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Bøger udgivet af Regent College Publishing

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  • - A Philosophy of Culture for the Church in the World
    af Jens Zimmermann
    310,95 kr.

    2013 CCED Book Prize winner Incarnational Humanism in an updated edition with a new foreword and preface. Having left its Christian roots behind, the West faces a moral, spiritual and intellectual crisis. It has little left to maintain its legacy of reason, freedom, human dignity and democracy. Far from capitulating, Jens Zimmermann believes the church has an opportunity to speak a surprising word into this postmodern situation grounded in the Incarnation itself that is proclaimed in Christian preaching and eucharistic celebration. To do so requires that we retrieve an ancient Christian humanism for our time. Only this will acknowledge and answer the general demand for a common humanity beyond religious, denominational and secular divides. Incarnational Humanism thus points the way forward by pointing backward. Rather than resorting to theological novelty, Zimmermann draws on the rich resources found in Scripture and in its theological interpreters ranging from Irenaeus and Augustine to de Lubac and Bonhoeffer. Zimmermann masterfully draws his comprehensive study together by proposing a distinctly evangelical philosophy of culture. That philosophy grasps the link between the new humanity inaugurated by Christ and all of humanity. In this way he holds up a picture of the public ministry of the church as a witness to the world's reconciliation to God.

  • af Klaus Bockmuehl
    118,95 kr.

    "Books make history-much more so than the wars we always hear about in the history books. . . . Books are closely linked to most Christian renewal movements. Almost always renewal movements were initiated through books and/or they made intensive use of books as the medium of their dissemination and success."Klaus Bockmuehl (1931-1989) was Professor of Systematic Theology and Ethics at Regent College in Vancouver, British Columbia from 1977 to 1989. He completed a DTheol at the University of Basel, where he studied with Karl Barth and Jürgen Moltmann. He is the author of Listening to the God Who Speaks, The Christian Way of Living, and The Story of Modern Protestant Theology.

  • af Malcom Muggeridge
    118,95 kr.

    "Becoming a Christian, or avowing oneself a Christian, in the second half of the twentieth century is in some ways full of comedy. Everything in this world has in it both truth and comedy. All the media pundits, all the sociology professors, and all the other enlightened purveyors of contemporary wisdom have decided that no one in his senses could possibly in this day and age believe in such outmoded nonsense as the Christian religion, or regard its sacred texts like the New Testament as other than an evident myth."I'm well aware that such an attitude, in contemporary terms, is the height of foolishness, but I believe it to be as near to absolute truth as any revelation so far vouchsafed to men. And I comfort myself with St. Paul's words to the Christians in Corinth: 'If any man among you seems to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God.' In such company, I am happy to be a fool."Malcolm Muggeridge (1903-1990) was born in Croydon, London, worked as a lecturer in Egypt before taking up journalism. As a journalist he worked around the world writing for the Guardian, the Evening Standard and the Daily Telegraph. In 1953 he became editor of Punch, where he remained for four years. In later years he became best known as a broadcaster both on television and radio for the BBC. His other books include Jesus Rediscovered, Christ and the Media and Chronicles of Wasted Time. Malcolm visited Regent College, Vancouver, in 1974 and 1979.

  • af Provan Iain
    173,95 kr.

    Written amid a general sea-change in the way that Old Testament narrative texts are read among many of those who read them in academic contexts, this volume attempts to introduce the reader to a fairly broad range of issues which arise in relation to Kings, in the context of the kinds of issues which arise in relation to biblical narrative in general. Provan attempts to show, in relation to the many issues addressed, why different readers read Kings differently. Reflection on these fundamental issues should enable readers to form their own judgments on the matters under discussion, and to move beyond these to other matters which may be of interest to them.Iain Provan retired as the Marshall Sheppard Professor of Biblical Studies at Regent College. He is the author of The Reformation and the Right Reading of Scripture; Convenient Myths: The Axial Age, Dark Green Religion, and the World that Never Was; and Seriously Dangerous Religion: What the Old Testament Really Says and Why It Matters. He is the founder of the Cuckoos Consultancy and lives in the Vancouver area.

  • af Joshua Coutts
    308,95 kr.

  • af Frank Baker
    413,95 kr.

  • af J. Wesley Bready
    313,95 kr.

    "John Wesley and Karl Marx, unmistakably, are the two most influential characters of all modern history." So argues J. Wesley Bready in this classic statement on the social significance of the original evangelical movement in Great Britain. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, at least, evangelical religion-as found in the life and teaching of John Wesley-had profound consequences that were anything but an opiate of the people (contra the teachings of Karl Marx). Instead, "vital religion" proved itself to be powerfully transformative, not only in the personal lives of its converts, but also in the deepest fibre of their social and political lives. J. Wesley Bready's careful documentation of the profound social and political influence of John Wesley's preaching and teaching will, for many readers today, prove to be a convincing demonstration of the transformative power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The power and scope of this evangelical Christian influence was extraordinary: from education to health care; from the needs of the poor and orphans, to prison reform and the founding of democratic institutions; from the promotion of good reading to an end to cruelty to animals (and founding of the RSPCA). All of these, and more, are the hallmarks and outward manifestations of a vital Christian faith. Nothing could illustrate more convincingly that "faith without works is dead" and, contrary to Marx, that the gospel of Jesus Christ more typically serves as a sharp awakening rather than an opiate of the people."This republication of J. Wesley Bready's classic work comes as a welcome development. Focusing primarily on the towering figure of John Wesley and his impact on evangelical revival and social reform in 18th century England, Bready demonstrates the inextricable link between living Christian faith and the humanizing and ameliorative social transformations of the period. . . . This book is edifying reading for Christians seeking to make sense of contemporary discussions of the relationship between evangelicalism and social justice movements, as well as for all who are sympathetic to the religious heritage of that which is best in contemporary democratic societies. Bready's presentation of Wesley helps to remind us that living faith and social concern once were, and should again be understood as intrinsic features of evangelical identity." -Zack GordonRev. Dr. J. Wesley Bready (1887-1953) was a Canadian-born scholar and author of numerous books, including Wesley and Democracy (1939), Lord Shaftesbury (1900), This Freedom-Whence? (1942), and Faith and Freedom: The Roots of Democracy (1946). He held degrees from Queen's University, University of Toronto, Columbia University, and University of London.

    223,95 kr.

  • af Green Michael Green
    158,95 kr.

  • af Henri Blocher
    103,95 kr.

    "He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief." As part of the last of four great poems known as the "Servant Songs," these familiar words were first uttered by a lonely prophet to Jewish exiles in mighty Babylon: to folk who were convinced that their tiny, storm-tossed nation had been forgotten by its God. To them Isaiah brings a message of hope, telling of a mysterious "Servant of the Lord" who suffers beyond human endurance for sins which he did not commit, yet who lives again to witness the deliverance of those for whom he died. What were these people to make of this strange figure? Who was Isaiah speaking about? And, centuries later, who gave the New Testament writers the idea that these prophecies were fulfilled in Jesus Christ?Henri Blocher is Knoedler Professor of Systematic Theology at Wheaton College, Illinois, and Professor of Systematic Theology at the Faculte Libre de Theologie Evangelique in Vaux-sur-Seine, France. His other books include In the Beginning, Songs of the Servant and Original Sin: Illuminating the Riddle.

  • af James M Houston
    168,95 kr.

  • - The Relevance of the Beatitudes to the Way We Lead
    af Peter Shaw
    153,95 kr.

  • - Essays in Honor of Sven K. Soderlund
    af T ROCHESTER & Stuart
    328,95 kr.

  • - Fifty Reflections on Everyday Life
    183,95 kr.

  • af James M Houston
    168,95 kr.

  • af Hans Boersma
    138,95 kr.

  • - Biblical Reflections on Christian Philanthropy
    af Jeffrey P. Greenman
    148,95 kr.

    In Grace, Gratitude, and Giving, six ambassadors of Regent College attempt to deepen the conversation among Christians about our relationship to money and the idea of giving some of it away—a subject usually considered awkward at best, and perhaps even off-limits in many church circles. It is intended to assist Christian lay people and pastors alike to gain some valuable glimpses into the Bible’s way of thinking about money, possessions, and generosity.Aimed at stimulating our thinking about the foundational beliefs underpinning the practices of Christian philanthropy, Grace, Gratitude, and Giving ultimately hopes that, as an expression of Regent’s core mission, it might be used by God “to cultivate intelligent, vigorous and joyful commitment to Jesus Christ, his church and his world.”Jeffrey P. Greenman is President and Professor of Theology and Ethics at Regent College. He also served as Associate Dean of Biblical and Theological Studies and Professor of Christian Ethics at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois, and worked for nine years in leadership at Tyndale Seminary in Toronto. He has also worked in the US government in the areas of education and juvenile justice, as well as working in national politics and in educational consulting.

  • af Douglas D Webster
    113,95 kr.