for life and an appetite for living well and doing well--others have a ho-hum attitude and just slide through the daily motions. Taking Charge of Your Life removes the ho-hums and infuses you with the desire to accept life's challenges to bring value and stability to the lifestyle of your choosing. Author Jim Rohn devoted his life to the study of human behavior and personal motivation, which produced his unique philosophy style and solid common sense. You will learn the success secrets of an effective communicator and wealthy businessman, as well as learn the leadership skills needed to get ahead in whatever you set your mind to achieve in life. Thought-provoking chapter themes include: Five Puzzle Pieces of Life The Human Touch of Words The Art of Persuasion Unlocking Influence, Wealth, and Power Be Somebody Leaders Take Charge There's power in the touch of sincere and passionate human words--Take Charge of Your Life takes you to a new level of self-awareness, presents necessary disciplines, as well as prepares the seedbed of great success in every aspect of your life. For more than 40 years, Jim Rohn helped people worldwide sculpt life strategies that expanded their possibilities and opportunities. Rohn's style and common sense labeled him as one of the most influential thinkers of our time--thought of by many as a national treasure. He authored numerous books and audio and video programs, motivating and shaping generations of personal-development trainers and hundreds of executives from America's top corporations.

  • af Lauren Hodges Ed D
    223,95 kr.

    Each stress personality chapter highlights "stress resets" and unique "superpowers" to use to shift your mindset, get to know your inner voice more intimately, and learn what parts of yourself under stress might actually be used as golden opportunities for growth. "The point of this book is to learn how to manage and control how you uniquely show up under stress: your stress personality. Stress isn't the problem," writes the author. Less Stress, More Calm isn't just another self-help book with one-size-fits-all vague and generalized concepts. Years of research and personal experience have led author Lauren Hodges, EdD., to a local, national, and internationally successful career providing proven, adaptable, and easily implemented strategies for living a calmer, more enjoyable life with less stress. The author's quirky sense of humor, community compassion, scientific insight, and devotion to her field of expertise in human performance and well-being bring you to a sense of self otherwise unknown or yet understood. Less Stress, More Calm identifies and defines eight Stress Personalities: The Fighter The Runner The Worrier The Freezer The Pleaser The Negative Self-Talker The Distracted The Thriver After readers identify their stress personality (or personalities - they're not locked into one), they are provided practical and specific steps to better managing stress, including: interactive exercises a no-wrong-answers stress inventory thought-provoking, reflective questions interesting science lessons dozens of stress reset strategies Readers will learn to better recognize themselves under stress and take action to recover so they can show up as their best more often for people and relationships that matter most, at work and at home. From reef diving in the Florida Keys to Michael Jordan to a Navy SEAL to powerful client stories and testimonies, Less Stress, More Calm is the perfect combination of serious, fun, and real-life examples of what works and what doesn't when aiming for a life with less stress and more calm!

  • af Napoleon Hill
    263,95 kr.

    Del autor del éxito de ventas Piense y hágase rico y La ley del éxito nos llega una clase magistral sobre el logro individual. Aprende a implementar el sistema de éxito responsable de los logros extraordinarios de los mejores empresarios, innovadores y líderes de Norteamérica. Tras dedicar más de 20 años de su vida a estudiar los secretos del éxito de más de 500 de las personas más prósperas de Norteamérica, Napoleon Hill organizó sus descubrimientos en la primera filosofía práctica del mundo acerca del logro humano. Los 17 principios básicos forman la Ciencia del Logro Personal y se presentan aquí para que los estudies y los pongas en práctica. Usa las técnicas de este libro para desarrollar el dominio sobre tus pensamientos, para que puedas disfrutar de la "riqueza" en su sentido más amplio: financiera, espiritual, mental y material. Descubre los componentes fundamentales del éxito, como: Las 12 grandes riquezas de la vida Los 7 factores que contribuyen a la definición de propósito Los 8 fundamentos para edificar la fe Las 7 reglas para pensar acertadamente Y mucho más Los mayores logros de la humanidad comenzaron como material del pensamiento. Con las percepciones de la investigación exhaustiva de Hill, podrás establecer hábitos mentales que conducen a la seguridad financiera, la salud y la paz mental necesarias para la felicidad.

  • af Napoleon Hill
    183,95 kr.

    What do you want out of life? The vast majority of people avoid answering this daunting question. As a result, they spend their days aimlessly drifting or scrambling from one task to the next, never deciding upon a larger goal or plan for their future. However, studying the lives of the world's highest-achieving individuals quickly reveals an essential truth that success--along with meaning and fulfillment--are found in the pursuit of a Definite Major Purpose, a goal so compelling that it inspires you to take action every day toward its attainment. Drawing from never-before-published lectures from Napoleon Hill, author of the worldwide bestsellers Think and Grow Rich(R) and Outwitting the Devil(R), this book provides a step-by-step guide to identifying your unique purpose in life, creating a plan for its attainment, and cultivating the habits necessary to make your actions and ideas more impactful. The exercises, tips, and techniques included will help you to: Identify and refine your Definite Major Purpose Craft short-term and long-term goals related to your major purpose Strengthen your focus and creativity to achieve greater performance Establish rhythms of thought and action to accelerate your results Napoleon Hill's Path to Purpose not only helps you fix a clear North Star for your life--it secures your path by giving you a simple formula for living out your purpose day after day, even when life's difficulties and distractions threaten to throw you off course. Do not settle for anything less than what you want out of life. Read this book and empower yourself to move forward confidently with the peace and mental freedom that come from a deep, abiding belief in the significance of your contributions.

  • af John Martin
    213,95 kr.

    Are you frustrated by your continued failure to follow through on your goals? Are you tired of getting excited about your New Year's resolution or business idea only to find your enthusiasm dwindle and your efforts fade away after several months or even weeks? It has been proven throughout history that persistence--not talent-- is the most valuable ingredient to accomplishing feats both big and small. In The Power of Persistence, author John Martin offers seven steps to breaking the cycle of starting and quitting. By following the simple formula presented in these pages, you can build a mindset of persistence and finally commit to your goals with the confidence that you will achieve them, regardless of the obstacles that arise. Learn more and enjoy the benefits of living with the power of persistence including: A set of mental tools to prepare for and push through lulls in motivation and productivity Enhanced concentration techniques Increased willpower in all tasks Learning how to turn pain and failure into motivation An elevated desire to continue working when you typically would stop An unbreakable sense of self-belief and commitment ....and more! Put a stop to the heavy feelings of defeat that come with giving up on yourself and your goals--once and for all! Once you build persistence into your character, you'll leave the idea of quitting far behind as you achieve the dreams you once thought were impossible!

  • af Napoleon Hill
    183,95 kr.

    Success is best understood as a series of related habits which are deliberate actions taken over time that because of repetition become automatic. Once these success habits become rote, they perform right on schedule for us because they have become a downloaded pattern housed in our subconscious mind. Once entrenched in our subconscious mind, these routine habits have the determination and persistence of weeds, but conversely, these now deliberatively cultivated habits are higher functioning and productive. They are the children of our thoughts, and they are intentionally placed inside our inner psyche to produce offspring that complement who we are and what we still intend to become. Once the key is found to this Treasure Chest, all the goodness of the universe will be ours for the asking. The principle by which an idea germinates and grows in your mind until it becomes habit was called Cosmic Habit Force by Napoleon Hill. Its name, whether Cosmic Habit Force or neuroplasticity, doesn't matter. It is definite; it has been used and demonstrated by the greatest individuals in the world. And it never fails. It works as well on behalf of the humble person as it does for the business magnate. Its purpose is to perpetuate everything after its own kind, including the thought habits of man.

  • af Jim Stovall & Ray Hull
    183,95 kr.

  • af Rick Goodman
    223,95 kr.

    What do all championship athletes and teams have in common with the world's most successful people? They all have a game plan for the ultimate victory! Whatever you want to achieve is entirely possible, and all it takes is having a strategic game plan, and maintaining your focus - just like the pros. In Living a Championship Life, Dr. Rick Goodman provides you with just that plan. It includes practical, real-life insights, and easy-to-implement action steps that will dramatically free up your time, increase your wealth, and help you solidify your most important relationships. Features practical information on how to: Design a winning game plan for successTransform your fears into victoryMaster your communication in any situationCreate life balance and magic moments in all areas of your life"For a few people, success happens by accident. For those of us who don't want to depend on accident, this book will show you how to be intentionally successful and help you create a game plan that will lead you to victory!" -Shep Hyken, CSP

  • af Napoleon Hill
    238,95 kr.

    "De la Fundaciâon Napoleâon Hill llega una colecciâon de escritos nunca antes publicados de Napoleâon Hill, autor de Piense y hâagase rico y mâas astuto que el diablo, acerca de câomo obtener la mayor de todas las riquezas disponibles para los seres humanos: la paz mental. Aunque Hill es famoso por sus ensñeanzas acerca de la creaciâon de riqueza financiera, enâultima instancia creâia que el mayorâexito en la vida no es el monetario y que la verdadera riqueza proviene de la paz mental que se obtiene al ayudar a los de mâas."--Publisher marketing.

  • af Alyson van Hooser
    208,95 kr.

    Unintentional or not, choosing the wrong actions while interacting with people will rob you of your ability to captivate, connect with, and compel someone to make decisions in a way that is mutually beneficial. Instead, move forward intentionally to capitalize on priceless moments using the seven simple actions that create Infinite Influence. With limitless influence, you harness your power to wake up wealthier every single day. In a world moving and evolving at breakneck speed, your ability to authentically connect with people from all walks of life in every interaction matters. The challenge of building trust quickly--knowing what to think, say, and do--might seem impossible. However, the solution is rather simple, often overlooked, and wildly undervalued. As someone born under-resourced and underestimated, Alyson Van Hooser discovered exactly how to build influence with anybody...and now she is sharing her top seven secrets with you. Alyson experienced firsthand how the right mindset behind simple actions enables you to attract people who become invested in you. In this book, she reveals her immediately actionable, proven approach you can use to create endless opportunity. Infinite Influence delivers the eternal perspective and behaviors to create instant connections that endure a lifetime. Because we know that success is neither built nor destroyed by one person, you must intentionally and precisely assemble relationships with friends, family, teams, customers, and communities to advance together. Without the right strategy, you choose self-sabotage--people will disengage from you, resulting in averted attention, fading loyalty, lost sales, and more. Others have succeeded in applying these simple actions to create Infinite Influence and wake up wealthier every day. Will you?