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- A Practical Guide to Getting Started with the Next Generation of iPhone and IOS 13
263,95 kr. Getting a new iPhone is exciting; it can almost feel like getting a new toy. Nobody likes a toy that makes you read a lengthy manual just to figure out how the darn thing works! If you’ve already had an iPhone (or maybe several), then chances are you already know how it works. But the newest iPhone might throw you a curveball because the Home button has been removed. I’ll help make sure you know how to use the shortcuts and gestures that go along with this transition. I will, of course, also cover all the new features added into iOS 13.This guide is formatted in a way to help you use your phone (and all its powerful features) as quickly as possible. I purposely have written this guide to be a little more casual and fun than what you expect from most iPhone manuals. The iPhone is a fun gadget, and any guide should be an equally fun read. Each chapter starts with bullet points on what will be covered, so if it’s something you already know, you can skip right ahead; if you only need to know how to use new features, the book is also formatted in a way that these stand out.Are you ready to start enjoying your new iPhone? Then let’s get started!
- Bog
- 263,95 kr.
- A Beginners Guide to Apple Arcade, Apple Card, Apple Music, Apple Tv, Icloud
113,95 kr. It used to be a few times a year Apple would take the stage and announce something that everyone's head exploded over! The iPhone! The iPad! The Apple Watch! The iPod!That still happens today, but Apple also is well aware of the reality: most people don't upgrade to new hardware every year. How does a company make money when that happens? In a word: services. In the past few years (especially in 2019) Apple announced several services-things people would opt into to pay for monthly. It was a way to continue making money even when people were not buying hardware.For it to work, Apple knew it had to be good. They couldn't just offer a subpar service and expect people to pay because it said Apple. It had to be good. And it is!This book will walk you through those services and show you how to get the most out of them.
- Bog
- 113,95 kr.
- What It Is, How It Works, and Is It for You
128,95 kr. In 2014, Apple announced something called CarPlay. At the time it wasn't met with much fanfare because to play it, you needed a radio in your car that most people didn't have. Today, many newer cars have it pre-installed; if you aren't one of the lucky ones, you can buy a compatible radio with CarPlay for less than $200-before installation.Whether you are thinking about getting it or you want to know how to use it, this book will help you out.This book is not endorsed by Apple and should be considered unofficial.
- Bog
- 128,95 kr.
- A Practical Guide To Getting Started With the Next Generation of Apple Watch and WatchOS 6
193,95 kr. - Bog
- 193,95 kr.
- पूर्णतया शुरुवाती गाइड गूगल एनालिटिक्स कí
82,95 kr. यदि आपके पास एक वेबसाइट है, तो आपने शायद पहले से ही रेट, एग्जिट रेट, आर्गेनिक सर्च ट्रैफ़िक और बहुत कुछ के बारे में सुना होगा। वे अच्छे शब्द हैं, लेकिन आप अपने विसिटर्स को समझने और अधिक प्राप्त करने के लिए उनका उपयोग कैसे करते हैं?गूगल एनालिटिक्स एक शक्तिशाली रिसोर्स है जो आपको आपके विजिटर ट्रैफ़िक के बारे में सबसे छोटी डिटेल्स दे सकता है, लेकिन यदि आप स्वयं से पूछ रहे हैं कि इसका क्या अर्थ है या यह क्यों मायने रखता है, तो आप अधिकांश व्यवसायों की तरह हैं। एनालिटिक्स इतना भारी तथ्य है कि आप आसानी से अभिभूत हो सकते या खो सकते हैं।यदि आप एनालिटिक्स में नए हैं, या यहां तक कि कुछ बार इसका उपयोग कर चुके हैं, तो यह मार्गदर्शिका आपको यह समझने में मदद करेगी कि आपकी आंखों के सामने क्या है। यह पेशेवर विपणक के लिए बेहतर पेशेवर युक्तियों के साथ मातम में नहीं आया। यह उन्नत एनालिटिक्सतत्वों के बारे में भी विस्तार से नहीं बताएगा - यह मूल बातें है! जल्दी से शुरू करना ही आपका लक्ष्य है।एनालिटिक्स उन तथ्य को सरल शब्दों में तोड़ देगा जिन्हें आप वास्तव में समझ सकते हैं, इसलिए अगली बार जब आप एनालिटिक्स खोलें, या अपनी मार्केटिंग टीम से बात करें कि वे क्या देख रहे हैं, तो आप सही प्रश्न पूछ पाएंगे।आरंभ करने के लिए तैयार हैं? चलिए चलते हैं!
- Bog
- 82,95 kr.
- A Ridiculously Simple Guide to Becoming An Expert At Google Searc
138,95 kr. Become a Google power searcher!There's more to a Google search than meets the eye. On the surface, there's not a lot to it. You type in what you are looking for, click search, and go through the results. If that sounds like you, then you are only scratching the surface of what Google can do for you.There are certain filters and commands you can apply to your Google search that will make finding exactly what you want a breeze. This book will walk you through all the different kinds of searches you can perform (like images, videos, and even the lowest prices on products), and show you how to make your search even more powerful. The book will cover:Types of searches you can perform. Google Search operators. Performing an advance Google search. Setting up Google Alerts. And much more! If you are ready to become an expert Google search pro in just a few minutes, then let's get started!
- Bog
- 138,95 kr.
- The Absolute Beginners Guide to Setting Up Your Online Classroom with Google
128,95 kr. Every tech company wants to be in the business of education. It's a powerful space-there's always a need for people learning.While companies like Microsoft and Apple have competed in this space with hardware and software, Google took it a step further by creating a cloud-based classroom for teachers. There's hardware (Chromebooks) and software (Google Apps) too, but Google Classroom is a unique environment where teachers can connect in a private space with other teachers, students, and parents.This short guide will walk you through setting up your first classroom.
- Bog
- 128,95 kr.
- The Absolute Beginners Guide to Getting Started with Email
151,95 kr. Email as a communication tool has been used since the 1960s. Commercial use of email is still relatively young.Today, email is dominated by one company: Google. Estimates show that over 50% of all people with email use Gmail! If you picked up this book, you probably have one or are considering getting one.For its email service, Gmail is easy enough to use-compose email, send email, done! But there's more to Gmail than sending and receiving email. How do you get not-Spam emails to stop showing up as Spam, for example? What on Earth are labels? And how do you get email forwarded to another inbox? If you want to be a power user, then read on!
- Bog
- 151,95 kr.
- A Practical Guide to Cloud-Based Presentations
128,95 kr. Take your presentations to the cloud! How many times do you work on a presentation that you will get absolutely no feedback on and want no help? Maybe you're the type that likes to whip something up and have no practice or feedback at all? Most of us are the former. Before we stand in front of a group of people, we want to make sure we're as polished as possible. The problem is PowerPoint wasn't built like that. It was built as a desktop program that one person would use at a time. Google realized the problem and seized the opportunity when they launched Google Slides over ten years ago. Google Slides is a cloud-based presentation editor that can replace PowerPoint or Keynote. If you'd like to get the most out of the software, then let's get started! Note: This book is the Google Slides portion of the larger work: The Ridiculously Simple Guide to Google Apps (G Suite). This book is not endorsed by Alphabet, Inc.
- Bog
- 128,95 kr.
- The Absolute Beginners Guide to Google Analytics
128,95 kr. Do you really understand who is coming to your website?If you have a website, then you have probably already heard all about rate, exit rate, organic search traffic, and more. They're nice words, but how do you use them to understand your visitors and get more?Google Analytics is a powerful resource that can tell you the smallest details about your visitor traffic, but if you are asking yourself what it means or why it even matters, then you're like most businesses. Analytics is so data heavy that you can be easily overwhelmed and lost.If you are new to Analytics, or even have used it a few times, then this guide will help you understand what's in front of your eyes. It won't get into the weeds with professional tips better suited for professional marketers. It also won't go into detail about advanced Analytics elements--the keyword here is Basics! The goal is to get you started quickly.Ready to get started? Let's go!
- Bog
- 128,95 kr.
- A Practical Guide to Google Drive Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, and Google Forms
268,95 kr. Chances are you grew up a Word and Office user. Maybe you were a rebel and committed your herd to OpenOffice, or, dare I say, WordPerfect-but for the majority of people, our lives were loyal to Microsoft. In 2005, a small little startup named Upstartle developed something unheard of at the time: a web-based word processor called Writely. It pioneered the idea of writing on the "cloud" and changed the way people thought about word processing.Google noticed the little upstart, and in 2006, they acquired the company. The software was abandoned and turned into what everyone knows today as Google Docs. It disrupted the industry-namely, Microsoft's industry.Today, Google has a whole suite of productivity apps; from documents to spreadsheets, you can do just about anything from the cloud. Microsoft and Apple have each made big attempts to create cloud-based environments of their own for office productivity, but Google pioneered the idea and its collaborative, online environment make it hard to beat. It's become so feature-rich that many businesses are finding it to be the preferred way to conduct business.If you are thinking about making the switch to Google, or have already made the switch but want to make sure you are using it correctly, then this guide will walk you through it. It will show you all the basic features to make sure you can get up and running as quickly as possible. It covers Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Slides, Google Sheets, and Google Forms.Let's get started!
- Bog
- 268,95 kr.
- A Practical Guide to Storing Things in the Cloud
63,95 kr. Google Drive has made the process of storing things online seamless. From storing photos and videos to files and documents, Google Drive can do it in just a few clicks.If you are new to the Cloud and thinking about making the switch to Google, or have already made the switch but want to make sure you are using it correctly, then this guide will walk you through it. It will show you all the basic features to make sure you can get up and running as quick as possible. (the guide is 2,000 words)Let's get started!Note: This book is the Google Docs portion of the larger work: The Ridiculously Simple Guide to Google Apps (G Suite). It is not endorsed by Alphabet, Inc.
- Bog
- 63,95 kr.
- A Practical Guide to Cloud-Based Word Processing
138,95 kr. Goodbye Microsoft Word! Hello Google Docs! There's a real good chance that you grew up in a Microsoft Word world. The first document you created were from the Office Suite.But if you are reading this, then you are ready to make the leap to cloud-based (and free) word processing with Google Docs.If you are thinking about making the switch to Google, or have already made the switch but want to make sure you are using it correctly, then this guide will walk you through it. It will show you all the basic features to make sure you can get up and running as quickly as possible. Let's get started!Note: This book is the Google Docs portion of the larger work: The Ridiculously Simple Guide to Google Apps (G Suite). This book is not endorsed by Alphabet, Inc.
- Bog
- 138,95 kr.
- A Practical Guide to Cloud-Based Spreadsheets
128,95 kr. For 40-some-odd years, the world of spreadsheets has been ruled by one king: Microsoft Excel. Sure, there were far away challengers that tried to overtake the beast-I'm looking at you, Lotus 1-2-3-but none have come close to dethroning the powerful tool…until Google Sheets.So what is Google Sheets? It's a cloud-based spreadsheet. Think Excel, but online. "But Excel is online," you say. Yes! But Google was there first, and really has the advantage over Excel in this arena. It's quicker and easier to use for collaboration.Google Sheets is also free; Excel has monthly/yearly subscriptions.If you'd like to get the most out of the software, then let's get started!Note: This book is the Google Sheets portion of the larger work: The Ridiculously Simple Guide to Google Apps (G Suite). This book is not endorsed by Alphabet, Inc.
- Bog
- 128,95 kr.
- Ein praktischer Leitfaden fur Cloud-basierte Prasentationen
119,95 kr. Wie oft arbeiten Sie an einer Präsentation, zu der Sie absolut kein Feedback erhalten und keine Hilfe benötigen? Vielleicht sind Sie der Typ, der gerne etwas auf die Beine stellt und überhaupt keine Übung oder Rückmeldung hat? Die meisten von uns sind die ersteren. Bevor wir vor einer Gruppe von Menschen stehen, möchten wir sicherstellen, dass wir so gut wie möglich sind.Das Problem ist, dass PowerPoint nicht so erstellt wurde. Es wurde als Desktop-Programm erstellt, das jeweils von einer Person verwendet wurde.Google erkannte das Problem und ergriff die Gelegenheit, als es vor über zehn Jahren Google Slides auf den Markt brachte.Google Slides ist ein cloudbasierter Präsentationseditor, der PowerPoint oder Keynote ersetzen kann.Wenn Sie die Software optimal nutzen möchten, können Sie loslegen.Beginnen wir!Hinweis: Dieses Buch ist der Google Docs-Teil der größeren Arbeit: Der lächerlich einfache Leitfaden für Google Apps (G Suite). Es wird nicht von Alphabet, Inc. unterstützt.
- Bog
- 119,95 kr.
- Ein praktischer Leitfaden zum Speichern von Dingen in der Cloud
93,95 kr. Google Drive hat den Prozess der Speicherung von Dingen im Internet nahtlos gemacht. Von der Speicherung von Fotos und Videos bis hin zu Dateien und Dokumenten kann Google Drive dies mit nur wenigen Klicks erledigen.Wenn Sie neu in der Cloud sind und darüber nachdenken, den Wechsel zu Google vorzunehmen, oder den Wechsel bereits vollzogen haben, aber sicherstellen wollen, dass Sie ihn richtig verwenden, dann wird Sie dieser Leitfaden durch den Vorgang führen. Es zeigt Ihnen alle grundlegenden Funktionen, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie so schnell wie möglich mit der Bedienung beginnen können. (der Leitfaden besteht aus 2.000 Wörtern)Beginnen wir!Hinweis: Dieses Buch ist der Google Docs-Teil der größeren Arbeit: Der lächerlich einfache Leitfaden für Google Apps (G Suite). Es wird nicht von Alphabet, Inc. unterstützt.
- Bog
- 93,95 kr.
- Ein praktischer Leitfaden fur Cloud-basierte Tabellenkalkulationen
153,95 kr. - Bog
- 153,95 kr.
- Ein praktischer Leitfaden fur die Cloud-basierte Textverarbeitung
153,95 kr. Es besteht eine sehr gute Chance, dass Sie in einer Microsoft Word-Welt aufgewachsen sind. Das erste Dokument, das Sie erstellt haben, stammt aus der Office Suite.Aber wenn Sie dies lesen, dann sind Sie bereit, den Sprung zur Cloud-basierten (und kostenlosen) Textverarbeitung mit Google Docs zu wagen.Wenn Sie darüber nachdenken, den Wechsel zu Google vorzunehmen, oder den Wechsel bereits vorgenommen haben, aber sicherstellen möchten, dass Sie ihn richtig verwenden, dann wird dieser Leitfaden Sie durch ihn führen. Es zeigt Ihnen alle grundlegenden Funktionen, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie so schnell wie möglich mit der Bedienung beginnen können. Beginnen wir!Hinweis: Dieses Buch ist der Google Docs-Teil der größeren Arbeit: Der lächerlich einfache Leitfaden für Google Apps (G Suite). Dieses Buch wird von Alphabet, Inc. nicht unterstützt.
- Bog
- 153,95 kr.
- Ein praktisches Handbuch fur Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides und Google Forms
253,95 kr. - Bog
- 253,95 kr.
- Getting Started With Chrome OS
198,95 kr. Chromebooks are perfect for Seniors. Hopefully you are at a state in your life where the Internet helps you but doesn't define you. You don't need to have a powerhouse computer that can have 200 spreadsheets running at the same time or watching a movie while you have 100 other apps open! You just want a computer that lets you check up on things, and maybe stream a movie or to. In a word: something simple. If that sounds like you, then all you have to do is figure out how to use a Chromebook! Fortunately, if you've ever used the Internet, then that part will come pretty easy. This book will walk you through what you need to know so you can be up and running in no time. Ready? Let's get started!NOTE: This book is not endorsed by Alphabet, Inc.
- Bog
- 198,95 kr.
198,95 kr. If you've used any computer, then a Chromebook will be easy enough to use as soon as you open it up for the first time. If you really want to take advantage of all the features and be as productive as possible, then this guide will help. Let's get started!
- Bog
- 198,95 kr.
- A Non-Programmers Guide to Building a It / Tech Company
238,95 kr. Take your idea to reality!Think for a moment. Think about that one time--or maybe one of several times--where you said, "You know what would make my job easier? This..." Innovation doesn't have to come from innovating minds. It can come from ordinary people who are just trying to make their everyday lives a little easier. In my case innovation was twofold: Modernizing every Shakespeare play Putting it in a format that spoke to a modern audience: an app. The app became SwipeSpeare and the idea was simple: Let students read Shakespeare as they normally would; when they're struggling to understand a passage, they swipe their finger across it to see a modern English translation. It was simple--and it worked. With zero marketing, SwipeSpeare was downloaded over 350,000 times. The number sounds good when in context, but it sounds even better when you understand that A) I wasn't a developer, B) I wasn't a designer, and C) Everything was bootstrapped. In writing, there's an old phrase: show, don't tell. If you want your product to be successful, then you have to be able to show (not explain) how it works. That's what this book will do. I'll start with the basics: wireframing your idea and giving it a high-level framework; then we'll move into more visual designs, and finally interactive mock-ups. Design is only part of the work. I'll also show you how to put your final product into a pitch deck that sells.
- Bog
- 238,95 kr.
- The Unofficial Guide to Google Search Strategies That Find You What You Are Looking For!
163,95 kr. Become a Google power searcher! There's more to a Google search than meets the eye. On the surface, there's not a lot to it. You type in what you are looking for, click search, and go through the results. If that sounds like you, then you are only scratching the surface of what Google can do for you. There are certain filters and commands you can apply to your Google search that will make finding exactly what you want a breeze. This book will walk you through all the different kinds of searches you can perform (like images, videos, and even the lowest prices on products), and show you how to make your search even more powerful. The book will cover: Types of searches you can perform. Google Search operators. Performing an advance Google search. Setting up Google Alerts. And much more! If you are ready to become an expert Google search pro in just a few minutes, then let's get started!
- Bog
- 163,95 kr.
- The Absolute Beginners Guide to Getting Started With Email
178,95 kr. If you are like millions of people, then your first email was probably AOL, Juno, or Hotmail. Email as a communication tool, however, has been around since the 60s.Gmail is the most widely used provider today, and if you are using it (or considering using it) there's probably a good reason: it does more than perhaps any other email provider out there.You can make phone calls with Gmail! You can make video calls with Gmail! You can send money to friends with Gmail! There's so much you can do! But how?!This book will show you how. It will also walk you through all the basics. So, if you've never used email in your life, then it will give you all the information you need to get started.If you are ready to get the most out of Gmail, then let's get started!This book is not endorsed by Alphabet, Inc.
- Bog
- 178,95 kr.
- A Practical Guide to Cloud-Based Word Processing
178,95 kr. Say goodby to Word, and take your writing to the Cloud with Google Docs Like hundreds of millions of people, you probably lived your whole life using one-word processing tool: Microsoft Word.It's great software! Powerful software! Resourceful software! And...expensive software! Google Docs is the Google equivalent of Microsoft Word, but it's free. Free as in ad-supported, right? One paragraph in and you have to watch a 30 second video of some emoji game you would never play! Wrong! Free as in free. As in no ads. Nothing to pay later. Free!Who wouldn't want software like that? For the price of nothing you are getting something you used to pay for. And that nothing doesn't get you second-rate software that doesn't help you do the things you really want to do. It gets you cloud-based software that is on par with all the other word processing tools out there.In many ways, it's actually better than other tools.If you are interested in learning more about it, or you are ready to make the leap and become a free user, then this guide will show you the ropes and get you started as quick as possible. It will cover:Creating a doc. Sharing a doc. Importing, exporting and printing a doc. Using templates. Keyboard shortcuts. Inserting other documents and spreadsheets. And more! Let's get started!This book is not endorsed by Alphabet, Inc.
- Bog
- 178,95 kr.
- A Practical Guide to Google Drive Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, and Google Forms
268,95 kr. Are you ready to enter the cloud?Remember when you used to pay for things?! When computer software was almost as much as your new computer. Times have certainly changed! Today many companies are giving you all that stuff you used to pay hundreds of dollars for--for free!What's the catch? There has to be a catch! Sometimes there definitely is a catch...it's free, but you have to watch a 30 second commercial every five minutes. Or it's free but you have to pay a subscription once you start to really like it.In the case of Google Apps, it truly is free. No annoying ads. No money grabs. Nothing. For the price of nothing you are getting online software that is on par with the Office suite you grew to love--and pay hundreds of dollars for. That means you get writing software, spreadsheet software, presentation software, and more...and you don't pay a dime!Now you see why so many people are making the switch to Google Apps? Who wouldn't want to pay nothing for good software?This book covers:Google Drive. Google Docs. Google Sheets. Google Slides. Google Forms. If you are interested in learning more about it, or you are ready to make the leap and become a free user, then this guide will show you the ropes and get you started as quickly as possible.Let's get started!This book is not endorsed by Alphabet, Inc.
- Bog
- 268,95 kr.
- A Simple Guide to Google At Your School
398,95 kr. Put Google into your school!Considering Google for Education at your school or district? Or you already have it, but want to understand it more? This book is your crash course! It covers the following: What is ChromeOS How to use a Chromebook What is Google for the Classroom Using Google productivity software (Google Docs, Sheets, Forms, Slides, etc) Customizations you should know Using Google Calendar And more!This book is not endorsed by Alphabet, Inc.
- Bog
- 398,95 kr.
- A Guide to Google Apps and Chromebook for Teachers
368,95 kr. Unleash the power of Google into your classroom!Are you going to start teaching with Google for the Classroom? Are you already teaching, but want to know more? This book is your crash course!In addition to Google for the Classroom, it covers the most popular apps: Google Docs Google Slides Google Sheets Google Forms Google Drive And more!The book also covers Chromebook.This book is not endorsed by Alphabet, Inc.
- Bog
- 368,95 kr.
- A Beginners Guide to Google Apps, Google Analytics, and Chromebook
348,95 kr. Google has changed the way businesses do work. If you are considering switching to using Google Apps and Chromebooks at your office, then this book will be your crash course! It covers how Chromebook work, getting started with Google Analytics, and the most popular Google Apps (Docs, Sheets, and Slides).This book is not endorsed by Alphabet, Inc.
- Bog
- 348,95 kr.
- The Unofficial Guide to Google Apps, Chromebooks, and More!
398,95 kr. Google isn't just for searching anymore!Google isn't just a search engine anymore. It isn't just an email provider. It's a software suite of tools--from an operating system to productivity tools, Google kind of does it all! This book is your crash course to all things Google!The book covers: Chromebook G Suite (including Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Slides, Google Sheets, and Google Forms) Gmail
- Bog
- 398,95 kr.