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  • af Nicholas Wetemans
    208,95 kr.

    DYLAN, LANCE AND THEO BLACKBURN; THREE ORDINARY BROTHERS WHO LEAD ORDINARY LIVES...Until one particular night, when a heated argument between them uncovers hidden powers.Dylan - the ability to control darkness.Lance - the ability to control light.Theo - the ability to control time.At first believing their powers are unique, the brothers soon come to discover a realm filled with others who also harbour special powers.But with power... comes threat and responsibility.With legendary swords to wield their powers through, they face dangerous mercenaries hellbent on gaining their swords of power to wreak havoc across the universe.Being plunged into a world they scarcely know, will the three brothers combined be able to resist evil forces working to destroy them...?"A fantasy of great imagination and excitement fill these clever pages by a new author who writes as though being there... Brilliant..." Anthony, Indie Book reviewer

  • af Ib Svane
    168,95 kr.

    YACHTING STORIES OFTEN DESCRIBE DIFFICULT OCEAN PASSAGES OR THE BEAUTY OF REMOTE ISLANDS...THIS COLLECTION OF OCEANIC TALES IS VERY DIFFERENT!Short Stories for the Daring Yachtsman is about the lives of actual yachtspeople who sail along the coast of Mexico.You may call them wanderers of the sea, for they are not tied down to a port as many yachtsmen are.They instead meet on the docks, in the cafes and cockpits, telling stories of future sailing plans and adventures on boats and through weather on the ocean.Many even prepare for a cross-pacific voyage.Things never go as planned. There will always be surprising outcomes and tragic endings. But the journeys to becoming sailors and crossing oceans will change their lives forever...You are invited to share in these amazing tales and partake in the greatness of their courage and lives at sea."What an enjoyable and fresh book of well-written tales to be shared and admired... Excellent read..." Toby, Indie Book reviewer

  • af Karen Thurecht
    188,95 kr.

    IT'S 1887, DR HAMISH HART ALONG WITH HIS FRIEND, DR RITA CARTWRIGHT, ENJOY A WEEKEND STAY AT THE OPULENT NEW HOTEL AT DEEPWATER POINT...There is excitement for the upcoming aeronautical exhibition by French beauty Celestine DuPont which is unexpectantly disrupted by the mysterious murder of a young nurse also staying at the hotel...The talk is filled with conspiracy by the guests and staff at the hotel... Could the murder be linked to Glenda Hembrow who had a child in secret prior to her marriage, or perhaps the Captain Murdo Black, one full of stories worthy of a sea captain? Is it linked to Celestine DuPont whose father had disappeared after a fateful ballooning accident, or even Colonel Otis Winter, recently retired from the German Imperial Army?Hamish believes the answer lies in a deeper understanding of the deceased and who she was before her demise.The revelations become simpler than Hamish first imagined when he ponders not who she was, but rather what she saw before her death..."A fantastic new episode for the brilliant Dr Hamish and written by an amazing author of great mystery and character creation in the entire series... Exceptional..!" Sandra, Indie Book reviewer

  • af Kate Hanssen
    178,95 kr.

    AN INSPIRING TALE CENTRED AROUND ONE WOMAN'S JOURNEY IN NEPAL AND HER SURVIVAL OF A DEVASTATING EARTHQUAKE...For all those who didn't give up the good fight... Kate sees you.In 2013, Kate visited Nepal for the first time with no knowledge of the rich culture and depth of the place despite her years of interest in spiritual growth and learning. On this occasion, Nepal truly spoke to her heart, and she grieved this magical place upon leaving it, vowing to return. Two years later, in 2015, once again Kate found herself back in Nepal. Drawing her back like a calling of the soul, this time, nothing could have prepared Kate for what was to happen...The earthquake happened while she was in Kathmandu.The journey of spirit and wisdom is found in an aspiring story of a woman who created a life from her own belief and strength. Her fate and passion for a country that became more than a home to her as she was crafted around a community. Share Kate's new world of Nepal as drawn out in glorious detail through Kate's delicate eye... and perhaps you will find your own inner purpose along the way."An honest book about rediscovery that explores love, loss, sacrifice and courage. Kate's story is full of many moving challenges and lessons learned. A must read!" Sue, Indie Books reviewer

  • af Andrew Price
    188,95 kr.

    OUT OF NOWHERE IS THE STORY OF A YOUNG, STRUGGLING TRADESMAN WHO UNWITTINGLY ENCOUNTERS A VIEW OF OUR WORLD THAT VERY FEW GET TO EXPERIENCE...The unfathomable question of who we are and where do we come from... The answers are elusive and yet we cannot help but ask. This question, while certainly important, fades into insignificance against the bigger question of what allowed any of this to begin in the first place. The single most important endeavour we can undertake as humans is to discover who we really are and what our place in all this is.Inspiring, heartfelt and sometimes outright confrontational, Out of Nowhere takes us down a path less travelled and questions the very experience of the world around us that we may often take for granted. Seeking awareness is key to knowing our place amongst the world and the far-reaching universe...Are you seeking the insight to your own mortality? This book is for you."A true spiritual questioning by the author that is both hard to believe but impossible to not. Incredible story, one certainly worth telling!" Priscilla, Indie Book reviewer

  • af Robert Nicholls
    288,95 kr.

    THE MOST CHALLENGING VALUE PEOPLE CAN COMMIT TO IS THE TRUTH...On the tropical coast of Queensland, Sugar Town's annual harvest festival is a time for restraint to be set aside; for the fanciful and the mischievous to be indulged. But when innocent questions elicit shocking and unexpected answers, the mischief turns, once again, to malevolence which will hold a reckoning to be delivered...The denial of Sugar Town's painful past has created a common recourse. Yet when an ambiguous stranger visits Sugar Town, questions are raised and the community is faced with its greatest challenge yet... uncovering the truth of the past.When a thirteen-year-old girl stumbles upon Sugar Town's secret conspiracies, new crimes are committed to cover the old and ageing indifferences are provoked. The most dangerous aspect of Sugar Town's community is its silence..."Wonderfully engaging and menacing with absorbing characters and plot that keeps the pages flicking past and my breath captured until the end..." Patrick, Indie Book reviewer

  • af Grant Parkin
    168,95 kr.

    PART MEMOIR, PART SELF-HELP BOOK, YOURSELF OR SOMEONE LIKE YOU IS HERE TO SHOW YOU HOW TO EXERCISE THE CONCEPT OF CHOICE AND RESPONSIBILITY WHEN FACED WITH CHALLENGES...From surviving an horrific dog attack as a toddler, to the tragic death of his father in a car accident, to the challenges of leaving the country of his birth and then finally to the very emotional divorce from his wife... this story has truth at its heart and purpose at its soul.Funny, tragic, and at times unbelievable, the story weaves its way from various towns in the regional Eastern Cape Province of South Africa to the cities of the Gold Coast, Sydney and Brisbane.Yourself or Someone Like You details the traumatic yet very real life experience of author, Grant Parkin, and his amazing outcomes that will inspire your life also..."This book had me both laughing and crying nearly all the way through. A true alternative perspective to help look at life through a new lens... A masterpiece!" Aaron, Indie Book reviewer

  • af Geoff McArthur
    196,95 kr.

    OF THE THOUSANDS WHO HEADED TO THE AUSTRALIAN GOLDFIELDS IN THE 1850S TO FIND RICHES, NOT ALL WOULD SEARCH FOR GOLD...With fortunes to be made in trade and business in these booming populations, only those with the courage and fortitude to survive in a ruthless commercial environment would eventually succeed.Look for the Red Umbrella tells the true story of a woman who achieved this and much more, overcoming personal tragedies, family scandals and fierce opposition to make her mark as a business and community leader in a new city dominated by men.With a husband whose hubris brought the family to its knees, this very real tale of deceit, tragedy and courage plays out in the shops and streets of Victorian-era Ballarat.A story you'll barely believe happened!"What an absolutely compelling read... An amazing dive behind the peaceful umbrella shop front to reveal the truth of deceit and crime beneath." Carly, Indie Book reviewer

  • af John Alexander
    198,95 kr.

    HAVING GROWN UP SURROUNDED BY WOMEN, A LIE IN THE TALE TELLS OF JOHN "JACK" ALEXANDER'S JOURNEY FROM BOYHOOD TO MANHOOD DURING 1960S WESTERN QUEENSLAND LIFE.This true, often humour-filled, adventure of a city boy striving to become a jackaroo will bring laughter, tears and everything in between.Despite his inexperience in the country, Jack's determination sees him overcome the frustrations, ridicule and hardship of country life. The trials and tribulations reshape him. Join Jack, as he strives to have a reflection that truly matches who he desires to be on the inside..."Quite the journey of manhood. Deeply moving and yet with moments of true comedy. Amazing debut work!" Harold, Indie Book reviewer

  • af Andy Kay
    168,95 kr.

    "I SHOULD'VE SENT HIM BACK TO THE BABY HOSPITAL!" LITTLE ANDY'S MUMThere are many self-made millionaires in the world, who've become rich by their own efforts. But are there self-made horrendous people? Sure, there are - and Little Andy's one of them! He's successful and rich... not in the money sense, but in being unwittingly offensive.The Adventures of Little Andy is a wild collection of life episodes that are in equal parts hilariously honest and painfully embarrassing. They range from a disastrous family reunion to an evening with the New York underworld, a near-death experience in Tokyo to an interview with global star Ellen DeGeneres that went horribly wrong.He might be politically incorrect, highly inappropriate and have a potty mouth... but perhaps we all need a little bit of Little Andy in our lives.You be the judge."Deliciously camp" - CHRISSIE SWAN"Surprisingly readable" - SAM PANG"Brace yourselves peeps" - ANTHONY CALLEA"He's a daggy rebel" - BOB DOWNE"Comically honest and painfully embarrassing at times... Definitely a wild journey start to finish!" Harriet, Indie Book reviewer

  • af Adel Ghneim
    178,95 kr.

    ONE SINGLE MOMENT CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING...Lauren Walker has always dreamed of being a violinist. But on the evening of her showcase performance, Lauren is caught in a tragic accident that brings great loss and suffering.Lauren can barely look at a violin, let alone consider playing one ever again...Fletcher Reid has always been compared to his father but he is determined to stand alone without any comparison, even if that means resigning as captain of the basketball team.When Fletcher and Lauren meet, the two find themselves constantly in each other's presence, as if bound by a connection they must abide to.Yet when Lauren discovers that Fletcher's father was part of the accident that caused her such immense pain and loss, it may undo more than just their new relationship..."A compelling and emotional story of love, redemption and struggle to find the real worth of the heart... Wonderful..." Alison, Indie Book reviewer

  • af A J Wilton
    218,95 kr.

    MORT'S FIRST GOAL ON RETURNING HOME TO BRISBANE AFTER RETIRING FROM THE ARMED FORCES IS TO INVESTIGATE HIS WIFE'S DEATH...With a post-mortem trail that presents him with scandalous industrial espionage and both police and political corruption within Queensland, Mort finds his colleague Pig is the only one he can trust as he delves into the depths of putrid filth in his home state. Together, they must combat this insidious situation, battle not only rife politics and procedures but also outlaw bikie gangs out to protect their own interests.With a skillset learned from the front-line military, Mort and Pig's journey is filled with intrigue and danger and ultimately comes to a climax that will see them at the brink of their own existence with only the air in their lungs to keep them alive...One answer has many questions..."A great read... Suspenseful and exciting with every turn of the page and well researched and captivating characters... Excellent..." Daniel, Indie Book reviewer

  • af Dani Matthewson
    198,95 kr.

    NEW LOVE BEFORE THE GLOBAL PANDEMIC LOOKED AND FELT VERY DIFFERENT...Dana, a 27-year-old scientist, has taken a new job working within the COVID-19 branch of the hospital. Her goal: to work with and learn how to identify the virus.She works closely with the medical teams to uncover the data they need to treat the radical virus onslaught, but in the process her own life becomes threatened and she experiences the virus firsthand...Her contagion brings her a chance introduction to an unexpected love interest during the hospital shutdown.This unintentional attraction for English doctor, Michael, leads them to being exposed to the virus and ultimately places them both in a strict quarantine. Enduring days in isolation together, the tension between Dana and Mike grows.The virus has delivered many terrible things, but this inconvenience for the smitten Dana and Mike may bring them more happiness than they could have ever expected..."This warm and romantic spin on recent issues is a fresh light of thought and shows how we as people can still find love, no matter the situation. Great read..." Michelle, Indie Book reviewer

  • af Peter Lucas
    178,95 kr.

    A SMALL GROUP OF SURVIVORS OF THE LAST VIRUS WANT THEIR LIVES BACK...With memories of masks, lockdowns, empty supermarket shelves, a crumbled tourism industry and a depleted workforce left in its wake, the virus eventually comes to an end.But then it wasn't the end...A last virus has resurfaced without warning or remorse, and in its wake creates riots over food, erratic public violence and a uniformed militia that takes the law into its own hands while the global panic ripples through an unstable society.The last virus created the world's desperate cry of humanity...With nothing but destruction remaining, a small band of survivors wish for peace to build something to live for and try to put the terrible past behind them.A life of suffering was no longer acceptable. They want something more than only surviving... yet the world has changed and the fear it will not change back grows within all who can remember what it was before the last virus appeared..."A dystopian classic in the making as we see the worst of a society in chaos and indulge in the tale of hope and dreams... A page turner for all lovers of great imagined stories..." Colin, Indie Book reviewer

  • af Lillian Lumley
    178,95 kr.

    CHARLOTTE IS AN ORDINARY GIRL... HER LOVE LIFE IS ANYTHING BUT!From dating the high school misfit-turned-jock, Samuel, to the charming, intelligent, best-looking-guy-ever named Sebastian, Charlotte has no trouble finding a love interest.The main challenge for intimacy comes with keeping her men from leaving overseas, or residing in another state...When distance continues to bring Charlotte heartbreak, she does her best to continue with her search for love despite the ever-increasing weirdness of the modern dating world.Charlotte wonders if she will achieve her happily ever after, or if she will be destined to be single forever, only dreaming of all that she longs for..."The emotional candour and perspective of love from the age of innocence is conveyed with care and warmth in this engaging story. Highly recommend..." Samantha, Indie Book reviewer

  • af Madison Hamilton
    178,95 kr.

    LYRIC DAVIS HAS SPENT HER LIFE IN MOTORCYCLE CLUBHOUSES, SO WHY SHOULD HER MOVE TO NORTH CAROLINA BE ANY DIFFERENT?Lyric's brother, Pirate, is tasked with starting a new chapter of their father's motorcycle club. This enhances the brewing rift with known rival club, Jokers Ace, putting Lyric in direct harm as the war explodes with murderous consequences.Gunner Beckett, Vice President of the Black Alchemy Motorcycle club, is assigned to protect her from the ensuing war and for Gunner, protecting his feelings for her is just as hard as protecting her from the raging battle.Gunner and Lyric face challenges as their attraction boils over to passions neither can control in the heat of the moment. But the chaos defines their relationship and the tension between the two reaches an all-time high.Combined with Lyric's past boyfriend, Reaper, who just refuses to stop knocking, the new lovers must contain their conflicting views and uncontrollable hearts long enough to stay alive..."Sons Of Anarchy eat your heart out... Fire and ice and action abound in this debut novel by a new talented author who loves her craft... Excellent thrills and heated passions..." Tanya, Indie Book reviewer

  • af Annie Day
    158,95 kr.

    ON A QUEST TO SEEK ANSWERS TO THE MYSTERY OF THEIR MISSING PARENTS, TWINS VICTORIA AND HENRY WILL DISCOVER MORE THAN THEY EXPECTED ON A MAGICAL JOURNEY THROUGH TIME...Along with their dog, Scrap, they embark on a magical adventure through the magic eye to meet their astonishing Uncle Jasper while leaping through time and learning more secrets of their family history.Join their wondrous adventure as they are aided by a medieval knight from England and experience ancient Egypt in its glory, all the while collecting treasures, defeating ominous foes and befriending funny, furry friends along the way.As they seek to unlock the secret of their missing parents, the twins are pursued by dangers and confronted by a dark stranger who is following them. Not knowing what he wants, they must discover if he is a friend or a foe...One thing the twins do know - time is running out and they must find their parents before they vanish forever..."An exciting, fun and sometimes scary tale by an enthusiastic writer who will capture your imagination." Thomas, Indie Book reviewer

  • af Sam Baker
    168,95 kr.

    A MAGIC MIRROR. A SECRET KINGDOM. A GIRL DESTINED TO BE QUEEN...Amelia always thought she was an ordinary girl. Moving to the country with her family, she just wanted to explore and practice her art but when she discovers a mystical portal hidden in an ancient antique mirror, her simple life is changed forever...Amelia discovers beyond the mirror portal, the city of The Arbour - a magical kingdom nestled within the trunk of a yew tree. Before she can comprehend what is happening, Amelia is accused of killing the realm's beloved queen.Captured and imprisoned, she can see a prophecy of her ascending to the kingdom throne. To get there, she must first survive deadly spiders, vermin assassins and sinister magic from the dark realms.She is determined to triumph and fulfil her destiny but when her new kingdom is threatened by forces from the human world beyond, Amelia will face her greatest challenge and will need to choose between her new kingdom and her own family..."An adventure into imagination and thrills by a passionate new author who creates a world within a world and brings enjoyment with this new classic..." Peter, Indie Book reviewer

  • af Rich Larsen
    168,95 kr.

    THE SILENT SOCIETY IS AN ADVENTURE THAT PURSUES THE PHILOSOPHICAL UNDERPINNINGS OF WHAT IT IS TO BE A HUMAN BEING AND OUR PLACE ON THIS PLANET...Sufferers of the disease are unable to speak to those around them, unable to voice what's happening to them.Dr Ryder and his team must race against time to find the source of the disease before they too succumb to its insidious impact on the human function.In the process, stark realities about the current state of human society are brought to light.Dr Ryder and his team grapple with how best to implement their findings to eradicate the disease without causing a monumental collapse of what it is to be a human in the present century.The team must confront the mismatch between where we have come from and where we find ourselves as a society."A thrilling and engaging dive into the darkness of illness and the human condition... Great read..." Marcus, Indie Book reviewer

  • af Max Jeffries
    168,95 kr.

    THE LOYALTIES OF THOSE CLOSEST TO HIM WILL BE TESTED...When an unprovoked and vicious assault leaves William Denham at a Sydney hospital with serious head injuries, he soon begins to experience strange visions.Forced to question his sanity as the realisation that he is experiencing premonitions of violent and horrific crimes yet to occur, those closest to Will are confronted with his newfound abilities, causing fear for his state of mind.As the visions of these brutal crimes continue to plague Will, he must turn to his friends for help to save the lives of the unsuspecting victims..."An unnerving and thought-provoking new novel from a talented writer who grips the emotional tension with both hands and doesn't let it go..." Trevor, Indie Book reviewer

  • af Mhairead MacLeod
    198,95 kr.

    CAN ANNA OUTRUN HER PAST?Reinventing herself as a nurse in the tropical frontier of Australia, healing her soldier-lover, raising her unruly daughter - these are just a few of the challenges Anna Sinclair, a young suffragette, faces while on the run from the law back in Scotland.As she struggles to establish her own hospital, her past draws closer and risks exposure of her shameful secret, along with the loss of everything she holds dearest.Will everything she desires be achieved, or crumble around her?"A powerful and perceptive depiction of love in the wake of war and trauma." Nadine Davidoff, Freelance Editor "A story about confronting and overcoming trauma within history... It had me turning the pages in a frenzy. Absolutely captivating!" Sandra, Indie Book reviewer

  • af Ash Tough
    208,95 kr.

    A DEADLY CAR ACCIDENT STEALS KATE'S LOVER FROM HER LIFE AND SHE LOSES EVERYTHING...Running from the life she had built in New York to attempt a new life in Seattle, Kate is determined to run from her demons before they swallow her whole.Instead of the desired new beginning, Seattle holds the ruins that threaten to overwhelm her once more.Kate learns of a twin sister, along with her death, and finds the remnants of a decades-long civil war that tore her unknown family apart.A new world suddenly reveals itself to Kate; one populated by Faeries, wolf-shifters, kitsune and a vast array of other Fae - some determined to protect her and some hellbent on ending her...Kate must stand against the forces assembling and stop the darkness consuming her or lose even more than she first thought sacred..."A stylish fantasy thriller with great characters and twists to immerse oneself in... Brilliant!" Dianna, Indie Book reviewer

  • af Ian Saunders
    198,95 kr.

    A HIDDEN CHINESE NAVAL BASE AND SOME UNEXPECTED VISITORS...It began innocently enough - a detour to catch a glimpse of Mischief, once a reef, now one of the new Chinese naval bases built from ruins on the floor of the South China Sea.All Brie remembered was the looming frigate, their own yacht reduced to splinters in an instant and Johnny shouting in horror from the cabin as everything was engulfed in black ocean foam.Then the sand, a thirst and not knowing what was to come...The Islands challenges the repercussions of global politics, the exploitation of the environment and what happens when secrets are forced to be buried.After all, some secrets are better kept unknown..."A gripping thriller with poignant references and thought provoking plot... Worth a read on a quiet afternoon..." Daniel, Indie Book reviewer

  • af Melva Ouliaris
    168,95 kr.

    HART IS TORN BETWEEN HER TWO HALVES...In counsel with the mystic hag, Hart is delivered some prophetic messages and hard truths, for she knows it's time to face her fears. One being the dragon that resides within her deepest subconsciousness. On one hand, Hart knows she has an obligation to her family and kingdom. She must marry to see her family happy and fulfill her role. Yet, on the other hand, Hart has been protecting the forest Cinnabar, a task only she has been deemed capable of.When danger looms, Hart must reconcile her split within to have any hope of saving the forest and kingdom. Forced to look inward while larger prophecies are at play, will Hart rise or fall against the odds?Can Hart carry this burden alone, as she must, or will the Cinnabar be destroyed forever? "An eluding fantasy of spirit and triumph while being a damn great read..." Thomas, Indie Book reviewer

  • af Philippa Kaye
    198,95 kr.

    IT'S 1984, HAIRSTYLES ARE BIG, SKIRTS ARE SHORT AND BIRDIE MEALING IS JUST A GIRL WHO WANTS TO HAVE FUN... UNTIL HER UNCLE GOES MISSING.With a little help from her friends, Birdie, a talented musician turned amateur sleuth, is determined to find her uncle - the only father figure she has ever known.Detective Herb Lawson has other ideas though and knows that Birdie, a magnet for trouble, should leave the serious investigation to him.Fat chance, detective!The deeper Birdie gets while solving the case of her uncle's disappearance, the more she unravels a connection to a fatal explosion on the harbour... and the underworld kingpin who was jailed for it.The closer she gets to the guarded but gorgeous Herb, the more she questions his motives... and her own identity.Having fun yet, Birdie?"A perfect combination of mystery and a sizzling romance, absolutely enthralling read! Birdie's perspective was a joy to read... Amazing!" Josie, Indie Book reviewer

  • af Magdalene Soul Light
    198,95 kr.

    A DREAM I HAD ONCE HAS COME TRUE AND IT WAS OF YOU...If you are curious and seek the answers to the greatest wonders of the spiritual realms that work with you, against you and always for you, inside these covers is the place for you.What is the truth of heaven? How do we ever really know the secrets of the afterlife? Well, in the book you hold are the very answers and experiences of one who knows.Once young and curious, once filled with fear and doubt and pain, it is the truth which opens to show what exists beyond. This book will take you on an amazing journey and help you find the truth in your soul.Thank you all for coming with me on this journey. Your Earthly Guide and Messenger, Magdalene.¿"A book of thought and surprising depth of spirit... Enlightened and well delivered..." Patricia, Indie Book reviewer

  • af Craig Ford
    168,95 kr.

    EVER DREAMED OF BEING A HACKER?In this thrilling second instalment to the Foresight series, Shadow offers a fresh insight into the opposing hacker of the series - Shadow.Shadow must make choices that will lead him down many paths that were never expected in the outset.Find out what makes Shadow tick and experience the thrilling events from Foresight from a completely new perspective.Shadow is fun, dangerous and dives further into the hacking world which Foresight first exposed.Will the possibilities of the digital world help Shadow find his place in reality also...?"A devilishly clever second book of the series that weaves more depth to the plot and characters... Exceptional..." Maxwell, Indie Book reviewer

  • af Ja Henry
    168,95 kr.

    MEET STEVEN BRICE, THE NOBODY THAT NONE OF US WOULD SHARE EVEN A SECOND GLANCE WITH...Steven had finally overcome his violent childhood and was happily married, until the day an infidelity by his wife was discovered and he became a man seeking retribution.Determined to rid the world of those who pose a threat to him, Steven spends his nights working as a cleaner of the streets, in more ways than one!But when Steven gets called as a witness to his own crime, he must truly become the nobody that no-one would ever give a second glance towards.Cursed by the lies, corruption and crime around him, what will happen when everything begins to unravel? "Absolutely gripping... Was on the edge of my seat for the entire book. A great work of thrills, secrets and an exceptional morally grey lead!" Andy, Indie Books reviewer

  • af Ben Hastings
    188,95 kr.

    THE WORLD IS IN TERRIBLE BALANCE...In a society ruled by an oppressive patriarchy, a biological weapon unexpectantly mutates, causing all men to die and kickstarting apocalyptical level devastation.Sonya, a high ranking official in the now ruling Sisterhood, must do what she can to save her society. She faces corrupt power that threatens to take everything, including her sacred and forbidden love child, Sam.Sam must hide in plain sight, forcibly raised as a girl just to avoid extreme punishment. When danger looms close, Sam runs and finds a whole new existence beyond the regime he was led to trust in.Can Sonya and Sam undo the damage to their world before it is doomed beyond repair?"A sci-fi of intense and thought-provoking narrative... An enjoyable read and great writer..." Lee, Indie Book reviewer

  • af Jason Matheson
    248,95 kr.

    AFTER A NIGHT OF STORMY, HIGH-SEA BETRAYAL AND ADVENTURE BUZZBOMB, THE COCKROACH FROM SYDNEY AUSTRALIA, AWAKES ON A DESOLATE STRIP OF BEACH.Little does Buzz know he was not the only survivor of the prawn pirate attack on the cargo ship.A creature so crazed and ravenous that it dreams of nothing but chaos and destruction, has washed up along the same beach and been captured by a power hungry General.With its green glowing blood pulsing through the cane toad canons and stinkbug goo guns, the coastal farming villages are doomed.Hungry and half mad from drinking saltwater, Buzzbomb is surrounded by serpents and creepy crawlies that want to eat him. Then he stumbles upon Dust, the hidden village's warrior princess.Can Buzzbomb and Dust save the day before the monsoon hits and floods the grasslands, or has the ravenous horror whose glowing green blood is weaponizing the stinkbugs already won?One thing is for sure...When the monsoon comes, this terrifying beast will feed..."A fantastic array of imagination and narrative, blended with amazing artworks makes this one of the best illustrated novels on the market for 2023... Exceptionally awesome!" Matt, Indie Book reviewer