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  • af Rabindranath Tagore
    99,45 kr.

    Rabindranath Tagore: Nationalismus Nationalism. Nach der von Rabindranath Tagore selbst veranstalteten englischen Ausgabe von 1917 ins Deutsche übertragen von Helene Meyer-Franck, Leipzig, Neuer Geist Verlag, 1918. Neuausgabe. Herausgegeben von Karl-Maria Guth. Berlin 2021. Der Text dieser Ausgabe wurde behutsam an die neue deutsche Rechtschreibung angepasst. Umschlaggestaltung von Thomas Schultz-Overhage unter Verwendung des Bildes: Rabindranath Tagore in Kalkutta, 1909. Gesetzt aus der Minion Pro, 11 pt. Henricus - Edition Deutsche Klassik GmbH

  • - A Play in One Act
    af Rabindranath Tagore
    94,45 kr.

    ChitraART thou the god with the five darts, the Lord of Love?MadanaI am he who was the first born in the heart of the Creator. Ibind in bonds of pain and bliss the lives of men and women!ChitraI know, I know what that pain is and those bonds.-And who artthou, my lord?VasantaI am his friend-Vasanta-the King of the Seasons. Death anddecrepitude would wear the world to the bone but that I followthem and constantly attack them. I am Eternal Youth.ChitraI bow to thee, Lord Vasanta.MadanaBut what stern vow is thine, fair stranger? Why dost thou witherthy fresh youth with penance and mortification? Such a sacrificeis not fit for the worship of love. Who art thou and what is thyprayer?

  • af Ayn Rand
    99,45 kr.

    Upon original submission of "Anthem" to Macmillan publishing the book was rejected on grounds that "the author does not understand socialism". For the harshest of Ayn Rand's critics this might as well be an analysis of all her work. However, for those who revere Rand's work and subscribe to her particular philosophy of objectivism this novel could be set in the present day instead of some unidentified future in which mankind has entered a dark age characterized by irrationality, collectivism, and socialistic thinking. In this dystopian novella we find a world where technological advancement is now carefully planned and the concept of individuality has been eliminated. The central characters of the story are Equality 7-2521, a free thinking inventor, and his love interest, Liberty 5-3000. Like most dystopian works, "Anthem" describes a strange and unfathomable world which could never exist. It is in the creation of this extreme world that Rand creates a parable to warn us against what she believed were the perils of socialism. What is clearly a response to the oppressiveness of the Soviet Union, "Anthem" continues to resonate with those fearful of collectivist political philosophy gone too far. This edition is printed on premium acid-free paper.

  • af James Joyce
    234,45 kr.

    Chiltern creates the most beautiful editions of the World's finest literature. Your favourite classic titles in a way you have never seen them before; the tactile layers, fine details and beautiful colours of these remarkable covers make these titles feel extra special and will look striking on any shelf. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man describes Stephen Dedalus's development from a bright young student to a promising clergy student to an artist. Set in Ireland at the turn of the century, It begins with his earliest childhood memories and progresses to his grand epiphany, in which he announces to his closest companions his decision to pursue art rather than a religious life. Stephen's decision results from a combination of factors: the temperament that colors his impressions of the world, his interactions with others, and his interpretation of social forces. From the start evidence indicates Stephen will be an artist. Readers first meet him as a very young child growing up in a rural community in Ireland and attending Clongowes Preparatory School. He is a timid child who doesn't socialize easily. Stephen has been bullied on the playground because of his small size and shy demeanor; when his glasses are broken following an accident, he is excused from writing exercises by his teacher. When one of his masters finds out, he beats Stephen's hands and heightens the boy's belief that his treatment by the universe is unfair. Family and friends at a Christmas dinner represent some of the differing political attitudes pervading Ireland at the time, both for and against the Irish nationalist politician Charles Stewart Parnell, and the Irish independence movement. As Stephen grows older and begins to develop love interests, he romanticizes these prominent political figures; he also fantasizes about the nature and landscape of the afterlife, encouraged by the fire-and-brimstone sermons of his schoolmasters. Both tendencies show the strong imagination of an artist. As Stephen matures, school authorities try to persuade him to join the priesthood. In many ways joining such a large institution makes sense. His family is Catholic and would see a life with the clergy as a fine vocation. The priesthood would offer stability as well; Stephen's family changes homes several times during Stephen's youth due to his father's financial irresponsibility, so a steady existence might be a relief. However, the novel shows a growing conflict between Stephen's impulse toward the priesthood and his development as an artist. Joyce offers numerous dialogues between Stephen and his friends about books and vast aesthetic and philosophical issues. These dialogues mirror Stephen's inner crisis and give insight into his psychological development. As he gets older, Stephen begins to visit prostitutes in Dublin. This habit becomes increasingly hard to reconcile with the priestly calling, and his guilt becomes more than he can bear. Gradually, Stephen comes to realize he has no zeal for the religious life and decides instead to become an artist. Joyce presents the last episodes in the book as a series of epiphanies and exchanges. Stephen sees a woman on the beach who represents, in his creatively inspired state, art itself. Later, on the streets of Dublin, Stephen encounters again a woman he loves and declares his intentions to her. As readers last glimpse the artist, he vows to forge the uncreated conscience of [his] race, or express to the world his sense of beauty and truth in the way he knows best: through art.

  • - Within A Budding Grove (In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower)
    af Marcel Proust
    514,45 kr.

  • af William Makepeace Thackeray
    654,45 kr.

    The story revolves around the lives of Becky Sharp and Amelia Sedley during the Napoleonic Wars. A satirisation of British society in the early 19th-century.

  • af Sir Thomas More
    166,95 kr.

    Utopia (Libellus vere aureus, nec minus salutaris quam festivus, de optimo rei publicae statu deque nova insula Utopia) is a satirical work of fiction and political philosophy by Thomas More (1478-1535) published in 1516 in Latin. The book is a frame narrative primarily depicting a fictional island society as described by the character Raphael Hythloday who lived there some years, who describes and its religious, social and political customs.

  • af Charlotte Perkins Gilman
    99,45 kr.

    "The Yellow Wallpaper" is a short story by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, published 1892 in The New England Magazine.

  • af Kate Chopin
    199,45 kr.

    "When Kate Chopin's classic was first published in 1899, charges of sordidness and immorality seemed to consign it into obscurity and irreparably damage its author's reputation. But a century after her death, The Awakening is widely regarded as Kate Chopin's great achievement and a celebrated work of early feminist literature. Through careful, subtle changes of style, Chopin shows the transformation of Edna Pontellier, a young wife and mother, who - with tragic consequences - refuses to be caged by married and domestic life, and claims for herself moral and erotic freedom"--

  • af D H Lawrence
    429,45 kr.

    Part of Alma Classics' Evergreens series of popular classics, Sons and Lovers is presented here with an extensive critical apparatus and extra material, including a section of photographs and notes.

  • af Benjamin Graham
    139,45 kr.

    Even today, 20 years after his death, Benjamin Graham reigns as one of the greatest investment thinkers of the 20th century. Now readers can rediscover Graham's visionary 1944 treatise on achieving growth and stability in postwar economy through a global plan for allocating raw materials. This newly republished classic is an essential addition to any investor's collection.

  • af Paramhansa Yogananda
    399,45 kr.

    Originally Published in 1946PrefaceThe value of Yogananda's Autobiography is greatly enhanced by the fact that it is one of the few books in English about the wise men of India which has been written, not by a journalist or foreigner, but by one of their own race and training--in short, a book about yogis by a yogi. As an eyewitness recountal of the extraordinary lives and powers of modern Hindu saints, the book has importance both timely and timeless. To its illustrious author, whom I have had the pleasure of knowing both in India and America, may every reader render due appreciation and gratitude. His unusual life-document is certainly one of the most revealing of the depths of the Hindu mind and heart, and of the spiritual wealth of India, ever to be published in the West. It has been my privilege to have met one of the sages whose life- history is herein narrated-Sri Yukteswar Giri. A likeness of the venerable saint appeared as part of the frontispiece of my Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines. It was at Puri, in Orissa, on the Bay of Bengal, that I encountered Sri Yukteswar. He was then the head of a quiet ashrama near the seashore there, and was chiefly occupied in the spiritual training of a group of youthful disciples. He expressed keen interest in the welfare of the people of the United States and of all the Americas, and of England, too, and questioned me concerning the distant activities, particularly those in California, of his chief disciple, Paramhansa Yogananda, whom he dearly loved, and whom he had sent, in 1920, as his emissary to the West. Sri Yukteswar was of gentle mien and voice, of pleasing presence, and worthy of the veneration which his followers spontaneously accorded to him. Every person who knew him, whether of his own community or not, held him in the highest esteem. I vividly recall his tall, straight, ascetic figure, garbed in the saffron-colored garb of one who has renounced worldly quests, as he stood at the entrance of the hermitage to give me welcome. His hair was long and somewhat curly, and his face bearded. His body was muscularly firm, but slender and well-formed, and his step energetic. He had chosen as his place of earthly abode the holy city of Puri, whither multitudes of pious Hindus, representative of every province of India, come daily on pilgrimage to the famed Temple of Jagannath, "Lord of the World." It was at Puri that Sri Yukteswar closed his mortal eyes, in 1936, to the scenes of this transitory state of being and passed on, knowing that his incarnation had been carried to a triumphant completion. I am glad, indeed, to be able to record this testimony to the high character and holiness of Sri Yukteswar. Content to remain afar from the multitude, he gave himself unreservedly and in tranquillity to that ideal life which Paramhansa Yogananda, his disciple, has now described for the ages. - W. Y. EVANS-WENTZ, M.A., D.Litt., D.Sc.

  • af Charles Dickens
    339,45 kr.

    Explore Dickens' classic tale of order and disorder, death and resurrection with A Tale of Two Cities. Taking place in London and Paris in the eighteenth century, in the years leading up to and during the French Revolution, Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities is one of injustice, revenge, rebirth, love, and sacrifice. Originally published in thirty-one weekly installments in 1859, this novel is uncharacteristic for Dickens as it lacks comic relief, as well as a protagonist, though London and Paris are considered to be the true protagonists of the story. The turbulence found in this epic tale is also believed to reflect the turmoil in Dickens' personal life at the time. Complete and unabridged, A Tale of Two Cities is an essential collectible that features an introduction by English literature scholar Brian Bartell and a timeline of the life and times of Charles Dickens. Essential volumes for the shelves of every classic literature lover, the Chartwell Classics series includes beautifully presented works and collections from some of the most important authors in literary history. Chartwell Classics are the editions of choice for the most discerning literature buffs. Other titles in the Chartwell Classics Series include: Complete Fiction of H.P. Lovecraft; Complete Grimm's Fairy Tales; Complete Novels of Jane Austen; Complete Sherlock Holme; Complete Tales & Poems of Edgar Allen Poe; Complete Works of William Shakespeare; Divine Comedy; Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Other Tales;The Essential Tales of H.P. Lovecraft; The Federalist Papers; The Inferno; The Call of the Wild and White Fang; Moby Dick; The Odyssey; Pride and Prejudice; The Essential Grimm's Fairy Tales; Emma; The Great Gatsby; The Secret Garden; Anne of Green Gables; The Essential Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe; The Phantom of the Opera; The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital; Republic; Frankenstein; Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea; The Picture of Dorian Gray; Meditations; Wuthering Heights; Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass; Beowulf; The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Other Stories; Adventures of Huckleberry Finn; Little Women

  • af Henrik Ibsen
    114,45 kr.

    Niru is a young Bengali woman married to an English colonial bureaucrat - Tom. Tom loves Niru, exoticising her as a frivolous plaything to be admired and kept; but Niru has a long-kept secret, and just as she thinks she is almost free of it, it threatens to bring her life crashing down around her. Tanika Gupta reimagines Ibsen's classic play of gender politics through the lens of British colonialism, offering a bold, female perspective exploring themes of ownership and race.

  • af F Scott Fitzgerald, &#2381, &#2366, mfl.
    144,45 kr.

  • af Kenneth Grahame
    139,45 kr.

    One of the best-loved children's books of all time is updated for a new generation in a beautifully designed gift edition liberally illustrated by David Roberts. The story begins when Mole abandons his spring cleaning to explore the world beyond his burrow. He scurries down to the riverbank, where he meets Ratty and discovers a carefree world of picnics and messing about in boats. There are adventures ahead, in the company of reckless Mr. Toad, and dangers, when the two friends venture into the Wild Wood to visit Mr. Badger. And there are events that test the friendship of the four animals to the limits, but through it all they retain their loyalty and good humor. Generations have fallen in love with Kenneth Grahame's enduring story -- and here, in a sumptuous new gift edition stunningly illustrated by David Roberts, The Wind in the Willows stands poised to capture young readers' hearts anew.

  • af H P Lovecraft
    299,45 kr.

  • af H P Lovecraft
    299,45 kr.

  • af Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
    169,45 kr.

    "Among the most influential political and social forces of the twentieth century, modern communism rests firmly on philosophical, political, and economic underpinnings developed by Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, later known as Lenin. The State and Revolution is Lenin's most significant work, in which he totally rejects the institutions of Western democracy and presents his vision of the final perfection of Communism. For anyone who seeks to understand the twentieth century, capitalism, the Russian revolution, and the role of Communism in the tumultuous political and social movements that have shaped the modern world, this book offers unparalleled insight and understanding"--

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    129,45 kr.

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    94,45 kr.

  • af H P Lovecraft
    509,45 kr.

    "Frequently imitated and widely influential, Howard Phillips Lovecraft reinvented the horror genre in the twentieth century, discarding ghosts and witches and instead envisioning mankind as a tiny outpost of dwindling sanity in a chaotic and malevolent universe. This definitive collection reveals the development of Lovecraft's mesmerizing narrative style and establishes him as a canonical--and visionary--American writer"--

  • af William Wordsworth
    169,45 kr.

  • af William Wordsworth
    154,45 kr.

  • - Collected Works
    af Franz Kafka
    284,45 kr.

    Diese Buch Sammlung ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Franz Kafka (1883-1924) war ein deutschsprachiger Schriftsteller. Kafkas Werke zählen unbestritten zum Kanon der Weltliteratur. Sein Hauptwerk bilden neben drei Romanfragmenten zahlreiche Erzählungen. Kafkas Werke wurden zum größeren Teil erst nach seinem Tod und gegen seine letztwillige Verfügung von Max Brod veröffentlicht, einem engen Freund und Vertrauten, den Kafka als Nachlassverwalter bestimmt hatte. Inhalt: - Das Urteil - Die Verwandlung - Ein Bericht für eine Akademie - In der Strafkolonie - Forschungen eines Hundes

  • - Short Stories
    af Franz Kafka
    129,45 kr.

    Diese Buch Sammlung ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Franz Kafka (1883-1924) war ein deutschsprachiger Schriftsteller. Kafkas Werke zählen unbestritten zum Kanon der Weltliteratur. Sein Hauptwerk bilden neben drei Romanfragmenten zahlreiche Erzählungen. Kafkas Werke wurden zum größeren Teil erst nach seinem Tod und gegen seine letztwillige Verfügung von Max Brod veröffentlicht, einem engen Freund und Vertrauten, den Kafka als Nachlassverwalter bestimmt hatte. Inhalt: - Das Urteil - Die Verwandlung - Ein Bericht für eine Akademie - In der Strafkolonie - Forschungen eines Hundes

  • af Ralph Waldo Emerson
    154,45 kr.

  • - The Collected Works
    af James Allen
    288,95 kr.

    A complete collection of the works of James Allen a pioneer of the self-help movement. Contains all twenty two books written by James Allen; including his best known work, As a Man Thinketh; as well as: All These Things Added, Book of Meditations, Eight pillars of prosperity, Men and systems, among many others