Bøger udgivet af Samfundslitteratur
- Lessons from theory and examples from Danish agriculture
218,95 kr. Cooperatives and cooperative payment schemes, cost and profit sharing rules, are found in all sectors of society - including law and consultancy, insurance and finance, health, housing, utility, and, of course, in agriculture. The book develops an economic framework for assessing different cooperative payment schemes. First, a number of relevant criteria (properties) are defined, then the book analyses how well different schemes fulfil these criteria under alternative production and market conditions. The book is aimed at professionals involved in the design and use of payment schemes as well as students and researchers at universities. The book includes a number of practical examples from the agro-industrial sector. The criteria and schemes are also illustrated with simple numerical examples and graphics. For the more technically minded, there are specially highlighted sections containing formalised mathematical presentations.
- E-bog
- 218,95 kr.
- The Expansion of Business Journalism
228,95 kr. Building on evidence from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, Mediating Business is a comparative and multidisciplinary study of one of the major transformations of the mass media and the realm of business - nationally and globally. The book explores the history of key innovations and innovators in the business press. It analyzes changes in the discourse of business journalism associated with the growth in business news and the development of new ways of framing business issues and events. Finally, it examines the organizational implications of the increased media visibility of business and, in particular, the development of corporate governance and media relations.
- E-bog
- 228,95 kr.
- A Dialogue and Construction
233,95 kr. Human resources are the social capital of a firm and business life, based on trust as well as on expertise, values and cultural diversity. This calls for cross-cultural knowledge and an understanding of gender issues and individual differences in the social capital of the firm and society. The dialogue between women entrepreneurship and social capital theory and research has its special place among other women entrepreneurship books, the number of which has lately increased. It strengthens still in some respect the fragmented voice of women entrepreneurship research by providing a landscape of women entrepreneurs as creators of, and created by, social capital. It indicates how women entrepreneurs appear to have a special position in forming, developing and reorganizing the social capital in the business world. In its eleven chapters, twenty-six researchers representing a variety of disciplines from different parts of the world are presenting findings on diverse aspects of the dialogue between women entrepreneurship and social capital. As a consequence the central concepts, social capital, entrepreneurship and gender, are given a variety of meanings. Women entrepreneurs and business owners regardless of their cultural context, branch and education provide interesting ideas to the global debate on equality and social capital.
- E-bog
- 233,95 kr.
93,95 kr. In 17 chapters, integrating theoretical perspectives with empirical practice, researchers and practitioners from four continents discuss why and how students' learning outcomes can be improved. The book thereby offers both new theoretical approaches to the understanding of students' learning outcomes as well as normative implications and inspiring examples from people professionally engaged in teaching, learning and assessment-practices. Nygaard and Holtham are the founders of the international academic association LIHE (Learning in Higher Education). The book came out of an international symposium on Aegina Island, Greece, arranged by LIHE.http://www.lihe.wordpress.com
- E-bog
- 93,95 kr.
298,95 kr. The contributors both elaborate and clarify the entrepreneurial nature of the experience economy. They illustrate concrete examples of how it is created and made to work, thereby providing the reader with a unique insight into the significant shift from a managerial to an entrepreneurial economy. The chapters in the book also herald another deeply transformative aspect of this shift: its emphasis on play, affect, and passion, all human qualities that the industrial society/economy had marginalized.
- E-bog
- 298,95 kr.
- Building Strategic Insight
167,95 kr. Market Intelligence provides managers with helpful concepts, tools and ideas on market intelligence and analysis. Additionally, it gives the reader some of the analytical tools used to analyze both micro and macro factors in the organization's environment to better predict future outcomes and help decision making. The authors’ focus is not only on competitors, but also on customers, suppliers and a range of other stakeholders. The field of competitive intelligence is studied by a diverse research community. Contributions are made to aid states on a national, regional and local level (Public Intelligence), the military (Military Intelligence), non-profit organizations (NPO Intelligence) and private companies (Private Intelligence). However, these contributions are mostly done in isolation, even though all these fields of study have much in common. The authors build their in-sight on these various schools as well as practical applications and provide the essential insights to aid management thinking.
- E-bog
- 167,95 kr.
- Impacts and Issues
338,95 kr. Unlike those on a commercial slant, this book provides readers with an understanding of the two-way relationship between advertising and Chinese society. Major issues addressed in this 14-chapter volume include rising consumerism, consumers' attitudes towards advertising and reactions to advertising appeals, cultural messages conveyed in advertisements, gender representations, sex appeal, offensive advertising, advertising law and regulation, advertising to children and adolescents, symbolic meanings of advertisements, public service advertising, and new media advertising and its social impact. Contributed by a group of prominent scholars on Chinese advertising research from the fields of communication, journalism, and marketing, this book resorts to a variety of research techniques including content analysis, survey, experiment, semiotic analysis, and secondary data analysis. The book aims at enhancing the sensitivity of scholars and practitioners interested in Chinese advertising to its social ramifications.
- E-bog
- 338,95 kr.
- The Lessons of History
233,95 kr. The first part of the book describes agricultural progress in Europe and the USA since 1750, when modern societies began to develop. Although there were significant differences from country to country, agriculture was an engine of growth during the period 1750-1914. Since 1914, agriculture has experienced difficulties in spite of spectacular increases in productivity. The book describes the beginning of agricultural policy during the Great Depression, and how it continued and developed in the EU and the USA after the Second World War. Agricultural policy in the post-war period built on the legacy of the past, and only in recent years have there been signs of fundamental reform. The second part of the book builds a model of the development process. The author emphasises that it is not possible to explain development without looking simultaneously at the resources, technology, institutions and attitudes prevalent in a country. The author develops a stage theory to identify the crucial factors driving economic development from period to period. Development begins when improved technologies increases productivity and institutional changes in the form of agricultural reforms allow the improved technologies to spread. Later, new markets and institutions are established around the original market. The functioning of the market depends on transport and communication, distribution channels, human resources, innovations and the diffusion of information. Close integration between the rural and the urban sectors is a prerequisite for a dynamic interaction. Developing countries had to choose their development strategy when they became independent after the Second World War. The main problem was not that they protected the manufacturing industry but that they neglected agriculture.
- E-bog
- 233,95 kr.
163,95 kr. Branding and Advertising presents a wide spectre of recent studies and works in the fields of branding, advertising and communication effects. Material is organized into four main areas: Branding and Communication, Advertising Effects, Media and Targets, and Low Involvement and Emotional Responses. In the first main part of the book, Branding and Communication, a number of chapters are concerned with the branding of corporations and the use of branding in advertising communication. The second main part of the book gives insights into different aspects of advertising effects; methods of measurement, and results of advertising and commercial communication in different settings. Media and Targets presents research concerning genres of advertising, audience reactions, attitudes towards the ads, and the role of advertising in relation to children as a target group. The fourth and final part of the book is concerned with the role of information processing and memory creation in advertising communication. The book addresses itself to the advertising professionals, to advertising and communication researchers, as well as to graduate and undergraduate students of advertising and communication, who want to be informed about the latest research within these areas.
- E-bog
- 163,95 kr.
348,95 kr. Emotions, Advertising and Consumer Choice focuses on recent neurological and psychological in-sights - originating from brain scanning or neurological experiments - on basic emotional processes in the brain and their role in controlling human behaviour. These insights are translated by the authors to cover the behaviour of ordinary individuals in every-day life. The book looks at these developments in the light of traditional cognitive theories of consumer choice and it discusses the implications for advertising and other communication testing. The book offers a first time thorough review of contemporary thinking in the field of consumer behaviour and an exhaustive amount of empirical evidence to support the authors' notion of an emerging paradigm of emotionally based consumer choice where mental brand equity becomes a central phenomenon. The empirical evidence is to a large extent developed on a questionnaire-based measurement method, pioneered by the authors and by researchers at the Center for Marketing Communication at the Copenhagen Business School.
- E-bog
- 348,95 kr.
- The Owners Choice
153,95 kr. Analysis of a range of major administrative IT projects has lead to a surprising conclusion: The owners' often unconscious choice of what the book calls "project model", appears to be a key factor, separating successful projects from failures. Two project models dominate. At first glance the differences between them seem small and unimportant, but analysis reveals that they are of critical importance to the need for resources, the manageability of the project and the roles and conditions of all parties involved. In a non-technical language the book describes how the two project models operate and explains the hidden mechanisms of organizational culture leading to an unfortunate preference of mature public and private organizations' for the least manageable of the two project models.
- E-bog
- 153,95 kr.
- Challenges and Opportunities
206,95 kr. Supply chain management is growing both as a research subject and as a crucial field of importance in companies. The book is divided into two parts: Part I (supply chain relations) focuses on topics such as supply chain design and partner selection while part II (supply chain processes) deals with shorter term decisions in executing supply chain processes beyond firm boundaries. The book is aimed at scholars and senior students interested in the SCM field as well as at the committed practitioner.
- E-bog
- 206,95 kr.
238,95 kr. From First to Third via Cybersemiotics is a festschrift made to honour the great scholarly work of Professor Søren Brier.The festschrift contains articles written by international scholarswithin academic fields such as: semiotics, library and informationscience, 2. order cybernetics, ethics in science, metaphysics.All these different yet related topics show the diversity and depth of Brier’s research.Søren Brier is professor in Semiotics of Information, Cognition and Communitation Science with special responsibilities at Department of International Culture and Communitation Studies,CBS (Copenhagen Business School). He is affiliated with Center for Language, Cognition and Mentality (LaCoMe).
- E-bog
- 238,95 kr.
28,95 kr. ”La Décision” – En systemteoretisk rekonstruktion af organisationsteoriens oprindelse i oplysningstidenGorm HarsteTrykt i Organiseret kommunikation – systemteoretiske analyser, 1. udgave 2003 1.e-bogsudgave 2007© Samfundslitteratur, 2003
- E-bog
- 28,95 kr.
- Creating Authority, Community and Identity in a Globalized World
295,95 kr. Digital Governance://Networked Societies – Creating Authority, Community and Identity in a Globalized World explores the role of the Internet in the creation and reconfiguration of political authority, community and identity in a globalizing world.A string of case studies demonstrates how the Internet and connectivity facilitate the creation of political authorities ‘within’ and ‘beyond’ the nation state, and how it lies at the core of the formation of automated forms of power and the emergence of a plethora of communities with global reach and outlook, affecting identity formation processes and social dynamics.These developments have important repercussions for politics and democracy. Politics in the Information Age becomes a ‘politics of presence’ and a ‘politics of becoming’, as expressed through multiple practices, connections and organizational forms, as well as the complex formation of political identities. In such a set-up, democracy comes to depend more on ethics and less on procedures.
- E-bog
- 295,95 kr.
19,94 kr. Kapitel 14 fra bogen Nye Vidensmedier. Kultur, læring, kommunikation. Bogen omhandler mediers anvendelse i tilegnelse af viden. Digitale og sociale medier skaber nye muligheder for læring og formidling, men signalerer også, at selve vidensbegrebet er blevet mere dynamisk. Undervisere og formidlere må erkende, at de ikke længere har monopol på den viden, der formidles. På internettet er viden til stede i overflod, og elever, studerende og kulturforbrugere finder, deler og producerer selv viden i de dialogiske netværksmedier.
- E-bog
- 19,94 kr.
- Viden og design i nye medier
198,95 kr. Det digitale nærvær handler om Computer-medieret kommunikation (CMC - via intranet, internet, "allesteds-nærværende computing" mm. ), der er grundlaget for det informations- og videnssamfund, der for alvor begynder at tage form i disse år, som har forandret den måde, vi udsender og søger information, kommunikerer med hinanden både privat og i organisationer, samarbejder, underviser og tilegner os viden. Denne bog går tæt på tre udvalgte områder inden for den computer-medierede kommunikation:Videndeling i formelle og uformelle organisationer Netbaseret samarbejde og læring Design af produkter til computermedieret kommunikation. Bogen består af tretten artikler skrevet specielt til denne udgivelse af danske og udenlandske forskere. De giver et billede af en række helt aktuelle problemfelter og forskningsområder inden for CMC. Bogen henvender sig især til studerende som arbejder med it, medier og kommunikation, men den er relevant for alle, som interesserer sig for nye medier.
- E-bog
- 198,95 kr.
- Grundtvigianer, opfinder og folkeoplyser
78,95 kr. Poul la Cour (1846-1908) levede og virkede i spændingsfeltet mellem folkeoplysningen og den hastige tekniske udvikling i slutningen af det nittende århundrede. I sine bedste år som telegrafisk opfinder i 1870'erne var han af internationalt format i fri og hård konkurrence med amerikanske selskaber, og dagspressen døbte ham "Danmarks Edison".I 1878 blev han lærer ved Askov udvidede Folkehøjskole, hvor han søgte at udmønte Grundtvigs skoletanker på teknisknaturvidenskabelige områder med bøgerne »Historisk Mathematik« og »Historisk Fysik« som håndgribelige resultater.Fra 1891 kombinerede han sit opfindertalent med nogle sociale visioner i en indsats på at gøre vindkraftværker til kernen i den tekniske og sociale udvikling ude på landet. Som den første i verden foretog han systematiske undersøgelser af vindmøllemodeller i vindtunneler og fandt herved frem til principperne for den moderne vindmølle. I 1903 tog la Cour initiativ til oprettelse af landets første folkelige energibevægelse, »Dansk Vind Elektricitets Selskab« der kraftigt bidrog til den decentrale elektrificering på landet i Danmark.Denne doktorafhandling af en af la Cours efterfølgere på Askov Højskole blev skrevet på en tid omkring 1980, da der påny var gang i energidebatten og energibevægelserne i Danmark. Den bliver genudgivet som ebog i anledning af hundredåret for la Cours død og som indgang til året, hvor Danmark har værtskabet til en international klimakonference, der med givetvis sætter vindkraften på dagsordenen igen. Vil man forstå Danmarks mangeårige førerstilling på området er denne bog et godt sted at starte.
- E-bog
- 78,95 kr.
- For Business People, Expatriates and Scholars
223,95 kr. This book is based on 40 years of close involvement with India, including two expatriate assignments and decades of research and teaching. Part I seeks to answer the 10 questions most often posed by Westerners doing business in India, including, “Why do our Indian suppliers constantly miss delivery deadlines?” “When does ‘yes’ really mean yes in India?” and “Why do our Indian project teams and employees need to be micro-managed?” Part II is a practical guide for families moving to India. It addresses such critical concerns as how to find housing, how to acclimate your family to India and its culture, and how to prepare yourself for the challenges you will face day to day.
- E-bog
- 223,95 kr.
- Danske topledere om kommunikation
118,95 kr. Kommunikationen er helt afgørende for at drive en organisation med succes! I De 12 bud - danske topledere om kommunikation giver 12 topledere fra helt forskellige brancher deres personlige bud på, hvilken betydning kommunikation har. Budskaberne er enkle og direkte: Nærvær, åbenhed og personlig stil er nogle af de centrale kodeord, hvis man vil være en god kommunikator. De 12 topledere sætter med lærerige beretninger og eksempler flere nuancer på kommunikationens betydning - og de er ikke bange for at indrømme, at de til tider er blevet klogere af ubehagelige erfaringer. Beretningerne bliver suppleret af lærerige cases fra deres organisationer.
- E-bog
- 118,95 kr.
108,95 kr. I denne bog er ordet givet til nogle af landets førende kommunikationsforskere fra universiteter og handelshøjskoler. Ordet har været frit - kun omdrejningspunktet har ligget fast, nemlig at artiklerne skulle illustrere både dybden og bredden af den kommunikerende organisation. Bogen har bidrag af Johan Peter Paludan, Hans Gullestrup, John Kuada, Erik Johnsen, Steen Hildebrandt, Jørn Lund, Kim Scrøder og Erik Hansen. Den kommunikerende organisation er samtidig titlen på en ny tværvidenskabelig serie, hvor forskere og praktikere har udgivet en række bøger om kommunikation. Omdrejningspunktet er kommunikation i og fra organisationer, hvilket er temaet for forskning på mange forskellige felter - hos sprog - og kommunikationsforskere samt ledelses- og organisationsforskere.
- E-bog
- 108,95 kr.
- The Construction of Need and Trust in Management Advisory Services
223,95 kr. How are the services and expertise of external management advisors brought into organizations? Based on studies of the use of management consulting, financial consulting, legal services, and IT services, this book sheds light on how needs in organizations for management advice services are constructed and why certain service suppliers are given trust to deliver. While the current literature on the purchasing of professional services has highlighted the individual interaction between buyers and suppliers in building necessary trust for a deal, this book focuses on their embeddedness in organizational and institutional structures within which service characteristics and confidence in individual suppliers is constructed. Dealing with Confidence covers studies of the practice of individual managers hiring their trusted advisors, organizations' efforts to professionalize their purchasing routines, and the advisers' efforts to become representatives of a professional collective.
- E-bog
- 223,95 kr.
23,95 kr. Hvordan iagttages ledelse som styringsteknologi? Niels T. ThygesenTrykt i Organiseret kommunikation – systemteoretiske analyser, 1. udgave 2003 1.e-bogsudgave 2007© Samfundslitteratur, 2003
- E-bog
- 23,95 kr.
19,94 kr. Kapitel 1 fra bogen Nye Vidensmedier. Kultur, læring, kommunikation. Bogen omhandler mediers anvendelse i tilegnelse af viden. Digitale og sociale medier skaber nye muligheder for læring og formidling, men signalerer også, at selve vidensbegrebet er blevet mere dynamisk. Undervisere og formidlere må erkende, at de ikke længere har monopol på den viden, der formidles. På internettet er viden til stede i overflod, og elever, studerende og kulturforbrugere finder, deler og producerer selv viden i de dialogiske netværksmedier.
- E-bog
- 19,94 kr.
23,95 kr. Kapitel 10 fra bogen Nye Vidensmedier. Kultur, læring, kommunikation. Bogen omhandler mediers anvendelse i tilegnelse af viden. Digitale og sociale medier skaber nye muligheder for læring og formidling, men signalerer også, at selve vidensbegrebet er blevet mere dynamisk. Undervisere og formidlere må erkende, at de ikke længere har monopol på den viden, der formidles. På internettet er viden til stede i overflod, og elever, studerende og kulturforbrugere finder, deler og producerer selv viden i de dialogiske netværksmedier.
- E-bog
- 23,95 kr.
23,95 kr. Kapitel 5 fra bogen Nye Vidensmedier. Kultur, læring, kommunikation. Bogen omhandler mediers anvendelse i tilegnelse af viden. Digitale og sociale medier skaber nye muligheder for læring og formidling, men signalerer også, at selve vidensbegrebet er blevet mere dynamisk. Undervisere og formidlere må erkende, at de ikke længere har monopol på den viden, der formidles. På internettet er viden til stede i overflod, og elever, studerende og kulturforbrugere finder, deler og producerer selv viden i de dialogiske netværksmedier.
- E-bog
- 23,95 kr.
- The Case of Denmark
198,95 - 318,95 kr. Corporate Values and Responsibility gives a flavour of the Danish landscape when it comes to corporate values and social responsibility. The ambition is to indicate the status of the Danish corporate agenda from political, corporate, academic and media perspectives. Many Danish companies regard values and social responsibility as a "normal" element of their corporate strategy. Denmark is part of an international movement towards combining economic and social values. Danish companies have reached far on these issues. The 26 authors of this book reflect this diversity. One of them is Professor Peter Pruzan. He has been an inspiration, collaborator and critical voice for Danish and international companies, NGOs, academics and the media throughout the last 20 years on issues of corporate values and responsibility. This book is written in honour of Peter.
- Omkring Picassos "Guernica"
58,95 kr. Kunst er kommunikation - et budskab fra kunstneren til os. Men det er en særlig form for kommunikation, som adskiller sig fra alt andet, og som det ikke altid er lige let at tolke. Alligevel søger vi til kunstværket for at få nogle oplevelser, som er helt anderledes end vore andre erfaringer i tilværelsen. Psykoanalyse og billedkunst søger med udgangspunkt i Picassos mesterværk "Guernica" og med den psykoanalytiske teori som redskab at give svar på, hvad det er, der gør oplevelsen foran kunstværket til noget særligt, og hvilke psykiske kræfter og processer i kunstneren der ligger bag den kreative virksomhed. Dermed bygger bogen bro mellem den psykoanalytiske teori og kunsten. Og dermed henvender den sig både til mennesker, der primært er interesseret i psykoanalytisk teori, men som ønsker at blive orienteret om, hvilket lys den kan kaste over den kreative proces og den æstetiske oplevelse. Og til mennesker, der primært er interesseret i kunst, men ønsker at vide mere om, hvordan den psykoanalytiske teori kan bidrage til en forståelse af kunsten, dens udøvere og publikum. Bogen er yderst velegnet til undervisning inden for psykologi og billedkunst, men den er skrevet således, at den også henvender sig til almindelige læsere med interesse for de to områder.
- E-bog
- 58,95 kr.
48,95 kr. Demokrati og deltagelse stiller spørgsmål om demokrati i arbejdslivet. Fører medarbejdernes øgede deltagelse i forandringsprocesser på arbejdspladserne til demokratisering af arbejdslivet? Hvilken forbindelse er der mellem det samfundsmæssige demokrati og demokrati på arbejdspladserne? Bogen diskuter disse spørgsmål med særlig fokus på de læreprocesser, som det moderne arbejdsliv skaber muligheder for. Demokrati og deltagelse henvender sig til praktikere, studerende og undervisere, der interesserer sig for forandringer i arbejdslivet og udviklingen af demokratiet. Bogens seks kapitler handler blandt andet om: Moderne vidensarbejdere - faglig organisering og nye fællesskaber Selvstyrende grupper - for meget af det gode? Unges engagement og fagligt demokrati Kortuddannede - for lidt uddannelse og for lidt demokrati Mere deltagelse i arbejdet - mindre demokrati i samfundet? Skal demokratiet fortsat stoppe ved indgangen til arbejdspladsen?
- E-bog
- 48,95 kr.
38,95 kr. Dette hæfte er en hjælp til studerende, som skal i gang med et samarbejde med en organisation eller virksomhed - fx i forbindelse med et projekt eller speciale. Hæftet handler om, hvordan man kan tilrettelægge samarbejdet med en organisation, hvordan man kan undersøge forskellige forhold i organisationen og hvordan man giver organisationen en brugbar tilbagemelding på resultaterne. Hæftet sætter især fokus på:- hvordan man får adgang til og skaber grundlaget for et frugtbart samarbejde med en organisation - metoder der både udvikler organisationen og giver de studerende data med hjem - alternativer til spørgeskemaer og interviews - afrapportering til virksomhed og uddannelsesinstitution.
- E-bog
- 38,95 kr.