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  • af Margaret Atwood
    284,45 kr.

    RECOMENDADO POR JENNA BUSH EN SU CLUB DE LECTURA DEL TODAY SHOW Y EN SU PODCAST READ WITH JENNA Una brillante colección de ensayos que abarca desde la deuda pública hasta la naturaleza de la ciencia ficción y la crisis climática. La galardonada y exitosa autora de El cuento de la criada y Los testamentos ofrece su divertida, erudita, curiosa y asombrosamente clarividente visión del mundo, desde la deuda y la tecnología hasta la crisis climática y la libertad, y busca respuestas a cuestiones candentes como... ¿Por qué la gente cuenta historias, sea cual sea su cultura? ¿Cuánto puedes dar de ti sin evaporarte? ¿Cómo podemos vivir en nuestro planeta? ¿Qué relación hay entre los zombis y el autoritarismo? Una colección de ensayos de actualidad con el marchamo indiscutible de la que quizá sea la novelista viva más famosa y, sin duda, la más venerable de nuestro tiempo. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION- READ WITH JENNA BOOK CLUB PICK AS FEATURED ON TODAY - RECOMMENDED ON THE 'READ WITH JENNA' PODCAST- In this brilliant selection of essays, the award-winning, best-selling author of The Handmaid's Tale and The Testaments offers her funny, erudite, endlessly curious, and uncannily prescient take on everything, from whether or not The Handmaid's Tale is a dystopia to the importance of how to define granola--and seeks answers to Burning Questions, such as... - Why do people everywhere, in all cultures, tell stories? Including thoughts on the writing of The Handmaid's Tale, The Testaments, Oryx & Crake, and her other beloved works. - How much of yourself can you give away without evaporating? - How can we live on our planet? - Is it true? And is it fair?> In more than fifty pieces, Atwood aims her prodigious intellect and impish humor at the world, and reports back to us on what she finds. This roller-coaster period brought the end of history, a financial crash, the rise of Trump, and a pandemic. From when to dispense advice to the young (answer: only when asked) to Atwood's views on the climate crisis, we have no better guide to the many and varied mysteries of our universe.

  • af Louann Brizendine
    224,45 kr.

    El bestseller del New York Times que ha vendido más de 1 millón de ejemplares e inspiró la película con Whitney Cummings y Sofia Vergara. Un libro accesible, divertido y convincente para comprender el funcionamiento del cerebro de la mujer a través de la ciencia.> Basado en tres décadas de investigación, El cerebro femenino ayudará a las mujeres a comprenderse mejor a sí mismas y a los hombres de su vida. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Since Dr. Brizendine wrote The Female Brain ten years ago, the response has been overwhelming. This New York Times bestseller has been translated into more than thirty languages, has sold nearly a million copies between editions, and has most recently inspired a romantic comedy starring Whitney Cummings and Sofia Vergara. And its profound scientific understanding of the nature and experience of the female brain continues to guide women as they pass through life stages, to help men better understand the girls and women in their lives, and to illuminate the delicate emotional machinery of a love relationship. Why are women more verbal than men? Why do women remember details of fights that men can't remember at all? Why do women tend to form deeper bonds with their female friends than men do with their male counterparts? These and other questions have stumped both sexes throughout the ages. Now, pioneering neuropsychiatrist Louann Brizendine, M.D., brings together the latest findings to show how the unique structure of the female brain determines how women think, what they value, how they communicate, and who they love. While doing research as a medical student at Yale and then as a resident and faculty member at Harvard, Louann Brizendine discovered that almost all of the clinical data in existence on neurology, psychology, and neurobiology focused exclusively on males. In response to the overwhelming need for information on the female mind, Brizendine established the first clinic in the country to study and treat women's brain function. In The Female Brain, Dr. Brizendine distills all her findings and the latest information from the scientific community in a highly accessible book that educates women about their unique brain/body/behavior. The result: women will come away from this book knowing that they have a lean, mean, communicating machine. Men will develop a serious case of brain envy.

  • af Henry Marsh
    244,45 kr.

    "As a retired brain surgeon, Henry Marsh thought he understood illness, but he was unprepared for the impact of his diagnosis of advanced cancer. And Finally explores what happens when someone who has spent a lifetime on the frontline of life and death finds himself contemplating what might be his own death sentence. As he navigates the bewildering transition from doctor to patient, he is haunted by past failures and projects yet to be completed, and frustrated by the inconveniences of illness and old age. But he is also more entranced than ever by the mysteries of science and the brain, the beauty of the natural world and his love for his family."--

  • af Laura Lippman
    249,45 kr.

    Baltimore, 1966. Maddie, madre y esposa perfecta, decide una noche, de forma impulsiva, plantarlo todo y convertirse en periodista, dispuesta a cumplir sus sueänos de juventud. Cuando el cuerpo de una joven aparece en un lago, Maddie ve la ocasiâon de hacerse un nombre y arrojar luz sobre este crimen, a pesar de la indiferencia general.

  • af Yotam Ottolenghi
    379,45 kr.

    "Una excepcional colecciâon de 120 recetas del innovador restaurante londinense de Yotam Ottolenghi."--Publisher marketing.

  • af Kathrine Kressmann Taylor
    194,45 kr.

  • af Margaret Atwood
    254,45 kr.

    Nueva traducción de una de las novelas más emblemáticas de Margaret Atwood.RECOMENDADO POR JENNA BUSH EN SU CLUB DE LECTURA DEL TODAY SHOW Y EN SU PODCAST READ WITH JENNA> Con motivo de la primera retrospectiva de su obra en Sub-Versions, una galería alternativa de Toronto regentada por un puñado de mujeres, Elaine Risley, una pintora rodeada de un aura de artista polémica, regresa a la ciudad y al paisaje de su juventud. El reencuentro con la urbe, antaño puritana y gris, ahora destellante bajo las luces de neón, hace aflorar una profusión de recuerdos, entre los que destacan imágenes de su atípica familia, su excéntrico y brillante hermano, con quien acostumbraba a jugar a las canicas, y sus antiguas amigas Carol, Grace y, en particular, Cordelia, con las que había creado un mundo propio ajeno a las preocupaciones de los adultos. Pasados los años, Elaine prosiguió su camino guardando para sí esa etapa extraña de su infancia al que accede gracias a una preciada canica de ojo de gato que le sirve de luz. A través de las vívidas descripciones de obras de arte, la fuerza evocadora de las escenas retrospectivas y la presencia de sutiles pinceladas autobiográficas, Atwood nos ofrece una magnífica novela de aprendizaje, donde una canica de vidrio transparente con una flor de pétalos de colores en el centro gira y gira en un equilibrio tan precario como la vida de las mujeres, que una vez fueron niñas. Perturbadora y mordaz, Ojo de gato revela a una escritora en permanente estado de gracia. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION A breathtaking novel of a woman grappling with the tangled knot of her life--from the bestselling author of The Handmaid's Tale and The Testaments - READ WITH JENNA BOOK CLUB PICK AS FEATURED ON TODAY - RECOMMENDED ON THE 'READ WITH JENNA' PODCAST- Disturbing, humorous, and compassionate, Cat's Eye is the story of Elaine Risley, a controversial painter who returns to Toronto, the city of her youth, for a retrospective of her art. Engulfed by vivid images of the past, she reminisces about a trio of girls who initiated her into the the fierce politics of childhood and its secret world of friendship, longing, and betrayal. Elaine must come to terms with her own identity as a daughter, a lover, an artist, and a woman--but above all she must seek release form her haunting memories.

  • af Amor Towles
    274,45 kr.

    "Amor Towles vuelve con una historia colosal sobre el viaje iniciâatico de cuatro jâovenes por el corazâon de Estados Unidos durante la dâecada de los aänos cincuenta. Contada desde mâultiples puntos de vista y poblada por un variado elenco de personajes magnâeticos, desde vagabundos que malviven entre râiales hasta aristâocratas del Upper East Side, La autopista Lincoln es una novela arrolladora de encuentros y desencuentros, un azaroso trâansito de la juventud a la edad adulta."--Publisher marketing.

  • af Sami Tamimi & Tara Wigley
    424,45 kr.

  • af Janet Skeslien Charles
    244,45 kr.

  • af Margaret Atwood
    249,45 kr.

  • af Graeme Simsion
    259,45 kr.

  • af Abdulrazak Gurnah
    254,45 kr.

  • af Margaret Atwood
    244,45 kr.

  • af Ignacio Padilla
    214,45 kr.

    ¿Es cierto que los hijos de Joseph Goebbels fueron asesinados en el búnker del Führer? ¿Es cierto que fue su propia madre, Magda, quien los mató poco antes de quitarse la vida? ¿Y si no fue así? Ignacio Padilla juega con la posibilidad de que los seis niños pudieran haber salido con vida del búnker. No sólo eso, imagina los destinos que cada uno pudo haber vivido y sus identidades reconstruidas ya siendo adultos. Alguna podría haber vivido en el puerto de Malombrosa (el puerto imaginario de su Espiral de artillería) o en Argentina. Quizás uno de los pequeños escapó por una serie de túneles que lo alejaron de una muerte segura. Una de las hijas, tal vez, se convirtió en una promesa de los escenarios, en una prima donna.

  • af Laura Imai
    214,45 kr.

    "Tâitulo original: Quel che affidiamo al vento"--Title page verso.

  • af Margaret Atwood
    244,45 kr.

    "Months after the Waterless Flood pandemic has wiped out most of humanity, Toby and Ren have rescued their friend Amanda from the vicious Painballers. They return to the MaddAddamite cob house, newly fortified against man and giant pigoon alike. Accompanying them are the Crakers, the gentle, quasi-human species engineered by the brilliant but deceased Crake. Their reluctant prophet, Snowman-the-Jimmy, is recovering from a debilitating fever, so it's left to Toby to preach the Craker theology, with Crake as Creator. She must also deal with cultural misunderstandings, terrible coffee, and her jealousy over her lover, Zeb. Zeb has been searching for Adam One, founder of the God's Gardeners, the pacifist green religion from which Zeb broke years ago to lead the MaddAddamites in active resistance against the destructive CorpSeCorps. But now, under threat of a Painballer attack, the MaddAddamites must fight back with the aid of their newfound allies, some of whom have four trotters. At the center of MaddAddam is the story of Zeb's dark and twisted past, which contains a lost brother, a hidden murder, a bear, and a bizarre act of revenge."--

  • af Susanna Clarke
    234,45 kr.

  • af Robert Galbraith
    284,45 kr.

  • af Robert Galbraith
    164,45 kr.

  • af Diana Gabaldon
    199,45 kr.

    Segunda entrega de la exitosa saga de Diana Gabaldon «Outlander» en la que se basa la popular serie de televisión. Una historia de amor diferente, en la que los encuentros fortuitos y el juego equívoco del tiempo se conjugan en un intrigante final. Veinte años después de haber experimentado la más extraña aventura de su vida -un viaje a través del tiempo hasta la Escocia del siglo XVIII-, Claire Randall regresa con su hija Brianna a las imponentes y misteriosas montañas escocesas donde todo comenzó. Con la ayuda de Roger, un joven historiador, Claire se lanza a una obsesiva búsqueda de las tumbas de los caídos en la batalla de Culloden, librada en 1745. El paso del tiempo no ha podido borrar los intensos recuerdos de un amor difícil de explicar. Con el transcurrir de los días, Claire irá descubriendo, ante los ojos incrédulos de su hija y de Roger, el fascinante secreto cuya clave es el cauce interior que conduce al pasado. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION NOW THE STARZ ORIGINAL SERIES OUTLANDER With her classic novel Outlander, Diana Gabaldon introduced two unforgettable characters--Claire Randall and Jamie Fraser--delighting readers with a story of adventure and love that spanned two centuries. Now Gabaldon returns to that extraordinary time and place in this vivid, powerful sequel to Outlander. DRAGONFLY IN AMBER >Here Claire plans to reveal a truth as shocking as the events that gave it birth: the secret of an ancient circle of standing stones, the secret of a love that transcends centuries, and the truth of a man named Jamie Fraser--a Highland warrior whose gallantry once drew the young Claire from the security of her century to the dangers of his. Claire's spellbinding journey continues through the intrigue-ridden French court and the menace of Jacobite plots, to the Highlands of Scotland, through war and death in a desperate fight to save both the child and the man she loves. Praise for Dragonfly in Amber "Diana Gabaldon is a born storyteller. . . . The pages practically turn themselves."--The Arizona Republic "A triumph! A powerful tale layered in history and myth. I loved every page."--Nora Roberts "Compulsively readable."--Publishers Weekly

  • af Margaret Atwood
    154,45 - 224,45 kr.

  • af Robert Galbraith
    184,45 kr.

  • af Niklas Natt och Dag
    234,45 kr.

  • af Louise Penny
    234,45 kr.

    When an intricate old map is found stuffed into the walls of the bistro in Three Pines, it at first seems no more than a curiosity. But the closer the villagers look, the stranger it becomes. Given to Armand Gamache as a gift the first day of his new job, the map eventually leads him to shattering secrets. To an old friend and older adversary. It leads the former Chief of Homicide for the Sãuretâe du Quâebec to places even he is afraid to go. And there he finds four young cadets in the Sãuretâe academy, and a dead professor. And, with the body, a copy of the old, odd map. Everywhere Gamache turns, he sees Amelia Choquet, one of the cadets. Tattooed and pierced. Guarded and angry. Amelia is more likely to be found on the other side of a police line-up. And yet she is in the academy. A protâegâee of the murdered professor. The focus of the investigation soon turns to Gamache himself and his mysterious relationship with Amelia, and his possible involvement in the crime. The frantic search for answers takes the investigators back to Three Pines and a stained glass window with its own horrific secrets. For both Amelia Choquet and Armand Gamache, the time has come for a great reckoning.--Translation of the Spanish.

  • af Chris Whitaker
    234,45 kr.

    Thirty years ago, a teenage Vincent King was sent to prison. But now, he's served his sentence and is returning to his hometown. The hometown where his childhood best friend, Walk, is now the chief of police. The town where his childhood sweetheart, Star Radley, still lives. The same Star Radley whose sister he killed. Duchess, Star's daughter, is a self-proclaimed outlaw. She needs to be. Who else is going to take care of her and her five-year-old brother? Star is still dazzling, still beautiful, but she hasn't shined as bright since Vincent was sent away. Too often it's Duchess and Walk who are the ones taking care of her. But when Duchess exacts her own vigilante revenge, she will set into motion a series of events that threatens not only her own family, but everyone she grows close to. A crime thriller that will break your heart and a literary novel with a mystery at its core, We Begin at the End unforgettably examines how the choices we make can nudge us into the dangerous ground between good and evil.